MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2443: Protection money

This group of fellows, are not snake Human Race. 这群家伙,不会是蛇人族的吧。 Intelligent race that is transformed by all kinds of Demon Beast or Variant Beast, in vault of heaven god is very common. 由各式各样的魔兽或是异兽转变过来的智慧种族,在天穹神界还是很常见的。 Although Qi Le has felt, these fellows are more like monster and that's the end. 虽然齐乐一直觉得,这些家伙更像是“妖”就是了。 But since topped the race name, that said again is monster is inappropriate. 但既然冠上了种族的名称,那再说是“妖”也就不合适了。 The snake Human Race man of speech, the figure is thin, the complexion is pale, gloomy and cold vertical pupil, actually somewhat the feeling of snake. 说话的蛇人族男子,身形瘦削,脸色青白,阴冷的竖瞳,倒是有几分蛇的感觉。 Qi Le takes a look at these fellows at the same time, stood from the deck chair. 齐乐打量这些家伙的同时,也从躺椅上站了起来。 Right, I am the shopkeeper in this shop.” “没错,我就是这家店的店长。” „Do you, what need have?” “请问你们,有什么需要吗?” Tells the truth, so long as enters in the shop is not Lord God, Qi Le is capable of punishing. 有一说一,只要走进店里的不是主神,齐乐都有能力进行制裁。 But in the chaotic region, is obviously impossible to present Lord God, necessity that therefore Qi Le has not been worried about completely. 而在混乱区域,显然是不可能出现主神的,所以齐乐完全没有担心的必要。 This cloud poor business conditions light appearance, making the snake Human Race clansman in shop somewhat unable to find out the details of this shopkeeper. 只是这种云淡风轻的模样,让进店的蛇人族族人有些摸不清这位店长的底细。 Therefore has not acted rashly at once. 所以一时之间也没有轻举妄动。 new shop of chaotic region, must always experience the period of time trouble, can subside. 混乱区域的新店,总是要经历好一阵子的麻烦,才能平息下来。 Shouldered, continued to open a shop. 扛过去了,就继续开店。 Without shouldering, that can only vanish. 没扛过去,那就只能消失了。 Therefore in the chaotic region, some large number of people, craves in seeking for the trouble of new shop. 所以在混乱区域之中,有相当一部分人,热衷于寻找新店的麻烦。 Usually also along with reason, but this time, making their snake Human Race seven brothers bump into, that naturally must ask for an advantage to be good. 平时还只是随缘,但这一次,让他们蛇人族七兄弟碰到了,那当然要讨点好处才行了。 Then, their snake Human Race seven brothers, in this chaotic region, is known. 说起来,他们蛇人族七兄弟,在这一片的混乱区域,也算是小有名气的。 Seven people collaborate, even if these have the powerful gods in domain, must evade the point temporarily. 七人联手,就算是那些拥有地盘的强大神明,也要暂避锋芒。 Therefore, after seeing this shopkeeper tranquil appearance, seven brothers also started to conduct the exchange of look. 所以,在看到这位店长平静的模样之后,七兄弟也开始进行了眼神的交流。 But the conclusion that finally draws is: Only new shop, such shopkeeper, having anything is good to fear. 而最后得出的结论就是:区区一家新店而已,就这么个店长,有什么好怕的。 Their snake Human Race seven brothers, were domineering and tyrannical in this chaotic region. 他们蛇人族七兄弟,在这一片混乱区域横行霸道惯了。 Now can recognize in new shop instigated? 现在难道要在一家新店里面认怂? Is impossible! 不可能! Therefore that snake Human Race man of drivehead, is false smile makes noise saying: Originally you are a shopkeeper, does not know that this shopkeeper, how did call?” 于是打头的那位蛇人族男子,又是皮笑肉不笑的出声说道:“原来你就是店长啊,不知道这位店长,怎么称呼?” Together.” “齐。” The Qi Le tone put out a character lightly. 齐乐语气平淡的吐出了一个字。 Shop Manager Qi, since you choose in the chaotic region open a shop, I made a long story short.” 齐店长是吗,既然你选择在混乱区域开店,那我就长话短说了。” According to the custom of our chaotic region, new shop needs to deliver the protection money, safeguards the security of shop.” “按照咱们混乱区域的规矩,新店是需要上交保护费,来保障店铺的安全的。” If cannot hand over, I think Shop Manager Qi, you should be able to imagine the consequence.” “如果交不出来的话,我想齐店长,你应该能想象得到后果。” The snake Human Race man spoke of very much directly, or was the threat is not overrated. 人族男子很是直接的说到,或者说是威胁也不为过。 However the chaotic region is such atmosphere, all depending on fist speech. 不过混乱区域就是这么个风气,全凭拳头说话。 Let them make these curved to circle, instead really feels embarrassed them. 让他们弄那些弯弯绕绕,反而实在为难他们。 Protection money? How do you want to receive?” “保护费?你们想怎么收?” Qi Le selected the eyebrow, asked interestingly. 齐乐挑了挑眉,饶有兴趣地问到。 This matter, is Qi Le since birth first bumping into, thinks that is not interested is not good. 这种事情,还是齐乐有生以来第一次碰到,想不感兴趣都不行。 How to receive?” “怎么收?” Has a shopkeeper on to say rarely, since Shop Manager Qi asked that I naturally must introduce.” “难得有一位店长这么上道,既然齐店长问了,那我自然要介绍一下。” The snake Human Race man eyes pupil narrows the eyes, after hearing the Qi Le's words, as if there is meaning of reaching out for a yard after taking an inch. 人族男子眼眸微眯,听到齐乐的话之后,似乎有得寸进尺的意思。 However in the chaotic region, this was the routine matter is also right. 不过在混乱区域,这也是常事就对了。 Once the weak ones flinch, will be bullied crazily. 弱者一旦退缩,就会被疯狂欺压。 In the biological chain of law of the jungle, does not have sympathy this phrase. 弱肉强食的生物链里面,没有“同情”这个字眼。 Small and weak will only be squeezed the clean last point of value, then brutal abandons or writes off. 弱小者只会被压榨干净最后一分价值,然后被无情的抛弃或者抹杀。 Therefore snake Human Race man's introduction , becomes especially mindless. 所以蛇人族男子的介绍,也变得格外不讲理。 In vault of heaven god, among the gods, can be the current money the thing, such several types. 在天穹神界,神明之间,能做为通用货币的东西,也就那么几种。 Followers, belief stone, as well as all kinds of Divine Artifact...... 信徒,信仰石,以及各式各样的神器…… Naturally, there are all kinds of treasures, but will not take the current money to use. 当然,也有各式各样的宝物,只是并不会做为通用货币来使用而已。 Then the protection money was very simple, either hands over the follower, either comes out later belief stone revenue share. 那么保护费就很简单了,要么就交出信徒,要么就把以后的信仰石收入分成出来。 In any case is long-enduring squeezing, rather than short-lived business. 反正都是持续性的压榨,而不是一锤子买卖。 How or saying that these gods are very astute. 要不怎么说这些神明都很精明呢。 Right, besides these that said a moment ago, I have an issue to be very curious.” “对了,除了刚才说的这些之外,我还有个问题很好奇。” Does not know in the Shop Manager Qi shop, sold what thing is?” “不知道齐店长店里,卖的到底是什么东西?” Snake Human Race man after introducing protection money, looked on the shelf in shop. 人族男子在介绍完了保护费之后,又把目光放到了店里的货架上面。 This action is very obvious, besides the follower and belief stone, they in the commodity to shop is also interested very much. 这个举动很明显,除了信徒和信仰石之外,他们对店里的商品也很感兴趣。 If useful, they did not mind that carries off a number of commodities directly. 如果有用的话,他们也不介意直接带走一批商品。 Naturally, is steals openly and that's the end. 当然,是明抢就是了。 Remaining six snake Human Race men, separated the position, during is faint, surrounded Qi Le. 剩下的六名蛇人族男子,也都分开了位置,隐隐之中,把齐乐包围了起来。 Squeeze protection money, but can make many new shop put together fight in which both sides perish. 压榨性的保护费,可是能让很多新店拼得鱼死网破。 The snake Human Race seven brothers handled this matter, naturally will prepare ahead of time, did not make this matter happen. 人族七兄弟做多了这种事情,当然会提前准备,不让这种事情发生。 So long as this Shop Manager Qi has any change, they will act directly, immediately seizes it. 只要这位齐店长有任何一点异动,他们就会直接出手,在第一时间将其擒下。 Qi Le not care shot a look at this crowd of fellow one eyes, is pale opens the mouth with a smile. 齐乐毫不在意地瞥了这群家伙一眼,然后淡笑着开口。 Since you are interested, I introduced.” “既然你们有兴趣,那我就介绍一下吧。” Shelf, placed commodity, respectively is the strong fossil, protects the stone, as well as various types of principle enchantment stones.” “货架这边,摆放的商品,分别是强化石,保护石,以及各种法则附魔石。” However that two big stove same machines near wall, is equips the strengthening machine and equips the enchantment machine.” “而在墙边的那两个大火炉一样的机器,是装备强化机和装备附魔机。” „The functions of these things, as the name suggests......” “这些东西的作用,顾名思义……” Qi Le very patient introduced the functions of these commodities. 齐乐很耐心的把这些商品的功能介绍了一遍。 Immediately lets in the snake Human Race seven brothers' eyes, glittered the surprised and joyful ray. 顿时让蛇人族七兄弟的眼睛之中,闪烁出了惊讶和欣喜的光芒。 Really has not thought that knocked into new shop, inside has the so mysterious commodity unexpectedly. 真是没想到,偶然之间碰到了一家新店,里面居然有如此神奇的商品。 By their so many years, in the experience of vault of heaven god, can definitely say very much, has the goods of this all sorts of mysterious effects, they had not heard before absolutely. 以他们这么多年,在天穹神界的见识,可以很肯定的说,拥有这种种神奇效果的物品,他们以前绝对没有听说过。 Equipment strengthening machine, equips the enchantment machine, regarding the attraction of any gods, is huge. 无论是装备强化机,还是装备附魔机,对于任何一位神明的吸引力,都是巨大的。 Strengthens Divine Artifact, as well as is Divine Artifact enchantment. 强化神器,以及为神器附魔 This may be able to enhance the battle efficiency directly, moreover this promotion, but also no danger. 这可都是能够直接提升战斗力的,而且这种提升,还没有什么危险。 Not to mention in the crisis-ridden chaotic region, can so relaxed promotion battle efficiency, be how huge seduction. 且不说在危机四伏的混乱区域,能如此轻松的提升战斗力,是多么巨大的诱惑。 Even in the easy and comfortable god country, the equipment strengthening machine and equips enchantment machine the attraction, is still great. 就算是在安逸的神国之中,装备强化机和装备附魔机的吸引力,也是一等一的。 At all some impossible people able to reject this seduction! 根本不可能有人能够拒绝得了这种诱惑! But now, is so precious, even this two treasure, was possibly only met by their snake Human Race seven brothers. 而现在,如此珍贵,甚至可能只此两台的宝物,被他们蛇人族七兄弟碰见了。 That said that the opportunity that their snake Human Race seven brothers skyrocket came! 那岂不是说,他们蛇人族七兄弟扶摇直上的机会来了! Thinks of here, the snake Human Race seven brothers could not bear look at each other one. 想到这里,蛇人族七兄弟忍不住对视了一眼。 From the look of opposite party, they see very clearly, is completely a meaning- murder! Seizes the treasure! 从对方的眼神之中,他们看得很清楚,全部都是一个意思-杀人!夺宝! Right, if can have the treasure of this rank, only protection money is unimportant. 没错,若是能拥有这种级别的宝物,区区一点保护费根本就不重要。 Even, does not need to think what protection money again. 甚至连以后,都不需要再想着什么保护费了。
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