MI :: Volume #4

#369: Appears 1

In white arena, the first district. 白色赛场中,第一分区。 Wang Yue heng body keeps off before own younger sister body, serious brings an anxiety. 王越横身挡在自己妹妹身前,面色肃然中带着一丝紧张。 Two people are entering the player admission channel, actually the front surface runs into a seemingly extraordinary fellow to stare at younger sister Huilin to look. 两人正在进入选手入场通道,却迎面遇到一个看起来气质不凡的家伙盯着妹妹慧琳看。 At this time in two people opposite. 此时在两人的对面。 Looks pale, on the cheeks is printing the digital 5 white hair youngster, the look visits two people lightly. 一个面色苍白,脸颊上印着数字五的白发少年,正神色平淡的看着两人。 Your highness?” A white clothing middle-aged person who the youngster body side, is responsible for leading the way has doubts asked in a low voice. “殿下?”少年身侧,负责引路的一名白衣中年人疑惑地低声问。 All right. Sees two interesting fellows.” The white hair youngster desolate say/way, takes back the line of sight , to continue to proceed. “没事。看到两个有意思的家伙。”白发少年冷淡道,收回视线,继续往前。 He from these two people, smelled some special characteristics flavor. 他从这两人身上,嗅到了某种特质的味道。 Generally has such special characteristics person definitely to be the powerful enemy. 一般有这样特质的人都必然会是劲敌。 However are not related, just flash he has assigned out two people materials looked, is only the players of two ordinary small place family backgrounds. 不过没关系,刚刚的一瞬间他已经将两人的资料调出看了,只是两个普通小地方出身的选手。 A while selects post-game, sending people solved is. 一会儿选拔赛后,派人解决掉就是。 The white hair youngster eye pupil raises up slightly, is ordinary just like the snake, is exuding faint yellow. 白发少年眼瞳微微竖起,宛如蛇一般,泛着淡黄色。 Arrived constellation semifinal level, competition not only special characteristics, the competions of other diving influences. 到了星座半决赛这个层次,比拼的就不只是特质了,还有其他各种潜势力的比拼。 But his opponent, from the beginning, was not just the classes of that two civilians. 而他的对手,从一开始,便不是刚刚那两个平民之流。 The middle-aged man who behind follows looked at Wang Yue and Huilin eyes, does not have any indicated that follows close in leaves. 后面跟着的中年男子看了王越和慧琳两人一眼,没有任何表示,紧跟上离开。 Wang Yue line of sight moves with the opposite party, 王越视线随着对方移动, Be careful, just that person .... “小心,刚刚那人....” What's wrong? Graceful.” Huilin has not paid attention to have anything completely. “怎么?蛮帅的啊。”慧琳完全没注意发生了什么。 It’s nothing.” Wang Yue could not say anything, but always felt that person was very just dangerous. “没什么。”王越说不出什么,但总感觉刚刚那个人很危险。 Walked, but also dull makes anything here, is quite hungry.” Huilin shook the arm, in the future will make an opening movement. “走了走了,还呆在这里做什么,好饿。”慧琳晃了晃手臂,往后做个撑开的动作。 Vargas competition was divided into five contest areas, they belong to the first area. 瓦格斯大赛分成了五个赛区,他们属于第一区。 The contest area division looks at the distributed region purely. 赛区划分纯粹是看分布地域。 The competition schedule mainly has the virtual reality equipment simulation, with reality actual operation two big ways. 赛程主要有虚拟现实设备模拟,和现实实际操作两大方式。 In view of the fact that the sensation strengths of some players are not high, therefore the virtual reality equipment simulates occupies majority. 鉴于部分选手的感知实力不高,所以虚拟现实设备模拟的占大部分。 Wang Yue are the virtual realities. 王越两人便是进行的虚拟现实。 The morning preliminary contest, the project is to test the space imagination, conducts to remember to the different period designs that the official gives, and recovers. 上午的初赛,项目是考验空间想象力,对官方给出的不同阶段图案进行记忆,并复原。 The restoration degree is higher, the score is higher. 复原程度越高,得分越高。 Sounds very simple, but gives the design that has certain impact on the sensation to the consciousness. 听起来很简单,但其中给出的图案,很多是对感知对意识有一定影响的。 It is not the ordinary complex drawing. 并不是普通的复杂图形。 The player who the sensation and consciousness do not attain a designated standard, the light is the map-read, will feel the mind dizziness, is unable to concentrate the energy. 感知和意识不达标的选手,光是看图,都会感觉头脑眩晕,无法集中精神。 Was good had contacted the foundation teaching materials of some hypnosis because of Wang Yue and Huilin in childhood, had the training to browse to this kind slightly. 好在王越和慧琳两人小时候接触过一些催眠师的基础教材,对这类稍有训练涉猎。 Therefore seems quite relaxed in the competition. 所以在比赛里显得相当轻松。 Except that competes, when leaves meets that dangerous mildew, Wang Yue feels this so-called constellation finals, difficulty also such. 除开比赛完,离开时遇到那个危险白毛,王越感觉这个所谓的星座决赛,难度也就那样吧。 Along the channel, two people go out of the arena. Outside has the Meister expats here to wait. 沿着通道,两人走出赛场。外面已经有米斯特在这里的外派人员等着了。 A Hamm black suit, with two personal servants, altogether three people, are the centaur on-board succumb to the complete manpower of star. 哈姆一身黑西装,身后还跟了两个跟班,一共三人,就是半人马星上沉湎之星的全部人手。 After all here from succumbing to the star was too far, they are extremely here few based in the manpower. 毕竟这里距离沉湎之星太远了,他们在这里的常驻人手极少。 Usually all year round is all right to do, now receives to two little fellows, is the busiest time. 平时一年到头都没什么事做,现在给两个小家伙接待,也算是最忙的时候了。 Wang Yue raises hand to greet with Hamm of black skin. 王越扬手和黑皮肤的哈姆打了个招呼。 What is today's lunch? Can come to order the hometown cuisine? Here vegetable/dish sincerity is not I likes.” “今天的午餐是什么?能不能来点家乡菜?这边的菜真心不是我喜欢的。” What certain preparation is you likes.” Hamm's simple and honest saying with a smile. “一定准备的是您喜欢的。”哈姆憨厚的笑道。 The group ride the flight vehicle that comes to send and pick up, flies in the Huacheng direction. 一行人坐上前来接送的飞行器,朝着花城方向飞去。 They have not noticed, as behind their launching, followed a silver common ordinary flight vehicle. 只是他们都没注意到,后面随着他们的起飞,也跟上了一辆银色的不起眼普通飞行器。 Wang Yue and Huilin were discussing low voice rear area today's examination question program content, then hears suddenly transmits one to thunder gratingly. 王越和慧琳正小声讨论今天的考题项目内容,忽然便听到后方传来一阵刺耳轰鸣。 „It is not good!! Jumps the window quickly!” “不好!!快跳窗!” An old sound resounds in two people ears simultaneously. 一个苍老的声音同时在两人耳中响起。 Wang Yue heart is terrified, holds the younger sister arm, toward opening out of the window throws. 王越心头悚然,一把抓住妹妹胳膊,往开着的窗外一扑。 Bang!! 轰!! The rear speed extremely quick flight vehicle, happen to just like being drunk, hits ruthlessly on their flight vehicles. 后方一辆速度极快的飞行器,正好宛如喝醉酒般,狠狠撞在他们的飞行器上。 Two flight vehicles push one group in the midair, immediately the explosion, changes into the big piece fireball loudly. 两架飞行器在半空中挤成一团,随即轰然爆炸,化为大片火球。 The shatter components and other types of wreckage, sprinkle in the place, emits the big piece thick smoke. 破碎的零件和其他各种残骸,洒落在地,冒出大片浓烟。 In the desert is deserted, only then in the midair shuttled back and forth has flown the flight vehicle to pass by unceasingly. 沙漠里空旷无人,只有半空中不断穿梭飞过的飞行器路过。 Sees this, some flight vehicles stop, some continue to proceed. 看到这一幕,有的飞行器停下来,有的则继续往前。 . 啪嗒。 Wang Yue falls to the ground steadily, is hugging the younger sister, still shaken Huilin will put the ground. 王越稳稳落地,抱着妹妹,将惊魂未定的慧琳放到地上。 He looks up not far away, was hit the scrap iron the flight vehicle, the complexion is ugly. 他抬头看着不远处,被撞成废铁的飞行器,面色难看。 Hamm .... Also cannot respond. This car(riage) has bounces system urgently, why does not have the effect!?” “哈姆....也没能反应过来。这车可是有紧急弹跳系统的,为什么没效!?” Although Hamm receives his two days, but this straightforward man has given him many favorable impressions. 哈姆虽然才接待他两天,但这个豪爽的汉子已经给了他不少好感。 Now the person and two personal servants together, died in this traffic accident. 现在人和两个跟班一起,死在了这场车祸里。 Wang Yue this is the first time that saw that person died. 王越这是第一次看到身边的人就这么死了。 His chest fluctuates unceasingly, rouses under fluctuating, rouses under fluctuating, surges the faint trace to be angry and fear at heart. 他胸膛不断起伏,鼓起伏下,鼓起伏下,心里涌动着丝丝愤怒和恐惧。 Just that flight vehicle, obviously hit very much intentionally. 刚刚那个飞行器,很明显是故意撞上来的。 Has that mysterious old man voice to remind, he and younger sisters could die in this traffic accident. 要不是有那个神秘老者声音提醒,他和妹妹都可能会死在这场车祸里。 Elder Brother . Hamm he...” Nearby Huilin is still shaken, she like the Elder Brother, has not practiced the wrestle martial arts after all since childhood, the physical quality is weaker. “哥..哈姆他...”一旁的慧琳惊魂未定,她毕竟不像哥哥那样,从小练过格斗武道,身体素质弱很多。 At this time suffers the danger suddenly, immediately a elegant face paleness. 此时突遭危险,顿时俏脸一片惨白。 He died .... Wang Yue with the making a move link, rapidly here warning call. “他死了....”王越拿出手环,迅速拨打这里的报警电话。 Here is the centaur star, the main star of entire constellation, he is the player, had/left this matter, the official definitely attaches great importance to very much. 这里是半人马星,整个星座的主星,他又是参赛选手,出了这事,官方肯定很重视。 Reports to the police, Wang Yue stares at the fire that is burning unceasingly, first time detects, the life like the delicate little flower, the optional accident/surprise, a possibility, will disappear. 报了警,王越盯着不断燃烧的大火,头一次察觉到,生命就像柔弱的小花,随意一个意外,一个可能,就会泯灭。 This time many thanks you.’ Wang Yue with the sound that only then can hear said. ‘这次多谢您了。’王越用只有自己能听到的声音道。 Although the sound is very small, but he believes that person can hear. 虽然声音很小,但他相信,那人能听到。 Really, quick, that old sound resounds again. 果然,很快,那个苍老的声音再度响起。 Does not need to thank the old man, I check in your bodies, you will die I also dead. ‘不用感谢老夫,我寄存于你们的身上,你们死我也会死。 Therefore helps you, is helping me. ’ 所以帮你们,也是在帮我自己。’ Proposes one while convenient, before that traffic accident, was intentionally. Some people murder intentionally.’ The old men reminded. ‘顺带提一句,之前那个车祸,是故意的。有人故意谋杀。’老者提醒道。 I looked.’ Wang Yue gets hold of the fist, recalled that Hamm three people of two days attendances, his heart fears, is the anger. ‘我看出来了。’王越握紧拳头,回想起哈姆三人这两天的照顾,他心头既是恐惧,又是愤怒。 What to do do you plan? Dares to begin in the main star, this is not absolutely ordinary on behalf of the background influence of opposite party, did not fear that was checked. ‘你打算怎么办?敢在主星动手,这代表对方的背景势力绝对不一般,根本不怕被查。 If you upfront resistance, may be very useless. ’ Old man inquired. 你若是正面对抗,很可能毫无用处。’老者询问道。 I .... I do not know.’ Wang Yue is somewhat vacant. ‘我....我不知道。’王越有些茫然。 He wants to go home, looks for the parents, but the Hamm three people of deaths, have reverberated in his mind, he is unwilling! 他想回家,找父母,可哈姆三人的死,一直在他脑海里回荡,他不甘心! Saw nearby little face pale younger sister, Wang Yue heart anger grew even stronger. 看了看一旁小脸惨白的妹妹,王越心头的愤怒更加壮大起来。 But what to do he does not know should. 但他不知道该怎么办。 ‚ The opposite party obviously is intends to aim at you. But your two brother and sister, have not left oneself hometown. ‘对方明显是有意针对你们。而你们两兄妹,从没离开过自己的家乡。 Is impossible to have the opportunity and bystander produces the contradiction. 根本不可能有机会和外人产生矛盾。 Therefore the only possibility, is this sports event, causes your to stare. ’ 所以唯一的可能,就是这次赛事,导致你们被人盯上。’ The analysis of old man, gave Wang Yue immediately a direction direction. 老者的分析,顿时给了王越一个指引方向。 „But who I know even am, what can also make?” Wang Yue mind is very clear, he understands, own strength, oneself back family's influence, is strong in the hometown, but here. “可我就算知道是谁,又能做什么?”王越头脑很清楚,他明白,自己的力量,自己背后家里的势力,在家乡算强,但在这里。 This is the main star, is the entire constellation most core region. 这是主星,是整个星座的最核心区域。 In the family/home that influence also is really not anything. 家里那点势力还真不算什么。 ‚Do you like to believe the old man?’ That old sound believes at this time again. ‘你愿意相信老夫么?’那个苍老声音此时再度相信。 You have the means!?’ Wang Yue said in a low voice. ‘您有办法!?’王越低声道。 If believes the old man, that borrows my strength.’ Old sound tranquil say/way. ‘如果相信老夫,那就借用我的力量吧。’苍老声音平静道。 Borrows your strength?’ Wang Yue draws the younger sister to be just about to question in detail, but happen to the flight vehicle of police rushed promptly. ‘借用您的力量?’王越拉着妹妹正要细问,但正好警察的飞行器及时赶到了。 The fire flight vehicle also arrived, starts to fight fire, blockade. 消防飞行器也到了,开始灭火,封锁现场。 He also has to place the heart the doubts, the waiting following asked. 他也只好把疑惑放在心底,等待后续再问。 In his heart deep place, wipes the translucent liquid energy body to flow slowly, sends out the sigh. 只是在他心脏深处,一抹半透明的液体能量体缓缓流动,发出叹息。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Centaur star, Vargas finals headquarters. 半人马星,瓦格斯决赛总部。 Just like pyramid building peak, all over the body snow white, is floating in the room of a lot of metal star model. 宛如金字塔般的大楼顶端,一处通体雪白,漂浮着大量金属星球模型的房间里。 Two similar body appearance fuzzy human form, condense the formation in the room slowly. 两个同样身体容貌模糊的人形,缓缓在房间内凝聚成型。 „Did the candidate of restarting designate initially?” The body exudes the human form sinking sound of blue halo to ask. “重启者的人选初步选定了么?”身上泛着蓝色光晕的人形沉声问。 But asked that but his lip has not moved, did not have the sound to spread. 但虽然是发问,可他的嘴唇没有动弹,也没有声音传出。 The pure sensation through the complex code news way, sends out the question. 只是纯粹的感知通过复杂的编码讯息方式,发出问话。 As the matter stands only then understands that he sends out the news the encoding method, can know that he said anything. 这样一来只有明白他发出讯息的编码方式,才能知道他说了什么。 15 people are selected, but true need, so long as five.” On another is exuding the fuzzy human form reply of silver halo. “有十五人入选,但真正需要的,只要五个。”另一个身上泛着银色光晕的模糊人形回答。 Also misses the last round? Then goes to group Singapore Final?” The blue human form said. “还差最后一轮么?然后便是去群星总决赛?”蓝色人形道。 Yes.” “是。” Two people are silent, the train of thought rotates the twinkle rapidly, in an instant the innumerable thought ideas connect rapidly. 两人沉默下来,思绪急速转动闪烁,刹那间无数念头想法迅速交汇。 I detected, that crowd of concept machine armor also started to brave. The seems like new round illusory king must start to compete.” “我察觉到了,那群概念机甲也开始冒出来了。看来新一轮的虚幻之王又要开始竞逐了。” These inherit several thousand years of antique, even if braves now, could not find appropriately the candidate who can display their strength, is still not meaningful.” Silver human form light say/way. “这些传承数千年的老古董,就算现在冒出来,找不到合适的能发挥他们实力的人选,也没什么意义。”银色人形平淡道。 That's true, if really can select the illusory king, concept machine armor condenses a sheet iron, that some qualities of being worth looking, now, but also missed.” The blue human form said. “确实如此,如果真能选出虚幻之王,概念机甲凝聚成一块铁板,那才有些看头,现在,还差了一些。”蓝色人形道。 But, do not make concept machine A battle slaughter, affects the selection of restarting. “不过,不要让概念机甲的争斗厮杀,影响到重启者的选拔。 This group of fellows, the mutual over a thousand years of battles slaughter, has arrived met must divide the life and death the degree, the attention monitors the situation momentarily. This you look at processing. ” The blue human form continues to say. 这群家伙,相互上千年的争斗厮杀,早就到了一见面就要分生死的程度,随时注意监控局势。这点你看着处理。”蓝色人形继续道。 I understand.” “我明白。” „, Wishing you are smooth.” “那么,祝你顺利。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Two human form also dissipate, just like has never appeared. 唰,两道人形同时消散,恍如从未出现过。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Wang Yiyang receives subordinate news, knows that two children had/left the traffic accident, is around 3 : 00 pm. 王一洋接到属下消息,知道两个孩子出了车祸,已经是下午 3 点多了。 The bodyguards of two succumbing to stars were killed, the flying demon of day demon sect has no way to follow to arrive at the main star, does not evade the verification. 两个沉湎之星的保镖丧生,天魔宗的飞天夜叉没法跟到主星来,躲不过审核。 Therefore with two children, then only has Meister guard in secret. 所以跟着两个孩子的,便只有米斯特的暗中护卫。 When Wang Yiyang receives the message, is bringing the snow to draw in a dessert shop in Huacheng tastes the cake. 王一洋收到消息时,正带着雪拉在花城的一处甜点店里品尝蛋糕。 Fruit cake, decoration cake, vegetables cake, chicken beef cake, fans cake wait/etc.. 水果蛋糕,奶油蛋糕,蔬菜蛋糕,鸡肉牛肉蛋糕,粉丝蛋糕等等。 Big pile of cakes place before two people. 一大堆蛋糕摆放在两人面前。 Wang Yiyang stance graceful takes up a small cake, bites one gently. 王一洋姿态优雅的拿起一块小蛋糕,轻轻咬一口。 Looks at opposite snow to draw in the stomach to twitch. 看得对面雪拉胃里一阵抽搐。 It is not other, because the cake in Wang Yiyang, is the five spices dragonfly taste beyond description .... 不是别的,只是因为王一洋手里的蛋糕,是难以形容的五香蜻蜓味....
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