MI :: Volume #4

#367: Considers one

Newest website: Windsor may, no matter what stubborn self-respect. 最新网址:温莎可不管什么倔强自尊。 She only knows, snow is the slave who she buys, but now, this slave is not obedient. 她只知道,雪拉是她买来的奴隶,而现在,这个奴隶不听话了。 Therefore she must punish her. 所以她要惩罚她。 She takes out a hexagon blue color remote control from the bosom. 她从怀里取出一个六边形蓝色遥控器。 Finally asked one time, you, now, give that passenger to apologize, satisfied till him. Otherwise .... “最后问一次,你,现在,去给那个乘客道歉,直到他满意为止。否则....” She takes the remote control in the hand. 她把遥控器拿在手上。 Snow, you should know that this is anything. Should have the appearance of slave as the slave.” “雪拉,你该知道这是什么。身为奴隶就该有奴隶的样子。” Snow is clenching teeth, has the faint trace frightened looks at that remote control. 雪拉咬着牙,带着丝丝恐惧的看着那个遥控器。 That controls the tool of slave mark her within the body implants. 那是控制她体内植入的奴隶印记的工具。 So long as the remote control opens, that type terrifying just like pain that the whole body twitches, she does not want to experience again the second time. 只要遥控开启,那种恐怖的宛如全身抽搐的痛苦,她不想再经历第二次。 Previous she wants to escape time, after being taught one time, lies cannot move on the bed for half a month, in brain a blank, like silly generally. 上一次她想要逃跑,被教训了一次后,躺在床上足足半个月都动弹不得,脑子里一片空白,就像傻了一般。 No .... The collapse has stupidly fallen. 不....是已经崩溃傻掉了。 After the intelligent psychology correction training, in addition she also once was nine levels, the sensation compared with the general seven levels of fining many. 后来经过智能心理矫正训练,再加上她自己也曾是九级,感知比一般七级精炼得多。 Then returns to normal. 这才重新恢复正常。 Thought?” Windsor's look even more is callously tranquil. “想好了么?”温莎的眼神越发平静冷酷。 But the surrounding other server slaves, looked that her look also has one to take pleasure in others' misfortunes faintly. 而周围的其他服务生奴隶,看她的眼神也隐隐带着一丝幸灾乐祸。 The people are such lifeform, saw that cross the good person to encounter the misfortune, will then have joyful. 人就是这样的生物,看到比自己过得好的人遭遇不幸,便会心生愉悦。 The snow draws heart as if tearing, twitching severe pain. 雪拉心头仿佛撕裂般,抽搐剧痛。 She felt that all around vision line of sight, probably the knife is the same, burning shears the meat on her unceasingly. 她感觉四周的目光视线,都像是刀子一样,火辣辣的不断在她身上割肉。 I go.” She lowers the head, the heart gushes out the deep sorrow that is unable to say a word. “我去。”她低下头,心头涌出无法言语的深沉的悲哀。 Changes the clothes in room. Then uses the highest formality, begged forgiving of opposite party. “换上房间里的衣服。然后去用最高的礼节,乞求对方的原谅。 You should know what I said is what formality. 你该知道我说的是什么礼节。 If cannot obtain to forgive, you did not use. ” 如果得不到谅解,你就不用回来了。” Windsor's ice-cold voice resounds in the ear. 温莎冰冷的声音在耳边响起。 Snow knows that the clothes in room refer to anything. 雪拉知道房间里的衣服指的是什么。 The room, the itself is on the spaceship a quite special place. 房间,本就是飞船上一个相当特殊的地方。 There hangs are being more lets the ashamed clothes that the person is unable to open one's mouth. 那里挂着很多很多让人无法启齿的羞耻衣服。 She because of seven levels of strengths, in a server, but also calculates a little position, therefore has not passed through one time. 她因为身上七级的实力,在一众服务生中,还算有点地位,所以一次都没穿过。 But she has looked at other servers across this type of clothes, was taken away to take a bath by the substantive passenger, the matter that then has, making her not want to recall. 但她看过其他服务生穿过这种衣服,然后被有分量的乘客带去洗浴间,然后发生的事,让她根本不想回忆。 But now, was one's turn her? 而现在,轮到她了么? The snow draws the heart is sorrowful, is wooden. 雪拉心头又是悲哀,又是木然。 She under other servers' leadership, walks toward the room silently. 她在其余服务生的带领下,默默朝着房间走去。 Death, humiliation lives, this chose her to make many times. 死,还是屈辱的活下来,这个选择她已经做过很多次了。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Wang Yiyang is very very long long not such peaceful light sitting in the crowd, common, was not paid attention, did not attach great importance. 王一洋很久很久没有这么安静平淡的坐在人群中,毫不起眼,不被关注,不被重视。 Like converging the water drop of sea. 就像汇入大海的一滴水。 He looks at the spaceship high acceleration, just like many other spaceships, speeds away toward the distant place fast. 他看着飞船迅速加速,和其他诸多飞船一样,飞快朝着远处疾驰。 All of out of the window draw the bright line, until thorough blending one group, anything cannot see clearly. 窗外的一切都拉成明亮的线条,直到彻底混成一团,什么也看不清。 . 咔嚓。 Suddenly the side transmits tiny ka ka sound. It seems like some people to walk softly, then stops outside the seat. 忽然身旁传来细小的咔咔声。似乎是有人轻手轻脚的走路过来,然后停在座位外侧。 !?” “呼!?” What's wrong .?” “怎么..?” Two sisters who the nearby sits as if cover to be quiet surprisedly, looks to the flank. 边上坐着的两姐妹似乎惊讶地捂住嘴,看向外侧。 Wang Yiyang has turned the head, looks to the seat. 王一洋转过头,看向座位外侧。 Those who let his surprise is, old schoolmate snow who just recognized, at this time unexpectedly came back. 让他诧异的是,刚刚认出来的老同学雪拉,此时居然又回来了。 She wears a pure black low chest miniskirt, the revealed flesh snow white has no time, the blonde shawl, the facial features are obviously fine. 她穿着一身纯黑色低胸超短裙,露出的肌肤雪白无暇,明明金发披肩,面容精致。 But once aristocrat makings are nothing left, is left over an emptiness merely, numb, with dusky eyes. 但曾经的贵族气质早已荡然无存,仅仅剩下一丝空洞,麻木,和灰蒙蒙的双眼。 This guest, my action was extremely disrespectful, hopes that you can forgive.” “这位客人,我刚才的举动太过失礼,希望您能原谅。” The snow draws lowers the head gently, bows, will not attend to the short skirt suspending may be exposed. 雪拉轻轻低头,鞠躬,丝毫不顾过短的裙摆可能会走光。 She bends the waist to bow, stands there. Maintains this posture. 她就这么弯腰鞠躬,站在那里。保持这个姿势。 But the surrounding passenger has somewhat been in a tumult, watching the fun eventually is the instinct of human. 但周围的乘客已经有些骚动起来,看热闹终究是人类的天性。 Let alone is such romantic liveliness. 更何况还是这么香艳的热闹。 Wang Yiyang is gazing at her, for a while has not spoken. 王一洋注视着她,一时没有说话。 He did not speak, the snow drew has not spoken. 他不说话,雪拉也没说话。 What kind of high-spiritedness once snow was, ambitious, wants community that planned to step into the group of star aristocrats. 曾经雪拉是如何的意气风发,野心勃勃,想要谋划踏入群星贵族的群体。 Although the first application failed, but she has nine levels of strengths as before, later also has the opportunity. 虽然第一次申请失败了,但她依旧有着九级实力,之后还有机会。 But a sudden war, ruined all. 但一场突如其来的大战,毁掉了一切。 The bow of hunting destroyed, although reconstructed afterward, but no longer has been the bow of beforehand hunting. 狩猎之弓毁了,虽然后来重建了,但早已不再是以前的狩猎之弓。 Initial indigenous people and influence, death of dying, the loose powder, the condition was pitiful. 当初的原住民和势力,死的死,散的散,状态凄惨。 Wang Yiyang has not thought that initial snow, turned into present this appearance unexpectedly. 王一洋也没想到当初的雪拉,居然变成了现在这个样子。 „Are you now, being the train attendant?” Wang Yiyang makes noise to ask. “你现在,在做乘务员?”王一洋出声问。 The snow draws the whole body to tremble, skin, the flesh on nape of the neck, exudes the pink color faintly. 雪拉浑身一颤,身上的皮肤,脖颈上的肌肤,都隐隐泛起粉色。 Ashamed and the sense of stigma her heart, soon will be as if sane submerges thoroughly. 她心头的羞耻和耻辱感,仿佛快要将理智彻底淹没。 But she does not dare to turn around to escape. 但她不敢转身逃掉。 She knows that Windsor's method, escapes now, a while may face a more miserable result. 她知道温莎的手段,现在逃得了,一会儿可能会面对更惨的结果。 Therefore ..... 所以..... Yes, my sincere apologized to you, hopes that you can forgive, so long as you can forgive me, regardless of did anything, Ok.” The snow draws makes noise again. “是,我诚恳的向您道歉,希望您能谅解,只要您能原谅我,无论做任何事,都可以。”雪拉再度出声。 Wang Yiyang had nothing to say in reply. 王一洋无言以对。 Initially the snow drew the working manner extremely to be truly bad. He has decided to be cut off the friendship of this schoolfellow, when has not had. 当初雪拉确实做事为人极差。他对此早已决定将这段同窗之谊断掉,就当没有过。 And yet, saw that snow reduces to this situation, he besides feeling, did not have the initial disaffection. 可眼下,看到雪拉沦落到这个地步,他除了感慨之外,也没了当初的不满。 After all in the final analysis, the immortal said three invasions, war that later triggered, he brought. 毕竟归根结底,仙道三宗的入侵,之后引发的大战,还是他引来的。 Bitter experience that therefore in the final analysis, the snow draws, causes because of him. 所以归根结底,雪拉的遭遇,还是因为他而导致。 Snow, do you, have the news of teacher?” Wang Yiyang asked suddenly. “雪拉,你,有老师的消息么?”王一洋忽然问。 Initially in the bow of hunting by the day of destruction, he was soon given the teacher to send the message finally. 当初在狩猎之弓最后快要被毁灭之日,他给导师发送了短信。 But finally what result, he does not know. 但最终什么结果,他不知道。 Since the snow draws here, that asks the situation of teacher while convenient. 所以既然雪拉在这里,那就顺带问问导师的情况。 The snow drew silent under. 雪拉沉默了下。 Teacher, being injured is also very heavy. I only know his address.” “导师,受伤也很重。我只知道他的住址。” „, I forgive you, but later you must lead me to go.” Wang Yiyang said. “那么,我原谅你,但之后你得带我去。”王一洋道。 I have no way to leave. My slave mark on this ship.” The snow draws the tranquil say/way. “我没法离开。我的奴隶印记在这艘船上。”雪拉平静道。 Slave mark? 奴隶印记? Wang Yiyang stares, has not said anything again, but stands up. Goes out of the seat. 王一洋一愣,没再说什么,只是站起身。走出自己座位。 He has not paid attention to snow, moves toward the front master control hall directly. 他也没理会雪拉,径直走向前面主控厅。 Windsor in the monitoring, has seen this early, before arriving at the master control hall gate on own initiative, opens the door to greet. 温莎在监控里,已经早早看到这一幕,主动走到主控厅门前,开门迎接。 On her face has the humble smile, the old body bends the waist slightly. 她脸上带着谦卑的笑容,年老的身体微微弯腰。 This guest .... “这位客人....” Can give this slave to me?” Wang Yiyang pointed at referred to snow. “能把这个奴隶转让给我么?”王一洋手指了指雪拉。 Windsor heart one happy, the snow draws this slave, the time price of buying is expensive, oneself think that washed the treasure. 温莎心头一喜,雪拉这奴隶,买来的时候价钱还蛮贵,自己以为淘到了宝。 Finally every month must take a special chronic illness medicine, every month must spend a sum of money additionally. 结果每个月都要服食一种特殊的慢性病伤药,每个月都要额外花一笔钱。 In fact the performance-to-price ratio is extremely low. 实际上性价比极低。 She has been thinking how to sell out snow, without thinking has the seller to visit quickly. 她早就想着怎么把雪拉卖掉,没想到这么快就有卖主上门。 She took a look under front man quietly. 她悄悄打量了下面前的男子。 This person of appearance flesh looks perfect, is attractive has to plant not third dimension. 这人容貌肌肤一看就完美无瑕,漂亮得有种不真实感。 In addition the previous storage bag has revealed. 再加上之前的储物袋显露过。 Clearly, at present this person of absolute family property is many. 很明显,眼前这人绝对家底颇丰。 Moreover Windsor for many years the business communicated, has seen the guest is extremely numerous. From this guest, she can feel at present faintly, an indescribable imposing feeling. 而且温莎多年来生意来往,见过的客人极多。从眼前这个客人身上,她隐隐能感觉到,一丝无法形容的凛然感。 This lets her originally the thought that plans to have a lion's share, restrains faintly. 这让她原本打算狮子大开口的念头,也隐隐收敛起来。 Windsor looked at with snow, outside curious passengers and servers. 温莎看了看跟过来的雪拉,还有外面各种好奇的乘客和服务生。 She drives away other servers, then switches off the master control hall front door, only leaves behind her and snow, as well as Wang Yiyang three people. 她赶走其他服务生,然后关掉主控厅大门,只留下她和雪拉,以及王一洋三人。 This honored guest, looked that you are also the sincerity want to buy, my also not chaotic initial price. This slave, was I spends the high price to receive from the market. “这位贵客,看您也是真心想买,我也就不乱开价了。这奴隶,是我从市场上花了大价钱收到的。 You looked, the appearance is obviously inborn, will not be the day after tomorrow has revised, the body will not have the reshaping, you can inspect casually. 您看,容貌明显是天生的,不是后天修改过,身上没有整形过,您可以随便检查。 Seven levels of strengths, although must take the medicine every month fixedly, but side place, the good and evil is also a labor force. Moreover snow was once machine armor master, knows that many machine armor training course, these were also invisible resources .... 还有七级的实力,虽然每个月要固定服食药物,但放在身边,好歹也是个劳力。另外雪拉还是曾经的机甲师,知道不少机甲师的训练教程,这些也是一笔无形的资源....” Direct initial price.” Wang Yiyang has no free time with this person of rubbish. “直接开价吧。”王一洋没空和这人废话。 Although was once schoolfellow, the opposite party reduced hence, because of him. 虽然是曾经的同窗,对方沦落至此,也是因为他。 But since the past years the friendship of being cut off schoolfellow, Wang Yiyang is also the resolute person, naturally cannot be loathsome. 但既然当年已经断掉同窗之谊,王一洋也是果决之人,自然不会拖泥带水。 He buys the person, is only the plan through snow, found the teachers and other schoolmates' whereabouts. 他买人,只是打算通过雪拉,找到导师和其他同学的下落。 The bow of initial hunting was extremely really chaotic, but that time he, without many control influence Ability. 当初的狩猎之弓实在太过混乱,而那时的他,也没多少掌控影响局面的能力 Therefore helpless. 所以無能为力。 But is now different. 但现在不同了。 That .... 10,000 Singapore dollars?” Windsor ridiculed, low voice initial price. “那....就一万星币?”温莎讪笑了下,小声开价。 Initially she bought 3000 Singapore dollars, has bought dear. 当初她买成三千星币,已经是买贵了。 The snow draws such seven levels of slaves, is not completely valuable in the wartime years. Moreover she, although was known as that grasps machine the teaching material curriculum of armor. 雪拉这样的七级奴隶,在战争年代完全不值钱。而且她虽然号称掌握机甲师的教材课程。 But that is many year ago teaching material contents, now has eliminated several editions. 但那是很多年前的教材内容,现在早就淘汰好几个版本了。 Ok.” Wang Yiyang being disinclined counter-offer. “行吧。”王一洋懒得还价。 Nowadays, he himself does not know oneself had how much money. 现如今,他自己也不知道自己有多少钱了。 Singapore dollar this type of thing, to him, not too big value. 星币这种东西,对他而言,并没有太大价值。 In his account, is lying down in any case momentarily billions Singapore dollars, can use at any time. 反正他账面上,随时都躺着几十亿星币,可以随时取用。 This is also only the crowd of star aristocrat here status accounts. Has not calculated another account of moral immortal sect. 这还只是群星贵族这边的身份账户。没算道德仙宗的另一个账户。 Although to him is also a board, but regarding Windsor such eight levels, is the money. 虽然对他也就是一顿饭钱,但对于温莎这样的八级,已经是一大笔钱了。 Windsor draws up the consulting contract rapidly, then through the hand link, found a notarization company notarization with the constellation network. 温莎迅速拟定协议合同,然后通过手环,用星座网络找到一个公证公司公证。 Wang Yiyang passes money Zhuan, the consulting contract establishes. 王一洋把钱转过去,协议合同成立。 Then controls the remote control that the snow draws, then hence, belongs to Wang Yiyang. 然后控制雪拉的遥控器,便至此,归王一洋所有。 The snow draws in the rear area, wooden looks at all these. 雪拉在后方,木然的看着这一切。 10,000 Singapore dollars... 一万星币... Regarding once was nine levels of her these money, in the past can also take casually. 对于曾经身为九级的她这些钱,当年也能随便拿出来。 But now, can actually sell out the complete sale price of her whole person. 但现在,却是能卖掉她整个人的全部身价。 The beforehand sense of stigma, slowly with the lapse of time, making her somewhat adapt. 之前的耻辱感,慢慢随着时间的推移,让她有些适应过来。 In her opinion, Wang Yiyang buys her, nothing but was the plan retaliates the past matter with her. 在她看来,王一洋买下她,无非是打算拿她报复当年的事。 Also must be treated as the tool that vented. 或者还要被当做发泄的工具。 However she has not mattered. 不过她也已经无所谓了。 Like this was bought, she is not the first experience. 这样被买来买去,她也不是第一次经历。 She stands in the rear area, looks that Wang Yiyang receives to control own remote control, then from the storage bag, gave her a cloak, wraps up the body. 她就这么站在后方,看着王一洋收起控制自己的遥控器,然后从储物袋里,给了她一件披风,把身体包住。 Apex 顶点
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