MI :: Volume #4

#364: Transforms two

Newest website: I came lately.” Wang Yiyang reveals the figure from the escaping light. 最新网址:“我来迟了。”王一洋从遁光中显露身形。 Is all right well.” “没事就好。” Clash/To looked at Wang Yiyang permanently, is so distressed and whole body that before determining he does not have, to see is the blood, guessed at heart should be the camouflage of that armor person. 冲恒看了眼王一洋,确定他没有之前看到的那么狼狈和浑身是血,心里猜测应该是那个铠甲人的伪装。 His heart also relaxed under. 他心头也放松了下。 Has the magic weapon armor that the big brother gives, natural safe/without matter.” The Wang Yiyang sincere say/way, had not said slightly the armor was bypassed, almost got rid of matter. “有大兄给出的法宝铠甲,自然无事。”王一洋正色道,丝毫没说铠甲被绕过,差点被干掉的事。 This matter, said uselessly. 这种事,说了也没用。 Also may expose the card in hand. His eruption type to own strength grows, does not have the good explanation. 还可能会暴露自己底牌。他对自己实力的爆发式增长,没有好的解释。 A lie, must make up with more rumors. Powerhouse who must want to hide the truth from overswing permanent child level, is too difficult. 一个谎言,就必须用更多的谎言弥补。要想瞒过冲恒子这个层次的强者,太难。 Might as well said directly does not know. 还不如直接说不知道。 Clash/To looked at the next three people permanently, here was he most intimate three people. 冲恒看了下三人,这里就是他最亲近的三人了。 Looked at the surroundings again, that group of good friends of moral immortal sect, that should come has not come. 再看了看周围,道德仙宗的那群好友,该来的一个没来。 His heart flashes through cold intent immediately. 他心头顿时闪过一丝冷意。 But subordinate mark that he grasps, many demonstrates the grey, was obviously prohibited to surround. Isolated the news relation. 而他掌握的下属印记,也多是显示灰色,明显是被人封禁困住。或者隔离了讯息联系。 „ The strategy of this region was hoodwinked, except melting white, but also some people in view of me. “这一片区域的阵法都被人蒙蔽了,除开融皓子,还有人针对我。 After all, can hoodwink the strategy part, light melts the white child line, may be unable to achieve. ” 毕竟,能蒙蔽阵法局部的,光一个融皓子道子,可做不到。” Clash/To permanent cold sound said. 冲恒冷声道。 You can count on that after this matter, I will investigate thoroughly. He melts white to have the backstage, do I clash to be permanent?” “你们放心,这事之后,我会彻查。他融皓子有后台,难道我冲恒没有?” He before was only the self-confident strength, does not want to depend upon the elder. 他之前只是自信自己实力,不想依靠长辈罢了。 Wang Yiyang thinks that should also understand, to the permanent such temperament, is domineering and tyrannical, but can also the safe and sound so many years. 王一洋想想也该明白,冲恒这样的脾气,横行霸道,还能安然无恙这么多年。 Certainly some people support. 肯定有人在后支持。 After all no one is then stands in the peak from the beginning. 毕竟没有人是一开始便站在顶峰的。 You know fairly well well. “你心中有数就好。 From morning until evening the child cultivate/repair to high, is the distance to/clashes permanent level recent one. ”朝夕子修为最高,也是距离冲恒层面最近的一个。 This time matter, they, if made, the general situation has decided no one to open the mouth. But now they have not made, melt white to wait for the following pursuing responsibility.” “这次的事,他们如果做成了,大局已定无人会开口。但现在他们没做成,融皓子就等着后续的追责吧。” The following matter, Wang Yiyang has not participated in the qualifications, but for security, to prevent the enemy acts out of desperation, he must first and clear corpuscle the child same place, lives from morning until evening is flushing the permanent another cave mansion some time. 接下来的事,王一洋没有参与资格,但为了安全,为了防止敌人狗急跳墙,他得先和清微子朝夕子一起,住在冲恒的另一座洞府一段时间。 Clash/To permanent has not stated clearly, but lets him far away from the mysterious powerhouse who that severe wound melts white. 冲恒没有明说,只是让他远离那个重伤融皓子的神秘强者。 As for straddling of zones transmission of day demon sect, to raises permanently has not raised. 而至于天魔宗的跨界传送阵,冲恒提也没提。 Transmission process war complementary waves, have broken up several times quietly. 传送阵经过几次的大战余波,早就悄然崩解。 But the group star Coordinate, was leaks out. This matter, should to lend a hand to solve permanently. 但群星这边的坐标,算是泄露出去了。原本这种事,应该是冲恒出手解决。 But he pretends not to know now, is disinclined to pay attention. 但他现在装作不知道,懒得理会。 But another side, Su Xiaoxiao led the family member just to board the spaceship. 而另一边,苏小小带着家人刚刚登上飞船。 Immediately then receives the news that the security relieves. 马上便接到警戒解除的消息。 Wang Yiyang sank to arrange to succumb to nearby Harajuku star directly. 王一洋直接把原宿沉安排到了沉湎之星附近。 After this day demon sect vice- sovereign acts time one, wallowed the crowd of star lively life quickly. 这位天魔宗副宗主出手一次后,很快沉迷进了群星这边的繁华生活。 Compared with by seal in underground cavern. 比起被封印在地下洞窟里。 The long-time arid life, has made him constrain too for a long time. 长久的枯燥生活,早已让他压抑太久。 Practicing demon merit, this is to achieve my heart is the level of demon heart. 修行魔功者,本就是要达到我心即魔心的层次。 Having one's wish is the practicing correct path. 随心所欲才是修行正道。 Harajuku sank Wang Yiyang to cover in sovereign there, oneself naturally also need to lend a hand at crucial moments Wang Yiyang 12. 原宿沉有了王一洋在宗主那里打掩护,自己自然也需要在关键时刻帮衬王一洋一二。 Two people are in cahoots, temporarily forms the union. 两人算是狼狈为奸,暂时结成同盟。 A living in seclusion trial level big shot, guaranteed greatly security that succumbs to the star. 一位隐居的审判级大佬,大大保证了沉湎之星的安全。 The whole families have a false alarm, matter also calculates that passed. 一家人虚惊一场,事情也算过去了。 How later to permanent with melting white to fight secretly, that and Wang Yiyang has nothing to do. 之后冲恒与融皓子如何暗斗,那都和王一洋无关。 Has Harajuku to sink with the old god assists the stable situation. 有原宿沉和旧神辅助稳定局势。 Wang Yiyang also starts in the big brother cave mansion, practices with concentration. 王一洋也开始在大兄洞府内,潜心修行。 Moral immortal sect, with this time accident, raised big piece undercurrent internal fight. 道德仙宗内部,也随着这次的变故,掀起了大片暗流内斗。 But under such situation, the invasion power of day demon sect, turned over to the Wang Yiyang hand eventually. 而在这样的局势下,天魔宗的入侵大权,终究移交到了王一洋手中。 Sovereign closes up, vice- sovereign support, a beforehand elder because of advancing recklessly, but the body falls, state of mind entirely to extinguish. Also lost over a hundred million demon army. 宗主闭关,副宗主支持,之前的一位长老因为冒进而身陨,神魂俱灭。还损失了上亿的魔军。 All conditions help Wang Yiyang this day demon crown prince. 所有条件都有利于王一洋这位天魔太子。 Finally, Wang Yiyang had and group star foreign country all happening together power. 最终,王一洋掌握了和群星外域这边的一切交集大权。 Sovereign toward the arm of pleased great wild goose, reprimanded one to struggle the power elder slightly dry/does, then set the main tuning. 宗主朝悦鸿的一条手臂,稍稍斥责了一干争权长老,便定下了主调。 Naturally, is not complete ignores Wang Yiyang, set toward the pleased great wild goose, in hundred years, launch the day of demon sect situation group star. 当然,也不是完全放任王一洋,朝悦鸿定下了,百年内,在群星这边展开天魔宗局势。 This is the duty, is the test. 这是任务,也是考验。 Hence later, the immortal said that three here did not have too big conflict event. 至此之后,仙道三宗这里也没了太大的争端事件。 The group stars and ten thousand spirit sides are busy suppressing the spirit disaster, is incapable of outside attending. 群星和万灵方忙着镇压灵灾,无力外顾。 The immortal said that three are busy the resources star territory that digests to seize. 仙道三宗忙着消化占领的资源星域。 All were similar the initial stability and peaceful environment. 一切仿佛进了最初的安定和和平环境。 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Five years later. 五年后。 Enormous and powerful group star Vargas competition, has launched three. 浩浩荡荡的群星瓦格斯大赛,也已经展开了三届。 The group on-board level, the competition process, will produce the program simply, each region broadcast. 群星上层,干脆将竞赛过程,制作成了节目,各地播放。 And has many powerful players, gained the huge popularity in the competition. 其中有不少的强力选手,在竞赛中获取了巨大人气。 This also attracted more people to participate in disguised form. 这也变相的吸引了更多的人参加。 Three Vargas competitions, selected many candidates in various star clusters. 三届的瓦格斯大赛,在各星群选出了不少人选。 And Wang Yue and little fellows of Huilin two princes, in attended in the competition many times, grew much. 其中王越和慧琳两个王家的小家伙,也在多次参加比赛中,成长了不少。 Then, then should participate in the constellation level Vargas competition. 接下来,便是该参加星座层次的瓦格斯大赛。 The constellation competition, similarly is also three. The candidate of winning, will participate in crowd of stars always to match finally. 星座大赛,同样也是三届。获胜的人选,最终将参加群星总赛。 Five years, Su Xiaoxiao has no change as before. 五年时间,苏小小依旧没什么变化。 But two children actually get bigger and bigger. 13-year-old they, the surface seems like, is one meter about 67, the adult with short point was similar. 但两个孩子却越长越大。13岁的他们,表面看起来,已经有一米六七左右,和矮一点的成人差不多了。 Succumbs to Singapore and Hong Kong. 沉湎之星星港。 Mr. and Mrs. king Xiaosu, with Su Xiaoxiao together, delivers the Wang Yue Huilin two children, goes to the Sagittarius main star. 王小苏夫妇,和苏小小一起,送王越慧琳两个孩子,前往人马座主星。 Spaceship that comes to send and pick up, by constellation military direct management. The safety coefficient is extremely high. 前来接送的飞船,由星座军方直管。安全系数极高。 This important sports event that condensed the entire group star attention, no one dares to do the trick in this above. 这场凝聚了整个群星关注的重要赛事,没人敢在这上面搞猫腻。 Does not permit the stipulation that the family member delivers, is somewhat unreasonable. 只是不允许家属送的规定,有些不近人情。 Wang Yue stature strong, with younger sister Huiling Station in the same place, two people appearance is charming, the makings are calm. 王越身材健硕,和妹妹慧玲站在一起,两人容貌帅气精致,气质从容。 With succumbing to compared with other star participating people, wants conspicuously many. 和沉湎之星其他参赛的人相比,要显眼不少。 Relax, parents, Grandmother, we are attend the competition, does not do things. Participates to come back immediately.” “放心吧,爸妈,外婆,我们就是去参加比赛,不干什么事。参赛完马上回来。” Wang Yue some do not bear. 王越有些不耐。 Such big person, but also is worried about this worry that all day long. 都这么大的人了,还成天担心这个担心那个。 Like this before the bystander, appears him not to have the face very much. 这样在外人面前,显得他很没面子。 13-year-old he, learns martial arts wrestle assaulting from mother, a strength is quite considerable. 13岁的他,跟着母亲学习武道格斗搏击,一身的力量相当可观。 Moreover under the assistance of modulator, his strength, had far exceeded initially same age king Xiaosu. Reached the standard seven levels. 而且在调制器的辅助下,他的实力,已经远超过了当初同龄的王小苏。达到了标准的七级。 But nearby Huilin, then inherits mother had had the perfect stature. 而一旁的慧琳,则继承了母亲曾经有过的完美身材。 After first is raised curls upwards, the big long leg is fair, is equivalent. 前凸后翘,大长腿白皙晃眼,相当。 The 13-year-old age, has become charming attractively, clear and mature mixture. 才13岁的年纪,就已经出落得妩媚诱人,清纯和成熟夹杂。 „It is not did not feel relieved. But is this participating population are too many, under the competition, will have the contradiction unavoidably.” “不是不放心。而是这趟参赛的人数太多,竞争之下,难免会有矛盾。” Su Xiaoxiao sincere say/way, „, therefore, this time you arrived at the troops to advocate the star, remembered restrains everywhere, like do not have nothing to take into consideration at home.” 苏小小语重心长道,“所以,这次你们到了人马主星,记得处处收敛,不要像在家里这样没什么顾及。” Knew the grandmother.” Wang Yue waves, leading the younger sister to approach the spaceship entrance. “知道了外婆。”王越挥挥手,带着妹妹走近飞船入口。 The meeting person spaceship that the military sends is not big, can only accommodate ten people. 军方派来的接人飞船并不大,只能容纳十来人。 The contour seems like the pliers to be the same, except the pilot outside, only has two brother and sister and an aimer. 外形像是钳子一样,除开驾驶员外,就只有两兄妹和一个引导员。 The quick spaceship closes slowly, the lift-off takes off. 很快飞船缓缓关门,升空起飞。 Su Xiaoxiao raises head the spaceship that looks is gradually going far away, on the face shows a happy expression slightly. 苏小小仰头望着逐渐远去的飞船,脸上微微露出一丝笑意。 „Does mother, two children first time go to such far place? You were not worried even, how also to smile?” “妈,两个孩子头一次去这么远的地方?您不担心就算了,怎么还笑起来了?” king Xiaosu is discontented to say. 王小苏不满道。 „It is not was not worried.” Su Xiaoxiao shakes the head, „, but was that side your father just goes out. That side this troops star, some people look.” “不是不担心。”苏小小摇头,“而是你爸那边刚好出关了。这次人马星那边,有人照顾。” Constellation main star does there have father's relations?” king Xiaosu surprised say/way. “星座主星那里也有爸的关系?”王小苏惊讶道。 Un. But a little, are not many, develops. However is good because of this him will also pass together.” Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile. “嗯。有一点,但不多,是才发展的。不过好在这趟他也会一起过去。”苏小小笑道。 „Will father also go? That felt relieved!” king Xiaosu relaxes actually. “爸也会去?那就放心多了!”王小苏倒是松了口气。 Drizzt also knows the influence of prince in these years at the same time. 崔斯特在一边这些年也知道王家的势力。 Succumbs to the star, under prince's operation, these years, has formed a standard place tyrants -type respected family. 沉湎之星,在王家的经营下,这些年,已经形成了一个标准的地方豪强式的大家族。 Although the family scale is not big, occupies the degrees of 34 stars. 家族规模虽然不大,也就是占据三四个星球的程度。 But the influence is quite astonishing. 但影响力相当惊人。 These from succumbing to the star silver leaf castle university, in many academic exchanges, gain the reason of higher and higher right to speak. 这些都是源自于沉湎之星的银叶石堡大学,在诸多学术交流上,获取越来越高话语权的缘故。 The silver leaf castle university last year, was successfully evaluated the bow of first ten famous universities hunting. 银叶石堡大学在去年,成功被评为狩猎之弓前十著名大学。 The scholar researchers who go out, are permeating under bow of hunting many star clusters gradually. 从中走出的学者研究者们,正逐步渗入狩猎之弓麾下的诸多星群。 Every year will have the scholar of large quantities of coming further education, arrives succumbs to the star. 每年都会有大批的前来进修的学者,来到沉湎之星。 But prince who grasps the silver leaf castle, naturally also when production costs rise, prices rise too. The influence rapidly expands. Stepped in industry, from industry, to trade, again to medical biochemistry. 而掌握银叶石堡的王家,自然也水涨船高。影响力迅速扩大。涉足的产业,从工业,到贸易,再到医疗生化等。 Various aspects develop quite astonishingly. 各方面都发展得相当惊人。 Wang Yue Huilin, bored roves in the spaceship cabin. 王越慧琳两人,无聊的在飞船船舱里转来转去。 Initial curiosity in the past, two children did not have the interest. 初始的新鲜感过去后,两个孩子也没了兴致。 Here past must fly for three days, do we treat for three days on this spaceship? Was bored!” Wang Yue agitated say/way. “这边过去要飞三天呢,我们就这么在这飞船上待三天?无聊死了!”王越烦躁道。 Sleeps, puts on make-up, study. Some lot can be done.” Compared with the Elder Brother, Huilin is calmer. “睡觉,化妆,学习。有很多事情可以做。”和哥哥相比,慧琳就淡定许多。 That is also very bothersome, I study do not put on make-up!” Wang Yue pulls the hair. “那也很烦啊,我又不学化妆!”王越抓了抓头发。 That practices martial arts. Didn't you most like practicing martial arts?” Huilin looked at Elder Brother one eyes. “那就练武。你不是最喜欢练武了?”慧琳看了哥哥一眼。 Cannot bear, I deceive the mother, but also really thinks that I do like fighting? That was too stupid.” Wang Yue agitated say/way. “受不了,我骗老妈的而已,还真以为我喜欢打架啊?那太蠢了。”王越烦躁道。 That what to do?” Huilin shrugged , indicating that I do not have idea. “那怎么办?”慧琳摊了摊手,表示我也没辙。 Was inferior, we chat that.” About Wang Yue looked, lowers the sound to collect the shortcut. “不如,我们来聊聊那个。”王越左右看了看,压低声音凑近道。 He is mystical, the look is dreadful, looks at Huilin unable to bear protect the chest. 他神神秘秘,眼神猥琐,看得慧琳忍不住一把护着胸口。 If you forgot yourself are my blood brother's status, I think that what the aimer uncle on spaceship will make you feel the egg is broken.” “如果你忘了自己是我亲哥的身份,我想飞船上的引导员叔叔会让你感受什么叫蛋碎。” Thinks the wool! You think that I can have a liking for you!” Wang Yue fire is big, I mean that! That sound!” “想毛啊!你以为我能看得上你!”王越火大起来,“我是说那个!那个声音!” He approaches lowers the sound. „Did you also hear? That sound.” 他凑近压低声音。“你也听到了吧?那个声音。” Huilin looks calm, managed black long straight beautiful hair, sits the physique. 慧琳神情自若,理了理黑长直秀发,坐正身姿。 She proud stature, under this stance, was joined to the fans woolen sweater, in the white the skirt, again additional clear slender white silk beautiful leg. 她原本傲人的身材,在这个姿态下,配上粉丝毛衣,白色中裙,再加圆润修长的白丝美腿。 Immediately compels to move forcefully toward the one side Wang Yue's line of sight. 顿时硬生生把王越的视线逼得朝一旁挪去。 After all is the biological younger sister, even the impulsion of youngster again how intense, does not dare to have the thoughts. 毕竟是自己亲妹,就算少年的冲动再怎么强烈,也不敢动心思。 Heard.” Huilin replied calm. “听到了。”慧琳淡定回答。 Then? Aren't you curious? Why does that sound solely look for us?” Wang Yue inquired. “然后呢?你不觉得好奇么?那个声音为什么单单找上我们?”王越询问道。 You can ask.” Huilin tranquil say/way. “你可以问问。”慧琳平静道。 Different with the Elder Brother, she is father's here education that has is since childhood many. 和哥哥不同,从小她便是接受的父亲这边的教育较多。 As her who the future inherits the father surname, by hope and expectation that Drizzt pins, are not less than the Elder Brother. 作为未来继承父亲姓氏的她,被崔斯特寄托的希望和憧憬,并不比哥哥少。 The direction is different. 只是方向不同罢了。 Therefore Huilin mental is also maturer than the contemporaries. 所以慧琳的心智也远比同龄人成熟。 That thing, that sound, I always felt deceiving people. Recently the number of times that I heard also started more and more. I a little worried that...” Wang Yue said earnestly in a low voice. Same. ” Huilin is brief and to the point. The look somewhat is slightly dignified. “那东西,那个声音,我总感觉是在骗人。最近我听到的次数也开始越来越多了。我有点担心...”王越认真低声道。一样。”慧琳言简意赅。只是神色微微有些凝重。 That what to do?” Wang Yue knits the brows to say. “那怎么办?”王越皱眉道。 Their families, in people's eyes, are truly rich and powerful. 他们的家族,在常人眼里,确实有钱有势。 But two people are the field of vision broad people, roughly understands, own strength localization, is what level in the constellation probably. 但两人都是视野广阔之人,也大致明白,自家的实力定位,大概在星座里属于什么层次。 Before for several years, the after grandfather of family pillar/backbone retires to disappear quietly . Simultaneously after an immortal backer also retires. 自从数年前,家族支柱的外公悄然引退消失后。同时在仙道的靠山也同时引退后。 The princes are rapid the restraining point, the relieved operation, three points of place, the operation results in the iron bucket general. 王家便迅速收敛锋芒,安心经营,将一某三分地,经营得铁桶一般。 Every so often may be far less than that beforehand is so unyielding. 很多时候可远不如以前那么硬气。 „Are little fellows, you saying me?” In two people hesitate the worry. “小家伙们,你们是在说我?”就在两人迟疑担心时。 An old sound resounds from two people ears. 一个苍老的声音从两人耳边响起。
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