MTOAW :: Volume #5

#459: Time

Eh.” “额。” The delicate eyebrows tight wrinkle, a black long hair ties up two braids, lets fall happily in the shoulders, the slender body made one feel that as if only need make an effort then to break off slightly. 秀眉紧皱,一头黑色长发绑成两条辫子,怡然地垂落在双肩,纤细的肢体令人感到似乎只需稍微一用力便会折断。 The waterfall bangs blocked from had the astonishing beautiful facial features left half part, its another side has stayed behind like the black hole profound right eye, as well as the oriental cherry petal general tender and delicate lips, under such beautiful appearance, the skin was similar to pearl white zhe is smooth. 瀑布般的刘海遮住了拥有惊人美丽面容的左半部分,其另一侧则留下了如黑洞般深邃的右眼,以及樱花瓣一般娇嫩的双唇,在如此的美貌下,皮肤如同珍珠般白晢光滑。 young girl Tokisaki Kurumi in sword World. 少女正是在刀剑世界中的时崎狂三 Kurumi you how?” 狂三你怎么了?” Sees Kurumi suddenly stops eating meal, on the fine face filled serious this to let sit in her the inquiry of Menjou Hare doubts. 狂三突然的停止吃饭,精致的脸上充满了凝重这让坐在她身旁的校条祭疑惑的询问起来。 ............ “…………” Silent, regarding Menjou Hare's inquired that Kurumi had not replied, instead is sets out departure to stand in the halls, puts out a hand to summon Spirit Attire. 沉默,对于校条祭的询问狂三并没有回答,反而是起身离开站在大厅中间,伸手召唤出灵装 Invincible might Spirit Attire three.” “神威灵装・三番。” The ray sudden appearance of red, embezzles Kurumi together from top to bottom, when the red light vanishes, grips the double ponytail pretty black hair that the length varies, the Gothic style upper band grips in the top of the head, the left eye Angel Emperor of Time hand and minute hand in the rotation of kā kā, black ink dyes the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is wrinkling slightly, two pieces of rose thin lips make the person unable to bear want to kiss two. 一道红色的光芒突然的出现,从上往下把狂三吞没,等到红光消失的时候,扎成长短不一的双马尾靓丽黑发,哥特式的头箍扎在头顶,左眼天使刻刻帝时针与分针正在咔咔的转动,墨染般的黛眉微微皱着,两片玫瑰般的薄唇让人忍不住想要亲上两口。 The serious expression lets the people of doubts is also felt anything was not good, the blood black Gothic style long skirt, serves as contrast she had to concave-convex the stature exposed flesh is similar to the semi-transparent jade generally bright and clean bright and beautiful. 凝重的表情让原本疑惑的众人也是感觉到了什么不好,血黑色的哥特式长裙,衬托出了她凹凸有致的身材裸露的肌肤如同羊脂玉一般光洁亮丽。 Angel Emperor of Time!!” 天使刻刻帝!!” Summoned own Angel directly, the pupil contraction of people, Kurumi the people of Angel naturally understanding, looks at that looked like clock and watch same Emperor of Time that the breakage shattered, not a good feeling well uped. 直接召唤出自己的天使,紧接着众人的瞳孔收缩,对于狂三天使自然了解的众人,看着那就像是破损坏掉的钟表一样的刻刻帝,一股不好的感觉涌上心头。 Ara, it seems like that the flame met in that World has troubled greatly, indeed so was destroyed this including Emperor of Time.” 阿拉,看来焱在那个世界遇到了大麻烦了啊,尽然连刻刻帝都被破坏成这样。” Although is the tone that selects lightly, in powder fist as well as eye that but that grips tightly rich anxious and worried that is actually not able to hide. 尽管是轻挑的语气,可是那紧握的粉拳以及眼中浓郁的紧张和担忧却是无法隐藏。 Truly greatly has troubled, indeed so shattered including Angel.” “确实是大麻烦了,尽然连天使都坏掉了。” Anxious and worries, not only Kurumi, naturally naturally had Kotori that understood to Kurumi that very much is also on the face covers entirely the serious expression, the heart had the fear, exactly what happened, indeed so is destroyed such Kotori unable to sit still including Angel. 紧张和担忧的不只是狂三,自然自然狂三那很有了解的琴里也是脸上布满了凝重的表情,心底却是出现了害怕,到底发生了什么事,尽然连天使都被破坏成这样琴里坐不住了。 ............ “…………” Esdeath stood without delay directly got up, but brow actually tight wrinkle in one, how what even if are worried now to be most important, how should go, even if went to be destroyed including Angel to sit anything like this, Esdeath was suddenly good to hate, hating oneself strength to be insufficient, hates own small and weak. 二话不说艾斯德斯直接站了起来可是眉头却又紧紧的皱在了一起,就算自己在怎么担心现在最重要的是,该怎么去,就算去了连天使都被破坏成了这样自己又能坐些什么,一时间艾斯德斯好恨,恨自己实力不够,恨自己的弱小。 The fist that grips tightly turns white including the joint, naturally understands that is because anything's other people are also so, Akame and Kurome also feel no use of oneself strength. 紧握的拳头连关节都发白起来,自然明白是因为什么的其余人也是如此,其中赤瞳黑瞳也是感觉到了自己实力的无助。 All right ......... The flame is all right...... I can feel ......... “没事的………焱没事的……我能感觉到………” When the people, close one's eyes both hands about ten to place a chest front pray anxiously the appearance, prays start to talk to say. 就在众人紧张不已的时候,闭着眼双手合十放在胸前一副祈祷的样子,祈开口道。 What? What prayed you to say?” “什么?祈你说什么?” Already knows that prayed has the special induction way with Dongfang Yan, the females looked like found the straw to grasp general vision to look to praying 早就知道祈和东方焱有着特殊的感应方式,众女就像是找到了救命稻草一般目光全都看向了祈 I can feel, although this feeling is very weak, but the flame is also living ......... “我能感觉到,尽管这份感觉很微弱可是焱还活着………” ............ “呼…………” Hears also to live people unconscious relaxing, but also lives that to be good, but the heart filled worried. 听见还活着众人不自觉的松了口气,还活着那就好,只不过心底还是充满了担忧。 Un, but also lives that to be good, wanted to experience any fierce battle by seeking livehood of that bastard, but can destroy this Emperor of Time, does not know that was who and fights.” “嗯,还活着那就好,以那个混蛋的求生欲来说应该是经历了什么恶战吧,不过能把刻刻帝毁坏成这样,不知道是和谁战斗。” Kotori had not died on the good tone speaks, but is also curious, who is fights to be able Emperor of Time to destroy this. 琴里一副还没死掉就好的语气说到,不过也是好奇起来,到底是和谁战斗才能把刻刻帝毁坏成这样。 Is ......... “难道是………” Suddenly numerous female fierce raising the head said with one voice. 突然众女猛的抬起头异口同声道。 Dropping demon „!!!!!” 堕魔“!!!!!” Breath stagnates, 呼吸不由的一滞, Thinks that whom did not have besides the dropping demon. Does not need to be worried that fellow could not have died, now was enjoying.” 想必除了堕魔外也就没谁了吧。“不用担心,那个家伙还死不了,现在正享受着了。” Sudden teased to make the numerous female subconscious vision look at the past toward the sofa on, simple dew shoulder T-shirt and cowboy shorts, pure white such as the big long leg of jade was curling upwards one leg on the other, the slender slender white hands built on the sofa, on the fine beautiful face was bringing the chuckle. 突然出现的戏谑声让众女下意识的目光朝着沙发上看过去,简单的露肩T恤与牛仔短裤,洁白如玉的大长腿翘着二郎腿,修长的纤纤玉手搭在沙发上,精致绝美的脸上带着轻笑。 This lets the people is silent looks at she, at present when this person is not Dongfang Yan reverses the female appearance. 这让众人皆是沉默的看着她,眼前这个人不就是东方焱反转成女性时的样子嘛。 Since you said thinks the flame surely does not have the matter.” “既然你都这么说了想必焱也肯定没有事吧。” Deep looked at the eye to drink is not knowing the red wine that which came, Kotori also felt relieved. 深深的看了眼自顾自喝着不知道哪来的红酒,琴里也就放心下了下来。 Right, you did not need to worry that fellow, was inferior actually after he came back, how should tidy up him.” “啊没错,你们更本不用担心那个家伙,倒是不如等他回来后该怎么收拾他。” Has three points to tease with lazy, the looks at that troop person of Dongfang (east) purple extreme chuckle. 带着三分戏谑和慵懒,东方紫极度轻笑的看着那一大群人。 As for Dongfang Yan, just like sleeping hits actually to feel that generally cool whiz whiz has opened blurry, Honghong fire absent-minded eyes. 至于东方焱,宛如睡了一觉一般打着哈切却感觉凉嗖嗖的不由的睁开了迷迷糊糊,红红火火恍恍惚惚的眼睛 Then is direct scared, lies is stark naked in oneself Little Ai, so no wonder feel coolly whiz whiz. 紧接着便是直接的傻眼,趴在自己身上的小爱一丝不挂,就连自己也是如此怪不得感觉凉嗖嗖的。 It is not right, controls regarding Little Ai this father, comes to see by the current situation is the idiots understands that last night exactly what happened. 啊不对,对于小爱这个父控,以目前的情况来看就算是白痴都明白昨晚到底发生了什么事情。 Is small...... Little Ai!!!!” “小……小爱!!!!” looks at which who a face twitches also in unconscious un un un the daughter, Dongfang Yan only feels creepy feeling, simultaneously back piece of chill/yin cold, do not know that is anything. 一脸抽搐的看着哪位还在不自觉嗯嗯嗯的女儿,东方焱只感觉头皮发麻,同时后背一片阴寒,不知道是什么。 Otou-sama...... gu hehe ......... 父亲大人……咕嘿嘿………” Expression that a face is infatuated with, is almost falls silly looks at that is hugging itself, the flushed small face is rubbing Little Ai of chest, that gu hehe makes Dongfang Yan unconscious feel fearful and apprehensive. 一脸陶醉的表情,几乎是傻掉般的看着那抱着自己,潮红的小脸蹭着自己胸膛的小爱,那声咕嘿嘿让东方焱不自觉的感到心惊肉跳。 Can by may you be punished by heaven ............ “会不会被天诛啊…………” The pupil was defeated and dispersed, looks at the Little Ai Huawei thick sigh to look at the eye to be thrown in nearby clothes has put out a hand a move, put on gently, as before looks at that was sleeping soundly Little Ai, the corners of the mouth cannot bear twitched. 瞳孔溃散,看了眼小爱华为浓浓的叹息看了眼被扔在了一旁的衣服伸手一招,轻轻穿上,看着那依旧是熟睡的小爱,嘴角忍不住的抽搐起来。 Your this idiot, comes the close relative not to marry anything regarding the God at the worst, even if Father( Elder Brother) so long as had the love on the line.” “你这个白痴,对于神来近亲结婚没啥大不了,就算是父亲哥哥)只要有爱就行了。” Suddenly presents sound in brain lets select, thinks also to think that carefully the unclear sleep that the Dongfang Yan brow cannot bear is severe, but remembers the relations on the headache. 突然出现在脑中的声音让东方焱眉头忍不住的一挑,仔细想想也觉得不明觉厉,不过一想起之间的关系就头疼。 Even if not one's own, the bloodline aspect is not the issue, but this is the issue of the moral bottom line and ethics! 就算不是亲生的,血脉方面不是问题,但这已经是道德底线和伦理的问题了吧! Including oneself daughter...... Although not one's own, but the good and evil is also already has approved the daughters leg...... wait|etc...... 连自己女儿……虽然不是亲生的,可是好歹也是已经认可了的女儿都腿……等等…… This was I am pushed probably, un, this was a very serious issue, this time Little Ai was one moe dá dá Loli, possibly instead to be killed how by Loli in that condition, I .................. Does not want Ah!!!!! 这好像是我被推了吧,嗯,这是一个很严肃的问题,此时的小爱可是一个萌哒哒的萝莉,怎么可能会在那种状态下被萝莉反杀,那我岂不是……………啊…不要啊!!!!! „, What relations has, didn't you push including oneself Younger Sister in any case? How are many a daughter, in any case this matter in blood group where is not very common, your abnormal also cares about that many to do, gets rid of the so-called moral bottom line to be good.” “切,有什么关系,反正你不是连自己妹妹都推了吗?再多一个女儿又如何,反正这种事情在血族哪里不是很常见吗,你一个变态还在乎那么多干嘛,抛弃所谓的道德底线好。” The Dongfang (east) purple words made Dongfang Yan stiffen directly, thinks carefully ......... 东方紫的话让东方焱直接僵住了,仔细一想想……… ......... Also really made sense, bah anything with anything. 诶………还真的是有道理了,啊呸什么跟什么啊。 Your omnivorous abnormal do not say that many, thinks how well should go back.!” “你一个杂食变态就不要说那么多了,好好想想该怎么回去吧。!” intent has referred to speaking, this makes Dongfang Yan silent, Spirit, human, Angel, dragon, monster, but also is really ............ 意有所指般的说到,这让东方焱沉默,精灵,人类,天使,龙,妖怪,还真是………… „It is not good! It is not good!” “不行!坚决不行!” As if saw Akame and the others to draw a sword general, on the side of the Dongfang Yan complexion stern-faced, started to consider that must leave Yao Little Ai, or runs away to next World hides. 仿佛已经看见赤瞳等人拔刀一般,东方焱脸色一边一脸的严肃,现在已经开始考虑要不要将瑶小爱离起来了,又或者逃到下一个世界躲起来。 Un ............ “嗯…………” Perhaps has been short of Dongfang Yan this warm hugging pillow, Little Ai that slept soundly wakes up slowly, the appearance that having a drowsy look looked that to sat in the one side, complexion cloudy clear uncertain somebody, originally also small face of discontented pout(ed) instantaneous one stiff, is having three points of fear and nervousness, unconscious swallowing saliva. 或许是少了东方焱这个温暖的抱枕,原本熟睡的小爱缓缓醒来,一副睡眼惺忪的模样看向了坐在一旁,脸色阴晴不定的某人,原本还不满嘟着嘴的小脸瞬间一僵,带着三分害怕和紧张的心情,不自觉的咽了咽口水。 Opened mouth, must say anything, the words were the card the general character could not say in the throat likely. 张了张嘴,一副要说什么,话却像是卡在了喉咙里一般一个字都说不出来。 The brow unconscious wrinkle in the same place, the vision actually saw one side nervous, indecisive Little Ai to wrinkle in the same place brow wrinkles once more changes into afterward thickly sighed. 眉头不自觉的皱在一起,目光却不由的看见了一旁紧张兮兮,犹豫不决的小爱本就皱在一起的眉头再次一皱随后化为浓浓的一叹。 ......... Ok, this time let off you, but has again next time ............... Hehe ......... Hehehe......” “诶………算了,这次就放过你了,不过再有下次………呵……呵呵………呵呵呵……” Shows the blackening expression, the smile on face makes the Little Ai fine body hair stand erect, chicken pecking meter/rice results in has nodded fiercely. 露出黑化般的表情,脸上的微笑让小爱寒毛都竖立起来,小鸡啄米似得一直猛点头。 That...... That ......... Otou-sama ......... Has rested can ......... “那个……那个………父亲大人………一直睡还是可以的吧………” Reveals vision that permits some taste, this makes Dongfang Yan forehead wrinkle big roaring, looks at Little Ai that face is infatuated with the appearance that wallows is almost speaking of gnash one's teeth. 露出许些回味的目光,这让东方焱额头皱出一个大大的怒号,看着小爱那一脸陶醉沉迷的样子几乎是咬牙切齿的说到。 No! But! By!” “不!可!以!” The expression that wallowed because these words turned into losing gradually, extremely suffering from injustice looks at Dongfang Yan, bright and intelligent big eyes as if momentarily can cry to be the same. 原本沉迷的表情因为这句话逐渐的变成了失落,极其委屈的看着东方焱,水汪汪的大眼睛仿佛随时都能哭出来一样。 „!!! Why?” “诶!!!为什么?” forehead presents big roaring again, puts out a hand to hold Little Ai vigorously, both hands grabs the Little Ai lovable small face to pull to the two sides, this made the Little Ai pain instantaneous tears hang in the corner of the eye. 额头再次出现大大的怒号,伸手一把抓住小爱,双手大力的抓着小爱可爱的小脸向两边拉扯,这让小爱疼的瞬间眼泪都挂在了眼角。 Not why! Cannot not!” “没有为什么!不可以就是不可以!” Under Little Ai unceasing begging for mercy, Dongfang Yan tenderhearted has also gotten down thickly sighs, looks at Little Ai that suffering from injustice appearance wants to go forward to find the clue make in an instant thinks after coldly snorted, does intentionally to turn around to size up the surrounding environment that is angry. 小爱不断的求饶下,东方焱也是心软了下来浓浓的一叹,看着小爱那委屈的样子不由的想要上前摸摸头可是转眼一想冷哼一声后故作生气的转过身打量起周围的环境。 Sees oneself Father not to come to touch own head unexpectedly, but direct has turned around not to pay attention to this to let Little Ai is also silent. 见自己父亲居然没有来摸自己的头,而是直接的转过身不理会这让小爱也是沉默了下来。 It seems like Otou-sama was angry.” “看来父亲大人是真的生气了了。” Otou-sama that looks at that silently located, Little Ai thought that do not disturb quite well. 默默的看着那正在定位的父亲大人,小爱觉得还是不要去打扰比较好。 Close your eyes, Divine Sense unceasing spreads toward all around, the somewhat familiar surroundings make the Dongfang Yan brow unconscious slightly wrinkles, if this is real, UU reads 闭上眼,神识不断的向着四周扩散,略微有些熟悉的周围让东方焱眉头不自觉的一皱起来,如果这是真的话,UU看书 Place that are at now should be the demon beast mountain range, has pondered. 那么现在自己所在的地方应该是魔兽山脉了,沉思了一下。 Put out a hand to hit a sound to refer, woods white Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame, the azure lotus flower blue lotus pent-up anger, small snake same Fallen Heart Flame, the quiet blue sea heart flame, purple the eternal fire that snatched from Odin Treasure house, from fumigating there obtained Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame as well as spends the flame of life the tremendous strength obtained. 伸手打了个响指,森白色灭妖神火纯质阳炎,青色的莲花青莲地心火,小蛇一样的陨落心炎,幽蓝色的海心焰,紫从奥丁宝库里抢出来的永恒之火,从薰儿那里获得了金帝焚天炎以及费了九牛二虎之力才得到的生灵之焱。 Very good not to have the problem. 很好没毛病。 The front is the flame that seven colors vary, waves to take back the flame, this discovered that because of integration of flame of life, own injury also good was similar. 面前是七朵颜色各异的火焰,挥手收回火焰,这才发现因为生灵之焱的融入,自己的伤势也好的差不多了。 Puts out a hand to draw on falling thunder, waves to flicker to kill divine skill to collapse the moon/month dimension blade. 伸手招来落雷,挥手瞬杀神技崩月次元刀。 Fortunately, the space and thunder, wait|etc this are anything.” “还好,空间和雷霆都在,等等这是什么。” Is getting the physical exam, immediately had discovered a golden energy, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow unconscious wrinkles. 检查着身体,顿时发现了一股金色的能量,这让东方焱眉头不自觉的一皱起来。 Induced to discover that can probably use, after hesitant one next, condensed in in the hand. 感应了一下发现好像可以使用,犹豫了一下后凝聚在手中 A familiar feeling makes Dongfang Yan have feels the doubts in a flash. 一股熟悉的感觉让东方焱有那么一瞬间感到疑惑。 Was right, Emperor of Time!!” “对了,刻刻帝!!” In the heart summoned Angel Emperor of Time in great surprise hastily, this discovered this time Emperor of Time also was really the damage was serious, with a heavy heart put out a hand to move Emperor of Time, condensed, in in the hand did not determine that was anything's golden energy integrates in Emperor of Time 心中大惊连忙召唤出天使刻刻帝,这才发现此时的刻刻帝还真是损坏的严重了,心情沉重的伸手触碰刻刻帝,紧接着原本凝聚在手中不确定是什么的金色能量融入到了刻刻帝之中 Immediately is a clock and watch of shattering, after the golden energy integrates, since Emperor of Time obtained the restore, is only some places is as before stave. 随即原本还是一个坏掉的钟表,在金色的能量融入后,刻刻帝既然得到了修复,只是依旧还有一些地方是破碎的。 This golden energy is!!!!!” “难道这股金色的能量是!!!!!” Saw Emperor of Time to obtain the restore, the Dongfang Yan shock simultaneously guessed to this golden energy. 刻刻帝得到了修复,东方焱震惊同时对这股金色的能量猜测起来。 ............ If there is not guessed really the wrong this energy estimated was that extremely the time that was hard to control ......... “呼…………如果真的没有猜错这股能量估计就是那极其难以掌控的时间了………”
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