MI :: Volume #4

#370: Appears two

Newest website: Flavor is good.” Wang Yiyang puts down the cake in hand with a smile. 最新网址:“味道不错。”王一洋笑着将手里的蛋糕放下。 He traces the hand link, on the retina projects the light screen immediately, demonstrated before , entire process that the Wang Yue two children are attacked. 他摸了摸手环,视网膜上顿时投射出光幕,显示出之前王越两个孩子遇袭的全过程。 Succumbed to the sacrifices of star three stagnation point personnel here. 还有沉湎之星在这里的三个驻点人员的牺牲。 The Wang Yiyang complexion is invariable, looks at the data intelligence instantaneously. 王一洋面色不变,瞬间看完资料信息。 No matter the cause of this matter how, the opposite party dares blatantly to succumbing to the person of star starts, this provokes. 不管这事的起因如何,对方敢公然对沉湎之星的人下手,这就是挑衅。 Let alone in the material showed, the goal of opposite party, is looking at Wang Yue and Huilin from the beginning goes. 更别说资料上显示,对方的目的,一开始就是瞄着王越和慧琳两人去。 Issues the instruction news on the hand link rapidly, Wang Yiyang handles the business, closes the light screen. 迅速在手环上发布指令讯息,王一洋处理好事务,关闭光幕。 Here, but Sagittarius main star.” “这里可是人马座主星。” Wang Yiyang sighs with emotion one suddenly. 王一洋突然感慨一句。 Strong person are many .... “强人很多啊....” The snow draws perplexed visits him, does not know why he spoke these words suddenly. 雪拉不明所以的看着他,不知道他为什么突然说这句话。 Wang Yiyang smiles to him. 王一洋对他笑了笑。 The strong people are many, strength that therefore needs to mobilize, must be more. 强人很多,所以需要调动的力量,也得更多。 Grasped day of demon sect some of him of strength initially, now has not been that anything can only design the plot in the past the small role. 初步掌握了天魔宗部分力量的他,如今早已不是当年那个什么都只能设计阴谋的小角色。 The position right of day demon crown prince, a trial level vice- sovereign support, these started one to endure compared with the immortal in addition sufficiently instantaneously said three initially with Sagittarius, the first vast war. 天魔太子的身份地位权利,加上一位审判级副宗主的支持,这些足以瞬间发动一场堪比当初仙道三宗和人马座之间,第一次的浩瀚战争。 Naturally, the premise is, Wang Yiyang wants to serve the purpose through the war measure. 当然,前提是,王一洋想要通过战争手段达到目的。 After all, the infiltration invasion way that this and he sets from the beginning has different. 毕竟,这和他一开始定下的渗透入侵方式有异。 The returning to homeland god comes. 回国神来。 Wang Yiyang pays a bill, sets out, goes out of the shop. 王一洋付账,起身,走出店铺。 Snow blindly follows suit, follows behind. 雪拉亦步亦趋,跟在身后。 Snow followed, then bewildered looks at Wang Yiyang before the shop in corner, optional and windproof coat man of shop entrance said several. 雪拉跟着走了一段,然后莫名奇妙的看着王一洋在街角的一处店铺前,随意的和店铺门口的一名风衣男子说了几句。 The men depart rapidly. 男子迅速离去。 Quick, Wang Yiyang walked one, suddenly stops, a flight vehicle driver with roadside said several. 很快,王一洋又走了一阵,突然停下,和路边的一辆飞行器司机说了几句。 The flight vehicle starts leaves, vanishes in the corner quickly. 飞行器启动离开,很快消失在街角。 The snow draws cannot understand the operation of Wang Yiyang completely. 雪拉完全看不懂王一洋的操作。 He has not said that is the centaur star also the first time came? 他不是说过,半人马星也是第一次来么? Has not paid attention to puzzled that the snow draws. 没有理会雪拉的不解。 Wang Yiyang arranges the day demon sect subordinate who several infiltrated, goes to investigate to handle this matter, then has not done to pay attention. 王一洋安排了几个渗透进来的天魔宗下属,前往调查处理这事,便没做理会。 After all on two children also has the security method. 毕竟两个孩子身上也有安全保障手段。 This is also informed and experienced. 这趟也算是历练。 Quick, the information that concealed wirings feed back, gathers on Wang Yiyang. 很快,一条条暗线反馈回的情报,汇聚到王一洋身上。 When obtains the information feedback, he is sitting in a teahouse, calmly judges tea, is eating the snack. 得到情报回馈时,他正坐在一处茶馆里,静静品茶,吃着茶点。 The snow draws as before silent sitting opposite of him, but changed clothes. 雪拉依旧沉默的坐在他对面,不过换了一身衣服。 Is here lord star quite popular lunar white color qipao, is joined to the pure black silk, tall with, the long hair plate gets up. 是这里主星相当流行的月白色旗袍,配上纯色黑丝,高跟,长发盘起。 Just like one returns many year ago that ancient time. 宛如一下回到很多年前的那个古老时代。 Where do we want to go? Do not go to the arena?” Snow cannot bear ask. “我们到底要去什么地方?不是要去赛场么?”雪拉忍不住问。 Wang Yiyang had not answered, but narrows the eyes to focus picks together the sesame seed cake gently. 王一洋没回话,只是眯着眼轻轻夹起一块芝麻糕。 He naturally has to hear, but does not want to destroy this time mood. 他自然不是没听到,只是不想破坏此时的心情。 Closes up for many years, goes out meets some people to provoke, blatantly to succumbing to the person of star starts. 闭关多年,才一出关就遇到有人挑衅,公然对沉湎之星的人下手。 He does not believe this is the first time. 他可不相信这是第一次。 Clearly, closes up these time in him, the big brother is also rapid is hidden quietly. 很明显,在他闭关这些时间,大兄也迅速沉寂隐没。 Succumbed to that the star did not have the backstage, the day crosses the superficial scenery, but in the inland, likely has bitter being able to say. 沉湎之星没了后台,日子过得表面风光,但内地里,很可能有苦说不出。 On demon Taoist skill law light screen that in snow cannot see. 在雪拉看不见的魔道术法光幕上。 Or tall or short, or strong, either the emaciated shadow, through the special pass on message strategy, is reporting on activities to him. 一道道或高或矮,或强壮,或瘦弱的黑影,正通过特殊传讯阵法,向他述职。 The day demon sect vanguard army, six rounds of rubs, is the real status of these shadows. 天魔宗先锋军,六轮摩将,便是这些黑影的真实身份。 The military force that Wang Yiyang grasps now, is mainly divided into the day of demon sect vanguard army, with the sand accumulated army. 王一洋如今掌握的军力,主要分为天魔宗先锋军,和砂蕴军。 The vanguard army in the day demon sect ten big regiments, rank fifth, the sand accumulated army rank sixth. 先锋军在天魔宗十大军团中,排名第五,砂蕴军排名第六。 Both are the quite powerful regiments. Respectively and blown sand army is advocated the command by six rounds of rubs. 两个都是相当强悍的军团。分别由六轮摩将和飞沙军主统帅。 But six rounds of rubs and above the blown sand army lords, is his real power day demon crown prince. 而六轮摩将和飞沙军主之上,就是他这位实权天魔太子。 Before this is him , after designing does not have the elder Yin, sect gate loses over a hundred million demon army, after deciding increases strengthens the military force. 这就是他之前设计阴无长老后,宗门损失上亿魔军,决定增派加强后的军力。 Six rounds of rubs and blown sand army lord altogether seven people, in the surface is the star level peak, meets the appoximate demon infinitely the strength. 六轮摩将和飞沙军主一共七人,表面上都是恒星层顶峰,也就是无限接近真魔的实力。 If in light of army, is a worthy opponent sufficiently the trial level. 若是结合军阵,足以匹敌审判级。 With the genitals without the exploratory strength that the elder leads is completely not a scale. 和之前阴无长老率领的试探性实力完全不是一个档次。 Grasps the so huge strength Wang Yiyang, was naturally placed the great expectations. 掌握如此庞大力量的王一洋,自然被寄予厚望。 Therefore at this time, receives the Wang Yue two children to be attacked, succumbed to after the star died three people of news . 所以此时,接到王越两个孩子被袭击,沉湎之星死掉三人的消息后。 Wang Yiyang then calls subordinate military officer rapidly. 王一洋便迅速召集麾下将领。 Because he knows, the opportunity came. 因为他知道,机会来了。 In order to obtain bigger right influence, to consolidate the position and power and influence of day demon crown prince. 为了获得更大权利势力,也为了巩固自己天魔太子的地位和权势。 Wang Yiyang must make a nice result. 王一洋必须要做出一个像样的成绩。 But the immortal said that three that side powerhouses are floating about like clouds, the system is similar, is not good to conflict. 而仙道三宗那边强者如云,体系相似,不好冲突。 On the contrary is crowd of star, there are more crevices to drill. 反倒是群星这边,有更多空隙可以钻。 Therefore Wang Yiyang from the beginning, then the goal, placed the group on-board. 所以王一洋一开始,便将目的,放在了群星上。 But now, two children in centaur star Sagittarius main star, can be attacked unexpectedly. 而现在,两个孩子居然在半人马星这个人马座主星,都能遇袭。 This made Wang Yiyang smell the aura of opportunity. 这让王一洋嗅到了可乘之机的气息。 He does not have snow, but is a Yuan god falls on the technique law light screen. 他没管雪拉,而是元神落在术法光幕上。 Six rounds of rubs will grasp the branch of vanguard army respectively, and hand/subordinate also many powerful military officers. 六轮摩将分别掌握先锋军的一支分支,并且手下也有不少强悍将领。 This matter could give processing. 这件事或许可以交给其中一位处理。 The Wang Yiyang thinking moment, the pass on message said. 王一洋思索片刻,传讯道。 Real inscription rubs.’ ‘真铭摩将。’ Has seen under Taizi Dian.’ The light screen focuses to six rounds of rubs immediately rapidly, in a bull horn tall and strong big form. ‘见过太子殿下。’光幕顿时迅速聚焦到六轮摩将中,其中一个牛角魁梧的高大身影上。 You have some imaginary demons to come, probe the star link defense net of centaur star. ‘你带一些幻魔过来,试探一下半人马星的星环防御网。 If unable to infiltrate directly, informs me again. ’ 如果正面无法渗透,再通知我。’ Yes.’ Real inscription rubs will be low and deep should say. ‘是。’真铭摩将低沉应道。 Moreover, you walk personally, helping me process here matter.’ ‘另外,你亲自走一趟,帮我处理一下这边的事。’ Wang Yiyang Wang Yue bitter experience event, and findings, one by one raised to him under. 王一洋将王越两人的遭遇事件,以及调查结果,一一给他提了下。 Group star as if acts to Vargas's back, the tolerance is very high. ‘群星似乎对瓦格斯的背后动作,容忍度很高。 You lead the person to come, processes everyone who involves secretly, under the probe responded. ’ 你带人来,把幕后涉及到的所有人都处理掉,试探下反应。’ After being attacked revenging, is the best excuse and concealing. 遇袭后的报仇,便是最好的借口和掩饰。 Gives me.’ ‘交给我吧。’ Real inscription rubs will reveal one to grin fiendishly, even a whole body shadow, can still see his mouthful sharp sharp tooth indistinctly, densely and numerously just like shark. 真铭摩将露出一丝狞笑,就算是全身一片黑影,也能隐约看到他满嘴尖利锋锐的牙齿,密密麻麻宛如鲨鱼。 Remember, this duty somewhat is possibly dangerous, ahead of time prepares to prepare the ancestral tablet, if you died, I please sovereign make a move, the recovery really spirits. But the mortal body do not think. ‘记住,这个任务可能有些危险,提前准备好备灵牌,如果你死了,我会请宗主出手,复苏真灵。但肉身是别想了。 But if you succeeded, then the merit of opening up territory, has your one. ’ Wang Yiyang be with smile on the face say/way. 但如果你成功了,那么开疆之功,有你一份。’王一洋面带微笑道。 Your highness atmosphere.’ Real inscription rubs will smile low and deep. The figure changes into the black smoke rapidly, vanishes does not see. ‘殿下大气。’真铭摩将低沉笑起来。身形迅速化为黑烟,消失不见。 The technique law light screen disperses slowly. 术法光幕缓缓散开。 Wang Yiyang takes back the Yuan god, gets back one's composure, carries front tea to drink one slowly. 王一洋收回元神,回神,端起面前的茶水慢慢喝一口。 Tea was too pale.” “茶太淡了。” He knits the brows slightly. 他微微皱眉。 „Did you just add tastily?” The snow drew the opens the mouth to say, but the horse upper control trigged the opens the mouth desire. “你刚刚还说好喝?”雪拉张口欲说,但马上控制住开口欲望。 She even more could not understand this once old schoolmate. 她越发看不懂这个曾经的老同学了。 Felt that Wang Yiyang every word and deed, is a little always bewildered, one is one. 感觉王一洋的一言一行,总有点莫名奇妙,有一出是一出。 Walks.” Ate at will made tea, Wang Yiyang then stood up. “走吧。”随意吃了点茶点,王一洋便站起身。 Snow who just ate starting off, can only , helpless sets out, leaves with him again. 才刚刚吃上路的雪拉,只能无奈起身,跟着他再度离开。 This Wang Yiyang looked at the time actually, has not run all over the place again, blocks the flight vehicle of roadside directly, directly soars finals. 这次王一洋倒是看了时间,没再乱跑,直接拦下路边的飞行器,直奔决赛现场。 Two people are unimpeded, arrived at outside the finals arena quickly, without the row very long team, then buys the ticket, entered inside. 两人一路无阻,很快重新到了决赛赛场外,没有排很长的队,便买到票,进了里面。 Wang Yue Huilin competition region is the first area. 王越慧琳两人的比赛区域是第一区。 Wang Yiyang buys, naturally is also the ticket of first area. 王一洋买的,自然也是第一区的票。 Follows in teams of each region the audience groups that comes the scene to watch the match, Wang Yiyang and snow mixes in one group of individual tourists, enters the seat area of first area. 跟在一队队各地前来现场看赛的观众团们,王一洋和雪拉混在一群散客中,进入第一区的座位区。 Two people found the position to sit down, all around is a person. 两人找到位置坐下,前后左右全是人。 The entire arena, seats like the concentric circle, center are the true contest areas. 整个赛场,一圈圈座位如同同心圆,最中心才是真正的赛区。 Rows of translucent virtual reality cabins, just like the flight capsule, arrange neatly in the contest area. 一排排半透明的虚拟现实舱,如同飞行舱一样,整齐排列在赛区上。 In the scene the sound is noisy, noisy disorderly, often also spreads the intermittent thundering big shout. 现场里声音嘈杂,吵闹杂乱,不时还传出阵阵轰鸣大喊声。 Has to inflate, has the inspiration, had previous time loses a match in advance wept bitterly, what sound mixed in one group. 有打气的,有鼓舞的,有上次预赛输了痛哭的,什么样的声音都混在一团。 Wang Yiyang launches the sensation, then feels chaotic sound of one group of messes in the mind. 王一洋才展开感知,便感觉一团乱麻在脑海里乱响。 Quick, the audience no longer enters the stadium, access closure. 很快,观众不再入场,出入口关闭。 Teams of players start to enter the stadium. 一队队选手开始入场。 Float on giant screen in midair, starts to demonstrate the complete picture of finalist, the material, with other information. 悬浮在半空中的巨大屏幕上,开始显示一个个决赛选手的全貌,资料,和其他各种信息。 Altogether 30 players, the demonstration of each player, will cause bellowing of many. 一共三十名选手,每一个选手的显示,都会引起现场不少人的大吼。 Virtual reality for strength weak player preparation , therefore the relatives of most these players, is the strength faint classes. 虚拟现实只是为实力弱的选手准备的,连带着,所以大部分这些选手的亲属,也都是实力低弱的阶层。 Not compared with other district relatively peaceful atmosphere. 不比其他分区相对安静的氛围。 The strength is insufficient, the big probability represents the class is not high. 实力不足,就大概率代表阶层不高。 The scene becomes one group noisily is also normal. 现场闹成一团也属正常。 Quick, Wang Yiyang then saw Wang Yue of going on stage, with Huilin. 很快,王一洋便看到了上场的王越,和慧琳两人。 Two children's facial expression are not very good. 两个孩子的气色都不是很好。 But what makes his accidental/surprised is, Wang Yue yan is quite as if calm, too has not been frightened. 但让他意外的是,王越眼里似乎相当沉稳,没有太多惊惶。 Huilin is different, was just attacked after truly person's response. 慧琳则不同,是真正刚刚遇袭后的人的反应。 It seems like two little fellows, as if a little hidden thing.” Wang Yiyang slightly surprise. “看来两个小家伙,似乎有点隐藏东西。”王一洋略微诧异。 However thinks, he has not gone into seriously child's small secret. 不过想了想,他还是没有深究孩子的小秘密。 So long as ensure they do not have the danger on the line. 只要保证他们没危险就行。 Present he, more energy place the status duty, with the layout of day demon sect. 现在的他,更多的精力放在身份任务,和天魔宗的布局上。 Quick, the players lie down respectively into the cabin, the nerve connects one by one to start. 很快,选手们各自躺入舱内,神经连接一一开始。 The host mounts the stage, starts to introduce the competition schedule and competition content, as well as point scale. 主持人上台,开始介绍赛程和比赛内容,以及评分标准。 Wang Yue somewhat tight lying down the virtual reality cabin, closes eyes slightly, waiting nervus connectivus. 王越略微有些紧张的躺进虚拟现实舱,闭目,等待连接神经。 But in fact, his thoughts also stayed before, that old sound lent his strength the flash. 但实际上,他的心思还停留在之前,那个苍老声音借给他力量的一瞬间。 Before then, he has not thought that machine armor, can reduce to the incomparably small degree unexpectedly, then hidden in the human body, inherits for over a thousand years. 在此之前,他从来没有想过,机甲,居然能缩小到无比微小的程度,然后隐藏在人体内,传承上千年。 Concept machine armor- lion shadow Robba Durrat, is the true status of that old man. 概念机甲-狮子影罗巴迪拉,便是那个老者的真正身份。 He is not a person, but is one true, had several thousand years of powerful machine armor. 他不是人,而是一台真正的,存在了数千年之久的强大机甲。 In the ancient times machine armor. Once the famous first ancestor cell, was the driver of this crowd of concept machine armor inherited. 古代机甲。曾经大名鼎鼎的始祖细胞,便是这群概念机甲的驾驶者传承下来。 But with the generations of ancient times machine armor renewals, the strength of concept machine armor, went to a quite considerable situation unceasingly. 但随着一代代的古代机甲不断更新换代,概念机甲的力量,已经达到了一个相当可观的地步。 But according to lion shadow Robba Durrat said, the physique request of concept machine armor to driver is not high, only then to the sensation, to the consciousness, the request is very high. 而按照狮子影罗巴迪拉所说,概念机甲对驾驶者的体质要求不高,只有对感知,对意识,要求很高。 Naturally, obtains the great power to need the price. 当然,获得强大力量是需要代价的。 Even concept machine armor is still the same. 就算是概念机甲也一样。 Driving concept machine armor, can bring the huge pain to the sensation and consciousness. 驾驶概念机甲,对感知和意识会带来巨大的痛楚。 This pain, big of intensity, compels sufficiently forcefully insanely a determined person. 这种痛楚,强度之大,足以把一个意志坚定的人硬生生逼疯。 Once puts on concept machine armor one time, is unable to get rid forever, until dying. 而且一旦穿上概念机甲一次,就永远无法摆脱,直到死。 Apex 顶点
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