MTOAW :: Volume #5

#465: The title mother window-shops

Has to say takes title anything really very troublesome...... wait|etc, title mother puts down too the blade first!!! 不得不说取标题什么的真的很麻烦……等等,标题娘先把太刀放下!!! breakthrough bucket of sects, freely only then five-star, actually also has to acknowledge that feeling tm is really is different. 突破斗宗,尽管只有五星而已,却也不得不承认感觉还tm真的是不一样。 Delayed was so long, was the time leaves.” “耽搁了这么久,也是时候离开了。” The vision is sizing up at present already the energy on the other hand becomes thin the blood deep pool, is about to leave the sudden discovery to have any thing in the most bottom place of blood deep pool probably, Divine Sense puts to look. 目光打量着眼前已经能量相对来说变得稀薄起来的血潭,正准备离开却突然的发现在血潭的最底处好像有着什么东西,神识放过去一看。 Good, is the energy crystallized, since were met by oneself, that ......... 好吧,原来是能量结晶既然被自己遇见了,那么……… segment You goes to battle, wiped out to the last man. 段友出征,片甲不留。 Bang!!!!” “嘭!!!!” Fierce departs from the blood deep pool, is beckoning to sword, latter then rows of flying come back, enter in Gate of Babylon. 猛的从血潭中飞出,对着剑阵招了招手,后者便一排排的飞回来,进入王之财宝中。 After entering Gate of Babylon does not have accidentally/surprisingly by Noble Phantasm. 在进入王之财宝后毫无意外被宝具化。 If, has the opportunity to Unlimited Blade Works this thing obtain, coordinates after not to need to be worried that with Gate of Babylon together can not have weapon to shoot ~ exited.” “如果以后有机会一定要把无限剑制这个东西得到,和王之财宝配合在一起以后都不用担心会没武器射~出去了。” Two, have eradicated instantaneously is 100-200 accept Jie, including has few, has richly poor, has common preciously, naturally also has at sixes and sevens that cannot use. 啧啧了两声,瞬间破除又是一两百个纳戒,其中有多有少,有富有穷,有珍贵有寻常,自然也有一些用不到的乱七八糟。 Useful staying behind, useless discarding all, although these weapon the step is not much, but Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame has quenches the Magic Weapon function emphatically, is joined to the attribute energy of flame supplementary. 有用的留下,没用的全都丢掉,虽然那些武器的品阶不怎么样,可是灭妖神火纯质阳炎可是有着重淬法宝的功能,配上火焰附带的属性能量。 These weapon product Jie rise may incessantly be the tiny bit, has scarlet-red flying sword, the sword air/Qi that sends out is the flame cuts to strike completely. 这些武器品阶上升的可不止是一星半点,有赤红的飞剑,发出的剑气完全就是火焰斩击。 Also there is ice blue flying sword, the naturally attribute is clear, ices the attribute. 也有冰蓝色的飞剑,自然属性一目了然,冰属性。 Has purple, can send out lightning current Thunder Attribute. 有也紫色,能发出电流雷属性 Also there are just like strikes to kill the Cursed Blade Murasame same violently poisonous sword, reflects the cold light sword blade to stop. 也有宛如一击必杀妖刀村雨一样的剧毒之剑,反射着寒光的剑身让人望而止步。 Flies does not know where Dongfang Yan should go to helpless, although does not need to be worried about the security problem, at least does not need to be worried one person of loving lived outdoors ......... 一路飞行也不知道该去哪里东方焱很无奈起来,虽然不必担心安全问题,至少不用担心自己所爱之人跟着自己风餐露宿……… , Did not fumigate them to cross happily, Zi Yan in the space has eaten very much all fruits particularly obstinately. 不不不,薰儿她们都在空间中过得很开心,尤其是紫妍愣是把所有的水果都吃了遍。 Has been short of the Dongfang Yan's companion, although crosses well also has bored that some. 只是少了东方焱的陪伴,尽管过得不错却也有那么一些无聊。 However when understands, accompanied is most long-time missing, Dongfang Yan also emits several female this to be possible several people to go bad happily. 不过当明白过来,陪伴才是最长久的思念,东方焱也放出了几女这可把几人高兴坏了。 Elder Brother Yan, where our is must go.” 焱哥哥,我们这是要去什么地方。” The foot steps on flying sword to fly in the sky, flaneries all along with reason Dongfang Yan, although the state beautiful scene looks like very good, appears somewhat is what a pity irritable. 脚踩着飞剑在天空飞着,漫无目的一切随缘的东方焱虽说中州美景看起来很不错,可惜还是显得有些急躁。 Suddenly presents an incomparably formidable aura and the others to come toward oneself, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle several people is troop silhouette that to enter looks at of battle condition side approached on that day gradually. 突然出现一股无比强大的气息朝着自己等人而来,这让东方焱眉头一皱几人皆是进入战斗状态的看着那天边逐渐靠近的一大群人影 Fumigates trembles, small hand that is actually cannot bear grips tightly. 薰儿却是忍不住的一颤,小手紧握起来。 Fumigates the young lady, the subordinate stops the army to command the plume spring black, presents the life of head of the clan to greet the young lady to go home.” “薰儿小姐,属下黑湮军统领翎泉,奉族长之命迎接小姐回家。” Grows the alone gnu demon beasts of two wings is seeming must go to the Pegasus to be ordinary, person looks at that but that carries on the back was hugged Xun in bosom by Dongfang Yan, the face darken, in the eye has been full of the anger. 长着两对翅膀的独角马魔兽看上去就要去天马一般,只不过那背上的人看着东方焱搂在怀中的薰儿,脸色阴沉,眼中充满了愤怒。 Fumigates must go home to have a look? Said that I also want to see the father-in-law Sir.” “薰儿要回家看看嘛?说起来我也想去见见岳父大人。” The corners of the mouth are bringing the chuckle, saw to fumigate in the eye to fill struggling, a Dongfang Yan kiss inquired gently, this let Xun is almost dull looks at he, wished one could to rush to kill Dongfang Yan's person automatic negligence of as for nearby some unimportant person that immediately. 嘴角带着轻笑,见薰儿眼中充满了挣扎,东方焱轻轻一吻询问起来,这让薰儿几乎是呆呆的看着他,至于一旁的某个小人物那恨不得立马冲上去弄死东方焱的人自动的忽视。 Has not related, wants to go back to go back, no matter anything is unable to prevent me, let alone fumigates you...... Is my , can only be my.” “没关系的,想回去就回去呗,不管是什么都无法阻止我,更何况薰儿你……是我的,也只能是我的。” Dongfang Yan that the accident/surprise rules by force made Xun feel at ease indecisively, looks at that has been full of the unquestionable look moving has smiled, snuggle gently in the Dongfang Yan bosom, although was worried that returned to ancient boundary/world not to know will meet any difficulty, but, fumigated does not want to manage that many, in difficult must with loving own person faces. 意外霸道起来的东方焱让薰儿原本犹豫不决的心安了下来,看着那充满了不容置疑的眼神动人的笑了出来,轻轻依偎在东方焱怀中,尽管担心回到古界不知道会遇见什么困难但,薰儿也不想管那么多了,就算在困难也要和爱自己的人一起面对。 That black anything troubles you to bring the road, I could not find.” “那黑什么麻烦你带一下路,我找不到啊哦。” Gets hold of small hand that fumigates gently, gnash one's teeth was already wishing one could to kill people someone start to talk that to that whose this lets that anger. 轻轻握紧薰儿的小手,对着那早就咬牙切齿恨不得杀人的谁谁谁开口,这让那谁更加的愤怒。 You ............ “你…………” Has sufficed, guides.” “够了,带路吧。” Just couldn't help erupting, may actually be fumigated in a elegant face cold interruption unwilling mind to be full of the anger, may actually endure. 刚忍不住要爆发,可却被薰儿俏脸一寒的打断不甘心眼中充满了怒火,可却还是忍了下来。 Yes, young lady on please......” “是,小姐请上……” Does not use, I here accompanied Elder Brother Yan to be good, you guided in front.” “不用,我就在这里陪焱哥哥就行了,你在前面带路吧。” Disregards another's feelings, this lets plume spring to Dongfang Yan hate, suppresses the eruption to turn around to guide. 毫不留情面,这让翎泉对东方焱更加的怨恨起来,强忍着爆发转过身带路。 But looks at his back Dongfang Yan also thinks interesting, just like intentionally generally in fumigating not to have responded that under has kissed, is in front of others by, fumigates the elegant face to be red, struggles slightly, acts with constraint. 看着他背影东方焱也觉得有趣,宛如故意一般在薰儿都还没反应过来之下吻了上去,当着别人面被上,薰儿俏脸通红起来,微微挣扎,以示矜持。 However this is makes the plume spring fly into a rage, the fierce turning around resounding sword whining noise appears together, a handle sends out the cold light flying sword sword point to arrive before own neck, but Dongfang Yan was actually lifts begins among two people to be separated by obviously 56 meters. 不过这可是让翎泉勃然大怒起来,猛的转过身一道响亮的剑鸣声出现,一柄散发着寒光的飞剑剑尖正抵在自己的脖子前,而东方焱却是抬着手明明两人之间相隔了56米。 The plume spring can actually feel, so long as move is pierced oneself neck by present flying sword, a drop of cold sweat unconscious appearance in forehead. 翎泉却能感觉到只要自己一动就会被眼前的飞剑把自己的脖子刺穿,一滴冷汗不自觉的出现在额头 Under the heart cannot bear frightened. 心下也是忍不住的恐惧了起来。 You, since is subordinate that must make clear own status OK, what to do if your sudden turning around frightens my one not to pay attention to confiscate to stop that to be possible.” “你既然是下属那就要搞清楚自己的身份OK,你突然的转身要是吓得我一个没注意没收住手那可怎么办。” Narrows the eyes to focus, in the eye emits the scarlet ray, the terrifying chill in the air covers the plume spring to make him not dare to move heedlessly, but the person has to lower the head under the eaves, can only under the heart think returned to ancient that to be beyond control you. 眯着眼,眼中放出猩红的光芒,恐怖的寒意笼罩住翎泉让他更本不敢乱动,可是人在屋檐下不得不低头,只能心下想着回到古界那可就由不得你了。 Takes a broad view at ancient clan, does not know young outstanding who many talent near monsters to fumigating the young lady incomparably favors and unreasoning passion, finally but obtains, actually merely is only that wind light cloud Dan treatment, even if occasionally smiles to talk, is faint within passes the desolateness that permits some are aloof, if this matter feeds in ancient boundary/world, perhaps these bastards must fall insanely, does not know that initially the head of the clan made the young lady go to Xiao is right.” “放眼古族,不知道有多少天赋近妖的年轻俊杰对薰儿小姐无比青睐与痴情,但最后所得到的,却仅仅只是那风轻云淡的对待,即便偶尔微笑谈话,也是隐隐间透着许些拒人千里的冷淡,这事若是传回古界,恐怕那些崽子得疯掉,也不知道当初族长让小姐去萧家对不对。” The sudden sound makes Dongfang Yan catch the eye to look, fumigates is also the brow wrinkles. 突然出现的声音让东方焱抬眼看去,就连薰儿也是眉头不由的一皱起来。 Young lady, since had decided defers to the clan regulations to start.” “小姐既然决定了那么就按照族规开始吧。” The aura of sudden two old man whole body sending out make the complexion that luminary day fire cannot bear sink, Yao Lao is also sighed the status of fumigating, even if had guessed correctly is not simple, may actually not think that completely is that mysterious ancient clan thousand gold (daughter), suddenly is Dongfang Yan is actually anxious. 突然出现的两位老者浑身散发的气息让曜天火忍不住的脸色一沉起来,就连药老也是感叹薰儿的身份,就算猜到了不简单,可却没想到尽是那个神秘的古族千金,一时间倒是为东方焱紧张起来。 Un, fumigates and Elder Brother Yan altogether onset and retreat, even if cannot pass me also ............ “嗯,薰儿与焱哥哥共进退,就算通不过我也…………” Good to have fumigated, custom cannot be destroyed.” “好了薰儿,规矩不容破坏。” The words that the sudden sound interruption fumigates, looks at the person who walks from void fumigates small hand to grip tightly. 突然出现的声音打断薰儿的话,看着虚空中走出来的人薰儿小手紧握起来。 But ......... “可是………” Good to have fumigated, believes that your Elder Brother, I am very strong, you go back to wait first, certainly will not disappoint you.” “好了薰儿,相信你的哥哥吧,我可是很强的,你先回去等着,一定不会让你失望的。” Puts out a hand to work as is coming the surface of person fumigating hugs in own bosom, a kiss on the supple lip, this lets person behind many people gently is expression looks at Dongfang Yan and Xun who a face cannot believe that and shoots up to the sky just like killing intent of united front angrily. 伸手当着来人的面把薰儿搂在自己的怀中,轻轻在柔唇上一吻,这让来人身后的许多人皆是一脸不敢相信的表情看着东方焱与薰儿,紧接着宛如统一战线的杀意与愤怒冲天而起。 Since childhood is in ancient clan all youth outstanding hearts the goddess, how can tolerate besides oneself the person exaggeration, suddenly the dreadful anger with killing intent lets the forced smile that two old men from the beginning cannot bear, but Father that as fumigating. 从小就是古族所有青年俊杰心中女神,怎么能容忍除了自己以外的人渲染,一时间滔天的愤怒与杀意让一开始的两位老者也是忍不住的苦笑,而作为薰儿的父亲 looks at at present this bold person is also shaking the head of cannot bear, is not angry is only the expression that in the eye showed interesting and had not changed. 看着眼前这个大胆的人也是忍不住的摇了摇头,也不生气只是眼中露出了有趣和还是没变的表情。 Un, that Elder Brother Yan, certain, must refuel.” “嗯,那焱哥哥,一定,一定要加油啊。” Was working as Father surface this, fumigates elegant face that cannot bear altogether, the whole person, the elegant face emits attractive blushing charmingly, three walks in oneself Father direction that turns head not to abandon extremely. 被当着自己父亲的面这样,薰儿也是忍不住的俏脸一共,整个人娇羞不已,俏脸冒出诱人的红晕,一步三回头极度不舍的朝着自己的父亲方向走去。 Boy, you may probably trouble, but my family/home treasure daughter the goddess of countless person youth outstanding, so long as you can defeat them as well as through my clan the clan regulations, my naturally approves your this son-in-law.” “小子,你可要麻烦了哦,我家宝贝女儿可是无数人青年俊杰的女神啊,只要你能打败他们所有人以及通过我族的族规,我自然认可你这个女婿。” You miserable is laughing, patted in the Dongfang Yan's shoulder eye to fill was curious to Dongfang Yan's. 一副你惨了的大笑着,拍了拍东方焱的肩头眼中充满了对东方焱的好奇。 Hehe, even if you did not agree that you did not have the means that because fumigated is doomed only to be my person.” 呵呵,就算你不同意你也没办法了,因为薰儿注定了只能是我的人。” Although has doubts this person to look at present own look is somewhat strange, looks like pretends not to know intentionally oneself same let some Dongfang Yan doubts and helplessness. 尽管疑惑眼前这个人看自己的眼神有些怪怪的,就像是故意装作不认识自己一样让东方焱有些疑惑和无奈。 Hahaha, good, that proves itself, proved own strength.” 哈哈哈,好,那就去证明自己吧,证明自己实力。” Extreme satisfaction, laughed is making an effort to pat several Dongfang Yan's shoulders, the making way body to already could not afterward be bearing the strategic place gang up on own dense piece of person to reveal has badly smiled. 极度的满意,开怀大笑着用力拍了几下东方焱的肩头,随后让开身对着早就忍不住要冲上来群殴自己的黑压压一片人露出了坏笑。 Could not bear looked at two bewildered him, but has not cared to go forward one step to face that crowd just like the vengefulness for father's murder, seizes the crowd Dongfang Yan helpless shaking the head corners of the mouth of the wife hated to bring to tease is moving the wrist/skill, turned the neck to disdain to sneer to say. 忍不住多看了两眼莫名其妙的他,不过也没在意上前一步面对着那群宛如杀父之仇,夺妻之恨的人群东方焱无奈的摇了摇头紧接着嘴角带着戏谑活动着手腕,扭了扭脖子不屑冷笑道。 I do not aim at anyone of you, is everybody on the scene, all of you are the spicy chickens.” “我不是针对你们谁,也是在场的各位,你们所有人都是辣鸡。” Dissolute, gives him a color quietly, but here the ancient clan territory cannot allow him to be dissolute, on together!” “放肆,给他一点颜色悄悄,这里可是古族领地容不得他放肆,一起上!” Has hundred responses to a single call, thousand shouted ten thousand should, so-called youth outstanding of united front strongest at present also merely fights the sovereign peak, weakest was also a star sovereign. 一呼百应,千呼万应,统一战线的所谓青年俊杰最强的目前也仅仅是斗皇巅峰,最弱的也都是一星斗皇。 Faces the crowd of heading on, Dongfang Yan Puff is smiling, the corners of the mouth turn upwards wipe cold intent. 面对着扑面而来的人群,东方焱噗呲一笑,嘴角翘起一抹冷意。 Put out a hand to hit a sound to refer , the back presented the water surface ripples. UU reads 伸手打了个响指,后背出现水面般的涟漪。UU看书 Reflects the crowd that sword sharp simultaneously of sharp cold glow was aiming at to clash innumerably. 无数反射着锋利寒芒的剑尖齐齐对准了冲过来的人群。 flying sword such as the raindrop heads on generally, countless people are flurried to transfer Battle Qi to protect itself hastily, but faces the strength to be inferior that own person, Dongfang Yan's Armor Piercing Effect almost can be said as 80%, completely weak is similar to own person that Battle Qi protection the paper sticks holds breaks. 飞剑如雨点一般扑面而来,无数人慌乱起来连忙调动着斗气保护着自己,可是面对着实力不如自己的人,东方焱的破甲效果几乎可以说是80,完全弱于自己的人那点斗气防护就如同纸糊的一样一捅就破。 Almost is flying sword and crowd to bumping then branched out the victory and defeat instantaneously, the Big Dipper has fought the sovereign following person all by the second whole body by being scarred that flying sword cut. 几乎是飞剑与人群对碰的瞬间便分出了胜负,七星斗皇以下的人全都被秒浑身被飞剑切割的伤痕累累。 Thin such as the blood line of silk gathers a little bit gradually the blood bead, the Big Dipper fights the sovereign above person not to feel better, Luck of person has advantages and disadvantages. 细如丝的血线逐渐汇聚出一滴滴的血珠,就连七星斗皇以上的人也是不好受,人的运气有好有坏。 Good person naturally blocked flying sword, protected itself, the bad person was needless saying that suddenly originally also dense crowd also cleaned up similar, but can remain without doubt was not a little person of strength, although Luck was also part of strength, but was facing the overwhelming strength, this Luck was insufficient. 好的人自然拦下了飞剑,保护好了自己,坏的人不用多说,一时间原本还黑压压的一片人群也被清理的差不多,只不过能留下来的无疑不是有点实力的人,尽管运气也是实力的一部分,可是面对着压倒性的实力,这点运气还是不够啊。 After round cleaning up, originally strongest also on nine star sovereigns, but now appears has fought the aura of sect, has weak this makes Dongfang Yan serious get up, hits. 经过一轮的清理,原本最强的也就九星斗皇而已,而如今却是出现了斗宗的气息,有强有弱这不由的让东方焱凝重起来,一路打进去。 a moment ago fighting sovereign appetizer, is the main course. 刚才的斗皇不过开胃菜而已,接下来才是主菜。 Hehe you are very strong, approves you from this reluctantly, but wants me to make concessions to fumigate the young lady, that uses your to defeat me fully.” 呵呵你很强,从这点勉强认可你,只不过想要我退让薰儿小姐,那就用你的全力打败我吧。” Long also good youngster flies high to arrive in front of Dongfang Yan, his strength computation the issue is not big on four star sects. 一位长的还行的少年凌空来到东方焱面前,他的实力估计也就四星斗宗而已问题不大。 Puts out a hand, sends out the woods white flame gradual gathering of chill in the air truly in in the hand, naturally, the person of older generation is also being surprised that cannot bear, after all the Bone Chilling Flame former master is very famous, suddenly the person of older generation is also curious to Dongfang Yan. 伸手,真正散发着寒意的森白色火焰逐渐的汇聚在手中,自然,老一辈的人也是忍不住的惊讶,毕竟骨灵冷火的前任主人还是挺出名的,一时间老一辈的人也是对东方焱好奇起来。
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