MDSV :: Volume #48

#4756: Northern angel state

Young Master black ink hears word, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe the arc, this idiot, the absentminded custom, falls to my hand in unexpectedly, you may not want to take forever.” 公子墨闻言,嘴角勾起一抹弧线,“这蠢货,竟然还有丢三落四的习惯,落到我的手里,你可就永远都别想拿回去了。” Looks to feel nothing to lose the thing, and increasingly estranged small Emperor, the white robe of Young Master black ink and his side spreads out the immortal is a face sneers. 看着浑然不觉丢失东西,且渐行渐远的小帝君,公子墨和他身旁的白袍衍仙全都是一脸冷笑。 In place that he cannot see, the corners of the mouth of small Emperor bring back slightly. 在他看不见的地方,小帝君的嘴角微微勾起。 Had/Left the forehead, after riding the royal carriage, he looked back to look at this to be situated the forehead above nine side Heaven. 出了天庭,坐上御辇之后,他才回首看了一眼这坐落于九方天界之上的天庭。 Perhaps the next youth, all will have the tremendous changes. 也许下一华年,一切都会发生天翻地覆的变化。 Seizes the leader of struggle of peach as Heaven, has peaches of immortality to make the reward except it, True Martial Yang Emperor the big hand wields, bestows next ten number car(riage) unsurpassed Supreme Treasure, swung six days of boundary territories vastly. 作为天界夺桃之争的魁首,除之拥有仙桃作奖励,真武帝君又大手一挥,赐下十数车无上至宝,浩浩荡开回了六天境域。 Fortunately on the way of this round-trip, did not meet the interception again, safe and secure returns. 所幸在这一次的往返途中,再没有遇见截杀,平安回返。 Returns to the small this solitary one day, Jian Wushuang then starts, to the investigation of two day character mark bone armor, that immortal that as well as consolidated Comprehension/Sensibility has. 回到小孤天中,剑无双便开始着手于,对两块天字纹骨甲的探查,以及巩固才感悟出的那一记仙式。 In this Great Overflowing Domain spreads out above the immortal practices a way, is difficult and illusory. 大衍寰内衍仙之上的修行一途,艰难而又虚无缥缈。 Present Jian Wushuang, the hand grasps two certainly ancestor techniques, immortal mountains and rivers that two type Galaxy lake sea sword intent, as well as obtain now newly, three Emperor ancestral portraits in earthen bowl Yang Ping. 如今的剑无双,手握两记强绝祖术,两式星河湖海剑意,以及现在又新获得的仙式一点山河,还有在钵阳瓶中的三帝君真影。 The card in hand or the background, make him base in Great Overflowing Domain sufficiently. 无论是底牌还是底蕴,都足以让他在大衍寰中立足。 He is self-confident, even if facing that fifty immortals that shoulders the light wheel, do not beat even if, impossible move by second. 他自信,就算是面对着那种背负光轮的大衍仙们,纵使不敌,也绝不可能一招被秒。 Then with several years time, consolidated immortal, Jian Wushuang from deep place Comprehension/Sensibility, then even more feels the fearfulness of that stone bead. 接下来用数年时间,重新巩固了仙式,剑无双越是从深处感悟,便越发觉得那石珠的可怕。 This immortal mountains and rivers, but is in stone bead, a minimum galaxy in that innumerable galaxy. 要知道,这一记仙式一点山河,不过才是石珠里,那无数星系中的一座极小星系。 If develops completely, what kind of scene can also be? 如果要是全部都开发出来,又会是一种怎样的景象? Also, where this stone bead can be the big energy, keeps in that great sea day chapter of brain? 还有,这枚石珠会是何方大能,留在那巨海天章的脑中的? All sorts of riddles are the same like the mess, winding firmly Jian Wushuang, let he puzzled incomparable at the same time, is growing rapidly. 种种的谜团都如同乱麻一样,牢牢的缠绕住了剑无双,让他困惑无比的同时,又在不知不觉间快速的成长着。 In he is studying that day character mark bone armor, small Emperor visits joyfully, brings Supreme Treasure that five car(riage) True Martial Yang Emperor are bestowing. 就在他研究着那块天字纹骨甲时,小帝君欣然到访,带着五车真武帝君赐下的至宝 At this time, is five years later. 此时,已经是五年之后了。 Brother Jian, one other for several years, the aura was also much calm.” He said with a smile. 剑兄,一别数年,气息又沉稳了不少啊。”他笑着说道。 Jian Wushuang puts aside from bone armor in hand the vision, visits him saying that how since, Chen azure not with you together?” 剑无双将目光从手中的骨甲上移开,看着他道,“怎么从,陈青没和你一起?” Small Emperor shakes the head to say slightly, „the next three days of black mountain had/left some conditions, I made him investigate one.” 帝君微微摇头道,“下三天的黑山出了一些状况,我让他去探查一番了。” Hears the next three days of black mountain, the Jian Wushuang brow slightly wrinkle, obviously had the contradiction feeling to there. 听到下三天的黑山,剑无双的眉头微皱,显然是对那里有了抵触感。 Feels the disgruntledness in his eye flashing through, small Emperor put out a hand to pat the shoulder of Jian Wushuang, the sincere say/way, tied up these convicts is also solid sleepily non- is I hopes, you also saw my condition, if did not have black mountain crystal stone again, receiving in exchange massive Supreme Treasure trained the influence, perhaps I the body falling god in interceptions have disappeared.” 感受到他眼中闪过的不悦,小帝君伸手拍了拍剑无双的肩头,真诚道,“困缚那些囚徒也实非是我所愿,你也看到了我的境况,如果再没有黑山晶石,换取大量至宝去培养势力的话,恐怕我早已在一次次的截杀中身陨神消了。” I promised you, so long as I break through the fifty immortal, after Emperor Destiny adds the body, then immediately also their free body.” “我向你保证,只要我突破大衍仙,帝君气运加身之后,便立即还他们一个自由身。” Jian Wushuang no longer talks too much, he also stays here, on the one hand is the oath that and small Emperor establishes, on the other hand is thinks that the time is far, if travels now rashly in Great Overflowing Domain, wanting any clue more difficult. 剑无双不再多言,他至今还留在这里,一方面是和小帝君立下的誓,另一方面是认为时机远未成熟,如果现在就贸然游历在大衍寰内,想要得到任何线索将更加艰难。 Uses a side Heaven forehead as the foundation, explores again, will then be convenient and easy. 以一方天界天庭为根基,再去探索,则会方便和容易许多。 Small Emperor also aware is not continuing this topic, but looks at the vision to that two bone armor on official document. 帝君也自觉的不在继续这个话题,而是将目光看向案牍上的那两块骨甲。 Brother Jian, examination how, to have the answer of wish?” He points at bone armor to say. 剑兄,查看的如何了,有没有得到想要的答案?”他指着骨甲道。 Jian Wushuang shakes the head, where is so easy, must wait till collection simultaneous/uniform that moment, can understand.” 剑无双摇了摇头,“哪有那么容易,恐怕要等到集齐的那一刻,才能参透吧。” „Are these things to you, very important?” Small Emperor also asked this question. “这些东西对你而言,很重要吗?”小帝君又问了一遍这个问题。 Jian Wushuang said that „, before making clear, this thing does not have too many values me, but I indeed need them.” 剑无双道,“在没搞清楚之前,这个东西于我而言也没太多的价值,但我的确需要它们。” Small Emperor selected nodded, then the sound pulls down to say slightly, „, since this thing to some Brother Jian uses, I also said.” 帝君点了点头,然后声音略微压低道,“既然这东西对剑兄有些用处,那我也就说了。” Actually this thing not just has appeared in the Heavenly Dao book pavilion, I had seen this bone armor jade decoration in one person, now wants to come to be the thing that Brother Jian you need.” “其实这东西并非只有在天道书阁中出现过,原先我就在一人身上见过这枚骨甲玉饰,现在想来应当就是剑兄你需要的东西了。” Jian Wushuang hears word, heart intent moves, „where?” 剑无双闻言,心头意动,“在何处?” Fifth Royal Child, Young Master black ink.” Small Emperor looks to him, said in a soft voice. “第五帝子,公子墨。”小帝君看向他,轻声道。 Young Master black ink.’ Also narrated one in the heart this name, Jian Wushuang asks, „, if some of he really words, whether to exchange with what thing?” 公子墨。’在心中又叙述一遍这个名字,剑无双问道,“如果他真有的话,可否用什么东西交换过来?” Small Emperor hears word, shakes the head saying that he is my emperor father place next seven child is most eccentric most and unreasonable cruel one, long ago took massacring city as happily, seizes others happily good, the Heaven confinement ten thousand years later has restrained.” 帝君闻言,摇头道,“他是我帝父座下七子中最为乖张暴戾的一员,早些年以屠城为乐,最喜夺他人之好,被关于天界禁闭万年后才有所收敛。” Only feared that with thing easy thing road, to walk in his there radically does not pass.” “只怕以物易物这一条路,在他那里根本走不通。” Jian Wushuang also knits the brows slightly, Young Master black ink this person, in seizing the struggle of peach made quite the poor impression on him. 剑无双也是微微皱眉,公子墨此人,在夺桃之争中给他留下了相当不好的印象。 Young Master black ink after obtaining peaches of immortality, is perfidious sneak attacks Young Master to enable it to have the conclusion directly modestly. 公子墨在得到仙桃之后,背信弃义直接偷袭公子谦使之出了局。 And he acts quite ruthlessly severe, even the appearance is quite ordinary, but by the scheme and to Realm Overflowing Force control, perhaps in seven Royal Child is eminents. 且他出手相当狠厉,即便是长相颇为普通,但论心计和对境界衍力的把控,恐怕在七帝子中都是翘楚。 From the outline of small Emperor to Young Master black ink, before the union , the story in Heaven, this Young Master black ink obviously is a strength certainly, thoughts treacherous fellow. 从小帝君公子墨的概述,结合之前在天界中的见闻来看,这公子墨显然是个实力强绝,心思诡谲的家伙。 „A road, seizes that bone armor.” The small Emperor sound is steady, looks to Jian Wushuang. “还有一条路,就是将那块骨甲夺过来。”小帝君声音平稳,看向剑无双 Jian Wushuang has not opened the mouth, he in innermost feelings hesitant. 剑无双没有开口,他在内心中犹豫。 According to the previous impression, wants that day character mark bone armor in Young Master black ink hand, perhaps, only then seized this road. 依照先前的印象,想要得到公子墨手中的那枚天字纹骨甲,恐怕真的只有夺这一条路了。 You determined that in the Young Master black ink hand has bone armor seriously?” “你确定公子墨手中当真有着一枚骨甲?” Determination, if I lie, at the appointed time the electrical connector meets.” “确定,如果我说谎,届时提头相见。” The Jian Wushuang vision by the palace gate, looks fog Yun's dim the sky to the small this solitary one day. 剑无双的目光透过殿门,看向小孤天外雾蕴朦胧的天空。 Day character mark bone armor, to his attraction was really big. 一枚天字纹骨甲,对他的诱惑力实在是太大了。 He breaks Earth Embryo, flies upwards solitarily Great Overflowing Domain, main reason except for tracking down investigation of myriad things Realm extremely, but also found Teacher Xuan Yi at one's convenience, with the Old Venerable two people. 他之所以断去泥胎,只身一人飞升到大衍寰,最主要的原因除了追寻万物境界的究极,还有便是找到师尊玄一,和老尊二人了。 He has an intense intuition, they, in Great Overflowing Domain! 他有种强烈的直觉,他们,就在大衍寰 This only clue, although is illusory, actually cannot break. 这唯一的线索,虽然虚无缥缈,却决不能断。 Puts out a long breath slowly, he said in a soft voice, „the Young Master black ink, does place where?” 缓缓吐出一口长息,他轻声道,“公子墨,身处何处?” Northern angel state.” Small Emperor returns said, Brother Jian has set firm resolve?” “北天仙州。”小帝君回道,“剑兄已经下定决心了?” For what it's worth, must step onto this time.” “不管结果如何,总要走上这一遭。” Good.” “好。” Beyond the small this solitary one day, the north wind howls, three figure assume the glyph to stand. 小孤天外,朔风呼啸,三道身形呈品字形而立。 A frontline youth, slipped off a knight-errant black garment, exchanges one mildly such as the clothing and personal adornments of jade. 最前方的一个青年,褪下了一身游侠黑衫,换上一身温润如玉的衣饰。 PS: Asked the monthly ticket PS:求下月票 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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