MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2445: Punishing one as a warning to others

The indigenous people of vault of heaven god, from unify in the heir of apostle mutually. 天穹神界的原住民,是源自于使徒的子嗣相互结合。 Then as a result of falling from the sky of gods, causing these apostles to be cleaned up, bloodlines that thus was left behind, generations of multiplication lived. 然后由于神明的陨落,导致了那些使徒被清理,从而被遗留下来的血脉,一代代的繁衍生息。 However, the apostles can only submit in the subordinate of gods. 然而,就连使徒都只能归附于神明的麾下。 Then vault of heaven god the position of indigenous people, could be imagined. 那么天穹神界的原住民的地位,也就可想而知了。 Therefore the snake Human Race seven brothers after inquiring Qi Le's called, has been determining at heart. 所以蛇人族七兄弟在询问完齐乐的称呼之后,就已经在心里确定了。 At present this Shop Manager Qi, does not have the least bit fame in the chaotic region. 眼前这个齐店长,在混乱区域没有半点名气可言。 Or has not listened to the given name of this fellow to be right completely. 或者说,完全没有听过这个家伙的名号才对。 That basically can remove powerful gods this possibility. 那基本上就能排除“强大的神明”这个可能性了。 Regarding these new promote gods of dashing spirit of fearless young people, regarding the snake Human Race seven brothers, but also really has no threat. 至于说那些初生牛犊不怕虎的新晋神明,对于蛇人族七兄弟来说,还真就没什么威胁。 Cracks a joke, their seven people in the chaotic region survived for over ten thousand years, if can also by an rookie fooling, where their honors toward put? 开玩笑,他们七人在混乱区域生存了上万年的时间,要是还能被一个新人给唬住了,那他们的脸面往什么地方放? Shop Manager Qi, you are the little darling are without a fight, at least before dying, can little select the pain.” 齐店长,你还是乖乖束手就擒吧,至少在死之前,也能少点痛苦。” We are also the mood are now good, therefore called you Shop Manager Qi.” “我们现在也就是心情好,所以叫你一声齐店长。” If you want to revolt......” “如果你想要反抗的话……” We will also make you know, runs up to the rookie in chaotic region rashly, is what fate!” “那我们也会让你知道,贸然跑到混乱区域的新人,是什么样的下场!” Is speaking, the snake Human Race seven brothers' positions also stood firm. 说着话,蛇人族七兄弟的位置也都站定了。 Seven positions take care of mutually, may attack to defend, can siege, countless changes. 七个位置互相照应,可攻可守,亦能围困,变化无穷。 The snake Human Race seven brothers can rush out such big fame in the chaotic region, making most gods dread, with they seven people of battlefields jointly, has the inalienable relations. 人族七兄弟之所以能在混乱区域闯出这么大的名气,让大部分的神明都为之忌惮,和他们七人联手的战阵,有着不可分割的关系。 It can be said that their seven people, that really gathers is the serissa fetida, dividing is a place sand. 可以说,他们七人,那就真是聚是满天星,分是一地沙。 Carries alone, in battle efficiency, without the place that the least bit loses face/shows off. 单独拎出来,在战斗力方面,没有半点出彩的地方。 However about in the same place, in the battle efficiency, can actually by increasing of upward geometrical multiple, the end is marvelous precinct. 但是合在一起,在战斗力上,却能以几何倍数的往上攀升,端是奇妙无比。 As the snake Human Race seven brothers' positions stand firm, that rich killing intent, not mince sent out. 所以随着蛇人族七兄弟的位置站定,那股浓郁的杀意,也毫不掩饰的散发了出来。 You are really cause trouble.” “你们果然是来闹事的。” Qi Le unemotional looks at this, the tone that even spoke did not have the least bit to change. 齐乐面无表情的看着这一幕,连说话的语气都没有半点变化。 The expected matter, has anything well surprised. 意料之中的事情,有什么好惊讶的呢。 Rather, Qi Le now is instead happier. 倒不如说,齐乐现在反而更加高兴。 Must say punishes one as a warning to others, first step should make anything, that naturally was first chicken killing. 要说杀鸡儆猴,第一步应该做什么,那当然是先把“鸡”给杀了。 Qi Le was worrying that could not find chicken to kill, without thinking of some people delivered. 齐乐正愁找不到“鸡”来杀呢,没想到就有人送上门来了。 Causes trouble? We are not cause trouble.” “闹事?我们可不是来闹事的。” We should not be your thing, takes away from your hand.” “我们只是把不应该属于你的东西,从你手里拿走而已。” The snake Human Race seven brothers expressions were insolent, seem had seen their bright future. 人族七兄弟语气张狂无比,好似已经看到了他们光明的未来。 Said well.” “说得好。” Qi Le hears word, could not bear pat clapping. 齐乐闻言,忍不住拍了拍手。 You said right, in the chaotic region really there is no custom.” “你们说得对,混乱区域里果然没什么规矩可言。” Such being the case, I whether to say......” “既然如此,那我是不是可以说……” Your lives, was not you, I must take away your lives now.” “你们的命,也不属于你们了,我现在就要把你们的命拿走。” At this point, the Qi Le's pupil light concentrates, the expression on face, although is still smiling, but actually murderous aura to overflow. 说到这里,齐乐的眸光一凝,脸上的表情,虽然还在微笑,但却杀气四溢。 The snake Human Race seven brothers hear these words, immediately ridiculed smiles, said sternly. 人族七兄弟听到这句话,顿时讥讽一笑,厉声说道。 Boasts shamelessly!” “大言不惭!” Some time said that this boast, might as well think well, how can happy dying.” “有时间说这种大话,不如好好想想,怎么样才能痛痛快快的死去吧。” The words, the snake Human Race seven brothers figure rock, must flush away toward Qi Le. 话罢,蛇人族七兄弟身形晃动,就要朝齐乐冲去。 The strength of principle swiftly condenses to come, obviously makes a move to plan that uses to kill to incur. 法则之力更是迅速凝聚而来,显然是一出手就打算使用杀招。 Actually in this time, Qi Le cold snort/hum. 却在此时,齐乐一声冷哼。 Lock-!” “锁-!” Finishes barely the words, the snake Human Race seven brothers who just had an action to perform, were locked in instantaneously same place, is unable to move. 话音未落,刚刚有所动作的蛇人族七兄弟,瞬间被锁定在了原地,无法动弹。 The strength of principle condenses was also scattered, dissipates in the shop. 凝聚起来的法则之力也被打散,消散在了店里。 The sudden blockade, making the snake Human Race seven brothers look stunned, unable to believe the present situation completely. 突如其来的封锁,让蛇人族七兄弟面露错愕,完全不敢相信现在的情况。 The body that however is unable to move, makes them realize clearly, now is not having a dream. 然而无法动弹的身体,却让他们清楚的认识到,现在可不是在做梦。 Their bodies were really deadlocked completely, even the strength of principle is unable to condense. 他们的身体真的被完全锁死了,甚至连法则之力都无法凝聚。 This, what's all this about?” “这,这是怎么回事?” Space principle...... this is the strength of space principle!” “空间法则……这是空间法则的力量吧!” How possibly, you want to say that at present this fellow, what grasped is the space principle.” “怎么可能,你难道想说,眼前这个家伙,掌握的是空间法则吧。” Can achieve this matter, except for the space principle, should not have other principles again.” “能做到这种事情的,除了空间法则,应该不会再有其他的法则了吧。” Is impossible, if so, why haven't we listened to his given name?” “不可能,如果是这样,为什么我们没有听过他的名号?” New...... rookie!?” “新……新人吗!?” Thinks of here, the snake Human Race seven brothers' expressions become extremely ugly. 想到这里,蛇人族七兄弟的表情变得极其难看。 When is, did the chaotic region come such a fearful rookie? 到底是什么时候,混乱区域来了这么可怕的一个新人啊? No, is not right! 不,不对! This perhaps is not an rookie. 这恐怕不是一个新人。 Before had not arrived at the chaotic region. 只是之前没有到混乱区域来而已。 Can grasp so the space principle of degree, but can also scatter condensation of other principles directly. 能够掌握如此程度的空间法则,还能够直接驱散其他法则的凝聚。 This absolutely possibly is not an rookie, matter that can achieve. 这绝对不可能是一个新人,能够做得到的事情。 The top level principle regarding the low level principle, has the steamroll -type advantage. 高位级法则对于低位级法则,就是有着碾压式的优势。 Even the strength of principle they condense can scatter, explained a matter. 连他们所凝聚的法则之力都能够驱散,也说明了一件事。 Present Shop Manager Qi, wants to be run over and die they, on and scatters the strength of these principles to be equally simple. 眼前的这位齐店长,想要碾死他们,也就和驱散这些法则之力一样简单。 Therefore...... 于是…… Sir, forgives, asks you, forgives our time.” “大人,饶命,求求你,饶过我们这一次。” We have no intention to offend the Sir, only asked the Sir to forgive, we are willing to stay here, devoted life to for the Sir.” “我们无意冒犯大人,只求大人饶命,我们愿意留在这里,为大人效命。” So long as the Sir is willing to forgive us, our lives are the Sirs, is willing to go through fire or water for the Sir, does not refuse under any circumstances.” “只要大人愿意饶过我们,我们的命就是大人的了,愿为大人赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。” When detected own condition is not extremely wonderful, the snake Human Race seven brothers starts of without hesitation beg for mercy. 当发觉自己的所处的境况万分不妙的时候,蛇人族七兄弟毫不犹豫的开始求饶。 In the chaotic region, this matter was also common. 在混乱区域,这种事情也是屡见不鲜了。 So long as can live on dishonorably, anything said. 只要能苟活下来,什么都好说。 Even if keeps the Powerhouse subordinate, works oneself to death for it, that is also very normal matter. 哪怕是留在强者手下,为其卖命,那也是很正常的事情。 Like these powerful gods. 就像那些强大的神明一样。 Under their hands, may has own apostle incessantly, similarly also has many gods to be for the obligation. 在他们手底下,可不止是拥有自己的使徒,同样也有不少的神明可供驱使。 Although said inadequate Lord God, is unable to have own is the god. 虽然说不成主神,就无法拥有自己的属神。 But is the god and Ordinary gods biggest difference, is only the loyalty. 但属神和普通神明最大的区别,也只是忠诚度而已。 Being the god is absolutely the impossible betray Lord God, but the Ordinary gods, may be able betray. 属神是绝对不可能背叛主神的,而普通的神明,却有可能会背叛 However there is no relations. 不过这并没有什么关系。 In vault of heaven god, gods, even if powerful, is impossible to raise what storm. 在天穹神界,一位神明纵使再强大,也不可能掀起什么风浪。 Even if to were intrepidly same like the past person king, can resist with all one's strength several Lord God, but undefeated, is still useless. 就算是强悍到了如同当年的人王一样,可以力敌数位主神而不败,也没什么用。 That past person king was also not same, built up large quantities of own secondary roles, but independent combat. 那当年的人王还不是一样,集结了一大批自己的班底,而并非是单打独斗。 Therefore betray or not, looks at the strength of leader eventually. 所以背叛与否,终究还是看领头者的实力。 Even if the person with no mind of his own is also indifferent. 哪怕是墙头草也无所谓。 So long as own strength has been powerful, even person with no mind of his own, impossible betray. 只要自己的实力一直强大,就算是墙头草,也不可能背叛 Sizing up the situation is a good skill, the person with no mind of his own also knows that jumps the behavior that does not may take repeatedly horizontally. 审时度势是个好本事,墙头草也知道反复横跳是万万不可取的行为。
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