MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2446: Is growing the guest of beast ear

However, regarding Qi Le, even if must form own secondary roles, that will not elect the person from vault of heaven god. 然而,对于齐乐来说,就算是要组建自己的班底,那也不会从天穹神界选人。 Yue Xi has not met, anxious anything. 月曦儿都还没有接上来呢,急什么。 Therefore looks the picture that the snake Human Race seven brothers start to beg for mercy, Qi Le only finds it ridiculous. 所以看着蛇人族七兄弟开始求饶的画面,齐乐只觉得好笑。 Since you said that your lives were my, do I take it now, what incorrect place have?” “既然你们都说了,你们的命是我的了,那我现在就把它取走,有什么不对的地方吗?” Qi Le ten fingers of overlapping, support the elbow on the desktop of bar, leisure speaking. 齐乐十指交叉,把手肘撑在吧台的桌面上,慢条斯理的说到。 Not......” “不……” Snake Human Race seven brothers hears word, but also wants to say anything. 人族七兄弟闻言,还想说些什么。 Only pitifully, Qi Le does not want to make them continue to get down boisterously. 只可惜,齐乐已经不想让他们继续聒噪下去了。 As the Qi Le's thought moves, the strength of soul principle emerges, covers on the present snake Human Race seven brothers. 随着齐乐的念头一动,灵魂法则的力量涌现而出,笼罩在了眼前的蛇人族七兄弟身上。 Since punishes one as a warning to others, that chicken the corpse, must certainly remain. 既然是杀鸡儆猴,那“鸡”的尸体,肯定是要留下来的。 Otherwise who knows that Qi Le made anything. 要不然谁知道齐乐做了什么。 The soul principle is also one of the top level principles. 灵魂法则同样属于高位级法则之一。 Moreover disappears the way of goal to be different from the space principle thoroughly. 而且和空间法则彻底泯灭掉目标的方式不一样。 The soul principle can only obliterate the soul of goal, let the goal thorough death at the same time, left behind the skeleton of goal. 灵魂法则可以只磨灭掉目标的灵魂,让目标彻底死亡的同时,留下目标的尸骸。 The skeleton of gods, so long as deliberately does not use the strength of principle to destroy, that little said that can also ten thousand years not be spoiled. 神明的尸骸,只要不刻意使用法则之力去破坏,那少说也能万年不腐。 Moreover is the powerful gods, after the body falls, the time that the skeleton can preserve is longer. 而且越是强大的神明,身陨之后,尸骸能够留存的时间就越长。 Arrived the rank of Lord God, said that is the skeleton is immortal, does not have the issue. 到了主神的级别,说是尸骸不朽,都是没问题的。 But this issue, no one inquires into and that's the end. 只不过这个问题,没有谁去探究就是了。 Therefore, under the strength of soul principle, the snake Human Race seven brothers has not said the words, lost the consciousness thoroughly. 所以,在灵魂法则的力量之下,蛇人族七兄弟连话都没说出口,就彻底失去了意识。 Was also obliterated by Qi Le to the high throne thoroughly, does not leave any opportunity. 至高王座也被齐乐彻底磨灭,不留任何一丝机会。 As for snake Human Race seven brothers' these followers...... 至于蛇人族七兄弟的那些信徒…… To be honest, Qi Le is not interested. 说实话,齐乐一点都不感兴趣。 The snake Human Race follower, thinks to think that somewhat dislikes. 人族的信徒,想想都觉得有些膈应。 Regarding other gods perhaps not, but at least regarding Qi Le, dislikes very much. 对于其他的神明来说或许不会,但至少对于齐乐来说,还是很膈应的。 After all other gods want to grow stronger, the follower is essential. 毕竟其他的神明想要变强,信徒是必不可少的的。 However regarding Qi Le, the follower is dispensable. 但是对于齐乐来说,信徒已经是可有可无了。 Naturally, even if dispensable, does not need deliberately to disperse the follower and that's the end. 当然了,哪怕可有可无,也没必要刻意驱散信徒就是了。 As for received these followers on own initiative, Qi Le thought some little time, the decision gave up. 至于主动去接收这些信徒,齐乐想了好一会儿,还是决定放弃。 Leaving being predestined friends person was good. 留给有缘人好了。 System, comes out to wash.” 系统,出来洗地。” Qi Le had a yawn, shouted one in mind. 齐乐打了个哈欠,在脑海里喊了一声。 Leaves behind the skeletons of these seven snake people specially, to lose outside shop, shocks generation of the ganef. 特意留下这七个蛇人的尸骸,就是为了丢在店外,震慑一下宵小之辈。 When the fame hit, the skeletons of these fellows were also useless, when the time comes reprocessing and that's the end. 等名气打出去了,这几个家伙的尸骸也就没什么用了,到时候再处理掉就是了。 However Qi Le also has the harvest. 不过齐乐也不是没有收获。 At least the belief stones of these seven snake people are many. 至少这七个蛇人身上的信仰石还是很多的。 Happen to can supplement that Qi Le beforehand consumption- really thinks the use soul principle has not consumed. 正好能够补充一下齐乐之前的消耗-真以为使用灵魂法则没有消耗的吗。 Thought these seven snake people possibly had a lot of belief stones, Qi Le are disinclined to say so many with them. 要不是觉得这七个蛇人身上可能存有大量的信仰石,齐乐才懒得和他们说这么多呢。 Waits for the snake Human Race seven brothers' skeletons to be lost, when outside shop. 等蛇人族七兄弟的尸骸被丢在店外的时候。 Qi Le can feel clearly, the peeping at aura outside shop, was short. 齐乐能够清楚的感觉到,店外的窥视气息,少了很多。 Obviously, in the chaotic region, not every gods are the snake Human Race seven brothers' such boorish fellows. 很显然,混乱区域里面,并不是每一个神明都是蛇人族七兄弟这样的莽夫。 Although they discovered this new shop, but has hiding of tacit understanding of wait and see in the distant place very much, waits for others to help remove mines. 他们虽然发现了这一家新店,但都很有默契的躲在远处观望,等着其他人帮忙排雷。 The snake Human Race seven brothers were also too straightforward, hit directly. 人族七兄弟也是太耿直了,就这么直接撞了上来。 The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, even if they killed people to seize the treasure to be successful. 说句不好听的,就算他们杀人夺宝成功了。 The thing in that shop, will not be them absolutely. 那店里的东西,也绝对不会属于他们。 Defends outside, is waiting for the gods of picking up a bargain, absolutely the imagination are more. 守在外面,等着捡便宜的神明,绝对要比想象中的更多。 But now, what sound does not have, saw that the snake Human Race seven brothers' skeletons were thrown. 而现在,什么动静都没有,就看到蛇人族七兄弟的尸骸被抛了出来。 The gods who these want the new shop idea, in the heart will naturally also estimate. 那些想打新店主意的神明,心中自然也会有所估量。 Without a doubt, the snake Human Race seven brothers in nearby chaotic region, the fame are very big. 毫无疑问,蛇人族七兄弟在附近的混乱区域,名气还是挺大的。 Qi Le this punishing one as a warning to others action, the direct pouring extinguishes the gods who 90% peeped, heart inside idea. 齐乐这一次杀鸡儆猴的举动,直接浇灭了90%窥视的神明,心里面的想法。 Picks up a bargain to turn over to pick up a bargain, but if needs to pay with the life the price, that is considers as finished. 捡便宜归捡便宜,但要是需要付出生命的代价,那还是算了吧。 Walked?” “都走了吗?” I am also thinking, you can deliver several times again.” “我还想着,你们能再来送几次呢。” Outside situation regarding shop, Qi Le, although has treated in the shop, but also is clear. 对于店外的情况,齐乐虽然一直待在店里,但也是一清二楚。 Why otherwise waited is so long, the snake Human Race seven brothers solving, really thinks that Qi Le liked speaking the idle talk. 要不然为什么等了这么久,才把蛇人族七兄弟给解决掉,真以为齐乐喜欢说废话吗。 The aura that peeped are less , good to deter the people of more ganef one time. 还不就是为了等窥视的气息更多一点,好一次性震慑更多的宵小之徒。 So as to avoid troubles one after another. 免得麻烦一个接一个的。 Now is good, the first wave of fame was hits. 现在就好了,第一波名气算是打出去了。 At least in the shop can obtain the short peaceful time. 至少店里能得到短暂的安宁时间了。 The development, naturally also and Qi Le's idea disparity is not big, temporarily is no one dares to profit. 事情的发展,当然也和齐乐的想法差距不大,暂时是没人敢来占便宜。 Even, does not have the guest to dare to visit...... 甚至,也没有客人敢上门…… The snake Human Race seven brothers' skeletons on not far away of swayed outside the door, who know that this is a bandits'inn. 人族七兄弟的尸骸就摆在店门外不远处,谁知道这是不是一家黑店。 To survive in the chaotic region, is more vigilant is quite good. 想要在混乱区域生存下去,还是要警惕一些比较好。 This point, very makes Qi Le helpless. 这一点,也挺让齐乐无奈的。 How long is good has not continued because of this situation. 好在这种情况并没有持续多久。 the next day, the second group of guests visited. 就在第二天,第二批客人就上门了。 However said that says the second batch, but actually also only had a person. 不过说是说第二批,但其实也就只有一个人而已。 When sees this guest, why Qi Le does not know, always feels somewhat strangely. 但是在看到这位客人的时候,齐乐不知道为什么,总觉得有些怪异。 Reasons for this include, because by this guest top of the head that to ear- furry beast ear! 究其原因,还是因为这位客人头顶两侧的那对耳朵-毛茸茸的兽耳! Is this Beast Ears Race? 这是兽耳族吗? Originally also has Beast Ears Race in vault of heaven god? 原来在天穹神界也有兽耳族吗? Hello, does not know how I should call you?” “你好,不知我该如何称呼你?” After the guests see Qi Le, very polite makes noise to ask. 客人看到齐乐之后,很有礼貌的出声问到。 Made that Qi Le gawked, opens the mouth to reply: I am the shopkeeper in this shop, you called me Shop Manager Qi on the line.” 弄得齐乐都愣了一下,才开口答道:“我是这家店的店长,你叫我齐店长就行了。” The action a little effect of it seems like yesterday punishing one as a warning to others, at least the guests changed the politeness. 看来昨天杀鸡儆猴的举动还是有点效果的,至少客人都变礼貌了很多。 However below a few words of this guest, were make Qi Le be vigilant. 然而这位客人的下一句话,却是让齐乐警惕了起来。 Shop Manager Qi, you, should come from All Directions Realm.” 齐店长,你,应该来自四方界吧。” The guests said. 客人如是说道。 Is startled Qi Le to set out suddenly, tight is staring at this guest. 惊得齐乐陡然起身,紧紧的盯着这位客人。 What are you saying?” “你在说什么?” Vault of heaven god regarding the Low Grade plane name and caring, only if were born Low Grade plane of specially famous gods. 天穹神界对于低等位面的名字并不在意,除非是诞生了特别出名的神明的低等位面 Was born All Directions Realm of person of king, is naturally one of them. 诞生了人王的四方界,自然就在其中。 Just, the person the given name of king, in vault of heaven god is a taboo. 只不过,人王的名号,在天穹神界是一个禁忌。 Therefore All Directions Realm in vault of heaven god, changes the acquiring fame sound not to reveal. 所以四方界在天穹神界,也变得名声不显。 Now is mentioned by this guest directly, cannot allow Qi Le is not vigilant. 现在被这位客人直接说起,也容不得齐乐不警惕。 Shop Manager Qi does not need to be surprised, your aura, I will not admit mistakes.” 齐店长不必如此惊讶,你身上的气息,我是不会认错的。” Yesterday I heard, grasped the space principle, the strength tyrannical rookie arrived at vault of heaven god.” “昨天我就听说了,有一位掌握了空间法则,实力强横的新人来到天穹神界。” At that time, I had this to guess, has not thought that really made me guess.” “在那个时候,我就有此猜测了,没想到真让我猜中了。” The guests look at Shop Manager Qi that the brow wrinkles, but calm then said. 客人看着眉头皱起的齐店长,只是语气平静的接着说道。
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