MI :: Volume #4

#358: Competition two

Message, looks at king Xiaosu the couple one's blood bubbles up to the brim a. 一则则广告词,看得王小苏两口子热血沸腾。 What a pity the final age limit, keeping them from attempting. 可惜最后的年龄限制,让他们无法尝试。 My family two boys was eight years old! Meets the above request completely! Happen to can try! When sees the world well.” “不过我家两小子已经八岁了!完全满足上面要求!正好可以去试试!就当见见世面也好。” king Xiaosu heart movement. 王小苏心动起来。 Own family/home two children intelligent, she knows. 自己家两个孩子有多聪慧,她是知道的。 Two children are the clever person, Innate Skill also are extremely simply strong, study and so on, although did not say the photographic memory, but also memory compared with average person a section. 两孩子简直就是鬼灵精,天赋也极强,学习之类,虽然不说过目不忘,但也记忆力比一般人强出一截。 Understood that the thing speed is also quick, obviously understood Ability is outstanding. 理解东西也速度很快,明显理解能力超群。 Considers to be heavy in participating, must first at the major star preliminary contests, gives a try to two children?” king Xiaosu looks to Drizzt. “就当是重在参与,先要在各大星球初赛,要不,给两个孩子试试看?”王小苏看向崔斯特。 Ok, I do not have the opinion.” Drizzt was swept by the wife vision, immediately the whole body trembles. Does not dare to oppose. “可以啊,我没意见。”崔斯特被老婆目光一扫,顿时浑身一颤。不敢反对。 That settled.” king Xiaosu satisfactory nod. “那就这么说定了。”王小苏满意的点头。 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Succumbs to the star temporary base. 沉湎之星临时基地。 Wang Yiyang knits the brows to look at Vargas competition information that the subordinate hands over. 王一洋皱眉看着属下递上来的瓦格斯大赛情报。 Intelligence competition that „the entire group star launches? Seemingly vast momentum, is only ..... their group star congressman so will not be bored, even white consumes so many resources, does such thing.” “全群星展开的智力竞赛?看上去声势浩大,只是.....他们群星议员绝不会这么无聊,平白耗费这么多资源,搞出这么个东西。” His tranquil say/way. 他平静道。 Nearby Huilong approves to nod. 一旁的辉龙赞同点头。 Is this, inside has the inside story that we do not know inevitably, the master, do we also arrange a person to go in the participation?” “是这样,里面必然有我们不知道的内幕,主人,我们是不是也安排点人进去参赛?” Does not use, this inside verification is strict, definitely the hidden has the inspection method that we do not know. If by some chance involves other background, gain does not equal the loss.” “不用,这里面的审核非常严格,肯定隐藏有我们不知道的检查手段。万一把其他底子牵扯出来,得不偿失。” Wang Yiyang does not think own hidden Ability intrepidly. 王一洋不认为自己的隐藏能力有多强悍。 He can free and unfettered now, shelters to the permanent child who tests for a while. 他之所以能逍遥到现在,一时考的冲恒子庇护。 Second, crowd on -board levels do not take seriously him. 二是群星上层不重视他而已。 That, do we think so?” Huilong is a little unwilling. “那,我们就这么看着?”辉龙有点不甘心。 Advertisement that Vargas propagandizes, was too moving. 瓦格斯宣传的广告,实在太动人了。 So long as there is a sufficient strength, the participating position is high enough, can obtain being exempt from taking an examination educational resources of top university, meanwhile will register in many big enterprise big groups of group star. 只要有足够实力,参赛名次够高,就能获得重点大学的免试教育资源,同时还会在群星的诸多大企业大集团挂上号。 This regarding anybody's development trend, has huge promotion most to use. 这对于任何人的未来发展,都有巨大的推动最用。 Regarding the middle and lower level, anybody, his powerful machine armor master, will not neglect Vargas's potency even like this. 对于中下阶层,任何人,就算是他这样的强大机甲师,也不会忽视瓦格斯的效力。 Your heart movement? That was participated to try by the child nephew. This and other large-scale competitions, has the trick problem is very likely.” “你心动了?那就让自己子侄参赛试试。这等大规模比赛,出猫腻问题的可能性很小。” Wang Yiyang smiles, looks to Huilong. 王一洋笑了笑,看向辉龙。 Somewhat is truly excited. If can test into the position, enters one of the troops your presence ten universities, development trend, even may enter the resources training opportunity of comet level.” “确实有些心动。如果能考上好名次,进入人马座前十的大学之一,未来发展,甚至有可能得到进入彗星层的资源培养机会。” Huilong says with emotion. 辉龙感慨道。 The comet level, many people cannot achieve, the opportunity of but radically even attempting does not have. 彗星层,很多人不是达不到,而是根本连尝试的机会也没有。 Resources that because training needs, the consumption was too big. 因为培养需要的资源,消耗太大了。 Most stars, can step onto the transformation person route, calculates that the luck was good. 大部分星球,能走上改造人路线的,都算运气好了。 That tries.” Wang Yiyang tranquil say/way. “那就去试试。”王一洋平静道。 The group star is borrowing Vargas to do some movement absolutely. But this population star high-level action, is not present he can involve. 群星绝对在借瓦格斯搞某种动作。但这种群星高层的举动,不是现在的他能涉及的。 Therefore, places itself on to be good with emphasis. 所以,重点还是放在自己身上才行。 The action of this grade of top level, naturally has the great person to worry. 这等高层次的举动,自然有大人物去操心。 Wang Yiyang and Huilong reorganized under recent situation. 王一洋和辉龙又整理了下最近的局势情况。 To succumbing to the development of star, set the new target. 对沉湎之星的发展,定了新的指标。 Then continues daily routine practicing. 然后才继续每天的例行修行。 The accumulated over a long period of time self-torture, making present Wang Yiyang have gradually to family's alienation. 日积月累的苦修,让如今的王一洋已经渐渐有了对家庭的疏离感。 Parents who except that die of old age gradually, Grandfather, only then most intimate wife Su Xiaoxiao. 除开渐渐老去的父母,爷爷,就只有最亲近的妻子苏小小。 king Xiaosu is because formed the family, slowly becomes far. 王小苏则是因为自己组建了家庭,也慢慢变远。 The time was long, Wang Yiyang every so often, would feeling, oneself and relation of surrounding person, gradually is becoming pale. 时间久了,王一洋很多时候,总会感觉,自己和周围人的联系,正在逐渐变淡。 Routine practice to finish. 例行修行结束。 He drank. the hot milk as usual, returns to the master control hall, sits down in a bar of corner/horn, calmly is listening to the absolute music cup 他照例喝了杯热牛奶,回到主控厅,在一角的吧台坐下,静静听着纯音乐。 Listened to a while music. 听了一会儿音乐。 What is thinking?” Su Xiaoxiao's voice conveys from his body side gently. “在想什么呢?”苏小小的声音从他身侧柔和传来。 Can not undergo the notification at will, enters here person, only had Su Xiaoxiao. 能随意不经过通报,就进入这里的人,也就只有苏小小了。 It’s nothing, but somewhat sighed at heart.” “没什么,只是心里有些感叹。” Wang Yiyang puts out a hand to grip Su Xiaoxiao's hand, two people sit before the bar shoulder to shoulder, looks to adjust the liquor machine, mixes one cup of new fruit juice automatically. 王一洋伸手握住苏小小的手,两人并肩坐在吧台前,看着调酒机,自动调制出一杯新果汁。 What is still worried about? We currently anything has. What does not lack.” Su Xiaoxiao warm Judo. “还在担心什么?我们现在什么都有了。什么也不缺了。”苏小小温柔道。 Lots, you do not know.” Wang Yiyang smiles. If wants to maintain our livelihoods, needs to pay.” “很多东西,你不知道。”王一洋笑了笑。“要想维持我们的生活,需要付出很多。” In Su Xiaoxiao eyes flashes through one to love dearly. 苏小小眼中闪过一丝心疼。 Always a person do not shoulder, although I could not help you, but I can in the one side, person who when you can pour out. “别总是一个人扛,我虽然帮不了你,但我可以在一旁,当你可以倾诉的人。 The lots suppress at heart, would having problems. ” 很多东西憋在心里,总会出问题。” She. 她顿了顿。 I felt recently slowly, you were away from us to be getting more and more far .... “我最近慢慢感觉,你距离我们越来越远了....” The feeling of woman is always keen, wife who especially Su Xiaoxiao is constantly together like this. 女人的感觉总是敏锐的,特别是苏小小这样朝夕相处的妻子。 Regarding own husband's change, feels obviously. 对于自己丈夫的变化,感受得更加明显。 Perhaps, was too recently tired, matter were too many.” The thing of Wang Yiyang hidden were too at heart many. “或许,是最近太累了,事情太多了。”王一洋心里隐藏的东西太多了。 At this time does not know that from where mentioned. 此时不知道从何说起。 That rests well. After the rest, can a better advance.” Su Xiaoxiao gets hold of the hand of Wang Yiyang. “那就好好休息一下。休息之后才能更好的前进。”苏小小握紧王一洋的手。 I know.” Wang Yiyang puts out a hand to embrace the bosom the wife gently. “我知道的。”王一洋伸手轻轻将老婆揽进怀里。 He could feel that the wife cared and was worried bluntly. 他感觉得到妻子不加掩饰的关心和担心。 Compared with the other kinship of that side status system bringing. Here family of origin's sentiment, comes to have the true feelings eventually. 比起身份系统那边带来的其他各种亲情。终究还是这边原生家庭的感情,来得有实感。 Family members who he also most values the family of origin. 他也最为重视原生家庭的亲人们。 „, Cared own grandchild granddaughter they. Parents, they recently probably since birth a plan...” “有空,多关心关心自己外孙外孙女他们吧。还有爸妈,他们最近好像又有生一个的打算...” Su Xiaoxiao's helpless reminder said. 苏小小无奈的提醒道。 Now person was healthy, idea also on powerful and unconstrained style. 现在人身体好了,想法也就天马行空。 Wang Xinhai couples many years, but also the plan produces .... 王心海两口子都多少岁了,还打算生产.... If regenerates and great-grandson equally big child comes out, at that time the rank messed up .... 要是再生个和自己曾孙一样大的小孩出来,那时候辈分都乱套了.... Along with them goes.” Wang Yiyang said with a smile. “随他们去。”王一洋笑道。 With the Su Xiaoxiao attentive moment, two people set out respectively, close up two rooms, starts to practice every day Stage 2 that. 和苏小小温存片刻,两人各自起身,闭关去两个房间,开始每天修行的第二阶段。 Su Xiaoxiao can also practice now, although also very primary, but could have more opportunities close to Wang Yiyang. 苏小小如今也可以修行,虽然还很初级,但已经能有更多的机会靠近王一洋 This lets she somewhat anxious heart, satisfied. 这让她有些不安的心,更加满足了些。 Because Wang Yiyang also some people accompany, felt better at heart. 王一洋也因为身边有人陪伴,心里好受了许多。 Before that everywhere loneliness, was diluted by Su Xiaoxiao's arrival. 之前那种无处不在的孤独感,也被苏小小的到来冲淡了许多。 He opens the static cultivating room front door gradually, inside has prepared various types to practice to need the resources. 他缓步推开静修室大门,里面早已准备好各种修行所需资源。 The compounded drug, the ancient book explains in detail, the strategy is auxiliary, the technical force field is auxiliary. 丹药,典籍详解,阵法辅助,科技力场辅助。 The immortal law and technical integration, can make his practicing speed accelerate a big truncation again. 仙法和科技结合,能让他的修行速度再度加速一大截。 Recombination demon true understanding Yuan increase acceleration effect. 再结合魔道真元本身的增幅加速效果。 Wang Yiyang present practicing speed, close to 50 times of common member. Quite astonishing. 王一洋如今的修行速度,接近一般修士的五十倍。相当惊人。 Recently practice, he always felt that the body is having some profound changes. 最近修行,他总感觉身体在出现某种更深刻的变化。 This change, after seeming like enters the perfect tower, appears. 这种变化,似乎是进入完美之塔后出现的。 Clearly, the perfect tower not only gave him motive power advantage. 很明显,完美之塔不仅仅只是给了他原力这个好处。 Other things of hidden, have not detected temporarily. 还有其他的隐藏的东西,暂时没有发觉而已。 Wang Yiyang skilled closing, sits cross-legged to sit to the strategy center. 王一洋熟练的关门,盘膝坐到阵法正中。 Closed eyes, controls one's breathing, starts the revolution big day demon merit merit to decide. 闭目,调息,开始运转大日魔功功决。 Simultaneously all around strategy starts to receive and instruct the shining ray of star. 同时四周阵法开始接引外界恒星的照耀光芒。 Usually, is the practicing time, Wang Yiyang can always enter the condition rapidly. 平日里,一到修行时间,王一洋总能迅速进入状态。 But this time, as if some are not right. 但这一次,似乎有些不对。 An inexplicable palpitation, makes his nerve tremble unceasingly, as if has some type of confused thing, hidden in the consciousness, is unable to be separated. 一种莫名的心悸,不断让他的神经一颤一颤,似乎有某种心烦意乱的东西,隐藏在意识里,无法脱离。 Wang Yiyang attempted several times, does not have the means to regain the condition. 王一洋尝试了几次,都没办法恢复状态。 He can only , helpless stands up from the strategy, the preparation leaves. 他只能无奈从阵法中站起身,准备离开。 His footsteps just went out three steps. 只是他脚步刚刚走出三步。 Suddenly the surrounding scene changes rapidly. 忽然周围场景急速变化。 The gloomy static cultivating room, transformed a jet black airtight room rapidly. 原本阴暗的静修室,迅速变换成一片漆黑的密闭房间。 This is strange, room that does not know completely. 这是个陌生的,完全不认识的房间。 And the ornaments have the special furniture of carving pattern, the plain wall surface of sparkle rune/symbol writing symbol. 其中摆设有雕刻花纹的特殊家具,闪耀符文符号的古朴墙面。 In the corner also places four fierce aggressive strange monster statues. 角落里还摆放有四座狰狞凶悍的奇异怪兽雕像。 In the darkness, the faint trace black smoke smog lingers. 黑暗中,丝丝黑烟烟雾萦绕。 A whole body black clothes, has a man of pair of cat eye deep green double pupil, gaze of static smile he. 一个浑身黑衣,有着一双猫眼般暗绿双瞳的男子,正静静微笑的注视着他。 The men have the white short hair, the skin is pale somewhat transparently, facial features delicately and prettily to slender delicate degree. 男子有着白色短发,皮肤苍白得有些透明,五官俊美到纤细柔弱的程度。 But this delicacy, actually instead gives people a secretive monster different feeling. 但这种柔弱,却反而给人一丝诡秘妖异感。 „Are you even positively charged electron?” The men are staring at Wang Yiyang interestingly. “你就是均阳子?”男子饶有兴趣的盯着王一洋 Did not need to ask, he was. Our thunder mountain Group management, first time ruins the signboard, pounds in his hand.” “不用问了,他就是。我们雷山组办事,头一次砸招牌,就是砸在他手上。” In nearby darkness, goes out of a red delicate and pretty man again. 一旁的黑暗中,再度走出一名一身红色的俊美男子。 According to employer's request, regardless, first carried off says again.” “按照雇主的要求,死活不论,先带走再说吧。” The team leader of thunder mountain Group, the young man of red short hair lifted the hand to look at the watch. 雷山组的组长,红色短发的年轻男子抬手看了看手表。 His magic weapon I go round, remembers that begins promptly.” The cat eye man said with a smile. “他身上的法宝我来绕开,记得及时动手。”猫眼男子笑道。 Good.” “好。” Two people you said my one, in an instant then determined the Wang Yiyang destiny. 两人你一言我一句,转眼便决定好了王一洋的命运。 Although Wang Yiyang has to own magic weapon armor absolutely self-confidently, but sneaks facing two to own powerhouse suddenly quietly, is the heart one tight. 王一洋虽然对自身的法宝铠甲有绝对自信,但面对两个突然悄悄潜入到自己身边的强者,还是心头一紧。 You may know that who I am?” His voice low and deep say/way. “你们可知道我是谁?”他声音低沉道。 Naturally, tries the big shot to the blood younger brother of permanent child, but do not count on now your big brother saved you. He is unable to defend oneself, first dealt with says in the past at present again.” “当然,审判大佬冲恒子的亲弟弟,不过现在你还是别指望你大哥救你了。他自己都自身难保,先应付过去眼前再说吧。” The cat eye man lifts the hand suddenly. 猫眼男子忽然抬手。 His palm, towering splits green cracks. 他掌心唰的一下,突兀的裂开一道道绿色裂缝。 The crowded dozens slits, each is the cat eye that opens slowly. 密集的数十道缝隙,每一道都是一只慢慢睁开的猫眼。 Almost is at the same time, the rear red hair man lifts the hand instantaneously, the fingertip red glow just like the lightning, flashes past, in an instant then appears on Wang Yiyang the vest. 几乎是同一时间,后方的红发男子瞬间抬手,指尖红芒宛如闪电,一闪而过,转眼便出现在王一洋身上背心。 The attack that he sends out, can go round all -around protection force field of magic weapon armor unexpectedly! 他发出的攻击,居然能绕开法宝铠甲的全方位保护力场! What!?” Wang Yiyang responded radically without enough time. “什么!?”王一洋根本来不及反应。 The opposite party speed is too fast. 对方速度太快。 Very when obvious feeling sensation suppression. 很明显的时感感知压制。 This is above two splendor moon/month levels true powerhouses, and has some special Ability powerhouse. 这是两名辉月层以上的真正强者,而且还是有某种特殊能力的强者。 The opposite party too quick speed, keeping oneself from responding. 对方过快的速度,让自己无法反应过来。 Wang Yiyang first, then yes, very when possibly is own sensation the feeling was suppressed. 王一洋第一时间,便明白,很可能是自己的感知时感被压制了。 Otherwise regardless of the quick method, the release also requires the time, is impossible to make itself unable to respond. 否则无论再快的手段,释放也需要时间,不可能让自己反应不过来。 What a pity, when he realizes the issue, is too late. 可惜,等他意识到问题,已经太晚了。 Two people prepare this to strike, has prepared to be innumerable absolutely. 两人准备这一击,绝对已经是准备了无数次。 The innumerable deep green cat eyes stare at Wang Yiyang flickers, magic weapon armor expiration. 无数碧绿猫眼凝视住王一洋的一瞬,法宝铠甲失效。 The red light penetrates the Wang Yiyang chest from the vest, then turns back, the puncture enters the Wang Yiyang brain continuously, the torso, the four limbs. 红光从背心穿透王一洋胸膛,然后折返,连续不断穿刺进王一洋大脑,躯干,四肢。 !! 哧哧哧哧!! The supervelocity puncture, making the body of Wang Yiyang even tremble to tremble. 超高速的穿刺,让王一洋的身体甚至都在发颤发抖。 The splendor moon/month level powerhouse who these two have powerful special Ability, a coordination, is the fatal sure-kill. 这两个有着强大特殊能力的辉月层强者,一配合,便是致命绝杀。 Cannot allow him to respond completely, finally has then been doomed. 完全容不得他反应,结果便已经注定了。 You ....” The Wang Yiyang rocking body, will be weak supine in the future, falls. “你..们...”王一洋怔怔的晃动身体,无力地往后仰着,摔下去。 His body as if tattered and torn person occasionally, tattered in the future face upwards inverted/fall. 他的身体仿佛千疮百孔的人偶,破烂的往后仰倒。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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