MTOAW :: Volume #5

#452: Immortal

Gradually enters to tumble the hot spring of white fog, enters the hot spring whole person to feel to relax, the corners of the mouth turn upwards the satisfied smile, closes one's eyes to back on the shore. 缓步走进翻滚着白雾的温泉,一进入温泉整个人都感到放松,嘴角翘起满足的微笑,闭着眼背靠着岸边。 Was right, where Xiao Yixian.” “对了,小医仙哪里去了。” The whole person relaxes, fumigates then discovered has been short of individual one inquired. 整个人放松下来,薰儿这才发现少了个人不由的一愣询问起来。 Does not know, she not with your?” “不知道,她不是跟着你的嘛?” Narrows the eyes to focus, obviously is start to talk that likes here demon Medusa not caring, this also compared to Xiao Yixian, can make the person estimate that Medusa she cares about have Little Ai but actually and somebody. 眯着眼,明显是喜欢上这里魔美杜莎毫不在意的开口,这倒也是相对于小医仙来说,能让美杜莎她在意的人估计也就只有小爱和某人了。 Estimate was to walk to lose, did not have the relations instead here not any danger, one will go again.” “估计是走丢了吧,没关系反正在这里没有任何的危险,一会再去好了。” Before looking originally, person very much hot springs now only remaining, Little Ai is shaking the head of does not care, simultaneously the whole person also starts to be excited. 望着原本以前人挺多的温泉如今只剩下自己一个,小爱也是不由的摇了摇头不过也不在意,同时整个人也开始兴奋起来。 „Should I change am maintaining this?” “我是应该变回去还是保持着这样?” Looks is not knowing that thinks anything's Little Ai, Medusa cannot bear rolled the eyes, but does not care to start to enjoy this wonderful hot spring. 望着不知道想什么的小爱,美杜莎也是忍不住翻了个白眼,不过也就不在意起来开始享受这美妙的温泉。 Must know, in the hot spring has filled spiritual qi, the white fog on hot spring is also spiritual qi, but spiritual qi is inborn temperate and formidable, warm support body and meridians. 要知道,温泉之中充满了灵气,就连温泉上的白雾也是灵气所化,而灵气天生温和又强大,温养身体和经络。 Unties the seal of calamity poisonous body thoroughly, from the beginning can also control, lowered the head looks at to have an index finger that long purple fine lace to be silent. 彻底解开厄难毒体的封印,一开始还能控制,低下头看着已经有一个食指那么长的紫色细线沉默起来。 Was, perhaps this was understands......” “是了,也许这就是明白……” The fine lace is spreading as before, both hands is holding the leg, the deep breath closes one's eyes gently. 细线依旧在蔓延,双手抱着腿,深呼吸轻轻闭上眼。 Suddenly presents both hands to hug itself, this makes Xiao Yixian have a scare to open to see with own eyes that is the flame also relaxed, diligently was shown the smiling face by oneself. 突然出现一双手拥抱住自己,这让小医仙吓了一跳睁开眼见是焱也就松了口气,努力的让自己露出笑容。 You awake, how feels ............... “你醒啦,感觉怎……………” Dumbfounded, the words had not said that at present the sense of touch on face as well as the supple lip of sudden enlargement makes Xiao Yixian blush. 目瞪口呆,话还没说完眼前突然的放大的脸以及柔唇上的触觉让小医仙脸红起来。 You, you, you ......... “你,你,你………” Shoves open somebody, looks at his smiling face thinks oneself are spreading continually seven color poisonous have enforced. 推开某人,看着他的笑容一想到自己持续蔓延着的七彩毒经严肃了起来。 But looks at Xiao Yixian somebody is smiling as before, collects the Xiao Yixian unceasing revolt once more, but how to see that likely yields with a show of reluctance. 看着小医仙的某人依旧是微笑着,再次凑过来就算小医仙不断的反抗,不过怎么看都像是半推半就。 Advances decisively in the place, thump Xiao Yixian, looks at that to cast aside the face not to dare to look at own face shyly, makes Xiao Yixian look like just like the drop blood equally ruddily completely reveals me to see still pities. 果断推到在地,地咚小医仙,望着那羞涩撇过脸不敢看自己的脸,宛如滴血一样红润让小医仙看起来尽显我见犹怜。 looks at, very have not been embarrassed.” “别别一直看着啊,很难为情的。” Present Xiao Yixian, the body also has is bewitched the trace as before, the brow wrinkles slightly in the Xiao Yixian completely obviously shy condition bent down to collect the face gently a pecking on cheek. 现在的小医仙,身上依旧还有着魔化的痕迹,眉头微微一皱在小医仙尽显羞涩的状态下俯下身凑过脸轻轻在脸颊上一啄。 Hesitant, but in the eye appears struggles faces the beloved person also to give up closing one's eyes to obey. 犹豫,可是眼中出现挣扎不过面对着自己心爱的人也就放弃闭上眼顺从。 After all Xiao Yixian disposition actually every so often with offering a sacrifice to almost, is only sometimes different. 毕竟小医仙的性格其实很多时候和祭差不多,只是有时候不一样而已。 Slips off the clothing gently, shy appearance is beckoning. 轻轻褪下衣物,羞涩的模样让人心动。 No, leaves continuously looks at I.” “别,别一直看着我啊。” Has cast aside the face, pure white flesh exposes in the present, the red elegant face, the root of the ear of blushing was Xiao Yixian has increased moving. 撇过脸,洁白的肌肤暴露在眼下,通红的俏脸,发红的耳根为小医仙增添了一份动人。 Bent down, stands firm the attractive lip also spread the poison to stop over to stop gently, gradually revolves around the lower abdomen forms a circle. 俯下身,轻轻稳住诱人的嘴唇原本还蔓延的毒经停止,逐渐围绕在小腹形成一个圆。 .................. Cut-off rule .................. ………………分割线……………… „It is not good, I look for Xiao Yixian.” “不行,我还是得去找小医仙。” Stands from the hot spring, binds the bath towel then to leave, returned unable to find the road completely. 从温泉站起来,裹好浴巾便离开,一路返回去完全找不到路。 A both hands arm holds in the arms itself from behind, this makes Xun have a scare, the familiar aura also makes Xun relax. 双手臂从身后搂住自己,这让薰儿吓了一跳,不过熟悉的气息也让薰儿松了口气。 Elder Brother Yan, you ......... 焱哥哥,你………” Has turned around, a face then approaches simultaneously the sense of touch on lip to let Xun the small face flood red extremely shy. 转过身,一张脸便凑近同时嘴唇上的触觉让薰儿小脸泛红极其的羞涩。 The feeling of suffocating lets Xun departure, the breath complexion of big mouth exceptionally lowered the head some not to dare to look that red slightly to is hugging own person at present. 窒息的感觉让薰儿不由的离开,大口的呼吸脸色通红异常微微低下头有些不敢看向眼前搂着自己的人。 A surrounding scene transformation, waits to recover oneself to lie down on a soft bed, 周围的场景一个转变,等回过神来自己已经躺在一张柔软的大床上, Subconscious looked at the past toward the surroundings. A face ruddy breath rapid Xiao Yixian seal pleasant, just like understanding anything, looked is flustered hastily to oneself front person. 下意识的朝着周围看过去。一脸红润呼吸略带着急促的小医仙印入眼中,宛如明白了什么,连忙看向自己面前的人慌张起来。 Flame, Elder Brother Yan, no, incorrect, at least now is not at least good.” “焱,焱哥哥,不,不行的,至少,至少现在不行。” both hands resists Dongfang Yan to fumigate attempts to revolt, after all fights emperor bloodline to awaken perfect as the ancient Clan nearly millenniums, this bloodline is very strong. 双手抵抗着东方焱薰儿企图反抗,毕竟作为古族近千年内斗帝血脉觉醒最完美者,这份血脉可是很强的。 Perhaps was feels to fumigate bloodline that within the body awakened, swallowed the instinct started this to make Xun dumbfounded, can only the tears of looks at disappearance corner of the eye overflow make Dongfang Yan appear struggles. 或许是感受到了薰儿体内觉醒的血脉,吞噬本能的发动这让薰儿目瞪口呆,只能看着消失眼角溢出的泪水让东方焱出现挣扎。 Is quiet is fumigating within the body the revolt of different fire consciousness instinct, but faced to fuse the entire new and strange fire of eternal fire, strength of the revolt did not have to be swallowed directly. 沉寂在薰儿体内的异火苏醒本能的反抗着,只不过面对融合了永恒之火的全新异火,一点反抗之力都没有直接被吞掉。 The thick sigh, closes one's eyes to obey at heart. 心里浓浓的叹息,闭上眼顺从。 Rich spiritual qi enters within the body that fumigates by Dongfang Yan, was swallowed a large part of source different fire to raise in huge spiritual qi to subside warm gradually. 浓郁的灵气透过东方焱进入薰儿的体内,被吞噬了很大一部分本源的异火在庞大的灵气温养下逐渐平息。 Integrated Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame, the blue lotus pent-up anger, Fallen Heart Flame, Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame as well as purple the eternal fire that snatches from God King Odin Treasure house, does not know that is renamed anything's fire also to branch out within the body that the source integrated to fumigate. 融入了灭妖神火纯质阳炎,青莲地心火,陨落心炎,金帝焚天炎以及紫从神王奥丁宝库中抢来的永恒之火,不知道改叫什么的火也分出了本源融入薰儿的体内。 Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame quickly restores to come under patching of spiritual qi as well as fire hazard, obtained Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Ability. 金帝焚天炎灵气以及火源的修补下迅速恢复过来,同时也获得了灭妖神火能力 The injury to the monster deepens, again has quenched also Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame Strength, obtained blue lotus pent-up anger Ability, can tow close to the place of volcano region with ease, initiates the volcanic eruption, forms big naturally destruction Strength. 对妖怪的伤害加深,同时也重淬了金帝焚天炎力量,同时也获得了青莲地心火的能力,可以轻松牵引临近火山地带之处,引发火山喷发,形成大自然的毁灭力量 Does not have as for Fallen Heart Flame this but actually, but makes Xun Battle Qi in within the body succinct after quenching of carditis. 至于陨落心炎这倒没有,只是经过心炎的淬炼让薰儿体内的斗气更加的精粹。 But the eternal fire was needless to say. 而永恒之火更是不用多说。 physique also further grows stronger after quenching body temperature raising of spiritual qi lets Xun. 况且经过灵气的淬体温养让薰儿的体质也是进一步变强。 This makes Xun not think actually, actually what to do but lost majority of emperor blood this to make Xun not know should. 这倒是让薰儿没想到,只是失去了大部分帝血这倒是让薰儿不知道回去该怎么办。 Weary lazy lying down in the Dongfang Yan bosom. 疲倦慵懒的躺在东方焱怀中。 „To go back to have a look?” “想回去看看嘛?” Embraces tightly the beautiful woman in bosom, put out a hand to hug after the bosom nearby Xiao Yixian to rub gently inquired. 搂紧怀中的佳人,伸手把一旁的小医仙搂在怀中轻轻的蹭了蹭后询问道。 Stares, the difficult raising the head looks at somebody's profile, then lowered the head. 一愣,艰难的抬起头看着某人的侧脸,接着又低下头去。 Place that Elder Brother Yan, I am at but......” 焱哥哥,我所在的地方可是……” I know, but so I must ask that fumigates wants to go back.” “我知道,不过就算如此我也要问一下薰儿想回去嘛。” Embraces tightly gently fumigates, after being full of the inquiry of confidence to make Xun over and over hesitant, nodded. 轻轻搂紧薰儿,充满了信心的询问让薰儿再三犹豫后点了点头。 Since wants to go back, then I solved Han Feng that fellow after Fallen Heart Flame we together leave.” “既然想回去,那就等我解决掉韩枫那个家伙后陨落心炎咱们就一起离开。” Rubbed head this that has fumigated to make Xun close the eye gently snuggle in the bosom. 轻轻蹭了蹭薰儿的脑袋这让薰儿闭上了眼依偎在怀中。 Sets out is two females covers with the quilt gently, changes the clothes then to leave the space as before is the blazing environment, but this lets Yao Lao and luminary day fire had a scare. 起身轻轻为两女盖好被子,换好衣服便出空间依旧是炽热的环境,只是这让药老和曜天火吓了一跳。 Flame boy, where you came back to go to finally.” “焱小子,你总算回来了去哪里了。” luminary day fire arrives in front of Dongfang Yan, congealed the solid soul body also becomes transparent, this makes Dongfang Yan not think that actually raises the soul saliva skilled refinement, gives two people the vision to look that reaches out separately Fallen Heart Flame. 曜天火来到东方焱面前,原本凝实的灵魂体也变得透明了很多,这倒是让东方焱没想到养魂涎熟练的炼制,分别给两人目光看向陨落心炎伸手。 Is condensed the chains that becomes to block Fallen Heart Flame by the flame instantaneously, obtained emperor blood strength once more strengthen Fallen Heart Flame not accidentally/surprisingly was imprisoned. 一条由火焰凝聚而成的锁链瞬间封锁陨落心炎,获得了帝血实力再次变强陨落心炎毫无意外的被禁锢。 The seal of king convenes the flame to draw the Fallen Heart Flame imprisonment in the seal of king, Fallen Heart Flame is swallowed by the black flame that spreads from the strength of king. 王之印召开火焰拉着陨落心炎禁锢在王之印上,紧接着陨落心炎被从王之力蔓延出来的黑色火焰所吞掉。 Burns enters the step definitely instantaneously. 焚决瞬间进阶。 Step intermediate.” “地阶中级。” The chuckle, two Fallen Heart Flame make flame rise suddenly, but several different fires turned into black friendly. 轻笑,两朵陨落心炎让火焰暴涨,只是几朵异火的相融变成了黑色 Yao Lao and luminary day fire returns to ring, rise with a jump to go to the banned center under purple arrange/cloth, where a sword inserted is maintaining the blockade of space. 药老与曜天火回到戒指之中,一跃而起来到了紫布下的禁制中心,一把剑插在哪里维持着空间的封锁。 Puts out a hand, Knight does not die of bare-handed starts starts to transform, completes in Noble Phantasm, presents the information of sword about this in the brain. 伸手,久违的骑士不死于徒手发动开始转化,在宝具化完成,关于这把剑的信息也出现在脑中。 „The sadness of frost.” “霜之哀伤。” The brow tight wrinkle, naturally feels an inexplicable injection, coldly snorted must know that Fallen Heart Flame aims at existence of soul. 眉头紧皱,自然感受到一股莫名的注射,冷哼一声要知道陨落心炎可是针对灵魂的存在。 Two Fallen Heart Flame erupt together, Pure Yang Flame and eternal fire are also directly burn on the sword blade, a wailing appearance this baseless is the ambush in the frost the sad on witch monster king. 两朵陨落心炎一同爆发,纯质阳炎与永恒之火也是直接在剑身上燃烧,一股哀嚎凭空的出现这正是潜伏在霜之哀伤上的巫妖王。 Pure Yang Flame has quenches Magic Weapon Ability emphatically, destroyed completely regarding witch monster king destabilizing factor Dongfang Yan directly. 纯质阳炎有着重淬法宝能力,对于巫妖王这个不安定因素东方焱直接的灭掉了。 Will throw in the future to enter Gate of Babylon demon sword to be pulled out the space to block shatter of naturally, regarding this Dongfang Yan direct breakthrough seal. 往后一扔进入王之财宝魔剑被拔空间封锁自然的破碎,对此东方焱直接突破封印。 When appears again, the sky made Dongfang Yan narrow the eye. 当再次出现时,久违的天空让东方焱眯起了眼。 Flame!!!!” “焱!!!!” Just came out petite silhouette to throw, UU read 刚一出来一个娇小的人影就扑了过来,UU看书 This makes Dongfang Yan subconscious actually puts out a hand to grasp the person. 这倒是让东方焱下意识的伸手抱住来人。 Is so warm, small Zi Yan.” “这么热情啊,小紫妍。” looks at Zi Yan, Dongfang Yan has also smiled, vision unceasing seeks for small immortal silhouette actually throughout unable to see, this made Dongfang Yan have doubts. 看着紫妍,东方焱也是笑了起来,目光不断的寻找着小仙儿的身影可是却始终看不见,这让东方焱疑惑了起来。 Small immortal?” “小仙儿了?” Here.” “在这里。” Takes out a purple bead, this makes the Dongfang Yan God get up directly, because this gives his feeling with the bead looks like the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality is the same, but this bead has filled with the small immortal aura. 取出一个紫色的珠子,这让东方焱直接愣神起来,因为这和珠子给他的感觉就像是内丹一样,而这个珠子充满了小仙儿的气息。 This ............... “这……………” A face is startled to stare, how silly receiving bead Dongfang Yan has not thought can like this. 一脸惊愣,傻傻的接过珠子东方焱可没想到怎么会这样。 I do not know, but small immortal said that suddenly good trapped/sleepy then to turn into this.” “我也不知道,可是小仙儿说突然好困然后就变成了这样。” Similarly is perplexed, Zi Yan gave Dongfang Yan detailed speaking of then situation. This makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle tightly. 同样是不明所以,紫妍把当时的情况给东方焱详细的说到。这让东方焱眉头紧皱起来。 How can.” “怎么会。” Is taking the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, Dongfang Yan no matter also Zi Yan directly enters the space, but the going in space, the tranquil bead instantaneously independently flew to vanish. 拿着内丹,东方焱也不管紫妍直接进入空间,而一进去空间,原本平静的珠子瞬间自主飞了起来消失。 Waits for Dongfang Yan to pursue, Xiao Yixian already a face disconsolate is taking the bead. 东方焱追过去,小医仙早已一脸惆怅的拿着珠子。 Poisonous pill already had, because actually some reasons turned into small immortal, these time untied the seal of calamity poisonous body to make immortal change poisonous pill, I...... I ......... “原本毒丹早就拥有了,可是却因为一些原因变成了小仙儿,这一次解开厄难毒体的封印让仙儿变回了毒丹,我……我………” eyes is moist, this let Dongfang Yan is also silent goes forward to hug Xiao Yixian gently in the bosom does not have to say anything, but static was hugging her. 眼睛湿润着,这让东方焱也是沉默上前轻轻把小医仙搂在怀中没有多说什么,只是静静的抱着她。 Small immortal in circle that poisonous pill integrates the poison after outlining strength promotion of Xiao Yixian once more, quick ties with oneself. 小仙儿所化的毒丹融入毒经勾勒出来的圆中小医仙的实力再次的提升,很快就和自己追平。 All right, immortal has fallen asleep, when she rested enough will certainly come back.” “没事的,仙儿只是睡着了,等她睡够了一定会回来的。”
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