MTOAW :: Volume #5

#462: Tianshan blood deep pool

ancient jade succeeds in obtaining, Dongfang Yan actually felt that was not real, simultaneously Strength of repel appears, looks like wants to pull out general from this World oneself, although can also suppress now, but the time was long, the repel of suppression only feared that will vanish by oneself instantaneously. 古玉到手,东方焱却感觉到了不真实,同时一股排斥的力量出现,就像是想要把自己从这个世界拉出去一般,尽管现在还能压制可是时间久了,压制的排斥只怕会让自己瞬间消失。 One month, one month, Dongfang Yan accompanies Xiao Yixian to run everywhere, plays everywhere, this month is Xiao Yixian is without doubt happiest, happy time. 一个月,一个月的时间,东方焱陪着小医仙到处跑,到处玩,这一个月无疑是小医仙最为开心,幸福的时候。 When Strength when repels is unable to suppress, looks at happiness holds Xiao Yixian of arm, Dongfang Yan is meeting start to talk to say silent: Immortal, I must walk.” 当排斥的力量在也无法压制时,看着身旁幸福抱着自己手臂的小医仙,东方焱沉默一会开口道:“仙儿,我要走了。” Xiao Yixian did not abandon a helpless pupil not good feeling to make her enclasp the Dongfang Yan's arm to that pair: Leads me to walk to be good together, do not throw down me.” 一愣小医仙对上那双不舍又无奈的瞳孔一股不好的感觉不由让她抱紧了东方焱的手臂:“带我一起走好不好,不要丢下我一个人。” Looked at that hope Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan is also filling not to abandon, puts out a hand to hug in the bosom to kiss that supple lip Xiao Yixian to say in a soft voice: Separation, for a better reunion, I goes to look for you in the future, un the present goes.” 望着那祈求的小医仙,东方焱也是充满了不舍,伸手把小医仙搂在怀中吻上那柔唇轻声道:“分离,是为了更好的重逢,我去未来找你,嗯现在就去。” No matter Xiao Yixian how summon, Dongfang Yan changed pale silhouette makes Xiao Yixian understand gradually, to attract the nose that was fully occupied the eye socket has made an effort by the tears to look at Dongfang Yan not to abandon extremely said: Un, I can wait, no matter how long, I have waited, appears until you again.” 不管小医仙如何的呼唤,东方焱逐渐变淡的身影小医仙明白了,被泪水占满了的眼眶用力的吸了吸鼻子望着东方焱极其不舍道:“嗯,我会等的,不管等多久,我都会一直等下去的,直到你再次的出现。” The Xiao Yixian words let Dongfang Yan remembered instantaneously formerly had dreamed of blurry silhouette. 小医仙的话让东方焱瞬间想起从前梦见过的一个迷糊人影 This time Xiao Yixian unceasing converges with that silhouette gradually, when two people do not have a superposition of disparity, this lets a Dongfang Yan at heart pain, puts out a hand to grasp hastily toward Xiao Yixian, may finally periphery instantaneous one side. 此时的小医仙不断的与那人影逐渐汇合,当两人没有一丝差距的重合,这让东方焱心里一痛,连忙伸手朝着小医仙抓去,可结果周围瞬间一边。 Returns the time in the turbulent flow, for was not entered randomly Angel Emperor of Time appearance once more, simultaneously follows pulls the place that the strength returned to vanish from the beginning. 重新回到时间的乱流中,为了不被乱入其中天使刻刻帝再次的出现,同时顺着拉扯力回到了一开始消失的地方。 In the dim cave, Xiao Yixian, fumigates Zi Yan is also 昏暗的山洞中,小医仙,薰儿就连紫妍也是 So. 如此。 Sees that delicate Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan loving dearly extremely, went forward to hug in the bosom inspects to discover that was all right is only faints also to feel relieved. 看见那柔弱的小医仙,东方焱极其的心疼,上前抱在怀中检查了一下发现没什么事只是昏过去了也就放心下来。 Brat, your is any weapon, the old man has almost become the puppet of that thing.” “臭小子,你那是什么武器,老夫差点就成了那个东西的傀儡了。” Already took Yao Lao and luminary who day fire from Gate of Babylon comes out to scold Dongfang Yan to law. 早就从王之财宝中拿出来的药老和曜天火一出来可是把东方焱给法骂了一顿。 Haha, is actually all right.” Is hitting Haha, fumigating, Xiao Yixian as well as Zi Yan admits in the space Dongfang Yan then to decide a Xiao. “啊哈哈,其实也没什么事啦。”打着哈哈,把薰儿,小医仙以及紫妍放进空间之中东方焱便决定去一趟萧家。 However he has forgotten any important matter probably. 不过他好像忘记了什么重要的事情。 Simple and moon/month flattered saying that then the foot stepped on Wang Quan Sword to return to Xiao, when came back by chance bumped into soul cloud Xi, but the soul cloud Xi looks at present person disappears one actually happily threw toward Dongfang Yan came to enclasp in own bosom. 简单的和月媚说了一下,便脚踩着王权剑回到了萧家,恰巧回来时撞见魂云汐,而魂云汐看着眼前的人消失一愣不过却开心的朝着东方焱扑了过来一把抱紧自己的怀中。 You still remember that sees my this aunt? Dongfang (east).” “你还记得回来看我这个伯母吗?东方。” Helpless, helpless and other soul cloud Xibao have sufficed after extremely, Dongfang Yan has put out ancient jade, this lets the soul cloud Xi instantaneous silence that also sent is reading broken. 无奈,极其的无奈等魂云汐抱够了以后,东方焱拿出了古玉,这让原本还发着碎碎念的魂云汐瞬间的沉默。 Aunt you are the people of soul clan.” “伯母你是魂族的人吧。” Direct start to talk, this makes soul cloud Xi be also speechless, looks at present ancient jade afterward thick sighed. 直接的开口,这让魂云汐也是无话可说,看着眼前的古玉随后浓浓的一叹道。 Yes, but Dongfang (east), the aunt does not want you to seek for this ancient jade cave mansion, that person...... Looked like changes has resembled personally, the soul clan well was done this ......... “是的,不过东方,伯母是真的不愿意你去寻找这个古玉的洞府,那个人……就像是变了个人似的,原本好好的魂族被搞成了这样………” I know, but I will not give up.” “我知道,不过我是不会放弃的。” Hugged soul cloud Xi, then Xun of waking Xiao Yixian, Zi Yan put to play some time then to leave, returns to the cavern, meeting Medusa by chance, regarding this. 拥抱了一下魂云汐,然后把醒过来的薰儿小医仙,紫妍放出来玩了一段时间便离开,回到洞穴,恰巧的遇见美杜莎,对此。 in state to trip makes Medusa also be involved, but then remembered Little Ai to disappear, but has not cared. 中州之旅让美杜莎也加入其中,只不过这才想起了小爱不见了,不过也没在意。 Flame, since must go to state to swallow this, like this burns estimated definitely can also evolve to the day step.” “焱既然要去中州就把这个吞了吧,这样焚决估计也能进化到天阶。” Sits carries on the back in amethyst wing Lion King, Medusa, Zi Yan, Xiao Yixian, fumigates, but Yao Lao stands in the front line, the vision looks at front city earnest say/way. 坐在紫晶翼狮王背上,美杜莎,紫妍,小医仙,薰儿都在,而药老站在最前方,目光看着前方的城市认真道。 .................. “………………” The head rest Dongfang Yan on Xiao Yixian jade leg was setting out, 原本头枕着小医仙玉腿上的东方焱起身, looks at that almost congealed solid back silent one to reveal says with a smile: Un, in state expert that many, I was also eight elixir Masters, soul Strength Teacher you also said now almost reached the day of boundary peak, refined the nine chief ministers of state compounded drug is the success ratio is extremely also high, since were resurrecting Teacher this important matter, body naturally cannot be too low, I will certainly make Yao Lao revisit the state.” Hears the Dongfang Yan's words, in the Yao Lao heart not to lose is moved, the satisfactory nod has turned around then to start to separate own Bone Chilling Flame. 看着那几乎凝实的背影沉默了一会露出微笑道:“嗯,中州强者那么多,如今我也是八品炼药师,灵魂力量老师你也说了几乎达到天境巅峰,炼制九品丹药也是成功率极高,不过既然是复活老师这种大事,身体自然不能太低了,我一定会让药老重临中州。”听见东方焱的话,药老心中不失感动,满意的点头转过身便开始分离自己的骨灵冷火 Let alone makes Dongfang Yan swallow Bone Chilling Flame to let burn evolves definitely to day step Cultivation Technique at the same time, tells the person in state, my medicine revering, the medicine dust came back. 更何况让东方焱吞噬骨灵冷火一方面是为了让焚决进化到天阶功法,却又何尝不是告诉中州的人,我药尊者,药尘回来了。 Without any risk swallowed Bone Chilling Flame, naturally understands the plan of own Teacher put out a hand to hit a sound to refer, Bone Chilling Flame appeared in the fingertip burns does not have the accidental/surprised evolution definitely. 没有任何风险的吞噬了骨灵冷火,自然明白自己老师的打算伸手打了个响指,骨灵冷火浮现在指尖焚决毫无意外进化。 When swallowing the flame of life, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique even was the haughty red lotus definitely obtained the evolution. 在吞噬生灵之焱时,北冥无相长生功甚至是傲世红莲决都得到了进化。 Day step Cultivation Technique starts can tow the world phenomenon, but when Dongfang Yan starts each time Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique or is swallows, this world phenomenon makes Yao Lao affirm at least is day of step Cultivation Technique. 天阶功法发动都能牵引天地异象,而每次东方焱发动北冥无相长生功又或者是吞噬时,这股天地异象都让药老肯定了至少是天阶功法 looks at Dongfang Yan understands that own meaning, Yao Lao has also smiled, smiled happy this that could not bear let Xun extremely is also the corners of the mouth shows the happy expression. 看着东方焱明白自己的意思,药老也是忍不住的笑了起来,笑的极其的开心这让薰儿也是嘴角露出浅浅的笑意。 Boy, do not forget my compounded drug.” “小子,别忘了我的丹药啊。” Nearby luminary day fire could not sit still, looks at Dongfang Yan is also subconscious start to talk. 一旁的曜天火坐不住了,看着东方焱也是下意识的开口 I know, you have your body to use after all, eight compounded drugs.” “我知道,你毕竟还有自己的躯体可以使用,八品丹药而已。” Lies down, head rest a jade leg face of Xiao Yixian makes luminary day fire very helpless lazy. 重新躺下,头枕着小医仙的玉腿一脸的慵懒让曜天火很无奈。 Although I also very much want to resurrect, but after all state expert is very many, at least compares to these I more curious outside World.” “虽然我也很想复活,不过毕竟中州强者还是挺多的,至少比起这些我更好奇外面的世界的。” Unconscious sighing, Yao Lao that does not worry regarding resurrecting actually what is interested is World outside territory. 不自觉的叹了口气,对于复活也并不是那么着急的药老其实更感兴趣的还是域外的世界 But Medusa looked at eye that to rest the head on somebody of Xiao Yixian thigh lazy, perhaps came under the influence of blood of Little Ai Divine Dragon, regarding Dongfang Yan was also the somewhat special sentiment, this sentiment dived silent Yihua. 美杜莎看了眼那慵懒枕着小医仙大腿的某人,或许是受到了小爱神龙之血的影响,对于东方焱也是有些特殊的感情,这种感情是潜默移化的。 Before others is an arrogant queen, but faces Dongfang Yan looks like small female student same this contrast sprouting/moe lets Dongfang Yan is also quite novel. 在别人面前是一个傲慢的女王,可是面对东方焱就像是小女生一样这种反差萌让东方焱也是颇为新奇。 The present city arrived, the huge demon beast approaches naturally has brought to the attention of people, immediately presented 56 people in the Dongfang Yan's front. 眼前的城市到了,巨大的魔兽靠近自然的引起了人们的注意,随即在东方焱的前方出现了56个人。 Lion King, small and weak build.” “狮王,弱小体型吧。” The void steps, arrive in front of 56 people step by step the present person are also a shock of face, four female male, is adding on an demon beast. 虚空踏步,一步步来到56个人面前眼前的人也是一脸的震惊,四女一男,在加上一头魔兽。 Almost is four fights sovereign one not to induce, endures the ratio to endure compared with the demon beast that the peak fights the sovereign. 几乎是四个斗皇一个感应不到,一个堪比堪比巅峰斗皇的魔兽。 Today I come to borrow the space channel, does not need to be anxious.” “今日我来只是借用空间通道,诸位不必紧张。” Showed the smile, the Dongfang Yan's words makes the present 56 people look at each other one mutually. 露出微笑,东方焱的话让眼前的56个人互相的对视了一眼。 Hehe, the little friend comes unfortunately, the space wormhole is servicing, if the little friend can make a move to help ......... 呵呵,小友来的真不巧,空间虫洞正好在维修,如果小友能出手帮………” Does not use that troublesome, I did not determine that state where, borrows the space channel avoids some unnecessary trouble.” “不用那么麻烦,我只是不确定中州在哪里而已,借用空间通道不过是避免一些不必要的麻烦而已。” Beckons with the hand the interruption is the words of person of head, this makes that person of brow wrinkle looks at Dongfang Yan simultaneously to guess the strength tightly. 摆手打断为首之人的话,这让那人眉头紧皱起来看着东方焱同时猜测着实力。 Little friend did not fear that meets the space turbulent flow? Easily that is fights expert not to dare to treat ......... “小友就不怕遇见空间乱流?那可是连斗尊强者也不敢轻易对待的………” Good was good, not on space storm, since knew that does not disturb, said goodbye.” “行了行了,不就空间风暴而已,既然知道了那就不打扰了,告辞。” Was beckoning with the hand to front person, has own person space to transfer the sound to leave, the person who leaves behind face veiled Quan directly. 对着面前的人摆了摆手,直接带着自己的人空间转响离开,留下一脸蒙圈的人。 Enters the space channel, sure enough turbulent flow is very chaotic, Wang Quan Sword departs in the under foot enlarges. 进入空间通道,果不其然其中的乱流还是挺混乱的,王权剑飞出在脚下放大。 Decisive flying sword breaks open space storm pen not dangerously runs out of the space storm, naturally Power of Space does not allow to let off. 果断飞剑破开空间风暴一路笔毫无危险的冲出空间风暴,当然空间之力还是不容放过。 For a long time has not absorbed Power of Space, king prints and distributes the silver white ray all the way, originally broken space storm is similar to the running water is absorbed to swallow. 好久没有吸收空间之力,一路上王之印发出银白色的光芒,原本被破开的空间风暴如同流水般被吸收吞噬掉。 Had already been unalarmed by strange sights several people did not have past surprised besides the novelty. 早就见怪不怪了了的的几人除了新奇外也没了以往的惊讶。 Elder Brother Yan also is really the evildoer/monstrous talent.” 焱哥哥还真是妖孽啊。” The looks at present ease fighting to revere the space storm absorption that does not dare to face, fumigated has also revealed the proud look. 看着眼前的轻而易举就把斗尊也不敢面对的空间风暴吸收,薰儿也是露出了骄傲的眼神。 Runs out of the space channel, seal pleasant is the beautiful scene of summit of cliff, this makes the people unconscious deeply shouted takes a breath. 冲出空间通道,印入眼中的便是山崖之巅的美景,这让众人不自觉的都是深呼吸了口气 Un right, this is the state, Elder Brother Yan we arrives.” “嗯没错了,这就是中州,焱哥哥我们到了哦。” Feels the familiar air, fumigates to smile, this that cannot bear lets Xiao Yixian is actually a curiosity of face. 感受到熟悉的空气,薰儿也是忍不住的笑了起来,这倒是让小医仙是一脸的好奇。 Zi Yan runs around. 紫妍更是到处乱跑起来。 Where then we go.” “接下来我们去哪里。” Corners of the mouth upwarping wiped smiling face, Dongfang Yan inquired, this made other people ponder actually. 嘴角不由的翘起一抹笑容,东方焱询问了起来,这倒是让其余人思考了起来。 Elder Brother Yan......” 焱哥哥……” Gets hold of Dongfang Yan's gently, UU reads 轻轻握紧东方焱的手,UU看书 Fumigates is also hesitates, Dongfang Yan is actually shows a faint smile to put out ancient jade in fumigating front rocks. 薰儿也是犹豫起来,东方焱却是微微一笑拿出古玉在薰儿面前晃动。 What fumigates you to look at this is?” “薰儿你看这是什么?” This is!!!!” “这是!!!!” Is covering the small mouth, fumigates surprised of face, but this also makes Medusa they have doubts, on jade, it is necessary to respond that is so big? 捂着小嘴,薰儿一脸的惊讶,不过这也让美杜莎她们疑惑起来,不就一块玉而已,有必要反应这么大吗? Must go back to have a look.” “要不要回去看看。” Puts out a hand fumigating hugs gently in the bosom, Dongfang Yan was inquiring, was pulled back the train of thought that fumigates shaking the head of has actually thought. 伸手把薰儿轻轻搂在怀中,东方焱询问着,被拉回思绪,薰儿却是想到没想的摇了摇头。 Thereupon one group of people also overtake toward the recent city. 于是乎一群人也就朝着最近的城市赶过去。 You heard, should be three years a time Tianshan blood deep pool erupted unexpectedly once again, does not know that these time who can fight broken fights the sovereign.” “你听说了吗,原本应该是三年一次的天山血潭居然又一次的爆发了,不知道这一次又有谁可以斗破斗皇。” Yes, but compares to this my actually more curious Tianshan blood deep pool is such a matter, this situation probably first emergence.” “是啊,不过比起这个我倒是更好奇天山血潭是这么回事,这种情况好像还是第一次出现啊。” No matter because of anything, I thinks these time perhaps is an opportunity.” “不管是因为什么,我看这一次或许不失是一个机会。” You, ok estimate do not know that is who can enter.” “就你,算了吧估计不知道又是谁可以进入。” The group just entered the city to look for an inn to sit down, has saying that the teahouse restaurant before was one inquired information good place, this just the customer of sitting down not far away did not discuss. 一行人刚进入城市找了个旅店坐下,不得不说茶馆饭馆在以前是一个打听情报的好地方,这不刚坐下不远处的吃客就谈论起来。 But regarding the Tianshan blood deep pool, people compares to care about that to fight the sovereign peak completely breakthrough to fighting the sect. 只不过对于天山血潭,众人比较在意还是那句斗皇巅峰尽可以突破至斗宗。 Teacher do you know Tianshan blood deep pool?” 老师你知道天山血潭吗?” Subconscious inquiry, but Yao Lao is also has that little understanding to this so-called Tianshan blood deep pool 下意识的询问起来,而药老也是对这个所谓的天山血潭有那么一点点的了解 Has heard, I remember that it is said can help some bucket of sovereign peak expert breakthrough to fighting the sect level, moreover is fights sect expert to enter, can play washes the marrow to cut down the effect of bone, making the strength promote, said over and over again in any case wants saying that blood deep pool effect was quite mysterious.” “听说过,我记得是据说能够帮助一些斗皇巅峰的强者突破至斗宗层次,而且就算是斗宗强者进入其中,也是能够起到洗髓伐骨之效,令得实力有所提升,反正说来说去就是想说那血潭效果极为神奇。”
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