MTOAW :: Volume #5

#464: In title mother rest

Two months passes, what wakes up swallowed two months of burning Xiao Yixian. 两个月的时间过去,率先醒来的是吞了两个月火毒的小医仙 In these two months, Xiao Yixian not accidental/surprised breakthrough based on poison to fighting sect, the energy between world as well as already prepared the good demon nucleus even is spiritual qi all crazy wells up toward Xiao Yixian. 在这两个月中,以毒为本的小医仙毫无意外的突破至斗宗,天地间的能量以及早就准备好的魔核甚至是灵气全都疯狂的朝着小医仙涌去。 Sky over blood deep pool letting of mutation naturally defends outside person witnesses, is dumbfounded, after all the Tianshan blood deep pool can let fight sovereign breakthrough to fighting the sect also merely said that but also does not have that from fighting sovereign breakthrough bucket of sects, but is different now, some people in Tianshan blood deep pool chest breakthrough, this are make the Tianshan blood deep pool another really without doubt becomes famous. 血潭上空的异变自然的让守在外面的人目睹,一个个的可谓是目瞪口呆,毕竟天山血潭能让斗皇突破至斗宗也仅仅只是这么说而已,还真没那个是从斗皇突破斗宗的,不过如今不一样了,真的有人在天山血潭胸突破了,这无疑是让天山血潭又一次的出名起来。 Naturally, Xiao Yixian breakthrough is normal in the Dongfang Yan eye, feared that energy insufficient Dongfang Yan also specially condensed a drop of poisonous blood to give Xiao Yixian, was breakthrough also merely is only she of star sect obstinately drew support from the poisonous blood to promote six star sects. 当然,小医仙突破东方焱眼中是正常的,怕能量不够东方焱还特意的凝聚了一滴毒血给小医仙,原本就算是突破也仅仅只是一星斗宗的她愣是借助毒血提升到了六星斗宗。 This also from one side looks at a Dongfang Yan Cursed Blood toxicity and big cost arrangement strategy formidable place. 这也从侧面的看出来东方焱一身诅咒之血的毒性和大成本布置的阵法强大之处。 Awoke?” “醒了吗?” Opens eyes, the aura takes back on the face to bring the face of thick care then to print at present pleasant, this touched Xiao Yixian, has revealed the smile nod. 睁开眼,气息收回眼前脸上带着浓浓关心的脸便印入眼中,这让小医仙很感动,露出了微笑点头。 I came back, I came back immortal.” “呐我回来了哦,我真的回来了哦仙儿。” Does not know that remembered that to return formerly actually not to know own Xiao Yixian treats as present her to treat, Dongfang Yan could not bear has smiled, this made the Xiao Yixian pupil receive receiving, covers mouth a face cannot believe. 不知道是不是想起那段自己回到从前硬是把不认识自己的小医仙当做现在的她对待,东方焱就忍不住的笑了起来,这让小医仙瞳孔收了收,捂着嘴一脸的不敢相信。 Flame, what the flame your did a moment ago call me?” “焱,焱你刚才叫我什么?” In eye gradual is moist, looks at Dongfang Yan Xiao Yixian is also gradually somewhat cannot control own mood. 眼中逐渐的湿润起来,看着东方焱小医仙也是渐渐的有些控制不住自己的情绪。 Separation, for a better reunion, was unfair to immortal I to come back now.” “分离,是为了更好的重逢,对不起仙儿我现在才回来了。” Opens both hands, looks at present Xiao Yixian Dongfang Yan fills gentle saying with a smile, but Xiao Yixian cannot be controlling is similar to the young swallow throws forest Banpu to enter in the Dongfang Yan's bosom, the tears flowed came out closely to bury in the bastard bosom that this thought finally the face. 张开双手,看着眼前的小医仙东方焱充满温柔的笑道,而小医仙也是在也控制不住如同乳燕投林般扑进东方焱的怀中,泪水流了出来把脸紧紧埋进这个终于想起来的混蛋怀中。 But Dongfang Yan has not said anything, but hugs is tighter. 东方焱没有多说什么,只是搂的更紧起来。 You also were really disappointing, before was anything did not say sudden left, now also tells others suddenly thought that I disliked your me to dislike you.” “你还真是差劲了,以前是什么都不说突然的就离开了,现在又告诉人家又突然的想起来了,我讨厌你我讨厌你。” Makes one lose face, tears even smudging on the clothes of Dongfang Yan chest, the mouth was saying may seem repugnantly actually fills has acted like a spoiled brat with the grievance. 蹭脸,把泪水均匀的涂抹在东方焱胸膛的衣服上,嘴里说着讨厌可看上去却充满了撒娇和委屈。 Sorry, was I have made a mistake, next time not, again not next.” “对不起,是我错了,下次不,再也没有下次了。” Cannot bear the chuckle get up, Dongfang Yan is hugging Xiao Yixian, lifts the bright and clean chin of Xiao Yixian with finger, a tone came up this also to make the Xiao Yixian complexion flood red. 忍不住轻笑起来,东方焱搂着小医仙,用手指抬起小医仙的光洁的下巴,一口吻了上去这也让小医仙脸色泛红。 Struggles slightly, is discontented. 微微挣扎,以示不满。 However then falls to the enemy, in illusion bubble. 不过紧接着便沦陷在,梦幻的泡影中。 A feeling of suffocation makes Xiao Yixian loose mouth, both hands hug the Dongfang Yan nape of the neck, the mouth spits Xianglan somewhat rapidly slightly is panting for breath, but in the eye presented the shyness that is hard to cover up. 一股窒息的感觉让小医仙不由的松嘴,双手搂着东方焱脖颈,口吐香兰微微有些急促的喘息着,只不过眼中却是出现了难以遮掩的羞涩。 Un, for a long time did not see immortal to gain weight much, you had a look here fat to become like this, I liked.” “嗯,许久不见仙儿又长胖了不少啊,你看看这里都胖成这样了,啧啧不过我喜欢。” Is hugging the slender waist of Xiao Yixian, unconscious sliding rubs to pinch that somewhat familiar plentiful to curl upwards gently slightly # the buttocks, although was not the first time unendurable was already charming. 搂着小医仙的细腰,不自觉的下滑轻轻揉捏着那略微有些熟悉的丰满翘#臀,尽管早已不是第一次了却还是难以忍受的娇羞起来。 „, You looked that that good chest fat became the tumor, come, making me rub to you.” “啧啧,你看原本那么好的胸都胖成肿瘤了,来,让我给你揉一揉。” The corners of the mouth reveal smile evilly, a hand is hugging the Xiao Yixian lush slender waist, another hand took advantage of opportunity upward to climb to pinch ‚’ tumor of that post on oneself this to make Xiao Yixian instantaneously from the nape of the neck as red as the root of the ear gently. 嘴角露出邪笑,一只手搂着小医仙芊芊细腰,另一只手顺势往上爬升轻轻的捏了捏那贴在自己身上的‘肿瘤’这让小医仙瞬间从脖颈红到耳根。 Puts out a hand to hold the claw of Dongfang Yan's wealth mountain hastily charmingly, in the eye has filled endless with rebuking, this makes Dongfang Yan dissoluter, although wishes one could to start, may actually also remember that now is not the time, the advantage that therefore should also take occupied. 连忙伸手抓住东方焱的禄山之爪,眼中充满了无尽的娇羞与嗔怪,这让东方焱更加的放肆起来,尽管恨不得就地开始,可却也记得现在不是时候,因此也就把该占的便宜都占了。 Let a Xiao Yixian whole body be incapable, the small face fills some people to blush pours softly, in own cherishes, 小医仙一副浑身无力,小脸充满有人红晕的软倒在自己怀中, Then resentful calling a halt however, making Xiao Yixian snuggle, in own cherished says is having a deficit, the delayed talk between lovers, has saying that this was big to the Xiao Yixian lethality. After all that girl does not like this. 这才悻悻然的停手,让小医仙依偎在自己怀中说着亏欠,迟来的情话,不得不说这对小医仙的杀伤力蛮大的。毕竟那个女孩不喜欢这样。 Buzz!!!!!” “嗡!!!!!” Gathers spirit sudden change to let Dongfang Yan is also the vision looked that to has fumigated, world phenomenon emergence that again just now subsides, has stirred the controversy beyond sword. 聚灵阵突然出现的异动让东方焱也是目光看向了薰儿,原本才刚平息的天地异象再一次的出现,又是引起了剑阵外的轩然大波。 This said that worthily is the day the arrogant female, most beautiful woman Xiao Xun? 该怎么说了,不愧是天之骄女,绝代佳人萧薰儿嘛? The emperor blood in within the body was swallowed the majority, is only the dependence remains merely the emperor blood after depuration is only looks at that battle formation feels and a moment ago Xiao Yixian is similar. 体内的帝血被吞噬了大部分,仅仅只是依靠残留提纯后的帝血光是看着那阵势就感觉和刚才小医仙差不多。 When fights the aura of sect to start gradual disappearance, beautiful woman eyelid shivering that gently closed one's eyes, opens eyes just like the child, under the eyeground is also bringing the thick excitement. 当斗宗的气息开始逐渐的消失,原本闭着眼的佳人眼睑轻轻的颤抖,宛如小孩子般睁开眼,眼底下还带着浓浓的兴奋。 Here yo, fumigates.” “这里呦,薰儿。” start to talk made noise, fumigates had also discovered that sat two people on huge azure lotus flower, was direct in the past was understanding along with Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan opened both hands, fumigated also such as Xiao Yixian from the beginning like that to throw in the Dongfang Yan bosom. 开口出声,薰儿也发现了那坐在一朵巨大青色莲花上的两人,也是直接的过去随着小医仙会意,东方焱张开双手,薰儿也如小医仙一开始那般扑进东方焱怀中。 Pair of small hand tight is hugging this person of loving. 一双小手紧紧的抱着这个自己所爱之人。 In the bosom hugs is fumigating, is almost subconscious putting out a hand pinched gently under has fumigated that similarly clearly plentiful curls upwards # the buttocks, this made Xun the small face have two attractive blushing instantaneously, raised the head the looks at that faint smile face. 怀中抱着薰儿,几乎是下意识的伸手轻轻捏了下薰儿那同样圆润丰满的翘#臀,这让薰儿小脸瞬间出现两朵诱人的红晕,抬起头看着那似笑非笑的脸。 Does not dare to see person to lower the head the face to bury the Dongfang Yan nape of the neck. 紧接着一副不敢见人般低着头把脸埋进东方焱脖颈。 Un, immortal was fat many, although could not miss many, but fumigated wants thin, but I liked.” “嗯,仙儿是胖了不少,虽然也差不了多少,可是薰儿还是要瘦一下,啧啧,不过我喜欢。” Similarly, was unable to put down to pinch to fumigate that clear little outstanding # the claw of buttocks wealth mountain to grasp the painful snowy peak once more, this made charming may the person be able help smiling shouted one tenderly. 同样,爱不释手般再次捏了一下薰儿那圆润的小翘#臀禄山之爪抓上熬人的雪峰,这让娇羞的可人忍俊不禁的娇呼了一声。 As for nearby Xiao Yixian is also shaking the head of has no alternative, looks at this changed color at present suddenly the person, whisper say/way that Xiao Yixian then cannot bear at heart this is that person who I know.” 至于一旁的小医仙也是无可奈何的摇了摇头,看着眼前这个突然变色了的人,小医仙心里这才忍不住的嘀咕道“这才是我所认识的那个人。” Right has fumigated, strength promoted that situation.” “对了薰儿,实力提升到了那个地步。” On fragrant shoulder that the head builds in fumigating, breathed that to rub to fumigate the fresh-faced nape of the neck like the orchid delicate fragrance flavor, making Xun charmingly angry. 头搭在薰儿的香肩上,呼吸着那如兰花般清香的味道不由的蹭了蹭薰儿粉嫩的脖颈,让薰儿娇嗔不已。 Elder Brother Yan, fumigates now is also six star sects.” 焱哥哥,现在薰儿也是六星斗宗哦。” The elegant face brings to blush attractively, is bringing the charm in anger, pair of small hand held down in that more and more dissolute big hand eye to fill hastily, helpless was also charming. 俏脸带着诱人红晕,带着浓浓的娇嗔,一双小手连忙按住那越来越放肆的大手眼中充满了无奈又娇羞。 The similar fate makes Xun blush like the blood, Xiao Yixian that looks at is also so, this makes Xun looks at Dongfang Yan just like the first understanding same. 同样的下场让薰儿红晕如血,看的小医仙也是如此,这让薰儿看着东方焱宛如第一次认识一样。 Buzz!!!!” “嗡!!!!” Also is a dull thumping sound, is one fights the sect to appeared not accidental/surprised Medusa, present she cultivated the monster to cultivate Cultivation Technique, the law the shadow of world was the main body of her demon beast, can carry on to summon as the appearance of Medusa empress cleverly. 又是一声闷响,又是一位斗宗出现毫无意外正是美杜莎,如今的她修炼了妖修功法,法相天地的影子就是她魔兽的本体,也可以进行通灵召唤出自己作为美杜莎女皇的样子。 looks at that opens Medusa of moving eyelid, Dongfang Yan is also the brow selects, feels the chin vision to take a look at the present person. 看着那睁开动人眼睑的美杜莎,东方焱也是眉头一挑,摸着下巴目光打量着眼前的人。 Several star sects.” “几星斗宗。” Smiles, Medusa unexpectedly unprecedented is equally smart-alecky just like small female student, the moving expression lets Dongfang Yan is also one fumigates is also different fire looks at she, which is this arrogant the tsundere queen? Was not the cultivation will do brain to shatter. 莞尔一笑,美杜莎居然破天荒的宛如小女生一样俏皮,动人的表情让东方焱也是一愣就连薰儿也是异火的看着她,这是哪个傲慢又傲娇的女王吗?不会是修炼搞得脑子坏掉了吧。 Now this king, but the Big Dipper fights the sect, this does right by the status of this king.” “现在本王可是七星斗宗,这样才对得起本王的身份。” With the aid of the space blood deep pool, the blood of huge strategy energy and Divine Dragon, Queen Medusa is not only the bloodline promotion strength is also the beat of leap, suddenly becomes on people Level to be highest at present. 借助天上血潭,庞大的阵法能量与神龙之血,美杜莎女王不仅仅是血脉提升实力也是飞跃似的跳动,一举成为目前众人等级上最高。 Just, the people woke, only then Zi Yan as before is similar to the black hole absorption the energy, the energies of seven step demon nuclei by the suck dry, eight step demon nuclei were also already remained are not many. 只不过,众人都醒过来了,只有紫妍依旧是如同黑洞般吸收着能量,七阶魔核的能量早已被吸干,八阶魔核也剩的不多。 But spiritual qi, can feel easily as Dongfang Yan of tenderer, in oneself space spiritual qi drops, not only tiny bit. 灵气,作为提供者的东方焱能轻易的感觉到,自己空间中灵气下降的不只是一星半点啊。 The world energy, the energy of blood deep pool by similar that several people consume, most also can only provide Zi Yan to nine star sovereigns. 天地能量,血潭的能量都被几人消耗的差不多,最多也就只能提供紫妍到九星斗皇。 May so, mortal body intensity strong odd Zi Yan face 56 star sects also to fight, in drawing support from the sharp claws refinement that obtains from that demon beast dry corpse, but the image formation is the diamond wolf claw same tone perhaps can also instead kill anything. 可就算如此,本就肉身强度强的离谱的紫妍面对着56星斗宗也是可以一战,在借助从那句魔兽干尸上得到的利爪炼制而成像是金刚狼爪子一样的语气说不定还能反杀什么的。 Waiting several days later, the amethyst is also smooth breakthrough to fighting the sect, emperor blood that but the amethyst has not fumigated, does not have Xiao Yixian that to swallow poisonous physique, does not have Medusa such to have blood of help Divine Dragon not to have the great strength of Zi Yan bloodline, breakthrough to fighting the sect also merely is only four stars. 在等了几天后,紫晶也是顺利突破至斗宗,不过紫晶可没有薰儿的帝血,也没有小医仙那吞毒的体质,也没有美杜莎那样有神龙之血帮助更没有紫妍血脉的强大,突破至斗宗也仅仅只是四星而已。 However this had also proven that monster cultivates the great strength of Cultivation Technique, should be a star sect actually because of Cultivation Technique reason actually breakthrough to four stars. 不过这也证明了那部妖修功法的强大,本应该是一星斗宗却因为功法的缘故硬是突破到了四星。 Xiao Yixian, fumigates with for six star sects, the Medusa strongest Big Dipper, the amethyst four stars, UU reads 小医仙,薰儿同为六星斗宗,美杜莎最强七星,紫晶四星,UU看书 Zi Yan most lowers nine star sovereigns. 紫妍最低九星斗皇。 This lets Zi Yan is very unsatisfied read broken for a long time. 这让紫妍可谓是很不满意的碎碎念了好久。 Naturally, Yao Lao and luminary day fire also the soul under this blood deep pool energy obtained further quenching. 当然,就连药老和曜天火也在这血潭能量下灵魂得到了进一步的淬炼。 Several female placements in the space, the looks at this also remaining energies swallowed him who Bone Chilling Flame had been in six star sovereigns also to further arrive at eight stars. 把几女安置在空间之中,看着这还剩下的能量吞噬了骨灵冷火本就处于六星斗皇的他也进一步来到了八星。 The energy of blood deep pool deep place was rich the incomparable, haughty red lotus decides, swallows, burns to decide, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique starts, the universe black hole, the world blood red energy beyond sword also is similar to the brook class general crazy was embezzled by the black hole. 血潭深处的能量本就浓郁无比,傲世红莲决,吞噬,焚决,北冥无相长生功发动,宇宙黑洞般,就连剑阵外的天地血红能量也全都如同涓流一般疯狂的被黑洞吞没。 The energy of blood deep pool deep place was needless to say much, perhaps thought insufficiently many, Dongfang Yan started Angel Emperor of Time 1st Bullet to accelerate own time, the storm of energy looked like eight levels of big strong winds equally crazy was annexed and destroyed by Dongfang Yan. 血潭深处的能量更不用多说,或许是觉得不够多,东方焱发动了天使刻刻帝一之弹加速自己的时间,能量的风暴就像是八级大狂风一样疯狂的被东方焱吞灭。 Left And Right Mutual Fighting Technique makes Dongfang Yan keep one eye on, revolution Cultivation Technique at the same time also while convenient has refined some compounded drugs, with his words...... 左右互搏术东方焱一心二用,运转功法的同时还顺便炼制了一些丹药,用他的话来说…… Each fights the sovereign only to take an sovereign extremely pill his entire life, oneself have missed the experience to fight the miracle cure the opportunity, then this sovereign pill will not miss extremely, broken sect pill is also so. 每一位斗皇一生只能服用一枚皇极丹,自己已经错过了体验斗灵丹的机会,那么这一次皇极丹就不会错过了,破宗丹也是如此。 Refines the compounded drug with ease, has licked the lip. 轻轻松松炼制出丹药,不由的舔了舔嘴唇。 Tasted gently, felt that the flavor is good, sweet is also bringing delicate fragrance. 轻轻的尝了一下,感觉味道还不错,甜甜的还带着一股清香。 A little looks like the rose taste the sweets offered to the god of the hearth on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month. 有点像玫瑰口味的花糖。 It is not thinking, places mouth to taste carefully, if lets other fight the sovereign to see vomiting blood that the estimate can be mad. 不在多想,放在嘴里细细品尝,要是让别的斗皇看见估计会气的吐血吧。 Terrifying swallows Strength and huge energy, lets the person beyond sword is also jealous, suddenly some people have impulsed, but sword is cutting of being relentless kills as before, the innumerable people died also received in exchange the reason of people, particularly that overspread place in corpse(s) and air twittering lets here bloody just like world Hell. 恐怖的吞噬力量和庞大的能量,让剑阵外的人也是眼红不已,一时间又有人冲动了可是剑阵依旧是毫不留情的斩杀,无数人身死也换回了人们的理智,尤其是那铺满一地的尸体和空气中所呢喃的血腥让这里宛如人间地狱般。
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