MI :: Volume #4

#355: Plans one

Accumulates thunder mountain, long ago star. 积雷山,久远星。 In a rolling giant mountain range. 一片连绵起伏的巨大山脉中。 The summit highest place, the whole body dark mail-armor and helmet, grasps the form of giant steel fork together, is looking up to the starry sky, calmly is sensing anything. 山顶最高处,一道浑身黝黑甲胄,手持巨大钢叉的身影,正仰望星空,静静感悟着什么。 Prosperous The distant place sky thunder clouds gather slowly, send out the sound. 远处天空雷云慢慢汇聚,发出响动。 Indistinct has the faint trace blue color electric arc to glitter unceasingly. 隐约有丝丝蓝色电弧不断闪烁。 . 咔嚓。 Suddenly the blood-color lightning, just like the crotch, flashes past in the sky together. 忽然一道血色闪电,宛如树杈,在天空中一闪而过。 Un?” “嗯?” The person's shadow raised the head slightly, rocking top of the head two curving thick sharp bull horn. 人影微微抬头,晃动头顶两根弯曲粗大的尖锐牛角。 Writing on the wall person's shadow low and deep say/way. “不祥之兆”人影低沉道。 „The pursuing troops monster that king, dispatches, will all extinguish again.” The black smoke of fox shape, flutters before the person's shadow body together. “大王,派遣出去的追兵妖将,再度全灭了。”一道狐狸形状的黑烟,飘到人影身前。 All extinguished? Before Mang Niujing, may not have such strong strength he to roughly understand the foundation law to decide, even/including Shufa an also only great strength department.” Person's shadow low and deep say/way. “又全灭了?莽牛精以前可没这么强的实力他只是粗通基础法决,连术法也只会巨力一系。”人影低沉道。 King, this matter must have the fishy, perhaps has other influences covertly to meddle to be inferior that we fox black smoke spoke softly. “大王,此事其中必有蹊跷,或许有其他势力暗中插手不如我们”狐狸黑烟轻声细语起来。 „It is not right!” Suddenly person's shadow, big hand, the palm sends out the magnanimous black smoke monster strength. “不对!”忽然人影一顿,大手一张,掌心散发出海量黑烟般妖力。 The innumerable monster strength by his request, were changed into the huge vortex upward. 无数妖力被他往上一托,化为巨大漩涡。 The vortex flies loudly toward the sky. Just like a giant magic weapon compass, all over the body black. 漩涡轰然朝着天空飞去。宛如一块巨大法宝罗盘,通体黑色。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Vortex bombardment in position, towering comes out a black large cave/hole. 漩涡轰击的所在方位,突兀的多出来一个黑色大洞。 large cave/hole about 50 meters in diameter, has white thunder light to glitter indistinctly unceasingly. 大洞直径50米左右,其中隐约有白色雷光不断闪烁。 Sky overhead is my heart, the Heavenly Dao is I said!” “天心即我心,天道即我道!” The low and deep ease sound, flutters together faintly from large cave/hole. 一道低沉悠然的声音,从大洞中隐隐飘出。 Below remote on-board, many monsters raise head monster king, hear this sound. 下方的久远星上,诸多妖将妖王纷纷仰头,听到这个声音。 Places the mountain range most above Bull Demon King, is raising head the monster strength vortex that looks at to make, flies to large cave/hole. 身处山脉最上方的牛魔王,正仰头望着自己打出的妖力漩涡,飞向大洞。 The vortex as if bubble, hits gently in large cave/hole, in an instant then gently shatter, has not splashed including a water splash. 漩涡仿佛泡沫,轻轻撞在大洞上,转眼便轻轻破碎,连一丝水花也没溅起来。 „The big energy of some unknown origin?” Bull Demon King exhibits the humble smile, cups one hand in the other across the chest toward large cave/hole. “某位未知来历的大能么?”牛魔王摆出谦卑的笑容,朝着大洞拱手。 Does not know that is which senior arrives?” “不知是哪位前辈亲临?” In large cave/hole does not have to spread the sound again. 大洞中没有再传出声音。 Is slightly quiet. 只是微微沉寂下来。 Immediately 随即 The white light of twinkle star, shines slowly in large cave/hole, just like the Milky Way stars. 星星点点的白光,在大洞内缓缓亮起,宛如银河繁星。 Wait!!” Bull Demon King felt suddenly whole body trembles, knows well, do not shout loudly. “等等!!”牛魔王忽然感觉全身一阵战栗,知道不好,就要高喊。 I behind am “我身后乃” What a pity was too late. 可惜太迟了。 In large cave/hole, the innumerable star light link up into a single stretch suddenly, simultaneous/uniform Qida shines, emits the mighty current sea tide huge white light downward. 大洞内,无数星光骤然连成一片,齐齐大亮,往下放出洪流海潮般的巨大白光。 The limitless white light flash, the under remote star will then swallow to cover. 无边无际的白光一瞬间,便将下方的久远星吞噬笼罩进去。 Incessantly so, the white light light beam is getting bigger and bigger, forms the cone, behind the big piece star territory toward remote star flies simultaneously, has submerged boundlessly does not know the far dark starry sky. 不止如此,白光光柱越来越大,形成圆锥形,朝着久远星后方的大片星域同时飞去,一直没入茫茫不知道多远的黑暗星空。 In the monster clan reputation enormous big monster king Bull Demon King, supports in the white light at this time by strenuous efforts. 妖族中名声极大的大妖王牛魔王,此时在白光中苦苦支撑。 He shines together the blue-green light spot behind, sends out the invisible strength, supported the most pressure for him. 他身后亮起一块青绿色光斑,散发无形力量,为他支撑了大半的压力。 That blue-green light spot, he does not have the means is so easy to resist this light beam. 要不是那青绿色光斑,他也没办法这么容易抵挡这道光柱。 But besides him, other monster clans did not have such good luck. 而除他之外,其余妖族就没这么好运气了。 Accumulates the thunder mountain core star, long ago the star entire vanished. 积雷山核心星球,久远星整个都消失了。 The big star, under just white light, just like the evaporation, vanished thoroughly does not see. 诺大的星球,在刚刚的白光下,宛如蒸发般,彻底消失不见。 Incessantly so, peripheral another two stars, followed to evaporate together. 不止如此,周边的另外两个星球,也跟着一起蒸发了。 In an instant, the white light light beam thins slowly, slowly the desalination, starts to dissipate. 转眼间,白光光柱慢慢变细,慢慢淡化,开始消散。 Bull Demon King was being protected by the dark green colored light cover, at this time is dumbfounded, whole body weak looks at the beforehand remote star in the position. 牛魔王被青绿色光罩护着,此时目瞪口呆,浑身无力的看着之前的久远星所在位置。 „This!!?” Behind he has the card in hand that appears, at this time also definitely became other by the monster clan that same evaporates. “这这!!?”他要不是身上有后面浮现的底牌,此时也肯定成了其他被一样蒸发的妖族。 What most makes his frightened is, his remote on-board, but also has the deep big shot to begin the hidden strategy under arrangement. 最让他惊悚的是,他的久远星上,可是还有着深厚大佬动手布置下的隐藏阵法。 But hidden the strategy, in this strikes to vanish into thin air. 可就是隐藏阵法,也在这一击下烟消云散。 ! 哧! Suddenly in large cave/hole, the new white light beam is near loudly again. 忽然大洞中,新的一道白色光束轰然再临。 This time, Bull Demon King cannot shoulder. 这一次,牛魔王没能扛过去。 He opens big mouth, the whole body flesh dissolves in the white light fast, desalinates. 他张大嘴,浑身血肉在白光中飞快溶解,淡化。 He wants to shout, but actually what sound cannot send out. 他想要大喊,但却什么声音都发不出。 After a white light, the position that Bull Demon King is, has decomposed the evaporation thoroughly. 一道白光后,牛魔王所在的位置,早已彻底分解蒸发。 Again does not have any lifeform survival. 再没有任何生物存活。 Moral immortal sect, Hong Ludao Palace. 道德仙宗,洪炉道宫。 The Wang Yiyang look vibrates looks at front one. 王一洋神色震动的看着面前的一幕。 He also thinks that the big brother solves the problem through other methods. 他还以为大兄是通过其他方法解决问题。 Sends, either is Buddhist musical instrument rune/symbol Lu and others. 或者是派人,或者是法器符箓等。 What a pity how regardless of he cannot think, the entire entire process, to permanent child one finger/refers, the fingertip then departs a white light conveniently, falls into the float in the main hall, the link accumulates in the entrance of thunder mountain. 可惜他无论如何也想不到,整个全过程,冲恒子只是随手一指,指尖便飞出一点白光,落入漂浮在大殿上,联通积雷山的入口内。 This entrance, is he through new chasing down, space array of method that the reverse inference opens. Permits through the energy upper limit, cannot surpass the splendor moon/month level. 这个入口,还是他通过新一波的追杀者,反向推断打开的空间阵法门。允许通过的能量上限,是不能超过辉月层的。 Wang Yiyang is unable to speculate how the big brother uses such a frail transmission gate, solves opposite star. 王一洋根本无法推测,大兄是如何用这么一个脆弱的传送门,解决对面一个星球的。 What matter also has? This trouble, you to are stir up big. Just I located, that side had the star level expert to stare at you. “还有什么事么?这次的麻烦,你到是惹得不小。刚刚我定位到,那边有恒星层高手盯上你。 However now has solved. ” Smiles to say to the permanent child. 不过现在已经解决了。”冲恒子微笑道。 Many thanks big brother.” The Wang Yiyang complexion is invariable, but looks on status system, the data column starts to move again. “多谢大兄。”王一洋面色不变,但看着身份系统上,数据栏再度开始动弹。 He then understands, this time duty, may be very helped be solved. 他便明白,这次的任务,很可能又被帮忙解决了。 On the data column, the floor brush moved one line of characters silently. 数据栏上,默默地刷动了一行字符。 Accumulates lord of Bull Demon King thunder mountain to fall into is on the verge of death, the duty relieves automatically.’ ‘积雷山之主牛魔王陷入濒死,任务自动解除。’ Wang Yiyang takes back the line of sight silently. 王一洋默默地收回视线。 Then the beforehand making a move agreement, the big brother don't forget?” “那么之前的出手约定,大兄可别忘了?” He urged. 他叮嘱道。 Relax, since complies with your matter, will not forget.” Clash/To permanent child slantingly by long cot, be with smile on the face. “放心,既然答应你的事,不会忘。”冲恒子斜靠在长榻上,面带微笑。 „, Asked to be excused Yang in advance.” Wang Yiyang sets out, toward flushing the permanent child bows slightly line of rituals. “那么,均阳就先行告退了。”王一洋起身,朝着冲恒子微微鞠躬行一礼。 Goes.” “去吧。” Partly depends to the permanent child on the protrusion of the occipital bone, gazes after the younger brother to set out, to clearing the way palace main hall. 冲恒子半靠在玉枕上,目送着弟弟起身,离开道宫主厅。 Until the younger brother even positively charged electron vanishes in the front door thoroughly exits, vanishes in his Yuan god perception area. 直到弟弟均阳子彻底消失在大门出口,消失在他元神感知范围内。 He sighed slowly. 他才缓缓叹息。 You thought how long you can also conceal?” “你觉得你还能隐瞒多久?” In a side main hall door, goes out of a Bailu same auspicious beast slowly, the giant silkworm nine herd beasts. 侧面主厅一个小门里,缓缓走出一头白鹿一样的瑞兽,天蚕九牧兽。 Just words were it is said. 刚刚的话便是它所说。 I have not concealed intentionally.” Clash/To the permanent child light say/way, does not want to make them be worried.” “我并没有故意隐瞒。”冲恒子淡淡道,“只是不想让他们担心而已。” Therefore you do show off power to act? Also gives intentionally the family member biggest protection? “所以你就逞强出手?还故意给自己亲人最大的保护? That magic weapon armor of even positively charged electron, did you make many efforts? ” Helpless the giant silkworm nine herd beasts said. 均阳子的那副法宝铠甲,你可是耗费了不少心力吧?”天蚕九牧兽无奈道。 „” Had not replied to the permanent child again. “”冲恒子没再回答。 Everyone thinks that you are the marvelous ability mature greatly go out, actually does not know, although you merit becomes, but is imperfect. “所有人都以为你是神功大成才出关,却不知道,你虽然功成,但并不完美。 Now melts white should somewhat to detect that is not right. If you really invincible, this/should has hit directly, rather than likely now such slowly levigation. 如今融皓子应该已经有些发觉不对了。若是你真的所向无敌,早就该直接打过去,而不是像现在这么慢慢水磨。 Therefore, you should be clear, was discovered is only sooner or later matter. ” 所以,你该清楚,被发现只是早晚的事。” „” Had nothing to say in reply to the permanent child. “”冲恒子无言以对。 The human affairs is variable, who understands, he external runs amuck overbearingly, for actually wants to conceal the intrinsic fatal weakness. 世事无常,又有谁明白,他外在霸道横行,为的其实只是想掩饰内在的致命弱点。 If you have not readily believed initially that person collects the unusual Hong furnace material, possibly now reveals the color of not indignation on giant silkworm nine herd beasts. “如果你当初没有轻信那人采集异常的洪炉材料,可能现在就”天蚕九牧兽露出不忿之色。 Ok, did not say these, I let the matter that you helped, how to do?” Breaks the opposite party to say to the permanent child. “好了,不说这些了,我让你帮忙的事,做得如何了?”冲恒子打断对方道。 How long you could not support giant silkworm nine herd beasts to shake the head, observed according to me, your younger brother, perhaps already some suspicions.” “你撑不了多久”天蚕九牧兽摇头,“根据我观察,你弟弟,恐怕已经有些怀疑了。” Positively charged electron he has not spoken to the permanent child again. “阳子他”冲恒子没再说话。 He loves oneself younger brother very much, therefore exhausts ability, what as far as possible is it makes various preparations. 他很宠爱自己的弟弟,所以竭尽所能,尽可能的为其做好各种准备。 But every so often, does many, the appeared flaw are also more. 可很多时候,做得越多,出现的破绽也越多。 He is truly intelligent. However should have no way to determine.” Shakes the head to the permanent child. “他确实很聪明。不过应该也没法确定。”冲恒子摇头。 He cultivates is too weak, not involve well to him.” “他修为太弱,还是不要把他牵扯进来为好。” Comes out from the palace. 从道宫出来。 Wang Yiyang returns to the spaceship, felt that on faintly the big brother presents not to it place. 王一洋回到自己飞船上,隐隐感觉大兄身上出现的一丝不对之处。 He to oneself but actually one cup of hot milk, small mouth of end slowly in hand is sipping. 他给自己倒了一杯热牛奶,端在手中慢慢小口的抿着。 On big brother seems like some is not right “大兄身上似乎有些不对” When he thinks repeatedly just chatted, some details of discovery. 他反复思索刚刚聊天时,发现的一些细节。 Not only today, but also including recent several times of meeting. 不只是今天,还包括最近的数次见面。 He does not feel faintly right. 他都隐隐感觉不对。 As if, needs to act each time repeatedly, for a long time when acts, the big brother have various reasons to shirk. Is just shirks each time, is possibly has the hard thing to bring up?” “似乎,每次需要多次出手,长时间出手时,大兄都有各种理由推脱。到底是每次都刚好推脱,还是其中可能有难言之隐?” In the Wang Yiyang heart speculated. 王一洋心中推测。 Covering up of mother clear corpuscle. The slight difference of big brother. 母亲清微子的遮遮掩掩。大兄的细微异样。 These gave him are not very good feelings. 这些都给了他不是很好的感觉。 It is estimated that mother clear corpuscle also discovered is not right. She had not said.” “估计母亲清微子也发现了不对。只是她没说。” Wang Yiyang cultivates for now has been close to mother, can feel an unusuality probably. 王一洋如今修为已经接近母亲,大概能感觉到了一丝异常。 If even I can the abnormal, then the friendly white child that side has definitely also induced.” “如果连我都能感觉异常,那么融皓子那边肯定也有所感应。” Wang Yiyang has a premonition. His stability life, possibly soon ended. 王一洋有种预感。他的安定生活,可能快要结束了。 Recalled that since the big brother has gone out to the permanent child, has been building a marvelous ability accomplishment diligently, invincible same level powerful impression. 回想大兄冲恒子出关以来,一直在努力营造一个神功大成,无敌同级的强大印象。 Every acts one time, his not over three moves. 每一次出手,他都不会超过三招。 The fight, he solves in three moves each time. 每次战斗,他都是在三招以内解决。 Wang Yiyang associates again, many sect gate task management that before several times, the big brother shirked, all needs to act lastingly. 王一洋再联想到,之前好几次,大兄推脱掉的不少宗门任务安排,全都是需要持久出手的。 „” He thought of a possibility suddenly. “难道”他忽然想到了一个可能。 „Is the strength of big brother, and not enough to support him to act continuously? But is only the initial time explosive force is astonishing?” “难道大兄的实力,并不足以支撑他连续出手?而只是最初的时候爆发力惊人?” The Wang Yiyang silent thinking moment, had no way to find enough clue eventually, proved this conclusion. 王一洋静默思索片刻,终究还是没法找到足够线索,证明这个结论。 He looks again to the status duty. 他再度看向身份任务。 This time status duty was solved, accumulates thunder mountain Bull Demon King also to make into the disabled person by big brother one move. Should not have to chase down the monster to challenge again.” “这次的身份任务解决了,积雷山牛魔王也被大兄一招打成残废。应该不会再有追杀妖将了。” That, then, must enhance my own strength as soon as possible. Simultaneously dodges the danger. “那么,接下来,必须尽快提升我自己实力。同时规避危险。 The best way, grasps a stronger influence. ” 最好的办法,就是掌握更强的势力。” The Wang Yiyang heart puts down him to lift the right hand, gently at a front midair point. 王一洋心头平他抬起右手,轻轻在面前半空一点。 The spaceship, the demon mark on his hand is separated automatically, launches together the dark Red Devils mark in the midair. 飞船内部,他手上的魔纹自动脱离,在半空中展开出一道暗红魔纹。 Disc demon mark just like an impressionist school oil painting, chaotic, does not have the rule. 圆盘般的魔纹宛如一副印象派油画,杂乱无章,毫无规律。 The disc demon mark rotates the half-turn slowly, immediately projects together the blood-color oval light gate downward. 圆盘魔纹慢慢转动半圈,随即往下投射出一道血色椭圆光门。 A Wang Yiyang again hand finger/refers of light gate. 王一洋再度手一指光门。 Opens.” “开。” ! 哧! The time, the light gate trembles slightly. Puts out one group of mucilage general blood-color person's shadows. 顿时间,光门微微一颤。从中吐出一团粘液一般的血色人影。 The person's shadow is only a shadow, crawls to set out from the ground slowly, then kneels toward Wang Yiyang salutes. 人影只是个影子,从地上慢慢爬起身,然后朝着王一洋跪地行礼。 Blood shadow has seen the crown prince.” “血影见过太子。”
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