MI :: Volume #4

#357: Competition one

The group star sparkles. 群星闪耀。 The giant space city of innumerable disc shape, the rotation, is exuding the twinkle star blue color light slowly. 无数圆盘状的巨大空间城,缓缓转动,泛着星星点点蓝色灯光。 Giant star V-322 of distant place, is sending out the unequalled dazzling ray. 远处的巨大恒星V-322,散发着无与伦比的耀眼光芒。 V-322 is an entire Sagittarius biggest old star. V-322是整个人马座最大的一颗年长恒星。 It just when the maturity, is in all constellation stars biggest one. 它正值壮年,是所有星座恒星中最大的一颗。 Also along with Sagittarius from the negligible to the rise, again to integrating crowd of stars, witnesses all the elders of history. 也是伴随着人马座从微末到崛起,再到融入群星,见证所有历史的长者。 But in the V-322 side, altogether three stars, red, blue color, white. 而在V-322的身旁,一共三颗星球,红色,蓝色,白色。 In the entire Sagittarius innumerable stars three of most core. 就是整个人马座无数星球中最核心的三颗。 Centaur, white bow, falling day. 半人马,白弓,坠日。 Three stars have the unique name. 三颗星球都有着自己独一无二的名字。 Does not have the digital suffix. 都没有数字后缀。 Compared with the other stars of these duplicates, three stars are initial, is can not use the digital suffix only the constellation core. 比起那些重名的其他星球,三颗星球都是最初,也是唯一能不用数字后缀的星座核心。 And centaur on-board, Sagittarius highest parliaments group star 12 constellations, then set up here. 其中半人马星上,群星十二星座之一的人马座最高议会,便设立在这里。 Every ten years, many highest congressmen will then come here, opens a time for ten years constellation highest parliament. 每隔十年,便会有诸多最高议员来到这里,开启十年一次的星座最高议会。 But at this time, highest parliament just when opening instant. 而此时,最高议会正值开启时间。 Centaur on-board, a palatial precipitous mountain peak peak, just like church stone column apex, in grey huge construction. 半人马星上,一片巍峨险峻的山峰顶端,宛如教堂般的石柱尖顶,灰色巨大建筑中。 In the open-air courtyard, rows of seats encircle circular arcs, overlapping, each level clearly demarcated, composed the highest parliament's complete discussing courtyard. 露天的天井里,一排排座位围成一圈圈的圆弧,层层叠叠,层次分明,组成了最高议会完整的议庭。 In the speaker position sits, is a stance image often the twinkle fuzzy white clothing person's shadow. 议长位上坐着的,是一位姿态影像不时闪烁模糊的白衣人影。 In the person's shadow fingers is wearing various dense and numerous large number of types of rings. 人影手指间佩戴着密密麻麻大量各种戒指。 He knocked the desktop gently. 他轻轻敲了敲桌面。 Looks had sat the sparse congressman seat. 看着已经坐了稀稀疏疏的议员席位。 Today is a good day.” The speaker said in a soft voice. “今天是个不错的日子。”议长轻声说道。 This time ten years of plastochrone, our Sagittarius happened much, making other constellations look at the joke the important matter. “这次的十年间隔期,我们人马座发生了不少,让其他星座看笑话的大事。 The sudden immortal said three, tagged along after spirit disaster then. ” 无论是突如其来的仙道三宗,还是尾随而后的灵灾。” He, did not have the intentional acting bashful tune, so many year of so many conferences, everyone was the old acquaintance old face. 他顿了顿,没有故意的拿捏腔调,这么多年这么多次会议,大家都是老熟人老面孔了。 The so-called stance, nothing but has a look at demonstration of authority to the rookie. 所谓姿态,无非是给新人看看下马威而已。 Regarding their powerhouses of this level, puts on airs without the significance. 对于他们这种层次的强者而言,装腔作势毫无意义。 In very happy these ten years, everyone has not reduced. Then I do not delay.” “很高兴这十年里,大家人数没有减少。那么我就不拖延了。” The speaker lowered the head rotated ring between a fingers gently. 议长低头轻轻转动了一颗手指间的戒指。 Immediately giant three-dimensional Milky Way light screen, appears sky over discussing the courtyard, float rotation. 顿时一道巨大立体银河光幕,出现在议庭上空,悬浮转动。 Group star Parliament came out the latest bill, they must restart once restarting plan. This matter has been a foregone conclusion. “群星议会决出了最新议案,他们要重启曾经的重启者计划。这件事已成定局。 Therefore, our Sagittarius can do only, screens the optiman, simultaneously provides each material technology chain that needs. ” 所以,我们人马座唯一能做的,就是筛选出最佳人选,同时提供所需的各个材料技术链。” Speaker low and deep say/way. 议长低沉道。 Restarting plan. 重启者计划。 This name, the under innumerable star sensation rapid collisions exchange immediately. 这个名字一出,顿时下方无数恒星般的感知迅速碰撞交流起来。 Without the sound, the highest congressmen, each is the top star level machine armor master. 没有声音,最高议员们,每一位都是顶级的恒星级机甲师。 Sensation and consciousness strength when feeling condition of being based, their ponders and reaction speeds are far in excess of the average person to imagine. 感知和意识力在常驻的时感状态下,他们的思考和反应速度远远超越一般人想象。 Less than one second, below many congressmen, then discussed various possible situations and changes. 只是一秒不到,下方的诸多议员,便谈论了各种可能出现的情况和变化。 Under the function of this strong speed, discussed the progress far supernormal person in courtyard to think. 在这种超强速度的作用下,议庭的进度远超常人所想。 Speaker, about the restarting plan, our Sagittarius once wasted the too multi-resources. “议长阁下,关于重启者计划,我们人马座曾经浪费了太多资源。 But restarting, even must request harshly compared with trial. Has the aptitude manipulator, even is scarcer than the trial level. 而一台重启者,甚至比审判者还要要求苛刻。有资质的操纵者,甚至比审判级还要稀少。 If by some chance the plan restarts, but does not have the use finally, will only waste the resources in vain. ” 万一计划重启,但最终毫无用途,只会白白浪费资源。” A congressman sets out the sound said. 一位议员起身出声道。 Good, I approve of the meaning of Congressman Quadrat. Our Sagittarius does not need to pay such big price for the possible threat. Once the restarting plan starts to carry out, to our consumptions will be a huge not unimaginable number.” “不错,我赞同卡德拉议员的意思。我们人马座没必要为可能出现的威胁付出这么大代价。一旦重启者计划开始执行,对我们的消耗将会是一个巨大的无法想象的数字。” Another congressman sets out. 另一个议员起身。 But the above rapid spread of Ross spirit disaster, has let badly battered, is unable to contain the spreading trend including high, our strengths are beset with problems. “但塔罗丝灵灾的飞速蔓延,已经让上面焦头烂额,连高位者也无法遏制蔓延趋势,我们的力量已经捉襟见肘。 Exalted Immortal said three to eye covetously again as before, our force system to the immortal side, analyzing from afar was also insufficient. 再加上仙道三宗这边依旧虎视眈眈,我们对仙道方的力量体系,剖析得也远远不足。 I approve of the restarting plan to open. 我赞同重启者计划开启。 At least can win enough much protracted time for us. ” 起码能为我们争取到足够多的拖延时间。” Special period, the necessary consumption is essential. Restarting can win the short peace and balance for us, this was enough.” “特殊时期,必要的消耗必不可少。重启者能为我们赢得短暂的和平和平衡,这就足够了。” „The movement that but the restarting plan needs is too big, we will cause the immortal to say three vigilances surely. This must consider.” “可是重启者计划需要的动作太大,我们必定会引起仙道三宗的警觉。这个必须考虑。” Under the pretext of dealing with spirit disaster conceals on the line.” “以应对灵灾为借口掩饰就行。” That is in the intelligence quotient of insult immortal side.” “那是在侮辱仙道方的智商。” „Do that group of conceited foreign country people, have the intelligence quotient besides the violence unexpectedly? Are you chatting?” “那群狂妄自大的外域人,除了暴力居然还有智商?你是在说笑?” Why we do not borrow the strength, making an immortal side help solve the Ross spirit disaster?” “为什么我们不借力,让仙道方帮助解决塔罗丝灵灾?” That is indulging in fantasy.” “那是在异想天开。” Below massive sensations collide to connect rapidly, some most look above speaker headaches. 下面大量感知急速碰撞交汇,看得最上方的议长有些头疼。 Good.” He knocked the desktop. The huge sensation stimulates invisible ripple, spreads to entire discusses the courtyard. “好了好了。”他敲了敲桌面。巨大的感知激发出一圈圈的无形波纹,扩散到整个议庭。 This is the subject that crowd of stars set, we are unable to reject. Waits a minute project that divides equally everyone to need to pay. “这是群星定下的主题,我们无法拒绝。稍候均分大家需要付出的项目。 Then, we come to see Congressman Hulse to propose that about the Sagittarius's third defense line project facility transformation bill... ” 接下来,我们来看看赫尔斯议员提出的,关于人马座第三防线工程设施改造议案...” The speaker set the primary intention of restarting plan directly. 议长直接定下了重启者计划的主旨。 No one comes out to jump madly again. 没人再出来乱跳。 Restarting, has strongest machine armor that exceeds the trial level called generally. 重启者,是有着超越审判级的最强机甲概称。 But the one who stems from everyone to imagine, restarting, does not need the manipulator to have any strength strength. 而出乎所有人想象的是,重启者,不需要操纵者有任何实力力量。 It is a real giant star aggregation. 它自身就是一颗货真价实的巨大星球聚合体。 Therefore restarting also has many other names, such as the Titan of light, the eye of combustion, the human final weapon, waits for various names. 所以重启者还有很多其他的名字,如光之泰坦,燃烧之眼,人类最终兵器,等等各种称谓。 But in the official secret file, the official use, is restarting this name. 但官方的隐秘档案中,正式使用的,还是重启者这个称呼。 The meaning understands simply. 意思简单明了。 When the situation deteriorates to the certain extent, restarting will then go out of the darkness, restarts all situations, regains the peace. 当局势恶化到一定程度时,重启者们便会走出黑暗,重启一切局势,恢复和平。 Manufacture restarting paid many prices, now cannot test. 制作重启者付出了多少代价,现在已经不可考了。 But start restarting, needs to consume a star to take the energy each time. 但每次启动重启者,都需要消耗一颗恒星作为能源。 Terrifying weapon that this condensation the human highest tech crystallized. 这种凝聚了人类最高科技结晶的恐怖武器。 Driver who the needs, actually must has the case individual of special consciousness strength. 其所需的驾驶者,却必须是拥有特殊意识力的个例个体。 It is not the star level machine armor master, is not other anything human powerhouse. 不是恒星层机甲师,也不是其他什么人类强者。 Operation restarting, must has the human individual of special consciousness strength. 操纵重启者的,必须是有着特殊意识力的人类个体。 Quick, is less than 15 minutes, the Sagittarius highest parliament announced ends. 很快,不到十五分钟,人马座最高议会宣布落幕。 The refined project of restarting, starts to assign to various congressmen is responsible for the region. 重启者的细化项目,纷纷开始分配到各议员负责区域。 A activity of named Vargas group star intelligence match, rapidly in Sagittarius each region development. 一项名为瓦格斯群星智力赛的活动,迅速在人马座各地开展。 Vargas group star intelligence match, in the entire human camp, is the special sports event of standard selection ultra-high intelligence quotient talent. 瓦格斯群星智力赛,在整个人类阵营,是标准的选拔超高智商人才的特殊赛事。 Meanwhile, the intelligence test surpasses the passing an examination average line, will obtain the top university recommendation quota, is exempt from taking an examination the admittance. 同时,智力测试超过及格平均线的,将会获得重点大学推荐名额,免试入学。 The news spreads, the average person families of entire group star were immediately insane. 消息一传出,顿时整个群星的普通人家庭都疯了。 This is a best opportunity in fish dive Dragon Gate. 这将是一个鱼跃龙门的最佳机会。 Under advertising that the official spares no effort, countless people lead oneself child, goes to attend Vargas competition. 在官方不遗余力的广告宣传下,无数的人带着自己的孩子,前往参加瓦格斯大赛。 Sagittarius fell into the revelry of average person rapidly. 人马座迅速陷入了普通人的狂欢中。 Facing the war, can only wait for the people of result, finally has the opportunity that the mood vented. 面对战争,只能等待结局的民众们,终于有将情绪发泄出来的机会。 Also has the opportunity of seeing climbs up upwardly finally. 也终于有看到向上攀爬的机会。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Vargas competition?” “瓦格斯大赛?” A Sagittarius strange industry on-board. 人马座一个陌生工业星上。 On the avenue wears hood health/guard clothes, lowers the head Wei Huan who leads the way in a hurry, suddenly the anchorage footsteps, look up to advertisement that on the large screen propagandizes. 大街上穿着兜帽卫衣,低头匆匆前行的魏欢,忽然定住脚步,抬头看向大屏幕上宣传的广告。 Initially the father sudden death, the mysterious organization chased down him. 当初父亲突然死亡,神秘组织追杀他。 Wei Huan depends upon the channel that the father leaves behind, found the opportunity to rub a merchant ship, as worker, depended on the merchant ship, each region transition. 魏欢依靠父亲留下的渠道,找机会蹭了一艘商船,以打工者的身份,靠着商船,各地转折。 Then arranged a touching pitiful life experience. 然后再编了一个感人的可怜身世。 Caused merchant ship owner what Enna pitying. 引得了商船主人何恩娜的怜悯。 Therefore successfully in the way of illegal resident, joined the merchant ship, becomes under what En a running about unskilled laborer. 于是成功以黑户的方式,加入了商船,成为了何恩娜麾下的一名跑腿小工。 This remote group star region, but no child laborer forbids the agreement. 这种偏远的群星地域,可没什么童工禁止协议。 So long as there is a hand to have the foot, is willing to endure hardship to work, can make money. 只要有手有脚,愿意吃苦干活,就能自己赚钱。 Wei Huan stands in the roadside completely, looked at the entire Vargas's introduction. 魏欢完整的站在路边,看完了整个瓦格斯的介绍。 His heart movement. 他心动了。 Vargas's big of influence, even can go directly to crowd on -board levels. 瓦格斯的影响力之大,甚至可以直达群星上层。 This is excellent, can the meteoric rise good opportunity. 这是个极好的,能直上青云的好机会。 The light goes into exile in the camouflage everywhere, he does not want to investigate thoroughly the truth that the father died forever. 光是到处流亡伪装,他永远也别想查清父亲死亡的真相。 Forever do not want to revenge. 永远也别想报仇。 Because of such him, was too small and weak. 因为这样的他,太弱小了。 Without the mixture opportunity, without the system consciousness strength sensation strength training program. 没有调制机会,没有系统的意识力感知力训练课程。 Without the machine armor support of resources construction, he exercises even for a lifetime, will not be one will transform the opponent of person completely. 没有资源建造的机甲支持,他就算锻炼一辈子,也不会是一名完全改造人的对手。 This is the reality. 这就是现实。 This is the dominant strength that the group of star aristocrats grasp, created social class solidification society. 这就是群星贵族们掌握的统治力量,造成的阶级固化社会。 In group star, only then borrows potential with the strength, can true Qingyun ..... “在群星,只有借力借势,才能真正青云啊.....” Wei Huan looks extremely thoroughly. 魏欢看得极其透彻。 But at this time Vargas competition, is the best opportunity. 而此时瓦格斯大赛,就是最好的机会。 Completely by oneself, fair striving for success stems from Jiwei the best opportunity. 一个完全靠自己,公平拼搏出自己未来的最佳机会。 Therefore, although leaves immediately, somewhat does not do right by Miss what Enna, but I, if successfully rises, later will repay her.” “所以,虽然马上离开,有些对不住何恩娜小姐,但我如果成功崛起,以后会报答她的。” Wei Huanxin is assured, with long hurried strides , to continue to go forward. 魏欢心头笃定下来,大步流星,继续前进。 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Succumbs to the star. 沉湎之星。 The first residential area. 第一居住区。 Prince manor. 王家庄园。 king Xiaosu and Drizzt support in the living room depend on watch the television. 王小苏和崔斯特在客厅里相拥靠着看电视。 Two little fellow dragon and phoenix embryos, Wang Yue and Huilin, do one's assignment in the room together. 两个小家伙龙凤胎,王越和慧琳,则在房间里一起做作业。 Since one year ago, succumbed to that star many schools, after obtaining the official school record to acknowledge . 自从一年前,沉湎之星的诸多学校,得到了正式学历承认后。 They start, for on highest school silver leaf castle university, but struggle diligently. 他们就开始为了上最高学府银叶石堡大学,而奋斗努力。 Because the grandfather big personal name spoke, to enter the highest school, only then depends upon own effort, tests forcefully. 因为外公大人名言说了,要想进最高学府,只有依靠自己的努力,硬生生考进去。 Does not permit the relations. 不允许走关系。 Regarding this although king Xiaosu has her who the complaint but does not dare the many words, has no way to revolt. 对此王小苏虽然颇有怨言但不敢多话的她,也没法反抗。 But Drizzt, is the fart does not dare to put. 而崔斯特,则更是连屁也不敢放。 Own tigress does not dare to speak, he does not certainly dare. 自家母老虎都不敢说话,他当然也不敢。 The couple watches the television, suddenly Vargas's promotion advertising, appears on the large screen. 两口子看着电视,忽然瓦格斯的宣传广告,出现在大屏幕上。 Group star highest intelligence evaluation competition, Vargas competition, welcome your participation.’ ‘群星最高智力评测大赛,瓦格斯大赛,欢迎您的参与。’ Absolutely fair!’ ‘绝对公平!’ Absolutely transparent!’ ‘绝对透明!’ Absolute sea elects!’ ‘绝对海选!’ All universities have the participation, the corresponding different positions, will be corresponded the university to invite, is exempt from taking an examination the admittance.’ ‘所有大学均有参与,对应不同名次,将会得到对应大学邀请,免试入学。’ Ranking is higher, in the future will include the file, obtains many business to favor. Even will be invited to enter the official, obtains the rare position.’ ‘排名越高,未来将计入档案,获得诸多名企青睐。甚至将受邀进入官方,获得稀有职位。’ txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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