MTOAW :: Volume #5

#455: Emperor of Time

Has swept the eye by the battlefield of crush slaughter, Han Feng is also the brow wrinkles. 扫了眼被碾压屠杀的战场,韩枫也是眉头不由的一皱起来。 One crowd of useless trash, the porch Protector.” “一群没用的废物,轩护法出来吧。” The words fall, a strange black fog gradual appearance, this lets Xun is also waves to solve the match to arrive at Dongfang Yan side in the hand to burn flame face serious, can be called Protector, the strength decides however is not weak. 话语一落,一阵诡异的黑雾逐渐的出现,这让薰儿也是挥手解决掉对手来到东方焱身旁手中燃烧着火焰一脸凝重,能被称之为护法的,实力定然不弱。 After Xiao Yixian also rapidly solves the match, arrives at the Dongfang Yan side purple energy to ferment in in the hand. 就连小医仙也是迅速解决对手后来到东方焱身旁紫色的能量在手中酝酿着。 Jie Jie, many souls, this time may really be great harvest, becomes my thing.” “桀桀,好多的灵魂啊,这一次可真是大丰收,成为我的东西吧。” The black fog that presents projects suddenly innumerably is only looks at on the scary chains, looks like bewitching of future Hell locks to be the same. 出现的黑雾突然射出无数光是看着就吓人的锁链,就像是来者地狱的勾魂锁一样。 The souls of countless person carried off, sky just like end world dark clouds, dense feels constrained. 无数人的灵魂被拉走,天空是宛如末世般的黑云,黑压压的让人心情压抑。 Unceasingly whistling wind sound/rumor just like neighing of ghost, one in pairs scarlet such as evil spirit eyes unceasing appears from the sky, since looked like in the jet black cavern shines innumerable double has made the will of the people produce cold eyes. 不断呼呼的风声宛如怨鬼的嘶鸣,一双双猩红如厉鬼的眼睛不断的从天空中浮现,就像是漆黑的洞穴里亮起了无数双让人心生发寒的眼睛 Elder Brother Yan.” 焱哥哥。” Unconscious approaches to Dongfang Yan, in pairs fumigates looks at that scarlet eyes is the delicate eyebrows cannot bear wrinkles tightly. 不自觉的向东方焱靠近,薰儿看着那一双双猩红的眼睛也是秀眉忍不住的紧皱起来。 Has not related, fumigates, Xiao Yixian you help these people.” “没关系的,薰儿,小医仙你们去帮那些人吧。” Is showing the self-confident smile to two females, after this made Xun hesitant one next nodded, approved regarding own Elder Brother Yan strength. 对着两女露出自信的微笑,这让薰儿犹豫了一下后点头,对于自己焱哥哥的实力还是认同。 Jie Jie, hands over medicine dust and your soul.” “桀桀,交出药尘和你的灵魂吧。” Laughing, the soul body in sky unceasing falls to plunge the student of Canaan school, suddenly actually makes the Canaan school present the casualties. 大笑着,天空中的灵魂体不断的落下扑向迦南学院的学生,一时间倒是让迦南学院出现伤亡。 This lets wrinkle actually tightly, as Divine Dragon that the Little Ai brow cannot bear, Little Ai instinct does not like in the sky that giant black fog, thereupon appears the main body, sends out deafening dragon roar, the black fog in sky completely is broken open to reveal sky this to make the porch by Little Ai Protector the shock. 这倒是让小爱眉头忍不住的紧皱起来,作为神龙,小爱本能的不喜欢天空中那个巨大的黑雾,于是乎显出本体,发出震耳欲聋的龙吟,天空中的黑雾尽是被小爱破开露出天空这让轩护法震惊。 Congealing fire is a sword, the remnant rainbow breaks the day to cut!!!” “凝火为剑,残虹断天斩!!!” Sword of the giant flame suddenly appears, the huge sword blade makes person looks at shock, but this flame giant sword is not simple, after several different fires melt the product might is not inferior to the Buddha anger lotus completely. 一道巨大的火焰之剑突然出现,庞大的剑身让人看着就震惊,而这火焰巨剑也不简单,几朵异火相融后的产物威力完全不亚于佛怒火莲。 You dare!!!! Fee completely thousand Xing Wanku obtains these five to fight the sovereign peak soul, how can make you so easily ruin!!!!!” “你敢!!!!费尽千幸万苦才得到这五个斗皇巅峰灵魂,怎么能让你如此轻易毁掉!!!!!” The porch Protector in great surprise, simultaneously the both hands unceasingly method of transformation Secret Art torn to pieces dark clouds condenses, the dark clouds that tumbles unceasingly make people heart unconscious feel constraining very as if have the thing of any good and bad fortune to be born general. 轩护法大惊,同时双手不断变换法诀被撕破的黑云重新凝聚起来,不断翻滚的黑云让众人心头不自觉的感到十分的压抑仿佛有什么吉凶之物要出世一般。 You wait to suffer to death, when my ominous soul is born first to feed with you.” “你们等着受死吧,等我凶魂出世第一个拿你喂食。” The porch Protector fiercely is laughing, this makes Dongfang Yan feel to have no alternative actually, is not an ominous soul, copes with the soul the method to be much less. 轩护法狰狞的大笑着,这倒是让东方焱感到无可奈何,不就是一个凶魂而已,对付灵魂的方法少多。 The Fallen Heart Flame unceasing condensation, is preparing to begin to be placed the frost in Gate of Babylon sad is actually the independent appearance. 陨落心炎不断的凝聚,正准备动手原本被放在王之财宝中的霜之哀伤却是自主的出现。 Flies high to stand, the quiet blue ray is similar to the wave ripples to all around, innumerable also just like received attracting of ghostdom to the dark clouds not to well up generally toward the soul that the dark clouds well up. 凌空而立,幽蓝色的光芒如同水波般向四周荡漾,无数原本还朝着黑云涌去的灵魂宛如受到了冥界的招引一般不在向黑云涌去。 Innumerable soul bodies regarding the sadness of frost, a cold appearance of thorough marrow baseless. 无数的灵魂体围绕着霜之哀伤,一股深入骨髓的寒冷凭空的出现。 Is centered on the frost to be sad the cold air that spreads to the surroundings unceasingly presented the cold ice gradually, in the cold ice also has the black ghost to rock. 以霜之哀伤为中心,一个不断向周围扩散的寒气逐渐的出现了寒冰,寒冰之中还有黑色的鬼影在晃动。 Dark clouds that day after day airborne also presents also start such as the heavy drinker potable water to support gradually generally sadly into toward the frost. 就连天空中也出现的黑云也开始逐渐如长鲸饮水一般朝着霜之哀伤拥入。 bastard, how this is the ominous soul that the untold hardships collect to condense to come possibly makes you obtain!!!” 混蛋,这可是千辛万苦才收集凝聚而来的凶魂怎么可能让你得到!!!” Flies into a rage, the porch Protector changes also the law Secret Art again and again unceasingly 勃然大怒,轩护法连连不断地变动也法诀 Han Feng accompanied me to kill this boy together!!” “韩枫陪我一起杀了这小子!!” Shouting, but a hand sudden penetration own chest this makes the porch Protector a face startled stares. 大喊着,可是一只手却突然的穿透自己的胸膛这让轩护法一脸的惊愣。 Protects buddhist law your enmity to make me come to report for you.” “护法你的仇就让我来替你报吧。” The corners of the mouth bring to smile evilly, the opens the mouth porch Protector the soul to be swallowed by Han Feng, does not know that is because swallows the porch has protected buddhist law the soul makes itself grow stronger or is anything, 嘴角带着邪笑,张口轩护法灵魂被韩枫吞噬,不知道是不是因为吞噬了轩护法灵魂的让自己变强又或者是什么, The person in black angular region was killed similarly, but that innumerable soul thoroughly sadly was actually absorbed by the frost. Looked like ate to the full generally, the frost returned to front of Dongfang Yan sadly, the surroundings piercing cold air also received went back the sky also once more to reveal the sky. 黑角域的人被杀得差不多了可是那无数的灵魂却彻底被霜之哀伤所吸收。就像是吃饱了一般,霜之哀伤回到东方焱面前,周围刺骨的寒气也收了回去天空也再次露出天空。 My good Junior Brother, to meet Senior Brother my this move to try!!!” “我的好师弟,接师兄我这一招试试!!!” The strength achieves bucket of sects unceasingly, Han Feng whole body gushes out the quiet blue flame, the appearance unceasing formation huge deep sea demon beast of flame. 实力达到斗宗,韩枫周身不断的涌出幽蓝色火焰,火焰的出现不断的形成一个庞大的深海魔兽。 Elder Brother Yan, I help you!!” 焱哥哥,我来帮你!!” tenderly, then a huge palm just like the Tathagata God held toward that huge demon beast flushes away. 一声娇呼,接着一个庞大的手掌宛如如来神掌似的朝着那庞大的魔兽冲去。 Turns sea seal!” “翻海印!” The demon beast and giant palm to bumping to send out the intense explosion, this time Han Feng fights the sect after all, but fumigates also merely becomes fights the sovereign shortly. 魔兽与巨大的手掌对碰发出强烈的爆炸,此时的韩枫毕竟是斗宗,而薰儿也仅仅只是才成为斗皇没多久。 Although turns the sea seal might to be good, but the disparity of strength lets Xun the shaken repetitive retreat, the aura somewhat is chaotic. 尽管翻海印威力不俗可是实力的差距还是让薰儿被震的连连后退,气息都有些混乱。 Elder Brother Yan.” 焱哥哥。” Sudden held in the arms around the middle, excessively then sees at this time the Dongfang Yan tranquil eye, but in the eyes of king has been full of the anger. 突然的被人拦腰搂住,偏过头便看见此时东方焱平静的眼,只是王之眼中充满了愤怒。 All right fumigates.” “没事吧薰儿。” Subsides somewhat chaotic Battle Qi for her, Dongfang Yan loosens the hand sadly not to use on the frost, fumigating protects in behind puts out a hand, the throne appears from the one side. 为她平息有些混乱的斗气,东方焱松开手就连霜之哀伤也不用了,把薰儿护在身后伸手一张,王座从一旁出现。 Under of throne just like black hole void, although fumigates has not received the injury of any essence, but Dongfang Yan has been full of the endless anger. 王座的下方是宛如黑洞般的虚空,尽管薰儿并没有受到什么实质的伤害,可是东方焱还是充满了无尽的怒火。 Draws out the sword hilt of throne peak, looks at at present as before is Han Feng Dongfang Yan coldly snorted that laughs insolent. 拔出王座顶端的剑柄,看着眼前依旧是张狂大笑的韩枫东方焱冷哼了一声 Throne of Annihilation. Finally sword.” 鏖杀公.最后之剑。” The words just fell, the throne then instantaneously decomposes the innumerable unceasing condensation on Throne of Annihilation, handle over ten meters purple giant sword appears, this lets the people dumbfoundedly. 话语刚落,王座便瞬间分解成无数块不断的凝聚在鏖杀公上,一柄远超十米长的紫色巨剑出现,这让众人目瞪口呆就连。 Han Feng is also a startled expression of face, after all this extremely in shocking. 就连韩枫也是一脸的惊愣表情,毕竟这太过于震撼了。 Emperor of Time!” 刻刻帝!” The back presents the golden big clock, this also makes Xun Medusa and the others curious, after all this thing saw inferiorly to have anything to affect actually knows nothing, at least purple giant sword actually could look. 背后出现金色的大时钟,这也让薰儿美杜莎等人好奇,毕竟这东西都看见了很多次了可是有什么作用却是一无所知,至少紫色巨剑倒是看得出来一点。 7th Bullet.” 七之弹。” Speaking of in a soft voice, the back Angel Emperor of Time long needle rotation dark red light group hit Han Feng together instantaneously, this made Han Feng shock, because he discovered that oneself did not move. 轻声说到,背后的天使刻刻帝长针转动一道暗红色的光团瞬间击中韩枫,这让韩枫震惊,因为他发现自己动不了。 1st Bullet.” 一之弹。” Angel Emperor of Time tick-tock tick-tock the rotation, a dark red energy spills into the Dongfang Yan's body, flickers moves to the appearance silently in Han Feng behind, in the hand finally the sword erupts formidable energy a sword layer on layer/heavily to cut to strike carries on the back after Han Feng, Han Feng is similar to the shell pounds instantaneously generally on the ground. 天使刻刻帝滴答滴答的转动,一股暗红色的能量涌进东方焱的身体,无声无息瞬移般的出现在韩枫身后,手中的最后之剑爆发出强大的能量一剑重重斩击在韩枫后背上,韩枫瞬间如同炮弹一般砸在地上。 Instantaneously was similar to the earthquake generally, but Ability that a Han Feng blood blowout body did not move, this made Han Feng frightened. 瞬间如同地震了一般,而韩枫一口鲜血喷出身体更本毫无动弹的能力,这让韩枫恐惧起来。 In the sky, grasps over ten meters purple giant sword Dongfang Yan, is a 1st Bullet in addition holds on the body, all over the sky purple sword air/Qi energy cuts to strike is similar to rains general falling the place that is in Han Feng. 天空中,手持远超过十米长紫色巨剑东方焱,又是一个一之弹加持在身上,紧接着满天的紫色剑气能量斩击如同下雨一般的落在韩枫所在的地方。 Quickly to pinnacle wields in the hand giant sword, innumerable purple energy sword air/Qi unceasing wields, was placed by Han Feng of 7th Bullet anchorage in the explosion center, the innumerable sword air/Qi fall on oneself explode, have the Armor Piercing Effect sword air/Qi lets not have Han Feng of strength of revolt by the great big sword air/Qi crush do not have the strength of revolt. 快到极致的挥动手中巨剑,无数的紫色能量剑气不断的挥出,被七之弹定住的韩枫身处于爆炸中心,无数剑气落在自己身上爆炸,拥有破甲效果的剑气让毫无反抗之力的韩枫被巨大剑气碾压的毫无反抗之力。 On the same day airborne Dongfang Yan stopped wielding, disperses the sword, Emperor of Time 1st Bullet Ability starts finally arrives at the ground instantaneously. 当天空中的东方焱停止挥动,散掉最后之剑,刻刻帝一之弹能力发动瞬间来到地面。 This time Han Feng whole person the inadequate human appearance, the similar about hundred meters big hole, the boiling hot heat wave has looked like places in the flame general blazing, but has different fire heat degree looks like cigarette lighter. 此时的韩枫整个人都已经不成人样了,差不多百米左右的大坑,滚烫的热浪就像是身处于火焰之中一般炽热,不过拥有异火这点热度就像是打火机似的。 ............... “……………” Is silent is putting out a hand, the almost transparent soul broken burned black corpse(s) that cannot recognize from that biological mothers appears together. 沉默着伸手一张,一道几乎透明的灵魂从那具就连自己亲妈都认不出来的残破焦黑尸体中出现。 Teacher, you make decision.” 老师,你来做决定吧。” Uses to imprison Han Feng soul in view of Fallen Heart Flame of soul, Yao Lao is also the silent appearance, looks at seemed like decided the body in the same Han Feng soul eye not to have the beforehand anger and hate at present. 用着针对灵魂的陨落心炎囚禁韩枫的灵魂,药老也是沉默的出现,看着眼前就像是被定身了一样的韩枫灵魂眼中没有了以前的愤怒和怨恨。 Some merely are only endless dismal and sigh. 有的仅仅只是无尽的悲凉和感叹。 Is Master has not taught you, does not blame you for the Master, perhaps this for the disaster of Master, if there is a next generation to hope that for the Master you can be honest.” “是师父没教好你,为师也不怪你,或许这就是为师的劫难,如果有下辈子为师希望你能好好做人。” Is bringing endless dismal, at present this once by oneself proud, wishing one could makes him inherit the disciple of oneself cassock and almsbowl, now turned into this appearance perhaps also has own mistake. 带着无尽的悲凉,眼前这个曾经让自己骄傲,恨不得让他继承自己衣钵的弟子,如今变成了这个样子或许也是有着自己的错吧。 Sees Yao Lao to oneself slightly nodded, Dongfang Yan understands that the in the hand different fire rises suddenly Han Feng soul to be built up instantaneously does not have the pit until to be built up to turn into pure soul Strength by him of strength of anchorage time thoroughly. 药老对自己微微点了点头,东方焱明白手中异火暴涨韩枫的灵魂瞬间被炼化而被时间之力定住的他也是一声没坑直至被彻底炼化成纯净的灵魂力量 Han Feng dies, the different sea of fire heart flame that he grasps transforms that demon beast illusory image from the beginning instantaneously, but now the Dongfang Yan year ago, actually by him the demon beast surface that puts out a hand the easy penetration sea heart flame to transform. 韩枫一死,他所掌握的异火海心焰瞬间幻化成一开始的那种魔兽幻影,只不过如今在东方焱年前,却被他伸手轻而易举的穿透海心焰幻化的魔兽表面。 Holds the sea heart flame source fire seed to burn definitely as well as swallows heartless launch, this lets the demon beast pain that heart flame transforms is swaying from side to side the huge body. 一把抓住海心焰本源火种焚决以及吞噬无情的发动,这让海心焰幻化的魔兽痛苦的扭动着庞大的身躯。 But, the main talented person just an idle capital did not have the sea heart flame less than moment of many spirit wisdom and strength heartlessly is swallowed. 可是,主人才刚刚一死本就没多少灵智和实力的海心焰不到片刻就被无情吞噬。 Burnt strengthens the step not to have breakthrough definitely slightly little continually. 焚决微微的加强了那么一点点却是连地阶都没有突破 Sea heart flame that Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame as well as a moment ago that Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame, the blue lotus pent-up anger, Fallen Heart Flame, the purple fire of amethyst wing Lion King, fumigates swallow. 灭妖神火纯质阳炎,青莲地心火,陨落心炎,紫晶翼狮王的紫火,薰儿的金帝焚天炎以及刚才吞噬的海心焰。 Except the purple fire of Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire as well as Lion King, the genuine different fire also merely only has four. 除去灭妖神火以及狮王的紫火,真正的异火也就仅仅只有四朵而已。 Leads the people to show one's true nature to face upwards the black angular region, except massive day material treasure, outside precious medicinal herb, Cultivation Technique anything also many many, UU reads 带领着众人把黑角域翻了个底朝天,除去大量的天材地宝,珍贵药材外,功法什么的也多的不少,UU看书 Was needless to say as for the wealth. 至于金银财宝更是不用多说。 Han Feng occupies in black angular region these many years, he who let alone takes the medicine sovereign, collects naturally many thereupon also merely wanted some Cultivation Technique in dividing the booty link First Elder Su Qian and the others. 韩枫盘踞在黑角域这么多年,更何况作为药皇的他,收藏自然的不少于是乎在分赃环节苏千大长老等人也仅仅只是要了一些功法而已。 Now knows status that Dongfang Yan exposes, regarding at present this boy is also tight that likes. 如今知道东方焱暴露出来的身份,对于眼前这个小子也是喜欢的紧。 The name heard that medicine revering of mainland actually lets First Elder Su Qian in his side this is also somewhat embarrassed asking medicine. 名闻大陆的药尊者都在他的身边这倒是让苏千大长老也是有些不好意思的求药。 In line with has exposed in any case, luminary day fire put simply, this let the student shock of innumerable Canaan school actually, revering the disciple, let alone was two revering just knows under the luminary day fire extremely bitter and astringent explanation. 本着反正都已经暴露了,索性就连曜天火都放出来了,这倒是让无数迦南学院的学生震惊,尊者之徒也就算了,更何况还是两位尊者的只不过在曜天火极其苦涩的解释下才知道。 Dongfang Yan merely is only the apprentice of medicine revering, but his luminary day fire is a subordinate and so on existence. 东方焱仅仅只是药尊者的徒弟,而他曜天火则是一个手下之类的存在。 This news lets their brain bang, opens mouth a delay of face. 这一消息更是让他们大脑一轰,一个个的张着嘴一脸的呆滞。 At this time, 此时, Dongfang Yan without doubt did not become person who idol that presents all people, many beautiful young girl admire. 东方焱无疑不是成为了在场所有人的偶像,许多美少女所爱慕的人。 When just this news puts on to return to the inner courtyard thoroughly, is seethes with excitement. 只不过当这个消息彻底穿回内院之时,更是沸腾起来。 But our protagonist Dongfang Yan, are sitting at this time periphery amethyst wing Lion King carries on the back sits a beautiful woman without doubt is not enjoyment. 而咱们的主角东方焱,此时正坐在紫晶翼狮王背上周围坐着一众美女无疑不是一种享受。 When saying goodbye to First Elder Su Qian, in the black angular region is the people refine the pill of immortality, the elixir technique of because originally not having practiced also in rapid promotion, when particularly first seven compounded drugs that initiates pill tribulation is born, although first time is not clear facing some. 在告别苏千大长老时,也在黑角域为众人炼丹,原本因为没怎么练习的炼药术也在飞速的提升,尤其是当第一枚引发丹劫的七品丹药出世,尽管第一次面对有些不清楚。 However passive under grasps in guidance as well as Eternal Arms Mastership of this God level medicine revering instantaneously. 不过在药尊者的教导以及无穷之武炼这个神级被动下瞬间掌握。 The present was genuine seven elixir Masters. 如今可是一个真正的七品炼药师了。 This lets know that actually Medusa recognizing Dongfang Yan after medicine revering status was a greatly fat leg. 这倒是让得知药尊者身份后的美杜莎更加的认定东方焱是一条大肥腿了。
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