MRGMGCS :: Volume #22

#2118: Curious

,() ,() If must eat the meat, Big Brother can ask you to eat one bowl of big piece Beef Ramen, inside big piece beef, the weight/quantity is very full.” “如果要吃肉的话,大哥哥可以请你吃一碗大片牛肉拉面,里面的大片牛肉,分量还挺足的。” Qi Le rubbed the head of Lan Zi'er. 齐乐揉了揉兰紫儿的脑袋。 About big piece Beef Ramen inside beef weight/quantity, Qi Le, when looks at Yafir to eat, but also is really very surprised. 关于大片牛肉拉面里面的牛肉分量,齐乐在看亚菲尔吃的时候,还真是挺惊讶。 Because really said with the introduction is same, is the real big piece beef. 因为真的和介绍里面说的一样,是货真价实的大片牛肉。 Although few in quantity, however in weight/quantity, each very big piece. 虽然在数量上没几块,但是在分量上,每一块都挺大片的。 Eats is truly satisfying a craving. 吃着确实过瘾。 Therefore Qi Le truly is also very satisfied. 所以齐乐也确实挺满意的。 After all the big piece Beef Ramen essence, is one bowl of ramen, rather than one bowl of beef. 毕竟大片牛肉拉面的本质,还是一碗拉面,而不是一碗牛肉。 Now gives your thing, is not eats.” “不过现在给你的东西,可不是吃的。” But is your father holds me to take to your one Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal.” “而是你父亲托我带给你的一颗强者级试炼结晶体。” Qi Le the one glittering and translucent carving crystal, put in the hand of Lan Zi'er, then makes noise to speak. 齐乐一颗晶莹剔透的晶体,放到了兰紫儿的手里,然后才出声说到。 The little girls always long for that the father loves with the maternal love, even the strength is strong, is still same. 小女孩总是会渴望父爱和母爱的,即使实力再强,也是一样。 Disposition thing, will rarely produce with the strength changes, usually appears along with the experience and story changes. 心性这玩意,很少会随着实力而产生变化,通常都是伴随着经历和阅历而出现改变。 Is the father gives my thing.” “是父亲给我的东西吗。” Thanks Big Brother.” “谢谢大哥哥。” On the Lan Zi'er face revealed wiped joyfully, but had not forgotten as before politeness expressed gratitude to Qi Le. 兰紫儿脸上露出了一抹欣喜,但依旧没有忘记礼貌的向齐乐道谢。 Because this is the Qi Le help brings. 因为这是齐乐帮忙带过来的嘛。 You're welcome, I also help the belt/bring come on the way.” “不用客气,我也只是顺路帮忙带过来而已。” Ranchi he loves very much your.” 兰奇他还是很爱你们的。” At this point, if Qi Le has referred to looked at Lan Qing'er one. 说到这里,齐乐若有所指的看了兰清儿一眼。 Only brings Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal to Lan Zi'er, the Ranchi bias, is mainly present Lan Qing'er does not use actually not. 只给兰紫儿强者级试炼结晶体,倒不是兰奇偏心,主要是现在的兰清儿也用不上。 Moreover in Ranchi did not have unnecessary Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal. 而且兰奇手里也没有多余的强者级试炼结晶体了。 Otherwise definitely is delivers two to come. 要不然肯定是送两颗过来。 Regarding this, Lan Qing'er also smiled toward Qi Le, hinting her is clear. 对此,兰清儿也是朝齐乐笑了一下,示意她心里清楚。 Has not envied, has not envied. 没有羡慕,也没有嫉妒。 But Lan Zi'er own blood younger sister, why Lan Qing'er must envy the envy. 兰紫儿可是自己的亲妹妹,兰清儿又为什么要去羡慕嫉妒呢。 Struggles for favor with own blood younger sister, is really not a mature performance. 和自己的亲妹妹争宠,实在是一种不成熟的表现。 This is Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal, strength that inside contains...... very powerful.” “这就是强者级试炼结晶体吗,里面蕴含的力量……好强啊。” Is all right Xing Lian that likes sleeping, drilled from the Lan Zi'er forehead, is sizing up the crystal in Lan Zi'er. 没事就喜欢睡觉的星怜,也从兰紫儿的眉心之中钻了出来,打量着兰紫儿手里的晶体。 Then, the problem that Xing Lian likes sleeping , because of her, only then the soul body, does not have the body to cause. 说起来,星怜喜欢睡觉的这个毛病,还是因为她只有魂体,却没有躯体而导致的。 Even has co-existed with a Lan Zi'er body, cannot change this flaw. 即使早就和兰紫儿一体共生了,也改变不了这个缺陷。 After all in a body holds two soul bodies, is also big to the burden that the body causes, therefore in the Xing Lian ordinary circumstances is at half dormant state. 毕竟一具躯体之中容纳两个魂体,对于躯体所造成的负担也不小,所以星怜一般情况下都是处于半休眠状态。 Nothing time, rarely will come. 没什么事情的时候,很少会现身。 , Big Brother, hello/you good.” “唔,大哥哥,你好。” Comes out with great difficulty time Xing Lian, turns head, saw Qi Le, hastily polite greeting. 好不容易出来一次的星怜,一扭头,就看到了齐乐,连忙礼貌的打了声招呼。 Hello, Little Lian, long time no see.” “你好,小怜,好久不见了。” Qi Le also returned to one with a smile. 齐乐也是笑着回了一句。 Orchid Leaf Squad several other people, encircled at this time, is sizing up Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal in Lan Zi'er. 兰叶小队的其他几人,此时也都围了上来,打量着兰紫儿手里的强者级试炼结晶体 This is the high-end goods, before always heard that sees material object this also is really the first time. 这可是高档货啊,以前从来都只是听说而已,见到实物这还真是第一次。 Receives, Zi'er, I remember that you soon broke through probably.” “收起来吧,紫儿,我记得你好像快要突破了吧。” After Lan Ye and the others satisfied oneself curiosity, then made Lan Zi'er receiving Powerhouse Level Trial Crystal. 兰叶等人满足了自己的好奇心之后,便让兰紫儿强者级试炼结晶体给收了起来。 From beginning to end, in the eye has not had the mood of any having coveted and so on. 自始至终,眼中都没有出现过任何觊觎之类的情绪。 Some are curious, happiness. 有的只是好奇,还有高兴。 Can go a step further for Lan Zi'er, but is happy since the heart. 为了兰紫儿能够更进一步,而打从心底里感到高兴。 This passes through the innumerable dangers and difficulties together, the person of living and dying together, should have the mentality that. 这才是一起走过无数艰难险阻,同生共死之人,应该有的心态。 In fact in Orchid Leaf Squad, Lan Ye their status heights from the beginning according to not repairing divides for the boundary, but divides according to the age. 实际上在兰叶小队里面,兰叶她们的身份高低一开始就不是按修为境界分的,而是按年龄来分的。 Is Mercenary Squad, is actually more like the righteousness to tie the sworn brother. 与其说是佣兵小队,其实更像是义结金兰。 This relations, look like in Qi Le, should be is together one of the most comfortable relations. 这种关系,在齐乐看来,应该是相处得最为舒服的关系之一了。 Big Brother.” 大哥哥。” Zi'er, how?” 紫儿,怎么了?” Sits in Qi Le that the one side and Xing Lian chatted, looks Lan Zi'er that ran over, asked with a smile. 坐在一旁和星怜聊天的齐乐,看着跑过来的兰紫儿,笑着问道。 Lan Ye they are also curious, therefore after looking, each one handled own matter. 兰叶她们也只是好奇而已,所以在看完了之后,就各自去做自己的事情了。 After all every day runs toward the shop, definitely is not drinks tea. 毕竟每天都往店里跑,肯定不是来喝茶的。 Moreover in the Qi Le shop does not have the tea now temporarily, only has Mineral Water...... 而且齐乐店里现在暂时也没有茶,只有矿泉水…… However Gu Pingchuan and Ren Gongxiu these two age Boss big Dean, will sometimes come their good tea belt/bring of collecting actually, then in Mineral Water with shop is soaking drinking. 不过顾平川任公修这两位年纪老大不小的院长,有时候倒是会把自己珍藏的好茶带过来,然后用店里的矿泉水泡着喝。 Listened to them saying that the tea that like this made, there is special tea aroma. 听他们说,这样泡出来的茶,有一股特殊的茶香。 And the flavor will be richer, the level will be richer. 并且味道会更浓郁,层次会更丰富。 Like this is a little startled Qi Le to try, looks at the tea that makes, really will be tastier. 惊得齐乐都有点想试试,看这样泡出来的茶,是不是真的会更好喝一些。 However System in a short time, should not produce the tea leaves. 然而系统在短时间里,应该是不会出产茶叶了。 Therefore Qi Le's this idea, let it go. 所以齐乐的这种想法,也就不了了之了。 Big Brother, you said before must ask Zi'er to eat one bowl of big piece Beef Ramen.” 大哥哥,你之前说要请紫儿吃一碗大片牛肉拉面的。” In the Lan Zi'er big eye, is the full anticipation. 兰紫儿大大的眼睛里面,是满满的期待。 Said Lan Zi'er not so many Spirit Crystal actually not. 倒不是说兰紫儿没这么多灵晶 Cracks a joke, such rich Loli, how the body possibly does not have Spirit Crystal. 开玩笑,这么一个富萝莉,身上怎么可能没有灵晶呢。 Mainly is Qi Le treats, spends Spirit Crystal to buy with, the significance is completely different. 主要是齐乐请客,和自己花灵晶买,意义完全不一样。 Can eat without paying Qi Le here drinks white/in vain, so far, only has a Yue Xi person. 要知道,能在齐乐这里白吃白喝的,到目前为止,都还只有月曦儿一个人。 Yue Shuangxue wants to gain the board expenses. 就连月霜雪都要自己赚伙食费。 Naturally, besides the difficult years of most starting, gains Spirit Crystal to Yue Shuangxue, is not a matter. 当然了,除了最开始的艰难岁月之外,赚灵晶月霜雪来说,已经不是个事了。 So long as New World mode also, that Yue Shuangxue is in prettiest cat ear Loli. 只要新世界模式还在,那月霜雪就是里面最靓的猫耳萝莉 Un, happen, has a lunch together.” “嗯,正好,一起吃个午餐吧。” Qi Le hears word, nods, makes noise to speak of pale with a smile. 齐乐闻言,点了点头,淡笑着出声说到。 The matter that this type just had, Qi Le will certainly not forget. 这种刚刚发生的事情,齐乐当然不会忘记。 Lan Zi'er they were encircled by Lan Ye a moment ago, Qi Le is not good to open the mouth. 只是刚才兰紫儿兰叶她们围了起来,齐乐不好开口而已。 ...... …… Day walking past slowly at ease. 闲散的日子慢慢的走过。 Since the Earth Dragon Sovereign body perishes after City of Life, Ocean Dragon Sovereign looked like vanishes suddenly was the same. 自从大地龙皇身殒在生命之城之后,海洋龙皇就像是突然消失了一样。 No matter in Eastern Desolate, is in Northern Mountain Range, has not heard the Dragon Race news again. 不管是在东荒,还是在北山脉,都没有再听闻到龙族的消息了。 Unavoidably some meaning of having a strong beginning but a weak ending. 难免有些虎头蛇尾的意味。 Qi Le feels indifferent actually. 齐乐倒是觉得无所谓。 But Ranchi always felt, Ocean Dragon Sovereign has other fish to fry, or...... and other opportunity. 兰奇始终觉得,海洋龙皇另有图谋,或是……在等一个机会。 Waits for opportunities? What opportunity can have?” “等机会?能有什么机会呢?” Giant Dragon Saint Lord senior regarding the matter of Dragon Race, did not say a word, I did not know in so many years, in Dragon Race exactly had anything.” 巨龙圣王前辈对于龙族之事,又是只字未提,我都不知道这么多年里,龙族之中到底发生了什么。” Qi Le does not understand the idea of Ranchi very much. 齐乐不是很理解兰奇的想法。 However, regarding the Ocean Dragon Sovereign ambition, must think means against one. 但是,对于海洋龙皇的野心,还是得想办法防一手的。 After all if Dragon Race has the turbulence, that has very big probability, will also involve other races. 毕竟龙族若是产生动荡,那有很大的概率,会把其他的种族也牵扯进去。 But Eastern Desolate Human Race, then bears the brunt. 东荒人族,便是首当其冲。 As for the reason, that is also very good to understand. 至于原因,那也很好理解。 Likes Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda asking everyone to collect:() Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda the refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢神级系统万界大店长请大家收藏:()神级系统万界大店长更新速度最快。
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