MI :: Volume #4

#354: Layout two

Su Xiaoxiao, then finally in Wang Yiyang often leads under the air/Qi, successfully found the practicing law of suiting her physique decides. 苏小小这边,则终于在王一洋的不时导气下,成功找到了一门适合她体质的修行法决。 That is the immortal magic arts that named flowered reveal directs decides. 那是一门名为花露引的仙道法决。 Is extremely simple, rough practicing method, the highest boundary can practice at most gold/metal pill period. 是极其简单,粗糙的修行法门,最高境界顶多能修行到金丹期。 This was the limit. 这就是极限了。 Although the limit of method is only gold/metal pill period, but Su Xiaoxiao exceptionally was still happy. 尽管法门的极限只是金丹期,但苏小小依旧异常高兴。 Because this can touch the husband Wang Yiyang world on behalf of her finally reluctantly. 因为这代表她终于能勉强触及丈夫王一洋的世界了。 At least in the life, can be close. 起码在寿元上,能有所接近。 So long as can practice successfully gold/metal pill, can prolong life 200 years old. In addition the group star hi-tech means that prolong life for 400 years, inadequate pressure. 只要能修成金丹,就能延寿两百岁。再加上群星这边的科技手段,延寿四百年,不成压力。 But Wang Yiyang also relaxes, Su Xiaoxiao can also see years slowly the trace. 王一洋也松口气,苏小小慢慢也能看出身上岁月的痕迹。 When this makes him close up, often will have anxiously. 这让他闭关之余,不时也会有所忧虑。 He does not think that closes up one time, outside direct the people are no longer the same, the wife and children both pass away. 他不想一次闭关出来,外面直接物是人非,妻子儿女双双老死。 Now Su Xiaoxiao successfully crosses the threshold, saw the hope. 现在苏小小成功入门,也算是看到了希望。 In addition. 除此之外。 Wei worry death news, passed to eventually succumbed to the star. 魏愁的死讯,终究还是传到了沉湎之星。 Is a child named Wei Huan, through the hyperspace communication, told king Xiaosu. 是一个叫魏欢的孩子,通过超空间通讯,告诉王小苏的。 king Xiaosu passed on to father Wang Yiyang. 王小苏则转告了父亲王一洋 After knowing Wei worry also leaves behind child Wei Huan. 在得知魏愁还留下一个孩子魏欢后。 king Xiaosu planned to receive the side Wei Huan. 王小苏原本打算将魏欢接到身边来。 What a pity cannot find that child's trail. 可惜没能找到那孩子的踪迹。 A year ago, a Wei Huan then person left the original resident star quietly, does not know the trace. 在一年前,魏欢便悄悄一个人离开了原住星球,不知所踪。 All fell into tranquilly. 一切又重新陷入了宁静。 The group star, the immortal said that day demon sect, one peace. 群星,仙道,天魔宗,都一片安宁。 The big brother as before still with melting white gamble to the permanent child in secret. The undercurrent surges, the battle is intense. 大兄冲恒子依旧还在和融皓子暗中博弈。暗流涌动,争斗激烈。 Wang Yiyang also often deals with occasionally one time pursuing troops who accumulates thunder mountain. 王一洋也不时地偶尔应对一次积雷山的追兵。 The second pursuing troops, are six at least 15 levels of monsters. 第二次的追兵,是六名至少十五级的妖将。 To not having him of magic weapon armor, this quantity a little pressure. 对没有法宝铠甲的他来说,这个数量有点压力。 After all he detains to pull to enter the thought jail, requires the cushion time. 毕竟他关押拉扯进入思维监牢,是需要缓冲时间的。 Six 15 levels, he detains from the start without enough time, can only shoulder hardly. 六名十五级,他压根来不及关押,只能硬扛。 But has the magic weapon armor, silver leaf castle research results. 但有法宝铠甲在,还有银叶石堡的研究成果在。 He fully-armed, six 15 levels cannot even open his defense, then announced that all extinguishes. Was detained the thought jail completely. 他全副武装下,六名十五级甚至连他的防御也打不开,便宣告全灭。全部被关押进思维监牢。 But since the second wave of chasing down end, Wang Yiyang somewhat detected suddenly. 而随着第二波的追杀结束,王一洋忽然有些发觉。 His sensation, consciousness, as if toward an inexplicable direction change. 他的感知,意识,似乎在朝着一种莫名的方向变化。 His sensation consciousness, mortal body intensity, as in fast promotion. 他的感知意识,肉身强度,都在依旧快速提升中。 Even if there is an demon true understanding Yuan cultivation acceleration, such promotion still some extremely. 就算是有魔道真元的修炼加速,这样的提升也有些太过了。 Moreover, makes him feel what is exaggerating, own body, as if becomes somewhat strange. 而且,更让他感觉夸张的是,自己的身体,似乎变得有些奇怪。 As if, compatible unprecedented. 似乎,兼容性前所未有的强。 The immortal true understanding Yuan, is the demon true understanding Yuan, the cultivation accumulates the good magic gate of thunder mountain, the obtained strength, will merge into one organic whole automatically. 无论是仙道真元,还是魔道真元,还是修炼积雷山的牛魔法门,得到的力量,都会自动融为一体。 Turns into an ash to throw, can simulate any strength the special energy. 变成一种灰扑扑的,能够模拟成任何力量的特殊能量。 This energy seems like him to come out after the perfect tower, started to appear. 这种能量似乎是他从完美之塔出来后,就开始出现了。 Following even more obvious, are getting more and more. 只是后续越发明显,越来越多而已。 This energy powerful place, lies in being able optional in vitality, really Yuan, with consciousness sensations, optional change. 这股能量强大之处,在于能随意的在气血,真元,和意识感知之间,随意变化。 It can change into the mortal body, can change into really the Yuan, can change into the pure sensation and consciousness strength. 它能化为肉身,也能化为真元,更能化为纯粹的感知和意识力。 Wang Yiyang this gray strength, names as the motive power. 王一洋将这股灰色力量,命名为原力。 The emergence of motive power, solves after accidentally he obtained status system, a big difficult problem that must face. 原力的出现,无意中解决了他获得身份系统后,所要面临的一大难题。 That is the strength that various status bring cultivates is, when transformation the side that has loses high. 那就是各种身份带来的实力修为,转化时有着的极高损耗。 Some are not even able to transform, can only two choose one, other give up. 有的甚至无法转化,只能二选一,其余放弃。 The emergence of motive power, lets the Wang Yiyang three Yuan, had even more a series trend. 原力的出现,让王一洋的三元,都有了越发一统的趋势。 Calmly indoor cultivates, he mortal body thoroughly transforms really a Yuan infant from time to time, from time to time changes into the sensation body thoroughly, consciousness the body. 静修室内,他时而肉身彻底转化成真元元婴,时而彻底化为感知体,意识体。 From time to time becomes the meat body thoroughly, only keeps a wee bit sensations and consciousness. 时而彻底成为肉身体,只留一丁点感知和意识。 Three Yuan transformation, making Wang Yiyang even more no longer rigidly adheres to the realistic shape. 三元的转化,让王一洋越发的不再拘泥于现实形态。 As the emergence and strength of motive power. The third monster will chase down also appears again, this time is the splendor moon/month level monster, was driven back by the Wang Yiyang magic weapon armor with ease. 而随着原力的出现和壮大。第三次的妖将追杀也再度出现,这次是辉月层妖将,被王一洋的法宝铠甲轻松逼退。 But at the same time, cultivating of Wang Yiyang to finally achieve bottleneck. 而与此同时,王一洋的修为终于达到了瓶颈。 His these years closing up, held in in addition of various speed-up, was equivalent to the general member self-torture more than 20 years. 他这几年的闭关,在各种增速的加持下,相当于一般修士苦修了二十多年。 The effect may be called astonishing. 效果堪称惊人。 But cultivates for promotion , is quite naturally gratifying. 而修为的提升,也自然极为喜人。 Only misses one step, Wang Yiyang can successfully step into the god period, is the splendor moon/month level 18 levels of crowd of star correspondences. 只差一步,王一洋就能成功踏入化神期,也就是群星对应的辉月层十八级。 But is this step, is actually not the pure dependence accumulation sensation total quantity, can break through successfully. 但就是这一步,却不是单纯依靠积累感知总量,就能突破成功。 Calmly indoor cultivates. 静修室内。 Wang Yiyang opens the eye slowly. 王一洋缓缓睁开眼睛。 Several years self-torture, making his hair grow compared with before, just like the silk thread waterfall, hung loose, flowed in the place, the shiny black was mild-mannered. 数年的苦修,让他头发比起以前长了很多,宛如丝线瀑布般,披散开来,流淌在地,黑亮柔顺。 Arrived at the bottleneck Wang Yiyang to sigh slowly, before the half a month, he then felt that within the body motive power appeared gradually sluggishly. “到达瓶颈了”王一洋缓缓叹息,早在半月前,他便感觉体内原力渐渐出现迟滞。 The promotion speed starts to slow down. 提升速度开始放缓。 He guessed that possibly to bottleneck, thinks the bottleneck also requires time. 他猜测可能到了瓶颈,原本以为瓶颈还要一点时间才到。 Has not thought in an instant. 没想到转眼即至。 Cultivating true virtue is not false without years saying. Looks at the timer, I will also think only in a month” “修真无岁月这话一点也不假。要不是看计时器,我还以为只过了一个月” Wang Yiyang stands up from the position, waves all. 王一洋从位置上站起身,挥手一切。 Immediately the long hair shuts off, only leaves behind the shawl length, other automatic combustion controls, change into the white flame to vanish do not see. 顿时长发切断,只留下披肩长度,其余自动燃烧起来,化为白色火焰消失不见。 He takes a step from position, a body fuzziness, clear, then bridged over more than ten meters again, to static cultivating room exit|to speak front door. 他从位置处迈步,身体一阵模糊,再一阵清晰,便跨过了十多米,到了静修室出口大门。 Hiss The front door rises slowly, opens, reveals outside channel bright white light. 大门缓缓上升,打开,露出外面通道明亮的白色灯光。 Two transformation people of guarding were shaken shaking by behind sound, turns head rapidly. 看守的两名改造人被身后的声音震了震,迅速回头。 Saw that was Wang Yiyang goes out. Two people look the happy expression immediately, hurries the bowing low leader big ritual. 看到是王一洋出关了。两人顿时面露喜色,赶紧躬身低头行大礼。 Association president, you went out!” “会长,您出关了!” Un.” Wang Yiyang nods at will. “嗯。”王一洋随意点点头。 The goal that this time he comes out is very simple, cultivates for the bottleneck, needs to break through. 这次他出来的目的很简单,修为的瓶颈,需要突破。 But he very clear from the Yuan infant to the god, between bottleneck lies in really a Yuan god. 而他很清楚从元婴到化神,之间的瓶颈在于真元化神。 Is really Yuan and sensation consciousness relates, mutual communication, strong mind. 就是真元和感知意识联系起来,相互沟通,壮大心神。 So long as achieves to be able the Yuan infant really Yuan, after the transformation, nourishes to expand a Yuan god. 只要做到能将元婴真元,转化后,滋养壮大成元神。 This broke through even. 这就算是突破了。 Actually his motive power, has been able to achieve this. 其实他的原力,早就可以做到这点。 But why he does not know, is unable to break through as before. 但他不知道为何,依旧无法突破。 This makes him suspect, Yuan god who an immortal institute said that consciousness strength that does not refer. 这让他怀疑,仙道所说的元神,不是指的意识力。 After should be consciousness strength further brand-new strength. 应该是意识力更进一步后的全新力量。 Otherwise really the Yuan changes into the sensation consciousness, he very early can achieve. 否则真元化为感知意识,他很早就能做到了。 Recovers, Wang Yiyang has seen front two guards. 回过神来,王一洋已经看到面前两个守卫。 Two people have transmitted the news that he went out. 两人已经将他出关的消息发送出去了。 Time, but also in succumbing to the Wang family across star, the Su family, as well as other attaches in Wang Yiyang each influence family and others. 顿时间,还在沉湎之星各地的王家人,苏家人,以及其他依附于王一洋的各个势力家族等。 In abundance the organization gift and candidate, the preparation go to pay a visit Wang Yiyang. 都纷纷组织礼物和人选,准备前往拜见王一洋 The celebrations start to arrange, the goal nothing but is to indicate the attitude, does looks to Wang Yiyang. 一个个庆祝活动开始筹备,目的无非是表明态度,做给王一洋看。 But his thoughts, actually not here, but that side moral immortal sect. 但他的心思,却不在这里,而是在道德仙宗那边。 Wang Yiyang glances over various events that these years had rapidly. 王一洋迅速浏览了这几年来发生的各种事件。 Group star does not raise, moral immortal sect, and melts white both sides to the permanent child, formed the two big influences between immortal sect lines gradually. 群星这边不提,道德仙宗方面,冲恒子和融皓子双方,渐渐形成了仙宗道子之间的两大势力。 Has to the permanent child overbearingly, but plans barely satisfactory, was always melted white to plan to go well repeatedly. 冲恒子霸道有余,但谋算差强人意,总是被融皓子屡屡算计得手。 But melts white, although often goes well, but also occupies a little profit, the hard strength is inferior to the opposite party, he also can only bear patiently. 而融皓子虽然时常得手,但也只是占点小便宜,硬实力不如对方,他也只能一直隐忍。 Crowding around of both sides shows special prowess, struggles, extremely busy. 双方的簇拥各显神通,明争暗斗,热闹非凡。 According to the information in records, is only two people subordinate attachment faction, had taken off and landed several. 按照情报上记录,光是两人麾下的依附帮派,就已经起起落落了数个。 Involves the range to reach as high as several star clusters. 牵涉范围高达数个星群。 Overall speaking, the big brother to/clashes situation even more some of permanent child is not wonderful. 整体来看,大兄冲恒子的局势越发有些不妙起来。 Looks at the overall situation. 看完整体局势。 Wang Yiyang has not paid attention to flatter under his these influence. 王一洋没有理会巴结他的那些麾下势力。 But nosed again the day of demon sect. 而是再度查探了天魔宗这边。 After several years preparation, the day demon sect internal many elders, unanimously decided, develops the brand-new universe that Wang Yiyang is at jointly. 经过数年的准备,天魔宗内部诸多长老,一致决定,联手开发王一洋所在的这个全新宇宙。 Especially after looking at Wang Yiyang to their various information. 特别是在看过王一洋给他们的各种情报后。 The elders were blown by here vast domain region. 长老们被这边辽阔的版图地域镇住了。 Here they want to enter urgently, development gate area. 他们迫切的想要进入这边来,拓展宗门疆域。 But these years time, the day demon sects in have saved the strength silently. 而这几年的时间,天魔宗都是在一直默默积蓄力量。 Prepares to locate to shuttle back and forth at any time. 随时准备定位穿梭。 But the Wang Yiyang goal, is to let this wave of day demon sect army, knows that did not have his crown prince to lead, the day demon sect then could not accomplish! 王一洋的目的,就是要让这一波的天魔宗军队,知道没了他这个太子带队,天魔宗便成不了事! Therefore, after going out, after he sees the family member, then directly soars the Jupiter territory. 所以,出关后,他看望家人后,便直奔道德星域。 Hong Ludao Palace. 洪炉道宫。 Partly lies to the permanent child on high collapsing, look temperate looks younger brother Wang Yiyang that the left side first place sits. 冲恒子半卧在高塌上,神色温和的看着左侧首位坐着的弟弟王一洋 Yang, how today to have free time for brother here? Do you close up now as if have to strive?” “均阳,今天怎么有空来为兄这里?你如今闭关似乎又有精进了?” Since he gives Wang Yiyang refined the magic weapon, powerful barrier of magic weapon armor bringing, sufficiently shield any sensation examination. 自从他给王一洋炼制了法宝后,法宝铠甲自带的强大屏障,足以屏蔽任何感知审查。 Therefore, even if he, if not use violence, does not have the means to verify Wang Yiyang this time cultivating is. 所以,就算是他,如果不用暴力,也没办法探明王一洋此时的修为。 Is passable.” Wang Yiyang sincere say/way. Big brother, this time, I wants to ask you to act, without exposed status, repels an enemy.” “还算凑合。”王一洋正色道。“大兄,这次来,我是想请您出手,在不暴露身份的情况下,击退一支敌军。” Un? Doesn't expose the status? It seems like you are playing any small game. Ok, this does not need to look for me directly, the giant silkworm nine herd beasts can meet your request.” Clash/To permanent child relaxed say/way. “嗯?不暴露身份?看来你又在玩什么小游戏了。可以,这个不用直接找我,天蚕九牧兽就能满足你的要求。”冲恒子轻松道。 Big brother has not to know, this time enemy, the strength is quite strong, is not you acts personally, I fear the coming up in great numbers and from all sides variable.” Wang Yiyang said with deep veneration. “大兄有所不知,这次的一支敌军,实力颇强,不是您亲自出手,我怕横生变数。”王一洋肃然道。 „Is strength quite strong? Can strong?” Laughs in spite of trying not to the permanent child. “实力颇强?能有多强?”冲恒子失笑。 However, since is the younger brother comes to request personally, he should eventually under. 不过,既然是自家弟弟的亲自上门请求,他终究还是应下。 Good, looks in your surface, only this one time.” “好吧,看在你的面上,只此一次。” Many thanks big brother!” The Wang Yiyang heart is certain. “多谢大兄!”王一洋心头一定。 Knows that has acts to the permanent child, the first army of day demon sect, will fly back without any results surely. 知道有冲恒子出手,天魔宗的第一次大军,必定会无功而返。 Right, that melted white, the strength is inferior to you, the influence also shared half and half at most, his where can so compel you to puzzle?” “对了,那融皓子,实力不如您,势力也顶多平分秋色,他到底哪里能逼得您如此困扰?” Wang Yiyang seizes the chance to reveal the curious color. 王一洋趁机露出好奇之色。 Puts down in the hand to the permanent child the wine glass, wields draws back the surrounding maidservant retinue. 冲恒子放下手中酒杯,挥退周围侍女仆从。 That melts white child and group star continuing forever will mix up, but also and crystallization sect has been connected. Strategic maneuvering, some skills. But also that is all.” “那融皓子和群星这边的永续会混在一起,还和结晶教派有所关联。合纵连横,有些本事。但也仅此而已了。” Smiles to the permanent child. 冲恒子笑了笑。 What matter, one and said that just in time now my in hand free time.” “还有何事,一并说了吧,正巧如今我手上空闲。” Only then this.” Wang Yiyang said in a low voice. “就只有这一件。”王一洋低声道。 Suddenly he thought under. Really must say, but also really has the second matter.” 忽然他想了下。“不过真要说起来,还真有第二件事。” Mentioned listens?” Looks wear a look to the permanent child happy expression. “哦说来听听?”冲恒子面带笑意看过来。 Wang Yiyang has not hesitated, directly accumulating matter one by one of thunder mountain said. 王一洋没有迟疑,直接把积雷山的事一一说出。 If this status duty can complete with the strength as soon as possible, that is best. 这个身份任务如果能借力尽快做完,那就最好。 So as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems, if sparks the sage interest, when the time comes has not known must annoy many matters. 免得夜长梦多,万一引发圣人兴趣,到时候还不知道要惹出多少事来。 Might as well asked the big brother one breath to solve rapidly. 还不如请大兄一口气迅速解决掉。
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