MTOAW :: Volume #5

#449: Final showdown

Ah!!!!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!!!!” The anger erupts, ignites the darkness of heart of hearts, the qualitative change energy of since having stored up was all absorbed the strength to arrive to fight the sovereign peak instantaneously, previous time inexplicably vanished the majority, it is estimated that can breakthrough bucket of sovereigns, but this also sufficed. 怒火爆发,引燃内心深处的黑暗,一直以来所储存的质变能量全都被吸收实力瞬间来到斗皇巅峰,要不是上次莫名消失了大部分,估计能一口气突破斗皇,不过这样也够了。 Eight Celestial Divination Gates flickers five, a wilder energy forms the storm regarding Dongfang Yan, destroys surrounding all king change/transform both eyes instantaneous entire black only remaining one blood red. 八门遁甲瞬开五门,更加狂暴的能量围绕着东方焱形成风暴,摧毁周围的一切王化的双眼瞬间全黑只剩下一个鲜血般的红点。 The woods white flame was invaded by black gradually, originally 原本森白色的火焰逐渐被黑色侵染,原本 Detonates dark Dongfang Yan to make dropping demon not think, was shocked the person is not only the dropping demon, Yao Lao, luminary day fire, First Elder Su Qian and Han Fenghe all people on the scene were attacked by the flame of this shooting up to the sky. 引爆黑暗的东方焱让堕魔也是没有想到,被震惊到了的人不仅仅是堕魔,就连药老,曜天火,苏千大长老和韩枫和在场的所有人都是被这股冲天而起的火焰所冲击。 Although the students of Canaan school very major part was shifted, but has the shift that few people have not come or keeps the people who the help shifts by the black flame attacking the severe wound. 迦南学院的学生虽然很大的一部分都被转移,可是却还是有一部分人没来的转移或者留下来帮忙转移的人都被黑色的火焰给冲击成重伤。 Hateful, cannot let him this way.” “可恶,不能在让他这样下去了。” Sends the turning sound directly, presents six sword air/Qi impacts of shooting up to the sky in all directions suddenly, this is the crescent moon day to/clashes without a doubt. 直接发动转响,四面八方突然间出现六道冲天而起的剑气冲击,毫无疑问这就是月牙天冲。 Flame explodes. The vault of heaven explodes the flame to hunt and kill!!” “炎爆.天穹爆炎猎杀!!” The black flame blasts out, forms the same six flame shock-waves, mixes with the red lightning flame to explode routs the dropping demon the crescent moon day to clash instantaneously, in the hand Wang Quan Sword will be thrown conveniently in the future, the blue color that emerges out of thin air from the front draws out big sword directly emptily. 黑色火焰炸开,形成同样的六道火焰冲击波,夹杂着红色闪电的炎爆瞬间击溃堕魔的月牙天冲,手中王权剑被随手往后一扔,直接从面前凭空出现的蓝色空洞拔出一把大剑 Dies!” “去死吧!” Appears in front of Dongfang Yan instantaneously, under strikes to cut to shoot down, was actually evaded by Dongfang Yan similar space changing positions, when appears again, actually in dropping demon behind. 瞬间出现在东方焱面前,一击斩击落下,却被东方焱同样空间换位躲过,再次出现时,却在堕魔身后 Under the similar movement, strikes to cut to shoot down, the dropping demon turns around to resist the Dongfang Yan's attack, simultaneously borrows the strength to leap, to/clashes compared with the a moment ago also strong crescent moon day together shoots up to the sky, faces this giant sword air/Qi impact, Dongfang Yan has not been avoiding, puts out a hand to hold to make an effort directly to grasp, crumb. 同样的动作,一击斩击落下,堕魔转身抵挡东方焱的攻击,同时借力一跃,一道比刚才还强的月牙天冲冲天而起,面对着这巨大的剑气冲击,东方焱没有躲避,直接伸手抓住用力一握,捏碎。 “Ah” “呵” Sneers, vanishes instantaneously, the energy impact of half a month dark red appears from the back together hits the Dongfang Yan back instantaneously, the whole person is similar to the train of high-speed travel same hits on the ground, sends out the depressed explosion sound as well as the fierce vibration. 冷笑一声,瞬间消失,一道半月型暗红色的能量冲击从背后出现瞬间击中东方焱后背,整个人如同高速行驶的火车一样撞在地上,发出沉闷的轰响以及剧烈的震动。 Elder Brother Yan!!!!” 焱哥哥!!!!” The transformation of Xiao Yixian has made Xun suffice to shock, but the Dongfang Yan's transformation is makes Xun direct fall silly, now looks at he crashes like the meteor falls on the ground, shouting that immediately cannot bear, did not plan that conceals to erupt own strength directly. 小医仙的转变已经让薰儿够震惊了,而东方焱的转变更是让薰儿直接傻掉,如今看着他像流星坠落一样落在地上,顿时忍不住的喊到,同时也不打算隐瞒直接爆发出自己的实力。 Young lady was careful!!!!” “小姐小心!!!!” But cared that chaotic Xun actually has not thought will be sneak attacked, after silhouette appears instantaneously strikes to fly sneak attack, stands in fumigating side. 而关心则乱的薰儿却是没想到会被偷袭,一个人影瞬间出现击飞偷袭者后站在薰儿身旁。 to approach/insult, does not need to manage me to help Elder Brother Yan fast.” “凌老,不用管我快速帮焱哥哥。” Has gotten back one's composure, forcing oneself to calm down, fumigates cleans up the person who Han Feng is bringing to protect own person start to talk to say at the same time. 回过神,强迫自己冷静下来,薰儿一边清理着韩枫带来的人对着保护自己的人开口道。 I also want to go, is ......... “我也想去啊,可是………” Reveals the forced smile, was called to approach/insult person looks at that shoots up to the sky, Dongfang Yan that comes huge half a month to cut to strike has more desire than energy, where fight can it be that can add. 露出苦笑,被叫做凌老的人看着那重新冲天而起,一来就是巨大半月斩击的东方焱心有余而力不足,哪里的战斗岂是自己能加进去的。 Shoots down Dongfang Yan, did not plan that gives him in opportunity dropping demon Shangshuangjiao to start to condense Strength, the energy condenses red spherical shoots at Dongfang Yan. 击落东方焱,不打算给他机会堕魔头上双角之间开始凝聚力量,能量凝聚成红色的球状射向东方焱 Without a doubt, after direct hit, sends out the fierce explosion, this also made the dropping demon show the satisfactory smiling face. 毫无疑问,直接命中后发出剧烈的爆炸,这也让堕魔露出了满意的笑容。 Ah!!!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!!!” Stamps the feet, dark purple sword air/Qi breaks open the explosion the flame to fly toward the dropping demon. 一跺脚,黑紫色的剑气破开爆炸的火焰朝着堕魔飞去。 Is sideways to evade smiling face originally to solidify/coagulate, the Dongfang Yan dropping demon that looks at to/clashes once more is also serious gets up, this time match is not very probably simple. 侧身躲过原本的笑容凝固,看着再次冲出来的东方焱堕魔也是凝重起来,这次的对手好像很不简单啊。 Transfers the sound, flickers the step, empty flashes, the crescent moon day to launch that does not ask for money, the remnant shade that all over the sky after is the dropping demon revolutions makes a sound, leaves behind, but each remnant shade just like clone same not to start empty flashes is the crescent moon day to/clashes. 转响,瞬步,虚闪,月牙天冲不要钱的发动,满天都是堕魔转响后留下的残影,而每一道残影都宛如分身一样不是发动虚闪就是月牙天冲。 Was surrounded, surrounding one is very intensive attack, the direct flame resists the impact for the shield, 被包围,周围一圈全是高强度的攻击,直接火焰为盾抵挡冲击, in the hand is taking void big sword, direct jump appears in dropping demon behind in the hand void big sword direct a sword breaks open the dropping demon, has not hit the feeling of entity, Dongfang Yan grasps the sword to put out a hand to keep off backhandedly. Back a series of sparks emit, this also makes Dongfang Yan find the accurate opportunity, the octupole octopole collapses adds on a Monster Power Divine Confusing boxing the dropping demon, this also makes the dropping demon fly upside down instantaneously dozens meters. 手中拿着虚空大剑,直接跳跃出现在堕魔身后手中虚空大剑直接一剑破开堕魔,没有击中实体的感觉,东方焱反手握剑伸手一挡。后背一连串的火花冒出,这也让东方焱找准机会,八极崩加上怪力乱神一拳击中堕魔,这也让堕魔瞬间倒飞数十米。 Hehe, it seems like it was I looks down on you.” 呵呵,看来是我小瞧你了。” Lowers the head looked, the armor of own chest was crushed reveals inside empty hole, this makes the dropping demon tear into shreds the armor of chest completely to expose simply directly the empty hole. 低头一看,自己的胸膛的护甲被击碎露出里面的虚洞,这让堕魔索性直接撕碎胸膛的护甲完全把虚洞暴露出来。 Crime punishes the domain!!!!” “罪罚领域!!!!” Puts out a hand, the surrounding scene starts to transform immediately, this lets the dropping demon is also the surprise, the domain is no one has . Moreover the crime punishes the domain, only then a person has. 伸手一张,周围的场面顿时开始转变,这让堕魔也是诧异,领域可不是什么人都有的,况且罪罚领域只有一人拥有。 „, Hehe, has not thought, has not thought that you unexpectedly are the successor of that person.” “呵,呵呵,没想到,没想到啊,你居然是那个人的继承者。” Grips tightly in the hand weapon, dropping demon is also serious gets up, the crescent moon day to toward Dongfang Yan that does not ask for money howls to go, tries not to form before the domain thoroughly breaks. 紧握手中武器,堕魔也是凝重起来,月牙天冲更加不要钱的朝着东方焱呼啸而去,试图趁着领域还没有彻底形成之前打破。 naturally understands that his intention Dongfang Yan to him the opportunity, the use has not collapsed moon/month dimension blade technology all attacks to penetrate, this makes the dropping demon unable to bear, in the heart worries. 自然明白他意图的东方焱也没有给他机会,利用崩月次元刀技术所有的攻击全都穿透而过,这让堕魔也是忍不住,心中着急起来。 If your strength is stronger perhaps I also really only to have the means that what a pity your domain also has lacked part, Hahaha, today you decided that cannot go on living.” “如果你的实力在强一些或许我还真的唯有办法,可惜你的领域还缺了一部分,哈哈哈,今天你决定不能活下去了。” More formidable crescent moon day to to/clashes toward Dongfang Yan, similarly wields a sword the disparity of essence is unable to make up for this to make the domain that Dongfang Yan was struck to fly to instantaneously form also collapse of itself, draws back disperses this to make the dropping demon crazier laughs. 更加强大的月牙天冲朝着东方焱冲来,同样挥剑其中本质的差距无法弥补这让东方焱瞬间被击飞原本要形成的领域也不攻自破,退散这让堕魔更加疯狂的大笑起来。 Hahaha, sees not to have demon day, I defeated her successor, Hahaha!!!!!!” 哈哈哈,看见没魔天,我打败她的继承者了,哈哈哈!!!!!!” Covers is smiling brazenly, looks at that lay down in ground motionless Dongfang Yan, the dropping demon has also shown the cruel smiling face. 捂着脸大笑着,看着那躺在地上一动不动的东方焱,堕魔也是露出了残忍的笑容。 „The person of this king you also dares realistic is live is impatient!!!!” “本王的人你也敢动真是活的不耐烦了!!!!” Suddenly presents un the sound, this makes the tense battlefield more tense, sees only in the sky to have an upper part is the person, a person of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. 突然出现嗯声音,这让本就紧张的战场更加紧张起来,只见天空中有着一条上半身是人,一个倾国倾城的人。 But the both legs are actually a snake tail, has a build huge demon beast in her side. 而双腿却是一条蛇尾,在她的身旁还有一头体型庞大的魔兽。 That is!!!!” “那是!!!!” Sudden person as well as demon beast naturally has brought to the attention of crowd, but sees to smile, a round of crescent moon day that the future dropping demon actually very much disdains to/clashes conveniently, has not actually thought that opposite party indeed so following, this has brought to the attention of dropping demon actually. 突然出现的人以及魔兽自然的引起了人群的注意,而看见来者堕魔却是很不屑的笑了起来,随手一发月牙天冲,却没想到对方尽然接下来了,这倒是引起了堕魔的注意。 Receives the crescent moon day to clash, Medusa does not feel better, after all the brand mark as well as the seal in within the body did not have thorough untying, present returned to fight the sovereign through Dongfang Yan to oneself Cultivation Technique cultivation. 接下月牙天冲,美杜莎也不好受起来,毕竟体内的烙印以及封印还没彻底的解开,现在的自己就算通过东方焱给自己的功法修炼回到了斗皇。 Is only one empty has its, after all does not have the thorough transforming adult, naturally this fights the sovereign is only in the surface. 却只是一个虚有其名而已,毕竟都没彻底的幻化成人,自然这个斗皇只是表面上而已。 But amethyst wing Lion King is different, but she thorough fighting sovereign rank demon beast, the opens the mouth is the purple column of flame blowout, the people of some bucket of king ranks fell by one move of second, see Medusa one to hit appearance also hastily to go forward to help. 可紫晶翼狮王就不一样了,她可是彻彻底底的斗皇级别魔兽,张口便是紫色火柱喷出,一些斗王级别的人都被一招秒掉,见美杜莎一副打不过的样子也是连忙上前帮忙。 „A domestic animal, but has not thought that you are living unexpectedly.” “一头畜生而已,不过没想到你居然还活着。” Shook the head, the vision looked that to Dongfang Yan that behind stands, the appearance that teased made Medusa be also furious. 摇了摇头,目光看向身后站起来的东方焱,戏谑的模样让美杜莎也是震怒。 The optional waving crescent moon day to appears again, these time to is obviously stronger than the a moment ago crescent moon day, this makes Medusa serious get up, the opposite party at least is one fights the sect, although opposite party extremely in caring about oneself, but Medusa does not dare to be negligent. 随意的挥手月牙天冲再次出现,这一次明显比刚才的月牙天冲还要强,这让美杜莎凝重起来,对方至少是一个斗宗,尽管对方没有太过于在意自己,可美杜莎还是不敢大意。 Transfers Strength in within the body to try to resist, but has not actually thought that strikes merely is exhausted by oneself reluctantly blocks fully, but connects to fly two crescent moon days to clash, this makes the Medusa pupil contract. 调动体内的力量试图抵挡,可是却没想到仅仅只是一击就让自己用尽全力才勉强挡住,而接连着又飞来两道月牙天冲,这让美杜莎瞳孔收缩起来。 Roar!!!!” “吼!!!!” The purple flame appears, easily was actually broken, but Medusa also prepared unable to block must fall to lowly the injury. 紫色的火焰出现,却被轻易破开而美杜莎也准备好了就算挡不住也要把伤害降到最低。 Bang!!!!” “嘭!!!!” Ah!!!!” 啊!!!!” Strikes, strikes the defense of Medusa then to be defeated merely, the crescent moon day makes Medusa be injured to formidable Strength, the red crescent moon day that looks at comes flushed, clenches teeth already the mystique that prepared to summon to maintain life. 一击,仅仅只是一击美杜莎的防御便被击破,月牙天冲强大的力量美杜莎受伤,看着紧接着而来的红色月牙天冲,咬着牙已经准备召唤出自己保命的秘法了。 In Medusa prepares to resist once more, at present suddenly presents a back, stiffly kept off for oneself with the body has struck, simultaneously put out a hand to grab the hand of Medusa, has prevented launch of her mystique. 就在美杜莎再次准备抵挡时,眼前却突然出现一个背影,硬生生的用身体为自己挡了一击,同时伸手抓住美杜莎的手,阻止了她秘法的发动。 Medusa is actually directly silly looks at that back, for a while in diencephalon only then existence of this back, stingy ruthless beat. 美杜莎却是直接傻乎乎的看着那道背影,一时间脑中只有这道背影的存在,心狠狠的跳动了一下。 Here is not the place that you can meddle , helping First Elder Su Qian, Lion King you are also.” “这里不是你能插手的地方,去帮苏千大长老,狮王你也是。” Throws Medusa directly to the First Elder Su Qian battlefield, saw Xiao Yixian and Xun fights to fight with Han Feng to be also worried, but also can only brace oneself now. 直接把美杜莎扔向苏千大长老的战场,见小医仙和薰儿交手跟韩枫战斗也是担心了起来,不过现在也只能硬着头皮上了。 Come, does not have ox head Ability, I must have a look at you but actually strongly.” “来吧,不就是有牛头的能力而已,我倒要看看你到底有多强。” pinches, entire black, only then red point both eyes has revealed crazily, UU reads 捏着手,全黑只有一个红点的双眼露出了疯狂,UU看书 Eight Celestial Divination Gates starts one after another, when arrives at the eighth dead gate directly. 八门遁甲接连开动,直接开到第八门死门时。 The world changes color, Gate of Babylon reveals the innumerable flying sword swords to be sharp, the sky is also the red thunder in flashing, Extinguishing Monster Divine Fire Pure Yang Flame, the blue lotus pent-up anger, Bone Chilling Flame, as well as did not plan Fallen Heart Flame that hides fuses in together, a giant incomparable flame lotus flower appears, this makes all person hearts on the scene have the feeling that has been able dead. 天地都为之变色,王之财宝露出无数飞剑的剑尖,就连天空也是红色的雷霆在闪动着,灭妖神火纯质阳炎,青莲地心火,骨灵冷火,以及不打算隐藏的陨落心炎融合在一起,一朵巨大无比的火焰莲花出现,这让在场的所有人心中都出现了一股会死的感觉。 looks at that is occupying the giant lotus flower of big piece sky, escaping Han Feng of escaping are also a panic-stricken expression of face, the dropping demon cannot bear the heart send to be cold. 看着那占据着大片天空的巨大莲花,一个个的逃跑的逃跑就连韩枫也是一脸的惊恐表情,就连堕魔也是忍不住心底发寒起来。 Gate of Babylon projects flying sword unceasingly, attempts the person who prevents Han Feng to bring to counter-attack, the red thunder is slowly is actually integrating in the hot lotus, but naturally knows that the dropping demon speed quick Dongfang Yan in order to strikes the second to fall him is also the use haughty red lotus definitely controls the hot lotus reduction. 王之财宝不断地射出飞剑,企图阻止韩枫带来的人反扑,红色的雷霆却是正在缓慢的融入火莲之中,而自然知道堕魔速度有多快的东方焱为了能一击秒掉他也是利用傲世红莲决控制火莲缩小。 No matter how just actually can only reduce in hot lotus to a refrigerator size diligently. 只不过不管在怎么努力火莲却只能缩小到一台冰箱大小。 Insane, lunatic!!! You do not want to live “疯,疯子!!!你不想活了” naturally feels in the hot lotus the terrifying energy dropping demon is also afraid, after all who does not want to live the dropping demon, did not have been able to cross natural free happy, unrestrained, had one's wish. 自然感受到火莲之中恐怖的能量堕魔也是害怕起来,毕竟谁不想活着堕魔,也只是没了能过得更加的潇洒自由开心,无拘无束,随心所欲。 Can kill you becomes.” “能干掉你就成了。” Vanishes to appear in the face of the dropping demon instantaneously, the brow is a wrinkle has actually turned around to pursue in another direction, this makes the dropping demon fly into a rage actually. 瞬间消失出现在堕魔面前,眉头却是一皱转过身朝着另一个方向追过去,这倒是让堕魔勃然大怒。 Snort, wanting me dead person that many that you are what, today I spell to you!!!!!!” “哼,想要我死的人那么多,你算老几,今天我就给你拼了!!!!!!” After seeing does not evade, the dropping demon also gave up the resistance, has turned around to erupt toward Dongfang Yan whole body is differing not the big energy with the hot lotus. 见躲不过后,堕魔也是放弃了抵抗,转过身朝着东方焱全身都爆发着与火莲相差不大的能量。 Does not have the moon/month!!!!!” “无月!!!!!” Haughty red lotus decides!!!!!!” “傲世红莲决!!!!!!”
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