MTOAW :: Volume #5

#463: Sword

It seems like this so-called Tianshan blood deep pool very interesting.” “看来这个所谓的天山血潭挺有趣的哈。” Feels the chin, reveals the smiling face of being interested , the vision looks at present several people also decide. 摸着下巴,露出感兴趣的笑容,目光看着眼前的几人也是决定了。 Happen to Lion King is in six step peak, has this blood deep pool to add on the compounded drug I to think breakthrough bucket of sects, thus the person should not be difficult, perhaps Xiao Yixian physique special use my blood adds on Ten Thousand Poisons Physique as well as the blood deep pool again can also breakthrough bucket of sects.” “正好狮王正处于六阶巅峰,有这个血潭在加上丹药我想突破斗宗从而化人应该不难,小医仙体质特殊用我的血再加上万毒之体以及血潭说不定也能突破斗宗。” The vision looked in the side of Xiao Yixian as well as Lion King, after deciding, looked that to has fumigated as well as Zi Yan Medusa. 目光在小医仙以及狮王的身旁看了看,打定主意后又看向了薰儿以及紫妍美杜莎 „The Zi Yan main body is formidable, even if the entire blood deep pool gives her not to be possible breakthrough, would rather gives Medusa to belong to her bloodline with Little Ai the blood of stimulation of Divine Dragon. As for fumigating ......... 紫妍本体过于强大,就算是整个血潭给她也不一定会突破,倒不如给美杜莎小爱的神龙之血激发属于她自己的血脉。至于薰儿………” Has the emperor blood, actually regarding this so-called Tianshan blood deep pool and not caring, but so can also quench the body with the energy. 拥有帝血,其实对于这个所谓的天山血潭并不在意,不过就算如此也能用能量淬体。 Thereupon, eating meal has several people then to overtake toward Tanmu mountain, the present blood deep pool did not have any fluctuation of energy freely, may as before one big person is waiting. 于是乎,吃过饭带着几人便朝着天目山赶过去,尽管现在的血潭还没有任何的能量波动,可依旧有一大把的人守候着。 Prevents and controls several people temporarily in space, Dongfang Yan changed the strength of existence, draws out void big sword to fly high to walk directly. 把几人暂时防治在空间之中,东方焱改变了存在之力,直接拔出虚空大剑凌空一路走来。 naturally lets wait for the person who to discover, is dumbfounded. 自然的让守候的人发现,一个个的全是目瞪口呆。 In ten breaths leaves this place, otherwise ......... “十息之内离开此地,不然………” Lifts the sword to wield, formidable Power of Space was similar to the hot blade and butter cuts one to enter several hundred meters gully generally, that smooth section shocking, newborn fear. 举剑一挥,强大的空间之力如同热刀与黄油一般切割出了一条进几百米的沟壑,那光滑的切面让人触目惊心,新生恐惧。 Then has many people to leave at the scene, but has few people to remain as before, but part of people the fear to the Dongfang Yan strength actually prepared to say anything freely. 当场便有许多的人离开,不过却依旧还是有一部分人留下来,而这一部分人尽管对东方焱实力的恐惧却还是准备说什么。 This Sir ......... “这位大人………” Time.” “时间到。” Person who the direct interruption is preparing to speak, lifts the sword to wield once more, arrives at the crescent moon day of shooting up to the sky to annex and destroy the person who that crowd does not have, dying cannot die again. 直接打断正准备说话的人,再次举剑一挥,一到冲天而起的月牙天冲把那群没有走的人吞灭,死的不能再死。 Spreads out the hand, the Daoist believers light cannot together appear to be the same in Dongfang Yan in the hand just like the mosquito that one group gathers round the light in 100 accept Jie. 摊开手,一道道流光出现不下于100个的纳戒在东方焱手中宛如一团围着灯光的蚊虫一样。 The people die does not have including the dregs, the space mark that naturally abstains is also easy, innumerable gold coins were needless saying that the medicinal herb of day material treasure were also many, naturally anything bucket of techniques, weapon, demon nucleus and so on also piled up. 人死的连渣都没有,自然的纳戒上的空间印记也轻而易举,无数的金币就不用多说了,天材地宝的药材也蛮多的,自然什么斗技,武器,魔核之类的也是堆积如山。 Dongfang Yan also on accepting unrestrained/no trace of politeness, enters under the table napkin the strategy simultaneously a moment ago the tone that obtains to smelt flying sword in Tianshan, arranges in the strategy. 东方焱也就毫不客气的收下,在天山入口布下阵法同时把刚才得到的语气全都熔炼成飞剑,布置在阵法上。 Under sword by governing swordmanship arrange/cloth is only that hangs all over the sky flying sword to stop, the sword blade is reflecting the cold light, sword of three seven step demon nuclei as well as 15 six step demon nuclear compositions. 以御剑术布下的剑阵光是那挂满天空的飞剑就让人望而止步,剑身反射着寒光,三枚七阶魔核以及15枚六阶魔核组成的剑阵。 Every time is not inferior to a peak to fight the sovereign aura that flying sword lends, has the aura of bucket of sects, this makes person looks at this that these families send be occupied sky flying sword to be silent by flying sword. 每把飞剑所散发的气息不亚于一位巅峰斗皇,其中更是还有着斗宗的气息,这让那些家族派来的人看着这个被飞剑占据天空的飞剑沉默。 Especially that among sends out is fighting the sect aura flying sword, silent, is only fights the sovereign rank flying sword to have dozens, rushes hardly is no different than the suicide. 尤其是那正中间散发着斗宗气息的飞剑,让人沉默,光是斗皇级别的飞剑就有几十把,硬闯无异于自杀。 Especially after several family card in a hand old ancestors try to break through the formation do not have the second of suspense to kill is more silent. 尤其是在几个家族底牌老祖试图破阵被毫无悬念的秒杀后更是沉默下来。 As for Dongfang Yan, entered Tianshan , after successfully lets loose Divine Sense to discover instantaneously own goal, the space revolutions makes a sound to go to the present blood deep pool not to think the blood deep pool, on the contrary was the wave light clear appearance. 至于东方焱,成功进入天山后放开神识瞬间就发现了自己的目标,空间转响而去眼前的血潭一点都不想血潭,反倒是波光粼粼的样子。 !!” “噗!!” passes one, Dongfang Yan jumps in the so-called blood deep pool directly, closed one's eyes to let loose Divine Sense really to discover in the most deep place of blood deep pool oneself in thing of looking, in heart one happy unceasing accelerated the submergence, limpid pond water also started gradually becomes bright red. 噗通一声,东方焱直接跳进所谓的血潭中,闭上眼放开神识在血潭的最深处果然的发现了自己在找的东西,心中一喜不断的加速下潜,原本清澈的潭水也开始逐渐变得鲜红起来。 After all is the hot spring on crater, more was dives the surrounding temperature is also getting higher and higher just to compare to the different fire also is really weakly explodes. 毕竟是火山口上的温泉,越是下潜周围的温度也是越来越高起来只不过比起异火来说还真是弱爆了。 Before long, the surrounding water color also becomes just like the blood dark red, meanwhile the burning same thing, this actually makes Dongfang Yan not think that has not cared. 不一会,周围的水色也变得宛如血液般暗红,同时还有一股火毒一样的东西,这倒是让东方焱没想到不过也没在意。 Tows part of energy different fire fever, the burning on clean the absorption looked to own help is small pitiful cannot bear shake the head. 牵引一部分能量异火一烧,火毒就干净了吸收一看对自己的帮助是小的可怜也是忍不住摇了摇头。 „, Where this is, is quite hot.” “诶,这是哪里啊,好热。” A space, the looks at surrounding dark red blood viscous pond water, Zi Yan was the exquisite nose wrinkled the wrinkle, but felt that rich energy. 一出空间,看着周围暗红色鲜血般粘稠的潭水,紫妍可谓是小巧的鼻子不由的皱了皱,不过感受到那浓郁的能量。 Zi Yan eyes shines. 紫妍眼睛都放光起来。 Here is Tianshan blood deep pool most deep place, the energy is richest is also the burning strongest place.” “这里就是天山血潭最深处,能量最浓郁也是火毒最强之地。” Smiled, looks at prepared the absorbed energy result to hear the burning to be strongest, originally happy small face instantaneous solidification/coagulation. 笑了笑,看着原本准备吸收能量结果听见火毒最强,原本开心的小脸瞬间的凝固起来。 Burning gave me.” “火毒交给我了。” After silent Xiao Yixian heard the burning smiles, closes one's eyes to sit cross-legged to sit the thorough control calamity poisonous body, Xiao Yixian did not fear that now backlashes and erupts Ten Thousand Poisons Physique cultivation Cultivation Technique to start, the burning in rich energy is similar to the running water purple does not know that is species one of any thing behind Xiao Yixian condenses swallows. 原本沉默的小医仙听见火毒后莞尔一笑,闭上眼盘膝而坐如今彻底掌控厄难毒体,小医仙也不怕反噬和爆发万毒之体的修炼功法发动,原本浓郁能量中的火毒如同流水般被小医仙背后凝聚出的紫色的不知道是啥东西的物种一口吞噬。 Xiao Yixian suction the burning, this lets Dongfang Yan is also the expression that has not thought, but actually some worries. 小医仙吸走了火毒,这让东方焱也是一愣一副没想到的表情,不过却还是有些担心。 Defends only felt that side Xiao Yixian Xiao Yixian aura in strengthen step by step, this makes Dongfang Yan feel relieved actually. 守在小医仙身旁只感觉到小医仙的气息在一步步的变强,这倒是让东方焱放心下来。 Good you also to start to cultivate, I Protector for you.” “好了你们也开始修炼吧,我为你们护法。” Does not see any danger, Dongfang Yan is also relaxed excessively to other person of start to talk, other people are also the transparent nods. 见没有任何的危险,东方焱也是松了口气偏过头对着其余人开口,其余人也是明了的点头。 Close your eyes, adjusts the aura, sits cross-legged to sit starts to enter in the cultivation, only then the Lion King looks at numerous are female. 闭上眼,调整气息,盘膝而坐一个个的开始进入修炼中,只有狮王看着众女沉默。 Has Zi Yan this to consume the energy huge fellow purely, Dongfang Yan feared that other people insufficiently respectively are under several female cloths gather spirit, simultaneously takes out the demon nuclear set up formation. 紫妍这个耗能量庞大的家伙纯在,东方焱怕其余人不够分别为几女布下聚灵阵,同时取出魔核布阵。 Puts out a hand to summon Fallen Heart Flame is the worry energy is perhaps insufficient, Dongfang Yan gathering spirit links with the space in together. 伸手召唤出陨落心炎或许是担心能量不够,东方焱把聚灵阵与空间中链接在一起。 The energy of blood deep pool, ten eight step demon nuclei, 20 seven step demon nuclei, Fallen Heart Flame, spiritual qi. 血潭的能量,十枚八阶魔核,20枚七阶魔核,陨落心炎,灵气 Under this huge energy, Dongfang Yan felt being ready to make trouble in within the body Cultivation Technique, but actually suppressed. 在这庞大的能量下,就连东方焱自己都感觉到了体内功法的蠢蠢欲动,不过却还是压制了下来。 Lion King, you are the plan change from the breakthrough seven step demon beasts automatically to change from the aid of the compounded drug.” “狮王,你是打算借助丹药化形还是突破七阶魔兽自动化形。” Looks to Lion King, Dongfang Yan took out the compounded drug Lion King is also is suddenly silent, in the eye has covered entirely the serious look. 看向狮王,东方焱取出了丹药一时间狮王也是沉默起来,眼中布满了凝重的眼神。 First changes from.” “先化形吧。” Hesitant long time, Lion King has decided finally to change from, regarding this Dongfang Yan directly has also given Lion King the compounded drug. 犹豫了良久,最后狮王还是决定化形,对此东方焱也是直接把丹药给了狮王。 Under the clothing/taking the compounded drug, closes one's eyes to start to refine one group of purple rays to send out dazzlingly from Lion King within the body. 服下丹药,闭上眼开始炼化一团紫色的光芒从狮王体内发出璀璨夺目。 Along with the purple ray reduction, is slim tall Tiao the light shadow to appear together, the chest front protrudes, behind turns upwards, slender and straight is smooth just like the ivory, the scallion scallion white hands fairly are similar to the semi-transparent jade. 随着紫色的光芒缩小,一道身材苗条高挑的光影出现,胸前凸出,身后翘起,修长且笔直宛如象牙般光滑,葱葱玉手白皙如同羊脂玉。 The ray diverges, what appears in front of Dongfang Yan is a Onee-san painful peerless beautiful woman, whole body does not cover up curiously at this time completely is sizing up own body. 光芒散去,出现在东方焱面前的是一位御姐般熬人的绝世佳人,全身毫无遮掩此时正满是好奇的打量着自己的身体。 „, Since person, is not good to call you Lion King again, amethyst how.” “咳咳,既然化人了,也就不好再叫你狮王,紫晶如何。” Stares, perhaps was pondering that this name, but is the amethyst subconscious hand that whole body does not cover up feels the chin as before, perhaps is the reason that some have not been familiar with, attractive willow-leaf eyebrows once for a while wrinkle. 一愣,或许是在思考这个名字,而依旧是全身毫无遮掩的紫晶下意识的手摸着下巴,或许是还有些不习惯的原因,好看的柳叶眉时不时的皱起。 Un, I also same called you flame to be good with them.” “嗯,那我也和她们一样叫你焱好了。” The nod approved this name, even if were already the person, but the amethyst actually as before did not care at all was exposing, this made Dongfang Yan very awkward. 点头算是认同了这个名字,就算是已经化人了,可是紫晶却依旧还是毫不在意的裸露着,这让东方焱很尴尬。 Since amethyst you already person, then I also pass to Cultivation Technique that you monster cultivate/repair, but you wear the clothes before then first.” “既然紫晶你已经化人了,那么我也传给你妖修的功法吧,不过在此之前你先把衣服穿上吧。” Awkward leaning excessive, this makes about amethyst puzzled looks at Dongfang Yan look actually has not seen the so-called clothes, sighs looks at an amethyst that this makes the corner of the eye discover actually Dongfang Yan that has no alternative to take out did not have the clothes of Saeko preparation. 尴尬的偏过头,这倒是让紫晶不解的看着东方焱左右找了找也没看见所谓的衣服,这倒是让眼角发现的东方焱无可奈何的一叹看了眼紫晶取出了原本没冴子准备的衣服。 First puts on this.” “先把这个穿上吧。” „.” “哦。” Received the clothes, quite curious sized up the amethyst is being cannot bear start to talk that say: „Is this clothes of your people? Feeling own fluff is quite good.” 接过衣服,颇为好奇的打量着紫晶也是忍不住的开口道:“这就是你们人们的衣服?感觉还是自己的柔毛比较好。” The looks at amethyst took the clothes to look right and left a curious serious appearance to be also drunk, completely had forgotten how just she of a moment ago person will put on clothes matter. 看着紫晶拿着衣服左看右看一副好奇的不得了的样子也是醉了,全然忘记了刚刚才化人的她怎么会穿衣服这种事情。 However, how this thing must put on.”: The vision looked that has a guilty conscience to the one side, the Dongfang Yan amethyst of burying head in the sand puts out a hand to inquire the clothes. “不过话说回来,这东西要怎么穿。”:目光看向一旁做贼心虚,掩耳盗铃的东方焱紫晶把衣服伸出手询问起来。 ............... “……………” Speechless white amethyst, received the clothes then like the servant is amethyst putting on clothes, installed for the modern age fortunately is not the ancient attire, otherwise must trouble. 无语的白了眼紫晶,接过衣服便像个下人一样为紫晶穿衣,还好为现代装不是古代装,不然还要麻烦很多。 However helps others put on clothes, naturally some small advantages were not a bastard,...... This is the force majeure. 不过帮别人穿衣吗,自然的有些便宜不在是个王八蛋了,咳咳……这是不可抗力。 What heart ( ji ) startled ( dong ) meat ( bu ) jumps ( yi ) is the amethyst wears the clothes, looks secretly tranquilly an amethyst saw her as before is a face is awkward, perhaps the amethyst is the natural one representative. 心(ji)惊(dong)肉(bu)跳(yi)的为紫晶穿好衣服,偷偷的看了眼紫晶见她依旧是一脸的平静不由的尴尬起来,或许紫晶就是天然的一种代表。 As the demon beast, UU reads 作为魔兽,UU看书 Lives in the demon beast in remote mountain, did not know about a lot of human, even if went out of the remote mountain recently is also an appearance of demon beast, regarding this did not have anything to say some consciousness about normal person to her. 还是住在深山里的魔兽,本就对人类的很多事情不了解,就算最近走出了深山也是一副魔兽的样子,对此也没什么跟她说过关于正常人的一些意识。 The present amethyst looks like airhead Onee-san is the same, lets Dongfang Yan not only has a headache and helpless. 现在的紫晶就像是一个天然呆御姐一样,让东方焱既头疼又无奈。 After letting the amethyst with great difficulty starts to enter the cultivation, appears bored Dongfang Yan also summons Angel Emperor of Time, looks at that above fissure brow often wrinkle. 好不容易让紫晶开始进入修炼后,显得无聊东方焱也就召唤出天使刻刻帝,看着那上面的裂痕眉头不时的皱起来。 Stretches out finger, wipes the vital green flame to move when the fingertip pleased, looks at this was full of the life flame Dongfang Yan to start the food slowly the city. 伸出手指,一抹充满生机的绿色火焰在指尖悦动,看着这充满生命的火焰东方焱缓缓的发动了食时之城。 The life time was swallowed, naturally made Dongfang Yan induce, the brow wrinkled the looks at little restore Emperor of Time to be also loose, the vision looked toward several females. 生命的时间被吞噬,自然的让东方焱感应到了,眉头微皱看着一点点修复的刻刻帝也是松了下来,目光朝着几女看了过去。 Several people are to close one's eyes to feel that as before idle Dongfang Yan also closes one's eyes to try to control the space to practice the time first. 几人依旧是闭着眼感到无所事事东方焱也闭上眼试图先掌控空间在去练时间。 The time in passing quietly, sword of Tianshan blood deep pool entrance the person who cuts to kill not under 100, they have the weakness, to fighting sect, weakly to fighting. 时间在悄然的流逝,天山血潭入口处的剑阵斩杀的人也不下于100个,他们有强有弱,强至斗宗,弱至斗者。 Abstention that they common features, each was cut to kill the person who has to be retained the float in the sky, a sword rear area is the energy of Tianshan blood deep pool tumbling. 他们都有一个共同的特点,每一个被斩杀的人所拥有的纳戒都会被保留下来漂浮在天空中,剑阵的后方是天山血潭翻滚的能量。 Countless people look at that huge energy actually to stop, originally only then one week of blood deep pool finally completely is one month is the energy tumbling is as before steaming, countless person hearing this all catch up. 无数的人望着那巨大的能量却望而止步,原本只有一个星期的血潭最后尽是一个月的时间依旧是能量翻滚腾腾,无数的人闻言全都赶来。 Naturally also some self-sensation good people try to rush hardly, the result that may trade was hung all over the sky flying sword to encircle kills, finally unwilling falling from the sky. 当然也有一些自我感觉良好的人试图硬闯,可换来的结果只是被挂满天空的飞剑围杀,最后不甘的陨落。 Naturally, hard is not good also to have softly, although does not have the deceased person, but own accept Jie was snatched, some people may not have no alternative freely willingly can only confess bad luck. 当然,硬的不行也有来软的,尽管没有死人可是自己的纳戒被抢,一些人尽管不甘心可还是无可奈何只能自认倒霉。
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