MRGMGCS :: Volume #22

#2119: Violent Yang Armor

,() ,() Why although Dragon Race will retreat dragon island in the past, the inside story how, Qi Le cannot assert. 虽然当年龙族为什么会退守龙岛,内情如何,齐乐不能断言。 However is a little certain, that is the Dragon Race clansman, is hating Human Race surely. 不过有一点是可以肯定的,那就是龙族的族人,必定是怨恨着人族的。 If Ocean Dragon Sovereign raises the standard of revolt, then the Dragon Race clansman has hundred responses to a single call surely, this regarding Eastern Desolate, absolutely is a giant disaster. 所以若是海洋龙皇揭竿而起,那么龙族的族人必定是一呼百应,这对于东荒来说,绝对是一场巨大的灾难。 Is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available.” “兵来将挡,水来土掩吧。” Coming back is so long, has not gone to Immortals and Demons Battlefield to look, today happen to goes to have a look.” “回来这么久了,都还没去仙魔战场看过呢,今天正好进去看看吧。” Pondered after the period of time, Qi Le looked at the out of the window stars densely covered sky, long spitting exhales. 思考了好一阵子之后,齐乐看了看窗外繁星密布的天空,长长的吐出了一口气。 Washes the thing in Immortals and Demons Battlefield, that also revives two ripe matters. 仙魔战场里淘好东西,那也是一回生两回熟的事。 Even if every arrives in Immortals and Demons Battlefield one time, Qi Le in vast and dismal the atmosphere by this will shock, but will not affect Qi Le's to be familiar and easy. 即使每一次来到仙魔战场之中,齐乐都会被这里面浩大而悲凉的氛围所震撼,但一点都不影响齐乐的轻车熟路。 This seems like panning for gold to be the same. 这就像是在淘金一样。 The experience is very important, but the luck is more important. 经验很重要,但是运气更重要。 When enters Immortals and Demons Battlefield, channel that opens, although the import every opens one time in the Qi Le's bedroom. 因为进入仙魔战场时,所打开的通道,虽然的进口每一次都开在齐乐的卧室里面。 However enters to Immortals and Demons Battlefield in time, appeared place, is not fixed. 但是进到仙魔战场里面的时候,出现的地方,可不是固定的。 What Immortal Artifact therefore Qi Le can pick and Demon Artifact, tries one's luck completely. 所以齐乐能捡到什么样的仙器魔器,完全就是碰运气。 Selected physical appearance most complete picking to be right. 挑着品相最完整的捡就对了。 As for the strong and weak how, that was not the thing that Qi Le can manage. 至于强弱如何,那就不是齐乐能管得着的东西了。 Because Immortal Artifact and Demon Artifact of same quality level, that can perform, is still the day badly other. 因为即使是同一品质层次的仙器魔器,能够发挥出来的力量,也是天差地别的。 Therefore does not need to intertwine so many, first guaranteed the thing that takes carry back has not gone bad, is the best method. 所以根本就不用纠结那么多,先保证拿回来的东西没坏,才是最好的做法。 Oh, every comes in one time, one will implant the feeling that treasure mountain actually can only return empty-handed.” “唉,每一次进来,都会有一种入宝山却只能空手而归的感觉。” Even if I clean up the trash now here......” “哪怕我现在只是在这里捡垃圾……” Qi Le is choosy in Immortals and Demons Battlefield, has not forgotten to publish own feeling. 齐乐仙魔战场里面挑挑拣拣,还不忘发表一下自己的感慨。 Finally, after the multiple contrasts, Qi Le chose one to cover entirely the dust, did not see clearly originally the armor of appearance, brought back to the shop. 最后,经过多次对比,齐乐才选了一件布满了灰尘,根本就看不清楚原本样貌的铠甲,带回了店里。 Falls short of the best, is better than the worst.” “比上不足,比下有余啊。” Reason that chooses this armor, is mainly because periphery has not compared this armor more complete Immortal Artifact and Demon Artifact. 之所以选这件铠甲,主要是因为周围已经没有比这件铠甲更完整的仙器魔器了。 Even the above dust, has soon buried completely this armor. 即使上面的灰尘,都已经快要把这件铠甲完全埋起来了。 System, takes away the restore.” 系统,拿去修复吧。” Since all along step, Qi Le already thoroughly cooked in heart. 一贯以来的步骤,齐乐早就烂熟于心。 Therefore returns to the shop, in the process of waiting restore, Qi Le then first takes a bath, cleaned the whole body dust. 所以回到店里,在等待修复的过程中,齐乐便先去洗了个澡,把满身的灰尘清洗了一下。 This is can contaminate dust on Immortal Artifact and Demon Artifact, surely is not the mediocre thing...... 这可是能够沾染到仙器魔器上的灰尘,必定不是凡俗之物…… Should Faith Strength, when enters Immortals and Demons Battlefield, System has taken away. 该给的信仰之力,在进入仙魔战场的时候,系统就已经拿去了。 Remaining, was only the waiting. 剩下的,就只是等待了。 However tells the truth, System restores these Immortal Artifact and Demon Artifact speed, is very quick. 不过有一说一,系统修复这些仙器魔器的速度,还是挺快的。 Qi Le just came out from the bathroom, is scratching the hair, the sound that the System prompt restore completes, made a sound. 齐乐才刚刚从浴室里出来,正擦着头发呢,系统提示修复完成的声音,就响了起来。 Such quickly? Hurries to take to make me have a look.” “这么快?赶紧拿出来让我看看。” That was almost buried the armor under dust, before after undergoing Qi Le simple cleaning up, has not revealed the original style as before, seems like the dirty appearance. 那一副几乎被掩埋在灰尘之下的铠甲,之前经过了齐乐简单清理之后,依旧没有露出原本的样式,看起来还是脏兮兮的模样。 Expectation that therefore Qi Le has, is actually not very big. 所以齐乐抱的期望,其实也不是很大。 But now this armor takes, the shining appearance, has almost not dodged blindly the Qi Le's eye. 但现在这副铠甲一拿出来,金光灿灿的模样,差点没闪瞎了齐乐的眼睛。 System, you determined that hasn't repaired the wrong direction?” 系统,你确定没有修复错方向吗?” Qi Le is obstructing the eye with the hand, prevents to be shaken blindly by the golden light, then asked in mind. 齐乐用手遮着眼睛,防止被金光晃瞎,然后在脑海里问到。 So appearance of golden light twinkle, before that full is the appearance of dust, simply is not the same thing. 如此金光闪烁的模样,和之前那满是灰尘的样子,简直就不是同一件东西。 It looks like the disparity of clay among with gold bars to be the same. 就像是黄泥和金块之间的差距一样。 No, in which disparity should the great ability be more right. 不,其中的差距应该更大才对。 Because of the present armor, if System did not say, Qi Le does not know, first passes shortly, possibly thinks that this is a power giant light bulb. 因为眼前的这副铠甲,若是系统不说,齐乐也不知道的话,第一眼看过去,可能会认为这是一个功率巨大的灯泡。 Moreover wicked interest the light bulb of armor style. 而且还是恶趣味的铠甲样式的灯泡。 System: Host, this is this/should commodity original contour, if feels the ray to be dazzling, this System can help restrain.” 系统:“宿主,这是该商品本来的外形,若是觉得光线刺眼,本系统可以帮忙收敛。” You a bit faster, my eye should not be flashed blindly.” “那你还不快点,我眼睛都要被闪瞎了。” Qi Le said in mind immediately. 齐乐立马在脑海里说道。 The gold bar shines that also to reflect light is good, this thing illumination, seems like it is the light source is then same, is very dazzling. 金条发光那还得反光才行,这玩意发光,就好像本身便是光源一样,刺眼得很。 Finishes speaking, golden light that the present armor sends out, rapid dim. 话音刚落,眼前的铠甲所散发的金光,就迅速黯淡了下去。 Quick, restrained in the golden light the armor completely. 很快,就把金光完全收敛到了铠甲之中。 Qi Le fixes the eyes on looked, discovered this armor, color, is the extremely pure golden color. 齐乐定睛一看,才发现这副铠甲,本身的颜色,就是极度纯粹的金色。 The style is actually very simple, but is the detail part does quite fine. 样式倒是十分简单,只不过是细节部分做得比较精细罢了。 However is joined to this golden color, actually appears dignified incomparable. 然而配上这种金色,却显得威严无比。 Violent Yang Armor( Epic Level armor): Physical defensive power and entire magic element resistance of enormous scope increase wearing, small scope increase wearing regarding the World Destiny defensive power, and Additional Skill: Violent Yang, Eternal, wears armor. 烈阳之甲(史诗级防具):极大幅度提升佩戴者的物理防御力和全魔法元素抗性,小幅度提升佩戴者对于天地气运的防御力,并附带技能:烈阳,永恒,披甲。 Violent Yang: Passive Skill, all attacks of Violent Yang Armor wearing, will supplement the strength of Violent Yang, creating unable to scatter the ignition effect and defending, when continues long regards to fight power gap of both sides to decide. 烈阳:被动技能,烈阳之甲佩戴者的所有攻击,均会附带烈阳之力,造成无法驱散和防御的灼烧效果,持续时长视战斗双方的实力差距而定。 Eternal: Passive Skill, surroundings of Violent Yang Armor wearing, so long as has the ray, will then recover the energy continuously. 永恒:被动技能,烈阳之甲佩戴者的周围只要存在光芒,便会源源不断的恢复体力。 Wearing armor: Initiative skill, Violent Yang Armor wearing may condense the shield of Violent Yang on own initiative, conducts the defense counter-attack ; If the defense counter-attacks successfully, will then save one to wear armor the effect, most saves ten ; Each wears armor the effect, can resist an attack for Violent Yang Armor wearing automatically. 披甲:主动技能,烈阳之甲佩戴者可主动凝聚烈阳之盾,进行防御反击;若防御反击成功,则会积攒一层披甲效果,最多积攒十层;每一层披甲效果,都可以为烈阳之甲佩戴者自动抵御一次攻击。 Use Restrictions: Immortal Artifact selects the lord, anybody can not interfere. 使用限制:仙器择主,任何人不得干涉。 Is Immortal Artifact, moreover attribute and Additional Skill such strong Immortal Artifact.” “又是一件仙器,而且还是属性和附带技能如此之强的仙器。” After Qi Le read the detail of this golden armor, deeply inspires, somewhat stunned staring in a big way the eye, then swallowed saliva silently. 齐乐看完了这一副金色铠甲的详细资料之后,不禁深吸了一口气,有些愕然的瞪大了眼睛,然后默默的吞了一口唾沫。 Has saying that Immortal Artifact is defending and assisting this, on the one hand, is very fierce. 不得不说,仙器在防御和辅助这一方面,还是挺厉害的。 Holy Light Magic Ball that for example most starts, later Imperial Heaven Shield, as well as present Violent Yang Armor. 比如说最开始的圣光法球,之后的御天之盾,以及现在的烈阳之甲 Mentioned the auxiliary performance and defense performance, that may really be the great great strength. 说起辅助性能和防御性能,那可真是一等一的强大。 Imperial Heaven Shield in Yue Xi hand first did not say that said the Violent Yang Armor of present, Qi Le understood finally, why this thing from the beginning, will send out that dazzling ray. 月曦儿手里的御天之盾就先不说了,就说现在的这件烈阳之甲,齐乐总算是明白了,为什么这玩意在一开始,会发出那么刺眼的光芒了。 Originally because of Violent Yang Armor Passive Skill: Eternal! 原来是因为烈阳之甲被动技能:永恒 The effect is very simple, surroundings of Violent Yang Armor wearing, so long as the ray exists, will recover the energy continuously. 效果很简单,烈阳之甲佩戴者的周围,只要还有光芒存在,就会源源不断的恢复体力。 From the wording meaning, this Passive Skill as if is very that good the appearance aims. 从字面意思上来看,这个被动技能似乎很好针对的样子。 However after knowing actual situation, will discover. 但是在了解到了实际情况之后,就会发现。 Completely in view of! 完全针对不了啊! Violent Yang Armor will shine, moreover ray that sends, but also exceptionally dazzling, what means can you have? 烈阳之甲自身就会发光,而且发出来的光芒,还异常的刺眼,你能有什么办法? Likes Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda asking everyone to collect:() Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda the refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢神级系统万界大店长请大家收藏:()神级系统万界大店长更新速度最快。
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