MTOAW :: Volume #5

#461: Soul cloud Xi?

A night passes by, opens eyes pleasant is Xiao Yixian that shy expression and love, was almost instinct Dongfang Yan collects to kiss that light supple lip excessively. 一夜过去,睁开眼入眼的便是小医仙那羞涩的表情和浓浓的爱意,几乎是本能般东方焱凑过头吻上了那薄薄的柔唇。 Good morning small immortal.” “早安小仙儿。” Un?” “嗯?” Stares, but understands, happy smiles snuggles gently in his bosom, although was knew yesterday, but pure Xiao Yixian has recognized Dongfang Yan, the love they were not less than Akame. 一愣,不过明白过来后甜蜜的一笑轻轻依偎在其怀中,尽管是昨天才认识,可是单纯的小医仙已经认定了东方焱,爱意丝毫不比赤瞳她们少。 Small immortal must walk with me.” “呐小仙儿要不要和我一起走。” Hugs is being same I to cherish just like the kitten from the start Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan thought that now went to Xiao to take away Buddha ancient Yuhao secretly. 搂着宛如小猫一样我压根自己怀中的小医仙,东方焱觉得现在去萧家偷偷的拿走佛陀古玉好了。 Un, immortal all listen your.” “嗯,仙儿一切都听你的。” Has the cordiality to speak, this lets embracing tightly Xiao Yixian that Dongfang Yan cannot bear actually. 带着浓浓的情意说到,这倒是让东方焱忍不住的搂紧小医仙 Leaves from the family/home, puts out a hand to draw Xiao Yixian to walk toward city. 从家离开,伸手拉着小医仙朝着乌坦城走去。 Enjoys the beauties of nature, in various Dongfang Yan types bake under feeding, the Xiao Yixian appetite was also raised to hold in the mouth, because Xiao Yixian had this is also makes Dongfang Yan to Little Ai better but actually. 一路游山玩水,在东方焱各种烧烤喂食下,小医仙的胃口也被养叼了,不过因为小医仙的存在这倒也是让东方焱小爱好了很多。 At least makes Little Ai wipe tears, the appearance that weeping, lets Dongfang Yan helpless very loves dearly. 至少让小爱擦着眼泪,一副喜极而泣的样子,让东方焱很无奈又心疼。 City, one of the Gama Empire's small cities, situated in the Northeast province, approaches the black flame city of northern province, Qingshan Town of Northeast province, the demon beast mountain range, in the black rock cities of east province. 乌坦城,加玛帝国的一座小型城市之一,位于东北省份,靠近北部省份的黑焰城,东北省份的青山镇,魔兽山脉,东部省份的黑岩城之间。 After enjoys the beauties of nature to arrive at city, looked for a shop to stay at will, not anxious Dongfang Yan also brought Xiao Yixian to stroll on the street in any case randomly. 当一路游山玩水来到乌坦城之后,随意的找了个店住下,反正不急的东方焱也就带着小医仙在街上乱逛。 On the face is brimming with Xiao Yixian of delightful smiling face throughout affectionate holds the Dongfang Yan's arm to window-shop, this makes Little Ai very unsatisfied actually. 脸上始终洋溢着甜美笑容的小医仙亲昵的抱着东方焱的手臂逛着街,这倒是让小爱很不满意。 Has clarified the situation, bringing Xiao Yixian to return to the residence, slowly kisses excessively with Xiao Yixian looking at each other collecting, even also somewhat anticipated without any revolt, whatever Dongfang Yan's does intentionally is not. 摸清了情况,带着小医仙回到住所,与小医仙对视缓缓的凑过头吻上,没有任何反抗甚至还有些期待,任由东方焱的故作非为。 The pure white flesh looks like the semi-transparent jade is suitable generally tenderly slides, very charming Xiao Yixian looks at that wishes one could to eat own person, blushing on face very attractive. 洁白的肌肤就像是羊脂玉一般柔嫩顺滑,十分娇羞的小医仙看着那一副恨不得吃掉自己的人,脸上的红晕十分的诱人。 Floats the raised stature exquisite, the slender soft slender waist, the slender jade leg makes Dongfang Yan breath stagnate. 玲珑浮凸的身材,纤细柔软的细腰,修长的玉腿让东方焱不由的呼吸一滞。 Putting out a hand gently traces the fair jade leg, blushing on Xiao Yixian trembling face moving, in the heart has filled shyly, but actually anxious. 轻轻的伸手摸了摸白皙的玉腿,小医仙不由的一颤脸上的红晕更加的动人,心中充满了羞涩,但却更加的紧张。 Flame ......... “焱………” The look has filled shyly, perhaps felt extreme is not comfortable, Xiao Yixian restless is swaying from side to side, on face blushes the red quick drop blood to be the same, a summon, looks like the demon sound lets Dongfang Yan gently generally is almost the charming person under dull looks at body. 眼神充满了羞涩,或许是感到极度的不自在,小医仙不安的扭动着,脸上的红晕红的都快滴血一样,轻轻一声呼唤,就像是魔音一般让东方焱几乎是呆呆的看着身下的娇羞的人。 But is staring by the person who oneself like, the side quick heartbeat that charming Xiao Yixian, beat speeds up once more, then just like blushed from the nape of the neck to the appearance of root of the ear has pulled back the Dongfang Yan's mind. 而被自己喜欢的人盯着,本就娇羞的小医仙,本就跳动的极快的心跳再次加快起来,那宛如从脖颈羞红到耳根的样子拉回了东方焱的心神。 Ok?” “可以嘛?” Extends the right hand, because ease back shy excessive Xiao Yixian, to that pair of charming eye, Dongfang Yan inquired. 伸出右手,轻轻拉回因为羞涩偏过头的小医仙,对上那双娇羞的眼,东方焱询问了起来。 ............ Un ............ “…………嗯…………” The sound such as the thin mosquito, hearing good Dongfang Yan also not necessarily really to hear, but this could not hear must treat as to hear, infinite charming under kissed that supple lip in Xiao Yixian. 声如细蚊,要不是听力好东方焱还不一定真的听得到,不过都已经这样就算听不到也得当做听见了,在小医仙无限娇羞下吻上了那柔唇。 Simultaneously strokes the Xiao Yixian silk gently along the slippery thigh, the Xiao Yixian snow white tender body is trembling the hand that feels that to delimit, in the mouth sends out kitten tender. 同时轻轻抚摸着小医仙丝绸般顺滑的大腿,小医仙雪白的娇躯一颤感受到那一路划走的手,不由嘴中发出小猫般的娇哼。 ............... Is writing me to fear that could not send ............... ……………在写我怕发不出去了…………… A softhearted night makes each other two people approach, when wakes up next day, then same rolls up snuggle just like the kitten, in own cherished Xiao Yixian to let Dongfang Yan is in the eye has also been full of the tender feelings. 温情的一夜让彼此两人靠近,当第二天醒来,那宛如小猫一样蜷缩依偎在自己怀中的小医仙东方焱也是眼中充满了柔情。 In that also remains as before is not knowing that is happy or because of the tear stains that on the ache leaves behind gently a kiss. 在那依旧还残留着不知道是开心还是因为疼痛而留下的泪痕上轻轻一吻。 Closed one's eyes the person who sleeps soundly serenely actually first time to open eyes just like the baby general, after all the disparity of two people body intensity has been doomed the Xiao Yixian tragedy. 原本闭着眼安详熟睡的人却是宛如婴儿第一次睁眼一般,毕竟两人身体强度的差距注定了小医仙的悲剧。 Awoke?” “醒了吗?” Sees appearance that Xiao Yixian gets sleepy as before wearily, 小医仙一副依旧是疲倦犯困的样子, Dongfang Yan has also loved dearly, after all is first time actually because of the disparity of body ............ ......... 东方焱也是心疼了起来,毕竟是第一次却因为身体的差距…………“………” Has not said anything, narrows the eyes to focus merely difficultly puts out a hand to hold in the arms the Dongfang Yan's waist, rubbed latter the appearance that did not have the sleepiness then to rest to make Dongfang Yan also somewhat rebuke oneself gently. 没有多说什么,仅仅只是眯着眼艰难般的伸出手搂住东方焱的腰,轻轻的蹭了蹭后一副没睡意接着睡的样子让东方焱也是有些自责。 Does not eat breakfast that not to be good.” “不吃早饭那可不行哦。” Embraces tightly gently depends on the beautiful woman in bosom, Dongfang Yan stays behind kisses then prepares the breakfast, although does not abandon, but Xiao Yixian lets loose, perhaps has remembered last night, small face altogether looked at the back of putting on clothes only to reveal pair of eyes silently. 轻轻搂紧赖在怀中的佳人,东方焱留下一吻便去准备早饭,尽管不舍,可是小医仙还是放开,或许是想起了昨夜,小脸不由的一共默默的看了眼穿衣的背影只露出一双眼睛来。 But other Dongfang Yan brought the breakfast to come back, Xiao Yixian has also fallen asleep, regarding this Dongfang Yan has not gone to awaken, but under the arrange/cloth the strategy on the breakfast leaves behind the language, for the room arrange/cloth next strategy, was calling to protect Xiao Yixian Little Ai. 只不过等东方焱带着早饭回来,小医仙也是睡着了,对此东方焱也没有去叫醒,只是在早饭上布下阵法留下语言,在为房间布下一个阵法,把小爱叫来保护小医仙 Makes Little Ai not have the temperament with a evening's price decisively accepts. 用一个晚上的代价让小爱果断没脾气的接受下来。 Since were stole Buddha ancient jade naturally must turn the head to trade the surface. 既然是去偷佛陀古玉自然的要转头换面了。 Hides oneself using space Ability, looked like uses the Invisibility Technique to be the same, swaggering entered Xiao directly. 利用空间能力把自己藏匿起来,就像是使用了隐身术一样,直接大摇大摆的走进了萧家。 Young lady, the head of the clan makes you exact ancient jade, but is not ......... “小姐,族长可是让你强取古玉,而不是………” Sufficed!!! When I worked am one's turn your start to talk, ancient jade I will attain.” “够了!!!我做事几时轮到你开口了,古玉我自会拿到的。” Depressing shouting angrily makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkles tightly, arrives at sound whereabouts. 一声压抑的怒喝让东方焱眉头不由的紧皱起来,来到声音所在之处。 Pleasant is a beautiful female hand is pinching a whole body by the person nape of the neck that the black robe wraps, the present female is not others dejected battle wife soul cloud Xi, but black robe person, naturally is the soul palace. 入眼的便是一位美丽女子手掐着一个浑身被黑袍所包裹的人脖颈,眼前的女子不是别人正是自己萧战的妻子魂云汐,而黑袍人,自然的便是魂殿。 „, The subordinate does not dare, the subordinate wants to remind the young lady, present Xiao has removed in the eight great families clan, once dejected clan already did not exist, why bother the young lady thinks of every means to marry into Xiao this ............ “咳咳,属下不敢,属下只是想提醒小姐,如今的萧家已经在八大家族中除名,曾经的萧族早已不复存在,小姐何苦费尽心思嫁入萧家这样…………” Hehe!! Ignorant, although dejected clan has gone down in the world to now by the situation that the eight great families clan removes, you may know my clan to unite many Expert to besiege dejected Xuan fate in the past.” 呵呵!!无知,尽管萧族现在已经落魄到被八大家族除名的地步,你可知当年我族联合诸多高手围攻萧玄的下场。” white/shell Chijin bites, is almost gnash one's teeth speaking, pinches the slender white hands of black robe person is also being unceasing effort, the black robe person also again and again begs for mercy, finally soul cloud Xi drinks coldly numerous is thrown, does not know that is intentionally or Luck, exactly flies toward Dongfang Yan. 贝齿近咬,几乎是咬牙切齿般的说到,掐着黑袍人的纤纤玉手也是不断的用力,黑袍人也是连连求饶,最后被魂云汐一声冷喝重重的扔出,不知道是故意还是运气,恰好的朝着东方焱飞来。 „, The young lady appeases anger, was the subordinate has made a mistake, the subordinate acknowledged guilt, asking the young lady to forgive.” “咳咳,小姐息怒,是属下错了,属下认罪,请小姐饶命。” Kneels in the black robe person who ground a moment ago almost suffocates to perish unceasingly is begging for mercy toward soul cloud Xi, but soul cloud Xi is also numerous coldly snorted. 跪在地上刚才差点窒息而亡的黑袍人不断的向着魂云汐求饶着,而魂云汐也是重重的冷哼一声 Go away, has again next time, decides not to cut bountifully.” “滚,再有下次,定斩不饶。” Miss thanked the graciousness of killing, Miss thanked many graciousness, subordinate this does not roll, subordinate this asks to be excused.” “谢小姐不杀之恩,谢小姐不少之恩,属下这就滚,属下这就告退。” If ignorant/veiled pardons, after the black robe person gives once more soul cloud Xi kowtows, leaves hastily, all that here has look like in another space are the same, otherwise in Xiao presented such matter already to bring in the person. 如蒙大赦,黑袍人再次给魂云汐磕头后连忙离开,这里发生的一切就像是在另一个空间一样,不然萧家中出现这样的事情早就引来人了。 Your excellency whether can come out, covertly, stealthy, the say/way of promising gentleman.” “阁下是否可以出来了,偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟,岂不是有为君子之道。” Iced cold, in the vision is bringing thickly vigilant, pair of white hands are also grip tightly, one has the appearance that the change begins to let Dongfang Yan helpless not only and curious. 冷若冰霜,目光之中带着浓浓警惕,就连一双玉手也是紧握起来,一副一有异动就动手的样子让东方焱既无奈又好奇。 Hehe, truly is the say/way of promising gentleman, what a pity I am not a gentleman, I am a fiendish person.” 呵呵,确实是有为君子之道,可惜我不是君子,我是一位魔王。” Remove Power of Space, Dongfang Yan that comes to had a scare soul cloud Xi without doubt, in the heart is also simultaneously more anxious. 撤掉空间之力,现身的东方焱无疑是真的把魂云汐吓了一大跳,同时心中也是更加的紧张起来。 Can go into hiding oneself in the space, the strength is to perhaps fight a rank, suddenly soul cloud Xi quietly has gotten hold of the summon symbol of maintaining life. 能把自己隐匿在空间之中,实力恐怕是斗尊级别的,一时间魂云汐悄悄的握紧了保命的召唤符。 Hehe, does your excellency come this also for ancient jade?” 呵呵,阁下来此也是为了古玉?” The disparity of strength makes soul cloud Xi decide that has a look whether is the enemy and ourselves relates, if just makes her know the present person, only then fights the sovereign, although the method many endure the ratio to fight to revere. 实力的差距还是让魂云汐决定看看是否是敌我关系,只不过如果让她知道眼前的人只有斗皇而已尽管手段诸多堪比斗尊。 Calculates that becomes fighting of alternative reveres is also extravagant by 嘛,算成另类的斗尊也是阔以的 Hehe, if I said ......... Will you deliver me ancient jade?” 呵呵,如果我说是的话………难道你就会把古玉送我?” Puff said with a smile lightly, but the following soul cloud Xi words let Dongfang Yan direct scared, face inconceivable looks at at present the person in memory. 噗呲轻笑道,可是接下来魂云汐的话让东方焱直接的傻眼,一脸不可思议的看着眼前记忆中的人。 Ancient jade can give to your excellency, but your excellency must not take an oath to make a move to Xiao Jia by the blood.” “古玉可以送给阁下,不过阁下必须以血起誓不得对萧家出手。” .................. “………………” Silent, looks at face earnest soul cloud Xi, Dongfang Yan does not understand that you obviously are the person in soul palace from the a moment ago dialogue, is Ojou-sama, for now this already removed Xiao doing this makes Dongfang Yan very puzzled. 沉默,看着一脸认真的魂云汐,东方焱不明白了,你明明是魂殿的人从刚才对话来看,还是大小姐,如今为了这个已经被除名的萧家这样做让东方焱很不解。 a moment ago your person may say makes you exact ancient jade, but now you actually must see somebody off did not fear in own family blames?” 刚才你的人可都是说了让你强取古玉,而如今你却要送人就不怕自己家族里怪罪吗?” Earnest looks at soul cloud Xi, as to see anything, is some tight to own vigilance. 认真的看着魂云汐,似乎是想从中看出什么,可是有的紧紧只是对自己的警惕。 That how, since several years ago that person looked like changed individual general, provoked the war wantonly, collected the soul. The present soul clan had already forgotten the first thought that after obtaining ancient jade , will again let surely the tranquil mainland bloodshed day after day, but I only want to protect this family/home now, but also hopes that your excellency keeps the commitment to obtain ancient jade to take an oath by the blood does not make a move to Xiao Jia, otherwise is puts together to be life and death I also to want you not to feel better. UU reads “那又如何,自从几年前那个人就像是变了个人一般,大肆挑起战争,收集灵魂。现在的魂族早已忘记了初心,得到古玉后定会再次让平静的大陆血海连天,而我如今只想要守护住这个家,还希望阁下遵守承诺得到古玉以血起誓不对萧家出手,否则就算是拼个你死我活我也要你不好过。UU看书 ............... “……………” The earnest face, this makes Dongfang Yan silent, originally at present this to Dongfang Yan looks at of Xiao anything evil intention obviously has not been dejected family member(s) actually for rather this family puts together a fight in which both sides perish, immediately recalled she has made Dongfang Yan also put out a hand to oneself concern this, a fingertip drop of blood departs. 认真脸,这让东方焱沉默,本就对萧家没什么恶意的东方焱看着眼前这个明明不是萧家人却宁愿为了这个家族拼个鱼死网破,随即回想起了她对自己的关怀这让东方焱也是伸手,指尖一滴鲜血飞出。 Takes an oath by the blood, does not make a move to Xiao Jia.” “以血起誓,绝不对萧家出手。” Was a drop of blood actually strangely has formed obviously a mysterious mark, this made Dongfang Yan curious, but soul cloud Xi was also shouts vented anger. 明明是一滴鲜血却诡异的形成了一个神秘的印记,这让东方焱好奇了起来,而魂云汐也是呼出了一口气。 ancient jade gives you, but I also small requests...... Does not know your excellency whether when the Xiao life and death lends a hand to assist ......... “古玉给你,不过我还有一个小小的请求……不知阁下能否在萧家生死存亡之际出手相助………” Relaxed, similarly puts out ancient Yureng to have a plea to the Dongfang Yan eye, this made the nod that Dongfang Yan cannot bear, soul cloud Xi show the beautiful moving smiling face. 松了口气,同样拿出古玉扔给东方焱眼中带着一丝恳求,这让东方焱也是忍不住的点头,魂云汐露出了美丽动人的笑容。 Thanks...... However since your excellency knows ancient jade, then thinks that is also understands ancient jade the value, I hope...... Your excellency can give up naturally not making your excellency suffer a loss.” “谢谢……不过阁下既然知道古玉,那么想必也是明白古玉的价值吧,我希望……阁下能放弃当然不会让阁下吃亏。” Some such embarrassment, have not thought that this person such good to say/you are too kind words, this lets soul cloud Xi is also the expression that has not thought. 有那么一丝不好意思,没想到这个人如此的好说话,这让魂云汐也是一副没想到的表情。 Un.” “嗯。” The nod complies, simultaneously puts out a hand to condense a pale blue jade symbol to say to soul cloud Xi start to talk. 点头答应,同时伸手凝聚出一块淡蓝色的玉符给魂云汐开口道。 This jade symbol can use five times, so long as is not strong extremely in oddness, even if fights to revere can also strike to kill, your request I complied.” “这个玉符可以使用五次,只要不是强的太过于离谱,就算是斗尊也能一击必杀,你的要求我答应了。” Is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to the present female, Dongfang Yan then turns around to be about to leave, but was also started again the localization Dongfang Yan's strength by Dongfang Yan shocking soul cloud Xi. 对着眼前的女子拱手,东方焱便转身准备离开,而被东方焱震惊的魂云汐也开始重新定位东方焱的实力。 Ai also asked your excellency to tell name!!” “哎还请阁下告诉名字!!” The corner of the eye sees Dongfang Yan to leave, soul cloud Xi also hastily start to talk said that but after Dongfang Yan also silent one next, to clearing the way. 眼角看见东方焱要离开,魂云汐也是连忙开口道,而东方焱也沉默了一下后离开道。 Dongfang (east) nameless.” 东方无名。”
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