MI :: Volume #4

#361: Complex situation one

Newest website: Hong furnace said the palace original address. 最新网址:洪炉道宫原址。 Proliferates the field of vision the white light and blue sea, just like two different world, the fierce collision is resisting. 遍布视野的白光和蓝海,宛如两个不同世界,剧烈碰撞对抗着。 The different colors of two world, take float two people as completely. 两片世界的不同色彩,完全以其中悬浮的两人为界。 Grasps the long sword to the permanent child, on the sleeve cuff are many together the opening. 冲恒子手持长剑,袖口上多出一道裂口。 Cannot think, the ants that once that can be run over and die conveniently, can grow to so the situation now unexpectedly.” “想不到,曾经那个随手可以碾死的蝼蚁,如今竟然能成长到如此地步。” His look indifferent opposite looks, does not have the disadvantaged anxiety. 他神色淡然的看着对面,一点也没有处于劣势的焦急。 Melting the white similar complexion is tranquil. In the hand the folding fan also launches gently, is only this originally commonly used magic weapon, in fight of trial level, is not suitable. 融皓子同样面色平静。手中折扇同样轻轻展开,只是这件原本常用的法宝,在审判级的交手中,已经不适用了。 He abandons simply conveniently, one grasps in the both sides empty-handed. 他索性随手抛开,空手在两侧一抓。 The huge blue really Yuan swiftly condenses two small reach pistols. 庞大蓝色真元迅速凝聚出两把小臂长短枪。 The pistol is complicated, the lance point has the dark blue fluorescent sparkle, the breech of rifle has the ribbon connection that the transparent character forms faintly. 短枪繁复精致,枪尖有深蓝荧光闪耀,枪尾隐隐有透明字符形成的丝带连接。 In a flash so many years passed by.” Melting white is calm, in the past you killed my whole families, was only a Akamine law furnace. Now, I kill your whole families, only to settle predecessor causes and effects.” “一晃这么多年过去了。”融皓子语气平静,“当年你杀我满门,只为一件赤岭法炉。现在,我杀你满门,只为了结前身因果。” Shows a faint smile to the permanent child. 冲恒子微微一笑。 He did not have to say oneself do not remember from the start initial matter, what Akamine law furnace, he absolutely does not have the impression. 他没有说自己压根就不记得了当初的事,什么赤岭法炉,他早已完全没了印象。 Let alone he is insufficient radically, for only magic weapon, but also goes to the slaughter person whole families specially. 更别说他根本不至于为了区区一件法宝,还专门去屠人满门。 Perhaps this matter, has, perhaps does not have, because were too many. 这种事,或许有,或许无,因为太多了。 He fights every so often, complementary waves conveniently, will cause many families to extinguish. 他很多时候和人交手,随手的余波,就会导致多少家庭全灭。 Really wants records, where remembers. 真要一个个的去记,哪里记得过来。 Therefore, you think that depends on you with that can fellow who continues forever the meeting, win?” “所以,你以为就靠你和那个永续会的家伙,就能赢定了?” Clash/To the permanent child even Jujian blade, on the sword blade starts to reappear rapidly nine pure leucorrhea the golden vortex. 冲恒子平举剑刃,剑身上急速开始浮现九道纯白带着金色漩涡。 Just fought, your two people collaborate, calculates that you win one game. “刚刚交手,你二人联手,算你们赢一局。 However I have a law, 不过我还有一法, If you can also receive. This calculates how you win. ” 若是你们还能接下。这趟算你们赢又如何。” Trembles to the permanent child sword blade. 冲恒子剑刃微颤。 Above my sword blade, picks the essence of life place nine star, Huizhong lives the furnace fine mortal form, the data unites, becomes the beginning of the universe to flicker. “我这剑身之上,采命座九星之精华,汇众生熔炉精魄,诸元合一,成混元一瞬。 If you can also receive, I candidly admit defeat. ” 如果你们还能接下,那我甘拜下风。” Melts white child hears word, the heart raises rapidly. 融皓子闻言,心头迅速提起来。 He understood that to the permanent child, knows the opposite party, although is overbearing, but always disdains in the schemes and tricks, what walked is open and aboveboard, the say/way of light. 他了解冲恒子,知道对方虽然霸道,但从来都是不屑于阴谋诡计,走的是堂堂正正,光明之道。 In other words, he said that this sword is strongest, that certainly is strongest. 也就是说,他说这一剑是最强,那就一定是最强。 Said that receives this sword to admit defeat, that will certainly achieve. 说接下这一剑就认输,那就一定会做到。 Clash/To permanent child person, is resolute, does what has said. 冲恒子此人,性情果决,言出必行。 Although plans opposite party so many years, but melts in the white actually heart to imitate its people skills style secretly. 虽然算计对方这么多年,但融皓子其实一直心中暗暗有模仿其为人处事行事风格。 Good!” “好!” He stares at opposite dazzling long sword, the pistol in both hands is brandishing gently. 他凝视着对面的刺目长剑,双手中的短枪轻轻挥舞起来。 Blue ocean waves really Yuan, the extreme twist, gathers on his dual spears/pistols. 一道道蓝色海浪般真元,急速旋转,汇聚到他双枪上。 Behind left side lance point, reappearing huge Qilin empty shadow, behind right side lance point, reappearing huge azure phoenix empty shadow. 左侧枪尖后方,浮现巨大麒麟虚影,右侧枪尖后方,浮现巨大青凤虚影。 Two god beasts shout one, breaks in the spear's/gun's body, changes into two blue patterns. 两头神兽嘶吼一声,冲入枪身,化为两道蓝色花纹。 Goes!” “去!” In an instant, shoots up to the sky to the permanent child sword light, divides into two whole world, the electricity shoots towards melts white. 刹那间,冲恒子剑光冲天而起,将整个世界一分为二,电射向融皓子。 The sword light quickly is too too quick, even had spanned the time. 剑光太快太快,甚至已经跨越了时间。 Melts white even to think oneself in sensation before sword light, then already sword. 融皓子甚至以为自己早在感知到剑光之前,便已经中剑。 His heart with amazement, exhausts the full power, proceeds to promote the dual spears/pistols. 他心头骇然,用尽全力,将双枪往前推出。 At the same time , to continue forever to meet vice- can lord Noverraz also form twinkle, appears towering is flushing the permanent child behind, the double palm gathers ten, quietly thorn to its vest. 同一时间,永续会副会主诺维拉也身影闪烁,突兀出现在冲恒子身后,双掌合十,悄然刺向其背心。 Has been waiting for you!” Sticks out to the permanent child behind suddenly, grows a sturdier white metal arm. “早就等着你!”冲恒子身后骤然隆起,生长出一只更加粗壮的白色金属手臂。 An arm upfront palm, bumps into with Noverraz both hands loudly in the same place. 手臂正面一掌,轰然和诺维拉双手相撞在一起。 The ultra frequency shake force field and world Hong Luzhen Yuan is delivering in person to strike. 超频震荡力场和天地洪炉真元正面交击。 Hears group of star trial to be known as that the strongest ultra feeling, does might as well make me experience 12?” “听闻群星审判者拥有号称最强的超感,不如让我见识一二?” Changes into the illusory image to the permanent child three arms, as the huge white really Yuan his each palm, faces forward to shell crazily. 冲恒子三条手臂化为幻影,庞大的白色真元随着他的每一掌,疯狂朝前轰击。 Continues forever to meet Noverraz body almost to change into the speed of light, fast shuttle in innumerable really Yuan, but cannot support to the area that a permanent child palm covers is too big. 永续会诺维拉身体几乎化为光速,飞快在无数真元中穿梭飞行,但架不住冲恒子一掌覆盖的面积太大。 Even he by the speed of light flight, has no way to avoid a large area of bombing. 就算他以光速飞行,也根本没法避开大面积的轰炸。 In three people fight fiercely. 就在三人剧烈交手时。 From battlefield not far away, the straddling of zones strategy of day demon sect construction, the fluctuation that sends out is getting bigger and bigger. 距离战场不远处,天魔宗架构的跨界阵法,散发出的波动越来越大。 Because was exposed suddenly, day demon sect Mojun starts to invade rapidly ahead of time. 因为被突然暴露,天魔宗魔军迅速开始提前侵入。 Yin does not have a black robe, the beard and hair is all white, the eyes are sparkling the scary red light, stubbornly is staring at opposite of the strategy big piece star territory. 阴无一身黑袍,须发皆白,双眼闪耀着骇人红光,死死的盯着阵法对面的大片星域。 It seems like the opposite has the powerhouse to fight, the complementary waves shake, causing the strategy to expose ahead of time. “看来是对面有强者交手,余波震荡,导致阵法提前暴露。 The first army did not need to stand guard, immediately transmitted. ” 前军不用警戒了,马上传送。” He behind is giant white bones battleships, including innumerable ghost Yin ghost shuttle, the ghost air/Qi densely. 他身后是一艘艘巨大的白骨战舰,其中有无数冤魂阴鬼穿梭飞行,鬼气森森。 Understood.” In pass on message spreads the response. “明白。”传讯阵中传出回应。 Right-wing town/subdues mountain Mojun, 15 army 30 army, set out.” “右翼镇山魔军,十五军三十军,开拔。” As the pass on message sends out. 随着传讯发出。 In the giant strategy ring, the red light starts a fiercer intensive sparkle. 巨大阵法圆环内,红光开始更加剧烈的密集闪耀。 Whiz!! 嗖!! , The big piece black ray departs from the strategy ring suddenly rapidly, lands on the ring front universe vacancy, meets again the contour of white bones battleship. 陡然间,大片黑色光线从阵法圆环中急速飞出,降落在圆环前方的宇宙空处,纷纷重聚出白骨战舰的外形。 The day demon aura that a straddling of zones strategy start, divulges, causes the invasion strategy of moral immortal sect establishment to vibrate fast. 跨界阵法一启动,泄露出来的天魔气息,飞快引得道德仙宗设置的入侵阵法震动。 Fighting melts the white three people to the permanent child, the heart moves, induces the aura that day of demon sect Mojun arrived. 正在交手的冲恒子融皓子三人,心头一动,都感应到了天魔宗魔军到来的气息。 Because the intensity is too low, three people have not cared. 只是因为强度太低,三人都没在意。 The elder who just stepped forward the strategy on the contrary does not have Yin, induces to the opposite terrifying huge fluctuation of energy. 反倒是刚刚跨出阵法的长老阴无,感应到对面恐怖的巨大能量波动。 The heart sinks immediately. 心头顿时一沉。 He recalled immediately before , the crown prince had said ahead of time words, does not know well. 他立马回想起之前太子提前说过的话,知道不好。 Is difficult to be inadequate under Taizi Dian not to design, is really the truth considers?” Yin not float before ring strategy, the complexion is gloomy. “难不成太子殿下没有设计,真的是实情相告?”阴无悬浮在圆环阵法前,面色阴沉。 He looks at the sea of giant light the front white blue color is enhancing one another's beauty. Facial color Yin clear uncertain. 他望着前方白色蓝色交相辉映的巨大光之海。面色阴晴不定。 But the army has set out, preparing is so long, if goes home, when the time comes to make other sect gate elders look at the joke? 但大军已经开拔,准备了这么久,如果就这么打道回府,到时候岂不是让宗门其他长老看笑话? Is indecisive in him. 正在他犹豫不决时。 Suddenly in the distant place light sea, white blue color interweaves the giant light beam of winding, in the twinkle spans the space, flies unexpectedly toward him. 忽然远处光海中,一道白色蓝色交织缠绕的巨大光柱,闪烁中跨越空间,竟然朝着他这边飞来。 „It is not good!!” Yin does not have in great surprise, wants to avoid, but already without enough time. “不好!!”阴无大惊,想要躲避,但已经来不及了。 That light beam twists the space forcefully, spanned trillion li (0.5 km) instantaneously from, the rumbling northward does not have and straddling of zones law quickly. 那光柱强行扭曲空间,瞬间跨越了亿万里距离,迅雷不及掩耳轰向阴无和跨界法阵。 The Yin incapacity just raised the demon Yuan, the revolution demon merit, plans to dodge toward left. 阴无才刚刚提起魔元,运转魔功,打算往左闪避。 But pitifully was late one step. 但可惜还是晚了一步。 The white blue color being intertwined light beam just like the long stick, submerges him loudly, hits in the black red straddling of zones strategy. 白色蓝色交缠光柱宛如长棍,轰然淹没他,撞进黑红跨界阵法中。 The continuous light beam seems to be inexhaustible, crazy flooding into strategy. 源源不断的光柱仿佛无穷无尽,疯狂的涌入阵法。 And melts the terrifying power of white both fierce collision to the permanent child, condenses together, crashes in the day of demon sect domain outrageously. 冲恒子和融皓子两者剧烈碰撞的恐怖力量,凝聚成这么一道,悍然冲进天魔宗界域。 Trillion demon army that are waiting for the transmission, the innumerable white bones battleships, in this moment, were swept away to rout by the light beam, do not have the strength of resistance. 正在等待传送的亿万魔军,无数白骨战舰,在这一刻,都被光柱横扫击溃,毫无反抗之力。 Does not have the elder pitifully Yin, the powerhouse of solemn star level rank, but puts in an appearance, was flushed the permanent child and melts white the fight complementary waves, the body falls at the scene the destruction. 可怜阴无长老,堂堂恒星层级别的强者,只是一个照面,便被冲恒子和融皓子的战斗余波,当场身陨毁灭。 The giant light beam, stretches across several galaxies, spans more than ten light years, the continuous space jumps, forms greatly segment Daduan the line segment. 巨大的光柱,横跨数个恒星系,跨越十多光年,连续空间跳跃,形成大段大段的线段。 The middle does not know that destroyed many stars. 中间不知道摧毁了多少星球。 What lets some people fishy is, in light beam finally conflict straddling of zones strategy previous flickers. 只是让人有些蹊跷的是,在光柱最后冲突跨界阵法的前一瞬。 If some people can carefully observe, can discover, in which white really Yuan, in entering the flash before strategy, is defeated and dispersed to vanish suddenly. 如果有人能仔细观察,就能发现,其中的白色真元,在进入阵法前的一瞬间,骤然溃散消失。 Only is left over the pure blue really Yuan to break in the strategy outrageously. 只剩下纯蓝色真元悍然冲入阵法。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Day demon. 天魔界。 Scarlet sky, dry black land. 赤红天空,枯黑大地。 Is the volcanic eruption, the black smoke is everywhere billowing. 到处是火山喷发,黑烟滚滚。 Innumerable demon grotesque, fierce climbs up in the land slaughters. 无数魔物奇形怪状,狰狞的在大地上攀爬厮杀。 In the sky often has the giant white bones battleship, under the projection the huge shadow, has delimited slowly. 天空中不时有巨大白骨战舰,投射下巨大阴影,缓缓划过。 Here is the day of demon this sect gate dry territory. 这里是天魔界本部宗门的枯域。 For one of the day demon sect governance next 36 border areas. 为天魔宗统辖下三十六界域之一。 Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly, the straddling of zones strategy of sky hidden appears together baseless. 忽然间,天空一道隐藏的跨界阵法凭空浮现。 In huge black ring strategy, innumerable red light sparkles, but also erupts without enough time, was submerged by a blue light beam loudly. 巨大黑色圆环阵法内,无数红光闪耀,还来不及爆发,就被一道蓝色光柱轰然淹没。 The blue light beam fills up the entire ring strategy, just like Tienchu, drops from the clouds, inclines is hitting ruthlessly in the withered land. 蓝色光柱填满整个圆环阵法,宛如天柱,从天而降,倾斜着狠狠撞在干枯大地上。 Exceeds dozens kilometers diameter the blue light beam, has the huge terrifying kinetic energy. 超越数十公里直径的蓝色光柱,带着巨大恐怖动能。 In the earliest possible time of contact land, then collapses all materials that ruin all can contact. 在接触大地的第一时间,便崩毁掉所有能接触的一切物质。 Sky white bones battleship collapse destroys decomposes in abundance. 天空的白骨战舰纷纷崩毁分解。 The soil stone of ground, the evil spirit living creature, under the destructive huge Yuan, was really torn into shreds to swallow. 地面的泥土石头,妖魔活物,纷纷在毁灭性的巨大真元下,被撕碎吞噬。 The light beam breaks in the land ruthlessly, toward underground does not know that the deep place flushes away. 光柱狠狠冲入大地,朝着地下不知道多深的地方冲去。 Exceeds the star level, is the great power of elder level, spreads over entire day demon sect Kuyu in a flash. 超越恒星层,也就是长老级的强大力量,一瞬间传遍整个天魔宗枯域。 Blue light beam crazy thorough underground. 蓝色光柱疯狂深入地下。 The penetration does not know the deep underground most deep place, arrives at a leaf of huge dull purple circular front door , before finally. 穿透不知道多深的地下最深处,终于来到一扇庞大暗紫色圆形大门前。 The front door as if induced the light beam, from bottom to top, opened slowly. 大门似乎感应到了光柱,从下往上,缓缓打开。 The door rises slowly, after the reveal goes out, sits cross-legged in the purplish black form of place. 门扉缓缓上升,露出门后盘坐在地的紫黑身影。 The form whole body armor, on the shoulder the elbow knee, everywhere is being the curved hook sharp thorn that in takes away. 身影全身着甲,肩上手肘膝盖,到处都是内扣的弯钩尖刺。 Insect black Red Devils marks unceasingly in its creeping principle. 一道道虫子般的黑红魔纹不断在其身上蠕动爬行。 Armor slit place, will often drill black worms. 铠甲缝隙处,也不时会钻出一条条黑色蠕虫。 The blue light beam to/clashes rapidly, in an instant then arrived in front of the armor form. 蓝色光柱急速冲来,转眼便到了铠甲身影面前。 Suddenly, the armor person lifts the hand, the vertical palm, keeps off in front of the light beam directly. 瞬息间,铠甲人抬手,竖掌,正面挡在光柱面前。 Hiss... 嘶... The strange matter happened. 诡异的事发生了。 The entire blue light beam just like been common by the great strength distortion, the rapid reduction, submerges the armor person palm fast. 整个蓝色光柱宛如被巨力扭曲一般,迅速缩小,飞快没入铠甲人手心。 As if was swallowed to be the same by it forcefully. 仿佛被其硬生生吞噬掉一样。 „It is not this flavor .... Armor person swallows the blue light beam finally end, sets out slowly. “不是这一界的味道....”铠甲人最后吞噬掉蓝色光柱的尾端,缓缓起身。 Interesting .... He gradually moves toward outside the front door. Harajuku sinks, can you go out? ” In the darkness of rear front door, spreads a god of journeys knowledge suddenly. “有意思....”他一步步走向大门外。原宿沉,你要出去?”后方大门的黑暗中,忽然传出一道神识。 Now the sect gate projects on face to face, how? My this hasn't vice- sovereign been able raising one's head to move?” The armor person asked back. “如今宗门都被人打到当面了,怎么?我这个副宗主还不能出头活动一下?”铠甲人反问。 Of course not, but, toward pleased great wild goose, although closes up, but also kept an arm outside, if you also want to be suppressed, when I had not said.” “当然不是,只是,朝悦鸿虽然闭关,但还留了一只手臂在外,你若是还想被镇压,当我没说。” The god in darkness knows the response to say. 黑暗中的神识回应道。 Hehe, I and other named vice- sovereign, but was suppressed toward the pleased great wild goose everywhere, now the gate opens greatly, is the good opportunity of my equipollent palm power. Do you want to be suppressed for a lifetime in this damned place?” Armor person cold sound said. “呵呵,我等名为副宗主,但处处被朝悦鸿压制,如今界门大开,正是我等重掌大权的好机会。难道你想一辈子都被压制在这鬼地方?”铠甲人冷声道。 Even the heavy palm right, waits for toward the pleased great wild goose goes out, remote antiquity there, same is partial in him. “就算重掌权利,等待朝悦鸿出关,太上那里,一样偏向于他。 Our must change to the bubble diligently, there is what using? ” The gods know to say. 我们一切努力还是要化作泡影,又有何用?”神识回道。 Apex 顶点
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