MI :: Volume #4

#368: Considers two

Newest website: From now on, he is your new host.” Windsor is cold the face to come to her to say. 最新网址:“从现在起,他就是你的新主人。”温莎冷着脸过来对她道。 Calculates that your luck is good! Bumps into a good master. The board is a dead face looking to whom? Looks annoyed!” “算你运气好!碰到个不错的主人。板着个死人脸给谁看啊?看着就心烦!” Windsor looks at the snow to draw the wooden face, a heart fire gets up, will begin to pull out the person, suddenly remembered this fellow is not her now. 温莎看着雪拉木然的面孔,心头一阵火起,正要动手抽人,忽然想起现在这家伙不属于她了。 She contains the movement, cold snort/hum. 她才遏制住动作,冷哼一声。 Walked.” Nearby Wang Yiyang said the sentence lightly. “走了。”一旁的王一洋淡淡说了句。 Feeling from the beginning, the snow draws now in his eyes, is an ordinary slave. 一开始的感慨过去,现在雪拉在他眼里,也就是个普通的奴隶。 It’s nothing difference. 没什么区别。 He buys the opposite party, nothing but wants to make him guide to find teacher Professor Hopp Sman. 他买下对方,无非是想让其带路找到导师霍普斯曼教授。 Has turned around, Wang Yiyang returns the seat to sit down. 转过身,王一洋重新回到座位坐下。 The snow draws also follows, wooden is standing waiting in his behind corridor vacancy. 雪拉也跟着,木然的在他身后的过道空处站着等候。 From now on, she is the Wang Yiyang slave. 从现在起,她便是王一洋的奴隶。 Preparation aristocrat nine levels of machine armor masters from acted with constraint initially proudly, instead becomes schoolmate's slave who past years looked down upon by the present. 从当初骄傲矜持的预备贵族九级机甲师,到现在反而成了当年自己看不起的同学的奴隶。 The snow draws the heart to gush out faint trace marvelous complex meaning suddenly. 雪拉心头忽然涌出丝丝奇妙的复杂意味。 This striking contrast and humiliations, making her instead have a strange feeling strangely. 这种强烈的反差和羞辱感,让她反而诡异的产生一丝奇异感觉。 Her closing one's eyes stands in the rear area, is backing on the wall surface, the complexion is crimson, spiritual faint some are not normal. 她闭着眼站在后方,背靠着墙面,脸色绯红,精神隐隐有些不正常起来。 Wang Yiyang sits in the seat, as the psychological hypnosis Grandmaster, the 18 levels of god powerhouses of splendor moon/month level, the nature first then induces the unusuality that the following snow drew in addition. 王一洋坐在座位,作为心理催眠大师,加上辉月层的十八级化神强者,自然第一时间便感应到了后面雪拉的异常。 The sensation and consciousness of this fellow, are somewhat abnormal. 这家伙的感知和意识,已经有些畸形了。 Radical perishing, brought instead is degeneration of some type of taboo abyss is joyful. 彻底的沉沦,带来的反而是某种禁忌深渊的堕落愉悦。 Sighed, Wang Yiyang has not paid attention again , to continue to close eyes the practicing big day demon merit. Simultaneously the sensation the entire this spaceship will also cover. 叹息一声,王一洋没再理会,继续闭目修行大日魔功。同时感知也将整个这艘飞船笼罩住。 On the spaceship two eight levels, one person is captain Windsor, is transforms the person completely. Another is the famous passenger, seems like a military officer machine armor master who comes to travel. 飞船上两名八级,一人是船长温莎,是个完全改造人。另一个是名乘客,似乎是个前来旅游的军官机甲师。 In addition, is ten seven levels of transformation people. And remaining ordinary passengers. 除此之外,就是十来名七级改造人。以及剩下的普通乘客。 The spaceship does not stand still, first to a strange space city relay under the guest, after resting for a half hour, got up some new passengers, started again. 飞船毫不停歇,先到了一处陌生的空间城中转下客,休息半小时后,又上了些新乘客,再度启程。 The final destination, is the main star of Sagittarius, the centaur star. 最终目的地,是人马座的主星,半人马星。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... The centaur star is one has the Wang Yiyang hometown star three times of giant planets. 半人马星是一颗足足有王一洋家乡星球三倍的巨大行星。 The original centaur star, is not so big, after discussing with the Sagittarius highest parliament repeatedly. 原本的半人马星,并没有这么大,在经过人马座最高议会多次商议后。 The constellation side several similar planets, the fusion grafts the centaur star forcefully, finally expands it to present this scale. 星座方将数颗同类行星,强行融合嫁接进半人马星,最终才将其扩大到现在这个规模。 At this time is conducts entire constellation biggest Vargas to play in the finals. 此时正值举办全星座最大的瓦格斯决赛。 More than ten Singapore and Hong Kong near centaur star, have been full of various star clusters that came from far away every large or small to represent the fleet. 半人马星附近的十多个星港处,早已停满了大大小小远道而来的各星群代表舰队。 Was painted the white unmanned vehicle innumerably, is pulling the gigantic promotion advertising banner, surrounds the flight in the surroundings outer space. 无数被漆成白色的无人飞行器,拉扯着硕大的宣传广告横幅,在周围太空中环绕飞行。 These banners are not the real materials, but pure projection. 这些横幅不是真的物质,而是纯粹的投影。 Fleets also jump to come from the distant place continuously, or makes a debut a blue line, twists the space to catch up in the way of tune fast engine. 一支支舰队还源源不断从远处跳跃而来,或者拉出道道蓝线,以曲速引擎的方式扭曲空间赶来。 In the silent outer space, the innumerable news signals interweave the dissemination, forms a huge invisible network. 寂静的太空中,无数的讯息信号交织传播,结成一张巨大的无形网络。 Wang Yiyang sits on the seat, in the sensation is to all flood innumerable signal news. 王一洋坐在座位上,感知里全是充斥的无数信号讯息。 Arrived the splendor moon/month level, his sensation had promoted to be able the sensation hyperspace signal degree. 到了辉月层,他的感知已经提升到了能感知超空间信号的程度。 The pure wireless signal, is not naturally able to span the big piece length and breadth distance, only then can the jump space hyperspace signal, be able to achieve the destination rapidly. 单纯的无线信号,自然无法跨越大片广袤距离,只有能跳跃空间的超空间信号,才能迅速达到目的地。 But Wang Yiyang steps into the splendor moon/month now, melts the god period, truly is clear. 王一洋如今踏入辉月,也就是化神期,才真正明白。 These signals, not truly are the jump spaces. But through the deep level of real world, after the dissemination, then springs. 这些信号,并非真正是跳跃空间。而是通过真实世界的深层次,传播后,再弹出。 The myth level of real world, then has to reduce the function of space length. Is equivalent to the energy saving space in disguised form to jump. 真实世界的神话层,便有着缩短空间距离的作用。相当于变相的节能型空间跳跃。 Buzz. 嗡。 The spaceship vibrated slowly, descends to a Singapore and Hong Kong. 飞船缓缓震动了下,降落到一处星港中。 The spaceship cabin door opens toward the both sides slowly, the passenger is yawning from the seat sets out, goes out of the cabin door. 飞船舱门缓缓朝两侧打开,乘客打着呵欠从座位上起身,走出舱门。 Wang Yiyang also goes out from one side cabin door, following snow. 王一洋也从一侧舱门走出,身后跟着雪拉。 His complexion is tranquil, wears the gray sportswear, the snow that follows draws a black cloak, binds the whole body. 他面色平静,穿着灰色休闲服,身后跟着的雪拉一身黑色披风,裹住全身。 This is the centaur star.” “这就是半人马星。” Wang Yiyang looks at entire Sagittarius most core distantly the main star, the huge volume of that brown star, in this starry skies striking. 王一洋遥遥看着整个人马座最核心的主星,那颗土黄色星球的巨大体积,在这片星空中醒目至极。 Walks.” He takes the lead to walk toward the small-scale landing spaceship station in Singapore and Hong Kong. “走吧。”他率先朝着星港的小型登陆飞船站走去。 From Singapore and Hong Kong to the star surface, must obtain the landing spaceship of certificate through these. 从星港到星球地表,必须通过这些取得了资格证的登陆飞船。 Snow follows in Wang Yiyang behind. 雪拉跟在王一洋身后。 Some of her heart doubts, seem like, Wang Yiyang this once schoolmate as if developed well. 她心头有些疑惑,看起来,王一洋这个曾经的同学似乎发展得不错。 Actor scale is not bad, the strength will not be lower than eight levels absolutely, after all in the past studied together, Wang Yiyang is eight levels. 身上行头档次不差,实力绝对也不会低于八级,毕竟当年一起学习时,王一洋就已经是八级了。 She is not clear, did not say that can visit the teacher? How to run up to the Sagittarius main star to make what directly? 只是她不明白,不是说要去看望导师么?怎么直接跑到人马座主星来做什么? From main star to the expenses of other places, is not a change. 从主星去往其他地方的费用,可不是一笔小钱。 To common eight levels of machine armor masters, is not can at will the expenditure of expenses. 对一般的八级机甲师而言,也不是随意就能开销的花费。 Because the distance was too far. 因为距离太远了。 „Do we go?” Snow wants to ask makes noise, but thinks of own status, before conditioned reflex several experiences of remembering. “我们去哪?”雪拉想问出声,但想到自己的身份,条件反射的想起以前的几次经历。 She forbids the sound immediately, because some masters will be very repugnant oneself slave to make noise suddenly, interrupts the mentality. 她马上禁止声音,因为有的主人会很讨厌自己的奴隶突然出声,打断自己思路。 Fluctuates the Wang Yiyang instead sensation to her mood actually, then looked at the eye she. 倒是王一洋反而感知到她的情绪波动,回头看了眼她。 What wants to ask?” “想问什么?” Under the snow pushes down, does not dare to look at his eye. 雪拉低下头,不敢看他的眼睛。 Regardless of once and Wang Yiyang were anything related, the schoolmate was also good, other were also good, but now, her life and death power grasps in the opposite party hand. 无论曾经和王一洋是什么关系,同学也好,其他也好,但现在,她的生死大权掌握在对方手中。 After making war, the group star had lifted a ban the slave trade. 开战后,群星早已解禁了奴隶交易。 Her present whole person is also healthy, all are good, is the opposite party, is the network official register private property. 她现在整个人身体也好,一切也好,都属于对方,是网络官方注册过的私人财产。 If by some chance Wang Yiyang unhappy .... 万一王一洋一个不开心.... Therefore, under the snow pushes down. 所以,雪拉低下头。 It’s nothing.” “没什么。” My two later generations, must come to here to attend Vargas competition. “我的两个后辈,要来这里参加瓦格斯大赛。 Therefore I come to see while convenient. ” Wang Yiyang temperate say/way. 所以我顺带来看看。”王一洋温和道。 In the surface he seems like with ordinary eight levels of machine armor masters has no difference. 表面上他看起来和一个普普通通的八级机甲师没什么区别。 Has not been mad the field, without power and influence, except that the facial features are attractive, outside the makings sharp point, other have no special characteristics. 没气场,没威势,除了面容漂亮,气质锋利点外,其余没什么特质。 But the face is attractive, said in the immortal in the group star, this is the characteristics that most does not lack. 而面孔漂亮,在群星在仙道,这是最不缺少的特点。 Overflow of mixture, making various net red painted-faces dominate, the golden proportion modulation schemes of different school, online casual can download. 调制的泛滥,让各种网红脸大行其道,不同流派的黄金比例调制方案,网上随便就能下载到。 Even cannot modulate the whole body, many civilians are still willing to contribute money only mix the face. 就算调制不了全身,很多平民也愿意攒钱只调制脸。 Therefore cheek attractive too many were too many, is nothing unusual. 所以脸蛋漂亮的太多太多了,不足为奇。 Later generation .... Snow does not have the heir, her entire family only has her, afterward caused heavy losses, strength permanent drop at the same time, lost gave birth to Ability. “后辈....”雪拉没有子嗣,她整个家族只剩下她一人,后来更是被重创,实力永久下降的同时,也失去了生育能力 At this time hears a later generation word, she lowers the head, the heart gushes out faintly is intermittently vacant and grieved. 此时听到后辈一词,她低着头,心头隐隐涌出阵阵茫然和酸楚。 She recalled when parents' before death voice and expression, recalls the young lady happy life. 她回想起自己父母生前的音容笑貌,回忆起自己还是大小姐时的美好生活。 Her first half of life like heaven, but now .... Like hell. 她的前半生就像天堂,而如今....就像地狱。 Wang Yiyang takes the lead, snow follows after behind, two people were quick an ordinary landing ship to buy two positions, sat. 王一洋走在前面,雪拉跟在身后,两人很快着了一艘普通的登陆船买了两个位置,坐进去。 Wang Yiyang often through the hand link, localization Wang Yue drinks Huilin position. 王一洋不时通过手环,定位王越喝慧琳两人的位置。 He sits in the position, occasionally chatted several matters before snow drawing, seemed like same as the ordinary passenger. 他坐在位置上,偶尔和雪拉聊几句以前的事,看起来就和普通的大龄旅客一样。 Cannot see is completely the day of demon crown prince, controls the makings of Demonic Path army. 完全看不出身为天魔太子,掌控魔道大军的气质。 After being the god period, Wang Yiyang has been able to restrain oneself all aura sensation fields of force freely. 达到化神期后,王一洋已经能够自如的收敛自身一切气息感知力场。 Does not need to use the technique law, merely is only the instinct, can control the lifeform force field that oneself send out. 不需要用术法,仅仅只是本能,就能控制自身散发的生物力场。 After the life reaches certain altitude, will then send out various own radiation fields naturally. 生命达到一定高度后,便会自然而然的散发出属于自己的各种辐射场。 But the life intensity is highly bigger, the sending out radiation force field is also stronger. 而生命强度高度越大,散发的辐射力场也越强。 This is also the air/Qi field of so-called powerhouse. 这也就是所谓的强者的气场。 But Wang Yiyang has been able to restrain own all air/Qi fields at this time freely. 王一洋此时已经能够自如的收敛自身的一切气场。 He imitates the surrounding others slightly, the release a radiation field of normal quantity, so, has then mixed several security checks with ease. 他只是稍稍的模仿周围其他人,释放出一点正常量的辐射场,如此,便轻松混过了数层安全检查。 The landing ship just like the oval-shape black mangos, the ejection from Singapore and Hong Kong, flies to shoot to go toward the centaur star. 登陆船宛如一个个椭圆形黑芒果,从星港上弹射而出,朝着半人马星飞射而去。 After 20 minutes, guest of landing ship under a place landing of star surface named Huacheng. 二十分钟后,登陆船在星球地表一个名为花城的地方着陆下客。 Wang Yiyang brought the snow to lag behind the ship, rode the idea regulation spaceship, directly soared Vargas finals area. 王一洋带着雪拉下了船,坐上计程飞船,直奔瓦格斯决赛现场区。 Vargas finals area, in a open-air giant arena near Huacheng. 瓦格斯决赛区,在花城附近的一座露天巨型赛场。 The entire arena just like giant white jade wan, places in the withered and yellow broad desert. 整个赛场宛如一个巨大的白玉碗,摆放在枯黄的广阔沙漠中。 The competition schedule event, is mainly divided into the analysis strength, the memory, the imagination, the sensation strength, the special characteristics, five. 赛程比赛项目,主要分为解析力,记忆力,想象力,感知力,特质,共五项。 Outside in the arena can hear giant cheers continuously. 赛场外就能听到里面此起彼伏的巨大欢呼声。 Can hold hundreds of thousands of people of giant arenas to be fully occupied. 可以容纳数十万人的巨大赛场早已人满为患。 Obviously, the competition has started. 很显然,比赛已经开始了。 We came late.” “我们来晚了。” Wang Yiyang got down the flight vehicle, looked that to the audience who front big piece lining up enters the stadium. 王一洋下了飞行器,看向前面大片排队入场的观众。 Leads altogether 16, each is forming the long line. 进入口一共十六个,每一个都排着长长的队伍。 Has the dense and numerous crowds to wait for the bearing a ticket to enter the stadium. 有密密麻麻的人群等着持票入场。 These audience mostly came from various player relatives in various star territories. Some players even have oneself financial group support. 这些观众大多是来自各星域的各选手亲属。一些选手甚至有自己的财团支持。 Now had started, we do not have to buy a ticket ahead of time, a little difficult office.” Wang Yiyang sized up under the number of lining up person slightly, frowns slightly. “现在已经开赛了,我们没有提前买票,有点难办。”王一洋稍稍打量了下排队人的数量,微微蹙眉。 He can induce to both children competes in inside, but since the present cannot go, on-board strolls simply casually in this lord. Waits for next to buy a ticket again well. 他能感应到两个孩子都在里面比赛,但既然现在进不去,干脆就在这主星上随便逛逛。等下一场再买票就好。 Here after all is entire constellation the place of powerhouse gathering, liveliest place. 这里毕竟是整个星座的强者汇聚之处,最繁华的地方。 The Wang Yiyang sensation sweeps casually, then discovered several comet level machine armor masters. 王一洋感知随便一扫,便发现了好几个彗星层机甲师。 Is the patrol leader team leader who is responsible for keeping the arena peace. 都是负责维持赛场治安的巡逻队队长。 This type can hold the post of the expert of military headquarters elite backbone in various star clusters, here merely is only the patrol team leader. 这种在各星群都能担任军部精锐中坚的高手,在这里仅仅只是个巡逻队长。 This cannot help but makes Wang Yiyang enhance vigilance. 这不由得让王一洋提高警惕。 The sensation of surroundings powerful machine armor takes a fast look around unceasingly everywhere, Wang Yiyang is good, the snow draws some are pale. 周围强大机甲师的感知不断到处扫视,王一洋还好,身后的雪拉却有些脸色发白。 This place, she had not come before. 这种地方,她以前从来没来过。 Before looked at one on the spaceship toward here from afar, landed truly, was the first time. 以前就是在飞船上远远朝这里看一眼,真正登陆上来,还是第一次。 The surroundings grasp casually, is one big is stronger than her much experts, this made her heart flood the thick sense of insecurity. 周围随便一抓,就是一大把比她强得多的高手,这让她心头充斥了浓浓的不安全感。 She cannot bear look to front Wang Yiyang, this initially eight levels of machine armor masters, unexpectedly as before maintained calm calm. 她忍不住看向前面的王一洋,这个当初才八级的机甲师,居然依旧保持从容镇定。 This made the snow draw to its some accidents/surprises. 这让雪拉对其有些意外了。 She calculated probably, according to the normal development grows, when 8 th Wang Yiyang of level, if all goes well, should enter nine levels of levels now most quickly initially. 她大概计算了下,按照正常发展成长,当初八级的王一洋,如果一切顺利,现在最快应该是初入九级的层次。 Merely nine levels, in this environment, but can also be self-poise, this is not the average person can achieve. 仅仅九级,在这种环境下,还能镇定自若,这不是一般人能做到。 „Periphery we have a look.” Wang Yiyang smiles, has not demanded the approach, bringing the snow to pull open the beginning to stroll in neighbor slowly. “我们去周围看看。”王一洋笑了笑,没有强求进场,带着雪拉开始在附近慢慢闲逛。 He seems like the childlike innocence to get up suddenly, bought some between-meal snack candy drink in nearby peddler there, walks eats. 他似乎是童心忽起,在附近的小贩那里买了些零食糖果饮料,一路走一路吃。 Self-torture many years, this coming out, his itself to relax. 苦修多年,这趟出来,他本就是为了放松。 What he does not know, at this time Wang Yue and Huilin in arena, are falling into the quite troublesome vortex. 只是他不知道的是,此时赛场中的王越和慧琳,正陷入相当麻烦的漩涡里。 Apex 顶点
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