MI :: Volume #4

#366: Destiny two

Newest website: Since has no way to practice again, Wang Yiyang goes out simply, greets with the family member, then through the straddling of zones strategy, returns toward the group star. 最新网址:既然没法再修行,王一洋索性出关,和亲人打了招呼,便通过跨界阵法,回往群星。 Five years, sufficiently change too many things. 五年时间,足以改变太多事情。 He planned that while the present peaceful safe/without matter, walks everywhere. 他打算趁着现在和平无事,四处走走。 Completes the task, while under nosing situation. Prepares for the day demon sect here infiltration. 一边完成任务,一边查探下局势。为天魔宗这边的渗透做准备。 Thinks of here, Wang Yiyang sets out, leaves the cave mansion, builds a white escaping light, toward one of the moral immortal sect straddling of zones strategies, the pen non-stop flies. 想到这里,王一洋起身,离开洞府,架起一道白色遁光,朝着道德仙宗跨界阵法之一,笔直飞去。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Leaves to leave the instance of cave mansion in Wang Yiyang. 就在王一洋动身离开洞府的瞬间。 In sect Menben the section, somewhere in secret space to the permanent child, opens eyes from static cultivating slightly, as if saw younger brother Wang Yiyang leaves, flies into the straddling of zones strategy. 在宗门本部,某处隐秘空间内的冲恒子,微微从静修里睁眼,似乎看到了弟弟王一洋离开,飞进跨界阵法。 Even Yang Xiuwei should break through, is the plan goes out to relax?” Has not cared to the permanent child, he believes that the younger brother has the discretion. “均阳修为应该有所突破了,是打算出去散散心么?”冲恒子没多在意,他相信弟弟有分寸。 Moreover there is a magic weapon armor protection, the commonplace powerhouse also takes him not to have idea. 而且有法宝铠甲保护,等闲强者也拿他没辙。 The even positively charged electron enters gold/metal pill now initially, cannot endure lonely, perhaps after waiting, can understand slowly, several years regarding the member, take a small nap merely. 均阳子如今还是初入金丹,耐不住寂寞,或许等以后,就能慢慢明白,几年时间对于修士,仅仅只是打个小盹。 Thinks of here, he closes one's eyes again. 想到这里,他再度闭眼。 As for the security problem, these years clear exterminated to kill, has processed similarly. 至于安全问题,这几年的清剿灭杀,已经处理得差不多了。 Even if remained, will not be many. In addition the magic weapon guard, was enough. 就算有所残留,也不会多。加上法宝护身,足够了。 Wang Yiyang leaves, from morning until evening the child and clear corpuscle felt. 王一洋离开,朝夕子和清微子都感觉到了。 But has not prevented. 但都没阻止。 After the previous time accident, they know, although Wang Yiyang cultivate/repair to lowly, but has the opinion extremely, is not the person of interest impulsion. 经过上次的变故,他们都知道,王一洋虽然修为低,但极有主见,不是兴趣冲动之人。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Immortal straddling of zones strategy. 仙道跨界阵法。 In giant circular arch white gate. 巨大圆拱白门中。 In the member of dense and numerous turnover, is mixing with a white robe ordinary member. 密密麻麻进出的修士之中,夹杂着一名白袍普通修士。 This member wears the face-cloth, both hands air-to-air, does not have any magic weapon palm in hand. 这修士戴着面巾,双手空空,没有任何法宝掌在手上。 Member across safekeeping of security examination levels. 修士穿过一道道安全保护检测层。 Entered strategy surrounding long-waiting many passenger transportation spaceships quickly. 很快进入了阵法外围等候已久的诸多客运飞船。 The merchant of group star never lacks the money-making method. 群星的商人从来不缺少赚钱法子。 Around the strategy, in the acceleration Singapore and Hong Kong of silver ring shape, was full to transport the spaceship of guest specially. 阵法周围,一个个银色圆环状的加速星港里,停满了一艘艘专门运输客人的飞船。 The white robe member flies into a Singapore and Hong Kong quickly, enters a spaceship, sits firmly, then inputs the destination: Troops main star. 白袍修士很快飞进一处星港,进入一艘飞船,在其中坐稳,然后输入目的地:人马主星。 This person Wang Yiyang that comes out from the moral immortal sect. 这人正是才从道德仙宗出来的王一洋 He does not have first to go home, but is the plan follows directly two granddaughters, goes to the constellation main star to have a look at this so-called Vargas competition. 他没有先回家,而是打算直接跟着两个外孙,去星座主星看看这个所谓的瓦格斯大赛。 Also relaxes in any case, he might as well follow two children, is escorts to two people. 反正也是散心,他不如跟着两个孩子,也算是给两人保驾护航。 The strength of splendor moon/month rank, in any camp can calculate on the battle efficiency. In addition the actual situation transforms, the security had the guarantee, the world may go greatly. 辉月级别的实力,在任何阵营都能算中上战斗力了。再加上虚实转换,安全有了保证,天下大可去得。 After designating the destination, Wang Yiyang gives in the hand link the family/home the sending a letter breath. 选定目的地后,王一洋用手环给家里发了个信息。 Then sits in the position, calmly waits to set sail. 然后便坐在位置上,静静等候开船。 The spaceship enters more passenger flows slowly, some from the immortal said sect gate leaves, prepares to travel everywhere the member of crowd of stars. 飞船慢慢进入更多的客流,有的是从仙道宗门离开,准备四处游历群星的修士。 Some were comes out from the straddling of zones strategy, went to the group star passenger of immortal universe traveling. 有的则是才从跨界阵法出来,去了仙道宇宙旅游的群星旅客。 In the spaceship rows of seats are filled slowly. 飞船里一排排座位慢慢坐满。 This type of small-scale spaceship is common. 这种小型飞船非常常见。 Wang Yiyang to hide the identity, avoids being continued forever to be able with melting white stares, therefore has not arranged the manpower to send and pick up. 王一洋为了隐藏身份,避免被永续会和融皓子盯上,所以没有安排人手接送。 But is like the ordinary guest, takes this kind of spaceship to leave. 而是和普通客人一样,乘坐这类飞船离开。 He sits on the seat, about looked, felt own clothes are somewhat conspicuous. The material was too a little good. 他坐在座位上,左右看了看,感觉自己身上的衣着打扮有些显眼。质料有点太好了。 After all is the big brother grants, the strategy that above light/only engraves has dozens. 毕竟是大兄赐予的,上边光刻印的阵法就有数十个。 Therefore he takes off the surcoat, took a group star average person clothing from the storage bag. 于是他脱掉外袍,从储物袋里取了一身群星这边的普通人服装。 The white light flashes, on Wang Yiyang changed the grey casual attire to add the leather boots immediately. 白光一闪,王一洋身上顿时换上了灰色休闲装加皮靴。 On the face did not have the veil, what replaces it is sunglasses. 脸上没了面纱,取而代之的是墨镜。 The before one can say Jack Robinson, he then from the member style, transformed the crowd of star passenger winds. 只是一眨眼功夫,他便从修士风格,转换成了群星旅客风。 Over time, in the cabin was filled with the person slowly. 随着时间推移,座舱内慢慢坐满了人。 The entire spaceship is very small, altogether 15 rows of seats, each platoon six positions, in addition other crew, captain and others, altogether also on more than hundred people. 整个飞船很小,一共十五排座位,每排六个位置,加上其他船员,船长等,一共也就百多人。 But this type of subminiature spaceship, is here is largest, most universal passenger transportation spaceship. 但这种超小型飞船,也是这里数量最多,最为普遍的客运飞船。 Wang Yiyang chooses this type of spaceship, is because its common. Does not need to examine the status link forcefully. 王一洋选择这种飞船,也是因为其不起眼。不用强行检测身份手环。 Quick, the spaceship is filled with the person. 很快,飞船坐满人。 At the back of the short hair youth of travel bag, sits to Wang Yiyang side, will put the package. 一个背着旅行包的短发青年,坐到王一洋身旁,正要放包。 But he by another side big little two sisters, was then approached quickly, is blushing said several low voice. 但他很快便被另一侧的一大一小两个姐妹,凑近过来,红着脸小声说了几句。 Then youth very atmosphere and sisters two changed the seat. 然后青年很大气的和姐妹两个换了座位。 This time changed into younger sisters in two sisters, a roughly twenty young girl, sits by Wang Yiyang. 这次换成了两姐妹中的妹妹,一个约莫二十几的年轻女孩,挨着王一洋坐。 Two sisters as if just sit the same place, becomes one row with Wang Yiyang. 两姐妹似乎刚好坐一起,和王一洋成一排。 Changes the seat, but facilitates sisters two next to many. 换座位,只是方便姐妹两个紧挨着好些。 Two people looked at Wang Yiyang slightly, resulted in the facial features that does not make sense to shake by him attractively, along with, even if embarrassed looks again. 两人稍稍看了眼王一洋,被他漂亮得不像话的面容震了下,随即便不好意思再看。 Wang Yiyang does not care, the long-separated dozens years, he very long this, like the ordinary person, the excessively ordinary life, has not sat the ordinary transportation vehicle. 王一洋也不在意,阔别几十年,他已经很久没有这样,像个平凡人一样,过普通的生活,坐普通的交通工具。 As if from long before, him was separated from the category of average person very much early gradually. 似乎从很早很早以前,他便渐渐脱离了普通人的范畴。 He looks at out of the window to start slowly relative motion Singapore and Hong Kong. 他望着窗外开始缓缓相对移动的星港。 The spaceship started, along the ring track in Singapore and Hong Kong, slowly starts to accelerate. 飞船启动了,正沿着星港的圆环轨道,慢慢开始加速。 Because this type of spaceship the tune fast engine is not very high-end, therefore borrows the track to accelerate, conducts the engine to promote, is very common matter. 这种飞船因为曲速引擎不够高端,所以借用轨道加速,进行引擎升级,也是很常见的事。 The tiny bellow resounds slowly. 细小的轰鸣声慢慢响起。 Wang Yiyang sits on the seat, the body inclines with the spaceship slightly, one side out of the window star light became enlightened gradually a line by drawing. 王一洋坐在座位上,身体随着飞船微微倾斜,一侧的窗外星光渐渐被拉成道道线条。 This is the image that a fast engine opens. 这就是曲速引擎开启的影像。 Asked everyone to sit in the position do not move heedlessly, took a walk at will very easily, in the spaceship accelerated to have the accident/surprise.” “请大家坐在位置上不要乱动,随意走动很容易在飞船加速中出现意外。” The broadcast spreads a desolate female voice. 广播传出一个冷淡的女声。 Quick, the blonde female who wears the black tight-fitting exposure suit, from the spaceship, walks slowly following the corridor, inspects the passenger whether has to sit according to the custom in own position. 很快,一个身穿黑色紧身防护服的金发女子,慢慢从飞船前面,顺着过道走过来,检查乘客是否有按照规矩坐好在自己位置。 The female facial features are beautiful, without the belt/bring helmet, on one side nape of the neck, has a tiny red scar. 女子面容姣好,没带头盔,一侧的脖颈上,有着一条细小的红色疤痕。 The scar is very conspicuous on the white jade flesh. 疤痕在白玉般的肌肤上很是显眼。 Walked near, Wang Yiyang raised the head also saw this person. 走得近了,王一洋抬头也看到了这人。 Sees the flash of opposite party, he felt suddenly, the life had dramatic. 只是看到对方的一瞬间,他忽然感觉,生活原来这么有戏剧性。 Inexplicable feelings with nearness of female, swamp into the Wang Yiyang heart slowly. 一种莫名的感触随着女子的靠近,慢慢涌入王一洋心头。 He gazes at the female to arrive at oneself this row. Then takes down the sunglasses, happen to welcomed to the line of sight that the female looked. 他注视着女子走到自己这一排。然后取下墨镜,正好迎向女子看过来的视线。 Two people one sank Morton to live. 两人一下都沉默顿住了。 The time of although living is very short, but on the female face flashes through non- nature faintly. 虽然顿住的时间很短,但女子脸上隐隐闪过一丝不自然。 Wang Yiyang is actually calm and composed. 王一洋倒是神色自若。 How did you become this?” He saw opposite party is not right. “你怎么成这样了?”他看出了对方的不对劲。 The blonde female dangling view, without answering, silent continuation the platoon will walk in the future. 金发女子垂下眼帘,没回话,沉默的继续往后排走去。 Wang Yiyang has not spoken, but in the heart sighed the marvelousness of human affairs. 王一洋也没说话,只是心中感叹世事之奇妙。 He recognized the opposite party. 他认出了对方。 In this spaceship is most common the ordinary train attendant, was was impressively high-spirited initially, wants schoolfellow snow who campaigned for the new promote aristocrat. 这个飞船里最普通平凡的乘务员,赫然便是当初意气风发,想要竞选新晋贵族的同窗雪拉。 The bow of past hunting already becoming an immortal say/way three gathering colonizing space cities. 当年的狩猎之弓早已成了仙道三宗汇聚殖民的空间城。 Now has survived in name only. 现在早已名存实亡。 Inside indigenous people and group star aristocrats, or the migration to other places, either in the beforehand war, were routed the destruction by the complementary waves. 里面的原住民和群星贵族们,要么迁徙到其他地方,要么在之前的战争中,被余波击溃毁灭。 Wang Yiyang not clear snow experienced anything. 王一洋不清楚雪拉经历了什么事。 But evidently, the sensation of her within the body seems to have suffered the heavy losses, now only has seven levels at most. 但看样子,她体内的感知似乎遭受过重创,现在顶多就只有七级。 This after a group star aristocrat, once wanted to attack ten levels of talents regarding one, without doubt is the extremely brutal matter. 这对于一个群星贵族之后,对于一个曾经想要冲击十级的天才来说,无疑是极其残酷的事。 Wang Yiyang has not recalled again the dozens years ago matters. 王一洋没再回忆数十年前的事。 He sees snow, slightly somewhat is sigh with emotion, but since the opposite party does not plan and him exchanges, he has not gone to demand. 他看到雪拉,也只是略微有些感慨,但既然对方不打算和他交流,他也没去强求。 He does not have this plan, another nearby snow, does not have the means. 只是他没这个打算,另一旁的雪拉,却没办法。 After inspecting the passenger, the snow draws returns to the front cockpit silently. 检查完乘客后,雪拉默默回到前面驾驶舱。 Comes, is the spaceship owner Windsor's carefully examining vision. 迎面而来的,则是飞船主人温莎的审视目光。 Windsor ran eight years of passenger transportation spaceships in this sensitive star territory, has exercised a pair of fierce look. 温莎在这片敏感星域跑了八年的客运飞船,早就练就了一双火眼金睛。 Before through monitoring, saw Wang Yiyang used storage Wudai to take the thing the scene. 之前通过监控,也看到了王一洋使用储物袋取东西的情景。 She knows that which passenger really ordinary, which passenger hidden the whereabouts taking advantage of this ordinary spaceship. 她知道哪个乘客是真的普通,哪个乘客只是借这个普通飞船隐藏行踪。 The key that this region moisten makes money to earn a living therefore this, is she can. 所以这,才是她能在这片区域滋润的赚钱过活的关键。 Over 80-year-old Windsor, has opened the old eyes, the hand is poking the walking stick, narrows the eye to stare at snow. 已经年过八旬的温莎,睁着苍老的双眼,手杵着拐杖,眯眼盯着雪拉。 Just had a guest, greeted with you. Haven't you returned?” “刚刚有个客人,和你打招呼。你没回?” The snow pulling back master control hall, the plan took up the fruit tray, delivers the snack to the passenger. 雪拉回来主控厅,原本打算拿起果盘,给乘客送小吃去。 Was observed closely by the Windsor look, she body trembles immediately, stands in same place does not dare to move. 被温莎眼神盯住,她顿时身体一颤,站在原地没敢动。 Asked your words?” Windsor approaches slowly, as eight levels of transformation people, she can in this sensitive region, running passenger transportation so many years. “问你话呢?”温莎缓缓走近,作为八级改造人,她之所以能在这片敏感区域,跑客运这么多年。 By is the human relations and excellent service attitude. 靠得便是人脉关系和极好的服务态度。 Snow is she one of the slaves from initially the refugee of bow of hunting buying. 雪拉是她从当初狩猎之弓的流民中买下来的奴隶之一。 At that time after experiencing the war, the indigenous people casualty of bow of hunting were too many. 当时经历大战后,狩猎之弓的原住民死伤太多。 The remaining people to flee enslaving of moral immortal sect quietly, then the expenditure huge price, look for the channel to sneak across leave. 剩下的人为了悄悄逃离道德仙宗的奴役,便花费巨大代价,找渠道偷渡离开。 What a pity, they truly sneaked across leave successfully. 可惜,他们确实偷渡离开成功了。 But after leaving, some person directly sneaked across snake heads sold out completely, made into the slave. 但离开出来后,这部分人直接被偷渡的蛇头全部卖掉,打成了奴隶。 Sagittarius may, no matter the life of this group of people. 人马座可不管这群人的死活。 In their opinion, then moral immortal sect blockade was extremely strong, even if can escape from the bow of hunting, who can guarantee the person who in came out wasn't the immortal spy spy? 在他们看来,当时的道德仙宗封锁极强,就算能从狩猎之弓逃出来,谁能保证里面出来的人不是仙道的间谍细作? The person who therefore this crowd escapes, was seriously injured, handed over to sell out again, Singapore dollar property was also all confiscated. 所以这群逃出来的人,本就很多身受重伤,再被转手卖掉,身上的星币财产也全被没收。 Miserable of condition, was simply indescribable. 境况之惨,简直无法形容。 What is good, snow is in lucky. 还好的是,雪拉算是里面运气不错的。 At least also kept part of strengths, reluctantly is seven levels. 起码还保留了一部分实力,勉强算是七级。 This for her in slave trade Riga many differences. 这点为她在奴隶交易里加了不少分。 She must be sold the desolated star to open up wasteland, as birth tool multiplication population. 她原本要被卖去荒芜星球开荒,作为生育工具繁衍人口。 But following examines, discovered her, because the injury did not have to give birth to Ability. The body also has the internal injury that is hard to cure, often needs to take the pharmacological treatment. 但后面检测下来,发现她因为伤势没了生育能力。身体还有着难以治愈的内伤,不时需要服用药物治疗。 Therefore therefore the sale price drops sharply, finally was bought by Windsor, treats as own assistant crew, is responsible for the passenger service work. 于是因此身价大跌,最终被温莎买到手,当做自己的助手船员,负责客运服务工作。 Gave a moment ago that guest apology Windsor cold severe is staring at snow. “去给刚才那个客人道歉温莎冷厉的盯着雪拉。 „......” Snow recognized Wang Yiyang, that she did not spare a glance initially, countryside schoolmate who cannot have a liking for completely. “......”雪拉认出了王一洋,那个当初她根本不屑一顾,完全看不上的乡下同学。 If others, perhaps she very tranquil numb, apologized. 如果是其他人,或许她很平静的麻木的,就去道歉回来了。 But facing Wang Yiyang, facing that attractive limpid eye. 但面对王一洋,面对那双漂亮的清澈眼睛。 Recognized her facing that pair once the passing look, making her have to plant does not dare to look straight ahead, humiliations that the whole body tingled with numbness. 面对那双认得她曾经过往的眼神,让她有种不敢直视,浑身发麻的羞辱感。 I called you to apologize!” Windsor voice enhancement. The hand is leaning on the walking stick, arrives in front of snow drawing step by step. “我叫你去道歉!”温莎声音提高。手拄着拐杖,一步步走到雪拉面前。 The servers of other passenger transportation by the sound attraction attention, looked at toward here. 其余客运的服务生都被声音吸引注意力,朝这里看过来。 But the snow draws is biting the lip as before, lowers the head, does not utter a word. 但雪拉依旧咬着嘴唇,低头,一声不吭。 This is her final stubbornness, final self-respect. 这是她最后的倔强,最后的自尊。
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