MTOAW :: Volume #5

#447: Rebellion

On the present forest flame face is also bringing awkwardly, felt that interesting Dongfang Yan he did not speak on such looks at. This makes the forest flame even more silent actually. 眼前的林焱脸上还带着尴尬,感到有趣的东方焱也就这样看着他不说话。这倒是让林焱越发的沉默。 Boss is he, pay proud made into such by him.” 老大就是他,付傲就是被他打成那样的。” The sudden sound, lets the surrounding crowd is almost subconscious drawing back resigns a road, this makes Dongfang Yan not think actually. 突然出现的声音,让周围的人群几乎是下意识的退开让出一条路,这倒是让东方焱没想到。 Was you have abandoned half pay proud the arm?” “就是你把付傲手臂废了一半?” Comes the person both hands back in looks at Dongfang Yan that behind disdains, but the vision sees to fumigate cannot bear was startled. 来人双手背在身后十分不屑的看着东方焱,只不过目光看见薰儿还是忍不住的被惊到了。 What's wrong? To revenge anything for him.” “怎么?想替他报仇还是什么啊。” Is bringing the chuckle not on own initiative, looks at future Dongfang Yan narrowed the eye, always felt recent fool special many, lived is not being good? Must bring death, yeah ......... The people always have to like violating to do inexpensively. 带着轻笑,看着来者东方焱不自觉的眯起了眼,总感觉最近的傻子特别的的多啊,一个个活着不好吗?非要来送死,哎………人啊总有一些喜欢犯贱作死。 After all he is the person of my white society, like this forget about it our white society not to have the face very much, dares on the arena and I decides.” “毕竟他是我白帮的人,就这样算了我们白帮岂不是很没面子,敢不敢上竞技场和我一决。” Speaking of aloof, this caused actually periphery person of shocking, looked the fool expression is looking at him, particularly forest Yan is also looks at white journey who regards the melon skin. 高冷的说到,这倒是引得周围人震惊,一个个看傻子般的表情望着他,尤其是林焱也是一副看待瓜皮的看着白程。 I am very busy, hasn't seen me to accompany them to play? Ok is 100 your also insufficiently I hits, the ants same fellow do not come out to court death.” “我可是很忙的,没看见我要陪着她们玩吗?算了吧就算是100个你也不够我打,蝼蚁一样的家伙就不要出来找死了。” Beckoned with the hand, Dongfang Yan is then about to leave, this lets the white regulation instantaneous face darken such as cold moon/month, in the eye filled has killed intent. 摆了摆手,东方焱便准备离开,这让白程瞬间脸色阴沉的如寒月,眼中充满了杀意。 Good, is very good, you were first dare with me to say like this, strong list 34 white journey wanted to challenge a leaving class younger brother, do not say that the school leader bullied you, if you have won, I lost your 50,000 hot energies voluntarily.” “好,很好,你是第一个敢这样和我说的,强榜34白程想要挑战一下学弟,不要说学长欺负你,如果你赢了,我自愿输你50000火能。” Periphery aggressive speaking, this lets person of shocking, the person who together comes is also a shock of face, but then restores afterward. 霸气的说到,这更是让周围人震惊,就连跟着一起来的人也是一脸的震惊,不过随后便恢复过来。 Ai, since you courted death that do not blame me intentionally, arena anything did not use, here forget about it, I was disinclined.” “哎,既然你存心找死那就不要怪我了,竞技场什么的就不用去了,就在这里算了,我懒得走。” Shook the head, loosens fumigates as well as the Xiao Yixian two people, the looks at white regulation heart also emerges a cruelty, must makes him understand that the flower so is why red. 摇了摇头,松开薰儿以及小医仙二人,看着白程心底也是涌现出一股残忍,必须的让他明白花儿为什么那么红。 Hahaha, good, then please study the younger brother to advise.” 哈哈哈,好,那么请学弟指教。” Is laughing insolent, looks at Dongfang Yan has also put out own weapon, the surrounding person sees thoroughly this could not bear running distant, stall originally also rapid receives own thing to stand in distant place looks at Dongfang Yan as well as the white regulation two people. 张狂大笑着,看着东方焱也是拿出了自己的武器,周围的人见此彻底的忍不住了一个个的跑的远远的,就连原本的摊位也是迅速的收好自己的东西站在远处看着东方焱以及白程两人。 Presently.” “现。” Opens the hand, King's Mark appears under foot, this made the forest flame the corners of the mouth pull out pulling out ruthlessly, now still remembers that as if penetrated own several fists, what was white journey feels to pity, does not understand that he takes the wrong medicine today, yesterday under the gazes of that many people hit did not have the strength of backhand, today he dares single Tiao unexpectedly. 张开手,王之印记出现在脚下,这让林焱的嘴角狠狠的抽了抽,现在都还记得那仿佛穿透自己的几拳,不由的为白程感到怜悯,同时也不明白他今天是不是吃错药了,昨天自己在那么多人的注视下被打的毫无反手之力,今天他居然敢单挑。 This fuck is not to bring death. 尼玛不是送死嘛。 The fight from the beginning, two people enter ready condition, the person who surrounds is also a face panic-stricken and pities, this mark gave their impression is really too deep, particularly has experienced forest flame looks at feared. 战斗一开始,两人进入准备状态,围观的人也是一脸惊恐和怜悯,这个印记给他们的印象实在是太深了,尤其是体验过的林焱看着就怕。 Goes.” “去。” Is putting out a hand to white journey, King's Mark of under foot rushed over instantaneously, but white journey is also rises with a spring in the hand long spear to send out the purple ray, this makes Xiao Yixian stare, looked at two that purple light. 对着白程一伸手,脚下的王之印记瞬间冲了过去,而白程也是一跃而起手中长枪散发着紫色的光芒,这让小医仙一愣,不由的多看了两眼那紫光 King's Mark flies to overrun toward white journey, the white regulation in other person of dumbfounded situations passes through King's Mark this to let the forest flame directly cannot bear stares. 王之印记飞起朝着白程冲过去,在其余人目瞪口呆的情况下白程直接穿过王之印记这让林焱也是忍不住的一愣起来。 Hahaha, dies!!!!” 哈哈哈,去死吧!!!!” purple light that self-satisfied laughing, in the hand long spear condenses is even more rich, the appearance that passes through the mark the also to let surround people that has not thought of directly, a face should not. 得意的大笑,手中长枪凝聚的紫光越发浓郁,直接穿过印记的这一幕也让围观的群众一副没想到的模样,一个个的一脸的不应该啊。 Since you court death sincerely, my showing mercy helps you, do not thank me, I am a good person.” “既然你诚心找死,那我就大发慈悲的成全你,别谢我,我是好人。” Shook the head, is grasping to airborne white journey, in King's Mark departs six silver white chains instantaneously, holds white journey the four limbs as well as the neck and waist, 摇了摇头,对着空中的白程一握,王之印记中瞬间飞出六条银白色的锁链,抓住白程的四肢以及脖子和腰, This kept white/in vain journey Dingge in airborne from moving, but a person then face that surrounded was right looks at was twining white journey the chains. Bans.” 这让白程定格在了空中无法动弹,而围观的人这才一脸这才对嘛的看着缠绕着白程的锁链。“禁。” Has pinched the fist, moved the neck corners of the mouth to outline to wipe the cruel smiling face, white journey who to this time thoroughly imprisoned, was not accidental journey Shunjian to drop from the clouds toward Dongfang Yan to fly white/in vain. 捏了捏拳头,活动了一下脖子嘴角勾勒出一抹残忍的笑容,对着此时被彻底禁锢的白程一拉,毫无意外白程瞬间从天而降朝着东方焱飞来。 Condenses the fist of strange strength to pound in white journey the chest, white journey to fly a quicker speed to fly compared with a moment ago. 凝聚着怪力的一拳砸在白程胸膛,白程以比刚才飞来更快的速度飞回去。 Numerous collisions on King's Mark, exude the numerous drumbeats. 重重的撞在王之印记上,发出重重的鼓声。 white journey the corners of the mouth overflow the blood immediately, compared with the forest flame, white Chengke wanted weakly. 白程嘴角立马溢出鲜血,比起林焱,白程可要弱了很多。 „, Probably very amusing appearance!!!” “哇,好像很好玩的样子!!!” But has a lollipop Zi Yan looks at Dongfang Yan fighting with the fists hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy regulation, felt that very amusing appearance is also the foot steps on the cheerful step to arrive in front of Dongfang Yan. 而原本含着棒棒糖紫妍看着东方焱一拳打飞白程,感觉很好玩的样子也是脚踩着欢快的步伐来到东方焱面前。 But a Zi Yan appearance, the forest flame instantaneous face changed, perhaps others do not know, but this purple sends the lovable Loli terrifying as understanding of strong list first ten his naturally at this time at present, remembered the instantaneous face to be pallid yesterday. 紫妍一出现,林焱瞬间脸都变了,别人或许不知道,可是作为强榜前十的他自然的明白此时眼前这个紫发可爱萝莉的恐怖,一想起昨天瞬间脸都煞白起来。 You play.” “那你玩咯。” Shrugs, has been cancelling finger to white Chenggou. The white regulation flew to come once more uncontrolled regarding this, the mouth holds lollipop Zi Yan to be eager to try. 耸了耸肩,对着白程勾了勾手指。白程再次不受控制的飞了过来对此,嘴里含着棒棒糖紫妍跃跃欲试起来。 The small face is earnest and serious, after white journey approaches, the sweet and delicate voice shouts greatly. 小脸认真又严肃,当白程靠近后,娇声大喊道。 Zi Yan! Meteor hammer!!!!” 紫妍!流星锤!!!!” Delicate small hand erupts formidable Strength instantaneously, a fist pounds on white journey the chest, white journey hits at the speed of breakthrough speed of sound on King's Mark, King's Mark also fierce shivers to send out cannot dissipate for a very long time the dull thumping sound that. 柔弱的小手瞬间爆发出强大的力量,一拳砸在白程胸膛上,白程以突破音速的速度撞在王之印记上,就连王之印记也是剧烈的颤抖发出久久不能消散的闷响。 The rib is cut off instantaneously 56, the blood of big mouth has spurted in gulps, the internal organs just like all shaken displacement generally, the whole person suffocated instantaneously, head weak dangling. 肋骨瞬间断掉56根,大口的鲜血大口大口的喷了出来,内脏宛如全都被震的位移了一般,整个人瞬间奄奄一息,脑袋无力的垂下。 „, Incautiously the strength uses was too big, will not die.” “呀,一不小心力气用的太大了,不会死了吧。” After crisp, the Zi Yan recovering small face calls out in alarm this surrounding to blush with shame instantaneously, simultaneously has had the doubts to this Loli. 爽过之后,紫妍瞬间回过神来小脸惊呼道这让周围人汗颜,同时对这个萝莉产生了疑惑。 This is the child of which family/home, so to be how terrifying a fist almost to want the strong list 34 white journey poor life. 这是谁家的小孩,怎么这么恐怖一拳差点要了强榜34白程的小命。 Felt relieved that could not have died.” “放心还死不了。” The waist presents decade belt, has not changed the body inserts merely the kiva card, the surrounding human form flashes regarding fighting broken World strange the thing appears in them at present, 腰间出现久违的decade腰带,也没变身仅仅只是把kiva的卡片插进去而已,周围一阵人形闪动对于斗破世界来说奇怪的东西出现在他们眼前, Does not pay attention to the surrounding person to continue to put out a card to insert belt both hands to insert behind kiva toward the two sides points. 不理会周围人继续拿出一张卡片插入腰带双手插进kiva背后往两边一分。 Kiva then turned into big bow, the person who regarding this surrounds can only compel not to understand ignorant, one like was the person thing turned into strange big bow? Kiva便变成了一把大弓,对此围观的人只能更加的懵逼不理解起来,一个像是人一样的东西变成了一把奇怪的大弓 Is this weapon? 难道这是武器吗? Hahaha, the feeling experienced that many me to be about to forget own initial, therefore died!!!” 哈哈哈,久违的感觉经历了那么多我都快忘记了自己的最初,所以去死吧!!!” Ultra must kill the condensation Strength to form the energy in the arrow the storm, regarding this after Dongfang Yan has not managed that many to feel similarly, lets go. 超必杀凝聚的力量在箭头形成能量的风暴,对此东方焱可没管那么多感觉差不多了之后松手。 The arrow arrow that is condensed by the energy has the huge energy to hit white journey in sky together purely instantaneously, the huge explosion sound spreads over the entire inner courtyard, the formidable arrow arrow continues to fly toward the distant place, but in the sky has person falling of directly. 一道纯粹由能量凝聚的箭矢带着庞大的能量瞬间击中天空中的白程,巨大的爆炸声响传遍整个内院,强大的箭矢继续朝着远方飞去,而天空中却有一个人径直的掉下来。 The arrow arrow does not hit to burn the day refining tower accidentally/surprisingly, the barrier that actually together emerged out of thin air blocks is only the formidable energy arrow arrow possibly is how resigned, has the Armor Piercing Effect arrow arrow arrow to defeat the defense of part of barriers sharp, may also catch finally. 箭矢毫无意外击中焚天炼气塔,却被一道凭空出现的屏障拦住只是强大的能量箭矢怎么可能甘心,拥有破甲效果的箭矢箭尖击破一部分屏障的防御,可最后也卡住了。 Is incapable of penetrating also has to explode. 无力穿透也就只好爆炸。 Bang!!!!!!!! 轰!!!!!!!! The formidable explosive sound has spread over the entire Canaan school, does not know that induces anything, closed one's eyes Fallen Heart Flame of absorption rudimental energy also to open the eye, sends out neighs to start to try to break through is imprisoning own shackles that others could not hear. 强大的爆炸声传遍了整个迦南学院,不知道是不是感应到了什么,原本闭着眼吸收残留能量的陨落心炎也是睁开了眼,发出别人听不见的嘶鸣开始试图冲破禁锢着自己的枷锁。 The horizon also presented many elders, they are blocking without exception fully are burning the day refining tower, this makes the people shock and not be clear actually. 天边也出现了许多的长老,他们无一例外正在全力的封锁着焚天炼气塔,这一幕倒是让众人震惊和不明白。 „The Hahaha big elder, we help you!!!!” 哈哈哈大长老,我们来助你!!!!” Suddenly presented the sound to make the people look at the past vision, the horizon appeared has worn the person of black robe, they were all lending the formidable aura, this made Dongfang Yan narrowed the eye. 突然出现声音让众人把目光看过去,天边出现了许多身披黑袍的人,他们全都散发着强大的气息,这让东方焱不由的眯起了眼。 But was these comes the person, the Dongfang Yan actually obvious feeling the anger as well as the sad sentiment of oneself Teacher medicine dust, after all was Divine Sense connects naturally Dongfang Yan is also induces. 而就是这些来人,东方焱却明显的感受到了自己老师药尘的愤怒以及悲伤之情,毕竟是神识连线自然东方焱也是感应到了。 That is the person of head is Han Feng is right.” “那个为首的人就是韩枫对吧。” Silent a meeting, Dongfang Yan start to talk said in a soft voice, this saying made Yao Lao silent. 沉默了一会,东方焱轻声开口道,这话却让药老沉默了起来。 Yes, that person ......... Does not have many changes ......... “是,那个人………还是没多少改变啊………” Disconsolate, looks at is the person Yao Lao angry thoughts of head does not have continually, some all are sad and regret. 更加的惆怅,看着为首的人药老连愤怒的心思都没有,有的全是悲伤和后悔。 Regarding this, saw both sides to hit, Dongfang Yan was also the corners of the mouth smiles, pinches the knob has been moving the neck gradually toward burning the day refining tower walks. 对此,见双方已经打起来了,东方焱也是嘴角一笑起来,捏了捏手活动着脖子一步一步的朝着焚天炼气塔走过去。 Teacher is that scum sadly becomes this, I do not want, today I you clean up the gateway for Teacher, but also asked a Teacher different fire to use taking advantage of me.” “呐老师为那种人渣伤心成这样,我可不愿意哦,今天我就替老师你清理门户,不过还请老师一把异火借我用用。” looks at has made into one group of both sides, the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth shows the smile, Wang Quan Sword appears in the under foot steadily toward burning the day refining tower in the past, but after other people see this one, is the life-saving of life-saving, following that follows. 看着已经打成一团的双方,东方焱嘴角露出微笑,王权剑出现在脚下稳稳的朝着焚天炼气塔过去,而其余人见此一愣之后也是救人的救人,跟上的跟上。 Hahaha, the different fire has mystical powers, the Canaan school is also dominates in the black angular region for many years, today after makes it kills off Canaan, and other Strength increase me to subdue it.” 哈哈哈,异火有灵,迦南学院在黑角域也是称霸多年,今日就让它杀尽迦南之后等力量大增我在来收服它。” Is laughing insolent, looks at was constrained by the black angular region alliance because of the seal elder, Fallen Heart Flame is also tears to pieces first seal Haha to laugh, is crazy and vicious. 张狂大笑着,看着因为封印长老被黑角域联盟拖住,陨落心炎也是撕破第一层封印哈哈大笑着,疯狂与狠毒。 Aiyaya, today the wind did not fear greatly flashed the tongue, UU has read “哎呀呀,今天风大也不怕闪了舌头,UU看书 However although your idea good not to have the opportunity to put into practice, my Senior Brother. ” 不过你的想法虽好可是却没机会实现啊,我的师兄。” The governing sword and airborne, the sudden person makes the battlefield has that suddenly one get up, but also completely stands while this opportunity First Elder Su Qian and the others in looks at his under foot of Dongfang Yan side doubts. 御剑与空中,突然出现的人让战场有那么一时间的一顿起来,不过也趁着这个机会苏千大长老等人也是全部站在东方焱身旁疑惑的看着他的脚下。 Senior Brother? You ............... 师兄?你……………” Stares, the person who looks at future Han Feng not clear this strength extremely only then fights the king how will call himself Senior Brother, suddenly in the heart layer on layer/heavily jumps, just like understanding any looks at Dongfang Yan in the hand flame has sneered. 一愣,看着来者韩枫极其的不明白这个实力只有斗王的人怎么会叫自己师兄,突然心中重重一跳,宛如明白了什么看着东方焱手中的火焰冷笑了起来。 Blazing and coldness of this thorough marrow, are really you, Hahaha Teacher, you saw, you did not say that I not had one's heart in right place the atmosphere, now I am six elixir Masters, meanwhile had the sea heart flame that the different hot list was listed 15 th, Teacher you make a mistake.” “这股深入骨髓的炽热和寒冷,果然是你,哈哈哈老师,你看到了吗,你不是说我心术不正成不了大气吗,现在我可是六品炼药师,同时还拥有异火榜排名第15的海心焰,老师你错了啊。” The looks at that woods white flame, Han Fengwu the forehead mydriasis, the whole person was falling into crazily, but listens to two people dialogue First Elder Su Qian is being shocking, Han Feng was the disciple of mainland first elixir Master Yaozun medicine dust is needless saying that but Dongfang Yan was actually his Junior Brother in other words Dongfang Yan is also his disciple. 看着那森白色的火焰,韩枫捂着额头瞳孔放大,整个人陷入了疯狂,不过听着两人的对话苏千大长老可谓是震惊,韩枫是大陆第一炼药师药尊者药尘之徒是不用多说的,而东方焱却是他的师弟也就是说东方焱也是他的弟子。 This makes First Elder Su Qian use fire simultaneously to refine that huge compounded drug regarding that also to understand clearly as the cauldron. 这让苏千大长老对于那以火为鼎同时炼制那么庞大的丹药也是了然。 Hehe, you that crazy, the real regret will feel for you in the past unexpectedly proud.” 呵呵,你还是那么的疯狂啊,真后悔当年居然会为你感到自豪。” Han moon/month who first time comes to Yao Lao that lets catch up with under glare of the public eye to shock, as that legend, the in state is known to everybody. 第一次在众目睽睽之下现身的药老让赶来的韩月震惊,作为那个传奇,中州无人不知。 Teacher you!!! You have not died unexpectedly!!! No, did not die to you, you are only a solitary person wild ghost of going down in the world, the blue lotus pent-up anger, Bone Chilling Flame Hahaha, it seems like Teacher you burning passed to the Junior Brother definitely, you also were really the bias, but today, had not attained in the past, I must obtain entirely!!!!!” 老师你!!!你居然没有死!!!不,不对你已经死了,你只是一个落魄的孤魂野鬼罢了,青莲地心火,骨灵冷火哈哈哈,看来老师你把焚决传给师弟了啊,你还真是偏心,不过今天,当年没拿到的,我通通都要得到!!!!!”
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