MTOAW :: Volume #5

#460: Xiao Yixian?

Since is demon beast mountain range some are freely different, Dongfang Yan has the doubts to walk toward Qingshan Town. 既然是魔兽山脉尽管有些不一样,东方焱还是带着疑惑朝着青山镇走过去。 Otou-sama...... Little Ai could not take a walk, can hold Little Ai.” “呐父亲大人……小爱走不动了耶,可不可以抱一下小爱。” The looks at present back, Little Ai walked until tired appearance raising hand loud say/way originally footsteps Dongfang Yan, brow wrinkles before of then not paying attention goes straight, regarding this, Little Ai suffering from injustice pout(ed) follows. 看着眼前的背影,小爱一副走累了的样子举手大声道原本脚步一顿的东方焱,眉头不由的一皱紧接着不理会的朝着前直走,对此,小爱委屈的嘟着嘴跟上。 When Divine Sense sees Qingshan Town, Dongfang Yan is actually the fierce shock! 神识看见青山镇时,东方焱却是猛的震惊! Throws down Little Ai directly, makes a sound toward the Qingshan Town space revolutions, stares as for Little Ai, does not understand how own Father was pursued. 直接丢下小爱,朝着青山镇空间转响过去,至于小爱也是一愣,不明白自己父亲是怎么了不过还是追了上去。 .................. “………………” Silent, on small town is filling the purple toxic gas, on the street is corpse(s) of person, facial expression pain complexions is purple black. 沉默,小镇上弥漫着紫色的毒气,街上全都是人的尸体,面部表情痛苦一个个的脸色都是紫黑色 Puts out a hand to condense the purple toxic gas that on small town fills completely in in the hand, after the different fire burns down, silent small town, the ground has lain down many people, animal how is also. 伸手把小镇上弥漫的紫色毒气全部凝聚在手中,异火焚烧后寂静的小镇,地上躺了许许多多的人,就连动物的也是如何。 Has a heavy heart, is excessive, on looks at nearby stele the Qingshan Town three large characters, have gotten hold of the fist. 心情沉重,偏过头,看着一旁石碑上青山镇三个大字,不由的握紧了拳头。 Father ......... Sir ......... 父亲………大人………” Pursues, will actually see to let Little Ai just like slaughter from now on scene is also silent. 追上来,却看见宛如屠杀过后的场景让小爱也是沉默了下来。 Sorry ......... Sorry...... I am not intentionally ......... I am not intentionally...... Sorry ......... “对不起………对不起……我不是故意的………我不是故意的……对不起………” Fills the desperate sob hears the familiar sound partly visible, Dongfang Yan at heart trembles, the space transfers the sound to vanish. 充满绝望的哭泣若隐若现听见熟悉的声音,东方焱心里不由的一颤,空间转响消失。 looks at a white long skirt covers the body at present, the slender slender physique curve beautiful and graceful, the slender waist is not full grasps, the white bellyband that milk-white bosom Gaolong, will reveal slightly jacks high, the perfect arc makes the person daydream serial. 看着眼前一袭白色长裙罩体,修长窈窕的身姿曲线婀娜,纤腰不盈一握,酥胸高隆,将微微露出的白色肚兜高高顶起,完美的弧线让人遐想连篇。 3000 black hair and waists, gripped a simple chignon to hang in behind, the chest front also dangle two wisps. 3000青丝及腰,扎了一个简单的发髻垂在身后,胸前还垂下两缕。 The oval face, the willow-leaf eyebrows, the fine jade nose , the small mouth ruddy desire drops, like the cherry that dips the morning dew full. Without a doubt, the female is very beautiful, beautiful white skin white arms, snow-white skin, what is rarer is her type may gently temperament of person, without a doubt Xiao Yixian. 瓜子脸,柳叶眉,琼鼻微挺,小嘴红润欲滴,就像一颗饱蘸晨露的樱桃。毋庸置疑,女子很美,雪肤皓腕,冰肌玉骨,更难得的是她那种温婉可人的气质,毫无疑问正是小医仙 Sorry, I am not intentionally, sorry, sorry.” “对不起,我不是故意,对不起,对不起。” This time Xiao Yixian both hands sponges on or depend on others backs on the wall, the whole body in shivering, in the desperate sound filled has rebuked oneself with the apology. 此时的小医仙双手抱腿背靠着墙,浑身都在颤抖着,绝望的声音中充满了自责和歉意。 ............ “…………” Silent, looks at present Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan cannot bear going forward that loves dearly hug gently in the bosom, but suddenly held in the arms, rebuked oneself Xiao Yixian instantaneous to be panic-stricken, a purple toxic gas broken body, actually all wells up toward nearby flame. 沉默,看着眼前的小医仙,东方焱忍不住心疼的上前轻轻拥抱在怀中,而突然被人搂住,原本还自责中的小医仙瞬间惊恐起来,一股紫色的毒气破体而出,却全都朝着一旁的火焰涌去。 All right, no matter had anything, you have me, will not make you be wronged any by me, do not cry, I who cries love dearly.” “没事的,不管发生了什么,你都还有我,由我在就不会让你受到任何委屈,别哭了,都哭的我心疼。” Effort hugs Xiao Yixian in bosom, cheek pastes gently on the head of Xiao Yixian, fills the words that loves dearly and cares about to make Xiao Yixian be in a daze, filled at heart has been moved with the inexplicable relief. 用力的把小医仙搂在怀中,脸颊轻轻贴在小医仙的脑袋上,充满心疼和关心的话让小医仙发愣起来,心里充满了感动和莫名的安心。 It looks like child same pair of small hand closely grabs the Dongfang Yan's clothes, buries on the chest to cry the face. 就像是个孩子一样一双小手紧紧抓着东方焱的衣服,把脸埋胸膛上大哭起来。 I am not intentionally, I really am not intentionally, how I was, how I was......” “我不是故意的,我真的不是故意的,我到底是怎么了,我到底是怎么了……” Sets free a captured animal is crying, looks like child is complaining tearfully generally, in the embracing tightly bosom that Dongfang Yan has to make an effort cries Xiao Yixian of tears person, when loves dearly also understands, it is estimated that is the Xiao Yixian calamity poisonous body first eruption, fell into the stupor, although has not begun to kill people, the toxic gas that but erupts also lets on small town all people or the animals dies certainly, after waking, around looks at all, rush to burst immediately. 放生的大哭着,就像是孩子一般哭诉着,东方焱只好用力的搂紧怀中哭成泪人的小医仙,心疼之余也是明白,估计是小医仙厄难毒体第一次爆发,陷入了昏迷,尽管没有动手杀人,可是爆发出来的毒气却也让小镇上所有的人或动物死绝,当醒过来后,看着周围的一切,顿时奔溃起来。 Meets her who cannot bear the fact to fall into deep remorse, in she falls into to rebuke oneself, the purple toxic gas already became stronger. 接受不了事实的她陷入了深深的自责中,而在她陷入自责中,紫色的毒气早已变得更强。 Has not related, they cannot die, they will not die absolutely, therefore do not cry.” “没关系的,他们死不了,他们绝对不会死的,所以别哭了。” Feels in the bosom the sound of Xiao Yixian sob becomes small and weak, Dongfang Yan then start to talk said, but does not know that restored, 感觉到怀中小医仙哭泣的声音变得弱小起来,东方焱这才开口道,而不知道是不是恢复了过来, Sees itself to hide, in strange the person cherishes, closely grabs his clothes, the face buries in his chest front crying elegant face is instantaneously ruddy. Works loose this exceptionally not to abandon and warm bosom hastily, Xiao Yixian is shy, in the fierce raising the head eye filled worried and was afraid. 见自己躲在一个‘陌生’的人怀中,紧紧抓着他衣服,脸埋在他胸前大哭俏脸瞬间红润起来。连忙挣脱这个异常不舍和温暖的怀抱,小医仙羞涩起来,不过猛的抬起头眼中充满了担忧和害怕。 You, you are all right.” “你,你没事吧。” Extends slightly some hands of shivering, wants to move Dongfang Yan actually to decide in the airborne, supple lip shivers to focus desperate and sad. 伸出微微有些颤抖的手,想要触碰东方焱却定在空中,柔唇颤抖着眼中更加的绝望和悲伤起来。 All right, your husband I am hundred do not invade poisonously.” “没事,你老公我可是百毒不侵哦。” Shows the gentle smiling face, puts out a hand to hug Xiao Yixian in the bosom, this makes Xiao Yixian stare instantaneously. 露出温柔的笑容,伸手把小医仙搂在怀中,这让小医仙瞬间一愣起来。 Husband? Do oneself have husband type of thing? Let alone do not know him. 老公?自己有老公这种东西吗?更何况自己都不认识他。 Old...... Husband?” “老……老公?” Raised the head, vision of puzzled Xiao Yixian his to lowered the head silent. 抬起头,一脸疑惑的小医仙对上他的目光低下头沉默。 Un, is.” “嗯啦,是的哦。” Embraces tightly the slender waist of Xiao Yixian, the Dongfang (east) nod speaks, simultaneously starts to guess. 搂紧小医仙的细腰,东方点头说到,同时开始猜测起来。 I do not know that you called anything, how you possibly is a my husband, do not come the joke.” “我都不知道你叫什么,你怎么可能会是我老公,别来玩笑了。” Although does not abandon very much, but Xiao Yixian shoves open Dongfang Yan stern-faced, this made Dongfang Yan show really such expression. 虽然很不舍,可小医仙还是推开东方焱一脸的严肃,这让东方焱露出了果然如此的表情。 Dongfang Yan, ate me to give the seal this calamity poisonous body.” 东方焱,把这个吃下去我在把厄难毒体给封印了。” Shows a faint smile, takes out already refined five lines of broken demon pill not to give under the Xiao Yixian start to talk opportunity clothing/taking, the Ten Thousand Poisons Physique cultivation way transmits to her, simultaneously starts to help Xiao Yixian unify poisonous pill. 微微一笑,取出早就炼制好了的五行破魔丹不给小医仙开口的机会服下,万毒之体的修炼方式传递给她,同时开始帮助小医仙凝聚毒丹。 Is responded, Strength that within the body that Dongfang Yan makes was unable to grasp was being towed the condensation by Dongfang Yan in the lower abdomen clear feeling. 东方焱弄的还没反应过来,原本体内还无法掌握的力量东方焱牵引着凝聚在小腹清晰的感觉到。 The Xiao Yixian elegant face is red, calamity poisonous body naturally that looks at that kiss own face, suddenly completely shy closing one's eyes, first time is erupting was not simple, spends for a long time time to make the toxic gas success of Xiao Yixian within the body unify poisonous pill. 小医仙俏脸通红,看着那吻着自己的脸,一时间尽是羞涩的闭上眼,第一次爆发的厄难毒体自然不简单,费了好久的时间才让小医仙体内的毒气成功凝聚成了毒丹。 Opens eyes, looks at front person Xiao Yixian was full of the shy, shy appearance has made Dongfang Yan be able help smiling gawked. 睁开眼,看着面前的人小医仙充满了羞涩,害羞的模样让东方焱忍俊不禁的一愣。 Do not delay for a long time was good.” “还是不要耽搁了太久才行。” Loosens Xiao Yixian, rubs the small face that has blushed with cheek gently, withdraws several steps under the Xiao Yixian puzzled expression, puts out a hand to draw on Angel Emperor of Time. 松开小医仙,用脸颊轻轻蹭了蹭羞红的小脸,退后几步在小医仙不解的表情下,伸手招来天使刻刻帝 4th Bullet, time domain!” 四之弹,时间领域!” Starts own domain with the aid of time Angel Emperor of Time, suddenly Dongfang Yan can feel that oneself can control the time in domain easily, puts out a hand slowly, just now raises shortly after sun to start to back up. 借助时间天使刻刻帝发动自己的领域,一时间东方焱能感觉到自己能轻易的掌控领域中的时间,缓缓伸手,原本才刚升起没多久的太阳开始倒退起来。 Along with backing up of time, the flowers and plants that withered changes before the naked eye obvious speed withers. 随着时间的倒退,原本枯萎的花草以肉眼可见的速度重新变回来枯萎前。 Fell in the bird also playback return sky of ground, backs up the speed that to be getting quicker and quicker along with space sun, the people who died originally also from newly lived, before probably returned to the Xiao Yixian calamity poisonous body to erupt , was the same. 原本掉在地上的小鸟也回放般的回到天空之中,随着天上太阳倒退的速度越来越快,原本死去的人们也从新活了过来,就好像回到了小医仙厄难毒体爆发前一样。 „!!!!!!!” “!!!!!!!” This time Xiao Yixian already was dumbfounded, silly looks at all returned to time from the beginning, the unconscious tears hang in the corner of the eye simultaneously tears fell. 此时的小医仙早已是目瞪口呆,傻傻的看着一切全都回到了一开始的时候,不自觉的泪水挂在了眼角同时一点眼泪掉了出来。 ......... Really time formidable also is really ......... “咳咳………果然时间的强大还真是………” The shining time domain is similar to mirror general shatter, Dongfang Yan face whiten, the person who to retrieve these died, Dongfang Yan used Ability of Emperor of Time 12 balls. 原本金灿灿的时间领域如同镜子一般的破碎,东方焱脸色苍白,为了救回那些死去的人,东方焱可是把刻刻帝12之弹的能力都用出来了。 The domain creates with the space, has joined the time in the domain space, has composed the space and time. 领域是用空间创造,在领域的空间中加入了时间,组成了时空。 In the a moment ago domain, the flowing backwards of time when space makes Dongfang Yan have one type passed through the feeling, this makes Dongfang Yan somewhat care actually 刚才领域中,时间在空间中倒流让东方焱产生了一种穿越时的感觉,这倒是让东方焱有些在意 Stave of domain, lets also be similar to framed all starts to take the stock rail. 领域的破碎,让原本还如同被定格的一切开始走上正轨。 It looks like establishes provisionally that was cancelled was the same, why the people should, completely forget they have died one time. 就像是暂定被取消了一样,人们该干嘛干嘛,全然忘记了他们可是死过了一次。 The person who on the street comes and goes makes Xiao Yixian have that some not real feeling, when the person on small town such as in the past same gave regards this to make in the Xiao Yixian eye fill the tears. 街上来来往往的人让小医仙有那么一些不真实的感觉,不过当小镇上的人如往常一样的问好这让小医仙眼中充满了泪水。 Person who smiling, with giving regards returns a courtesy, the vision is actually seeking for that back, that stood in front of oneself said that must for the back that oneself kept out wind and rain, but the use of time and space made Dongfang Yan consume very in a big way, Strength that particularly Emperor of Time stored up also used was similar. 微笑着,和问好的人回礼,目光却是寻找着那个背影,那个站在自己面前说要为自己遮风挡雨的背影,只是时间和空间的使用让东方焱消耗挺大的,尤其是刻刻帝所储存的力量也用的差不多了。 Was being sighed, sudden pair of white hands grasped themselves from behind, the hug that soft touch as well as made an effort made Dongfang Yan thought. 正在感叹中,突然的一双玉手从身后抱住了自己,那柔软的触感以及用力的拥抱让东方焱不由的一想起来。 Thanks, thanks.” “谢,谢谢。” Patted the racket to hold own small hand gently, has turned around to hug Xiao Yixian in the bosom says with a smile lightly. 轻轻拍了拍抱着自己的小手,转过身把小医仙搂在怀中轻笑道。 You are my wife, I had said I will have protected you, cherishes your.” “你可是我老婆,我说过了我会保护你,爱护你的。” Makes one lose face gently, this lets Xiao Yixian is the instantaneous complexion explodes red, extremely shy charmingly angry white Dongfang Yan, regarding wife this status was default. 轻轻蹭脸,这让小医仙可谓是瞬间脸色爆红,极其羞涩娇嗔的白了眼东方焱,对于老婆这个身份算是默认了吧。 But is very shy. UU reads 只不过还是很羞涩啊。UU看书 Person looks at on street hugs actually two people are the shock, must know Xiao Yixian, but on small town the goddesses of many people, how the goddess supports with another person now suddenly in the same place does not make them startled stare. 倒是街上的人看着拥抱在一起的两人可谓是震惊不已,要知道小医仙可是小镇上许多人的女神啊,如今女神突然和另一个人相拥在一起如何不让他们惊愣。 And, what are more is brokenhearted sound continuous resounding. 其中,更多的是心碎的声音接连不断的响起。 Is hugging that lush slender waist, looks at present Xiao Yixian, lowering the head of slowly collects, perhaps understood anything is the same, Xiao Yixian looked at around the eye subconsciously the dumbfounded crowd, small face blood red, but is bringing thickly happily as well as closes one's eyes shyly is opening the small mouth, the sense of touch that transmits until own lip on lets Xiao Yixian unconscious outstretch both hands, holds in the arms the Dongfang Yan's nape of the neck, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, appears naturally. 搂着那芊芊细腰,看着眼前的小医仙,慢慢的低下头凑过去,或许是明白了什么一样,小医仙下意识的看了眼周围目瞪口呆的人群,小脸血红,不过还是带着浓浓的甜蜜以及羞涩闭上眼微张着小嘴,直到自己嘴唇上传来的触觉让小医仙不自觉的伸出双手,搂住东方焱的脖颈,踮起脚尖,显得十分的自然 But forgot in two people who nearby Little Ai looks at that supports is also disaffection of pout(ed) face, but considered before , wrong this that violates makes Little Ai think that actually makes Xiao Yixian smooth by grinding well is also coming. 而被遗忘在一旁的小爱看着那相拥的两人也是嘟着嘴一脸的不满,不过考虑到之前犯下的错这倒是让小爱觉得让小医仙磨平也不错来着。 The separation, opened eyes the small face that looks at blushes at present to fill charmingly angry, Dongfang Yan could not bear smiles to put out a hand to hold in the arms Xiao Yixian. 分离,睁开眼看着眼前羞红的小脸充满了娇嗔,东方焱也是忍不住一笑伸手搂住小医仙 Brings Dongfang Yan to go home, doubts looked at eye nearby Little Ai to be puzzled. 带着东方焱回家,疑惑的看了眼一旁的小爱不解起来。 Was right, this is Little Ai.” “哦对了,这是小爱。” Rubbed Little Ai head Dongfang Yan to introduce, to hear Little Ai said when oneself are this daughter at present, it may be said that has shocked, spooky looks at Dongfang Yan, did Dongfang Yan to cast aside the awkwardness of excessive face. 揉了揉小爱的脑袋东方焱介绍起来,为听见小爱说自己是眼前这个女儿时,可谓是震惊了一下,不由幽幽的看着东方焱,搞得东方焱只好撇过头一脸的尴尬。 Immediately made a food simply, the meal of delicacy has made Xiao Yixian subdue instantaneously, does not know compared with ordinary many many of eating. Has eaten meal, suppressed next seven color poisons once more, because Xiao Yixian is a person lives, therefore Dongfang Yan is almost subconscious and Xiao Yixian rested in one. 随即简单的做了一顿饭,美味的饭菜瞬间让小医仙折服,吃的不知道比平常多多少。吃过饭,再次压制了一下七彩毒经由于小医仙是一个人住,因此东方焱几乎是下意识的和小医仙睡在了一起。 In the bosom is hugging softly cheek that cheek that if characterless Xiao Yixian, looks at she sleeps soundly as well as blushes, has actually smiled. 怀中抱着柔若无骨般的小医仙,看着她熟睡的脸颊以及羞红的脸颊,却也是笑了起来。
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