MTOAW :: Volume #5

#453: Plan

At present the family, Dongfang Yan has a headache, does not know that sends anything to do the present insanely ......... ......... 眼前一大家子,东方焱头疼起来,不知道发什么疯搞得现在………诶……… Now Han Feng this fellow in the black angular region, my plan first does him then in goes to the state together.” “现在韩枫这个家伙就在黑角域,我的打算就是先搞死他然后在一起去中州。” You go, I must return to the tribe losing first taking carry back must look for that bastard to do accounts!” “你们去吧,我要先回部落把失去的拿回来还要找那个混蛋算账!” Medusa narrows the eyes to focus, gnash one's teeth will speak of one to remember that time, wishes one could to kill that person immediately immediately. 美杜莎眯着眼,咬牙切齿的说到一会想起那个时候,就恨不得立刻马上弄死那个人。 Is casual you, I killed that fellow to revenge to Teacher in any case first said again.” “随便你,反正我先去弄死那个家伙给老师报仇再说。” Set out, moves body, First Elder Su Qian that looks at walked has narrowed the eye. 起身,活动了一下身体,看着走过来的苏千大长老眯起了眼。 secure awaited calmly in nearby Xiao Yixian is actually sudden sets out to contain the Dongfang Yan's lip, the corners of the mouth partly visible blood overflow. 原本安静待在一旁的小医仙却是突然的起身一口含住东方焱的嘴唇,嘴角若隐若现的鲜血溢出。 An energy erupts from Xiao Yixian within the body, strength fast promotion of instantaneous Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan's blood, but Cursed Blood. 一股能量从小医仙体内爆发,瞬间小医仙的实力快速的提升,东方焱的血可是诅咒之血 Integrated has struck to kill Cursed Blade Murasame's curse poison, the toxicity this is needless to say. 融入了一击必杀妖刀村雨的咒毒,毒性之强这是不用多说的。 But Xiao Yixian takes calamity poisonous body toxicity to be stronger, the strength of promotion is higher, poisonous pill from returns to within the body to control within the body toxin newly easily Xiao Yixian. 小医仙作为厄难毒体毒性越强,提升的实力越高,毒丹从新回到体内能轻易控制住体内毒素的小医仙 Instantaneously becomes fights the sovereign that but sudden startled stares, Little Ai that makes Xun also open a small mouth face was the vision is full of the resentment to read. 瞬间成为斗皇而突然出现的这一幕让薰儿也是张着小嘴一脸的惊愣,小爱更是目光充满了怨念。 Pain?” “疼吗?” Relents, small face same flood red, the looks at Dongfang Yan inquiry said. 松口,小脸同样泛红,看着东方焱询问道。 I said that doesn't love you to believe?” “我说不疼你信吗?” Opens mouth without delay breaks by biting oneself mouth skin lifesteal, very speechless rolled the eyes, after good, if also like this that turned into the blood food. 二话不说张嘴就咬破自己嘴皮吸血,很无语的翻了个白眼,好吧以后如果还这样那自己岂不是变成了血食。 ......... Seemingly also real sometime almost becomes the blood food. 呃………貌似还真的有一段时间差点成为血食。 Then like this settled, Little Ai goes back with Medusa together, I and Xiao Yixian Xun the solution asked after that person, comes the convergence.” “那么就这样说定了,小爱跟着美杜莎一起回去,我和小医仙薰儿解决问那个人后就过来汇合。” „, Shouldn't your boy solve the first trouble that oneself make?” “咳咳,你小子不应该先把自己惹出来的麻烦解决掉吗?” Coughs lightly, although to some way doubts of Xiao Yixian promotion strength, but has not cared, looks at Dongfang Yan First Elder Su Qian start to talk said. 轻咳一声,虽然对小医仙提升实力的方式有些疑惑,不过也没在意,看着东方焱苏千大长老开口道。 Trouble that I make?” “我惹出的麻烦?” Stares, looks at First Elder Su Qian nearby Xun who Dongfang Yan has doubts very much and the others were also in the eye has been full of the doubts. 一愣,东方焱很疑惑的看着苏千大长老就连一旁的薰儿等人也是眼中充满了疑惑。 Right, Han Feng brought that fellow to be seriously injured to return to the black angular region, the person black angular region all built up to prepare to rob once more different is hot.” “没错啊,韩枫带来那个家伙身受重伤逃回了黑角域,把黑角域的人全都集结起来准备再次抢夺异火了。” Extremely ill-humored, world-famous the Canaan school can depend is Fallen Heart Flame this different fire, now 极其的没好气,迦南学院能闻名于世靠的就是陨落心炎这朵异火,如今 The different fire was swallowed, that also means that the signboard of Canaan school was pounded same this to make in the First Elder Su Qian heart say is unfair to the chief his old man. 异火被人吞噬,那也就意味着迦南学院的招牌被砸一样这让苏千大长老心中一个劲的说着对不起院长他老人家。 Hehe so is why sad, the black pledge met us to extinguish, as for Fallen Heart Flame ......... 呵呵干嘛这么伤心,黑盟一会我们就去灭了,至于陨落心炎………” Smiles a sound to refer to lightly, flame appears in the people at present, the blazing flame is sending out coldly. 淡淡微笑一个响指,一朵火焰出现在众人眼前,炽热的火焰散发着寒冷。 In the woods white lotus flower, the azure flower petal, is having the light golden flowing light, white tiny flame appears in the lotus flower center slowly. 白色的莲花之中,青色的花瓣,带着淡淡金色流光,一朵白色的细小火焰缓缓出现在莲花中心。 This is ......... “这是………” Is bringing strangely, the white flame in looks at lotus flower, both familiar and strange feeling, without doubt is Fallen Heart Flame. 带着怪异,看着莲花之中的白色火焰,有一股既熟悉又陌生的感觉,无疑是陨落心炎 „The fires of Fallen Heart Flame part of source, are in the spirit wisdom to inaugurate now, the child who also quite was just born in one if First Elder Su Qian can quite train, I believe that the fire of future achievement this source may is stronger than swallowed that.” 陨落心炎一部分的本源之火,现在正处于灵智初开,也就相当于一个刚出生的小孩子如果苏千大长老能好生培养的话,我相信这一顿本源之火未来的成就或许会比被吞噬的那朵还要强。” The corners of the mouth are having the vague happy expression, this makes First Elder Su Qian somewhat surprised actually, serious received this just born, is throwing to Dongfang Yan just like the child common different fire by the vision of thanks. 嘴角带着若有若无的笑意,这倒是让苏千大长老有些吃惊,郑重的接过这一朵刚出生,宛如孩子一般的异火对着东方焱投以感谢的目光。 Was good, the Fallen Heart Flame matter has been solved, now says the black pledge matter.” “好了,陨落心炎的事情解决了,现在就说说黑盟的事吧。” Takes back the flame, because of the fusions of two Fallen Heart Flame, the fire of source were quite many, therefore separates part to come out simply, bumping into made the Fallen Heart Flame residual spirit wisdom form the new life wisdom. 收回火焰,原本因为两朵陨落心炎的融合,本源之火本就比较多因此索性分离一部分出来,却误打误撞让陨落心炎残留的灵智形成了新生灵智。 Then First Elder Su Qian also carefully introduced to Dongfang Yan the birth of black pledge, as well as actions this let narrow the eye that Medusa was interested actually. 接着苏千大长老也是给东方焱仔细的介绍了黑盟的诞生,以及所作所为这倒是让美杜莎感兴趣的眯起了眼。 Does not worry in any case, tomorrow I will also go.” “反正又不着急,明天我也去。” Perhaps to report back Dongfang Yan to own help perhaps is other reasons, the Medusa words were let Xun without doubt as well as Xiao Yixian and the others are also the vision look at the past. 或许是为了回报东方焱对自己的帮助又或许是其他原因,美杜莎的话无疑是让薰儿以及小医仙等人也是目光看过去。 Indifferent, but reaches an agreement first, Han Feng this fellow can only end by me.” “无所谓,不过先说好,韩枫这个家伙只能由我来终结。” After returning to repair inner courtyard, similar inner courtyard Dongfang Yan of looks at restore also has to sigh how this fuck rests is one year, the adult ritual that thinks seemingly to fumigate approaches fast carefully. 回到重修后的内院,看着修复的差不多的内院东方焱也是不得不感叹这尼玛怎么一睡就是一年啊,仔细想想貌似薰儿的成人礼快来了。 What gift should fumigate prepares to be good.” “该给薰儿准备什么样的礼物才好。” Knits the brows, falls into walk of ponder in the road last year desalinates many matters sufficiently, walks is walking sudden footsteps. 皱着眉,陷入思考的行走在路上一年的时间足以淡化很多的事情,走着走着突然脚步一顿。 Wears the person of Canaan school inner courtyard uniform/subdue to stand in front of oneself on the face brings to worry about as well as permits some puts in great inconvenience. 身穿迦南学院内院制服的人站在自己面前脸上带着担忧以及许些委屈。 How to have fumigated, some people bullied you.” “怎么了薰儿,是不是有人欺负你了。” Supports into the present beautiful woman the bosom gently, after Dongfang Yan temporarily the brain of gift throwing, blew to fumigate the exquisite bridge of the nose to inquire gently. 轻轻把眼前的佳人拥入怀中,东方焱暂时把礼物抛之脑后,轻轻刮了一下薰儿小巧的鼻梁询问起来。 Elder Brother Yan, comes with me.” 焱哥哥,跟我来。” Has arched the nose, fumigates puts out a hand to hold on Dongfang Yan's to walk toward the somewhat familiar road slightly, before long then arrived above a cliff, can see Heping Town as well as the black angular region of distant place exactly. 拱了拱鼻子,薰儿伸手拉住东方焱的手朝着微微有些熟悉的路走去,不一会便来到了一处山崖之上,恰好可以看见远处的和平镇以及黑角域。 Is perplexed, but has not actually prevented to fumigate as for the person wants compared with be Guard that the protection fumigates in secret. 不明所以,但却没有阻止薰儿至于暗中跟着的人想比是保护薰儿的护卫吧。 Elder Brother Yan, I arrive at Xiao actually ............ 焱哥哥,其实我来到萧家…………” Reaches the destination, after letting go has turned around looks at Dongfang Yan hesitant a meeting, deeply shouts takes a breath to decide to confess finally. 到达目的地,松手转过身看着东方焱犹豫了一会后深呼吸了口气最终决定坦白。 naturally fumigated the preparation to say anything clearly, went forward to put out a hand to support into the bosom gently, making Xun paste in own chest, both hands embraces tightly on the head that lowered the head to paste slightly in fumigating, bringing the tone that I was knowing to speak. 自然明白薰儿准备说什么,上前伸手轻轻拥入怀中,让薰儿贴在自己胸膛,双手搂紧微微低下头贴在薰儿的脑袋上,带着我知道的语气说到。 What was needless saying that because I know, not for Buddha ancient jade, so long as fumigated wants me then to bring to give to you to be good.” “什么都不用多说了,因为我都知道,不就是为了佛陀古玉而已,只要薰儿想要我便拿来送给你好了。” The Dongfang Yan's words are let Xun without doubt the shock, oneself also in Dongfang Yan leaves the matter that knows, raised the head to that pair fills to favor to drown with gentle eyes, fumigates eyes to be moist. 东方焱的话无疑是让薰儿震惊,自己也是在东方焱离开时才知道的事情,抬起头对上那双充满宠溺与温柔的眼睛,薰儿眼睛湿润起来。 Elder Brother Yan, how you do know Buddha ancient jade?” 焱哥哥,你怎么知道佛陀古玉的?” After shock, where fumigates also to have doubts this matter from Guard to learn that but oneself since childhood the basic all matters besides several separations have been also clear with him, how therefore fumigates has doubts he to know very much. 震惊过后,薰儿也是疑惑起来这种事情都还是自己从护卫哪里得知的,而自己又从小一直跟着他除了几次分离外基本所有事情都一清二楚,所以薰儿很疑惑他是怎么知道的。 Smiles not to speak, if told fumigates so long as were has read a book knows that she will have any feelings, therefore also did intentionally mystically did not have start to talk from newly fumigating to hug into the bosom, has handled that matter to fumigate regarding the hug does not have many revolts. 笑而不语,如果告诉薰儿只要是看过一本书的就都知道不知道她会有什么感想,所以也就故作神秘的没有开口只是从新把薰儿搂入怀中,都已经做过那种事情了对于拥抱薰儿也没有过多的反抗。 On the contrary also timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness snuggling in bosom, but in the heart has cared about this matter very much. 相反还小鸟依人般的依偎在怀中,只是心中一直很在意这件事。 Good silly thing, I in Teacher there know that did not need doubts again.” “好了傻丫头,我是在老师那里知道的,不用再疑惑了。” Slender waist that embracing tightly gently fumigates, Dongfang Yan also said slightly lay, if will otherwise say plot of that book will possibly make Xun dumbfounded. 轻轻的搂紧薰儿的细腰,东方焱也就说了个小谎,不然如果把那本书的剧情说出来可能会让薰儿目瞪口呆的吧。 Un is also, Elder Brother Yan Teacher is medicine revering, as legendary naturally of state should also know this matter.” “嗯也是,焱哥哥老师是药尊者,作为中州的传奇自然的也应该知道这件事。” Hears the explanation, fumigates is also speaking of approval, simultaneously remembered own Elder Brother Teacher is medicine revering also has that little small to be proud, but proud under also had the regret and anger. 听见解释,薰儿也是一副赞同的说到,同时一想起自己的哥哥老师是药尊者还有那么一点点的小骄傲了,只是骄傲之下还有遗憾和愤怒。 a moment ago Guard told me recent family as well as state and Quest matter, Elder Brother Yan swallowed my emperor blood to think that in the family knew. Therefore these time possibly fumigates ......... Possibly ......... 刚才护卫跟我说了最近家族以及中州和任务的事情,焱哥哥吞掉了我的帝血想必家族之中已经知道了吧。所以这一次薰儿可能………可能………” Does not know that has remembered anything, fumigates puts out a hand closely to grasp to hug own person, eyes moistness, in the tone also leads permits some to be sad and sob, this makes the powder back that Dongfang Yan pats hastily gently is fumigating comfort. 不知道想起了什么,薰儿伸手紧紧抱住搂着自己的人,眼睛不由的湿润,就连语气之中也带着许些难过和哭泣,这让东方焱连忙轻轻拍着薰儿的粉背安慰着。 Although loses emperor blood matter to make Xun somewhat sad, the person but who one wants most to be loved by oneself in an instant took did not matter, but these old fogies in family estimated that could not sit still. 虽然失去帝血这件事让薰儿有些难过,不过转眼一想是被自己最爱的人取走也就无所谓了,只是家族里的那些老家伙们估计坐不住了吧。 Although the strength increased much, the different fire also obtains some sources of Dongfang Yan different fire to use his part of Strength to come to see on the current situation by far insufficiently. 虽然实力增加了不少,就连异火也获得了东方焱异火的一些本源能使用他的一部分力量可是就目前的情况来看远远不够啊。 Fumigates is listening, all difficulties as well as the storms are all resisted by me, you only needed to hide in my behind were good, waited for these time for the Teacher cleaning up gateway, helping Medusa handle Yin Mountains, was returning to a Xiao I to accompany you to go back together, anybody cannot bully my person.” “薰儿听着,所有的困难以及风浪全都由我来抗,你只需要躲在我身后就行了,等这一次替老师清理门户,帮美杜莎搞定阴山,在回一趟萧家我就陪你一起回去,任何人都不可以欺负我的人。” Closely fumigating hugs in bosom, after the purple dialogue as well as retained little demon as before appearance Xiao Yixian, Dongfang Yan takes an oath in secret. 紧紧把薰儿搂在怀中,和紫对话以及依旧保留了一点点魔化后样子的小医仙,东方焱暗中起誓。 Even if reverses, UU reads 哪怕反转,UU看书 Even if dropping demon, even if thorough blackening, must protect itself absolutely the person of loving, because all tragedies Ability of party concerned is insufficient, therefore 哪怕堕魔,哪怕彻底黑化,也绝对要守护自己所爱之人,一切的悲剧都因为当事者的能力不足,所以 Only then becomes stronger, becomes is stronger than all people, can protect all that wants to protect, quiet fills with the plain aura the book as if to be moved by the wind for a long time mystically general, is changing unceasingly. 只有变得更强,变得比所有人都强,才能保护好自己想要保护的一切,沉寂许久神秘充满古朴气息的书仿佛被风吹动一般,不断的翻动着。 Finally stays in one page, on written presents one line of character rays to flash through slowly, the Excalibur fragment 12 glow star necklaces that the collection came started to transform the sword-shaped, Wang Quan Sword also had some changes under resonating of 12 glow stars. 最后停留在一页上,书面上缓缓出现一行字一道光芒闪过,原本收集而来的Excalibur碎片12芒星项链开始幻化成剑形,王权剑在12芒星的共振下也出现了一些变化。 Elder Brother Yan......” 焱哥哥……” In the heart has filled move, fumigates snuggles in the bosom remembers in the family these strength terrors will of the people bottoms also firm. 心中充满了感动,薰儿依偎在怀中可是一想起家族中那些实力恐怖的人心底也是更加的坚定。 No matter what difficulty cannot prevent itself and Elder Brother Yan in the same place.” “不管什么样的困难都不能阻止自己和焱哥哥在一起。” Went home, Xiao Yixian and Little Ai do not make Dongfang Yan somewhat care in this actually, but looks at Xun badly badly smiles, Princess hugs in the bosom, moves sideways then to appear in a bedroom. 回到家,小医仙小爱却不在这倒是让东方焱有些在意,不过看着身旁的薰儿坏坏一笑,一个公主抱在怀中,闪身便出现在一间卧室之中。 The body presses on Beauty, fumigates the elegant face to blush, she knows certainly that at present this fellow must do, sways from side to side the body, tries to break out of somebody's fetter, lifts both hands, wants to resist this repugnant fellow, because actually somebody's insensitive both arms only hold two fists that too causes to fumigate tightly to be able in his chest to scratch for him is rubbing. 身躯压在美人儿身上,薰儿俏脸羞红,她当然知道眼前这个家伙要干什么,扭动身体,试图摆脱某人的束缚,抬起双手,想要推拒这个讨厌的家伙,但是却因为某人厚脸皮的双臂抱得太紧使得薰儿的两个拳头只能在他胸口替他抓痒似的蹭着。 Dongfang Yan smiles lightly 东方焱淡淡一笑 Un, I fumigate lovably such attractively, really makes the person unable to bear lovably.” “嗯,我可爱的薰儿还是这么的漂亮,可爱真是让人忍不住啊。” The small cheek was redder, initially tastes the forbidden fruit to get a taste of blood, although in the heart has filled shyly, but faces the person of loving to bite the lip lightly, the charming appearance lets lowering the head of Dongfang Yan cannot bear 小脸蛋更红了,初尝禁果本就让人食髓知味,尽管心中充满了羞涩,可是面对着自己所爱之人轻咬嘴唇,娇羞的模样让东方焱忍不住的低下头 Regarding this 对此 In harmony ............ 和谐中…………
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