MDSV :: Volume #48

#4758: On liquor

black mountain of this grade of specification withstand/top the crystal, even if takes a broad view at greatly Si Yunei, should still become will spread out the resources that the immortal will fight for absolutely. 这等规格的黑山顶晶,即便是放眼大司域内,也绝对会成为衍仙争夺的资源。 Just, Jian Wushuang has no concept, because before, small Emperor gave him just before leaving more than ten accept Jie, and in each accept Jie crystal stone of this grade of specification, has exploded the warehouse. 只不过,剑无双对此根本没有什么概念,因为在临行前,小帝君送给了他十余枚纳戒,且每一枚纳戒中这等规格的晶石,都已然爆仓了。 Was crowded accept Jie who withstand/top the crystal as for these, all by Jian Wushuang to be convenient, lost to Spring and Autumn Period taking care. 至于这些被塞满顶晶的纳戒,全都被剑无双为了省事,丢给了春秋保管。 Roughly judged by way of Spring and Autumn Period, the top crystal that in ten accept Jie stores up, mining black mountain that non-stop not resting, enough one youth yield...... 经由春秋大致判断,十枚纳戒中所储存的顶晶,是不停不歇的开采黑山,足足一华年的出产量…… Why this is also Spring and Autumn Period acts the so extravagant reason. 这也是春秋为何出手如此阔绰的原因。 Has not paid attention to the shock of sloppy old man, Jian Wushuang puts out a hand to absorb that breakage serious note. 没有理会邋遢老头的震惊,剑无双伸手摄取来了那封破损严重的札记。 Starts a unique sense of reality, and along with weak Overflowing Force, making him somewhat have doubts this note map to seem like writing in some type of unique skin volume. 入手一种独特的质感,且伴随着微弱的衍力,让他有些疑惑这札记地图似乎是书写在某种独特的皮卷上。 Waves to erase the above indifferently Overflowing Force seal, limitless design, then heaves in sight a vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 挥手抹除上面淡淡衍力封印,一幅纵横无极的图案,便是映入眼帘。 The design on picture scroll is quite complex, seemingly broad incomparable, can see the design that this spreads across indistinctly, has gone beyond the category of day of territory, as if with Universe described vastly is not overrated. 画卷上的图案极为复杂,看起来恢弘无比,隐约可以看出这纵横交错的图案,已然超出了天域的范畴,似乎用宇宙之辽阔来形容也丝毫不为过。 And this map as if underwent some destruction, can see clearly the approximate outline besides it, most subtle points have not been possible to detect, obviously is one mindless, and weak to the extreme. 并且这地图似乎经受了某种破坏,除之能看清大致的轮廓外,大部分的细微之处已然是不可察觉了,显然是一张没有头脑,且鸡肋到了极点。 „, This old boy deceives the person!” Chen azure pats the thigh, over the face scowl looks to the sloppy old man. “靠,这老小子糊弄人!”陈青一拍大腿,满面怒容的看向邋遢老头。 But among this vast and hazy yellow sand where could not find his half Clone shape. 但这莽苍黄沙间哪里还找得到他的半分身形。 This old boy, deceived people to dare to deceive Grandpa Chen my head, dug three chi (0.33 m) me also to him give to frustrate the bone to raise the ash!” Chen azure angry to rub has the sleeve, strikes an attitude then to mix the yellow sand. “这老小子,骗人都敢骗到陈爷爷我的头上了,掘地三尺我也要把他给挫骨扬灰!”陈青愤然撸起袖子,作势便要搅动黄沙。 Jian Wushuang put out a hand to block him, „, although this map seemingly is at present useless, in the future or uncertain will apply, as for these crystal stone, considered to grant him.” 剑无双伸手拦住了他,“虽然这地图目前看起来无用,日后或不定会派上用场,至于那些个晶石,就当是赠与他了。” Chen azure is indignant, but also knows that their priority targets are to go to the northern angel state, then received to continue angrily. 陈青愤愤不平,但也知道他们的首要目标是前往北天仙州,便收起了愤怒继续前行。 However when will soon leave this side Tianyu potential surface, Chen azure left behind Dao Proliferates strength Clone, that sloppy old man who only waits for comes again, whips well him. 不过在即将离开这方天域位面时,陈青还是留下了一道衍分身,只等的那邋遢老头再次现身时,将他好好的鞭挞一顿。 After this small interlude, the vanguard that the Jian Wushuang three people do not stand still. 历经这一小插曲,剑无双三人又毫不停歇的前行。 Sits conducts the back in not bumpy feeling day beast, Jian Wushuang extracts that fiefdom chart note, reads carefully. 坐在毫无颠簸感的天兽背上,剑无双又抽出那一封地图札记,仔细翻看起来。 In the picture scroll of cerebral cortex, all area fluctuates, and Profound Mystery that all with some dark-red pigment picture, could not say was strange. 皮质的画卷上,各方疆域起伏,且全都是用某种暗红色的颜料画就而成,说不出的玄奥古怪。 But because in this map note does not have any name showed, naturally cannot see any positive result. 但由于这地图札记上没有任何名称显示,自然也就看不出任何名堂来。 Jian Wushuang no longer studies simply, forced in that map note earthen bowl Yang Ping directly. 剑无双索性不再研究,将那地图札记直接塞进了钵阳瓶中。 Had/Left this day territory, is rushes to the number of lines moon/month later, at the Chen azure strong request, three people stops in somewhere the small day territory had a rest. 出了这片天域,又是奔行数月之后,在陈青的强烈要求下,三人又停在了某处微小的天域内歇脚。 Said that is the small day territory, but contained three independent potential surface continent. 说是微小天域,但其中却包含了三座独立的位面大陆 Receives the destiny of Great Overflowing Domain, even if just stepped into the member who practice, life long to the extreme, but own Realm also as the growth of life, very easy then becomes into spreads out the top to cultivate/repair. 大衍寰之气运,哪怕是刚踏入修行的修士们,寿元都漫长到了极点,而自身的境界也会随着寿元的增长,非常容易的便成为入衍顶修。 But these tops cultivate/repair 99% halting in this, boundary of the redundant immortal upward is brutal exceptionally. 但这些顶修们90%九的止步于此,往上的衍仙之境残酷异常。 Although Jian Wushuang this saw myriad spread out the immortal, because of him, enters this Great Overflowing Domain purely, then close to a side Realm power and influence peak. 尽管剑无双这一路来见到了万千衍仙,但纯粹是因为他,一进入这大衍寰,便接近了一方境界权势的顶巅。 If he fell in somewhere continent of day territory initially at will, perhaps does not know that needed many ten thousand years to arrive at today this step. 假使他当初随意落在某处天域的大陆内,恐怕不知要过多少万年才能走到今天这一步了。 Meanwhile, reads thousand day territory continent after Jian Wushuang, in this Great Overflowing Domain as if did not have mortal saying. 同时,经过剑无双阅览千座天域大陆来看,这大衍寰内似乎没有凡人这一说。 Even the people of the lower classes of most negligible, can still proficiently apply Overflowing Force, the life also grows similarly. 即便是最微末的贩夫走卒,也可以熟练应用衍力,寿元同样随之增长。 Visits this Overflowing Force distributed extremely thin potential surface continent, the lively street also heaves in sight. 踏足这衍力分布的极为稀薄的位面大陆,繁华至极的街道也随之映入眼帘。 By Overflowing Force how much, can decide many of side member continent directly, but the continent potential surface of present, the member is quite then sparse, occasionally sees the person of practicing, enters spreads out is not the ordinary member. 衍力的多寡,可以直接决定一方大陆修士的多少,而眼下的这座大陆位面,修士便极为稀疏,偶尔看到修行之人,也不过是连入衍都不是普通修士。 Alcohol addiction violated, the Brother Jian younger brother, Spring and Autumn Period brothers, we go to a pure place to drink one cup, has a rest.” Chen azure scratches the head, one zhang (3.33 m) heights go through on this street, is quite capable of bringing to others' attention. “酒瘾又犯了,剑兄弟,春秋兄弟,咱们去个清净的地方喝上一杯,歇歇脚。”陈青挠头,一丈有余的身高穿行在这街道上,颇能引起别人的注目。 Jian Wushuang selected nodded, later three people then enter the facing the street quite secluded restaurant. 剑无双点了点头,随后三人便进入当街一座较为僻静的酒楼。 Does not have liquor Tong Xiaoer's being responsible to receive and instruct, three people sorted one to sit down near the window retreat directly. 没有酒童小二的负责接引,三人直接拣了一处临窗的僻静处坐下。 Chen azure then pounds on the table later, person, on liquor!” 陈青随后便拍桌子,“人呢,上酒!” In the entire restaurant the diner are really few, only then has such 12 tables of diners in the corner indistinctly. 整座酒楼内食客甚少,只有在边边角角隐约有上那么一两桌食客。 Came, shouted that anything shouted!” Wore the grey clothes, the waist forces white Pa the high strong man to walk after the theater box, ferocious-looking. “来了,喊什么喊!”一个身着灰衣,腰间勒着白帕的高壮汉子从后厢走了出来,满脸横肉。 Chen Qingwen said that immediately wants to set out to pound his two slaps in the face, but was blocked by Jian Wushuang immediately. 陈青闻言,登时就想起身砸他两个耳光,但随即被剑无双拦住了。 On three altar/jar liquor, are as far as possible quick.” Jian Wushuang pale sound said. “上三坛酒,尽量要快。”剑无双淡声道。 Afterward Spring and Autumn Period throws black mountain to withstand/top the crystal together, records, wants the nice wine.” 随后春秋扔出去一块黑山顶晶,“记着,要好酒。” That high strong man subconscious catching, in the eye flashes to pass the greatly greedy vision. 那高壮汉子下意识的接住,眼中一闪而逝大贪婪的目光。 Okay, without the issue, wants what nice wine, has!” Then, after rushing that the high strong man staggers along, theater box. “好好,没问题,想要什么好酒,都有!”说完,高壮汉子跌跌撞撞的奔进后厢。 His mother, a Unknown mixed fish also dares the horizontal guts exogenous, today is not Brother Jian you are blocking, I decide however to pound his brain fluid.” Chen azure angry say/way. “他娘的,一个不入流的杂鱼也敢横胆外生,今天不是剑兄你拦着,我定然把他脑浆砸出来。”陈青愤然道。 Jian Wushuang looks at the street in out of the window, indifferently said, „the multi- incident is inferior to few incident, they, are not the owner of this restaurant.” 剑无双看着窗外的街道,淡淡道,“多一事不如少一事,他们,可不是这酒楼的主人。” Chen azure is startled, then felt the meaning in his words quickly. 陈青一怔,很快便感受到了他话里的意思。 Soon, that wears the high strong man of nondescript clothing, embraces two big altar/jar liquor slightly to run over, follows behind in his has 34 men. 不多时,那身着不伦不类服饰的高壮汉子,怀抱两大坛酒小跑了过来,跟在他身后的还有三四个汉子。 Totals more than ten altar/jar liquor, places with the side dish in the face of the Jian Wushuang three people. Several, several honored guests, opened wide drinking, the manages enough! ” The high strong man cracks into a smile, starts the altar/jar to seal after carefully, leaves. 合共十余坛酒,和小菜摆放在剑无双三人面前。几,几位贵客,敞开了喝,管够!”高壮汉子咧嘴一笑,又细心启开坛封之后,才离开。 Chen azure does not doubt him, direct racket altar/jar body, the glittering and translucent carving liquor line then falls into three people of bowls. 陈青不疑有他,直接一拍坛身,晶莹剔透的酒线便落入三人碗中。 Only one, Jian Wushuang then could not bear smile. 只一眼,剑无双便忍不住笑了起来。 Spring and Autumn Period is also helpless said with a smile, this group of child stupid things, mixed the medicinal powder toward the liquor in unexpectedly.” 春秋也是无奈笑道,“这帮子蠢东西,居然还往酒中掺了药粉。” Manages his, since previous time has drunk after the forehead grand feast, had not drunk one again, today we must drink 1000 altars/jars.” Chen Qingyan moves pleasingly, when first drank one bowl completely, sends out an acoustic comfort snores. “管他的,自从上次在天庭盛宴中喝过酒后,就再没喝过一口了,今天咱们要喝上一千坛。”陈青眼中意动,当先满饮了一碗,发出一声舒适的微鼾。 Looks in the liquor the clear liquor fluid, Jian Wushuang and Spring and Autumn Period, helpless shakes the head, immediately full drink/nurse. 看着酒中澄澈的酒液,剑无双和春秋无奈摇头,也随即满饮。 The achievement spreads out the boundary of immortal, past events Hong Chen/worldly affairs , has changed to Earth Embryo to draw back the powder, has the fierce toxic thing, was unable to lull the immortal body, is the even/including may be unable to violate to spread out the immortal to imaginary class Supreme Treasure generally greatly. 成就衍仙之境,往事红尘,都已化作泥胎退散,带有烈毒性的东西,早已无法麻痹仙体,就是连一般致幻类的至宝也很大可能无法侵害衍仙。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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