MI :: Volume #4

#362: Complex situation two

Newest website: That is uncertain, now crown prince has decided that toward pleased great wild goose, if breaks through successfully, said fortunately, if failed, our joint crown prince, grasps real demon and sect Menda, by that time is the completely new world!” Armor person cold -ly snorted and said. 最新网址:“那可不一定,如今太子已定,朝悦鸿若是突破成功,还好说,若是失败,我们联合太子,掌握真魔器和宗门大阵,到那时便是全新天地!”铠甲人冷哼道。 „Did you decide?” “你决定了?” Naturally! Is this foreign invasion, not just the most appropriate good opportunity?” The armor person said with a smile. “当然!这次外敌入侵,不正是最恰当的好机会?”铠甲人笑道。 My day demon sect sweeps away ten thousand boundary/world, is vertically and horizontally invincible, now unexpectedly some people dare to provoke face to face, strokes to sect Menben the section 36 territories. “我天魔宗横扫万界,纵横无敌,现在居然有人敢当面挑衅,一击打到宗门本部三十六域。 in emotion in reason, my vice- sovereign should act to be solved is. ” 于情于理,我这个副宗主都应该出面解决才是。” You think well good. Then, I then in such your good news.” In the darkness, the god knows responds slowly. “你想好就好。那么,我便在此等你好消息。”黑暗中,神识缓缓回应。 The armor person sneers. 铠甲人冷笑一声。 My heart is the demon heart, my meaning is the divine intervention. This is the head-family primary intention, where has divine intervention that clings to tenaciously the prisoner's cage?” “我心即魔心,我意即天意。这本就是本宗主旨,哪有死守囚笼的天意?” He no longer pays attention behind, crosses the front door with stride, changes into one group of black smokes, vanishes without the trace. 他不再理会身后,大步越过大门,化为一团黑烟,消失无踪。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... On meteor. 陨星上。 Wang Yiyang looks at the white light and blue sea that the distant place sparkle is erupting distantly. 王一洋遥遥望着远处闪耀爆发的白光和蓝海。 Just that struck, forcefully accurate entered the straddling of zones strategy, its accuracy made Wang Yiyang also cannot help but probably praise one to be accurate secretly enough. 刚刚那一击,硬生生精准的打进跨界阵法,其准确度让王一洋也不由得暗自要夸一句够准。 Big brother before permanent child called a preventive inoculation him slightly, mentioned this matter. 大兄冲恒子之前只是稍稍给他打了个预防针,提了点这事。 Wang Yiyang only said that this is the possibility helpful subsequent hand. 王一洋只说这是个可能有帮助的后手。 Without thinking to permanent child of execution, said should, then achieves. 没想到冲恒子的执行力之强,说应下,便做到。 Wang Yiyang wields the real demon long night bead, meanwhile the body is sect Menda a in addition holds the increase. 王一洋执掌真魔器永夜珠,同时还身系宗门大阵的加持增幅。 The nature had known about the day demon sect that side situation. 自然对天魔宗那边的情况有所了解。 Just that struck, vast momentum, the might was astonishing, destroyed the star to extinguish moon/month, did not have to prevent. 刚刚那一击,声势浩大,威力惊人,一路摧星灭月,无所阻挡。 When the result is erupting, 结果正在爆发时, Was annihilated by the unknown mysterious strength at the scene. 被未知神秘力量当场湮灭。 Therefore clearly, had sect Mennei the true powerhouse to act. 所以很明显,是有宗门内的真正强者出手了。 ‚ After day demon sect Zichao pleased great wild goose, before competed with three of sovereign position vice- sovereign, was assigned to guard the underground devil's lair. ‘天魔宗自朝悦鸿后,之前竞争宗主之位的三位副宗主,都被分配去看守地下魔窟。 Strength of trial level, only then the trial level can counter-balance. 审判级的力量,就只有审判级能抵消。 Does not know just acted. ’ 只是不知道刚刚出手的到底是哪一位。’ In the Wang Yiyang heart calculates. 王一洋心中盘算。 „Are we treating? What doesn't do?” Nearby is somewhat puzzled. “我们就这么待着?什么也不做?”一旁的伊芙有些不解。 Is waiting well.” Wang Yiyang tranquil say/way. “等着就好。”王一洋平静道。 This doing did, now wants the waiting is. 该做的都做了,现在只要等待就是。 Suffers setbacks without the elder Yin, even if has not died, was half is still remnant. 阴无长老受挫,就算没死,也是半残了。 Happen to verifies the suggestion and advice of beforehand Wang Yiyang. 正好印证之前王一洋的建议和劝告。 If from the beginning, does not have persuasion that Yin can listen to his, is insufficient to fall to this situation. 如果一开始,阴无能够听他的劝说,也不至于落到这个地步。 The armies fall from the sky, oneself are also unable to defend oneself. 大军陨灭,自己也自身难保。 Wang Yiyang lifts the hand to look at the time, the record on hand link, the demonstration now is around 1 : 00 pm. 王一洋抬手看了看时间,手环上的记录,显示现在已经是夜晚 1 点多。 Regardless of where the group star time can unify directly. 群星时间无论在哪里都能直接统一。 I can do only then these.” Wang Yiyang looked again round bead that sees clearly the corpuscle and from morning until evening the child. “我能做的就只有这些了。”王一洋再度看了看清微子和朝夕子的圆珠。 Determined that their also is well, felt relieved slightly. 确定他们还平安无事,才稍稍放心。 He has also sent many flying demons in the past. Hopes safe/without matter. 他好歹也已经派了不少飞天夜叉过去。希望无事。 Started!” Suddenly he raised the head, looked and melts the white three people of fighting places again to the distant place to the permanent child. “开始了!”忽然他抬头,再度看向远处冲恒子和融皓子三人交手的地方。 Several galaxy regions that piece connects a body, white light has reduced the area at this time gradually, obviously has started to demonstrate the declining tendency to the permanent child. 那片联成一体的数个星系区域,此时其中的白光已经渐渐缩小面积,显然冲恒子已经开始显示颓势了。 But Wang Yiyang is not anxious, but narrows the staring moment, immediately the attention will look to the straddling of zones gate place. 王一洋丝毫不急,而是眯眼凝视片刻,随即将注意力看向跨界门处。 What are you looking at?” In one side only felt that the whole body is scared. “你在看什么?”伊芙在一旁只感觉浑身发毛。 She wants to hurry to leave here now, but Wang Yiyang does not walk, she cannot leave. 她现在就想赶紧离开这里,但王一洋不走,她也走不掉。 She depends entirely on the Wang Yiyang sensation package now, can not by the black silk thread fetter of old god. 她如今全靠王一洋的感知包裹,才能不被旧神的黑色丝线束缚。 Otherwise once leaves, she first will be pulled by the silk thread strong heart. 否则一旦离开,她第一时间就会被丝线强心拉扯回去。 Is looking at the variable.” Wang Yiyang tranquil say/way. “在看变数。”王一洋平静道。 His also several plan links, by determining the final outcome, can achieve like him think such. 他原本还有几个计划环节,以确定最终结果,能达到像他所想的那样一样。 However, the coordination of big brother, making him save many times. 不过,大兄的配合,让他省了不少功夫。 That was directed the leaning light beam together, simply is the perfect secondary attack. 那一道被引偏的光柱,简直就是完美助攻。 Dies without the body Yin, the army was destroyed most, if the day demon sect this had not responded that really had no way to suppress subordinate 36 territory many ten thousand boundary/world. 阴无身死,大军被摧毁大半,天魔宗要是这样还没反应,那就真的没法镇压麾下三十六域诸多万界了。 Therefore now and other counter-attack of day demon sect. 所以现在就在等天魔宗的反击。 Came.” Suddenly the Wang Yiyang heart moves. “来了。”忽然王一洋心头一动。 Turns around rapidly, bends the waist to bow, calmly is waiting. 迅速转身,弯腰鞠躬,静静等待着。 Nearby was done helplessly by his sudden low attitude. 一旁的伊芙被他突然的低姿态搞得不知所措。 In an instant, in Baisha spaceship space, a distortion. 刹那间,白沙号内的飞船空间,一阵扭曲。 Immediately dark purple smog appears baseless, is getting more and more thick. 随即一阵黑紫色烟雾凭空浮现,越来越浓。 The quick smog condenses, changes into together the fuzzy human form. 很快烟雾凝聚,化为一道模糊人形。 Kong not. For a long time does not see, previous time sees you, I then know you am not in the pond the thing. Never expected that crosses now such several years, you have then been so the level.” “孔非。好久不见,上次见你,我便知晓你绝非池中之物。没想到如今才过这么几年,你便已经达到如此层次。” The human form gazes at Wang Yiyang, the tone generously. 人形注视王一洋,语气慨然。 Originally is the highest sage demon inverse image sovereign. Kong Feijian excessively sovereign.” Wang Yiyang does not lift, the attitude is quite respectful. “原来是至圣魔像原宗主。孔非见过宗主。”王一洋头也不抬,态度极为恭敬。 Is only vice- sovereign, cannot compare your teacher.” The human form hehe said with a smile. “只是个副宗主而已,比不得你老师。”人形呵呵笑道。 I come, inquired to you about this territory situation. However evidently, does not have that side Yin, should be your planning?” “我来,是向你询问关于此域情况。不过看样子,阴无那边,应该是你的算计吧?” Wang Yiyang argued immediately: Original sovereign chatted, the younger generation strength is mean, where dares to fight related to this grade of level.” 王一洋顿时辩解:“原宗主说笑了,晚辈实力低微,哪里敢涉及这等层次交手。” Your strength is not strong, but the hand grasps real demon, the back has toward the pleased great wild goose assumes personal command, no one dares to despise in you.” The human form smile said. “你实力是不强,但手握真魔器,背后有朝悦鸿坐镇,无人敢轻视于你。”人形微笑道。 He looks to nearby. 他看向一旁的伊芙。 What thing this is? Your pet?” “这个是什么东西?你宠物?” Pet!!?” Heart is puzzled, suddenly hears this meaning. “宠物!!?”伊芙心头不解,突然听到这个意思。 The exchange of Wang Yiyang and opposite party, is directly by the sensation contact connection. And has not covered up. 王一洋和对方的交流,都是直接以感知接触交汇。且没有遮掩。 She can also understand. 她也能听懂。 Hears pet anything, she felt immediately received the insult, must manifest suddenly at the scene. 一听到宠物什么的,她顿时感觉受到了侮辱,当场就要发作。 When the opposite party human form sensation falls when her body , whole body is in a flash icy cold, the whole person loses the sensation, seemed wrapped by the endless darkness, cannot move. 只是当对方人形感知落在她身上时,一瞬间,伊芙浑身冰凉,整个人失去感知,仿佛被无尽黑暗包裹住,动弹不得。 Her consciousness, the sensation, the body, was solidified completely, just like frozen the winged insect in amber. 她的意识,感知,身体,全部被凝固住,宛如被冻结在琥珀里的飞虫。 Senior shows mercy, this is my good friend, is my operation target together.” Wang Yiyang prevents hastily. “前辈手下留情,这位是我好友,同时也是我一同的合作对象。”王一洋连忙阻止。 Operation target?” Original sovereign cast aside Wang Yiyang. Wants me to add the slave collar to you?” “合作对象?”原宗主撇了撇王一洋。“要不要我给你加个奴隶项圈?” Does not want, after all is also my operation target, is the friend .... Wang Yiyang shakes the head. “还是不要了吧,毕竟也是我的合作对象,也算是朋友....”王一洋摇头。 Wants, matter that I solve conveniently.” “到底要不要,我随手解决的事。” Eh .... Can be discovered?” Wang Yiyang said scruple. “额....会不会被发现?”王一洋迟疑道。 Hehe, only if compared with my stronger boundary. Otherwise the little fellow of trivial god period.” Original sovereign has not said. “呵呵,除非比我更强一个境界。否则区区化神期的小家伙。”原宗主没说下去。 Wang Yiyang understands his meaning immediately. 王一洋顿时明白他的意思。 Eh, did not trouble sovereign. The friends should have the appearance of friend.” “额,还是不麻烦宗主了。朋友就该有朋友的样子。” He is actually feared the opposite party on adds a thing. 他其实是怕对方给伊芙身上加点东西。 You decide well. Ok, here situation, said to me. Just that was in front of old man to hit, is really fierce...” “你决定就好。好了,这边的情况,给我说说吧。刚刚那一下,当着老夫的面打过来,真是厉害啊...” The original sect subject gas range is ridiculing. 原宗主语气带着一丝讥讽。 The powerhouse of this grade of level, Wang Yiyang has nothing to conceal. 这等层次的强者,王一洋没什么好隐瞒的。 He wields real demon, has the determination of system, oneself security is extremely high. 他执掌真魔器,有着系统的确定,自身安全性极高。 If today the demon sect army were frustrated, former sovereign Harajuku sinks, is the previous generation and competes for the sovereign top powerhouse toward the pleased great wild goose. 如今天魔宗大军被挫,原宗主原宿沉,乃是上一代和朝悦鸿争夺宗主之位的顶尖强者。 Before this grade of trial level big shot, any wishful thinking is very easy to be seen through to completely understand. 在这等审判级大佬面前,什么小心思都很容易被看穿看透。 Might as well treats honestly. 还不如坦诚相待。 The matter of group star, are not many. 群星的事,并不多。 After Wang Yiyang one by one explained that focuses on the immortal saying in three. 王一洋一一说明后,将重点放在仙道三宗上。 Pointed out, beforehand that strikes, is the moral immortal sect Ronghao child sends. 并点明,之前的那一击,就是道德仙宗融皓子所发。 Harajuku sinks, although knew perfectly well that Wang Yiyang is murdering with a borrowed knife, actually also and does not care. 原宿沉虽然明知王一洋是在借刀杀人,却也并不在意。 In other words, do you want to remove this to melt white?” His direct examination, is shelterless. “也就是说,你想除掉这个融皓子?”他直接询问,毫无遮掩。 Yes, removes this person, the younger generation has confidence a safer infiltration this foreign country.” “是,除掉此人,晚辈有把握更安全的渗透进这片外域。” Wang Yiyang said with deep veneration. 王一洋肃然道。 „ Before the younger generation, several times under child planned, was relieved by this person in secret. “晚辈之前数次下子谋划,都被此人暗中解除。 This person mental is unable to win over, plans profoundly, careful such as sends, unignorable. 此人心智无法拉拢,算计深远,心细如发,不可忽视。 The reality is a big hindrance that hinders my sect to enter. ” 实乃妨碍我宗进入的一大阻碍。” Wang Yiyang following, how oneself will be melted white to prevent, the threat, acts to suffer setbacks repeatedly, waits for instance one by one to say. 王一洋接下来,将自己如何被融皓子阻止,威胁,多次行动受挫,等等事例一一道出。 His itself is imaginary law everyone, the psychological side of mesmeric accomplishment is strongest. 他本就是幻法大家,催眠术大成的心理侧最强。 Arranges the lie eye not to wink. 编起谎话眼睛也不眨。 At this time a relation pulls, the recombination just melted white that to strike to take the instance. 此时一番联系拉扯下来,再结合刚刚融皓子那一击作为事例。 Immediately makes Harajuku sink believes, melting white truly is a hindrance gate enters the archenemy in foreign country. 顿时让原宿沉越加相信,融皓子确实是阻碍宗门进入外域的大敌。 Must solve. 必须解决。 Melts white this person, the scheme, the strength, is the top picks. Simultaneously in moral immortal sect Xinjin line, most potential. “融皓子此人,计谋,实力,都是上上之选。同时还是道德仙宗新晋道子中,最有潜力的一个。 If not remove ahead of time, perhaps in the future must to become big contract. ” 若是不提前除掉,恐怕日后必成大患啊。” Wang Yiyang narrows a persuasion to say. 王一洋眯眼劝说道。 How did your teacher say?” Harajuku sank some heart movements. “你老师怎么说?”原宿沉有些心动了。 Teacher makes all my process voluntarily.” Wang Yiyang along tastes. “老师让我一切自行处理。”王一洋顺口道。 Harajuku sinks to hesitate 12. 原宿沉沉吟一二。 This person of strength, corresponds my sect, is the real demon boundary. With me and other same level, fights directly, if the short time cannot take, perhaps multi- causing trouble end.” “此人实力,对应我宗,算是真魔境界。和我等同级,正面交手,短时间若是拿不下,恐怕多生事端。” Senior, at this time is the most good opportunity. That melts white child this time to lead the big brother who the person besieges my status to clash the permanent child. “前辈,此时便是最好机会。那融皓子此时正带人围攻我这个身份的大兄冲恒子。 At this time three people fight, when is intense. 此时三人交手,正值激烈。 If acts at this time, when melts white to be weakest... ” 若是此时出手,正是融皓子最虚弱之时...” Wang Yiyang sensation restraining, said own plan gently. 王一洋感知收敛,将自己的谋划轻轻道出。 Let alone, teacher closes up now, this place foreign country vast territory with a sparse population, the resources are vast, the sect gate is unlikely to manage appropriately, the senior might as well seize the chance to open the region in this place, lives alone, how could it not be free and unrestrained?” “更何况,如今老师闭关,此地外域地广人稀,资源广博,宗门不大可能能管理得当,前辈不如趁机在此地开辟地域,独居一处,岂不逍遥自在?” Wang Yiyang these words, spoke in Harajuku sinking mind simply. 王一洋这番话,简直说到了原宿沉心坎里去。 He had this intent, has the support of current crown prince, is the mind moves slightly. 他本就有此意,得到现任太子的支持,更是心神微动。 The towards pleased great wild goose he cannot be victorious, but couldn't be victorious unable to hide to live in seclusion? 朝悦鸿他是打不过,不过打不过还不能藏起来隐居了? Kong, you do not wield sect Menda, real demon also in your hands, does this matter, how might as well personally promote by you?” Harajuku sinks does not dare to take on the responsibility eventually. “孔非,你执掌宗门大阵,真魔器也在你手中,此事,不如由你亲自推动如何?”原宿沉终究还是不敢担责任。 Good!” Wang Yiyang which manages anything responsibility non- responsibility, the urgent matter, was first they rescues to say the big brother now again. “好!”王一洋哪管什么责任不责任,现在当务之急,是先把大兄他们救下来再说。 Good, I then help you solve this to melt white!” Harajuku sinking categorical say/way. “那好,我便帮你解决这融皓子!”原宿沉斩钉截铁道。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... After the moment . 片刻后。 The Wang Yiyang whole body is the blood, the control escaping light, toward Hong furnace said rapidly the palace original address direction flies to shoot to go. 王一洋浑身是血,急速驾驭遁光,朝着洪炉道宫原址方向飞射而去。 Flies, he while the sensation is also assigned away from the capital. 一边飞,他还一边感知外放。 Big brother saves a life!!” “大兄救命!!” Sensations spread outward crazily. 一圈圈的感知朝外疯狂扩散。 As if has any fatal danger. 似乎身后有什么致命危险。 Wang Yiyang looks at front white blue color light sea, does not return, being duty-bound not to turn back flushed. 王一洋看着面前的白色蓝色光海,头也不回,义无反顾的冲了进去。 To/Clashes, he also while yelled crazily. 一边冲,他还一边疯狂大叫。 Is returning to the stalemate and melts white child two people to the permanent child, at this time noticed nearness of Wang Yiyang. 正在重归对峙状态的冲恒子和融皓子两人,此时都注意到了王一洋的靠近。 Hides continuing forever in hidden place meets vice- can lord, Noverraz, also saw Wang Yiyang. 隐藏在暗处的永续会副会主,诺维拉,也同样看到了王一洋 Since must decide to cope to the permanent child, they have naturally investigated thoroughly all materials. 既然要决定对付冲恒子,自然他们早就将其所有资料查清楚。 But Wang Yiyang as the blood brother who most is favored, naturally also in material. 王一洋作为最受宠的亲弟,自然也在资料中。 That is .... Positively charged electron? How can he here?” “那是....阳子?他怎么会在这里?” Clash/To permanent child heart one tight, seeing the whole body is the younger brother of blood, felt that loves dearly fiercely. 冲恒子心头一紧,看到浑身是血的弟弟,感觉心疼得厉害。 He must go forward to aid. 他就要上前接应。 Unexpectedly melts white child to be quicker than him. 不料融皓子比他更快。 The blue light flies to shoot to go together, before then arrived at the Wang Yiyang body, in a flash. 一道蓝光飞射而去,转瞬便到了王一洋身前。 Apex 顶点
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