MRGMGCS :: Volume #22

#2120: Night Spirit

,() ,() Eternal this Passive Skill, regarding Violent Yang Armor, radically is resident skill, even if the outside world did not have the ray, can still shine. 永恒这个被动技能,对于烈阳之甲来说,根本就是一个常驻的技能,就算外界没有光芒了,也能自己发光。 That is really fierce! 那是真的厉害! It can be said that so long as dressed Violent Yang Armor, that can not fear the battle of attrition completely. 可以说,只要穿戴了烈阳之甲,那就可以完全不怕消耗战了。 Whatever you come many people, so long as the ray does not extinguish, my physical strength cannot use up, at the worst we consume slowly. 任凭你来多少人,只要光芒不熄灭,那我的体力就用不完,大不了咱们就慢慢耗。 Was this point, Qi Le has only admired very much. 光是这一点,齐乐就已经很佩服了。 However the Violent Yang Armor fierce place, may incessantly be this point, especially in the foundation attribute, the attribute that presents for the first time. 但是烈阳之甲厉害的地方,可不止是这一点,特别是在基础属性之中,有一条第一次出现的属性。 Improvement wearing regarding the World Destiny defensive power. 提升佩戴者对于天地气运的防御力。 This point, is different from the physical defensive power and magic element resistance. 这一点,不同于物理防御力和魔法元素抗性。 Regarding the World Destiny defensive power, in view, is Powerhouse Level can greatly attack. 对于天地气运的防御力,针对的,就是强者级大能的攻击。 Because of also only then the big energy of Powerhouse Level boundary, can urge World Destiny, inspires World Strength, attacks. 因为也只有强者级境界的大能,才能够驱使天地气运,引动天地之力,来进行攻击。 But to the boundary of Powerhouse Level Peak, Battle Qi or Magic Power in within the body, complete transformation after World Destiny. 而到了强者级巅峰之境,体内的斗气魔力,全部转化为了天地气运之后。 Every acts one time, use may be World Destiny. 每一次出手,动用的可都是天地气运了。 This type with the fearful attack that World Strength shares the honor, unexpectedly also in the Violent Yang Armor defense scope. 这种与天地之力齐名的可怕攻击,居然也在烈阳之甲的防御范围之内。 Showed sufficiently, the Immortal Artifact reputation is really not a lid. 就足以证明,仙器的名头真不是盖的。 But in addition, Violent Yang this Passive Skill, the might is also quite remarkable. 而除此之外,烈阳这个被动技能,威力也相当显著。 The strength of Violent Yang, can create unable to be scattered, the ignition effect that is unable to be defended, in many situations, can play the extremely vital role. 烈阳之力,可以造成无法被驱散,也无法被防御的灼烧效果,在很多情况下,都能发挥出极为重要的作用。 Characteristics that especially is unable to be defended, was more intrepid. 特别是无法被防御的特性,就更是强悍了。 Compared with the real injury, is not bad. 比起真实伤害来说,一点都不差。 Wears armor skill as for that finally, does not blow black, is the Violent Yang Armor highlight is. 至于最后那个披甲技能,不吹不黑,更是烈阳之甲的亮点所在。 So long as the active defense counter-attacks successful one time, then can superimpose one to wear armor the effect, moreover this wears armor the effect, but can also soon withstand the attack in Violent Yang Armor wearing, actually has no time to defend time, conducts a defense on own initiative. 只要主动防御反击成功一次,便能叠加一层披甲效果,而且这个披甲效果,还可以在烈阳之甲的佩戴者即将承受攻击,却无暇防御的时候,主动进行一次防御。 Might be considered as Violent Yang Armor brushes in three Additional Skill. 堪称是烈阳之甲的三个附带技能里的神来之笔。 And perseveres these two aspects the attack, just right unifies. 把进攻和坚守这两个方面,结合得恰到好处。 Only is a pity is, Violent Yang Armor is Immortal Artifact, needs to select the lord, Qi Le does not have the means to interfere. 唯一可惜的就是,烈阳之甲仙器,需要自行择主,齐乐也没办法干涉。 Therefore can sell, but must look at Violent Yang Armor own meaning. 所以能不能卖出去,还要看烈阳之甲自己的意思。 Also does not know that which lucky fellow will select. 也不知道会选中哪一个幸运儿呢。 Although is armor, but also many attack attributes, moreover can make such well the armor characteristics, really worthily is Immortal Artifact.” “虽然是防具,但也不乏进攻属性,而且还能把防具的特性做得这么好,真不愧是仙器。” It seems like, in Immortals and Demons Battlefield also has many treasures to wait for me to take.” “这么看来,仙魔战场里还有不少的宝物等着我去拿呢。” Qi Le took Violent Yang Armor to look some little time, after decided restrained the good golden light, again on the shelf Immortal Artifact projection. 齐乐拿着烈阳之甲看了好一会儿,才决定收敛好金光之后,再上架仙器投影。 So as to avoid flashed blindly in the shop the eyes of customers. 免得闪瞎了店里顾客们的眼睛。 The good and evil is also Immortal Artifact, where no matter loses, will always shine, does not need that noticeably. 好歹也是仙器嘛,不管丢在什么地方,总是会发光的,没必要那么引人注目。 Since Immortals and Demons Battlefield has gone, that tonight then enters simply again inventories.” “既然仙魔战场都去过了,那今晚干脆就再接着进点货吧。” System, opens to me Class Inheritance Scroll Purchase Channel.” 系统,把职阶传承卷轴进货渠道给我打开。” Muddled along for a long time in the shop, making Qi Le almost forget, in oneself hand also had such Purchase Channel. 在店里得过且过得久了,让齐乐差点都忘了,自己手里还有这么一条进货渠道呢。 However this enough one month of cooling time , is truly easy to forget. 不过这足足一个月的冷却时间,也确实很容易遭到遗忘。 Was good thinks because of tonight. 好在今晚想起来了。 Therefore in the Qi Le's mind, presented the familiar scene, without a doubt continues to draw, then turns the egg...... 于是在齐乐的脑海之中,又出现了熟悉的场景,毫无疑问的继续抽奖,然后扭蛋…… Turned egg machine this thing, Qi Le really does not want to complain. 扭蛋机这玩意,齐乐实在是不想吐槽了。 So long as can take new Class Inheritance Scroll is good. 只要能把新的职阶传承卷轴弄到手就好了。 The Class Inheritance Scroll modeling, is the plain sheepskin volume as always, above is tying up the fine satin ribbon. 职阶传承卷轴的造型,是一如既往的古朴羊皮卷,上面绑着精致的缎带。 The System aesthetic issue, Qi Le saw a lot, does not say. 系统的审美问题,齐乐见得多了,也就不说了。 Determined new Class Inheritance Scroll succeeds in obtaining, Qi Le turns on the shopkeeper backstage immediately, examined the detailed information. 确定了新的职阶传承卷轴到手,齐乐立刻打开店长后台,查看起了详细信息。 Night Spirit Class Inheritance Scroll. 黑夜之灵职阶传承卷轴 Night Spirit, the elf in dark night, powerful at night, goes into hiding in dark, lets each enemy, such as fishbone in throat. 黑夜之灵,暗夜之中的精灵,强大于黑夜,也隐匿于黑暗,让每一个敌人,都如鲠在喉。 The bow of sneak photo: Night Spirit only weapon, accompanies the strength of Class inheritance, is inherited by suitable standard together. 猎影之弓:黑夜之灵唯一武器,随同职阶传承之力,由适格者一同继承。 Yo, is antiquity Class that brings weapon.” “哟,又是一个自带武器的上古职阶。” After Qi Le looks, the brow selects. 齐乐看完之后,眉头一挑。 Then, Class Inheritance Scroll that Qi Le handles did not calculate few. 说起来,齐乐经手的职阶传承卷轴也不算少了。 In these Class Inheritance Scroll, brought weapon antiquity Class really is not few. 在这些职阶传承卷轴里面,自带武器的上古职阶还真不算少。 Moreover even does not bring exclusive weapon, that can still bring other anything. 而且就算不带专属武器,那也会带点别的什么东西。 For example, Shadow Hunter Class Inheritance Scroll two exclusive skill. 比如说,暗影猎手职阶传承卷轴的两个专属技能 Again for example, Imperial Dragon Envoy Class Inheritance Scroll...... two exclusive skill...... 再比如说,御龙使职阶传承卷轴的……两个专属技能…… Right, does not deliver weapon delivers skill, tells the truth, the Class Inheritance Scroll strength of inheritance, that is really boundless. 对,不是送武器就是送技能,有一说一,职阶传承卷轴里的传承之力,那是真的磅礴。 Otherwise estimated that could not give so many things. 要不然估计也送不了这么多东西。 Naturally, this matter and Qi Le have no too big relations. 当然了,这种事情和齐乐也没什么太大的关系。 Inheritance phantom in Class Inheritance Scroll likes delivering anything, Qi Le cannot manage. 职阶传承卷轴里的传承虚影爱送什么,齐乐也管不着。 After all broke the inheritance is really not a good deed, suitable standard who therefore found with great difficulty, inheriting phantom many gives some strength of self-preservation is quite good. 毕竟断了传承实在不是一件好事,所以好不容易才找到的适格者,传承虚影还是多少给些自保之力会比较好。 But this time Night Spirit Class Inheritance Scroll, from delivering weapon, can guess the range of suitable standard. 而这一次的黑夜之灵职阶传承卷轴,从送的武器来看,就能猜测出适格者的范围了。 The bow of sneak photo, one hear of names know, should be a long bow. 猎影之弓,一听名字就知道,应该是一把长弓了。 Such a calculates, Night Spirit Class Inheritance Scroll suitable standard, should elect from Archer. 这么一算,黑夜之灵职阶传承卷轴的适格者,应该会从弓箭手里面选吧。 „The elf in dark night......” “暗夜之中的精灵啊……” „Can this description, have the relations with Elf Race, after all is rich in the Archer race.” “这个描述,会不会和精灵族有关系啊,毕竟是盛产弓箭手的种族。” Qi Le is guessing at heart secretly, then looked to the introduction of bow of sneak photo. 齐乐在心里暗自猜测着,然后又看向了猎影之弓的介绍。 As Night Spirit exclusive weapon, the strength of bow of sneak photo is not naturally weak. 做为黑夜之灵的专属武器,猎影之弓的力量自然不弱。 Not can only condense the strength of darkness, changes into the arrow of darkness, quiet launches the attack to the goal, and will also supplement the strength of corrosion on the arrow of darkness. 不仅能够凝聚黑暗之力,化为黑暗之箭,悄无声息的对目标发起攻击,并且还会在黑暗之箭上附带腐蚀之力。 Moreover bow of most fearful ability sneak photo, like this weapon name. 而且猎影之弓最为可怕的能力,就像这柄武器的名字一样。 What even if the arrow of darkness hits is only the shadow of goal, should still feed back part of above main bodies that injure to the goal. 即使黑暗之箭击中的只是目标的影子,也会反馈一部分伤害到目标的本体之上。 Of assassination ability, is simply virtually impossible to guard against. 暗杀能力之强,简直防不胜防。 But the strength that Night Spirit Class Inheritance Scroll inherits, will also let inheritance similarly in the darkness like a fish in water. 黑夜之灵职阶传承卷轴所传承的力量,同样也会让传承者在黑暗之中如鱼得水。 At first sight, on the contrary is the resembles is antiquity Class that Assassin is tailor. 乍一看,反倒是像为刺客量身打造的上古职阶 However the fact is often unexpected. 然而事实往往出人意料。 However to be honest, if can the long-distance range kill, why can approach to assassinate? 不过老实说,如果能够远距离狙杀的话,为什么要靠近过去刺杀呢? Such does not put in itself in the danger. 那样不是把自己置于危险之中吗。 Thinks carefully, Night Spirit is possibly more suitable in Assassin this position. 仔细想想,黑夜之灵可能更适合于刺客这个位置吧。 Does not know that Night Spirit Class Inheritance Scroll suitable standard, can really appear in Elf Race.” “就是不知道黑夜之灵职阶传承卷轴的适格者,会不会真的出现在精灵族里面了。” Although Qi Le at heart guessed. 齐乐心里虽然是这么猜测的。 But Class Inheritance Scroll this thing selects host's side, with these Immortal Artifact, but also really has the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 职阶传承卷轴这玩意的择主方式,和那些仙器,还真是有异曲同工之妙。 Likes Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda asking everyone to collect:() Divine Level System shopkeeper ten thousand Jieda the refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢神级系统万界大店长请大家收藏:()神级系统万界大店长更新速度最快。
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