MTOAW :: Volume #5

#454: Crush

Right Elder Brother Yan, to approach/insult said that the person in soul palace also arrived at Gama Empire, what to do tracks the discovery and cloud mist sect has to relate Elder Brother Yan to prepare.” “对了焱哥哥,凌老说魂殿的人也来到了加玛帝国,一路跟踪发现和云岚宗有联系焱哥哥准备怎么办。” Is seeking for on the other hand quite comfortable position, fumigates to inquire, after all the person in soul palace by own family suppression, but now the soul palace does not know why sudden strengthen this made this diversion the aspect transform the soul palace to get the winning side actually mutually faintly. 寻找着相对来说比较舒服的位置,薰儿询问起来,毕竟魂殿的人就是靠自己的家族压制,而如今魂殿不知为何突然的变强这倒是让完本互相牵制的局面转变成了魂殿隐隐占据了上风。 Takes a broad view here, has anything to make the soul palace besides Buddha ancient jade move to care, although cloud mist sect did not understand, but the good and evil is also place Teacher and between the soul that palaces is at sweet also the account must be.” “放眼这里,除了佛陀古玉还有什么能让魂殿动心在意,云岚宗虽然不了解,可是好歹也是嫣然所在的地方况且老师和魂殿之间还有一笔账要算。” Puts out a hand to hug is fumigating softly, if the slender waist of characterless felt that soft oppression this made Dongfang Yan unconscious actually to narrow the eye. 伸手搂着薰儿柔若无骨的细腰感受到那柔软的压迫这倒是让东方焱不自觉的眯起了眼。 Un Elder Brother Yan said is also, except for ancient jade here estimated that does not have the thing that the soul palace can have a liking, if the soul palace and cloud mist sect had to contact with that cloud mist sect not to need to exist.” “嗯焱哥哥说的也是,除了古玉这里估计也没魂殿能看上的东西,可是如果魂殿和云岚宗有联系那云岚宗也没必要存在了。” The slight nod, the small face rubbed to fumigate also on chest seriously to ponder gently, the day the arrogant female this title was not the ornaments. 微微点头,小脸在胸膛上轻轻蹭了蹭薰儿也是认真思考起来,天之骄女这个头衔可不是摆设啊。 Soul palace does not know, in recent years wantonly has seized why the formidable soul body not to know that does.” “魂殿不知道为何,近些年来一直大肆抓捕强大的灵魂体也不知道干嘛。” Twittering speaking, this makes Dongfang Yan silent actually, a dropping demon that was met Yin Mountains from before as well as cut off the day desert that the arm escapes by oneself let alone also by purple second of falling, this World simplicity that is far from itself imagining. 呢喃般的说到,这倒是让东方焱沉默,从以前遇见阴山以及被自己斩断手臂逃脱的天漠更何况还被紫秒掉的一位堕魔来看,这个世界远远没有自己想象的那么简单。 After let alone since enter the sword, even the appearance of system are getting fewer and fewer can say on to go into hiding, this has to make Dongfang Yan suspect. 更何况自从自己进入刀剑以后系统的出现越来越少甚至可以说的上是销声匿迹,这不得不让东方焱怀疑。 Solved the black pledge, first returns to Xiao one to have a look to be able ancient jade to take, goes to a cloud mist sect to have a look to hold the person in that soul palace.” “等解决黑盟,先回萧家一趟看看能不能古玉拿到手,同时也去一趟云岚宗看看能不能抓住那个魂殿的人。” Right Elder Brother Yan, I have the thing to give you.” “对了焱哥哥,我有东西要给你。” Does not know that has remembered anything, a small hand scroll then appears in in the hand, this makes Dongfang Yan actually curious. 不知道是不是想起了什么,小手一番一个卷轴便出现在手中,这倒是让东方焱不由的好奇了一下。 Elder Brother Yan this is the emperor prints to decide.” 焱哥哥这是帝印决。” Puts out the scroll, on the small face that fumigates also covered entirely serious also Dongfang Yan actually is also the curious appearance. 拿出卷轴,薰儿的小脸上也是布满了凝重东方焱却也是好奇的样子。 „Does emperor print to decide? The name is actually good.” “帝印决?名字倒是不错。” Two, received to fumigate gives oneself scroll Dongfang Yan to smile actually. 啧啧了两声,接过薰儿递给自己的卷轴东方焱倒是笑了笑。 But fumigated hears Dongfang Yan saying that name well was also rolled the eyes that could not bear is the earnest introduction. 只不过薰儿听见东方焱说名字不错也是忍不住的翻了个白眼不过还是认真的介绍起来。 Emperor prints to decide, step fights the technique high-level, handed down fights emperor expert to create for some ancient times position, altogether five types, were quarry a mountain to print separately, turn sea seal, duplicate printed, stops day seal, Emperor ancient printed. “帝印决,地阶高级斗技,相传为远古某位斗帝强者所创,一共有五式,分别是开山印,翻海印,覆地印,湮天印,古帝印。 The emperor prints definitely is one of the I clan most profound fighting techniques, the following three seal, fumigates has not succeeded in obtaining, therefore also can only to the Elder Brother Yan first two seal, the cultivation quarry a mountain to print, at least needs to fight the king strength, as for turning sea seal, must to fighting the sovereign ability. ” 帝印决是我族最为高深的斗技之一,后面三印,薰儿也是未曾到手,所以也只能给焱哥哥前两印,修炼开山印,至少需要斗王实力,至于翻海印,更是要到斗皇才能。” On the small face has covered entirely serious and serious, this makes Dongfang Yan show a faint smile to put out a hand actually to be serious at present and earnest girl hugs in the bosom, making her sit on own leg this makes Xun shy rolled the eyes be pair of small hand holds in the Dongfang Yan's cheek eye to be full of the earnest vision. 小脸上布满了凝重与严肃,这倒是让东方焱微微一笑伸手把眼前严肃又认真的女孩抱在怀中,让她坐在自己腿上这让薰儿羞涩的翻了个白眼不过还是一双小手捧着东方焱的脸颊眼中充满了认真的目光。 Elder Brother Yan complies to fumigate, if not the critical moment, little uses the emperor to print to decide as far as possible, this is my clan secret, if leaks, in the clan will decide however will send for going to take back, therefore, Elder Brother Yan must use carefully.” 焱哥哥答应薰儿,若非关键时刻,尽量少使用帝印决,这是我族秘传,若是外泄,族中定然会派人前去收回,所以,焱哥哥一定要小心使用啊。” Worry and concern in eye make Dongfang Yan be moved, un sound numerous nod collecting slowly approached at present the supple lip of person excessively. 眼中的担忧和关切让东方焱为之感动,嗯了声重重的点头缓缓的凑过头靠近眼前人的柔唇。 Puts out a hand to block, looks at that did not satisfy to pinch oneself little outstanding gently ~ the appearance that somebody of buttocks, the small face flood red was angry bashfully made Dongfang Yan smile. 伸手挡住,看着那不满意轻轻捏了捏自己小翘~臀的某人,小脸泛红羞嗔的模样让东方焱笑了起来。 Emperor Elder Brother Yan prints to decide the seal seal to be interlinked, five seal accomplishments, have overwhelming, swallows the day to bite the energy of place! The peak presses up to the day step to fight technique! Now the Elder Brother Yan strength is fighting practicing that the sovereign can also feel relieved, if just returns to ancient Elder Brother Yan really ......... “呐焱哥哥帝印决印印相通,五印大成,有翻江倒海,吞天噬地之能!巅峰时期直逼天阶斗技!现在焱哥哥实力在斗皇也可以放心的练,只不过如果真的回到古界焱哥哥………” The words that stands firm to fumigate the small mouth that stops up to be going saying that this lets Xun helpless not only and happy, many revolts have not separated looks at that pair to fill earnest eyes until the lip, 稳住薰儿的小嘴堵住将要说出的话,这让薰儿既无奈又开心,没有过多的反抗直至嘴唇分离看着那双充满认真的眼睛, Fumigated is drunk. No one is able to rob to fumigate from my side, therefore fumigates puts down the camouflage, does not need to camouflage in my side.” 薰儿醉了。“谁也无法从我身边抢走薰儿,所以薰儿放下伪装吧,在我身边不需要伪装。” Conclusion with Xun also tangled up, during accompanying she was window-shopping, met the Xiao Yixian also three people together. 结束与薰儿的缠绵,陪着她逛街期间也遇见了小医仙也就三人一起。 When approaches next day, Dongfang Yan brings to fumigate, Xiao Yixian, Little Ai as well as Medusa, toward were already waiting for and the others First Elder Su Qian walk. 当第二天来临时,东方焱带着薰儿,小医仙,小爱以及美杜莎,朝着早就等待着自己等人的苏千大长老走过去。 Person has arrived in full, then walks “人到齐了,那么走吧” Sees the people who should come to come, First Elder Su Qian was also nodding to Dongfang Yan, this time Xun is not hiding, Little Ai is also so. 见该来的人都来了,苏千大长老也是对着东方焱点了点头,此时的薰儿也不在隐藏,就连小爱也是如此。 Three fight sovereign in addition one to fight sect this to make expression looks at that a First Elder Su Qian face has not thought of fumigate actually. 三个斗皇外加一个斗宗这倒是让苏千大长老一脸没想到的表情看着薰儿。 Waits for, waits, I.” “等一下,等一下,还有我了。” The tender call, small and exquisite Loli fierce throwing enters in the Dongfang Yan bosom together, this makes Little Ai very discontented is not the reaching an agreement desire is achievable, is the result ......... 一道娇呼声,紧接着一个小巧玲珑的萝莉猛的扑进东方焱怀中,这让小爱很不满自己不是说好愿望可以实现的嘛,可是结果……… Group enormous and powerful flies toward the black pledge site, amethyst wing Lion King also independent with, Dongfang Yan one line of sits in carrying on the back of amethyst wing Lion King, the one side is various envying First Elder Su Qian or is forest Xiuya and so on. 一行人浩浩荡荡的朝着黑盟所在地飞去,就连紫晶翼狮王也自主的跟来,东方焱一行人坐在紫晶翼狮王的背上,一旁便是各种羡慕的苏千大长老或者是林修崖啊之类的。 When arrives at the black angular region, amethyst wing Lion King then erupts the pressure of close seven step demon beasts, Little Ai also sends out dragon prestige, the strength small and weak person is frightened at all by these two pressure does not dare to move. 当来到黑角域,紫晶翼狮王便爆发出接近七阶魔兽的威压,就连小爱也是散发着龙威,实力弱小的人被这两股威压吓得根本不敢动弹。 But the black angular region approached Gore big desert therefore people also to decide where the first station first goes to Medusa, moreover makes a Medusa person go facing dropping demon Dongfang Yan not to feel relieved. 而黑角域本就临近塔戈尔大沙漠所以众人也决定第一站就先去美杜莎哪里,况且让美杜莎一个人去面对堕魔东方焱也不放心。 Arrival naturally on a grand scale caused being hostile to of black angular region, naturally Han Feng also led a troop person to arrive in front of Dongfang Yan, including bucket of sovereigns also to have the bucket of king Hedou sect. 大张旗鼓的到来自然引起了黑角域的敌视,自然韩枫也是带着一大群人来到东方焱面前,其中有斗皇也有斗王和斗宗。 Must know, present Medusa also merely is only one fights the sovereign, was fights the sovereign peak under the massive the help of compounded drug and bloodline freely, amethyst wing Lion King has not changed from. 要知道,现在的美杜莎也仅仅只是一位斗皇而已,尽管在大量的丹药和血脉的帮助下也是斗皇巅峰,紫晶翼狮王都还没化形了。 Small Zi Yan also success breakthrough bucket of kings with Dongfang Yan massive high energy help, those who what a pity make Zi Yan care has not grown up, but the hair lengthened, naturally also had to grow up, at least chest scale ......... 就连小紫妍也在东方焱大量的高能量帮助下成功突破斗王,可惜让紫妍在意的是并没有长大,只是头发变长了而已,当然也不是没有长大,至少胸部的规模……… Inflated incessantly the tiny bit. 膨胀了不止一星半点。 Reaches the destination, Dongfang Yan is also leaves amethyst wing Lion King to walk toward Han Feng, two people fly high to look at each other, behind is one group of people who bring just seems like Dongfang Yan here wants to be stronger. 到达目的地,东方焱也是离开紫晶翼狮王朝着韩枫走过去,两人凌空对视着,身后都是自己带来的一群人只不过貌似东方焱这里要强一些。 Good Junior Brother, it seems like that this time you to have brought to me much pleasantly surprised.” “好师弟,看来这一次你又给我带来了不少的惊喜啊。” Sneers again and again, since one year ago is injured the soul palace Protector is also killed this matter to get up, Han Feng may lower in the status of soul palace did not know many, therefore hates not to be inferior to Yao Lao regarding Dongfang Yan's. 冷笑连连,自从一年前受伤就连魂殿护法也被杀这件事起,韩枫在魂殿的地位可就低了不知道多少,所以对于东方焱的恨并不亚于药老 Hehe, one line will turn frightens, my good senior fellow-pupil.” 呵呵,一会就行变成惊吓啊,我的好师哥。” Similarly sneers, waving flame condenses the ball in in the hand, huge Strength lets Han Feng is also tightly frowns. 同样冷笑一声,挥手火焰在手中凝聚成球,庞大的力量让韩枫也是紧皱眉头起来。 This is not Fallen Heart Flame, is not the blue lotus pent-up anger, your this is any flame.” “这不是陨落心炎,也不是青莲地心火,你这到底是什么火焰。” I do not know, but you only needed this Strength for all my to be good, does not need to talk too much makes war!!” “我也不知道,不过你只需要这股力量为我所有就行了,不必多言开战吧!!” The both sides war, the black angular region establishes many years of naturally inside story to be abundant, the person but who Dongfang Yan brings is not a vegetarian, Xiao Yixian element wields, big powder purple instantaneously ended just like the smog same thing proliferation some also evenly matched fight originally. 双方大战,黑角域成立多年自然底蕴雄厚,可是东方焱带来的人也不是吃素的,小医仙素手一挥,一大片粉紫色宛如烟雾一样的东西扩散原本一些还势均力敌的战斗瞬间结束。 Without doubt, Xiao Yixian waves to scatter entangles the slight wind, this type of poison is very light, light even can attach on Battle Qi in world, the person who fights the spirit rank inhales to meet the stupor, slightly a little strength also will feel the whole body to feel weak, fights the king rank will have flash's paralysis that but this sufficed regarding the life and death absolutely without doubt. 无疑,小医仙挥手撒出的正是缠风丝,这种毒很轻,轻的甚至能依附在天地之中的斗气上,斗灵级别的人吸入会昏迷,稍微有一点实力的会感到浑身乏力,斗王级别的也会有那么一瞬间的麻痹,不过这对于生死绝对来说无疑是够了。 Again then, fights the sovereigns from the world to absorb a Battle Qi round of skill or the consumption of supplement within the body Battle Qi, but was entangled the slight wind pollution Battle Qi is fights the sovereign to attract too many also falls into the paralysis. 再然后,斗皇都可以从天地间吸取斗气发技能或者补充体内斗气的消耗,而被缠风丝污染的斗气就算是斗皇吸了太多也是陷入麻痹。 This has made the tremendous contributions for the victory of Canaan school without doubt, but I already took the antidote luckily, otherwise is could not have distinguished friend and foe. 这无疑是为迦南学院的胜利做出了巨大的贡献,不过我幸好早就服用了解药不然还真的是敌我不分啊。 Has polluted the battlefield, the balance that lets also refuse to compromise the situation of will win instantaneously to side with Dongfang Yan one line , the Xiao Yixian poison also can only cope with becomes person who fights the sovereign shortly, meets likely gold and silver parents or is the blood ghost sect sovereign, the black skeleton sovereign these established characters, the effect function was more minor, pours is also insufficient not to have. 污染了战场,让原本还僵持的局势瞬间将胜利的天平倒向了东方焱一行人,不过小医仙的毒也只能对付一下才成为斗皇没多久的人而已,遇见像金银二老又或者是血煞宗宗主,黑骷髅宗主这些老牌人物,效果作用就小了很多,倒也不至于没有。 Hits hi without doubt is small Zi Yan, the explosive sound of almost entire battlefield 50-60% are coming with her, an energy ball adds on the happy tender laughter, strikes the Zi Yan meteor hammer looks like sets off the firecrackers same bang bang bang continuously. 打的最嗨的无疑是小紫妍,几乎整个战场的爆炸声百分之五六十都是来着与她,一手能量球加上开心的娇笑声,一击紫妍流星锤就像是放鞭炮一样嘭嘭嘭的接连不断。 But compared to fumigating is different, day arrogant female she, as soon as birth ancient clan unique Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame because also the reason of nine chief ministers of state emperor blood integrates in her body, but fumigates the strength extremely not to be able to awaken small and weakly, although usually can also use, but the might without doubt is not the weak tiny bit. 而相对于薰儿来说就不一样了,天之骄女的她一出生古族特有的金帝焚天炎也因为九品帝血的缘故融入她身体之中,只不过薰儿实力太过于弱小无法唤醒而已,尽管平常也能使用,可是威力无疑不是弱的一星半点。 Now was good, because the nine chief ministers of state emperor blood was lost the emperor blood by Dongfang Yan beyond control swallowing radically freely, what trades is awakening of Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame as well as obtains other flame Strength thus becomes stronger Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame, she also in Dongfang Yan that has been full in the spiritual qi space. UU reads 现在好了,因为九品帝血被东方焱根本无法控制的吞掉尽管失去了帝血,可是换来的是金帝焚天炎的觉醒以及获得其他火焰力量从而变得更强的金帝焚天炎,就连她自己也在东方焱那充满了灵气的空间之中。UU看书 Residual emperor blood obtained the large scale depuration already very close ten. 残留的帝血得到了大幅度的提纯已经十分的接近十品了。 Perhaps this is unfortunate lucky. 或许这就是不幸中的万幸吧。 Was seized to fumigate regarding own emperor blood does not have any many ideas, on the contrary also very much rejoiced. 对于自己帝血被夺薰儿也没什么过多的想法,相反还很庆幸。 Xiao Yixian broke by biting the Dongfang Yan mouth skin to attract several blood, had besides rising suddenly of strength obtained Ability of Dongfang Yan blood, struck to kill Cursed Blade Murasame's curse poison, but somewhat disappointed has struck to kill this title. 小医仙咬破东方焱嘴皮吸了几滴血液,除了实力的暴涨外还有就是获得了东方焱血液的能力,一击必杀妖刀村雨的咒毒,只不过有些辜负了一击必杀这个称号。 However the toxicity becomes actually real. 不过毒性变得更强倒是真的。 But Medusa successful caught the blood of Divine Dragon to cultivate the human form from the demon beast, Dongfang Yan simply has also taught her some magic arts and feats of arms, making the Medusa strength also promote. 美杜莎成功从魔兽接住神龙之血修炼成了人形,东方焱也就简单的教了她一些法术和武技,让美杜莎的实力也提升了一些。 But does not know that was the strength looks or has grown stronger, Medusa that quiet for a long time queen disposition also gradual restore, this made Dongfang Yan feel that actually had Esdeath's already to regard the feeling, but did not have her Sadist. 只不过不知道是不是实力找回来了又或者是变强了,美杜莎那沉寂了许久的女王性格也逐渐的修复过来,这倒是让东方焱感觉有一股艾斯德斯的既视感,只是没有她的那股抖S而已。 Naturally, Little Ai Ability on many besides Dongfang (east) dragon clan Strength also from Tohru, there idled is studying bored has looked like the good thing. 当然,小爱能力本来就多除了东方龙族的力量外也从托尔,露科亚那里闲着无聊学了一些看起来不错的东西。 Now in this stretch of battlefield, Little Ai casual dragon language in addition holds or curse, lets the victory does not have the suspense reverse to itself. 如今在这片战场上,小爱随随便便一个龙语加持或者诅咒,让胜利更加毫无悬念的倒向自己。 Holds in the Little Ai in addition, oneself here adds the attack, additional Strength, the acceleration, the additional strength, the additional restoration, various additional buff. 小爱的加持下,自己这边加攻击,加力量,加速度,加实力,加恢复,加各种buff。 enemy is various weak curse anything, this dozen of blood ghost sects, black skeleton and the others were miserable beyond description to shout the pit father. 敌方就是各种虚弱诅咒什么,这打的血煞宗,黑骷髅等人苦不堪言大喊坑爹啊。 In the battlefield, where enemy Little Ai idled is being looks at is also quite strong on weak curse in the past, this made two people of not knowing one's place hit decide the victory and defeat instantaneously. 战场上,小爱闲着也是看着哪里的敌人比较强就一个虚弱诅咒过去,这让原本打的不分上下的两人瞬间分出胜负。 Amethyst wing Lion King is also falls toward the crowd that the opens the mouth tail beast jade does not ask for money. 就连紫晶翼狮王也是张口尾兽玉不要钱的朝着人群落下。
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