MI :: Volume #4

#353: Layout one

Wang Yiyang final, divides into two. 王一洋最终,还是将人一分为二。 Gave the two sides to send to respectively. 给了两边各自送去。 The day demon sect is also good, the moral immortal sect is also good, the artificial benchmark that quick then to send , the rapid reaction investigates. 天魔宗也好,道德仙宗也好,很快便以送去的人为基准,快速反应调查起来。 How Wang Yiyang has not paid attention to the findings. 王一洋没有理会调查结果如何。 He after handing over person, every so often the situation is not he can decide. 他在交出人之后,很多时候事态就已经不是他能决定的了。 He first starts to attempt simply, using reward that the status duty gives, starts the practicing demon merit. 他干脆第一时间开始尝试,利用身份任务给出的奖励,开始修行魔功。 Exactly said, present he, the Demonic Path unites, practices the revolution merit law, the revolution day of demon sect Dari demon merit, is the moral immortal record. 确切的说,如今的他,魔道合一,修行运转功法,无论是运转天魔宗大日魔功,还是道德仙录。 Can feel clearly, unequalled powerful practicing speed-up. 都能清晰感受到,无与伦比的强悍修行增速。 Before, he practice really a Yuan quantity that one hour can cultivate/repair, now, his several minutes can be completed. 以前,他修行一小时能修出的真元量,现在,他几分钟就能完成。 The speed efficiency was raised not to know many. 速度效率提升了不知道多少。 Wallows in the terrifying practicing speed, some Wang Yiyang even love practice. 沉迷于恐怖的修行速度中,王一洋甚至都有些迷恋修行了。 That clear sensation feeling of little strengthen. 那种清晰的感知着自己一点点的变强的感觉。 Present he, like playing a game, hung to the acceleration suddenly. 现在的他,就像玩了一款游戏,突然给上了加速挂。 The peaceful practicing time, how long has not continued. 安静的修行时间,并没有持续多久。 Quick, had the echo to the moral immortal sect sending to that person. 很快,给道德仙宗送去的那人有了反响。 The big brother to the permanent child that side, regarding that person of searching for soul, had certain harvest. 大兄冲恒子那边,对于那人的搜魂,有了一定的收获。 He prepares personally the layout, lays an ambush, grasps the evidence, solves the source. 他准备亲自布局,设伏,拿住证据,解决源头。 Wang Yiyang also quite anticipated. 王一洋也对此颇为期待。 This opposite party lost his here offensive, was held the flaw, happen to can give the big brother the opportunity of attacking the opposite party. 这次对方在他这里失了先手,被抓住破绽,正好可以给大兄一个打击对方的机会。 Only pitifully 只可惜 „Did clue break?” “线索断了?” Succumbs to the star temporary base. 沉湎之星临时基地中。 Wang Yiyang surprise looks in light screen to/clashes the permanent child. 王一洋诧异的看着光幕里的冲恒子。 „When yes, investigates to hire the link finally, suddenly is cut off. The calculation secret did not have the effect, it seems like that the opposite party is prepared early.” “是的,调查到最后雇佣环节时,突然断掉。推算天机没了效果,看来对方是早有准备。” Is tranquil to the permanent child complexion, did not seem to been affected by the clue interrupt completely. 冲恒子面色宁静,似乎完全没被线索中断而影响。 Naturally, they have not lost completely, I conquered by killing 15 stars, smashed minimum over a hundred base that melts white.” “当然,他们也不是完全没损失,我血洗了十五个星球,端掉了起码上百处融皓子的基地。” Is only, finally or cannot get it over and done, the final murderer cannot suffer extreme penalty, is the big brother is unfair to you. Positively charged electron.” “只是,最终还是没能一劳永逸,最终的凶手没能伏诛,是大兄对不起你。阳子。” Clash/To to Wang Yiyang that the permanent child feels sorry apologizes. 冲恒子歉疚的对王一洋道歉。 Big brother does not need to be offended, compares this, gave melted white child and a back influence hard lesson. In a short time, they do not dare to come again.” “大兄不用介怀,相比这一趟,也给了融皓子和背后的势力一个沉痛教训。短时间内,他们绝不敢再来了。” Wang Yiyang can see through. 王一洋看得很开。 You can want best. Recently had what need freely to the giant silkworm nine herd beasts to raise. Do not be polite.” Smiles to say to the permanent child. “你能这么想最好。最近有什么需要尽管可以给天蚕九牧兽提。不要客气。”冲恒子微笑道。 I know.” “我知道的。” Ok, practice diligently, strives soon to break through the Yuan infant.” Encouraged the sentence to the permanent child. “好了,努力修行吧,争取早日突破元婴。”冲恒子勉励了句。 Yes.” Wang Yiyang nods. “是。”王一洋点头。 Light screen dispersing, the communication is cut off. 光幕散开,通讯断掉。 Wang Yiyang is silent, deeply frowns. 王一洋沉默下来,眉头紧锁。 The secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is more discrete, searches for the soul that he imagines unable to hold the clue continually. 幕后的黑手比他想象的还要谨慎,连搜魂都没能抓住线索。 Sets out from the master control position of temporary base, before he arrives at the main control room giant window, slowly. 从临时基地的主控位上起身,他慢慢走到主控室巨大的落地窗前。 Looks into outside outer space scenery from the window. 从窗口眺望外面太空景色。 The huge brown color succumbs to the star, looks from here, can see is a giant brown sphere. 巨大的土黄色沉湎之星,从这里看去,能看到就是一个巨大土黄色圆球。 above the ring around a brown satellite band. 边上环绕着一圈土黄色卫星带。 Wang Yiyang calmly is looking at the star. 王一洋静静望着星球。 Having for a long time is very very long, he did not have to gaze at the same thing peacefully. 有很久很久,他没有这么安静的注视着一样事物了。 Since there is status system, duties continuously. 自从有了身份系统后,一个又一个的任务接连不断。 He rushes about in busy, is unable to extricate oneself, too long has not had a look at scenery carefully. 他奔波在忙忙碌碌中,无法自拔,已经太久没有这么仔细看看身边的风景了。 Master, a Huilong that side chapter of news, asked before you, whether his application did authorize?” “老爷,辉龙那边回讯,问您之前他的申请是否批准了?” Tower's daughter, in inquired behind in a soft voice. 陶尔的女儿斯兰,在身后轻声询问。 Huilong?” Wang Yiyang has gotten back one's composure. Declined, making him come back. This time matter, did not investigate temporarily. Has other strengths to be involved, is not one's turn us to begin.” “辉龙?”王一洋回过神。“回绝掉,让他回来。这次的事,暂时不予追究。有其他力量会介入其中,轮不到我们动手。” He told lightly. 他淡淡吩咐。 Yes.” Respectful lowering the head draws back. “是。”斯兰恭敬的低头退下。 Wang Yiyang, stands in the main control room. 王一洋独自一人,站在主控室。 The surroundings no one, cannot with the person who he chatted normally. 周围没有人,没有能和他正常闲聊的人。 From most starts to arrive at the present, his secret are getting more and more, can the friend of equality of treatment be also getting fewer and fewer. 从最开始走到现在,他身上的秘密越来越多,能够平等对待的朋友也越来越少。 What is most troublesome, I was gradually being corroded to become the management type member. “最麻烦的是,我正在逐渐被侵蚀成为管理型修士。 Disturbed my odd job is too many. Practicing that wholeheartedly cannot take undivided attention, even if accelerates cheat to be many, meets the essential checkpoint, should still have an accident. ” 干扰我的杂务太多了。不能心无旁骛的一心修行,就算加速外挂再多,遇到关键关卡,也会出事。” Wang Yiyang is alerting. 王一洋在警醒。 Recently he on planning, managed in the influence, spent too many thoughts. 最近他在谋划上,管理势力上,花费了太多心思。 But is also in fact good regarding the group star, regarding immortal also good, is the individual strength decides all. 但实际上对于群星也好,对于仙道也好,都是个体实力决定一切。 The influence did not have own strength, is only in the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month. 势力没了自身的实力,都只是镜中花水中月。 Cannot put the cart before the horse.” “不能本末倒置了。” Wang Yiyang heart one ruthless. 王一洋心头一狠。 Eva.” He said in a low voice. “爱娃。”他低声道。 In.” Master control indoor, spreads the intelligent program Eva's response. “在。”主控室内,传出智能程序爱娃的回应。 „The following following all non- essential traveling schedules, turns down completely.” Wang Yiyang told. “把接下来后续的所有非必需行程,全部推掉。”王一洋吩咐。 Good, obeys your instruction.” Eva replied rapidly. “好的,听从您的吩咐。”爱娃迅速回答。 Wang Yiyang looked own data column, on just, the data column brushed one line of characters suddenly. 王一洋看了看自己数据栏,就在刚刚,数据栏上突然多刷了一行字符。 You obtained a day of demon sovereign toward the affection of pleased great wild goose, the real demon long night bead opening combustion effect, you obtain a day of demon to stare, the demon merit practices to accelerate five times.’ ‘您获得了天魔宗主朝悦鸿的越加喜爱,真魔器永夜珠开启燃烧效果,您获得天魔凝视,魔功修行加速五倍。’ It seems like cheap adoptive father to the person who I send, is very satisfied.” “看来便宜义父对我送去的人,很满意。” Wang Yiyang from this prompt, saw day of demon ancestor's here change. 王一洋从这个提示里,看出了天魔宗这边的变化。 While various increases still, him decides to close up the self-torture! 趁着各种增幅还在,他决定闭关苦修! Thinks that does. 想到就做。 Now the situation just frustrates melted the white child that side movement, obtained a stabilization period. 现在局势刚刚挫败了融皓子那边的动作,获得了一段稳定期。 Day demon sect various increase speed-up another big piles put together, increase terrifying. 天魔宗这边的各种增幅增速又一大堆加在一起,增幅恐怖。 Wang Yiyang takes the bull by the horns, informed one to the family/home , then starts to enter in the temporary base closes up. 王一洋当机立断,给家里通知了一声,然后便开始在临时基地进入闭关。 These closes up time, passed for a year. 这一次闭关,足足过去了一年。 In Wang Yiyang be at self-torture condition, completely lost the time sense. 处于苦修状态中的王一洋,完全失去了时间观念。 A year of years, in his mind, looked like just closed one's eyes to nap. Unsensible. 一年的岁月,在他脑海里,就像是刚刚闭上眼打了个盹。毫无感觉。 Product thunder mountain in status duty chased down the monster, he will perhaps also continue to close up. 要不是身份任务中的积雷山追杀妖将到了,他恐怕还会继续闭关下去。 Accumulates thunder mountain to chase down the monster soon to arrive, your also one minute prepares.’ ‘积雷山追杀妖将即将抵达,你还有一分钟时间进行准备。’ In peaceful close closing up secret room. 安静封闭的闭关密室中。 Wang Yiyang was prompted the sound to awaken from clear cultivating slowly. 王一洋缓缓被提示声从清修中唤醒。 His whole body really Yuan like rushing wells up the river, one year ago, at least one small truncation. 他浑身真元如同奔涌大河,比起一年前,强了至少一小截。 Clear stood firm later period of the Yuan infant, consolidated the boundary. 已经清晰的在元婴后期站稳脚跟,稳固了境界。 Generally speaking, enters later period of the Yuan infant, later cultivating is the stable time, at least also takes more than ten years to be enough. 一般来说,进入元婴后期,之后的修为稳固期,至少也需要十多年才足够。 Moreover regarding Yuan infant late big member. The casual magic arts practice, can the year be the unit. 而且对于元婴后期大修士来说。随随便便一个法术修行,就得以年为单位。 A year, to any member, is the digit that can ignore. 一年时间,对任何修士来说,都是个可以忽略不计的数字。 But to Wang Yiyang, this is he first time closes up officially is so long. 但对王一洋而言,这还是他头一次正式闭关这么久。 When opens eyes, the status duty has started to prompt, accumulates the monster of thunder mountain to arrive immediately. 等到一睁眼,身份任务就已经开始提示,积雷山的妖将马上就要到了。 Indoor bright static cultivates. 明亮的静修室内。 The Wang Yiyang opens the mouth, the prominent white light, surrounds gently in the side, like flying sword, rapid worms one's way into from his nose. 王一洋轻轻张口,突出一道白光,在身旁环绕一圈,如同飞剑,又迅速从他鼻中钻了进去。 Ka He dim, feeling whole body warm Yangyang is very comfortable. 他朦胧中,感觉浑身暖洋洋的很是舒服。 A large amount of really Yuan that within the body saves, stir the resonance in this time one, immediately must raise his consciousness and sensation one section unknowingly. 体内积攒的大量真元,在此时一阵鼓荡共鸣,顿时又不知不觉得拔高了他的意识和感知一截。 Although an immortal boundary has not broken through, but the group star standard, my sensation had broken through, now estimates 17 levels of levels “虽然仙道境界没突破,但群星这边的标准来看,我的感知已经突破了,现在估计有十七级层面” The Wang Yiyang feeling, this is terrifying places of various Demonic Path big pile of increases. 王一洋感慨,这就是魔道各种一大堆的增幅的恐怖之处。 The breakthrough that group star machine armor masters more than ten 20 years of self-tortures, can achieve, his here, only with one year, broke through first-level. 群星机甲师们十几二十年的苦修,才能做到的突破,在他这里,只用一年,就突破了一级。 Accumulates the thunder mountain monster successfully to arrive, please survive diligently. In the monster under the attack, will survive for one hour.’ ‘积雷山妖将成功抵达,请努力存活下去。在妖将进攻下,存活一小时。’ The prompt of status duty spreads again. 身份任务的提示再度传出。 Wang Yiyang sits cross-legged in static cultivating, the eyes open, just like two bright fluorescent crystals. 王一洋盘坐在静修室内,双眼睁大,宛如两个明亮荧光水晶。 His heart moves, emits the big brother rapidly to the magic weapon armor that he refines, simultaneously covers miniature machine armor. 他心头一动,迅速放出大兄给他炼制的法宝铠甲,同时覆盖微型机甲。 In an instant, a two meters barrier of invisible distortion, appears side him. Repels all threats. 刹那间,一道无形扭曲的两米屏障,出现在他身旁。排斥一切威胁。 But at the same time, strength of the space transmission, arrives at all around rapidly. 而与此同时,一股空间传送之力,迅速降临四周。 Wang Yiyang only feels at present a flower. 王一洋只感觉眼前一花。 The surroundings calmly cultivated indoor had/left three big person's shadow that immediately lived the alone corner/horn. 周围静修室内顿时多出了三个头生独角的高大人影。 Three people of direct transmissions. Ox head person, but is the alone corner/horn rhinocero heads. 三人直接传送过来。牛头人身,但都是独角犀牛头。 The body is throwing over the tradition in the ancient times the series chain armor of model, protects the heart mirror, skirt first-class and other equipment. 身上披着传统古代式样的连环锁子甲,护心镜,裙甲等等装备。 In the hand is also raising the heavy hammer, double sword, great mace and other weapons. 手上也提着重锤,双剑,巨锏等武器。 Three monsters are bright silver, is exceptionally martial-looking. 三个妖将一身银光闪闪,异常英武。 Is dissipating from top to bottom like the dark clouds same huge monster strength. 浑身上下逸散着如同黑云一样的庞大妖力。 The Wang Yiyang sensation has swept, generally knew the first wave of monster the strength. 王一洋感知扫过,大致知道了第一波妖将的实力。 Three comet levels “三个彗星层” He is indifferently motionless, the vision condenses, one by one has swept three monsters. 他漠然不动,目光凝聚,一一扫过三头妖将。 Bold Mang Niujing! Saw me and other monsters also to dare unexpectedly so “大胆莽牛精!见了我等妖将竟然还敢如此” ! 噗! Puff!! 噗噗!! One after another three dull thumping sounds. 接连三声闷响。 Three monsters will fall to the ground one after another, their consciousness do not have the strength of resistance, was detained the thought jail by Wang Yiyang. 三头妖将接连倒地,他们的意识毫无反抗之力,便被王一洋收押进思维监牢。 So long as is the sensation is inferior to Wang Yiyang, carelessly, by him by the imaginary law influence, will shut in the thought jail. 只要是感知不如王一洋的,一个不慎,就会被他以幻法影响,关进思维监牢。 Once were closed, wants to come out again, that was difficult. 而一旦被关进去,再想出来,那就难了。 The imaginary law, unifies trump card of thought jail, has become Wang Yiyang to sweep away the standard configurations of all cannon fodders. 幻法,结合思维监牢的杀手锏,已经成了王一洋横扫一切炮灰的标配。 The enemy of poor strength, before him, his look cannot even withstand. 差一点实力的敌人,在他面前,连他一个眼神也承受不住。 Three monsters fall to the ground the faint, lose the consciousness. 三头妖将昏厥倒地,失去意识。 Wang Yiyang has not paid attention, but looks to the data column in status duty. 王一洋没有理会,而是看向身份任务上的数据栏。 You successfully resisted a duty to chase down. Next time will chase down the difficulty increase. Please be careful.’ ‘您成功抵御了一次任务追杀。下次追杀将难度提升。请小心。’ Wang Yiyang has not paid attention to this, but continues to close eyes, falls into again dives to cultivate the condition. 王一洋没有理会这个,而是继续闭目,再次陷入潜修状态。 Repairs to want also the bottleneck, he then planned that the one breath practices till unable to promote thoroughly. 修为只要还不到瓶颈,他便打算一口气彻底修行到不能提升为止。 As for other business, after wants to be clear primary and secondary, his then internal affairs give the Meister high-level discussion decision. 至于其他外界事务,在想清楚主次之后,他便内政交给米斯特高层商议决定。 The military gives to succumb to the star high-level discussion decision. 军事交给沉湎之星高层商议决定。 As for grandson granddaughter one generation, present he, has somewhat looked pale. 至于孙子孙女一辈,如今的他,已经有些看淡了。 Compared with the grandson granddaughter, he and king Xiaosu the sentiment is more direct. 比起孙子孙女,他和王小苏的感情更直接。 Therefore to king Xiaosu, he always calculates that the attention attaches great importance. 所以对王小苏,他一直以来都算关注重视。 But to the next generation, is not again intimate. 但对再下一代,就没那么亲近了。 Practices without the years. 修行无岁月。 Wang Yiyang falls into again closes up. 王一洋再度陷入闭关。 Except that Su Xiaoxiao can come to visit outside him occasionally. 除开苏小小偶尔能够进来探望一下他外。 Others only in the well image that can spread from the midway, sees his situation. 其余人都只能从中途传出的安好影像中,看到他的情况。 Quick, was two years passes. 很快,又是两年过去了。 king Xiaosu son daughter, six years old. Has started the kindergarten. 王小苏的儿子女儿,都已经六岁多了。已经开始上了幼儿园。 But regarding grandfather title, two children feels, except for the awe, is mysterious. 而对于爷爷这个称谓,两个孩子感受到的,除了敬畏,就是神秘。 After all from infancy to maturity, can see grandfather's opportunity, only then few times. 毕竟从小到大,能见到爷爷的机会只有寥寥几次。 Moreover when knowing surroundings all that oneself live, are the grandfather to have jurisdiction. 而且在得知自己生活的周围一切,都属于爷爷管辖时。 No matter what everybody will have the same feeling. 任谁都会产生一样感受。
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