MTOAW :: Volume #5

#448: Dropping demon

Ok, so long as you can achieve.” “可以啊,只要你能做得到。” The corners of the mouth outlined to wipe to sneer, wave three flame to appear to condense flying sword, along with a Dongfang Yan ball, the flying sword slow differentiation hung all over the sky gently. 嘴角勾勒起一抹冷笑,挥手三朵火焰出现凝聚成一把飞剑,伴随着东方焱轻轻一弹,飞剑缓慢分化挂满天空。 Hahaha, how that makes Senior Brother have a look at the Junior Brother your strength.” 哈哈哈,那就让师兄看看师弟你实力如何。” Laughing, Han Feng in the hand unceasing gushing out flame is facing Dongfang Yan's myriad flying sword not to instigate. 大笑着,韩枫手中不断的涌出火焰面对着东方焱的万千飞剑一点不怂。 Will not disappoint you.” “绝不会让你失望的。” looks at Han Feng who disdains, fights the sovereign, when really can also overturn the heavens inadequately. 不屑的看着韩枫,斗皇而已,真当自己还能翻了天不成。 Condensation flying sword falls toward Han Feng, although Han Feng has the different fire to protect the body to know, Dongfang Yan has Armor Piercing attribute, is controlling flying sword before the energy exhausts enters in crowd that he brings, has cleaned up many people instantaneously. 凝聚的飞剑朝着韩枫落下,尽管韩枫拥有着异火护体要知道,东方焱可是拥有破甲属性的,控制着飞剑在能量耗尽以前杀入他所带来的人群之中,瞬间清理了不少人。 This makes the pressure of inner courtyard reduce actually greatly, but Xiao Yixian was looking at Fallen Heart Flame silent, Little Ai also has appeared dragon corner/horn as well as Dragon's Tail. 这倒是让内院的压力大减,而小医仙望着陨落心炎沉默了起来,就连小爱也是显出了龙角以及龙尾。 Little Ai, the Teacher enmity is my incoming telegram, your looks at is good, must know that I am very strong!!!!” 小爱,老师的仇还是我来报,你看着就好,要知道我可是很强的!!!!” flying sword exhausts, waves, the sky presents big thunder clouds, the thunder punishes 3000. 飞剑耗尽,挥手,天空出现一大片雷云,雷罚3000。 Innumerable falling thunder let the person shock that Han Feng brings, although first Battle Qi protects the body, penetrates attribute falling thunder is not they can resist. 无数的落雷让韩枫带来的人震惊,尽管第一时间斗气护体,穿透属性的落雷也不是他们能抵挡的。 The person who let alone also has paralysis effect, Han Feng is bringing some person buckets of spirit fights the king also to suffer a loss is killed. 更何况还拥有着麻痹效果,韩枫带来的人就连一些斗灵斗王的人也是吃亏被杀。 Hahaha, Teacher also was really bias, it seems like that the Junior Brother you also had the thing that I was not knowing, was, collection that many of that old thing also had possibly, what a pity you were only a small fighting king.” 哈哈哈,老师还真是偏心了,看来师弟你还拥有着很多我所不知道的东西,也是,那个老东西的收藏那么多也不是没有可能,可惜你只是一个小小的斗王而已。” The both hands condensation flame, is similar to the tsunami flame tumbling comes, the giant different hot tide makes the people of Canaan school worry. 双手凝聚火焰,如同海啸般的火焰翻滚而来,巨大的异火浪潮让迦南学院的众人担忧。 Faces the flame monstrous waves of heading on, Dongfang Yan is remaining unmoved in the personnel is worried for him. 面对着扑面而来的火焰巨浪,东方焱不为所动就在用人为他担心不已时。 Dongfang Yan faces the flame monstrous waves, Wang Quan Sword is protecting to advocate a sword to break out the monstrous waves automatically, revealed followed Han Feng. 东方焱面对着火焰巨浪,王权剑自动护主一剑劈开巨浪,露出了紧随其后的韩枫。 Brother Hahaha, eats my sea heart flame broken to cut!!” 哈哈哈师弟,吃我一记海心焰破斩!!” The sword air/Qi breaks open the flame monstrous waves, the dark blue different fire falls toward the Dongfang Yan extreme velocity, completely has not placed eye Wang Quan Sword before Dongfang Yan coldly snorted body to split up over a thousand, is similar to raindrop dense and numerous this makes Han Feng have to receive generally to incur to resist the impact of Wang Quan Sword. 剑气破开火焰巨浪,深蓝色的异火朝着东方焱极速落下,全然没有放在眼中的东方焱冷哼一声身前的王权剑分化上千把,如同雨点一般密密麻麻这让韩枫不得不收招抵挡王权剑的冲击。 After all is Heaven and Earth Sword Wang Quan Sword, in addition Armor Piercing Effect. Although Han Feng hides quickly was a pity was scratched the arm by the sword shade. 毕竟是天地一剑王权剑,加上破甲效果。尽管韩枫躲得很快可惜还是被剑影划伤手臂。 Does not pay a return visit discourteously, Senior Brother also meets my one move.” “来而不往非礼也,师兄也接我一招。” The chuckle, in the hand is gripping Wang Quan Sword, the huge energy condensation on the sword blade, this lets Han Feng is also serious gets up. 轻笑着,手中握住王权剑,庞大的能量凝聚在剑身上,这让韩枫也是凝重起来。 Wind and frost Sky Sword cry!!!” “风霜天剑鸣!!!” One enlarged several hundred times of sword shades to appear above Dongfang Yan, was bringing the huge pressure as well as the formidable sword air/Qi falls toward Han Feng. 一把放大了数百倍的剑影出现在东方焱上方,带着巨大的威压以及强大的剑气朝着韩枫落下。 The ground cannot withstand the giant sword sword shade pressure, was broken, in the attack range, the strength small and weak person is unable to move, by smashing that the wild sword air/Qi rips. 地面也承受不住巨剑剑影的威压,被震碎,攻击范围内,实力弱小的人更是无法动弹,被狂暴的剑气撕的粉碎。 This, is his true strength?” “这,这就是他真正的的实力吗?” The so terrifying strength makes the forest that the pressure reduces greatly cultivate/repair cliff and the others also swallows the saliva. 如此恐怖的实力让压力大减的林修崖等人也是吞了吞口水。 No, this is also not his true complete strength.” “不,这还不是他真正的全部实力。” Shook the head, since is the disciple of that person, then definitely also continues these. 摇了摇头,既然是那个人的弟子,那么肯定还不止这些。 However she actually does not know, these Ability are not Yao Lao entrusts with. 不过她却不知道,这些能力可不是药老赋予的。 Hateful!!!” “可恶!!!” The different fire protects the body, but hard anti- giant sword the sword air/Qi part penetrates the different fire to hit Han Feng, the corners of the mouth overflow blood, gnash one's teeth looked at superficial Dongfang Yan unable to attend to that many, put out a hand, the back condenses the black fog to be ordinary just like the ghost. 异火护体,硬抗巨剑可是剑气还是有一部分穿透异火击中韩枫,嘴角溢出鲜血,咬牙切齿望着轻描淡写的东方焱也顾不了那么多了,伸手一张,后背凝聚黑雾宛如怨鬼一般。 Hehehe, Han Feng were you found that person?” 呵呵呵,韩枫你这是找到那个人了嘛?” The sudden hoarse sound lets Dongfang Yan is also vigilant, the black fog gradually forms a black robe ghost. 突然出现的沙哑声音让东方焱也是警惕起来,黑雾逐渐形成一个黑袍鬼影。 Also has several chains in his surroundings. 在他的周围还有着几条锁链。 Iron Protector, “铁护法, That person we including the hand to solve him on his body together. ” Was saying to ghost start to talk, in the heart presents the dangerous inexplicably Dongfang Yan also Wang Quan Sword in in the hand, simultaneously passes message to Yao Lao and luminary day fire makes them hide. 那个人就在他的身上我们连手一起解决掉他。”对着身旁的鬼影开口道,心中莫名出现危险的东方焱也是把王权剑拿在手中,同时传音给药老和曜天火让他们躲好。 Hehehe ......... Really has the aura of that person, but you ......... Is day electing.” 呵呵呵………果然有那个人的气息,不过你………是天选者吧。” looks at Dongfang Yan of vision surprise, under the black robe revealed the red ray, looks at Dongfang Yan has filled has killed intent and hatred. 目光诧异的看着东方焱,紧接着黑袍之下露出了红色的光芒,看着东方焱充满了杀意和憎恨。 Dropping demon ......... “堕魔………” Eyes of naturally king sees the opposite party is not an average person, in addition the Loli sound, Dongfang Yan has gotten hold of in the hand weapon, does not know where the opposite party has gone. 王之眼自然看出对方不是普通人,再加上久违的萝莉声音,东方焱握紧了手中武器,不知道对方去过什么地方。 Hehehe, since met day of electing here, it seems like I was discovered that that ......... Becoming my nourishment!!!” 呵呵呵,既然在这里遇见了天选者,看来我被发现了啊,那么………成为我的养料吧!!!” The dropping demon vanishes instantaneously, when appears again actually in own behind, the back sends out the fierce danger to feel, Dongfang Yan turns around to resist hastily, but the side presents an iron Protector. 堕魔瞬间消失,再次出现时却在自己的身后,后背发出剧烈的危险感觉,东方焱连忙转身抵挡可是身旁却又出现一个铁护法。 In a boxing own lower abdomen was struck to fly, feels pain Dongfang Yan that the belly transmits to raise the head looks at two irons Protector at present. 一拳击中自己的小腹被击飞,感受到肚子传来的痛感东方焱抬起头看着眼前两个铁护法。 Immediately creepy feeling. 顿时头皮发麻起来。 Transfers the sound ......... ......... “转响………嘛………” The corners of the mouth show the cruel smiling face. 嘴角露出残忍的笑容。 Hehe, within the body has five Strength, strength of the existence, should has swallowed anything, but looked like these time came a fierce fellow, what a pity I was also have swallowed.” 呵呵,体内有五种力量,还有一股存在之力,应该是吞噬过什么,不过看来这一次来了个厉害的家伙了,可惜我也是吞噬过。” Black robe iron originally Protector black fog unceasing surging, finally diverges. 原本的黑袍铁护法身上黑雾不断的涌动,最终散去。 Sends the waist, the head two sharp corners/horns, the chest has presented the empty hole steadily, the nape of the neck and wrist/skill and ankle area grows the red hair, the body is lanky and stiff, the overall shape like the cow, a familiar appearance emergence, Dongfang Yan the pupil contracts immediately. 发长过腰,头部两支尖角,胸口出现虚洞,脖颈与手腕、脚踝长出红毛,身体瘦长而挺直,总体形态如牛,如此熟悉的模样一出现,东方焱顿时瞳孔收缩起来。 Does not dare to be negligent, the present person swallowed the ox head to protect that his strength perhaps to unexpectedly go against heaven's will, the thorn royal crown wore in the head, red lightning Emperor of Time is hanging in the back, whole body woods white is bringing the pale light greenish blue light flame, protected with the ox head looks like almost the blue white coat. 不敢大意,眼前的人居然吞噬了牛头一护那么他的实力恐怕是要逆天,荆棘王冠戴在头上,红色闪电刻刻帝悬挂在后背,周身森白色带着淡淡青光的火焰,与牛头一护看起来差不多的蓝白色外套。 The emergence of dropping demon makes Dongfang Yan arrive at this World first time serious, has Ability that the ox head protects, if not be earnest perhaps to suffer a more disastrous defeat. 堕魔的出现让东方焱来到这个世界还是第一次的凝重,拥有牛头一护的能力,如果不认真起来说不定会输得很惨了。 But Little Ai saw own Father unexpectedly has appeared Spirit king change/transform, was understands that seemed like the cow person is very strong. 小爱见自己的父亲居然现出了精灵王化,也是明白那个长得像是牛一样的人很强吧。 It is not treating, Little Ai flies instantaneously appears main body dragon roar makes all people on the scene shocking, the dropping demon is also surprise looks at Little Ai. 不在待着,小爱瞬间飞起显出本体一声龙吟让在场的所有人震惊,就连堕魔也是诧异的看着小爱 Dragon God?” “龙神?” Protects to make the dropping demon silent in middle Little Ai Dongfang Yan, puts out a hand to surge black light a tall and slender sword gradual emergence, this lets Dongfang Yan is serious gets up. 东方焱护在中间的小爱让堕魔沉默起来,伸手一阵黑光涌动一把细长的刀剑逐渐的出现,这让东方焱更是凝重起来。 But has appeared the main body, in the Zi Yan heart that capital stock can the feeling is also bigger. 而显出了本体,紫妍心中那股本能的感觉也越大起来。 „It is not right, you merely are only a Divine Dragon, Hahaha, is a female dragon. Very good, although the year is insufficient, but the good and evil is also a Divine Dragon.” “不对,你仅仅只是一条神龙罢了,哈哈哈,还是一条母龙。很好,虽然年份不够,但好歹也是一条神龙。” The appearance of Little Ai, making dropping demon excited, silhouette moves. 小爱的出现,让堕魔更加的兴奋,身影一动。 Dongfang Yan turns around in the hand Wang Quan Sword to condense the different fire to bring the huge sword hastily air/Qi a sword to cut toward silhouette, just a sword got down, the side is a high-risk feeling. 东方焱连忙转身手中王权剑凝聚着异火带着庞大的剑气一剑朝着身旁的人影斩下,刚一剑下去,身旁又是一股充满危险的感觉。 In the Dongfang Yan heart in great surprise, the condensation ice wall tries to resist hastily, as a Divine Dragon, Little Ai also has own dignity, flings the tail to come formidable Strength happen to strike to fly the attack of dropping demon. 东方焱心中大惊,连忙凝聚冰墙试图抵挡,作为一头神龙,小爱也是有着自己的尊严,一甩尾过来强大的力量正好击飞堕魔的进攻。 No matter how the dropping demon sends turning sound, even if has ox head Ability, but disparity essentially exists. 不管堕魔怎么发动转响,就算是拥有牛头的能力,可是本质上的差距还是存在的。 More than ten times kept off one after another by Little Ai, the dropping demon is also knits the brows. 接连十多次都被小爱挡下,堕魔也是皱眉起来。 Annoying fellow, when I catch you certainly not to make you feel better.” “烦人的家伙,等我抓到你一定不会让你好过。” Then, the dropping demon behind Zhang Kaicheng huge black hole, a giant bone claw appears together, the formidable pressure lets Little Ai is also the instinct sends out angry dragon roar. 说完,堕魔身后张开成一道庞大的黑洞,一只巨大的骨爪出现,强大的威压让小爱也是本能的发出愤怒的龙吟 Silent roaring, a giant big dragon appears from the black hole, whole body point flesh, all has not been the bone. 无声的咆哮,一头巨大的巨龙从黑洞中出现,全身没有一点的血肉,全是骨头。 The dragon eye place is the dark blue jack-o'-lantern, the tail peak is also burning the profound blue flame. 龙眼处是深蓝色的鬼火,尾巴顶端也是燃烧着深邃的蓝色火焰。 The appearance of bone dragon, making scene once fall into intense, the strength small and weak person by the formidable pressure crush was only felt directly breathed is being difficult. 骨龙的出现,让场面一度陷入紧张,实力弱小的人直接被强大的威压碾压只感觉就连呼吸都困难着。 Fights spirit, although also reluctantly can block. 斗灵的尽管还勉强能挡住。 Hateful Ah!!!!” “可恶啊!!!!” Zi Yan looks at bone dragon, similarly is instantaneously angry, diligently tries to open own wing completely actually does not have the means that fumigated also to feel the unprecedented pressure under the crush of bone dragon. 紫妍看着骨龙,瞬间同样是愤怒起来,努力的试图张开自己的翅膀可是却完全的没有办法,就连薰儿也是在骨龙的碾压下感觉到了前所未有的压力。 Xiao Yixian bit has torn to pieces the ban of calamity poisonous body the lip was duty-bound not to turn back finally thoroughly, the terrifying toxic gas eruption, the Xiao Yixian strength fast was also climbing, all of a sudden from fighting the Master turned has fought the king, this let not be repaired cliff and the others by the forest that oneself dropped down diligently is shocking. 小医仙更是咬着嘴唇最后义无反顾的彻底撕破了厄难毒体的禁制,恐怖的毒气爆发,小医仙的实力也在快速的攀登着,一下子就从斗师变成了斗王,这让努力不让自己倒下的林修崖等人更是震惊。 Hahaha, becomes my part!!!” 哈哈哈,成为我的一部分吧!!!” Does not know that because of the reason of bone dragon, thorough is crazy the dropping demon to laugh insolent is spreading over the entire Canaan school just like the thunder clap same sound. 不知道是不是因为骨龙的缘故,彻底疯狂起来堕魔张狂大笑着宛如雷震一样的声音传遍整个迦南学院。 „Can Little Ai, lead away that bone dragon?” 小爱,能把那骨龙引开嘛?” The fight promotes, Dongfang Yan also thoroughly de-archived the Hundred Grand Techniques cloudy seal facing the pressure of bone dragon, looks at that has knelt on the ground covers a painful student is also being inquires. 战斗升级,东方焱面对骨龙的威压也是彻底解封了百豪之术阴封印,看着那一个个跪在地上捂着头痛苦的学生也是询问起来。 Can Otou-sama, from this pressure I can feel that his beforehand strength is very strong, contacted since he died is also built up to turn into the dead agilisaurus strength sharp drop, the dragon language that Western dragon clan is proud is unable to use, present he is one only knows that wields the wild animal of claw.” “可以的父亲大人,从这股威压中我能感觉到他以前的实力很强,已经接触到了露科亚不过既然他已经死了还被炼化成了死灵龙实力大幅度下降,就连西方龙族引以为傲的龙语都无法使用,现在的他就是一个只知道挥动爪子的野兽罢了。” Passes message to Dongfang Yan, Little Ai looks at that giant bone dragon, if living, almost with Level, is a feather snake God Level dragon that may really be a trouble. 传音给东方焱,小爱看着那巨大的骨龙,如果是活着的话,几乎和露科亚一个等级,也就是羽蛇神一个等级的龙那可真是一个麻烦。 That asked you Little Ai.” “那就拜托你了小爱。” Just said, a familiar aura eruption, Dongfang Yan has turned the head then to see to de-archive Xiao Yixian of calamity poisonous body thoroughly, stingy ruthless twitch. 刚说完,一股熟悉的气息爆发,东方焱转过头便看见了已经彻底解封厄难毒体的小医仙,心狠狠的抽动起来。 Moves sideways to arrive in front of Xiao Yixian, looks at that gradually became the indifferent face, UU reads 一个闪身来到小医仙面前,看着那张已经逐渐变得冷漠的脸,UU看书 Dongfang Yan as if saw Akame first time to use the Cursed Blade Murasame secret skill when oneself was the same. 东方焱仿佛看见了赤瞳第一次在自己面前使用妖刀村雨秘技时一样。 Has not related, so long as there are you not to lose in me.” “没关系的,只要有你在我就不会迷失。” Face that difficult revealing smile, Xiao Yixian looks at that loves dearly, was in the heart has filled the warm feeling as well as the happiness, both hands took up Dongfang Yan's to place on own face Xiao Yixian to show the genuine smiling face, was not a moment ago that was supporting the smile. 艰难的露出微笑,小医仙看着那心疼的脸,也是心中充满了暖意以及甜蜜,双手拿起东方焱的手放在自己的脸上小医仙露出了真正的笑容,不是刚才那强撑着的微笑。 Un, promising me do not lose in the calamity.” “嗯,答应我不要迷失在厄难之中。” Makes an effort to hug Xiao Yixian in the bosom, since met a big crisis that also to give it all, happy held up the day from the old poisonous sovereign directly, as well as fell Run's Ten Thousand Poisons Physique to give Xiao Yixian, the deep kiss gradually was becoming the lip of ice-cold. 一把用力把小医仙搂在怀中,既然遇见了一个大危机那么也就只好放手一搏了,直接把从老毒皇欢都擎天,以及落兰的万毒之体交给小医仙,深深的亲吻着逐渐变得冰冷的嘴唇。 Un, was OK must win absolutely.” “嗯,可以了绝对要赢哦。” Has not been able to reveal to smile, the pupil also turned into death grey white, beautiful purple sent also turns pale purple was mixing with the grey. 已经不能露出微笑了,瞳孔也变成了死亡的灰白色,原本美丽的紫发也变成了淡紫中夹杂着灰色。 Xiao Yixian of demon sanely still, was that ice-cold face actually stabbing pain the Dongfang Yan's heart, both hands has been gripping freely tightly, the lowering the head eye socket was moist. 魔化的小医仙尽管理智还在,可是那张冰冷的脸却刺痛了东方焱的心,双手紧握着,低着头眼眶却湿润起来。 Aiyu, the calamity poisonous body, this is not one of the World precious physique, it seems like your this day electing is also not much, might as well our dropping demon, must consider the dropping demon.” “哎呦,厄难毒体啊,这不是这个世界的珍贵体质之一吗,看来你这个天选者也不怎么样啊,还不如我们堕魔,要不要考虑一下堕魔啊。” Feels chin looks at and Han Feng hits in same place Xiao Yixian, the dropping demon is also the corners of the mouth turns upwards curious smiling face one to have the interest appearance. 摸着下巴看着和韩枫打在一起的小医仙,堕魔也是嘴角翘起好奇的笑容一副蛮有兴致的样子。 All tragedies are because Ability of party concerned is insufficient, the second time, in Akame starts the secret skill after me, that will not bring a sentimental face always to remind me of that dilutedness indifferently, therefore I once vowed solemnly that had said that will not make anybody show that expression for me again. “一切的悲剧都是因为当事者的能力不足,第二次了,在赤瞳为我发动秘技后,那张冷漠不带一丝感情的脸总是会让我想起那股无力感,所以我曾信誓旦旦的说过不会再让任何人为我露出那种表情。 Does Hehe, let my dropping demon? I drop to you look!!!! ” 呵呵,让我堕魔?那我就堕给你看!!!!”
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