MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2444: Fame

The murder seizes the valuable the matter, let alone in chaotic region. 杀人夺宝的事情,别说是在混乱区域了。 Even in the god country, is not rare. 就算是在神国之中,都不少见。 Vault of heaven god is Powerhouse is to revere, the custom, that is the Powerhouse formulation. 天穹神界是强者为尊,规矩,那都是强者制定的。 Since the opinion is unified, that did not need to hesitate, so long as cut to kill this Shop Manager Qi, then all in shop, naturally were their seven brothers. 既然意见统一,那也不用再犹豫了,只要斩杀了这位齐店长,那么店里的一切,自然都是属于他们七兄弟的。 Your looks, a little do not seem right.” “你们的眼神,似乎有点不对劲。” Qi Le immediately, detected killing intent that on these seven snake Human Race clansmen sent out. 齐乐在第一时间,就察觉到了这七名蛇人族族人身上散发出来的杀意。 I have never thought that in the chaotic region, the murder seized the treasure to find at everywhere. 真没想到,在混乱区域里,杀人夺宝都这么随处可见了。 Shop Manager Qi, is strange, can only blame your life not being good.” 齐店长,要怪,就只能怪你的命不好了。” Ordinary man is innocent, the truth of talent can arouse jealousy, you should know.” “匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪的道理,想必你应该知道。” Snake Human Race seven brothers' Boss listened to the Qi Le's words, the ominous light in eye, exposed unscrupulously. 人族七兄弟的老大听了齐乐的话,眼睛之中的凶光,更是肆无忌惮的展露了出来。 Had been discovered in any case, that does not need to act covertly. 反正都已经被发现了,那就没必要偷偷摸摸的出手了。 In the chaotic region, the murder seizes the valuable the matter, is almost performing every time. 在混乱区域里,杀人夺宝的事情,几乎每时每刻都在上演。 So long as processes cleanly, some people will unable to detect. 只要处理得干净一些,根本就不会有人察觉得到。 When Shop Manager Qi you have the heavy treasure, arrives at the chaotic region time, you should be mentally prepared.” “当齐店长你身怀重宝,来到混乱区域的时候,想必你应该做好心理准备了吧。” Has the treasure spatially, actually without protecting the strength of treasure, that is a crime.” “空有宝物,却没有守护宝物的力量,那就是一种罪过啊。” At this point, snake Human Race seven brothers, eye of reveal ominous light encircled. 说到这里,蛇人族七兄弟,也都目露凶光的围了过来。 All goods in this shop, are they hear something never heard of before, precious treasure of seeing what one never saw before. 这家店铺里的所有物品,都是他们闻所未闻,见所未见的珍贵宝物。 If can it grasping in own hand, their snake Human Race seven brothers be able to weave a big net by this surely. 若是能将之掌握在自己的手中,他们蛇人族七兄弟必定能以此编织出一张大网。 Then in this chaotic region, captures own space! 然后在这片混乱区域之中,夺得属于自己的一席之地! Can in the chaotic region, stand the powerful gods in peak position, that may be some powerful arrives close to the big energy of Lord God, tyrannical incomparable! 要知道,能够在混乱区域之中,站在顶端位置的强大神明,那可都是一些实力强大到接近主神的大能,强横无匹! Because of certain shackles, is hard to ascend a height to get a broad view the boundary of Lord God, therefore stayed in the chaotic region. 只是因为某些桎梏,难以登临主神的境界,所以才留在了混乱区域。 After all among Lord God, has the dispute, and difference of faction. 毕竟主神之间,也是存在着纷争,以及派系之别的。 Regarding the Ordinary gods, Lord God will perhaps not care. 对于普通的神明,主神或许不会在意。 Because between Lord God and Ordinary gods, existed natural moat, is the gap of strength of principle, is impossible to span. 因为主神和普通神明之间,存在的天堑,可是法则之力的鸿沟,根本不可能跨越。 However, soon will ascend a height to get a broad view the powerful gods of Lord God level regarding these, that attitude may be different. 但是,对于那些即将登临主神层次的强大神明,那态度可就不一样了。 The theocracy of Lord God, with the theocracy of Ordinary gods, that is huge difference. 主神的神权,和普通神明的神权,那可是天壤之别。 From a god country, can see some clue only. 单从一个神国,就能看出一些端倪。 Moreover what is more important, falling from the sky of Lord God, is not simple like these Ordinary gods. 而且更重要的是,主神的陨落,可不像那些普通神明那么简单。 The appearance of each Lord God, is symbolizing separation of side influence, as well as an uprising of god country's. 每一位主神的出现,都象征着一方势力的割据,以及一个神国的崛起。 This regarding the present Lord God, is to one weakening of own theocracy, is matter that they do not want to see absolutely. 这对于现在的主神来说,是对自身神权的一种削弱,是他们绝对不想看到的事情。 The powerful gods who therefore the perfect degrees of these principle marks, have been close to the Lord God level infinitely, generally, will run the chaotic region to seek asylum. 所以那些法则道纹的完善程度,已经无限接近主神层次的强大神明,在一般情况下,都会跑去混乱区域避难。 Until oneself also become Lord God, will return strongly, opens own god country. 直到自己也成为主神,才会强势回归,开辟属于自己的神国。 But the snake Human Race seven brothers, naturally have look like this wildly. 而蛇人族七兄弟,自然也有这样的野望。 The god country, that may really be an unattainable goal. 神国啊,那可真是一个遥不可及的目标。 Do not think that improvement principle mark matter, only needed Faith Strength enough on the line. 别以为完善法则道纹这种事,只需要信仰之力足够就行了。 That is impossible! 那是不可能的! One of perfect principle mark premises, is Faith Strength enough condenses the sufficiency Faith Strength. 完善法则道纹的前提之一,是信仰之力足够凝聚出足量的信仰之力 However, in addition, another premise, that is- regarding principle that oneself grasp, has enough understanding, can continue to improve a principle mark. 但是,除此之外,还有另外一个前提,那就是-对于自身所掌握的法则,有着足够的理解,才能够继续完善法则道纹。 Otherwise, even Faith Strength are many, the strength of principle is sufficient, that is unable to continue to promote. 否则,就算是信仰之力再多,法则之力再充足,那也无法继续提升。 Why this is also, the perfect degree of principle mark, will have the reasons of three thresholds. 这也是为什么,法则道纹的完善程度,会有三道门槛的原因。 Because of these three thresholds, correspondence is three boundaries. 因为这三道门槛,对应的就是三个境界。 By these three threshold deactivations in out of the door, the gods who does not get the little advance, may be not infrequent. 被这三道门槛卡死在门外,不得寸进的神明,可不在少数。 Otherwise, why in the chaotic region, will have so many powerful gods. 要不然,为什么在混乱区域之中,会有那么多强大的神明呢。 Also is not because the advance is hopeless, therefore can only rush to the chaotic region to seek asylum, the free and unfettered was while convenient merry. 还不就是因为前进无望,所以只能跑到混乱区域来避难,顺便逍遥快活了。 In not being able to bump into the situation of Lord God, can threaten these powerful gods , is same as them, runs these fellows who the chaotic region seeks asylum. 在碰不到主神的情况下,能够威胁到这些强大神明的,也就只有和他们自己一样,跑来混乱区域避难的那些家伙了。 Therefore , although the chaotic region does not have the rule. 所以说,混乱区域虽然没有规则可言。 But some territories, are always inviolable. 但总有些领地,是不可侵犯的。 The snake Human Race seven brothers have such idea, wants to overcome own territory in the chaotic region. 人族七兄弟同样有这样的想法,想在混乱区域打下属于自己的领地。 Rather than like the present, seven people collaborates, can be dreaded by these gods. 而不是像现在这样,七人联手,才能被那些神明所忌惮。 In the final analysis, they compared with these powerful gods, fell far short. 说到底,他们比起那些强大的神明,还是差得远了。 You said right, has the heavy treasure, is actually incapable of protecting, truly is a crime.” “你们说的没错,身怀重宝,却无力守护,确实是一种罪过。” Qi Le looked at the snake Human Race seven brothers who are gradually encircling, on the face appears wiped the strange smile, the slow sound spoke. 齐乐望着逐渐围过来的蛇人族七兄弟,脸上出现了一抹奇怪的笑容,缓声说到。 But, how you determined, I do not have this ability, protects this shop?” “但是,你们又是如何确定,我没有这个能力,守护住这家店铺呢?” To base in the chaotic region, does not experience one to slaughter, is the impossible matter. 想要在混乱区域立足,不经历一番杀戮,是不可能的事情。 Only then with the tyrannical strength, deters the fellow who these want to cause trouble, can calm and steady opens the shop. 只有用强横的实力,震慑住了这些想来闹事的家伙,才能安安稳稳的把店开下去。 Therefore Qi Le felt, enemy who this type delivers directly, instead is easier to process. 所以齐乐觉得,这种直接送上门来的敌人,反而更好处理。 After all bright blade changed/easy Duo, the stab in the back is difficult to guard. 毕竟明刀易躲,暗箭难防。 However such remarks, made the snake Human Race seven brothers exude the laughter of taunt actually. 然而此话一出,倒是让蛇人族七兄弟发出了嘲讽的笑声。 Shop Manager Qi, you said these words time, has not thought.” 齐店长,你说这句话的时候,难道就没有想过吗。” If your enough, why in the chaotic region, hasn't spread your given name?” “如果你足够强的话,为什么在混乱区域里,没有流传你的名号?” This is a very realistic issue. 这是一个很现实的问题。 The chaotic region is not peaceful like the god country. 混乱区域可不像神国那么和平。 Arrives at the chaotic region, so long as the strength tyrannical gods, will certainly make own name. 来到混乱区域,只要实力强横的神明,就一定会打出自己的名号。 But these strength bad fellows, excuse me, possibly in one day, died quietly. 而那些实力不济的家伙,不好意思,可能在某一天,就悄无声息的死去了。 Therefore in the chaotic region, judged that the strength of opposite party is whether powerful. 所以在混乱区域之中,判断对方的实力是否强大。 The simplest method, is looks at the fame of opposite party in a big way. 最简单的方法,就是看对方的名气有多大。 This absolutely is a good way. 这绝对是一个好办法。 Besides regarding certain up-and-comers not suitable, almost can use on any gods in chaotic region. 除了对于某些新人不适用之外,几乎能用在混乱区域的任何一个神明身上。 As for these indigenous people of vault of heaven god, was not to mention. 至于天穹神界的那些原住民,还是别提了。 Was converged the vault of heaven god fifth level indigenous people, really no Powerhouse can with making a move. 被归为天穹神界第五层级的原住民,是真的没什么强者能拿出手。 Pondered simply can be clear. 简单思考一下就能清楚。 To promote to one of the Sealing King Level boundary initiatives, is what? 想要晋升到封王级境界的关键要素之一,是什么? Answer Faith Strength! 答案-信仰之力 However, where can the indigenous people of vault of heaven god from gain Faith Strength? 但是,天穹神界的原住民要从什么地方去获取信仰之力呢? Obviously, under the eyes of Lord God and many gods hide, is impossible to have Faith Strength to leave these indigenous people. 很显然,在主神和众多神明的眼皮子底下,根本就不可能有信仰之力留给这些原住民。 In the final analysis, this disparity above bloodline. 说到底,这就是在血统之上的差距。 Because had also said before, vault of heaven god the origin of indigenous people, is anything. 因为之前也说过了,天穹神界的原住民的来历,到底是什么。
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