MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2442: First group of guests

Opens a shop, must give the customer the good consumer experience, can the belief stones in better squeezing their hand. 开店嘛,总要给顾客好的消费体验,才能更好的压榨他们手里的信仰石。 If equips a strengthening to be stave, enchantment discards, who also dares to come to the shop to spend. 要是装备一强化就破碎,一附魔就报废,那谁还敢来店里消费啊。 That did not clarify was cheating. 那不是摆明了在坑人吗。 Although sometimes, Qi Le truly a little pit. 虽然某些时候,齐乐确实有点坑。 But that is not one is willing to hit, is willing to suffer, no issue. 但那不都是一个愿打,一个愿挨吗,也没什么问题啊。 Equipment strengthening machine and equip the enchantment machine......” “装备强化机和装备附魔机……” „The commodity that then in the shop may sell, establishes provisionally that for the strong fossil, protects the stone, principle enchantment stone.” “那么店里可出售的商品,就暂定为强化石,保护石,还有法则附魔石。” This is also good, the new shop area is really worrying, can have these three types of commodities is also similar, the new commodity takes your time.” “这样也好,新店的面积实在堪忧,能有这三样商品也差不多了,新商品慢慢来吧。” Qi Le understood after the business that in the shop may open, is comforting itself at heart silently. 齐乐了解完了店里可开启的业务之后,在心里默默的安慰着自己。 This feeling, looking like started to be the same from the beginning. 这个感觉,就像是又从头开始了一样。 But this time start from the beginning, the initial station is a little high and that's the end. 只不过这一次的从头开始,起始点有点高就是了。 Three types of commodities, that preparation three shelves were good. 三样商品,那就准备三个货架好了。 Especially the shelf of principle enchantment stone, must suspend according to groups, suspends the principle enchantment stone of main category. 特别是法则附魔石的货架,更是要分门别类的摆好,把主要类别的法则附魔石摆出来。 Then is the issue of pricing. 然后就是定价的问题。 In discussed after System, Qi Le felt. 在和系统商谈之后,齐乐觉得。 Although oneself are amasses money, but earned too, felt sorry at heart. 虽然自己是来敛财的,但赚得太多了,心里也过意不去。 That reluctantly oneself, casual gained more than ten times of net profit to be good, did not use too. 那就勉强一下自己,随随便便的赚个十几倍的纯利润就好了,不用太多。 The characteristics that however equips the strengthening machine are placed there, the number of times of when strengthening more than one, it is estimated that the net profit of strong fossil, can break more than ten times of limits, arrives at dozens times of degrees. 不过装备强化机的特性摆在那里,当强化的次数一多,估计强化石的纯利润,能突破十几倍的限制,来到几十倍的程度。 However these issues and Qi Le have no relations. 然而这些问题和齐乐没什么关系。 Qi Le opens a shop, is always with honest price tag displayed, does not cheat in secret. 要知道,齐乐开店,从来都是明码标价,绝不暗中坑人。 Likes buying buys, does not buy to get the hell out. 爱买就买,不买滚蛋。 Therefore, the marked price of strong fossil, Qi Le thought quickly. 所以,强化石的标价,齐乐很快就想好了。 The one strong fossil, selling ten belief stones was good. 一颗强化石,卖十颗信仰石就好了。 But the protection stone, theoretically, is to be more precious than the strong fossil. 而保护石,理论上来说,是要比强化石珍贵很多的。 Then the one protection stone, sells 100 belief stones, is very normal matter. 那么一颗保护石,卖一百颗信仰石,也是很正常的事情吧。 However the final principle enchantment stone, above the pricing, is actually different from the strong fossil and protection stone. 不过最后的法则附魔石,在定价上面,倒是和强化石以及保护石有所不同。 Because of principle strength of principle enchantment stone implication, type relative. 因为法则附魔石蕴含的法则力量,种类相当之多。 From the top level principle to the low level principle, has everything expected to find. 从高位级法则到低位级法则,应有尽有。 Therefore according to the principle strength of implication is different, the price of principle enchantment stone, is naturally different. 所以根据蕴含的法则力量不同,法则附魔石的价格,自然也不尽相同。 But also has solution, fixed a price at the position level of principle is good. 但也不是没有解决的办法,以法则的位级来定价就好了。 From ten belief stone one the principle enchantment stone of low level, to over ten thousand belief stone one top level principle enchantment stones. 从十颗信仰石一颗的低位级的法则附魔石,到上万颗信仰石一颗的高位级法则附魔石。 Qi Le marked the price according to groups, then suspended in the shelf. 齐乐都分门别类的标上了价格,然后摆进了货架之中。 This is one lives greatly. 这可是一个大活。 Is good also only needs to label this time because of Qi Le. 好在齐乐也只需要标注这一次。 Later has the same requisition for goods marked price, that was the System matter. 之后再有相同的商品需要标价,那就是系统的事情了。 Did well finally, but also is not really easy, right now, new shop was also open for business.” “总算是弄好了,还真是不容易啊,这下子,新店也算是开张了吧。” After Qi Le all things complete, stretching oneself of makes an effort, talked to oneself in a soft voice. 齐乐把所有的事情都做完之后,才用力的伸了个懒腰,轻声自语到。 Who can think, ran up to vault of heaven god to come with great difficulty, finally, oneself are being the old profession. 谁能想到,好不容易跑到天穹神界来了,结果,自己还是在做老本行呢。 However Qi Le does not have the complaint. 不过齐乐对此也没有怨言。 This does not forget the one performance of first thought probably. 这大概也是不忘初心的一种表现吧。 After all is the shopkeeper who mixes to eat to wait for death is very comfortable, compared with bustling about to probably. 毕竟做一个混吃等死的店长还是很舒服的,比起东奔西走可要强多了。 Qi Le rejoiced very much oneself can have such life, even if will encounter some dangers occasionally. 齐乐很庆幸自己能有这样的生活,即使偶尔会遭遇一些危险。 But the mosts of the time, are very relaxed. 但大部分时候,还是很轻松的。 ...... …… Yo, this place some people opened a shop unexpectedly.” “哟,这种地方居然有人开了一家店。” Moreover is not the tavern, does not know that sells anything's shop.” “而且还不是酒馆,也不知道是卖什么的店铺。” „It seems like new shop, we may really be the good luck, unexpectedly can bump into new shop.” “看起来像是一家新店,我们可真是好运,居然能碰到一家新店。” Looks from outside is very clean, should not be pounded by others.” “从外面看还是很干净的,应该还没有被别人砸过。” That on was not cheap our seven brothers.” “那不就便宜我们七兄弟了吗。” Has not let the time that Qi Le sets aside anything to rest, outside the door broadcast several facetious sounds. 并没有让齐乐腾出什么休息的时间,店门外就传来了几道戏谑的声音。 In the chaotic region, the border meeting point of domain especially this powerful gods run, the source of tourists are actually many. 在混乱区域,特别是这种强大的神明所掌管的地盘的交界点,客源其实是很多的。 Domain that these powerful gods run, a little probably powerful Demon Beast territory. 那些强大神明所掌管的地盘,有点像是强大魔兽的领地。 They will not limit others to pass through in their domains, has no influence in any case. 他们并不会限制其他人在他们的地盘上经过,反正也没什么影响。 After all these powerful gods, to the god country of Lord God, conducted the shoddy imitation in the final analysis. 毕竟这些强大的神明,说到底还是对主神的神国,进行了拙劣的模仿。 They for the domain that oneself run, formulated was their rules. 他们为自己掌管的地盘,制定了属于他们自己的规则。 So long as does not violate the rule, they will not slaughter. 只要不违反规则,他们也不会大开杀戒。 However this matter looks like in Qi Le, especially funnily and that's the end. 不过这种事情在齐乐看来,尤为好笑就是了。 Obviously in without rule the chaotic region, was to revere to deduct the pinnacle Powerhouse. 明明是在没有规则可言的混乱区域,把强者为尊演绎到了极致。 But these almost stand in the chaotic region apex powerful gods, but must for the chaotic region formulation rule. 但偏偏这些几乎站在混乱区域顶点的强大神明,还要为混乱区域制定规则。 These places, look like in Lord God, is nothing value the places of barbarian desolate. 要知道,这些地方,在主神看来,都是没什么价值的蛮荒之地。 Even these powerful gods, some day, really become Lord God. 就算这些强大的神明,有朝一日,真的成为了主神。 It is estimated that they will not continue to treat in the chaotic region and that's the end. 估计他们也不会继续待在混乱区域就是了。 However Qi Le cannot take care these things. 但是齐乐也管不着这些事情。 Even compared with these matters, Qi Le wants to know, first group of guests who his new shop opens, what attitude can be. 甚至比起这些事,齐乐更想知道,他新店开张的第一批客人,会是什么样的态度。 To be honest, Qi Le did not feel, opens a shop in the chaotic region, first day can bump into the friendly guest. 老实说,齐乐并不觉得,在混乱区域开店,第一天就能碰到和和气气的客人。 Did not say exaggeratingly, if the strength of shopkeeper weak, dares to open a shop in the chaotic region, perhaps first day will be smashed the shop, then next day went out of business. 毫不夸张的说,如果店长的实力不够强的话,敢在混乱区域开店,恐怕第一天就会被砸店,然后第二天就倒闭了。 In the commodity as for shop, that naturally gave for nothing. 至于店里的商品,那自然是白给了。 This in the chaotic region, is very normal matter. 这在混乱区域,是很正常的事情。 Otherwise such a good place, how possibly the wheel obtained Qi Le to open a shop. 要不然这么好的一块地方,怎么可能轮得到齐乐来开店了。 After all in the chaotic region, the source of tourists huge number, most times, will turn into the hidden danger. 毕竟在混乱区域之中,客源数量巨大,在很多时候,是会变成隐患的。 Most taverns, even if the back has the powerful backer, generally, will still elect in some secluded places. 大部分的酒馆,即使背后有强大的靠山,一般情况下,也会选在一些僻静的地方。 Naturally, the extremely remote place does not need. 当然了,太过偏僻的地方还是没必要。 Therefore Qi Le was also psychologically prepared. 所以齐乐也做好了心理准备。 Then saw that one group of seven people pushed the door to walk. 然后就看到一伙七人推门走了进来。 Looks at the actions of these fellows, obviously, should be the same place. 看这些家伙的行动,很显然,应该是一起的。 Then looks at them to reveal again outside skin, above has a clearly discernible close scale. 接着再看他们露在外面的皮肤,上面有着一层清晰可见的细密鳞片。 It seems like should be the sea clan, or is the intimate races of other scales clans. 看来应该是海族,或者是其他鳞甲族的亲近种族吧。 The race of vault of heaven god were multi- went, Qi Le also had no research. 天穹神界的种族多了去了,齐乐对此也没什么研究。 However enters the shop is the customers, so long as does not cause trouble, Qi Le also seeing of no race and that's the end. 不过进店的都是顾客,只要不闹事,齐乐这边也没有什么种族之见就是了。 However was a pity very much how this group of fellows saw, causes trouble probably. 然而很可惜,这群家伙怎么看,都像是来闹事的。 In shop your one person? That this shop, was you in the manager.” “店里就你一个人?那这家店,就是你在管事了吧。” Walks is looking at Qi Le in the forefront that fellow, makes noise to ask. 走在最前面的那个家伙望着齐乐,出声问到。 Speech time, the tongue in mouth also in unceasing finding out, the tall and slender tongue of furcation, a little probably snake. 说话的时候,口中的舌头还在不断的探出,分叉的细长舌头,有点像是蛇。 Un...... snake? 嗯……蛇?
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