MTOAW :: Volume #5

#457: Qing Ling

Brought Qing Ling to look for a quite good shop at will, told that the person fetched the water, at this time Qing Ling has revealed the small face. 带着青鳞随意的找了个比较好的店,吩咐人打好水,此时青鳞已经露出了小脸。 Although on face dirty, hair is also chaotic, a small beggar appearance. 虽然脸上脏兮兮的,头发也是乱糟糟,一副小乞丐的样子。 But that oval face, green green eyes as well as the similar long hair without doubt is a Beauty embryo, is similar to Fei'er. 可是那瓜子脸,翠绿色眼睛以及同样的长发无疑是一个美人胚,和菲儿差不多啊。 Sir, the hot water came.” “大人,热水来了。” Out of the door resounds the waiter sound, east the sea waves is then controlling vat hot water departure that comes to put down anything not to ask, simultaneously pass/test Haomen, lived that long naturally to understand subordinate this matter of doing. 门外响起小二的声音,紧接着海波东便控制着一大桶热水进来放下什么也没多问的离开,同时关好门,活了那么久自然明白一个手下该做的事。 Sets out, then after the hand tries the water temperature to Qing Ling is showing a faint smile to say. 起身,用手试了试水温后便对着青鳞微微一笑道。 Was good, the water temperature is good, Qing Ling also here takes a bath, one will put on immortal the clothes we to exit to buy first.” “好了,水温不错,青鳞也就在这里洗个澡吧,一会先穿仙儿的衣服咱们在出去买。” Touches the small head of Qing Ling once more, looks at she is shrinking neck one slightly not only shy the appearance that and enjoys cannot bear smiles, then gets up to prepare to avoid. 再次摸了摸青鳞的小脑袋,看着她微微缩着脖子一副既害羞又享受的样子也是忍不住一笑,接着便起来准备回避。 looks at that back, opened mouth actually does not know that should say anything, looked in front of eye the lukewarm water of braving steam as well as one side was smiling similarly Xiao Yixian and Xun, after hesitant crystal one next, has taken off the worn-out cape. 看着那背影,张了张嘴却又不知道该说什么,看了眼面前的冒着热气的温水以及一旁同样微笑着的小医仙和薰儿,犹豫晶一下后也是脱下了破旧的斗篷。 In the dirty petite body, indeed so has permits some the azure scale, looks like snake scale general this lets Xun as well as the Xiao Yixian shock, Medusa is the brow cannot bear wrinkles. 脏兮兮的娇小身躯上,尽然有着许些青色的鳞片,就像是蛇鳞一般这让薰儿以及小医仙震惊,就连美杜莎也是眉头忍不住的一皱起来。 As for Qing Ling, cautiously approaches the big wooden barrel, bumped the feeling of water surface lukewarm water to make Qing Ling with the hand just like the fear stare generally, had the courage general launching. 至于青鳞,小心翼翼的靠近大木桶,宛如害怕一般用手碰了碰水面温水的感觉让青鳞一愣,紧接着鼓起勇气了一般下水。 Originally the clear lukewarm water after Qing Ling goes, starts to grow dark this to let the Qing Ling small face instantaneously one red, beautiful will think a really like this, perhaps for own will feel dirty shy. 原本清亮的温水在青鳞一进去以后,瞬间开始变黑这让青鳞小脸一红,一副真的美想到会这样的,又或许是为自己的脏感到害羞。 Also does not give a thought to that many to clean own body hastily fast. 也不顾那么多连忙快速的清洗着自己的身子。 After fumigating and Xiao Yixian has looked at each other one next decides and Dongfang Yan says, as for Medusa. 至于薰儿与小医仙对视了一下后还是决定和东方焱说一下,至于美杜莎 Is knitting the brows looks at that is washing Loli of body in the sewage as before. 依旧是皱着眉的看着那在脏水中洗着身体的萝莉 Elder Brother Yan.” 焱哥哥。” Flame.” “焱。” Goes out, fumigates as well as Xiao Yixian is almost simultaneously start to talk, this made Dongfang Yan have doubts. 一出门,薰儿以及小医仙几乎是同时开口,这让东方焱疑惑了起来。 How?” “怎么了?” Elder Brother Yan, the body of Qing Ling has likely is the scale of snake scale ......... 焱哥哥,青鳞的身上有着像是蛇鳞的鳞………” Un I know I go to have a look.” “嗯我知道的那么我进去看看吧。” Puts out a hand words that prevented to fumigate, Dongfang Yan walks after the room, but two females have looked at each other one helpless, has had to tell again the person hit the lukewarm water, felt that possibly insufficiently thereupon made the person hit two barrels. 伸手阻止了薰儿的话,东方焱朝着房间走进去而两女对视了一眼后也无奈了,只好再去吩咐人打好温水,感觉可能不够于是乎让人打了两桶。 Enters the room, just from the black water Qing Ling, Loli that petite perfect body completely exposes in the Dongfang Yan eye, azure snake scale also takes in everything at a glance. 进入房间,刚从黑水中出来的青鳞,萝莉那娇小完美的身体完全暴露在东方焱眼中,就连身上的青色蛇鳞也是一览无余。 This makes the Qing Ling small face ruddy, what are actually more is flustered, hides behind the big wooden barrel hastily, the drop blood that slightly blushes also the perfect score is intense. 这让青鳞小脸红润起来,倒是更多的还是慌张,连忙躲在大木桶后面,一张小脸红的滴血却又满分紧张。 Guessed correctly.” “猜到了吗。” Also felt regarding Qing Ling performance Dongfang Yan funnily, but saw nearby Queen Medusa tranquil silent Dongfang Yan naturally of face to understand, wants also to guess compared with her what existence Qing Ling was. 对于青鳞的表现东方焱也感觉到了好笑,不过见一旁的美杜莎女王一脸的平静沉默东方焱自然明白,想比她也是猜出来青鳞是什么样的存在。 Yin Mountains that fellow, I will certainly not let off his!!!” “阴山那个家伙,我一定不会放过他的!!!” The powder fist grips tightly, is almost gnash one's teeth speaking, Queen Medusa in the eye blooms the formidable anger, is direct going out, does not know that did. 粉拳紧握,几乎是咬牙切齿般的说到,美杜莎女王眼中绽放出强大的怒火,紧接着便是直接的出门而出,也不知道干嘛去了。 Helpless shaking the head of looked at eye that bucket of black water to burn down to take out from own space with the different fire by a wooden barrel and directly has been full of the warm spring water by spiritual qi. 无奈的摇了摇头看了眼那一桶黑水直接用异火焚烧掉从自己的空间中取出被一个木桶和被灵气充满了温泉水。 Arrives at shy chest protector both legs clamp, in front of Qing Ling that protects. 来到羞涩一手护胸双腿夹紧,一手护下的青鳞面前。 I help you remove the scale.” “我帮你把鳞片褪去。” Puts out a hand to hold Qing Ling gently, but Qing Ling is also the whole body one stiff, breathed has turned very quiet, body stiff, whatever that were hugging own person, put in itself in the water. 伸手轻轻抱起青鳞,而青鳞也是浑身一僵,就连呼吸都屏住了,身体僵硬般任由那抱着自己的人,把自己放入水中。 Enters the water, Qing Ling then hastily squats down the body, only revealed one pair to fill shy small eyes big eyes outside. 一入水,青鳞便连忙把身体蹲下,只露出一双充满了羞涩的小眼睛眼睛在外面。 Takes out the innumerable raw materials for medicine above oneself, azure lotus flowers the package, all raw materials for medicine will then turn into the little green green ichor before long. 取出无数的药材在自己上方,一朵朵青色的莲花将之包裹,不一会所有的药材便化成了一点点翠绿色的灵液。 Under the Dongfang Yan further depuration as well as the fusion, the innumerable green green ichor fused has been forming blue green together. 东方焱进一步的提纯以及融合下,无数翠绿色的灵液融合在一起形成了碧绿色 Sees this, after completing, gathers the spirit conveniently arrange/cloth in wooden barrel that in Qing Ling is, Battle Qi of world rapid wells up, after fills the spiritual qi warm spring water integrates the blue green ichor, delicate fragrance transmits. 见此,完成后聚灵阵随手布在青鳞所在的木桶中,天地的斗气飞速的涌来,就连充满灵气的温泉水融入碧绿色的灵液后,一股清香传来。 The comfortable feeling lets Qing Ling is also unconscious snort/hum, but also is the complexion is red, the whole body starts to feel hot also some places also in unceasingly itches this to let Qing Ling is almost the place that subconscious putting out a hand grasps itches. 舒服的感觉让青鳞也是不自觉的哼了哼,不过紧接着又是脸色通红起来,浑身开始发烫还有一些地方也在不断的发痒着这让青鳞几乎是下意识的伸手抓了抓发痒的地方。 When spreads out the hand, performing is several pieces of azure snake scales, this makes Qing Ling stare. 当摊开手时,尽是几片青色的蛇鳞,这让青鳞一愣起来。 Meanwhile, Qing Ling physique also starts to be strengthened, from linked Battle Qi also no she starts unceasingly from the air/Qi of fighting, fighting, fights the Master to climb, before long then achieved has fought the king peak, only missed one step to become fights the sovereign. 同时,青鳞体质也开始得到强化,从原本连斗气也没有的她开始不断的从斗之气,斗者,斗师爬升,不一会便达到了斗王巅峰,只差一步就可以成为斗皇的。 Also because of so, the blue green spiritual qi hot spring of delicate fragrance now turned just like the sewer general black water, the ill-smelling smell made the brow that Qing Ling cannot bear wrinkle to crawl hastily. 也正是因为如此,原本清香的碧绿色灵气温泉如今变成了宛如臭水沟一般的黑水,难闻的气味让其中的青鳞也是忍不住的眉头一皱连忙爬了出来。 When just, sees itself not to have the flaw pure white, tenderly when along slippery flesh, the whole person hoodwinks unceasingly is inquiring, is this that in the heart has shocked I? 只不过,当看见自己洁白无瑕,柔嫩顺滑的肌肤时,整个人都蒙了心中震惊的不断询问着,这还是我吗? Strength that simultaneously within the body has lets Qing Ling is also inconceivable of face. 同时体内存在的力量青鳞也是一脸的不可思议。 Was good, do not have doubts, this is you first puts on the clothes.” “好了,别疑惑了,这就是你先把衣服披上吧。” Funny beckoning, takes off own long gown to cover on Loli build Qing Ling, the spacious long gown covers on Qing Ling makes Qing Ling appear a Susu puts on early this month the lovable appearance of clothes. 好笑的招了招手,脱下自己的长袍盖在还是萝莉体型的青鳞身上,宽大的长袍盖在青鳞身上让青鳞显出一副苏苏穿月初衣服的可爱模样。 Big, Sir......” “大,大人……” The elegant face is red, looks at that thinks that in the gentle small face Qing Ling heart is moved, is not only because he slipped off and is stiffened by oneself snake scale, Qing Ling knows, at present the smiling face of this person as well as deep has printed in own heart. 俏脸通红,看着那想温柔的小脸青鳞心中感动不已,不仅仅是因为他让自己的蛇鳞褪下和变强,青鳞知道,眼前这个人的笑容以及深深的印入了自己的心中。 Sir ......... “大人………” Small face of blushing, looks at Dongfang Yan decided anything to be determined just like below completely is both hands about ten places the chest front generally, earnest speaking. 羞红的小脸,看着东方焱宛如下定了什么决心一般尽是双手合十放在胸前,认真的说到。 Sir graciousness of Qing Ling of life-saving not thinks the report, Qing Ling the personal maidservant who is willing to be the Sir, forever follows the Sir, takes care the Sir.” “大人的救命之恩青鳞无以为报,青鳞愿当大人的贴身侍女,永远跟随大人,服侍大人。” „The graciousness of life-saving?” “救命之恩?” Completely by Qing Ling makes ignorant Dongfang Yan looks at she, but this time Qing Ling small face is longing for this makes Dongfang Yan silent. 完全被青鳞弄懵了的东方焱看着她,而此时的青鳞一张小脸渴望着这让东方焱沉默起来。 Maidservant and maid are similar ......... “侍女和女仆差不多吧………” Twittering words actually sudden transmitting of Yao Lao. 呢喃了一声药老的话却又突然的传来。 Flame promises her, this Little Girl will not be simple in the future perhaps becomes a very strong helper.” “焱答应她,这个小女孩不简单日后说不定会成为一个很强的帮手。” rolled the eyes, since Teacher said that Dongfang Yan also put out a hand to rub the small head of anxious Qing Ling, un the sound complied. 翻了个白眼,既然自己老师都说了,东方焱也就伸手揉了揉紧张中青鳞的小脑袋,嗯声答应下来。 This makes Qing Ling immediately happy, raised the head to Dongfang Yan's vision, what the small face one red are more is happy, opens the hand to grasp the Dongfang Yan happy say/way. 这让青鳞顿时开心无比,抬起头对上东方焱的目光,小脸一红不过更多的还是高兴,张开手抱住东方焱开心道。 Un, thanks the Sir.” “嗯,谢谢大人。” Does not need to call my Sir, called me ......... Called me ......... “不过不用叫我大人,叫我………叫我………” Master!!” “主人!!” „......” “呃……” Stares, lowered the head looks at that to hide, in own cherishes grabs oneself clothes one not to have the face to see Qing Ling of person tightly, Dongfang Yan smiles. 一愣,低下头看着那躲在自己怀中紧抓着自己衣服一副没脸见人的青鳞,东方焱一笑起来。 Was casual you.” “随便你了。” As fighting sovereign, let alone Dongfang Yan has not concealed the purity that in the room dialogue three females are listen. 作为斗皇,更何况东方焱又没有隐瞒对此房间里面的对话三女都是听的一清二楚。 Goes out, already traded Qing Ling of clothes to follow in Dongfang Yan behind, on the face to brim with the happy smiling face, this lets Little Ai disaffection actually. 出门,早已换好衣服的青鳞跟在东方焱身后,脸上洋溢着开心的笑容,这倒是让小爱更加的不满。 Medusa?” 美杜莎了?” People, only then a Medusa person is not, this makes Dongfang Yan stare actually. 众人都在,只有美杜莎一个人不在,这倒是让东方焱一愣起来。 I saw her to fly away toward that side, it is estimated that went back.” “我看见她朝着那边飞走了,估计是回去了吧。” Actually amethyst wing Lion King was referring to this making Dongfang Yan have no alternative to a direction smiled. 紫晶翼狮王对着一个方向指了指这倒是让东方焱无可奈何的一笑。 Good, I knew, then walks.” “好吧,我知道了,那么走吧。” Back Gate of Babylon appears, Wang Quan Sword appears in the under foot, Dongfang Yan in the people shock jumped to put out a hand to say. 背后王之财宝出现,王权剑出现在脚下,在众人震惊中东方焱跳了上去伸出手道。 Comes up, this quickly.” “上来吧,这样快一点。” Wang Quan Sword enlarged several times, this lets Xun is also very curious coming up, but in the eye has that some anxiously. 王权剑放大了几倍,这让薰儿也是挺好奇的上去,只不过眼中还是有着那么一些紧张。 Afterward, Qing Ling gives east amethyst wing Lion King and sea waves protects, oneself are bringing Xiao Yixian, fumigates, Little Ai overtakes toward the place that Medusa is. 随后,青鳞交给紫晶翼狮王和海波东保护,自己则是带着小医仙,薰儿,小爱朝着美杜莎所在的地方赶过去。 The speed of flying sword volume how quick, almost could not require how much time, Dongfang Yan then sees Medusa is almost delay looks at at present becomes the ruins main city. 飞剑额的速度是何其的快,几乎要不了多少时间,东方焱便看见了美杜莎几乎是呆滞般的看着眼前成为废墟般的主城。 This accident, what to do making Xun they not know should, the time of freely being together not to calculate is too long, but that delay Medusa makes Xun Xiao Yixian not know how should be good. UU reads 这一变故,让薰儿她们也是不知道该怎么办,尽管相处的时间不算太长,可是那呆滞般的美杜莎还是让薰儿小医仙不知道该怎么是好。UU看书 ............... “……………” Silent a meeting, Dongfang Yan has alone gone forward after holds Medusa in the bosom, makes her paste gently, in own cherishes, feels that shoulder of sobbing as well as twitch that if cannot be looked up, this lets Dongfang Yan is also unconscious effort hugs. 沉默了一会,东方焱独自上前从后把美杜莎抱在怀中,轻轻让她贴在自己怀中,感受到那若不可查的哽咽以及抽动的肩头,这让东方焱也是不自觉的用力拥抱起来。 Snake person clan that many tribes, migrated were uncertain, went to other places to have a look.” “蛇人族那么多部落,迁移了也不一定,去其他地方看看吧。” Whips this present delicate queen gently, Dongfang Yan is also speaking of comfort, but Medusa is peaceful by, in he cherishes does not know that is thinking anything. 轻轻拍打这现在柔弱的女王,东方焱也是安慰的说到,而美杜莎则是安静的靠在他怀中不知道在想什么。 Promises me...... Certain...... Do not throw down me.” “答应我……一定……一定不要丢下我。” Disappearance of tribe takes to the sorrow of Medusa to be huge, puts out a hand enclasps to hug own person Medusa twittering speaking, this makes un the sound nod that Dongfang Yan one makes an effort say. 部落的消失带给美杜莎的悲痛是巨大的,伸手抱紧搂着自己的人美杜莎呢喃般的说到,这让东方焱一愣用力的嗯声点头道。 Queen ......... Your Majesty......” “女王………陛下……” The sound that suddenly broadcasts lets hug two people stare, but Medusa was in the heart one lets go happily then happen to sees is the moon/month of person snake tail flatters as before has thrown down Dongfang Yan decisively. 突然传来的声音让拥抱在一起的两人一愣,而美杜莎更是心中一喜松手便正好看见依旧是人身蛇尾的月媚果断的丢下了东方焱 Told me, exactly had anything, how here will turn into this appearance, other people, where other clansmen!!!” “告诉我,到底发生了什么,这里怎么会变成这个样子,其他人了,其他的族人哪里去了!!!” Excited Medusa grabs moon/month flattering both hands to inquire unceasingly, this lets the moon/month flatter does not know mentions from where, deep after looking at Dongfang Yan, had all that to tell Medusa here. 激动的美杜莎抓着月媚的双手不断的询问着,这让月媚也是不知道从何说起,深深的看了眼东方焱后把这里发生的一切都告诉了美杜莎 Heard Yin Mountains to lead a troop formidable snake person to extinguish eight big tribes, the snake person clan was the casualty is also serious, the tribe that should exterminate the clan because actually a person suddenly appeared thus changes, not only caused heavy losses to the person who Yin Mountains all extinguished him to bring, who when led the remaining snake people to arrive in an demon beast mountain range cavern the training just to be asked that person by Medusa is. 听见阴山带着一大群强大的蛇人灭了八个大部落,蛇人族也是死伤惨重,原本应该被灭族的部落却因为一个人突然的出现从而改变,不仅仅重创阴山全灭了他所带来的人,还带着剩下的蛇人来到了魔兽山脉的一个洞穴里修养只不过被美杜莎问起那个人是谁时。 The moon/month flatters looked did not speak merely to Dongfang Yan. 月媚仅仅只是看向了东方焱不说话。
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