MI :: Volume #4

#360: Plot two

Unexpectedly dares to collude with the monster of real world, I underestimated you.” The head of cat eye man rolls one side, the look is still tranquil. “居然胆敢和真实世界的怪物勾结,我小看你了。”猫眼男子的头颅滚到一旁,神色依旧平静。 This time was I neglected, next time...” “这次是我疏忽了,下次...” Bang! 嘭! His head was stepped on broken by. Changes into a lot of mechanical fragments. 他的头被伊芙一脚踩碎。化为大量机械碎片。 What ghost thing is this?” Stunned watches the innumerable metal fragment of under foot. “这是什么鬼东西?”伊芙愕然的看着脚下的无数金属碎片。 Community that ten thousand spirits, is very difficult to kill. Next time will kill their people, must draw in the real world to be good.” “万灵,一个很难杀死的群体。下次杀他们的人,还是得拖入真实世界才行。” Wang Yiyang smiles lightly. 王一洋平淡笑了笑。 He looks. 他看向伊芙。 At this time the matter was solved, the enemy died, how should this fellow process? 此时事情解决了,敌人死完了,这家伙该怎么处理? Also looks to Wang Yiyang, on the elegant face shows a flattering smile. 伊芙也看向王一洋,俏脸上露出一丝讨好的微笑。 Risk that she had just realized this world. 她刚刚已经体会到这个世界的危险性了。 Makes an appearance, meets to be able with her to make the half-day opponent, various huge dangers that let alone the Wang Yiyang divine nature felt before. 才露面,就遇到个能和她打半天的对手,更别说之前王一洋神性感受到的各种巨大危险。 What now do we want to make? If can construct the temple, opens the channel, I can lead more companion helpers.” Her proposition with good intention said. “现在我们要做什么?如果能建造神庙,打开通道,我能引领出更多的同伴帮手。”她好心的提议道。 Wang Yiyang looked at her, shakes the head slightly. 王一洋看了看她,微微摇头。 Does not have the time to make these.” “没时间做这些。” These old gods also help in an emergency temporarily usefully. 这些旧神也就临时救救急有用。 Really must put completely. The short time cannot achieve. 真要全部放出来。短时间也做不到。 But if he continues with the method that just the sensation wrapped, can lead an old god to come out at most. 而他如果继续用刚刚感知包裹的方法,顶多还能带一个旧神出来。 Moreover and strength differs is not quite big. 而且还是和自己实力相差不太大的。 Like this does not have the significance. 这样毫无意义。 But other subordinates, the fellow of comet level, can only work as the cannon fodder in this level in vain, does not have the significance. 而其他手下,彗星层的家伙,在这个层次只能白白当炮灰,毫无意义。 Moreover, now the situation is urgent, since they dare to begin to me publicly. “而且,现在情况紧急,既然他们敢公开对我动手。 In other words ..... 也就是说.....” Wang Yiyang guesses correctly the result instantaneously. 王一洋瞬间猜到结果。 Big brother there, clear corpuscle and from morning until evening child there, had problems absolutely. 大兄那里,清微子和朝夕子那里,也绝对出问题了。 Comes with me!” Wang Yiyang opens the door rapidly, disregards calmly cultivates indoor ground massive components. “跟我来!”王一洋迅速开门,无视静修室内地上的大量零件。 He first went to the next door to look at wife Su Xiaoxiao, determined Su Xiaoxiao to be all right, then arranged her to return immediately succumbs to the star, took the family member, went to another him to prepare the good safe place. 他先去隔壁看了看妻子苏小小,确定苏小小没事,便马上安排她返回沉湎之星,带上家人,前往另一处他早已准备好的安全之处。 He leads, rides Baisha, toward Hong furnace of moral immortal sect said rapidly the palace flies. 他自己则带着伊芙,乘坐白沙号,飞速朝着道德仙宗的洪炉道宫飞去。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Hong furnace said in the palace empty. 洪炉道宫内空空荡荡。 Everywhere is the shatter ornaments antique, with was cut the protection strategy fragment that ruins. 到处是破碎的摆设古董,和被划破毁掉的防护阵法残片。 In some corners, but also has to be taken the flesh faintly the human dry hide. 一些角落里,还隐隐有被吸食掉血肉的人类干皮。 Is tranquil to the permanent child complexion, sits well on the main shrine highest throne, overlooks under. 冲恒子面色平静,端坐在主殿最高宝座上,俯视下方。 Regarding oneself said that the palace was destroyed, he does not have the meaning of losing one's temper. 对于自己道宫被毁,他丝毫没有动怒之意。 He cares, two people who only then present at present. 他在意的,只有眼前出现的两人。 These two, wear the white vigor attire, an eye blocks from the white eye-shade, look sinister and vicious. In the hand is also pinching a folding fan. 这两人,一个身着白色劲装,一只眼用白色眼罩遮住,眼神阴鸷。手中还捏着一折扇。 On the covering of fan writes mountains and rivers state four large characters. 扇面上写着‘山河社稷’四个大字。 This person then always hidden in the hidden place, with he makes to the moral immortal sect Xinjin line, melts white. 这人便是一直以来隐藏在暗处,和他做对的道德仙宗新晋道子,融皓子。 Clash/To permanent, calculates, among us also has many years to disappear.” Melting the white child complexion is tranquil, the stance is calm. “冲恒,算算,我们之间也有很多年不见了。”融皓子面色平静,姿态从容。 Checked for a long time dares to begin, I should say that you were discrete, was timid?” Is also tranquil to the permanent child. “核对了这么久才敢动手,我该说你是谨慎,还是胆怯?”冲恒子同样平静。 Situation to this situation, competition nothing but is whose card in hand method strength is stronger. 事态到了这个地步,比拼的无非就是谁的底牌手段实力更强。 It’s nothing schemes and tricks are useful. 没什么阴谋诡计有用。 Another person that if as expected, taking advantage of opposite party, should come together. 如果不出所料,对方的依仗,应该就是一同前来的另一人了。 Looks to the permanent child to another person. 冲恒子看向另一人。 This is a figure is partly visible, as if illusory aquiline nose Caucasian. 这是个身形若隐若现,仿佛虚幻般的鹰钩鼻白人。 He has a bright pure gold short hair, the eyes is flowing always the dazzling blue light. 他有着一头灿烂的纯金短发,双眼无时无刻不在流动着刺目的蓝光。 Seemingly is more like some energy life, rather than the solid person. 看上去更像是某种能量生命,而非是实实在在的人。 Detected that to the gaze of permanent child, this person caressed the chest single-handedly, bows slightly. 察觉到了冲恒子的注视,这人一手抚胸,微微鞠躬。 First meeting. My Noverraz Cassius. Continues forever meeting three vice- to lord one.” “初次见面。鄙人诺维拉・卡修斯。永续会三位副会主之一。” Continues forever to meet ..... to feel an indescribable threat feeling to the permanent child from this person. “永续会.....”冲恒子从这人身上感受到一股无法形容的威胁感。 Clearly, this is a strength and same level powerful existence. 很明显,这又是个实力和自己同级的强悍存在。 Melts white child and this Noverraz. 融皓子和这个诺维拉。 Two same level experts, but also in addition , the injury of receiving has not recovered. 两个同级高手,还加上之前受的伤势未愈。 Has the self-confidence to the permanent child again , the heart raises gradually haze. 冲恒子再有自信,也心头渐渐升起一丝阴霾。 He can want to see, oneself here the situation is so bad. 他可以想见,自己这里都已经局势这么恶劣了。 Then that side the parental younger brother fears ..... 那么父母弟弟那边恐怕..... Clash/To permanent, initially you seized my dense treasure, regards me such as the pig dog, now so many years pass by. If you present kneel to plead the apology to me. “冲恒,当初你夺我密宝,视我如猪狗,如今这么多年过去。你如果现在跪下来对我恳求道歉。 Perhaps this time, I will consider to let off you. ” 这次,或许我会考虑放过你。” Melted white to clarify was shaming the opposite party intentionally. 融皓子摆明了是在故意羞辱对方。 This words saying, didn't you feel extremely weakly?” Clash/To permanent child light say/way. “这种话说出来,你不觉得太过幼稚么?”冲恒子淡淡道。 Perhaps you can want to maintain a livelihood, makes some counter-intuitive matters also perhaps. Among the life and death, who knows.” “或许你会愿意为了活命,做出一些违反常理的事也说不定。生死之间,谁知道呢。” Melts white to smile. 融皓子笑了笑。 „Are you judging others by oneself?” Also smiled to the permanent child. “你是在以己度人?”冲恒子同样也笑了。 Since you thought that you won, that did give a try?” “既然你觉得自己赢定了,那就试试看?” He stands up from the seat. 他从座位上站起身。 Buzz! 嗡! Just like the tide sea white light, shines to radiate behind from him. 宛如潮汐海洋般的白光,从他身后照耀辐射开来。 The blazing white light like the storm, sweeps across the entire main hall. 炽热的白光如风暴般,席卷整个大殿。 The wall is melting, the ground is dissolving, all ornaments change into the gaseous state in abundance. 墙壁在融化,地面在溶解,所有摆设纷纷化为气态。 The spatial warping appears a crack, the time speed of flow starts to accelerate. 空间扭曲浮现道道裂纹,时间流速开始加速。 Inexhaustible moral really Yuan, in the way of white light, radiation shining myriad things. 无穷无尽的道德真元,以白光的方式,辐射照耀万物。 Also covers in which two people. 同时也将两人笼罩其中。 Entire Hong furnace said that the palace is loudly stave, the decomposition, vanishes in the white light rapidly. 整个洪炉道宫轰然破碎,分解,在白光中迅速消失。 Does not have a water.” “无根之水。” Melts white child long and loud cry one, both hands illusory image pinches hand imprints. 融皓子长啸一声,双手幻影般捏出一个个手印。 He ascends behind similarly the blue sea water giant really Yuan sea. 他身后同样升腾起蓝色海水般的巨大真元海。 The innumerable really Yuan change into liquid, surges to ripple in its side. Resists the white light same to/clashes the permanent child really Yuan. 无数的真元化为液态,在其身旁激荡荡漾。抵抗住白光一样的冲恒子真元。 Another nearby continuing forever meets vice- can lord Noverraz, then body impotent, vanishes thoroughly on the spot. 另一旁的永续会副会主诺维拉,则身体虚化,彻底消失在原地。 The uses, unexpectedly is completely same as the actual situation transformation that Wang Yiyang uses. 其所使用的,居然和王一洋所用的虚实转换完全相同。 In fact the body decomposes, lasts forever in the real world, the itself continues forever Ability that meets the high level to be in sole possession. 实际上身体分解,永存于真实世界,本就是永续会高层独有的能力 Generally such Ability, only then in continuing forever of star level can high-level, will appear. 一般这样的能力,只有在恒星层的永续会高层,才会出现。 Has not thought that Wang Yiyang uses other methods, tries another method. Changed oneself life form. 只是没想到王一洋利用其他方法,另辟蹊径。改变了自己生命形态。 Toward this direction went forward one step. 朝着这个方向前进了一步。 The blue sea water and white illumination, the upfront resistance, the chamber protested. 蓝色海水和白色光照,正面对抗,分庭抗议。 In an instant, the moral immortal sect in the group star 1/3 lead(er) Saturn territories, was covered by two colors covers. 刹那间,道德仙宗在群星三分之一的领土星域,都被两种色彩笼罩覆盖。 Such big sound, should have the immortal sect high level to act to drink to stop. 原本这么大的动静,应该有仙宗高层出面喝止。 Two that but at this time resists, to permanent child, even if injured, still has to be close to the vice- sovereign strength. 但此时对抗的两位,冲恒子就算受了伤,也有接近副宗主的实力。 But melts white child and continues forever to meet vice- can lord to collaborate, the strength also cannot be underestimated. 而融皓子和永续会副会主联手,实力也不容小觑。 This grade of level, has exceeded the level that the ordinary high level has been able to meddle. 这等层面,已经超越了普通高层能插手的层次。 Wang Yiyang leads to drive Baisha, arrives at Hong furnace to say the palace governance range, but looked at the eye from afar, then knows that here also had an accident. 王一洋带着伊芙驾驶白沙号,来到洪炉道宫统辖范围,只是远远的看了眼,便知道这边也出事了。 Now what to do?” “现在怎么办?” In Baisha, looks fearful and apprehensive was dyed the white and blue big piece galaxy thoroughly. 白沙号内,伊芙心惊胆战的看着被彻底染成白色和蓝色的大片恒星系。 Felt is oneself this came out too impulsive. 感觉自己这趟出来是不是太冲动了。 „It is not anxious. Also must go to another two places.” “不急。还要去另外两个地方。” Wang Yiyang deeply inspires. 王一洋深吸一口气。 He is just about to adjust the spaceship Coordinate. But immediately he thought of a point. 他正要调整飞船坐标。但马上他想到了一点。 Even if he overtakes now, saw that the clear corpuscle and child was besieged from morning until evening, is useful? 就算他现在赶过去,看到清微子和朝夕子被围攻,又有什么用? I felt .... Is the feeling a little uncomfortable?” Follows on the heels, looks at the big piece of white light blue light, the heart even more is scared. “我感觉....感觉有点不舒服?”伊芙跟在后面,看着大片白光蓝光,心头越发发毛。 I want to go back , will you call me to come next time again?” She squeezes the smile to look to Wang Yiyang. “我想回去了,要不,你下次再叫我来?”她挤出笑容看向王一洋 „It is not anxious, this is you comes out to relieve the most good opportunity of seal.” Wang Yiyang has come back to tempt pure good. “不急,这可是你们出来解除封印的最好机会。”王一洋回过头淳淳善诱。 Actually this time seems like the danger, should not be frightened by this type of big weaponry. This level, even our zero levels, are still very rare. “其实这次只是看起来危险,不要被这种大阵仗吓到。这种层面,就算是我们第零层,也是很少见的。 At the strength of your old god, once can base to come to a stop here, certainly can absorb the chaos to be chaotic rapidly, rebuilds the god country, sweeps away all! ” 以你们旧神的力量,一旦能在这里立足站稳,一定能迅速吸收混沌混乱,重建神国,横扫一切!” He described the beautiful future to carefully. 他仔细给伊芙描绘美好前景。 Also knows that is this truth. 伊芙也知道是这个道理。 But .... But the front two strengths fluctuate, is really is too far too. 可....可面前的两股力量波动,实在是有点太过头。 Anxiety that her heart always a little could not say. Always thought that this Wang Yiyang is deceiving her. 她心头总有点说不出的不安。总觉得这个王一洋在骗她。 The blue color and white that „ don't worry, you see now, here, are natural phenomenon named energy tide. “不用担心,你现在看到的蓝色和白色,在我们这里,是一种叫做能量潮汐的自然现象。 We are only the luck are not good, bumped into. 我们只是运气不好,碰巧遇到了而已。 Relax, can the person possibly release this and other huge energies? You think also to know that is not realistic. ” Wang Yiyang answered carefully. 放心吧,人怎么可能能释放这等庞大的能量?你想想也知道不现实了。”王一洋仔细解释道。 Real?” Always feels some not like. “真的吗?”伊芙总觉得有些不像。 Naturally, our zero levels are actually weakest one, before you induced, was actually the natural phenomenon of this kind of energy tide.” “当然,我们第零层其实一直都是最弱的一层,之前你们感应到的,其实都是这类能量潮汐的自然现象。” Wang Yiyang continues to flicker to say. 王一洋继续忽悠道。 That... do that we now, what want to make?” Clenches teeth, convinces itself to insist, now she successfully goes out of the first old god of seal. “那...那我们现在,要做什么?”伊芙咬咬牙,说服自己坚持下去,现在她可是成功走出封印的第一个旧神。 But she hope of old gods. 她可是旧神们的希望。 Situation is not wonderful. I must have a look, can find anyone to seek help.” “情况不妙。我得看看,能找到什么人求助。” Wang Yiyang the spaceship toward returning , the tune fast engine accelerates, said the palace region far away from Hong furnace rapidly. 王一洋将飞船朝回开,曲速引擎加速,飞速远离洪炉道宫区域。 On the halfway, he contacts with everyone who other can contact unceasingly. 半路上,他不断联系其他能接触到的所有人。 In the moral immortal sect, can help, such as radiance and so on, definitely is unable to relate at this time. 道德仙宗中,能帮上忙的,如光华子之类,此时都完全无法联系。 Either does not meet intentionally, either was stranded similarly. 要么是故意不接,要么是同样被困。 Is the relation, the Wang Yiyang complexion is tranquil. 越是联系,王一洋面色越是平静。 Was busy at work for quite a while, he moral immortal member sect who all can contact with, asked. 忙活了半天,他把所有能联系的道德仙宗修士,都问了一遍。 Determined either cut off related, either thorough no one met. 确定了要么断绝联系了,要么彻底没人接。 Related, do we want to go now?” Surface restores the calm and calmness of old god as far as possible. But the hand is unconscious gets hold. “联系完了,我们现在要去哪?”伊芙表面尽量恢复旧神的从容和镇定。但手却已经不自觉得握紧。 She thought that cannot make Wang Yiyang take lightly oneself this community. Otherwise to the later cooperation, the old god will occupy very big disadvantage. 她心想绝不能让王一洋看轻自己这个群体。否则对之后的合作,旧神将占据很大的劣势。 Therefore even if she heart is scared, but semblance still charming attractive, maintains the person to suppose. 所以她就算心头发毛,但外表依然妩媚诱人,维持人设。 I in confirmation.” Wang Yiyang calm say/way. Separates the relation tally seal of last member. “我在确认情况。”王一洋冷静道。断开最后一个修士的联系符印。 Now confirmed.” “现在确认完毕了。” He stands before the key station, pointed at the illusory image in the above manual input one line of Coordinate. 他站在主控台前,手指幻影般在上面手动输入了一行坐标。 Then?” Squeezes a smile to ask. “然后呢?”伊芙挤出个笑容问。 Your issue were too many.” Wang Yiyang puts out a hand to fish out three transparent beads from the sleeve cuff. “你问题太多了。”王一洋伸手从袖口里摸出三个透明珠子。 This is the clear corpuscle from morning until evening the child and to/clashes the permanent child three people of life symbols. 这是清微子朝夕子和冲恒子三人的命符。 Three beads are safe and sound, obviously temporarily also has no danger. 三颗珠子安然无恙,显然暂时还没什么危险。 A Baisha this time acceleration, full speed navigation. 白沙号此时一阵加速,全速航行。 Then arrived at a relatively remote star territory outer space quickly. 很快便到了一处相对偏远的星域太空。 In the outer space has vagrant meteorites, is going far away toward an unknown direction flight slowly. 太空中有着一片流浪的陨石群,正缓缓朝着一个未知方向飞行远去。 Baisha catches up with the meteorites, on a meteorite stopped. 白沙号追上陨石群,在其中一颗陨石上停了下来。 What do we come to here to make?” Asked puzzled. “我们来这里做什么?”伊芙不解问。 Wang Yiyang smiles to see a play. ” 王一洋笑了笑看戏。” He puts out a hand gently a point. 他伸手轻轻一点。 The fingertip red demon mark flashes past. 指尖红色魔纹一闪而过。 At this moment, at the same time. 就在这时,同一时间。 Moral immortal sect Hong furnace said the palace, the fringing field. 道德仙宗洪炉道宫,边缘区域。 Huge black ripple spread slowly. 一圈圈巨大的黑色波纹缓缓扩散。 The ripple rapidly forms a several hundred kilometers diameter the gigantic ring. 波纹迅速形成一道数百公里直径的硕大圆环。 In the ring, the innumerable red light fill the air, unexpectedly all was the construction the most demon mark. 圆环内,无数红光弥漫,竟然全是架构了大半的魔纹。 However these demon mark also as if only constructions about 80%, without finished completely, because some type accidental/surprised and exposed. 不过这些魔纹还似乎只架构了八成左右,没有完全完毕,就因为某种意外而暴露了。 Day demon sect Mopu of construction straddling of zones strategy in the ring, in great surprise, are scattering in all directions to fly away like the bird immediately in abundance. 正在圆环内架构跨界阵法的天魔宗魔仆们,顿时大惊,纷纷如同鸟雀般四散飞离。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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