MI :: Volume #4

#365: Destiny one

Newest website: Moral immortal sect, day Jade Mountain. 最新网址:道德仙宗,天玉山。 The hills surround, its culmination Jade Mountain for highest. Sharpens the thorn like the blade. 群山环绕,其中天玉山为最高。如同刀削尖刺。 All around is completely the sheer precipice, often can see that has the mountain-protecting monster beast spirit beast to appear and disappear slowly. 四周尽是悬崖峭壁,不时能看到有护山妖兽灵兽缓缓出没。 Mountain massif close to the hole of peak. 山体靠近顶端的一处洞。 In the darkness shines a white light suddenly. 黑暗中骤然亮起一丝白光。 An appearance is fine, just like the female white robe Daoist, sets out slowly, the side is floating the bunch of white flame. 一个容貌精致,宛如女子般的白袍道人,缓缓起身,身旁漂浮着一团团白色火焰。 The flame just like the jack-o'-lantern, will often also loaf automatically the twinkle. 火焰宛如鬼火,不时还会自动游荡闪烁。 Five years ..... Wang Yiyang long spat the one breath. “五年了.....”王一洋长吐一口气。 Closes up the self-torture five years, except can contacts occasionally with the straddling of zones strategy and family member outside, other time, he continuously in the big brother to/clashes under the permanent child's supervision, crazy cultivation. 闭关苦修五年,除开偶尔能用跨界阵法和家人联络外,其余时间,他一直在大兄冲恒子的监督下,疯狂修炼。 The bottleneck of splendor moon/month level, has been in the situation that has been possible to break momentarily now. 辉月层的瓶颈,如今已经到了随时可破的地步。 But according to the big brother said that splendor moon/month level correspondence immortal god period, but before melting the god period, the stage of truly laying the foundation. 但按照大兄所言,辉月层对应仙道的化神期,而化神期之前,是真正打基础的阶段。 A Yuan infant Yuan infant, then refers to himself intrinsic is also only the baby of source, has not grown to expand. 元婴元婴,便是指自身内在还只是本源之婴儿,还未成长壮大。 But melts the god, is the baby grows the youngster. Had certain lethality initially. 而化神,则是婴儿成长到少年。初步有了一定的杀伤力。 This is medium low boundary contrast in high eyes. 这便是高位者们眼中的中低境界对比。 Therefore the Yuan infant stage, is the most important junior stage, cannot despise. 所以元婴阶段,是最重要的基础阶段,不能轻视。 Wang Yiyang accepts good advice readily, very amenable listened to the words of big brother. 王一洋从善如流,很顺从的听了大兄的话。 He should break open the bottleneck at this time, steps into the splendor moon/month. 原本他此时应该一口气破开瓶颈,踏入辉月。 But at this time wakes up, naturally has the reason. 但此时醒来,自然是有原因。 Wang Yiyang first turns on the hand link, looked. Through straddling zones the base depot passes the signal, the hand link has the news as before. 王一洋先打开手环,看了看。通过跨界基站转送信号,手环依旧有讯息。 The present immortal says three, already two relations, and no universe barrier. 如今的仙道三宗,早已将两界联系起来,并没有什么宇宙隔阂。 Unceasingly opened channel strategies, making two universe rapid fusions link. 一个个不断被打开的通道阵法,让两个宇宙迅速融合连接在一起。 Immortal in the civilization of absorption crowd of stars, 仙道在吸收群星的文明, But group star, similarly also in an absorption immortal essence. 而群星,同样也在吸收仙道的精华。 both sides offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress, upgrades the civilized level rapidly. 双方互惠互利,迅速提升文明层次。 Looks hand link news that saves. 看完积攒的手环讯息。 Wang Yiyang roughly knew this time situation. 王一洋大致了解了此时的情况。 Vargas competition .... The group star is still conducting... third unexpectedly. “瓦格斯大赛....群星居然还在举办...还是第三届。 12 th is the star cluster rank, third is the constellation rank. 第一二届为星群级别,第三届是星座级别。 The present is the constellation selection, then later, should be the crowd of star ranks. ” 现在是星座选拔,那么以后,应该就是群星级别。” He smells the aura that crowd of stars planned in secret faintly. 他隐隐闻到了群星暗中谋划的气息。 This situation, conceals very much difficultly completely, immortal has definitely also prepared. 这种大势,很难完全隐瞒,仙道肯定也有所准备。 If the candidate cannot select fortunately, once selects .... Perhaps the situation meets instantaneous bright. 如果人选选不出还好,一旦选出....恐怕局势会瞬间明朗。 Wang Yiyang cares about Vargas, is because have the child to attend this competition. 王一洋之所以关心瓦格斯,也是因为自家也有孩子参加这个比赛。 But the present range finals also early, he recorded slightly, places at heart, has not then gone to pay attention. 但现在距离决赛还早,他只是稍微记了下,放在心里,便没去理会。 Then, his attention, then falls, in had not looked at for a long time on status system. 然后,他的注意力,转而落在了许久没看过的身份系统上。 He wakes up at this time, is because, the status system previous duty, the reward should provide. 他之所以此时醒来,便是因为,身份系统的上一个任务,奖励该发放了。 The reward provides at the same time, when is the new status arrival. 奖励发放的同时,就是新的身份到来之时。 Previous duty, what is good is asks the big brother to act promptly, solves the entire product thunder mountain main star. 上一个任务,还好的是及时请大兄出手,解决掉整个积雷山主星。 Otherwise later the time drags the long time, if were noticed by the sage .... 否则之后时间拖久,万一被圣人注意到.... Only thinks that this possibility, the Wang Yiyang heart is then imposing. 光想想这个可能,王一洋便心头凛然。 Temporarily regardless other, he looks again to the field of vision right bottom data column. 暂时撇开其他,他再度看向视野右下角的数据栏。 The data column has started to brush. 数据栏早已开始刷动起来。 Five years of self-torture, the peaceful mind, making Wang Yiyang treat status system, before having, one that does not have is calm and calm. 五年的苦修,静心,让王一洋对待身份系统,有了以前所没有的一种从容和淡定。 Quick, brushing of data column result. 很快,数据栏的刷动有了结果。 In status duty examination.’ ‘身份任务检测中。’ Examines to complete, starts to draw an item at random the reward.’ ‘检测到已完成,开始随机抽取奖励。’ The character symbol that the time, on the data column brushes is quicker. 顿时间,数据栏上刷动的字符符号更快。 The waterfall character brushes fast. Just like turbulent current. 瀑布般的字符飞快刷动过。宛如激流。 Quick, after several seconds . 很快,数秒后。 The data stops slowly. 数据慢慢停下来。 Extracts. You obtained: Great strength Innate Skill( conventional force constant increase three times).’ ‘抽取完毕。您获得了:巨力天赋(常规力量恒定增幅三倍)。’ Great strength Innate Skill?” “巨力天赋?” Wang Yiyang somewhat is slightly disappointed. 王一洋微微有些失望。 Arrived his level, pure mortal body Innate Skill, was unimportant, he most wants, is actually Mang Niujing cultivating for the monster strength. 到了他这个层次,单纯的肉身天赋,并不重要,他最想要的,其实是莽牛精的修为妖力。 He has the motive power physique that the perfect tower gives, can all conversions of energy for the motive power, transfer other energy really Yuan uses by the motive power again. 他有完美之塔给予的原力体质,可以把所有能量转化为原力,再由原力转成其他能量真元使用。 But since has not pulled out to the monster strength , can only give up. 但既然没抽到妖力,也只能作罢。 Wang Yiyang confessed oneself now, more masters probably, the non- short distance fight to execute, mainly solves the opponent intermediate-range. 王一洋自认自己如今,更多的像是法师,并不近距离交手格杀,主要是中远程解决对手。 Long night bead and magic weapon armor protect the body, in addition may be called the actual situation transformation of non-solution, I completely am against tall Gongdi model.” “永夜珠和法宝铠甲护体,再加上堪称无解的虚实转换,我完全就是防高攻低的典型。” In the Wang Yiyang heart appraised itself, basically determines own level. 王一洋心中评估了下自己,大致测定自己的层次。 Present I, the machine armor master of splendor moon/month level, should also be able to fight. Victory and defeat unknown.” “现在的我,辉月层的机甲师,应该也能交手了。只是胜负未知。” Determined the reward. 确定了奖励。 When Wang Yiyang disregards the body was transformed some pains. 王一洋无视了身体被改造时的些许痛楚。 But continues to invest the line of sight on the data column. 而是将视线继续投入在数据栏上。 Because he knows, the new status will soon appear. 因为他知道,新的身份即将出现。 The silver level status, must attach great importance to any event. 白银级身份,无论如何都必须得重视。 The data column that brushes, making Wang Yiyang recall unceasingly, aspect that for these years he participated. 刷动的数据栏,让王一洋不断回忆起,这几年来他参与的局面。 The splendor moon/month level is only ordinary, star level, even the trial level, the powerhouses of these ranks, are main that he plans. 辉月层都只是普通,恒星层,甚至审判级,这些级别的强者,才是他谋划的主要。 Although he progress speed far supernormal person, even far ultra common sense. 他虽然进步速度远超常人,甚至远超常理。 But as before frequently feeling, own strength just like ants. 但依旧时时刻刻的感觉到,自己的实力宛如蝼蚁。 That absolute sense of insecurity, even if the big brother and day demon sect vice- sovereign escorts, still lingers in the side as before. 那种绝对的不安全感,就算是大兄和天魔宗副宗主保驾护航,也依旧萦绕在身旁。 He does not want oneself security, to pin on others. 他不想把自己的安全,寄托在他人身上。 Also such sense of insecurity, lets him to endure lonely, is so long in the hole self-torture. 也正是这样的不安全感,才让他能耐得住寂寞,在洞苦修这么久。 In Wang Yiyang recalls passing. 就在王一洋回忆过往时。 Status system has the result. 身份系统已经有了结果。 In the darkness, one line of tiny characters appear slowly. 黑暗中,一行细小的字符缓缓浮现。 In your surface, but accumulates Mang Niujing of thunder mountain, but in fact, you have an unknown past.’ ‘你表面上,只是积雷山的莽牛精,但实际上,你有着一段不为人知的过去。’ In your bloodlines, is flowing the mark of stronger monster clan. In your soul, has ancient times the inheritance of period shock and awe world.’ ‘你的血脉里,流淌着更强妖族的印记。你的灵魂中,有着远古时期震慑天地的传承。’ In the inheritance, you searched the past, was unwilling ordinary. Swore that must find to be the basis of life experience.’ ‘在传承中,你寻觅过去,不甘平凡。立誓要找到属于自己身世的根本。’ This .... 这一段.... Wang Yiyang narrows the eyes. 王一洋眯起双眼。 He knows, the beforehand that product thunder mountain Mang Niujing status, without is so simple. 他就知道,之前的那个积雷山莽牛精身份,没那么简单。 Now seems like, but also is really the continuous status duty. 现在看起来,还真是连续性身份任务。 Really, before silver level, different .... “果然,白银级和之前不同了....” Originally ordinary Mang Niujing, many one pile at sixes and sevens life experiences remember. 原本一个普通的莽牛精,又多了一堆乱七八糟的身世记忆。 Wang Yiyang feels is swamping into the mind unceasingly various memories. 王一洋感受着不断涌入自己脑海的各种记忆。 Then reorganizes quickly. 很快便整理出。 Mang Niujing cannot call Mang Niujing now. But should call the kui ox descendant. 莽牛精现在已经不能叫莽牛精了。而应该叫夔牛后裔。 Kui cow, the shape like the cow, the dark green body does not have the corner/horn, a foot, the difference water must have the wind and rain, its light like the livelihood, its sound like the thunder, its said the kui. 夔牛者,状如牛,苍身而无角,一足,出入水则必有风雨,其光如日月,其声如雷,其名曰夔。 „Isn't this alone corner/horn Root beer float?” Wang Yiyang shakes the head slightly. “这不就是独角黑牛么?”王一洋微微摇头。 This obviously is also an ordinary duty, fortunately, should be not difficult. 这明显也是个普通任务,还好,应该不算难。 He looks again to the data column. 他再度看向数据栏。 Status duty: Awakens kui good bloodlines that within the body hidden, success control thunder.’ ‘身份任务:觉醒自身体内隐藏的夔牛血脉,成功掌控雷霆。’ Duty completes the reward: When restores you as Mang Niujing randomly, within the body heredity Ability Innate Skill.’ ‘任务完成奖励:随机恢复你作为莽牛精时,体内遗传的能力天赋。’ Follow-up a series of warnings, before almost. The time turned for a year. 后续的一系列警告,和之前差不多。只是时间变成了一年。 The deadline wanted compared with before short. 期限比起之前要短了很多。 However Wang Yiyang does not care. 不过王一洋并不在意。 He feels keenly, in oneself body, towering and inexplicable are many lots. 他敏锐的感觉到,自己身体内,正在突兀而莫名的多出很多东西。 That seems the kui good bloodlines that in the status duty mentioned. 那似乎就是身份任务上所提到的夔牛血脉。 Has not gone wrong fortunately.” Wang Yiyang relaxes. “还好没出什么乱子。”王一洋松了口气。 He fears that now the status duty causes what accident to him. 他现在就怕身份任务又给他弄出什么岔子。 The present group star is chaotic enough. 现在的群星已经够乱了。 The machine armor master, ten thousand spirits, continue forever the meeting, the immortal said that day demon, old god, if comes what ghost thing again, when the time comes really became a hopeless mess randomly. 机甲师,万灵,永续会,仙道,天魔,旧神,如果再来个什么鬼东西,到时候真就乱成一锅粥了。 Since all right, that should also continue to break through.” Wang Yiyang read aloud the Daoist canon for these years, to the god period, has arrived at the water to be full boundary that , then overflows. “既然没事,那也该继续突破了。”王一洋这几年诵读道藏,对化神期,已经到了水满则溢的境界。 Can momentarily the Yuan infant god, a derivation Yuan god. 随时可以元婴化神,衍生元神。 At this time continuously in heart on the alert the status duty, is certain at this time. 此时一直心中警惕着的身份任务,此时一定。 The big stone of his heart, falls finally. 他心头的一颗大石,终于落下。 For a long time caught bottleneck, becomes less crowded finally slowly, breaks open. 长久以来被卡住的瓶颈,也终于缓缓松动,破开。 Sits cross-legged in the hole. 盘坐在洞。 Wang Yiyang closes eyes, breath. 王一洋闭目,呼吸。 The whole body starts the rippling cream color glimmer. 浑身开始荡漾乳白色微光。 Massive motive powers, are transforming rapidly the pure big day demon merit. 大量的原力,正在急速的转化成纯净大日魔功。 Matter that in the moral immortal sect cultivation demon merit, this does not have the means that who makes the demon merit practice the acceleration to be quick enough. 在道德仙宗修炼魔功,这也是没办法的事,谁让魔功修行加速够快。 He has the motive power to transform in any case, after the breakthrough, returns the moral really Yuan well. 反正他有原力转化,突破后又转回道德真元就好。 The Wang Yiyang whole body really Yuan overflows slowly, wraps the whole body. 王一洋浑身真元缓缓溢出,包裹全身。 The Yuan infant in his within the body, just like the young baby, infiltrates from its abdomen slowly. 他体内的元婴,慢慢宛如小婴儿,从其腹部渗透而出。 The gentle color light, spouts from the Yuan infant mouth, drills into from his nostril. 柔和的彩光,从元婴口中喷出,又从其鼻孔钻入。 The communication circulation, starts once again. 来往循环,周而复始。 Time points pass. 时间一点点流逝。 , The Wang Yiyang body starts gradually slowly becomes transparent. 渐渐的,王一洋身体开始慢慢变得透明。 His whole body transformed as the pure big day demon merit really Yuan gradually, then gathered above a Yuan infant. 他全身都渐渐转化为纯粹的大日魔功真元,然后汇聚到元婴之上。 Originally only then the Yuan infant of palm of the hand size, is against the wind long, increases rapidly. 原本只有巴掌大小的元婴,迎风就长,迅速变大。 Quick, then changed into and Wang Yiyang body is equally big. 很快,便化为了和王一洋身体一样大。 Meanwhile, the color light between Yuan infant oronasals greatly is also thicker. 与此同时,元婴口鼻之间的彩光也更大更浓。 Gradually, the color light slowly becomes pure, changes into the pale golden color, loses little other varicolored. 渐渐,彩光慢慢变纯,化为淡金色,一点点失去所有其他杂色。 Only leaves behind a color, that is the pale gold/metal. 只留下一种色彩,那就是淡金。 Until all color light change into the pale gold/metal, the Wang Yiyang eyes open suddenly. 直到所有彩光都化为淡金,王一洋双眼忽地睁开。 Became!” He shows a faint smile, the Yuan infant body reduces again, the whole body transpiration pays the big piece pale golden color really Yuan, a Yuan infant will wrap. “成了!”他微微一笑,元婴身体再度缩小,浑身蒸腾出大片淡金色真元,将元婴包裹起来。 Really the Yuan quick starts the actual situation to transform, congeals rapidly his original mortal body. 真元很快又开始虚实转换,迅速凝结出他原本的肉身。 Hence, melting the god period is successful, achieves smoothly. 至此,化神期水到渠成,顺利达到。 Wang Yiyang is high-spirited, stands up from the home position. 王一洋意气风发,从原位站起身。 Starting today he was also the true splendor moon/month level powerhouse. 从今日起他也是真正的辉月层强者了。 But splendor moon/month level strength, in his time aspect, is only has the average person of strength of self-preservation slightly. 但辉月层的实力,在他此时的局面中,也只是个稍有自保之力的普通人。 Therefore Wang Yiyang merely happy several, quick then invested in the research to the new status. 所以王一洋仅仅只是高兴了几下,很快便又投入了对新身份的研究中。 Completion of new status is not difficult, the ancient times bloodlines that in the body pours into, by the Wang Yiyang this time splendor moon/month level sensation, soon then discovered the clue. 新身份的完成并不难,身体内注入的远古血脉,以王一洋此时的辉月层感知,很快便发现了端倪。 He thinks, first attempts with own way, tries to find out excavation bloodlines, tries to stimulate works. 他想了想,先尝试用自己的方式,去摸索挖掘血脉,试图激发其中效力。 But the use is not big. 但用处不大。 Wang Yiyang leaves the cave mansion simply, found the big brother, from his there, took a stimulation in the ancient times merit law jade Jane/simple of bloodlines, rapid study. 王一洋索性离开洞府,找到大兄,从他那里,拿了一份激发古代血脉的功法玉简,迅速学习。 After learning the merit law in jade Jane/simple, he calculated the next time, approximately takes two months, can stimulate the bloodlines completely thoroughly. 学会玉简中的功法后,他计算了下时间,大约需要两个月,才能完全将血脉彻底激发。 These two months, he cannot the practicing real elementary work law, after probably wait for the body stability, again at will said. 这两个月时间,他不能再随意修行真元功法,得等身体稳定后再说。
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