MI :: Volume #4

#356: Plans two

Dispense with ceremony, Yin without the elder thinks now has built up all demon army?” Wang Yiyang asked calmly. “免礼,如今阴无长老想必已经集结完毕所有魔军了吧?”王一洋平静问。 Before for several years, he facing the blood shadow of comet level, but also somewhat feels timid, but now, facing this day demon sect unique pass on message Daoist, he has been able equality of treatment. 数年前,他面对彗星层的血影,还有些犯怵,但现在,面对这种天魔宗特有的传讯道人,他已经能平等对待。 Although knows this blood shadow, through over a thousand people of blood and equal number of person shadow refinements. 尽管知道这种血影,是通过上千人的鲜血和同等数量的人影子炼制而成。 He can also treat with the moderation. 他也能用平常心对待了。 Returns to the crown prince, does not have the elder to be allowed Yin, transfers the army, now the irrigation canal kind demon 2 billion vanguard army, have been building large-scale transmission.” Blood shadow reply. “回太子,阴无长老已经获准,调动大军,如今已经引河慈魔界二十亿先锋军,正在搭建大规模传送阵。”血影回答。 You go back to pass on to the elder, the group star universe situation is complex. The action, might trigger here high level fierce resistance rashly. Cannot handle affairs carelessly. “你回去转告长老,群星宇宙局势复杂。贸然行动,很可能会引发这边的高层激烈反抗。不能草率行事。 Should better to infiltrate and exploratory contact, slowly establishing diplomatic relations permeating for good. ” Wang Yiyang sincere say/way. 最好以渗透和试探性接触,慢慢建交渗入为好。”王一洋正色道。 The blood shadow hurries to lower the head. 血影赶紧低头。 Subordinate passed on to the elder surely. What do you have to tell?” “属下必定转告长老。请问您还有什么吩咐?” Some of his actually round of being afraid/painful this new crown princes. 他其实有些发憷这个新太子。 After all is a word does not gather, big shot who kills other candidates. 毕竟是一言不合,就干掉其他所有候选人的大佬。 Simultaneously also hears this crown prince once to exercise martial arts, others' memory, the soul, broke up by rubbing completely integrated itself, regarded own experience. 同时还听说这位太子曾经为了练功,把别人的记忆,灵魂,全部揉碎了融入自身,当成自己的经历。 In other words, this crown prince is very possible some mental aberrations, if chatted is chatting one to go crazy, killed him at the scene. 也就是说,这太子很可能有些精神失常,万一聊着聊着一个发疯,当场弄死他。 That earnest injustice. 那才叫真的冤。 Also, please do not have the elder to remember Yin, the channel opens the mouth, do not open in these places as far as possible. Otherwise must live the disaster.” “还有,请阴无长老一定要记得,通道开口,尽量别在这几个地方开启。否则必生祸事。” Wang Yiyang said some Coordinate. 王一洋开口说了一些坐标。 Individuality that he had inquired this Yin no elder before carefully. 他之前仔细询问过这位阴无长老的个性。 This natural disposition is oversuspicious, the happy suspicion plans. 这位生性多疑,喜猜忌算计。 In addition its recent years demon merit the accomplishment, will soon try to obtain many soil series materials to exercise martial arts. 再加上其近些年魔功即将大成,试图获得更多土系材料练功。 Therefore this time, once the foreign country develops successfully, he is to make a profit biggest one. 所以这次,一旦外域开拓成功,他就是获利最大的一位。 This is also he to/clashes on own initiative in the key of forefront. 这也是他主动冲在最前线的关键。 What is main, he once with day demon crown prince Kong non-, is the Wang Yiyang previous status, has had the conflict. 最主要的是,他曾经和天魔太子孔非,也就是王一洋的上一个身份,有过冲突。 As the matter stands, so long as Wang Yiyang selects the opinion slightly. 这样一来,王一洋只要稍稍点出意见。 Yin does not have will suspect his intention absolutely. 阴无绝对会猜疑他的意图。 But suspicion, produced result, nothing but is two. 而猜疑,产生的结果,无非就是两个。 First, to think him is causing the idea, plays to cheat. Will not walk from these Coordinate absolutely. 一是认为他在使计,耍诈。绝对不会从这些坐标走。 Second, for was planned, jumps out of the Coordinate that he gives simply, voluntarily development position. 二是为了被算计,干脆跳出他给出的坐标,自行开拓方位。 But did not understand that the situation Yin does not have, does not know absolutely. 但不了解情况的阴无,绝对不会知道。 These Coordinate, the Wang Yiyang report gives his Coordinate, is actually can truly the key point of safe landing. 这些坐标,王一洋报给他的坐标,其实才是真正能安全着陆的关键点。 So long as he avoids these Coordinate , has an accident inevitably. 所以只要他避开这些坐标,那么,必然出事。 Will pass on below surely does not have the elder Yin.” The blood shadow respectful sound replied. “在下定会转告阴无长老。”血影恭声回答。 Was laborious you, went.” Wang Yiyang temperate say/way. “辛苦你了,去吧。”王一洋温和道。 He displays temperately, more is to make the blood shadow heart jump. 只是他表现得越温和,越是让血影心头一跳。 „, First said goodbye below.” The blood shadow hurries a twinkle, changes into the blood light, flies into the light gate, vanishes does not see. “那么,在下就先告辞了。”血影赶紧一个闪烁,化为血光,飞入光门,消失不见。 The light gate swiftly reduces, changes into the demon mark, flies back to Wang Yiyang, returns to the original condition. 光门迅速缩小,重新化为魔纹,飞回王一洋身上,恢复原状。 Wang Yiyang sits in the home position, the thinking moment, directly enters the practicing condition simply. 王一洋坐在原位上,思索片刻,索性就这么直接进入修行状态。 within the body motive power following the big day demon merit route, revolved rapidly. 体内原力循着大日魔功路线,迅速运转起来。 Now he has more demon merit addition, when practices mostly, is primarily the demon merit. 如今他有更多的魔功加成,所以大部分修行时,都是以魔功为主。 Now situation crisis, only then practices the accumulation really Yuan, makes him have more security senses. 如今局势危机,只有修行积累真元,才让他有更多的安全感。 Practices without the years. 修行无岁月。 In an instant, is several years time passes. 转眼,又是数年时间流逝。 king Xiaosu just celebrated the 30 th birthday. 王小苏刚过30岁生日。 Two children was eight years old, had also grown into one meter about four tall person. 两个孩子也已经八岁了,长成了一米四左右的高个头。 But Wang Yiyang, persuaded not to have several times Yin, cannot make the progress. 王一洋这边,数次劝说阴无,都没能取得效果。 He is the persuasion, does not have Yin then more suspects his intention. 他越是劝说,阴无便越是怀疑他的意图。 Once day demon crown prince Kong non-, was subject to changing moods, the personality deviated, some people will not believe his really good intention absolutely. 曾经的天魔太子孔非,喜怒无常,性情乖离,绝对不会有人相信他真的好心。 Although Kong non- and cultivating of elder level is the disparity is enormous. 虽然孔非和长老级的修为差距极大。 But cannot support in Kong non- the hand to control the real demon long night bead. 但架不住孔非手上掌控真魔器永夜珠。 This real demon, is enormous to the suppression of Demonic Path member, even the elder, facing present Kong non-( Wang Yiyang), will still feel that has the huge suppression. 这件真魔器,对魔道修士的压制极大,就算是长老,面对如今的孔非(王一洋),也会感觉有巨大压制。 At this time, so long as won over an ordinary day enemy again 这种时候,只要再拉拢一个平日的对头 Therefore Wang Yiyang is the persuasion, has no interest Yin is the decision, does not defer to his Coordinate to walk. 所以王一洋越是劝说,阴无心中便越是决定,不按照他的坐标走。 He decides to explore a new Coordinate. 他决定自行探索一个新坐标。 This also lengthened the time of day of demon sect invasion imperceptibly. 这也无形中拖长了天魔宗侵入的时间。 But the dragging of these time, makes cultivating of Wang Yiyang be, still further. 而这些时间的拖延,也让王一洋的修为,更进一步。 The accumulation is even more vigorous. 积累越发浑厚。 He is away from the splendor moon/month level, is getting more and more near from the god period that matter qualitative change. 他距离辉月层,距离化神期那层质变越来越近。 All deferred to plan of Wang Yiyang, gradually approaches. 原本一切都按照王一洋的谋划,逐渐逼近。 What a pity, in the world all matters do not have absolutely. 可惜,世上所有事从无绝对。 In Wang Yiyang thinks is smooth. 就在王一洋以为一切顺利时。 The news of clear corpuscle, practices from the sensibility him, breaks. 清微子的一记讯息,将他从感悟修行中,打断出来。 The big brother clash the permanent child, injured. 大兄冲恒子,受伤了。 Bang! 嘭! From morning until evening the child numerous palm hits on the white jade stone table. 朝夕子重重一掌打在白玉石桌上。 The huge really Yuan shake, then shakes the powder the stone table instantaneously, dispersing falls to the ground slowly. 巨大的真元震荡,瞬间便将石桌震成粉末,缓缓散开落地。 In clear corpuscle say/way palace. 清微子道宫中。 The clear corpuscle, the child, the Wang Yiyang even positively charged electron, three people get together in the same place from morning until evening. 清微子,朝夕子,王一洋均阳子,三人齐聚一起。 From morning until evening the child is the appearance thin white clothing scholar. 朝夕子是个外貌清瘦的白衣文士。 Seemingly is more like an ordinary scholar, but does not seem like the member. 看上去更像是个普通读书人,而不像是修士。 But in fact, he is in the family/home is next to the star level powerhouse of permanent child. 但实际上,他是家中仅次于冲恒子的恒星层强者。 „For those injured permanently such big matter, why you did not tell me earlier!?” From morning until evening child whole face angry look. “冲恒受伤这么大的事,为什么你们不早点告诉我!?”朝夕子满脸怒色。 Earlier I am indefinite. What fire do you send to me now here? Had the skill you to kill melted white, extinguished his nine generations 13 generations!” “早点我也不确定。你现在在这里对我发什么火?有本事你去杀了融皓子,灭他九族十三代!” The clear corpuscle retaliates unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 清微子毫不客气回敬。 You!” From morning until evening the child fire must stand up greatly, could not say other anything words. “你!”朝夕子火大得站起身,却说不出其他什么话。 He also knows that is not says the mistake of companion, but this matter, develops now, has been incapable of recalling radically. 他也知道不是自己道侣的错,可此事,发展到现在,根本已经无力挽回。 Moreover he as the father, unexpectedly is the last knowing person. 而且他身为父亲,居然是最后一个知道的人。 Wang Yiyang in one side brow slightly pressed, calmly kneels to sit. 王一洋在一旁眉头微蹙,静静跪坐。 Really had an accident to the permanent child. 冲恒子果然还是出事了。 At last month end of the month, he when intending to suppress the gate dungeon change, acted continuously three times. 在上个月月末,他在出手镇压宗门地牢异动时,连续出手三次。 When acts for the fourth time, went well by a shadow sneak attack, although then makes into the powder dust sneak attack at the scene. 在第四次出手时,被一道黑影偷袭得手,虽然当场便把偷袭者打成碎末。 But has not helped matters. 但已经无济于事了。 Under the innumerable Yuan gods pay attention, everyone induced him when acted for the fourth time, aura Yuan god rapidly falls. 无数元神关注之下,大家都感应到了他在第四次出手时,身上的气息元神急速下跌。 The extremely high call side by side, was shattered. 原本极高的第一道子的呼声,就此破灭。 The moral immortal sect is impossible to enable one only to act three lines, becomes takes the lead side by side. 道德仙宗也不可能让一个只能出手三次的道子,成为领头的第一道子。 Is the future inherits sovereign most powerhouse side by side surely. 第一道子必定是未来继承宗主之位的最强者。 As most powerhouse, should not have the so obvious flaw. 身为最强者,就不应该有如此明显的破绽。 Now as we all know, acts restricted to the permanent child, simultaneously now is injured. What to do now should?” Clear corpuscle cold sound said. “现在所有人都知道,冲恒子出手受限,同时现在更是受了伤。现在该怎么办?”清微子寒声道。 What fears, to permanent hasn't died? Injured, sect gate so many cure the medicine, quick can restore. “怕什么,冲恒又没死?只是受伤,宗门这么多疗伤药,很快就能恢复。 The momentum was broken, before permanent prestige no longer such as. Thing that we need to face, will be more troublesome than before. ” 只是势头被破,冲恒的威名不再如以前。我们需要面对的东西,也会比之前更麻烦。” From morning until evening the child is the star level member, the strength brings self-confidently, is steadier. 朝夕子是恒星层修士,实力带来自信,更加稳重些。 Feared that feared friendly white seizes the chance to begin, these days, we stare tightly, careful in word and deed.” Clear corpuscle sincere say/way. “怕就怕融皓子趁机动手,这段时间,我们盯紧点,慎言慎行。”清微子正色道。 Positively charged electron, you if recently the safe/without matter, little went far.” From morning until evening the child urged. “阳子,你最近若是无事,少出远门。”朝夕子叮嘱道。 Un, I understand.” Wang Yiyang nods. “嗯,我明白。”王一洋点头。 He worries now, happened finally. 他如今担心的,终于发生了。 The big brother really have problems to the permanent child. 大兄冲恒子果然出了问题。 As the matter stands, his beforehand day demon sect plans, must slightly under the change. 这样一来,他之前的天魔宗谋划,也得稍稍更改下了。 Does not need the big brother to act. 不需要大兄出手。 The present group star and immortal say three, the situation, as the accumulation of both sides military force, starts to be slowly anxious. 如今的群星和仙道三宗,局势随着双方军力的积累,又开始慢慢紧张起来。 Again the elder who if presents the star level leads to invade. The two sides absolutely are the earliest possible time collection hot day demon sect armies, demonstrates the military force by this, the showing strength. 若是再出现恒星层的长老带队入侵。两边绝对是第一时间集火天魔宗大军,以此来展示军力,彰显实力。 Positively charged electron, you also leave now were tenacious, do not cling to tenaciously your succumbing to star. That is crowd of stars is used to tie up your external object.” “阳子,如今你也别再固执了,别死守你那个沉湎之星。那不过是群星用来拴住你的外物。” From morning until evening the child looks to Wang Yiyang. 朝夕子看向王一洋 I understand, I know fairly well.” Wang Yiyang nods. “我明白,我心中有数。”王一洋点头。 What number do you have? Goes back under the reorganization, moves, and I lives to the palace together.” The clear corpuscle shakes the head to say. “你有什么数?回去整理下,搬过来,到道宫和我一起住。”清微子摇头道。 Your mother said right, so long as the person, other is unimportant.” From morning until evening the child approves. “你母亲说得没错,只要人还在,其他一切都不重要。”朝夕子赞同。 Situation has not gone bad to this situation.” Suddenly a sound before palace big palace gate transmits. “局势还没坏到这个地步。”忽然一个声音从道宫大殿门前传来。 Walks gradually to the permanent child. A white clothing, shoulders the long sword as before, the space between eyebrows red seal sparkle glistening red light. 冲恒子缓步走进来。依旧一身白衣,背负长剑,眉间红印闪耀莹莹红光。 Seeming like with was in the past nondistinctive. 看起来和往常并无区别。 Or instead the positively charged electron cannot move now absolutely. “或者说,反而阳子现在绝对不能动。 Now quickly moves the accumulation, will only make the opponent in hidden know our situations in secret. ” 现在急忙动弹聚集,只会让暗中隐藏的对手知道我们的情况。” Smiles to say to the permanent child. 冲恒子微笑道。 Let alone, this time matter, originally in my planning.” “更何况,这次的事,本就在我的算计之中。” This saying, the child clear corpuscle, opens the eye immediately from morning until evening. 这话一出,顿时朝夕子清微子,都睁大眼睛。 Clash/To permanent, you said, this time is injured is you intentionally?” Clear corpuscle immediately being startled say/way. “冲恒,你是说,这次受伤是你故意的?”清微子顿时惊道。 Pushes the boat along.” Said with a smile to the permanent child, they wanted to clarify my situation, that such as his intent.” “顺水推舟而已。”冲恒子笑道,“他们想要摸清我的情况,那就如他的意。” He has the fatal flaw, cannot fight for a long time, but did not have to arrive exaggeratingly can only have three moves of situations. 他是有致命破绽,是不能长久战斗,但还没这么夸张到只能出三招的地步。 This is the strategy that he confuses the opponent intentionally. 这不过是他故意迷惑对手的计策。 Hears to the permanent child's reply, the clear corpuscle and children relax from morning until evening. 听到冲恒子的回答,清微子和朝夕子都松了口气。 But the Wang Yiyang still heart is urgent. 王一洋却依旧心头紧迫。 With other person of differences, clear corpuscle and the others too many plots have not planned the combat experience. 和其他人不同,清微子等人并没有太多的阴谋算计斗争经验。 But he is different, he once on the market depended entirely on these methods to live. 但他不同,他曾经商场上全靠这些手段过日子。 The plot plans, is almost his old profession. 阴谋算计,几乎就是他的老本行。 Clash/To the scheme of permanent child, in his eyes, was really somewhat rough. 冲恒子的这个计谋,在他眼里,实在是有些粗糙了。 However at this moment, his not good speech attack morale. 不过此时此刻,他也不好说话打击士气。 Clash/To permanent child some expectations, obviously let the clear corpuscle early and child relax from morning until evening. 冲恒子的早有预料,明显让清微子和朝夕子松了口气。 As if all situations in assurance. 似乎一切局势都在把握中了。 But Wang Yiyang can actually see that they have not seen. 王一洋却能看到他们没看到的。 If really can size up the overall situation to the permanent child, does not need to do such complex scheme, the direct military force suppresses all, what scheme is useless. 如果冲恒子真的能把握全局,根本不用搞出这么复杂的计谋,直接武力镇压一切,什么计谋都没用。 What a pity, he does not have to do that. 可惜,他没这么做。 This means, the big brother to/clashes the strength of permanent child, possibly issue compared with big of imagination. 这就意味着,大兄冲恒子的实力,可能问题比想象的大。 He now in the heart of Angola family member. 他如今是在安自己家人的心。 He looks with is flushing the permanent child who the clear corpuscle chatted. In the heart urgent even more intensifies. 他看着正在和清微子聊天的冲恒子。心中紧迫越发加剧。 ‚The reward of status duty, five years can, but resulted in the reward even, I am impossible the sentence to promote immediately, can participate in the situation the level.’ ‘身份任务的奖励,还有五年才能到,但就算得了奖励,我也不可能马上句提升到,能参与局势的层次。’ Therefore, I can help the big brother only, with strength.’ ‘所以,我唯一能帮助大兄的,就是借力。’ Wang Yiyang lowering the head look twinkle. 王一洋低下头眼神闪烁。 He looks at oneself palm, grasps the palm gently. 他看着自己的手掌,轻轻握起掌心。 Although he has compared now was powerful initially innumerable times. 虽然现在他已经比起当初强大了无数倍。 But contrasts big brother level, as before like ants. 但对比大兄这一层次,依旧如同蝼蚁。 By the body of ants, participates in the playing chess of this rank, even the slightest misstep meets a cruel death. 以蝼蚁之身,参与进这种级别的对弈,稍有不慎就是粉身碎骨。 This fatal threat feeling, making Wang Yiyang recall when are initial, obtains the status system feeling. 这种致命的威胁感,让王一洋回想起自己最初,获得身份系统时的感觉。 That time he, not also like the present. 那时的他,不也是像现在这样。 „The join of day demon sect, but also needs to choose carefully. The elders do not have Yin should prepare now appropriately, on and other opportunity.” “天魔宗的入局,还需要仔细选择。长老阴无现在应该已经准备妥当,就等一个机会了。” Wang Yiyang heart thinking, but now the big brother injury exposure, melts white child and continues forever that side the meeting , and other golden opportunity? 王一洋心头思索,而如今大兄伤势曝光,融皓子和永续会那边,又何尝不是在等一个绝佳的机会? „, As the matter stands, the issue was so simple.” “那么,这样一来,问题就简单了。”
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