MI :: Volume #4

#363: Transforms one

Newest website: Melts white rashly, although knows in front of oneself sends people to seize Wang Yiyang, does not know why he will brave suddenly, rushes to here. 最新网址:融皓子不由分说,虽然知道自己前面派人去抓捕过王一洋,也不知道他为什么会突然冒出来,跑到这里来。 But since sees the opportunity, truth that has not let off. 但既然看到机会,就没有放过的道理。 His twinkle, takes the lead one step to charge into Wang Yiyang. 他一个闪烁,率先一步冲向王一洋 Wang Yiyang heart one happy. 王一洋心头一喜。 He is the plan first and converged to the permanent child, then makes the plan, since melts white to approach now on own initiative. 原本他是打算先和冲恒子汇合,再做打算,既然现在融皓子主动靠近。 That is naturally better. 那自然更好。 His whole body is the blood, the facial expression is distressed. Sees friendly white that presents towering, first stares. 他浑身是血,神情狼狈。看到突兀出现的融皓子,先是一愣。 Immediately in great surprise, must turn around to flee. 随即大惊,就要转身逃离。 What a pity was too late. 可惜太晚了。 Melts white child long/grows to smile one, puts out a hand to change into the giant blue sharp claws, a claw grasps toward Wang Yiyang. 融皓子长笑一声,伸手化为巨大蓝色利爪,一爪朝王一洋抓去。 The huge sharp claws will cover several hundred kilometers range shortly, just like hill pressure on Wang Yiyang. 庞大利爪顷刻间覆盖数百公里范围,宛如小山般压向王一洋 Wraps his all running away directions. 包裹住他所有逃遁方向。 Clash/To permanent, today I want you to look helplessly own most own person dies before you!” “冲恒,今日我要你眼睁睁看着自己最亲的人死在你面前!” Melts white child both hands to exude the blue light, the innumerable white smokes entangle the diversion from him, wells up toward Wang Yiyang. 融皓子双手泛起蓝光,无数白烟从他身上萦绕飞起,朝着王一洋涌去。 You dare!!” Clash/To the permanent child distant sensation, the startled anger happened simultaneously, both hands illusory image coincides, divides again. “你敢!!”冲恒子远远感知到,惊怒交加,双手幻影般相合,再分。 In the palms impressively are that many golden Sun a combustion revolves. 掌心之间赫然多出一颗燃烧旋转的金色太阳。 The terrifying really Yuan of burning down gasification entire galaxy, the total condenses to his palm in sufficiently, must hold to make. 足以焚烧气化整个恒星系的恐怖真元,全数凝聚到他掌心中,就要一掌打出。 Even if just he so-called strongest sword that to induce friendly white, puts forth, does not have really a Yuan great quantity that at this time erupts. 就算是刚刚他为了诱导融皓子,使出的所谓最强一剑,也没有此时爆发的真元巨量。 But even if he is how quick, compared with melting white still eventually slowly one step. 但就算他如何快,比起融皓子也终究慢了一步。 Melts a white claw to grasp toward Wang Yiyang, his wish let feel and him to the permanent child initially the same pain. 融皓子一爪朝王一洋抓去,他想要让冲恒子感受和他当初一样的痛苦。 Kills person who the opposite party most own most loves, this is only the first step! 杀死对方最亲最爱的人,这只是第一步! Your body does not die! My heart difficult secure!!” Melts white to laugh, “你身不死!我心难安!!”融皓子大笑, Feels huge really Yuan fluctuation that pursues to come behind tightly. 感受到身后紧追而来的巨大真元波动。 Stimulated the world drying furnace condition is truly strong to the permanent child, can support their two people to besiege such for a long time. 激发了天地烘炉状态的冲恒子确实很强,能支撑他们两人围攻这么久。 But also that is all. 但也仅此而已了。 Melts white to slow the tempo intentionally, waits for really the Yuan to pursue behind. 融皓子故意放慢速度,等着身后真元追上来。 He is calculating to the position that the permanent child catches up with, with continuing forever Noverraz of meeting is calculating the time. 他计算着冲恒子追上的方位,和永续会的诺维拉一起计算着时机。 So long as flickers, under flushing permanent child violent anger, defends to have the loophole flickers. 只要一瞬,在冲恒子暴怒之下,防御出现漏洞的一瞬。 He can seize the opportunity, instantaneous solution fight. 他就能抓住机会,瞬间解决战斗。 As the back Yuan is really getting more and more near, more and more nearly. 随着背后真元越来越近,越来越近。 Melts on the white child face cannot help but shows a strange smile. 融皓子脸上不由自主的露出一丝诡异微笑。 Contends the millenniums, you must die in my hand eventually.’ ‘相争千年,终究你还是要死在我手上。’ In being similar under the feeling amazingly quick response. 在类似于时感般的神速反应下。 Although to the speed of permanent child, in people's eyes, has been close to the speed of light infinitely, even the middle jump twinkle, has exceeded the speed of light unceasingly. 尽管冲恒子的速度,在一般人眼里,已经是无限接近光速,甚至中间不断跳跃闪烁,已经超越光速。 But in melting white child and in Noverraz eyes, as before is traceable. 但在融皓子和诺维拉眼里,依旧是有迹可循。 Two people gather the potential simultaneously, the appearance that the waiting flickers best. 两人同时蓄势,等待最佳一瞬的出现。 Is getting more and more near to the distance of permanent child, more and more nearly. 冲恒子的距离越来越近,越来越近。 Kilometer. 千米。 Hundred meters. 百米。 Ten meters. 十米。 Close! 近在咫尺! Is now!” “就是现在!” Melts white child to mobilize all strengths, the complete all really Yuan, condenses the fist big or small water ball, in the spheroid has innumerable living creature rune/symbol writing to hover. 融皓子调动所有力量,全部的一切真元,凝聚成拳头大小水球,球体内有无数活物般的符文游动。 He turns around rapidly, both hands support the water ball, toward flushing the permanent child positive/direct bang goes. 他急速转身,双手托住水球,朝冲恒子正面轰去。 At the same time, Noverraz is also flushing the permanent child to flash before behind acts. 同一时间,诺维拉也在冲恒子身后闪现出手。 Miniature machine armor agitates the maximum power, ultra frequency energy cutting blade, in machine armor energy furnace under promotes extra, erupts sufficiently the damage machine armor body strongest might. 微型机甲鼓动最大功率,超频能量切割刃,在机甲能源炉的超额推动下,爆发出足以损伤机甲机体的最强威力。 This is Noverraz strongest strikes, if failed, then he of body damage, the strength will not be enough to participate in the fight of this level. 这是诺维拉的最强一击,如果失败,那么机体损伤的他,实力将远不足以参与这个层次的战斗。 After all he is also only the star level. Taking advantage of continuing forever top miniature machine armor of meeting, can fight in the trial level. 毕竟他本身也只是恒星层。只是借着永续会的顶级微型机甲,才能在审判级争锋。 Around two people converging attack, so long as melts white child can shoulder permanently to the strikes, then Noverraz can strike in the back hit fatally. 两人前后夹击,只要融皓子能扛住冲恒的这一击,那么诺维拉就能在背后命中致命一击。 The water ball and in combustion Sun to permanent hand bump into directly, in just instance of contact. 水球和冲恒手中的燃烧太阳正面相撞,就在刚刚接触的瞬间。 Water polo , no omen is defeated and dispersed. 水球噗的一下,毫无预兆的溃散开来。 Melts the white child look delay, looks down an own chest broken blood hole. 融皓子神色呆滞,低头看着自己胸口被破开的一个血洞。 His back Wang Yiyang the body is desalinating at this time slowly vanishes, reveals a rear jet black armor human form. 他背后的王一洋此时身体正缓缓淡化消失,露出更后方的一名漆黑铠甲人形。 Is day of demon sect vice- sovereign Harajuku sinks impressively. 赫然是天魔宗副宗主原宿沉。 You .....!?” Melting white is simply unbelievable. “你.....!?”融皓子简直难以置信。 The surrounding all trial levels, he has investigated clearly, is impossible to brave such a powerhouse baseless. 周围所有审判级,他都早已调查清楚,不可能凭空冒出来一个这样的强者。 Also is close is so near, he had not discovered unexpectedly! 还接近这么近,他居然都没发现! The entire situation, should be right in his grasping! 整个局势,应该都在他的掌握之中才对! This fellow... .... 这个家伙...到底.... ! 噗! Melts the white child whole body to tremble, the chest blood hole expands rapidly, starts to spread toward all around. 融皓子浑身一颤,胸口血洞急速扩大,开始朝着四周蔓延。 Very good .... This game, calculates that you won.” “很好....这一局,算你赢了。” Melts the white child heart to flash through the innumerable thoughts, but the situation to this, he has lost. 融皓子心头闪过无数念头,但局势到此,他已经输了。 Noverraz's making a move, had been set aside the hand repels at this time to the permanent child with ease. 诺维拉的出手,此时已经被腾出手的冲恒子轻松击退。 Saw that the important matter is not wonderful, the temporary ally that this continues forever the meeting without delay, turns around to walk. 见到大事不妙,这位永续会的临时盟友二话不说,转身就走。 Also feared to the permanent child. But his such battle-trained powerhouse, naturally cannot be silly is tarrying to stare blankly. 冲恒子也是惊住了。但他这样久经战阵的强者,自然不会傻着呆住发怔。 First then follows up a victory with hot pursuit, coordinates that not well-known powerhouse, a world drying furnace really Yuan palm, beats severely again is melting the white child head. 第一时间便乘胜追击,配合那名不知名强者,一记天地烘炉真元掌,重重打在融皓子头部。 Does not wait for him to leave a message, then establishes the war chance. 不等他留言,便奠定战局胜机。 Bang!! 嘭!! Melts the white entire body under two huge really Yuan extrusions, loudly scrap. Changes into the innumerable blue light points. 融皓子整个身体在两股巨大真元挤压下,轰然炸碎。化为无数蓝光点。 But is at the point of death, he has not changed countenance. 但就是临死,他也没有丝毫动容。 Even such hopeless situation, can successfully reverse, to permanent, it seems like it was I underestimates you. Next time .... Next time .... “连这样的绝境,都能成功逆转,冲恒,看来是我小看你了。下次....下一次....” Melts white the sensation to surge in this space finally unceasingly, then finally is pale, vanishes. 融皓子的感知最后在这片空间不断激荡,然后最终淡去,消失。 Day demon sect vice- sovereign Harajuku sank with put in an appearance permanently to right, each one quite had the retreat of tacit understanding of spread out. 天魔宗副宗主原宿沉和冲恒对了个照面,各自颇有默契的后退拉开距离。 Harajuku sinks is willing to give a Wang Yiyang face. 原宿沉是愿意给王一洋一个面子。 Although present Wang Yiyang is very weak, but many increases in the body, real demon protect the body, as well as sovereign toward pleased great wild goose asylum. 虽然现在的王一洋很弱,但有诸多增幅在身,还有真魔器护体,以及宗主朝悦鸿庇护。 At most millenniums, Wang Yiyang can rise smoothly. 顶多千年,王一洋就能顺利崛起。 Such potential stock, naturally is worth the upfront investment. 这样的潜力股,自然值得提前投资。 Clash/To the permanent child was not clear completely opposite this powerhouse is what origin. 冲恒子是完全不清楚对面这强者是什么来历。 But since aims at friendly white, the enemy of enemy is a friend. 但既然是针对融皓子的,敌人的敌人就是朋友。 Moreover by his present condition, is not suitable to cause complications. 而且以他现在的状态,并不适合节外生枝。 Two people separate the move back, then Harajuku sinks to jump, changes into the black smoke to vanish does not see. 两人分开拉远,然后原宿沉一个纵身,化为黑烟消失不见。 Clash/To permanent, then the closing eyes sensation, seeks to continue forever of meeting vice- to lord the whereabouts. 冲恒则闭目感知,寻找永续会的那个副会主下落。 Dares to design to encircle kills him, must prepare for by that he retaliates. 敢设计围杀他,就要做好被他报复的准备。 The outbreak of war one, just also the white light blue sea, handed over Hong furnace who fights to say the palace area, at this time rapidly is also quiet. 战端一了,刚刚还白光蓝海,交相争锋的洪炉道宫区,此时也迅速沉寂下来。 With really a Yuan recycling and eruption dispersing. 随着真元的回收和爆发散开。 Entire this star territory, only leaves behind gasified fog shape group. And some edge by luck crushed cosmic dust. 整个这片星域,只留下被气化的云雾状团体。以及一些边缘侥幸只是被粉碎的宇宙尘埃。 Before all, vanished without a trace. 之前所有的一切,都消失得无影无踪。 In distant place meteorites. 远处陨石群中。 In Baisha. 白沙号内。 One group of black smokes condense rapidly, model to form the complete form that Harajuku sinks. 一团黑烟急速凝聚,塑形成原宿沉的完整身影。 But before his body. 而在他身前。 The Wang Yiyang form from the empty reality, returns from the real world rapidly. 王一洋身影从虚化实,急速从真实世界重新回归。 Your this, very little fellow like former that mouse. Very thorny.” Harajuku sinks to see that the Wang Yiyang use the actual situation transforms Ability, quite appreciation. “你这一手,很像之前那个老鼠一样的小家伙。很是棘手啊。”原宿沉看出王一洋使用的虚实转换能力,相当赞赏。 Present Wang Yiyang, is actually not an entity, but is one by really Yuan and other methods, empty body that condenses. 眼前的王一洋,其实并非实体,而是一个由真元和其他手段,凝聚出的虚体。 The true day demon crown prince, obviously hides in other levels. 真正的天魔太子,明显躲藏在其他层面。 You overpraised.” “您过奖了。” The crisis relieves, the Wang Yiyang heart relaxes, but melts white obviously not dead finally, matter cannot thoroughly settle. 危机解除,王一洋心头松了口气,只是融皓子最后明显没死,事情没能彻底了结。 Does not need to care, to the real demon boundary, who didn't keep outside how many bodies outside the incarnation and so on thing? One can kill, that called the accident/surprise.” “不用在意,到了真魔境界,谁不在外留几个身外化身之类的东西?一下就能杀死,那才叫意外。” Harajuku sinking answered. 原宿沉解释道。 Did not say the strength, solely can live this level, lives this boundary. Lacking maintaining life card in hand on no.” “不说实力,单单能活到这个层次,活到这个境界的。就没有哪个缺少保命底牌。” Younger generation understands.” Wang Yiyang nods. Does not know that the senior then does have what plan?” “晚辈明白。”王一洋点头。“不知前辈接下来有何打算?” „Aren't you here some base industry? Helps the old man calculate, finds the place of remote edge to be good. Naturally, the person must be many enough!” “你不是在这里有些基业么?帮老夫算算,找个偏僻边缘的地方就好。当然,人要够多!” Harajuku sinks is not nitpicking. 原宿沉并不挑剔。 Younger generation makes contribution.” The Wang Yiyang troublesome solution, the mood is also better. “晚辈尽力。”王一洋麻烦解决,心情也舒畅许多。 Although cannot get rid of friendly white thoroughly, but at present a predicament solution, that is day of high Ren Niaofei, sea extravagant depending on fish dive. 虽然没能彻底干掉融皓子,但眼前困局一解,那便是天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。 Melts the method strength exposure of white, wants to plan at present this level again, that was difficult. 融皓子的手段实力曝光,再想谋划到眼前这个层次,那就难了。 Crown prince do not forget, owes the old man a favor.” Harajuku sinking sound is low and deep, looks to Wang Yiyang. “太子别忘记,欠老夫一个人情。”原宿沉声音低沉,看向王一洋 This nature!” Wang Yiyang said with a smile. “这个自然!”王一洋笑道。 Two people satisfy this exchange. 两人都满意这次的交换。 Wang Yiyang since then, can seize the chance to control the infiltration and connection to group star. 王一洋自此之后,可以趁机掌控对群星这边的渗透和连接。 But vice- sovereign Harajuku sinks, then can obtain the shield of Wang Yiyang, so long as the sect gate strategy does not induce on own initiative, his a lot can arrange calmly. 而副宗主原宿沉,则可以得到王一洋的掩护,只要宗门阵法不主动感应,他很多事情都能从容布置。 Has Wang Yiyang this day demon crown prince power shield again, later lives simply should not be too enjoyable. 再有王一洋这个天魔太子大权掩护,以后过日子简直不要太舒心。 Two people thoughts are grave, has own calculation. 两人心思深重,都有自己的盘算。 This matter was also. 这次事情也算是了了。 In Baisha, the present is a face is inexplicable, does not know completely had anything. 只是白沙号内的伊芙,现在还是一脸莫名,完全不知道发生了什么。 When she has gotten back one's composure, Harajuku sinks has left, only then the Wang Yiyang complexion is alone tranquil, sits in master control. 等她回过神,原宿沉已经离开,只有王一洋独自面色平静,坐在主控室内。 A lot of confusion, but she may I ask. 伊芙一肚子的困惑,但她不敢问。 Just the sensation of that armor person, just like the mountain range in the ant, was only a look, made her whole body unable to move unbendingly. 刚刚那个铠甲人的感知,宛如山峦之于蚂蚁,只是一个眼神,就让她浑身僵直动弹不得。 Do not fear.” Wang Yiyang as if saw her timid. “不要怕。”王一洋似乎看出了她的胆怯。 Your old god is powerful, but has not grown to restore now. “你们旧神实力强大,只是现在还没成长恢复起来而已。 So long as and other temples constructed, you unseal together, in the future can sweep away all absolutely. Just that person, but was worried that was remembered the retaliation by you. Therefore hurried to run. ” 只要等神庙建好,你们一起解封,未来绝对能横扫一切。刚刚那人,只是担心被你记住报复。所以赶紧就跑了。” Wang Yiyang said earnestly: Relax, as the collaborator, I will assist you full power!” 王一洋认真道:“放心,作为合作者,我会全力协助你们!” This crowd of old Shentou brains are simple, the strength is good, happen to the achievement assists him to supplement part that plans. 这群旧神头脑简单,实力还行,正好作为协助他补充谋划的一部分。 He naturally cannot let off the ready-made boost. 他自然不会放过现成的助力。 I .... To say anything, but actually anything also says suddenly. “我....”伊芙想说些什么,但却一时间什么也说不出口。 Looks at somewhat strange Wang Yiyang, when her heart does not know, follows to raise to fear intent. 看着有些陌生的王一洋,她心头不知道什么时候,也跟着升起一丝惧意。 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Knits the brows to the permanent child float in the palace wreckage, recalled that the beforehand younger brother reminded his some words, that armor person who just presented inexplicably. 冲恒子皱眉悬浮在道宫残骸中,回想之前弟弟提醒他的一些话,还有刚刚莫名出现的那具铠甲人。 Positively charged electron draws in the relations with this existence? His level is too low, is unlikely to transfer the real immortal level powerhouse.” “阳子是怎么和这种存在拉上关系的?他的层次太低,不大可能能调动真仙级强者。” „The biggest possibility, should some people use him, takes the opportunity to plan friendly white. Otherwise was unable to explain all such just the coincidence.” “最大的可能,应该是有人在利用他,借机算计融皓子。否则无法解释一切都这么刚刚巧合。” Thinks some people plan to use oneself family member, flashes past to the permanent child eyeground cool color. 一想到有人打算利用自己的家人,冲恒子眼底冷色一闪而过。 It seems like increased the protection to the surroundings person is good.” “看来得加大对周围人的保护才行了。” But changes mind thinks, even if increases the protection, this and other real immortal level powerhouses send out, even stays side he himself, is unsafe. 但转念一想,就算是加大保护,这等真仙级强者出动,就算是呆在他自己身边,也不保险。 Is pondering, two white escaping light jump to come from the distant place twinkle suddenly, appears in his body side, changes into two human form. 正思考着,忽地两道白色遁光从远处闪烁跳跃而来,在他身侧浮现,化为两个人形。 One is the clear corpuscle, one is a child from morning until evening. 一个是清微子,一个是朝夕子。 Both people somewhat are distressed, but is nonhazardous. 两人身上都有些狼狈,但并无危险。 Has you to prepare the good card in hand fortunately ahead of time in the hand, otherwise this also really possible danger.” From morning until evening the child sincere looks to flushing permanently. “还好有你提前准备好的底牌在手,否则这趟还真可能危险了。”朝夕子正色看向冲恒。 Father, mother, some people are also planning friendly white fortunately, otherwise I, sad.” Clash/To permanent briefed under just situation simply. “父亲,母亲,这趟还好有人也在算计融皓子,否则我这一关,难过。”冲恒简单介绍了下刚刚的情况。 Listened to just bad risk war, the clear corpuscle and child complexion got up from morning until evening with deep veneration. 听完刚刚的凶险战局,清微子和朝夕子面色都肃然起来。 Your younger brother?” From morning until evening the child asked. “你弟弟呢?”朝夕子问。 Father mother, big brother.” “父亲母亲,大兄。” The Wang Yiyang escaping light also flies rapidly from the distant place, falls before three people. 王一洋的遁光也从远处急速飞来,落在三人身前。
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