MTOAW :: Volume #5

#458: The flame of life

Present cave amethyst wing Lion King the cavern of originally, the snake person in looks at that cavern, the amethyst wing Lion King unconscious brow wrinkles, own domain was wrested away regarding territory consciousness greatly strengthened amethyst wing Lion King, was very good without the ignition. 眼前的山洞正是紫晶翼狮王的原本的洞穴,看着那洞穴中的蛇人,紫晶翼狮王不自觉的眉头一皱起来,自己的地盘被人霸占对于领地意识极强的紫晶翼狮王来说,没有发火就已经很不错了。 A small lion looks like regarding Dongfang Yan happy jumping madly the puppy same makes Dongfang Yan very helpless. 一头小狮子围绕着东方焱开心的乱跳就像是小狗一样让东方焱很无奈。 Since came demon beast mountain range, Xiao Yixian must go back to have a look.” “既然来了魔兽山脉,小医仙要不要回去看看。” hearing this, secure sat in meditation in nearby Xiao Yixian stares, excessively looked at Dongfang Yan, afterward silently lowered the head does not know that is pondering anything. 闻言,原本安静坐在一旁的小医仙一愣,偏过头看了眼东方焱,随后默默的低下头不知道是不是在思考着什么。 Dongfang Yan has not said anything, but put out a hand to rub the head of Xiao Yixian gently, the vision looked that has held the chest to nearby both hands, a face honk Little Ai of small mouth, that face suffering from injustice appearance was letting Dongfang Yan angrily cannot bear felt funny. 东方焱也没有多说什么,只是伸手轻轻的揉了揉小医仙的脑袋,目光看向了一旁双手抱胸,一脸气鼓鼓嘟着小嘴的小爱,那一脸委屈的模样让东方焱也是忍不住的感到好笑。 „The flame did I finished eating have.” “呐焱我吃完了还有没有。” Arrives in front of Dongfang Yan, Zi Yan stretches out a small hand child to beg candy this also to make Dongfang Yan very helpless. 来到东方焱面前,紫妍伸出小手一副小孩子讨要糖果般这也让东方焱很无奈。 Regarding this snaps fingers on Zi Yan pure white forehead, Zi Yan both hands covers forehead to squat down immediately, in small mouth spreads the lovable pain to shout. 对此一个弹指在紫妍洁白的额头上,紫妍立马双手捂着额头蹲下,小嘴中不由的传出可爱的痛呼。 You also are really, must know that the sugar ate was not good, did not have, will wait to collect the medicinal herb to say next time.” “你也真是的,要知道糖吃多了不好,没有了,等下次收集到了药材在说吧。” Very helpless rolled the eyes, is wrinkles regarding Zi Yan this young glutton Dongfang Yan brow, high energy food that cannot bear has actually, is only by Zi Yan this glutton, perhaps after taking, resulted in the day to end. 很无奈的翻了个白眼,对于紫妍这个小吃货东方焱眉头也是忍不住的一皱起来,高能量食物有倒是有,只是以紫妍这个吃货来看,恐怕拿出来后以后得日子就完了。 Snort, so to be why mean-spirited......” “哼,干嘛那么小气……” pout(ed), sees Dongfang Yan appearance Zi Yan I am doing this for you very not to be unsatisfied, sneaks in the Dongfang Yan's bosom to act like a spoiled brat, but faces his Hehe that is earnest ......... 嘟着嘴,见东方焱一副我是为你好的样子紫妍就很不满意,不由的钻进东方焱的怀中撒娇起来,可是面对着认真起来的他呵呵……… The appearance of he/she was defeated by the Zi Yan card decisively, has put out Jane|treasure treasure bead lollipop that has no alternative once more, but Zi Yan looks like obtains the candy ............ ......... 果断被紫妍卡哇伊的样子打败,无可奈何的再次拿出了珍宝珠棒棒糖,而紫妍就像是得到糖果…………呃……… Zi Yan has attained the candy in any case happily after Dongfang Yan's cheek squish one next then sits, in he cherishes narrows the eyes to focus to savor this hard-won lollipop. 反正紫妍拿到了糖果一脸开心的对着东方焱的脸颊吧唧了一下后便坐在他怀中眯着眼品味着这来之不易的棒棒糖 Fumigates is also very helpless shaking the head , after the vision looked at some eye cavern, sets out to arrive at side Dongfang Yan to sit down but actually to put out a hand to grasp the Dongfang Yan's arm, small head gently by shoulder. 薰儿倒也是很无奈的摇了摇头,目光看了眼某个洞穴后起身来到东方焱身旁坐下伸手抱住东方焱的手臂,小脑袋轻轻的靠在肩头上。 Also has not known how long, saw Medusa not to appear, was impatient sets out to send Haha then to prepare to have a look at own medicinal herb, regarding this Zi Yan but actually was also excited running in front is only when arrived at the summit. 也不知道过了多久,见美杜莎还是没有出现,也是不耐烦了起身发了个哈哈便准备去看看自己的药材,对此紫妍倒也是兴奋的跑在前面只是当来到山顶时。 looks at that raw materials for medicine always felt that has probably been short. 看着那一片药材总感觉好像少了很多啊。 In the demon beast forest, is guided almost slightly that a little value by Zi Yan is robbed, the demon beast that guards the medicinal herb also suffers evil scheme. 魔兽森林中,由紫妍带路几乎稍微那么有点价值的都被抢走,看守药材的魔兽也是惨遭毒手 The demon nucleus was dug did not say, a little value similarly was taken away, this also is really ......... 魔核被挖不说,就连身上有点价值的同样被拿走,这还真是……… Zi Yan that guided stopped the footsteps fiercely, a eyes shining looks at cliff, without hesitation jumped directly, this may they have a scare Dongfang Yan, but also gets down. 原本带路的紫妍猛的停下了脚步,紧接着眼睛发亮的看着一处山崖,紧接着毫不犹豫的直接跳了下去,这可把东方焱她们吓了一跳,不过也跟着下去。 Also the decline place, hears the huge explosive sound, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkled not to embrace tightly Xun in bosom on own initiative as well as Xiao Yixian. 还没落地,就听见巨大的爆炸声,这让东方焱眉头不由的一皱起来不自觉的搂紧了怀中的薰儿以及小医仙 After landing, Zi Yan silhouette has demonstrated to disappear, only then a front large cave/hole that stays behind, the residual aura did not explain the Zi Yan whereabouts without doubt. 当落地后,紫妍身影已经显示不见了,留下的只有面前的一个大洞,残留的气息无疑不是说明了紫妍的去向。 With fumigating Xiao Yixian has looked at each other one, then pursued, the dim channel makes the person not know to where, Dongfang Yan that in the heart is inexplicably anxious always felt where does not suit. 与薰儿小医仙对视了一眼,紧接着便追了上去,昏暗的通道让人不知道通往何处,心中莫名紧张起来的东方焱总感觉哪里不对劲。 But the Zi Yan aura has had this also to make Dongfang Yan unable to control that many, simply complete explosion speed. 可是紫妍的气息一直都存在这也让东方焱管不了那么多,索性完全爆发速度。 Before long then ran out of the cavern, but aura also nearness of Zi Yan even more, when discovers Zi Yan. 不一会便冲出了洞穴,而紫妍的气息也越发的靠近,当发现紫妍时。 This time Zi Yan dull standing in front of a dry corpse does not know that is doing lang. 此时的紫妍正呆呆的站在一具干尸面前不知道在干啷个。 Almost was subconscious relaxing, Dongfang Yan also walked toward Zi Yan. 几乎是下意识的松了口气,东方焱也就朝着紫妍走了过去。 How? All right.” “怎么了?没事吧。” At this time the response of Zi Yan is very strange, just like the fear likely in short supply, lovable small face has actually filled seriously, forehead is also the dense and numerous sweat. 此时紫妍的反应很奇怪,宛如害怕却又像是在紧张,可爱的小脸充满了严肃,就连额头也是密密麻麻的汗水。 Flame, this, this corpse(s) ......... “焱,这,这具尸体………” As if was the person of being drowned found the final straw to grasp to be ordinary, threw in the Dongfang Yan's bosom, looks at that dry corpse, the small and exquisite body was shivering unceasingly. 似乎是溺水的人找到了最后的救命稻草一般,扑进东方焱的怀中,看着那具干尸,小巧玲珑的身体不断颤抖着。 All right, do not fear, a dry corpse.” “没事,不要怕,一具干尸而已。” Holds Zi Yan gently in the bosom, pats the back to comfort, looked at the vision. 轻轻把紫妍抱在怀中,轻拍着后背安抚着,同时也把目光看了过去。 Not the well-known demon beast of dry corpse had opened the eye, this makes Dongfang Yan stare inconceivable of face. 原本还是干尸的不知名魔兽睁开了眼,这让东方焱瞪着眼一脸的不可思议。 Fumigated and Xiao Yixian is also discontented the serious expression, approached Dongfang Yan. 就连薰儿和小医仙也是不满了凝重的表情,靠近东方焱 zhou!!!!!!!” “啁!!!!!!!” A hoarse long cry looks like eagle is ordinary, not the well-known demon beast dry corpse looks like very long has not moved machine general unceasing makes the sound. 一声沙哑的长鸣就像是老鹰一般,不知名的魔兽干尸就像是很久没有活动了的机器一般不断的发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音。 A pressure of seven step demon beasts starts to condense sending out, Zi Yan in Dongfang Yan bosom is actually fierce clenched teeth just like being injured was the same. 一股七阶魔兽的威压开始凝聚散发,东方焱怀中的紫妍却是猛的一咬牙宛如受伤了一样。 This makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle tightly, if has not guessed that wrong, this dry corpse estimate is the Zi Yan sworn enemy 这让东方焱眉头紧皱起来,如果没猜错的话,这具干尸估计就是紫妍的死对头 Day monster phoenix 天妖凰 Died died, but also did the sudden rising do? Since died that well vanishes Ah! to me!” “死都死了,还诈尸干嘛?既然已经死了那就好好的给我消失啊!!” Appears in front of the dry corpse instantaneously, a foot tramples to fly numerous pounding on the wall of cavern, this lets Dongfang Yan is also one always felt where does not suit, but has not actually thought anything. 瞬间出现在干尸面前,一脚踹飞重重的砸在洞穴的墙壁上,这让东方焱也是一愣总感觉哪里不对劲,可是却又没有多想什么。 Puts down Zi Yan to grasp Wang Quan Sword to want not to think that round of crescent moon sword air/Qi wields, hits the dry corpse. 放下紫妍手握王权剑想都没想一发月牙剑气挥出,击中干尸。 Dry corpse then motionless just like dying generally, but the little green ray appears from the dry corpse forms an appearance of grass finally. 紧接着干尸便一动不动宛如死掉了一般,只是一点点绿色的光芒从干尸身上浮现最后形成一颗小草的模样。 Flame this is!!!! This is!!!!” “焱这是!!!!这是!!!!” looks at floats at present in airborne grass, Yao Lao is not calm, on the face is having the thick excitement and happy expression. 看着眼前漂浮在空中的小草,药老也是不淡定了,脸上带着浓浓的激动和笑意。 Perhaps is place that because hide was discovered or was destroyed, grass changing of green suddenly. 或许是因为自己藏身的地方被人发现又或者是被毁,绿色的小草忽然的摇身一变。 Turned into a green huge demon beast, the same as usual is different from a moment ago that dry corpse. 就变成了一个绿色的巨大魔兽,老样子就和刚才那具干尸没什么两样。 The color is different. 只是颜色不同而已。 Unexpectedly will meet the flame of life here, the flame boy, has saying that your Luck also is really good.” “居然会在这里遇见生灵之焱,焱小子,不得不说你的运气还真是好啊。” Sigh speaking , the green flame condenses the demon beast appearance the flame to let serious that Yao Lao is also envies at present. 感叹般的说到,眼前绿色火焰凝聚成魔兽样子的火焰让药老也是羡慕的不得了。 Since met, then do not want to run, ruling day spirit!!!” “既然遇见了,那么你就不要想跑了,裁决天灵阵!!!” The corners of the mouth turn upwards similarly wipe smile evilly, but hastily proliferation own domain the flame of life must induce anything to be the same, is putting out the huge green column of flame to the Dongfang Yan opens the mouth. 嘴角同样翘起一抹邪笑,连忙扩散自己的领域而生灵之焱也要去感应到了什么一样,对着东方焱张口吐出巨大的绿色火柱。 But can only be considered as is booster flame the flame of life is attacking this actually not, may also be world strange fire. 可是只能算得上是辅助火焰的生灵之焱在攻击这一块却是不咋的,可好歹也是天地奇火 Flickers to kill divine skill, collapses the moon/month dimension blade not to have the flame that suspense the flame of breaking open life puts out, feels that huge vitality. 瞬杀神技,崩月次元刀毫无悬念的破开生灵之焱吐出的火焰,感受到那庞大的生命力。 Stamps the feet, the dark red shadow is centered on Dongfang Yan unceasing spreads toward all around until covering the entire ruling domain. 一跺脚,暗红色的影子以东方焱为中心不断的向着四周扩散直至覆盖整个裁决领域。 But when city of flame of that huge vitality life by the food was swallowed, left eye unconscious reveals the time of Angel Emperor of Time crazy rotation, letting Dongfang Yan can feel easily that is almost inexhaustible. 而生灵之焱那庞大的生命力被食时之城吞噬,左眼不自觉的露出天使刻刻帝疯狂转动的时间,让东方焱能轻易的感觉到那几乎是无穷无尽。 But the flame of life felt that oneself had been swallowed again, revolt is more intense. 而生灵之焱感觉到了自己再被吞噬,反抗的更加激烈起来。 How possibly like this to make you run away, seals!!!!” “怎么可能就这样让你逃走,封!!!!” Ranks the fifth different fire worthily, although the might is very small may ranks the fifth different fire after all. 不愧是排名第五的异火,尽管威力很小可毕竟是排名第五的异火。 Collapses flame of semblance that life the moon/month dimension blade unceasing division is turning into the demon beast shape, swallows, burns to decide, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique simultaneously the crazy revolution haughty red lotus definitely also used. 崩月次元刀不断的的分割着化成魔兽形状的生灵之焱外表,吞噬,焚决,北冥无相长生功同时疯狂的运转就连傲世红莲决也用上了。 Then the reluctant suppression counter-attack of different fire, in order to swallows different fire Angel Emperor of Time also fully to have been storing up the time successfully, is swallowing the strength of flame of that rich life life, is the life time. 这才勉强的压制住异火的反扑,为了能成功吞了异火就连天使刻刻帝也在全力的储存着时间,吞噬着生灵之焱那浓郁的生命之力,也就是生命的时间。 Fused several times not to know that should call anything's flame also fully to suppress the flame of life. 融合了几次也不知道该叫啥的火焰也在全力的压制着生灵之焱。 On the contrary, Xun outside domain as well as Xiao Yixian very much worried, Zi Yan is also so, merely only then Little Ai appears dragon corner/horn and Dragon's Tail, clothes change the magnificent Chinese dress. 相反,领域之外的薰儿以及小医仙就很着急了,就连紫妍也是如此,仅仅只有小爱显出龙角与龙尾,身上的衣服变回华丽的华服。 It looks like the empress is the same, directly enters domain to help flame of the Otou-sama suppression life. 就像是女皇一样,直接进入领域帮助着自己父亲大人压制生灵之焱。 Huge life time made Angel Emperor of Time also fall into the full condition, wants to start the turbulent flow that the strength and the space 12 ball formidable time collided to initiate to let Dongfang Yan without enough time directly is also the heart startled, was the speed of full Emperor of Time rotation more and more quickly looks like shatters as before was the same. 庞大的生命时间让天使刻刻帝也陷入了饱满状态,来不及多想直接发动了12之弹强大的时间之力与空间碰撞引发的乱流让东方焱也是心惊,依旧是饱满的刻刻帝转动的速度越来越快就像是坏掉了一样。 This makes Dongfang Yan very helpless, the 1st Bullet crazy in addition holds on oneself, swallows, burns to decide, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique, haughty red lotus definitely crazier revolution. 这让东方焱很无奈,一之弹疯狂的加持在自己身上,吞噬,焚决,北冥无相长生功,傲世红莲决更加疯狂的运转。 Several Cultivation Technique simultaneously crazy revolution let Dongfang Yan is also the corners of the mouth overflowed the blood subconsciously, the brow wrinkles Dongfang Yan to prepare to spell. 几个功法同时疯狂的运转让东方焱也是嘴角溢出了鲜血,眉头下意识的一皱东方焱准备拼了。 „Of Eight Celestial Divination Gates!!! First Gate Opening, opens!!!” 八门遁甲之阵!!!第一门开门,开!!!” Second rests the gate, opens!!!” “第二门休门,开!!!” „The third disciple gate, opens!!!” “第三门生门,开!!!” „The fourth wound gate, opens!!!” “第四门伤门,开!!!” Fifth closing one's doors, opens!!!” “第五门杜门,开!!!” Sixth Jing gate, opens!!!” “第六门景门,开!!!” „The seventh startled gate, opens!!!” “第七门惊门,开!!!” Clenches teeth, in some situations of not being able to support used the Eight Celestial Divination Gates in addition to hold itself in the body forcefully, although will estimate from now on will be very miserable, since already like this, that whole-heartedly. 咬着牙,在身体本就有些撑不住的情况下强行使用八门遁甲加持自己,尽管过后估计会很惨,不过既然都已经这样了,那就全力以赴吧。 The flame of life was broken open semblance to reveal the most important source fire, at present shines using the space penetrates to hold the flame of source fire life to swallow, because Angel Emperor of Time also extremely entered the condition of collapse in the formidable life time, but this time Dongfang Yan has not noted. 生灵之焱被破开了外表露出了最重要的本源火,眼前一亮利用空间穿透一把抓住生灵之焱本源火吞下,天使刻刻帝也因为太过于强大的生命时间进入了崩溃的状态,只是此时的东方焱没有注意到。 When Angel Emperor of Time collapses had many golden energies to integrate his body. 天使刻刻帝崩溃的时候有许多的金色能量融入进了他的身体。 „The eighth dead gate ............ Opens!!!” “第八门死门…………开!!!” The sinking sound spoke , must break open the flame of source fire that life Dongfang Yan ran away, finally cannot run away to be swallowed, burns to decide, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique, haughty red lotus definitely thorough swallowing. 沉声说到,原本还要破开东方焱逃走的生灵之焱本源火,最后还是逃不了被吞噬,焚决,北冥无相长生功,傲世红莲决彻底的吞掉。 Regarding this, Dongfang Yan is also satisfied smiles, at present one fainted black, although the crazy price had the flame of life, but Angel Emperor of Time actually fell into the heavy losses, does not have estimated some time has not restored. 对此,东方焱也是满意的一笑,眼前一黑昏了过去,疯狂的代价虽然成功拥有了生灵之焱,可是天使刻刻帝却陷入了重创,没一段时间估计还真的是恢复不了。 Has treated in the one side appears by Little Ai of Eight Celestial Divination Gates compels the main body brings Dongfang Yan then to leave, UU reads 原本一直待在一旁被八门遁甲之阵逼开的小爱显出本体带着东方焱便离开,UU看书 At this time Strength of Dongfang Yan within the body, but rebellion. 只是此时东方焱体内的力量可是暴动着。 When breaks open the time or space turbulent flow, Little Ai was also Strength consumes similarly. 当破开时间还是空间的乱流,小爱也是力量耗得差不多了。 After all was safe through the channel that 12 balls make, what a pity was actually broken, for not goes by the time turbulent flow and space turbulent flow volume, Little Ai is also not easy. 毕竟原本通过12之弹打出的通道是安全的,可惜却被打破掉了,为了不被时间乱流和空间乱流卷进去,小爱也是不容易啊。 A turbulent flow region, giant Divine Dragon on fierce shrinkage Loli, soft lying on falling into stupor Dongfang Yan. 一出乱流区域,巨大的神龙就猛的缩水成萝莉,软绵绵的趴在陷入了昏迷的东方焱身上。 Now Otou-sama falls into the stupor, physical strength Strength nobody controls to make Otou-sama be injured, is small, how Little Ai can tolerate Otou-sama injured, makes Little Ai come to be with the body Otou-sama shares!!!” “如今父亲大人陷入昏迷,体力的力量没人控制会让父亲大人受伤的,小,小爱怎么可以容忍父亲大人受伤,就,就让小爱用身体来为父亲大人分摊吧!!!” both eyes was filled by not well-known flame completely, the blazing vision lets shivering that the body of Little Ai cannot bear, does not know is excited, is excited, is ......... 双眼完全被不知名的火焰所充满,炽热的目光让小爱的身体忍不住的颤抖,不知道是兴奋,还是激动,还是……… The vision sees oneself Otou-sama chest front ring, immediately has thrown into Gate of Babylon directly, this makes Yao Lao that must come out direct fall silly, reason that does not dare to come out from the beginning, must know that after that is the turbulent flow Ah! of time and space to bumping! 目光看见自己父亲大人胸前的戒指,顿时直接丢进了王之财宝里,这让原本要出来的药老直接傻掉,之所以一开始不敢出来,要知道那可是时间与空间对碰后的乱流啊! Coming out of own solitary person wild ghost is not courts death, is frightened out of one's wits a minute of minute. 自己一个孤魂野鬼的出来不是找死啊,魂飞魄散分分钟啊。 „...... Where here is ......... “不过……这里是哪里啊………” Similarly left the ring, puzzled luminary day fire looks at surrounding face veiled Quan, in the sky is hanging seven weapon, by any terrifying thing staring the feeling lets Yao Lao and luminary day fire subconscious turning the head. 同样出了戒指,一脸疑惑的曜天火看着周围一脸蒙圈,天空中挂着七把武器,一股被什么恐怖的东西给盯上了的感觉让药老和曜天火下意识的转过头。 A strange sword then appears before them, sword hilt that lets Yao Lao and luminary day hot complexion big change just like the Devil smiling face. 一把奇怪的剑便出现在他们面前,剑柄那宛如恶魔的笑容让药老与曜天火脸色大变。 Just about to prepares to begin, the innumerable chains sudden emergence the frost sad carrying off, Yao Lao and luminary day fire as if heard that Bing Jian not to dare roared to be the same. 刚要准备动手,无数条锁链突然的出现把霜之哀伤拉走,药老与曜天火仿佛听见了那炳剑不敢的咆哮一样。
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