MTOAW :: Volume #5

#456: Qing Ling

With Dongfang Yan is not willing to leave by Zi Yan that lollipop conquers completely, but this lets Little Ai disaffection extremely actually. 完全被棒棒糖所征服的紫妍也是跟着东方焱不愿意离开,不过这倒是让小爱极其的不满。 Bullied others' Zi Yan in the inner courtyard side Dongfang Yan, reduces to by the share that in others bully, but does not know that was Zi Yan has been short of the root after airhead, regarding Little Ai bullied quickly forgets. 原本在内院欺负别人的紫妍东方焱身旁,也就沦落到被别人欺负的份上,不过也不知道是不是紫妍少了根经还是天然呆,对于小爱的欺负很快就忘了。 Revolt sometimes, trades was pressed merely on the ground moves. 有时候的反抗,换来的仅仅只是被按在地上动弹。 But now, Zi Yan sat by Little Ai under the body, no matter her how struggling simply does not have any function. 而现在,紫妍小爱坐在身下,不管她如何的挣扎却根本没有任何的作用。 All the way, has two people also to be so good, is not at least bored. 一路上,有这么两个人也挺好的,至少不无聊。 Elder Brother Yan, stone desert city.” 焱哥哥,石漠城到了。” Is pulling the Dongfang Yan arm, fumigates on the face to bloom the delightful smiling face, the slender jade refers to aiming at front big city happy speaking. 挽着东方焱手臂,薰儿脸上绽放出甜美的笑容,纤纤玉指指向前方的大城市开心的说到。 How long flew not to know on this desert, bored, but in was also together insufficient to be very bored with the person of loving but actually. 在这个沙漠上飞了不知道多久,无聊到底啊,不过和所爱之人在一起倒也不至于很无聊。 Arrived at own domain, Medusa obviously wanted anxious many, does not know that is recording that selectivity forgot has remembered, the attractive delicate eyebrows wrinkled small hand to grip tightly tightly. 来到了自己的地盘,美杜莎显然要紧张的多,不知道是不是那自己选择性遗忘的记忆想了起来,好看的秀眉紧皱着就连小手都紧握起来。 But looked in Dongfang Yan in eye set out extremely lazy to stretch oneself to put out a hand the Medusa performance to rub to sit in the Medusa head that amethyst wing Lion King carried on the back gently as before. 而把美杜莎表现看在眼中的东方焱起身极其慵懒的伸了个懒腰伸手轻轻揉了揉依旧坐在紫晶翼狮王背上的美杜莎脑袋。 This lets Medusa puzzled and confused raising the head actually looks to Dongfang Yan. 这倒是让美杜莎一愣不解又迷茫的抬起头看向东方焱 Was good, has also gotten down to have a look the city to us, but Lion King must put in great inconvenience you.” “好了,城市到了咱们也下去看看吧,只是狮王要委屈你了。” Because after lacking changes from pill's main medicinal herb therefore regarding this only to make amethyst wing Lion King becomes seven step demon beasts, changing from instinct pass on the monster to cultivate Cultivation Technique. 由于缺少化形丹的主要药材所以对此只能让紫晶翼狮王成为七阶魔兽后本能的化形在传妖修功法 The group enter the stone desert city, this time amethyst wing Lion King that huge body reduced about a lion size, Xiao Yixian as well as Xun, because has made affectionate that step was also pulling the Dongfang Yan's arm, but nearby Little Ai appeared the resentment reads actually fully. 一行人进入石漠城,此时的紫晶翼狮王那庞大的身躯缩小成了一头狮子大小左右,小医仙以及薰儿由于做出了那一步也亲昵的挽着东方焱的手臂,只是一旁的小爱倒是显得怨念满满。 Is also shouting and wrangling in the face of the Dongfang Yan three people as for Zi Yan, is really very lovable, but that mean breast quantity made the surrounding person voice startled as well as the wolf vision or envying. 至于紫妍也是在东方焱三人面前大呼小叫着,真的是很可爱啊,只是那下作的乳量让周围人发出了惊愣以及狼性目光或羡慕。 Plays, before long then arrived at the estimate is the appearance of central zone pushed with great difficulty successfully Little Ai in Dongfang Yan bosom sudden stares, then put out a blue white ice crystal blue white ice crystal to send out a cold air. 一路游玩,不一会便到了估计是中心地带的样子原本好不容易成功挤到了东方焱怀中的小爱突然的一愣,接着拿出了一枚蓝白色的冰晶蓝白色的冰晶散发出点点寒气。 However a brow wrinkle, has remembered the origin of this thing after instantaneously, has given Dongfang Yan. 不过眉头一皱,瞬间想起了这个玩意的来历后,递给了东方焱 Otou-sama, this is Little Ai calls person in the hand of ice sovereign to snatch from one, now gives Otou-sama.” “呐父亲大人,这是小爱从一个叫冰皇的人手中抢来的,现在就送给父亲大人吧。” Affectionate making one lose face, this lets Dongfang Yan helpless smiling of actually, similarly rubbed Little Ai cheek to be counted gently returns a courtesy. 亲昵的蹭脸,这倒是让东方焱无奈的笑了笑,同样轻轻蹭了蹭小爱脸颊算作是回礼。 This millennium ice crystal happen to can give Esdeath, perhaps can also make her regarding cold ice control Ability well, thank you Little Ai.” “这个千年冰晶正好可以送给艾斯德斯,或许还能让她对于寒冰的控制能力变得更好,谢谢你了小爱。” The chuckle also accepted this ice crystal, but just accepted, sends old man then fierce appearance that face startled expression to let a person brow wrinkle blue. 轻笑了一声也就收下了这个冰晶,只是刚收下,一个蓝发老人便猛的出现那一脸惊愣的表情让人眉头不由的一皱。 Is you.” “是你。” Felt a familiar aura from the present person, the delicate eyebrows wrinkles to think slightly instantaneously, Medusa was also the subconscious corners of the mouth belt teasing. 从眼前的人身上感受到一股熟悉的气息,秀眉微微一皱瞬间想了起来,美杜莎也是下意识的嘴角带起了戏谑。 You ......... “你………” Behind looks at Little Ai as well as that purple have amethyst wing Lion King of bat wing, coming the person already to understand that here person was the initial that several people. 看着小爱以及那头紫色背后有着蝙蝠翅膀的紫晶翼狮王,来人早已明白这里人就是当初的那几人。 Hears in addition together the sound of pleasant to hear subconscious looked at the past, only felt that looked familiar brow to wrinkle. 听见另一道好听的声音下意识的看过去,只感觉眼熟对此不由的眉头一皱起来。 „, It seems like you forgot this king, the snake seal incantation was still looking like your this fights the sovereign to drop to fight the spirit.” “哦,看来你把本王忘记了啊,蛇印咒还在看来你这个斗皇跌落到了斗灵。” hearing this, the pupil contracts Beauty of looks at that golden color pupil only to feel fiercely instantaneously the heart shivers, somebody who the instinct subconscious retreat, after 56 golden chains depart imprisons instantaneously, leaps. 闻言,瞳孔剧烈收缩看着那金色瞳孔的美人瞬间只感觉心都颤抖起来,本能般的下意识后退,56条金色的锁链飞出瞬间禁锢后跃的某人。 The familiar feeling makes the ice sovereign sea waves eastern scared whole person shiver. 熟悉的感觉让冰皇海波东胆寒整个人都在颤抖着。 Bonus... Forgives the Sir.” “饶…饶命啊大人。” Battle Qi was sealed, 斗气被封, East sea waves that is unable to revolt against along with Little Ai small hand grasps, whole person light flies to arrive in front of Dongfang Yan, but felt that curious Dongfang Yan also sizes up. Ices east the sovereign sea waves.” 无法反抗的海波东随着小爱小手的一握,整个人轻飘飘的飞起来到东方焱面前,而感到好奇的东方焱也打量起来。“冰皇海波东。” Rubs the smiling face that the head looks at present person corners of the mouth of Little Ai have turned upwards wipe to tease gently. 轻轻揉了揉小爱的脑袋看着眼前的人嘴角翘起一抹戏谑的笑容。 Medusa you knew probably, that your looks at office.” 美杜莎你们好像认识,那就你看着办吧。” Has rubbed the small face and Xun of Little Ai gently Xiao Yixian in the one side, this made Medusa rolled the eyes looks at at present this fellow also turn upwards has wiped to tease. 轻轻蹭了蹭小爱的小脸和薰儿小医仙在一旁,这让美杜莎不由的翻了个白眼不过看着眼前这个家伙也是翘起了一抹戏谑。 In the past you had remnant chart to escape, today falls on my in the hand.” “当年你带着残图逃跑,今天又落在我手中。” Sneered again and again, grasps own Strength slender finger to fly high to the sea waves east a finger/refers. 冷笑连连,重新掌握了自己的力量修长的手指凌空对着海波东一指。 The snake seal incantation that the neck leaves starts instantaneously on the sea waves in fear east only felt that purple snake seal on own neck lives general. 脖子出的蛇印咒瞬间发动原本就恐惧中的海波东只感觉自己脖子上的那条紫色蛇印活过来一般。 Bites own neck this to let the sea waves eastern face pain. 一口咬住自己的脖子这让海波东一脸痛苦。 Big, Sir, no, do not kill my my me to be willing the different fire remnant chart to give you.” “大,大人,别,别杀我我我愿意把异火残图交给你。” On the face was full of painful expression just to speak of the different fire remnant chart is also makes Dongfang Yan narrow the eye. 脸上充满了痛苦的表情只不过说到异火残图是也是让东方焱眯起了眼。 Good, this old man looks at is also good.” “行了吧,这个老头看着也不错。” Cannot bear the chuckle, does not know that has thought after anything's Dongfang Yan flickers the body to arrive at side Medusa to hug her slender waist looks at is being put at present , the ice sovereign of big mouth breath gently. 忍不住轻笑,不知道想到了什么的东方焱一个瞬身来到美杜莎身旁轻轻搂着她的细腰看着眼前被放后大口呼吸的冰皇。 „, This, this is the different fire, different fire remnant chart.” “咳咳,这,这就是异火,异火残图。” Takes out the remnant chart to give Dongfang Yan hastily, received the remnant chart to look at the eye then directly to discard itself already to know that at will was anything, therefore this different fire remnant chart brought also useless. 连忙取出残图递给东方焱,接过残图随意的看了眼便直接的丢掉自己早就知道是什么了所以这异火残图拿来也没什么用啊。 Medusa that delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle wants to begin actually not to think actually. 倒是美杜莎那秀眉微皱一副想动手却又不想的。 Perhaps is received Little Ai this father to control the influence of blood of Divine Dragon, regarding Dongfang Yan, Medusa also has the special sentiment. 或许是受到了小爱这个父控神龙之血的影响,对于东方焱,美杜莎也是有着特殊感情。 Therefore also had this time this, was hugged the slender waist not to be willing actually to anticipate continuation obviously very much, such contradiction links lets Medusa attractive delicate eyebrows once for a while wrinkle in the same place, maybe charming. 因此也就有了此时这幅,被搂着细腰明明很不愿意却又期待着继续,这样的矛盾结合在一起让美杜莎好看的秀眉时不时的皱在一起,别是一番妩媚。 On the contrary, east the sea waves has shocked, looks at the queens of this snake person clan are hugged the waist to hug at present, although knits the brows, but actually cannot bear approaches to Dongfang Yan looks like snuggles, in he cherishes general. 相反,海波东可谓是震惊了,看着眼前这个蛇人族的女王被人搂腰抱着,虽说是皱着眉,可是却又忍不住的向东方焱靠近就像是依偎在他怀中一般。 Once this person had robbed this remnant chart from my in the hand actually also therefore my snake seal incantation, fought the strength of sovereign now only then fought about the spirit also really to cross very miserably.” “曾经这个人从我手中抢走了这块残图却也因此中了我的蛇印咒,原本斗皇的实力如今只有斗灵左右还真是过得挺惨了。” The looks at present person, Medusa also lost has killed his thought. 看着眼前的人,美杜莎也失去了杀他的念头。 Good, this thing to my use not greatly or on thing returning to rightful owner.” “好吧,这东西对我用处也不大要不就物归原主了。” Let go to take out the remnant chart to give Medusa, Dongfang Yan arrives in front of sea waves east to feel the chin not to know that was pondering this anything! But nearby Xun as well as Xiao Yixian does not know that must do. 松手取出残图递给美杜莎,东方焱则是来到了海波东面前摸着下巴不知道在思考这什么,!而一旁的薰儿以及小医仙也不知道要干啥。 Gives you one to relieve seal and restores the strength the opportunity you to want?” “给你一个解除封印和恢复实力的机会你要吗?” East the looks at sea waves, Dongfang Yan said with a smile lightly, although this old man did not like thinking, cannot any matter want to begin. 看着海波东,东方焱轻笑道,虽然这个老头自己也不怎么喜欢不过却还是觉得,总不能什么事都要自己动手吧。 Has bucket of sovereigns to think good seemingly also as the bodyguard, if Xiao will have bucket of sovereigns to help to assume personal command also little to be but actually troublesome. 有斗皇作为保镖想一想貌似也挺不错的,萧家如果有斗皇帮忙坐镇倒也会少很多麻烦。 „, Real, real?” “咳咳,真,真的吗?” Is already heard this to look like only has by the sea waves of being unable to withstand the load east the snake seal incantation suffers an excitement about 20 -year-old youngster face at present. 早已被蛇印咒折磨的不堪重负的海波东听见眼前这个看起来只有20岁左右的少年一脸的激动。 Naturally, but the premise is my servant, I let you you toward east toward the west, I make you stand you unable to sit, I make you die , the brow does not wrinkle one dead, perhaps you have the opportunity, when fights sect play.” “当然,不过前提是做我的仆人,我让你往东你就不能往西,我让你站着你就不能坐着,我让你死,也得眉头都不皱一下去死,或许你也有机会当一个斗宗玩玩。” Smiling Dongfang Yan made east sea waves silent, look at the eye subconsciously her behind Medusa as well as nearby associative compound reveals a little aura intentionally several people, east the sea waves was also dumbfounded. 一脸笑意的东方焱让海波东沉默,下意识的看了眼她身后美杜莎以及一旁会意故意泄露那么一点气息的几人,海波东也是目瞪口呆起来。 Besides this youngster cannot completely understand at present, Xiao Yixian, fumigates, Medusa, amethyst wing Lion King four fight the sovereign to add on Little Ai this to fight the sect again, making east the sea waves reveal the crystal forced smile, this was beyond control oneself to choose. 除了眼前这个少年看不透外,小医仙,薰儿,美杜莎,紫晶翼狮王四个斗皇再加上小爱这个斗宗,让海波东露出晶苦笑,这更本就由不得自己选择啊。 East sea waves pays a visit the master.” “海波东拜见主人。” In the heart the thick sigh, sea waves east kneels on the ground lowers the head to comply, from now on, east his sea waves is at present this youngster subordinate. 心中浓浓的叹息,海波东跪在地上低着头答应下来,从现在起,他海波东就是眼前这个少年的手下了。 The corners of the mouth turn upwards wipe satisfactory smiling face, has turned around looks at Medusa naturally clear Medusa to Dongfang Yan speechless rolled the eyes, is similar to white scallion ivory slender finger ties seal fast. 嘴角翘起一抹满意的笑容,转过身看着美杜莎自然明白的美杜莎对着东方焱无语的翻了个白眼,如同白葱象牙般修长的手指快速的结印。 Seven color snake seal on sea waves eastern neck start change vanish pale, this made east the sea waves almost feel disappearance of that seal instantaneously, has smiled, but thinks that the following matter heart was actually wants to cry but no tears can be shed. 海波东脖子上的七彩蛇印开始变淡消失,这让海波东几乎是瞬间感受到了那股封印的消失,不由的笑了起来,可是一想到接下来的事心底却是欲哭无泪 On the other hand, this price was too high. 相对来说,这个代价太高了。 Is very good, actually I do not want you to make anything, after Xiao in city, protected to me on the line.” “很好,其实我也不要你多做些什么,乌坦城的萧家以后就给我保护好就行了。” Mood good Dongfang Yan put out a hand to pat the sea waves eastern shoulder, did not attend to the street the crowded person, the erie violet pent-up anger appeared has refined the duplicate purple miracle cure. 心情甚好的东方焱伸手拍了拍海波东的肩头,也不顾街上人来人往的人,直接青莲地心火出现炼制了复紫灵丹。 But the emergence of blue lotus pent-up anger was makes east the sea waves remember that time picture instantaneously, opens mouth looks at Dongfang Yan suddenly completely to forget including the compounded drug. 可是青莲地心火的出现却是让海波东瞬间想起了那个时候的画面,张着嘴看着东方焱一时间尽是连丹药都忘记了。 Subdues hand/subordinate sea waves eastern one successfully, some minor matters do not solve with oneself very well but actually, walks is walking sudden flustered young girl fierce from the corner to clash to hit on Dongfang Yan, this made Xun call out in alarm one actually. 成功收服手下海波东一枚,一些小事也不用自己去解决倒也挺好的,走着走着突然一位慌张的少女猛的从拐角处冲出来撞在东方焱身上,这倒是让薰儿惊呼了一声。 Courts death!!” “找死!!” But east the sea waves sees Dongfang Yan to be hit is the heart startled is also preparing to begin actually to be wielded draws back, regarding this east the helpless sea waves also has to draw back. 而海波东看见东方焱被撞也是心惊正准备动手却被挥退,对此无奈的海波东也就只好退下。 All right.” “没事吧。” Present young girl can only say that is 11 or 12-year-old Loli, but the whole body was being wrapped by the worn-out cape, letting the person only to see the build. UU reads 眼前的少女只能说是个十一二岁的萝莉,只不过浑身被破旧的斗篷包裹着,让人只能看出体型。UU看书 Does not have, all right.” “没,没事。” Shook the head, Loli only felt where this sound has heard probably, but actually cannot think, in heart instinct at present this person will help himself, suddenly hesitates. 摇了摇头,萝莉只感觉这个声音好像在哪里听见过,可是却又想不起来,心中本能的眼前这个人会帮助自己,一时间犹豫起来。 Quick, where she, does not let that monster run!!!” “快,她在哪里,别让那个怪物跑了!!!” Bellowing that suddenly transmits makes the Loli whole body tremble, has turned around the person who as if saw to pursue originally hesitant made her stretch out delicate small hand closely to grab the Dongfang Yan's lower hem corner from the worn-out cape instantaneously, raised the head pitiful and Dongfang Yan looking at each other. 突然传来的大吼让萝莉浑身一颤,转过身似乎看见了追过来的人原本的犹豫瞬间让她从破旧的斗篷下伸出柔弱的小手紧紧抓着东方焱的衣角,抬起头可怜兮兮的与东方焱对视。 East sea waves.” “海波东。” looks at this whole body dirty Little Loli, Dongfang Yan has remembered and Fei'er's meet at present instantaneously, perhaps is the compassion outbreak. 看着眼前这个浑身肮脏的小萝莉,东方焱瞬间想起了和菲儿的相遇,或许是恻隐之心发作。 Dongfang Yan shows the gentle smiling face to touch the head of Little Loli to draw her small hand start to talk to say gently. 东方焱露出温柔的笑容轻轻摸了摸小萝莉的头拉着她的小手开口道。 Un.” “嗯。” naturally understands, sea waves Eastern Turkistan however vanishes a series of pitiful yells to resound, before long comes back this to make Dongfang Yan very satisfied actually. 自然明白,海波东突然消失紧接着一连串的惨叫响起,不一会就回来这倒是让东方焱很满意。 You name.” “你叫什么名字。” Squatting lower part of the body both hands grabs the delicate shoulder of Little Loli to reveal to smile gently at present completely has not placed in the eye this time Little Loli whole body dirty appearance. 蹲下身双手轻轻抓着眼前小萝莉的柔弱的肩头露出微笑全然没有把此时小萝莉浑身脏兮兮的样子放在眼中。 azure... Qing Ling ......... “青…青鳞………” Perhaps was some first people such good or remembers anything's Qing Ling to oneself regarding the Dongfang Yan's inquiry is also the intense reply, by just like remembering any same start to talk. 或许是第一次有人对自己这么好又或者是想起了什么的青鳞对于东方焱的询问也是紧张不已的回答,紧接着由宛如想起了什么一样开口 Big, Sir, azure, Qing Ling dirty meeting......” “大,大人,青,青鳞身上脏会……” Has not related, can follow me together?” “没关系的,要跟我一起走嘛?” Put out a hand to rub the small head of Qing Ling, start to talk said that this made Qing Ling very actually moved the looks at present person hesitant long time finally to nod. 伸手揉了揉青鳞的小脑袋,开口道,这倒是让青鳞十分的感动看着眼前的人犹豫了良久最后点了点头。 This made Dongfang Yan smile actually, but fumigated as well as Xiao Yixian rolled the eyes. 这倒是让东方焱笑了起来,只是薰儿以及小医仙不由的翻了个白眼
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