MDSV :: Volume #48

#4757: Heavy snow north wind Heaven and Earth is vast and hazy

In transformations, appearance quite ordinary Jian Wushuang, has become handsome Hideo to be leisurely now, and whole body is surging uniquely is indistinct the dust aura. 在一次次的蜕变中,原本面相较为普通的剑无双,如今早已变得俊秀朗逸,且周身涌动着独特的缥缈出尘气息。 Tied after behind black color sends the tree tops, once for a while sublimation silk thread pale gold/metal Divine Symbol, has to plant the meaning of dust immortal Young Master. 被束在身后的墨色发梢间,时不时的升华出丝缕淡金神纹,颇有种出尘仙公子之意。 But in him behind, is standing two such as the Heavenly God high strong figure. 而在他身后,则站着两道如天神的高壮身形。 Chen azure quite resembles the holding a sword knight, one zhang (3.33 m) heights felt the constriction, even if were slightly thin Spring and Autumn Period were also close to nine chi (0.33 m). 陈青颇似仗剑侠客,一丈有余的身高充满了压迫感,哪怕是稍微瘦削的春秋也接近了九尺。 Their three people stand being out of sorts that could not say also had that a meaning. 他们三人站在一起,说不出的违和却又有了那么点意思。 After entrusting one carefully, small Emperor gazes after their three people to leave. 细细嘱托一番之后,小帝君目送着他们三人离开。 Big partner, you said that I do is right?” “大伴,你说,我做的到底对不对?” It‘s nothing right not to your highness, only then becomes or inadequate.” “没什么对不对殿下,只有成或不成。” ...... …… Embellishes in the innumerable stars day territories, three figure willful good classes. 点缀无数星辰的天域之间,三道身形恣意行流。 After this is Jian Wushuang arrives at Great Overflowing Domain originally, first time so willful moving unimpeded. 这是剑无双自来到大衍寰后,第一次如此恣意的畅行。 The top of the head stars, tread on the class/flow saying that could not say satisfied comfortable. 头顶星辰,脚踏流云,说不出的惬意闲适。 A side side boundless and vast day territory passes under their bodies slowly, unusual destiny among each day of territories just like egg shells, full and profound wonderful. 一方方无垠且浩渺的天域在他们的身下缓缓流转,各个天域间的奇特气运宛如一个个蛋壳,充盈而又玄奇。 side Tianyu then contains dozens continent potential surfaces, and each continent potential surface also has the responsibility countless lives spiritual energy to transport. 一方天域便包含着数十座大陆位面,且每一个大陆位面又有责数之不尽的生灵气运。 However these, but also merely is only greatly in Si Yu one of the most common day territories. 然而这些,还仅仅只是大司域中最不起眼的天域之一。 Although rushes to the northern angel state that the Young Master black ink is, but has under Chen azure followed, this should be the distance of arid and withering, in was also quite interesting. 虽说是赶往公子墨所在的北天仙州,但有着陈青的跟随下,这本来应该是枯燥而又肃杀的路程,也在不知不觉间颇有意思了起来。 The gale new moon snow, Heaven and Earth is vast and hazy. 大风朔雪,天地莽苍。 Day territory potential surface that side side is different, in turn presents in their eyes. 一方方不尽相同的天域位面,依次呈现在他们的眼中。 Has to spread out nine Flood Dragon that the boundary of immortal is unable to be a worthy opponent, the treasure gem that the super day territory that occupies, among contains cannot count. 有衍仙之境都无法匹敌的九头蛟龙,盘踞的超级天域,其内蕴含的奇珍宝石不可计数。 Also there is a background to be fearful, stretches across prosperous Big Sect of 34 day territory. 又有底蕴可怕,横跨三四座天域的昌盛大宗 Naturally are more, is the life is sparse, rarely has day territory that the top cultivates to visit. 当然更多的,则是生灵稀疏,鲜有顶修踏足的天域。 Chen azure as if to these days territory route very familiar, in unceasing hurrying along, can always arrive in some Overflowing Force to be sparse, actually extremely interesting day territory potential surface. 陈青似乎对这些天域路线十分的熟悉,在不断的赶路中,总能抵达一些衍力稀疏,却极为有趣的天域位面。 Naturally, when stretching across a day of territory hurries along, most must have is some fellows who like to rob on the way. 自然,在横跨天域赶路时,最少不了的就是一些喜好劫道的家伙。 Even if emerging this world, the achievement spreads out the boundary of immortal, must have these like making a dollar certainly. 哪怕是脱胎凡尘,成就衍仙之境,也绝少不了这些喜欢赚块钱的。 All gave arid travelling to bring many interests on the way. 一切都给枯燥的行路途中带来了不少的趣味。 What kind of, was hurrying along of this experience life many years has not felt?” “怎么样,这种体验生活的赶路是不是很多年没有感受过了?” Above a land of piece of boundless yellow sand, three figure sit well in resembling dragon Sima the day beast conduct the back, leisurely leading the way. 一片苍茫黄沙的大地之上,三道身形端坐于似龙似马的天兽背上,悠悠前行着。 The top of the head vault of heaven has the north wind heavy snow, falls on the shoulder of everyone willfully. 头顶天穹降下朔风大雪,恣意落在每个人的肩头。 A shoulder shoulders the size broken snowflake, Jian Wushuang has not deliberately evaporated with Overflowing Force, in his opinion, Comprehension/Sensibility myriad things naturally lives to extinguish, is a quite meaningful matter. 一肩挑起大小碎雪花,剑无双并未刻意用衍力蒸发,在他看来,感悟万物自然生灭,也是一件比较有意义的事情。 Chen Qingxiong did, you travel between for serveral days in the territories frequently?” Jian Wushuang inquired. “陈青兄,你经常往返这些天域间?”剑无双问询道。 Sits well says in Chen Qingwen who the day beast conducts the back, saying with a smile, mentioned is also disgraced, previously when also not with the young Emperor acquaintance, I was boy that entered spreads out.” 端坐在天兽背上的陈青闻言,笑道,“说来也是丢人,早先还未和小帝君相识时,我还是个才入衍的小子。” Initially depended the young air/Qi to be abundant, pushes a day of territory horizontally, annoyed many enemies, finally must flee the long-range raid, this, can wind the entire big division territory more than half day territories in the course of contacts ripe.” “当初仗着年少气盛,横推天域,惹了不少的仇家,最终只得亡命奔袭,就这样一来二去之下,得以熟络整个大司域过半的天域。” On the northern angel state that for example we soon must go, I had no way out the Young Master black ink that initially goes, does not want the territory not to go in day after day, then suffered one to beat mercilessly, nearly destroyed my foundation.” “就比如咱们即将要去的北天仙州,原本当初我走投无路去投奔的公子墨,不曾想连天域都没进去,便遭受了一顿毒打,险些将我的根基都摧毁了。” At this point, Chen azure as before is with a smile, in voice that but from trembles slightly, Jian Wushuang felt his intent difficult draw. 说到这里,陈青依旧是笑吟吟的,但从微微发颤的声线中,剑无双还是感觉到了他的意难平。 Therefore north the father this time goes to the angel state ; first, to help the Brother Jian younger brother you found the thing that wants, two calculate the general ledger to the Young Master black ink, the past that beat mercilessly, the father wanted receiving of both capital and interest in come back.” “所以老子这次去北天仙州,一是为了帮剑兄弟你找到想要的东西,二就是向公子墨算一算总账,当年的那顿毒打,老子要连本带利的收回来。” Looked Chen azure who plans to be difficult to be even, in the Jian Wushuang heart sighed, this northern angel state regulation, only feared time is thorough is not peaceful. 看着意难平的陈青,剑无双心中感叹,这一次的北天仙州一程,只怕是彻底的不太平了。 In three people narrated idly the preparation is leaving this except for the vast desert and new moon snow day territory, the ground suddenly dragon of not far away had a bubble. 就在三人闲叙着准备离开这座除了沙海和朔雪的天域时,不远处的地面忽然虬起了一个鼓包。 The grit separation, a sloppy incomparable three cuns (2.5 cm) pocket-sized old man then drilled. 紧接着沙石分离,一个邋遢无比的三寸袖珍老头便钻了出来。 The Jian Wushuang three people look at each other one, then all looks to the front. 剑无双三人对视一眼,然后全都看向前方。 Sloppy old man who then drills from the place bottom, after seeing three people, vision one happy, then stepped the short leg to rush, „, honored guest, small old was courteous.” 那从地底钻出来的邋遢老头,在看到三人之后,目光一喜,便迈动着短腿奔了过来,“诸位,诸位贵客,小老儿有礼了。” Responded his, was in the Spring and Autumn Period hand cuts, but long blade. 回应他的,是春秋手中直斩而出的长刀。 The long blade air-splitting, actually hung in the sloppy old man's top of the head, has not cut. 长刀破空,却是悬在了邋遢老头的头顶,并未斩下。 The bonus is so, is startled he to kneel to sit in the place, words saying that is not agile. 饶是如此,也惊得他跪坐在地,连话都说不利索了。 Said that you wait for us to do in this.” Chen Qingpo interested visits him to say. “说吧,你在这等着我们干什么。”陈青颇有兴趣的看着他道。 Sloppy old man hears sound, difficult swallowing throat, Sir, small old and harmless, but thinks that the right-of-way map received exchange for some precious treasures, came to alarm three Sirs rashly.” 邋遢老头闻声,艰难的咽了咽喉头,“大人,小老儿并无恶意,只是想用地图换取一些珍奇宝物,才贸然现身惊动了三位大人。” Chen azure hears here, the vision looked to Jian Wushuang. 陈青听到这里,目光看向了剑无双 Jian Wushuang has not started talking, but takes a look at this sloppy old man carefully. 剑无双没有开口说话,而是细细打量起这个邋遢老头。 Not a more than half ancestor level, has not entered the strength that spreads out, is his Realm. 一身不过半祖级,还未入衍的实力,是他的境界 Moreover this three chi (0.33 m) high figure, reveals the skin outside clothing, presents a wind-drift sand sense of reality, should be steals in the food side Tianyu potential surface the destiny goblin, not too big threat. 而且这个三尺高的身形,显露在衣物外的皮肤,呈现出一种流沙似的质感,应该是偷食这方天域位面内气运的地精,并没有太大的威胁。 Thinks of this, Jian Wushuang puts down the vigilance in heart, slow sound said, what map?” 想到此,剑无双放下心中的警惕,缓声道,“什么地图?” Sees killing intent in three people of eye to carefully examine to retreat, the sloppy old man long exhales in the heart, then said in a low voice, I see three Sir whole body Overflowing Force to be extraordinary, obviously is travelling for pleasure the redundant immortal of day of territory, is thinking one volume of maps that will collect long ago hand over Sir in, received exchange for some precious Supreme Treasure, as for is what map, small old also identification unclear......” 见三人眼中的杀意审视退却,邋遢老头在心底长出了一口气,而后低声道,“我见三位大人周身衍力非凡,显然是在游历天域的衍仙,便想着将早些年拾取的一卷地图交于大人,换取一些珍奇至宝,至于是什么地图,小老儿也辨识不清……” He is saying, later takes out the somewhat fierce note that one volume damaged from the sloppy garment clothing/taking. 他说着,随后从邋遢衫服中取出了一卷破损的有些厉害的札记。 Jian Wushuang saw that looked at a spring and autumn. 剑无双见状,看了一眼春秋。 Spring and Autumn Period understands, waved one directly packed in bags several thousand black mountain crystal stone accept bag, threw to the sloppy old man. 春秋心领神会,直接挥手将一袋装了数千块黑山晶石的纳袋,掷给了邋遢老头。 This by did not report any him of return, opened accept bag subconsciously, immediately chock full black mountain crystal stone reflected pleasant. 本以不报任何回报的他,下意识的打开了纳袋,登时满满当当的黑山晶石映入眼中。 Plop, the sloppy old man sat on the ground. “扑通”一声,邋遢老头一屁股坐在了地上。 Together is most common black mountain crystal stone, then supplies the top that has not entered spreads out to cultivate/repair sufficiently uses several months, is as for the entire greatly Si Yunei treasure. 要知道,一块最为普通不过的黑山晶石,便足以供还未入衍的顶修们使用数月有余,是乃至于整个大司域内的珍品。 At present the idle talk is the top crystal that this grade of black mountain delivers. 更遑论是眼下这等黑山产出的顶晶。 Black has such as the silk such as a wisp of purple glow, to go against crystal, even if in entire Ten Shimoyama all black mountain puts together, the mass production lowered the extreme. 黑中带有如丝如缕的紫芒,是为顶晶,哪怕是整个下山天内所有的黑山加在一起,量产都低到了极点。 At present, the appearances of these several thousand top crystals, formed the 1 layer indifferently mist to water Overflowing Force in the sloppy old man's whole body space richly. 眼下,这数千颗顶晶的出现,浓郁到化水的衍力在邋遢老头的周身空间都结成了一层淡淡的薄雾。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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