MTOAW :: Volume #5

#446: Meets again

Is idling bored, the title mother collects from behind passes away, the head builds in squatting on the fingertip on chair, a pair of slender fair slender arm holds in the arms the neck of fingertip from behind, the delicate fragrance that is hard to resist lets the person, if washes the spring breeze, a pair of plentiful milk-white bosom pastes in the back, is. 闲着无聊,标题娘从身后凑过身,头搭在蹲在椅子上的指尖头上,一双纤细白皙修长的手臂从身后搂住指尖的脖子,难以抗拒的幽香让人如沐春风,一双丰满酥胸贴在后背,可是。 Just like numb the common fingertip as before is looks at computer, is almost completely discouraged is typing on the keyboard 宛如麻木了一般的指尖依旧是看着电脑,几乎是万念俱灭般的敲打着键盘 „The fingertip, arrived this World did not have well has played, must wait for you to finish us the traveling to be also what kind.” “呐指尖,来到这个世界还没有好好的去玩了,要不要等你写完咱们也去旅游怎么样。” Almost is acts like a spoiled brat the tone, but this time fingertip completely is the absorbed same condition. 几乎是撒娇般的语气,可是此时的指尖完全就是忘我一样的状态。 So to be why mean-spirited, Family/Home is also not careful, will not be a hand office next time others will accompany you to buy together.” “干嘛这么小气,伦家也是不小心而已嘛,不就是一个手办嘛下次人家陪你一起去买好了。” pout(ed), sways the title mother who the fingertip is acting like a spoiled brat to sell to sprout/moe to let be absorbed fingertip finger, but does not pay attention to the title mother who narrows the eye to continue to type on the keyboard. 嘟着嘴,摇晃着指尖撒娇卖萌的标题娘让原本还是忘我的指尖手指一顿,不过还是不理会眯起眼的标题娘继续敲打着键盘。 Regarding this, title mother is also silent, the looks at computer corners of the mouth turned upwards have wiped the moving smiling face. 对此,标题娘也是沉默,看着电脑嘴角翘起了一抹动人笑容。 Aiya, your unimportant person must revolt against your will probably, what to do you plan.” “哎呀,你的小人物好像要反抗你的意志耶,你打算怎么办。” Stops the finger movement, regarding this fingertip also merely was only rolled the eyes stretched oneself facing is hanging as in the title mother fingertip that oneself carried on the back has also filled reluctantly. 停下手指的动作,对此指尖也仅仅只是翻了个白眼伸了个懒腰面对着依旧是挂在自己背上的标题娘指尖也是充满了无奈。 Such being the case that along with him, you were not wants to travel. Walks.” “既然如此那就随他了,你不是想要去旅行嘛。走呗。” -------- Tropic ----- --------回归线----- In the bosom hugs is snuggling own Little Ai, those who back to back close right up against themselves is Zi Yan after experiencing a trial, what is reluctant was peaceful. 怀中抱着依偎着自己的小爱,背对背靠着自己的是紫妍在经历一阵审判之后,勉强的算是和平了。 Very early in the morning, the people are still sleeping, the people who rapid knock actually sudden resounding, slept soundly are everyone do not want, when until knock more and more Datong also some people were shouting opening the door. 一大早,众人都还在睡觉,一阵急促的敲门声却突然的响起,正在熟睡的众人也是谁都不愿意起来,直到敲门声越来越大同时还有人喊着开门。 Fumigates you to open the door, I...... Does not remember ......... “薰儿你去开门吧,我……不想起………” Shrinks the bedding, deceives simultaneously to put out a hand to push nearby Xun with the quilt directly, this makes Xun helpless setting out hit big to walk toward the front door. 缩进被窝,直接用被子蒙住头同时伸手推着一旁的薰儿,这让薰儿无奈的起身打着大大的哈切朝着大门走过去。 Came to come, do not knock.” “来了来了,别敲了。” Opens the door, silhouette then covered own mouth to clash together, Xun who sobered instantaneously, vision ice-cold. Who the direct backhand holds to cover own hand one shoulder to fall then sees clearly is. 拉开门,一道人影便捂住自己的嘴冲了进来,瞬间清醒过来的薰儿,目光冰冷。直接反手抓住捂住自己的手一个过肩摔这才看清楚是谁。 Fumigates, why you are I.” “薰儿,你干嘛是我啊。” Face suffering from injustice amber according to the ground, this was made Xun rolled the eyes let go backhandedly actually. 一脸委屈的琥嘉被反手按在地上,这倒是让薰儿翻了个白眼松手。 Who made you begin, I also think that was.” “谁让你动手了,我还以为是谁了。” Is hitting, does not know that is because lazy will infect, had had a bad effect on by Dongfang Yan the appearance that Xun direct has not awaked walks toward the bedroom, this makes amber shake the face actually, is shocked by the image at present at this time fumigating completely. 打着哈切,不知道是不是因为懒惰会传染,还是被东方焱带坏了的薰儿直接一副没睡醒的样子朝着卧室走回去,这倒是让琥嘉震脸,完全被眼前此时薰儿的形象惊呆了。 Is this my goddess of liking fumigates? Is the way that I pass through the gate is not certainly right. 这还是我那个喜欢的女神薰儿吗?一定是我进门的方式不对吧。 Does not pay attention to this time amber, after arriving the bedside has patted Xiao Yixian, starts to reorganize the correct manners discipline. 不理会此时的琥嘉,来到床边拍了拍小医仙后开始整理仪容。 Sets out, similarly hits to see amber is petrifies the condition as before is also one afterward crawls from the bed Dongfang Yan that turns to push to another side is being whistling rests as before greatly. 起身,同样打着哈切见琥嘉依旧是石化状态也是一愣随后从床上爬到另一边翻下去推着依旧是呼呼大睡的东方焱 Un ......... Rests a meeting again, the quilt, was made ......... “嗯………再睡一会,被,被闹………” Put out a hand to pat the racket to push own arm Dongfang Yan to embrace tightly Little Ai in bosom. 伸手拍了拍推着自己的手臂东方焱更加的搂紧了怀中的小爱 Had the guest to come, was quick.” “有客人来了,快起来啊。” Regarding this very helpless Xiao Yixian bent down to collect the Dongfang Yan ear in a soft voice to speak, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow wrinkle actually opens eyes looks at front Xiao Yixian corners of the mouth to turn upwards finally wipes smiles evilly. 对此很无奈的小医仙俯下身凑过东方焱耳边轻声说到,这倒是让东方焱眉头一皱最后睁开眼看着面前的小医仙嘴角翘起一抹邪笑。 Lets go to hug the waist of Xiao Yixian to collect the face then has been a pecking, this makes Xiao Yixian blush instantaneously many is actually helpless 松手搂着小医仙的腰肢凑过脸便是一啄,这让小医仙瞬间脸红更多的却是无奈 Really is, every day doesn't kiss not to get up?” “真是的,每天不亲一下就不起来吗?” looks at that rebukes he, regarding daily inevitable good morning kiss, although could not bear the complaint be possible the heart actually to fill happily. 嗔怪的看着他,对于每一天必然的早安吻,尽管还是忍不住埋怨可心底却是充满了甜蜜。 Isn't good?” “不好吗?” The corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, hug Xiao Yixian slender slender waist this to make Xiao Yixian rebuke, 嘴角微微翘起,搂着小医仙的纤纤细腰这让小医仙嗔怪不已, rolled the eyes works loose hastily should be particularly closing one's eyes Little Ai is also vision looks at this lets Xiao Yixian blushing at this time. Lets go, lowers the head Xiao Yixian from get into bed newly, was sits up to pat quilt this to let Xiao Yixian under quilt as for Dongfang Yan is blushes. 翻了个白眼连忙挣脱尤其是原本应该是闭着眼的小爱此时也是目光看着自己这让小医仙更加的脸红。松手,低着头小医仙从新钻进被窝,至于东方焱则是坐起拍了拍被子这让被子下的小医仙更是脸红起来。 „Do you do.” “你来干嘛。” Lies in the bedside, looks at amber fine Dongfang Yan is inquiring, this made amber recover actually opened the eye. 趴在床边,看着琥嘉东方焱询问着,这倒是让琥嘉回过神来更是睁大了眼。 You!!! You!!! You!!!!” “你!!!你!!!你!!!!” What has to make much ado about nothing, do you come to here to do actually?” “有什么大惊小怪的,倒是你来这里干嘛?” The brow selects, Dongfang Yan looks at amber inquiry once more, this makes amber be during the shock actually as before. 眉头一挑,东方焱看着琥嘉再次的询问起来,这倒是让琥嘉依旧还是处于震惊之中。 My anything I.” “我什么我。” rolled the eyes, Dongfang Yan looks at this time amber fine brow tight wrinkle. 翻了个白眼,东方焱看着此时的琥嘉眉头紧皱。 You ............ “你…………” Sir Dongfang Yan sought the refine the pill of immortality!!!” 东方焱大人求炼丹!!!” Sir Dongfang Yan asked the compounded drug!!!!” 东方焱大人求丹药!!!!” A series of shout sudden transmitting, this may fumigating gets down jumped, stands is putting on the outdoors to look, I go to a troop person to clash toward oneself here, this appearance makes Xun open mouth obstinately ignorant of face. 一连串的呼喊声突然的传来,这可把薰儿下了一跳,站在穿户外一看,我去一大群人朝着自己这里冲过来,这模样愣是让薰儿张着嘴一脸的懵。 „, Sir name is whoops good.” “哎呦,大人这个称呼不错哦。” Has patted clapping, aiyu good the appearance, this makes Xun blush with shame. 拍了拍手,一副哎呦不错哦的样子,这让薰儿汗颜。 Right, I come for this matter.” “哦对咯,我来就是为了这件事。” Recovers, remembers itself instantaneously does, pulled out a paper to give has fumigated. 回过神来,瞬间想起自己是来干嘛的,掏出一张纸递给了薰儿。 This is .................. “这是………………” The surprise, fumigates actually silent gives Dongfang Yan the in the hand paper, this lets smiling of Dongfang Yan cannot bear actually. 诧异,薰儿倒是沉默的把手中的纸递给东方焱,这倒是让东方焱忍不住的笑了笑。 Hehe, I do not have interest to form any gang, exempted, moreover I do not want to form any influence.” 呵呵,我才没有兴趣组建什么帮会,免了吧,况且我也不想去组建什么势力。” Looks, the corners of the mouth turn upwards in the hand to present the flame to burn down slightly directly, the call of out of the window is also bigger and bigger this actually makes the Dongfang Yan brow select. 看完,嘴角微微翘起手中出现火焰直接焚烧,窗外的呼声也是越来越大这倒是让东方焱眉头一挑起来。 Elder Brother Yan ......... 焱哥哥………” Did not understand that this is must do. 不理解他这是要干嘛。 Before the waist that sets out to hug is fumigating arrives at the window, looks at outside crowd does not pay attention to amber who behind is furious, fumigates is also elegant face flood red rebukes appearance. 起身一把搂着薰儿的腰肢来到窗前看着外面的人群不理会身后震怒的琥嘉,就连薰儿也是俏脸泛红一副嗔怪不已的模样。 Sir Dongfang Yan!!!!!” 东方焱大人!!!!!” Sees Dongfang Yan to hug a beautiful woman beautiful woman to appear, the crowd exploded instantaneously. 看见东方焱搂着一位倾城美女出现,人群瞬间炸了。 Listening, me may not have the time to give you elixir, rolls secure.” “听着,我可没时间给你们炼药,就地滚安。” Waves, formidable sword air/Qi drops from the clouds to frighten that group of people again and again to retrocede together. 挥手,一道强大的剑气从天而降吓得那群人连连后退。 A giant sword mark is similar to the border between the states of Chu and Han is common. 一条巨大的剑痕如同楚河汉界一般。 But sees the crowd to be peaceful, why Dongfang Yan also turns around to leave this to make Xun not understand. 而见人群安静下来,东方焱也就转身离开这让薰儿也是不明白为什么。 Elder Brother Yan......” 焱哥哥……” Excessive looks at Dongfang Yan fumigates does not understand completely is why. 偏过头看着东方焱薰儿满是不明白是为什么。 I am very lazy, where has the time to establish the influence, why let alone I must give them very much the elixir. Might as well accompanies is fumigating Xiao Yixian you to play.” “我可是很懒的,哪里有功夫建立势力啊,很何况我为什么要去给他们炼药。还不如陪着薰儿小医仙你们玩。” The chuckle, was blinking affectionate hugs is fumigating this to let the drop blood that Xun blushes instantaneously, must know that here may have the bystander. 轻笑着,眨了眨眼亲昵的搂着薰儿这让薰儿瞬间脸红的滴血,要知道这里可还是有着外人的。 Flame, Elder Brother Yan, no, but, but also some people.” “焱,焱哥哥,别,还,还有人了。” Puts out a hand to push the Dongfang Yan's chest hastily, Xun of revolt the lovable appearance let smile vigorously, the vision that Dongfang Yan cannot bear looked to the amber fine interesting appearance after thorough petrification. 连忙伸手推着东方焱的胸膛,极力反抗的薰儿可爱的模样让东方焱也是忍不住的笑了起来,目光看向彻底石化后的琥嘉一副有趣的模样。 Therefore understood? I do not have any thoughts to manage regarding the influence, therefore please leave.” “所以明白了嘛?对于势力我可没什么心思去管理,所以请离开吧。” Makes hand signal that sees a visitor out, this makes amber open mouth, finally is also silent nodded alone leaves, restored the original design as for sword mark 4th Bullet in the past. 做出送客的手势,这让琥嘉张了张嘴,最后也是沉默点了点头独自离开,至于门外的剑痕一个四之弹过去恢复原样。 The reason part that because originally the lively rural fair yesterday fought has not serviced, but this did not affect the rural fairs of other places completely. 原本热闹的集市因为昨天战斗的缘故还有一部分没维修过来,不过这完全不影响其他地方的集市。 Therefore, leading beloved person to stroll the rural fair of another place, made Xun the feeling as if return to the childhood to be once same crowded actually. 因此,带着心爱的人逛着另一个地方的集市,人来人往倒是让薰儿感觉仿佛回到了曾经自己小时候一样。 It looks like small tail all day runs with Dongfang Yan, on the Xiao neighbor, always buys for oneself delicious, has any issue and danger always keeps off in own front. 就像是个小尾巴似的整天跟着东方焱跑,在萧家街坊上,总是给自己买好吃的,有什么问题和危险总是挡在自己的面前。 Suddenly fumigates affectionate is holding Dongfang Yan's arm slightly by his shoulder, this makes Dongfang Yan subconscious leaning excessive, but sees that elegant face flood red, brought the smiling face of happy smiling face was also being puts out a hand is almost routine to turn her tip of the nose. 一时间薰儿亲昵的抱着东方焱的手臂头微微的靠在他的肩上,这让东方焱下意识的偏过头,不过看见那俏脸泛红,却又带着甜蜜笑容的笑脸也是伸手几乎是习惯性的扭了扭她的鼻尖。 This makes Xiao Yixian be jealous is looking at that back. 这让小医仙吃醋般的望着那背影。 But Little Ai directly manifests, the whole body sends out the resentment to read. 小爱则是直接体现出来,浑身都散发着浓浓的怨念。 Zi Yan incomparably is sucking lollipop actually happily. 倒是紫妍正无比开心的吸吮着棒棒糖 Small immortal looks at another hand that Dongfang Yan emptied, immediately draws Xiao Yixian to run to show the smile toward own Father. 小仙儿看了看东方焱空出来的另一只手,顿时拉着小医仙朝着自己的父亲跑过去露出微笑。 Sorry, had forgotten small immortal your mother and child also was really my making a mistake. UU reads “抱歉,把小仙儿你们母子忘记了还真是我的错了。UU看书 Put out a hand to rub the small immortal head, after seeing she showed the satisfactory smiling face, has turned upwards the hand of Xiao Yixian. 伸手揉了揉小仙儿的脑袋,见她露出满意的笑容后,翘起了小医仙的手。 This reminds Xun instantaneously, side that person the wife of person is most loves, thinks in here heart a pain cannot help but. 这让薰儿瞬间想起,身旁那人是自己最最最爱的人的妻子,一想到这里心中不由自主的一痛。 Also was the enclasping bosom arm in even more, in the eye appears worried, the movement has also covered. 同时也是越发的抱紧怀中的手臂,眼中出现了担忧,动作也是有所掩。 Was being held the arm by two beautiful women affectionate, the side with cute three big Loli, has not been short of the attraction vision all the way. 被两位美女亲昵的抱着手臂,身旁还跟着萌萌的三大萝莉,一路上没少吸引目光。 Boy, is really you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds, must come all not to need the effort, unexpectedly here bumps into you.” “小子,真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫啊,居然在这里碰到你。” The sudden sound lets tease the small immortal Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth to turn upwards wipes to sneer, both hands hugs two people to turn around the looks at future corners of the mouth to bring thick teasing separately. 突然出现的声音让原本逗着小仙儿的东方焱嘴角翘起一抹冷笑,双手分别搂着两人转过身看着来者嘴角带着浓浓的戏谑。 What's wrong, how had not been hit to suffice, wants to revenge?” “怎么,还没有被打够还是怎么的,想报仇?” Looks at the arm to entangle the bandage, the whole body is the wound forest flame, Dongfang Yan is also sneers again and again, has detonated the burning, naturally also eliminated during yesterday's that fight, but after burning elimination, forest Yan was also calm. 望着手臂缠着绷带,浑身都是伤的林焱,东方焱也是冷笑连连,引爆了火毒,自然的也就在昨天那场战斗之中清除,而火毒清除后,林焱也是冷静了很多。 Is relying on the excellent personal connection, wound does not have freely entire good, restored about 30%. 凭借着过人的人脉,身上的伤尽管没有全好,也恢复了三成左右。 Raw material for medicine that previous time was brought was snatched did not say, accept Jie was also snatched, thing naturally that can personal collected will not be weak. 上次被带出来的药材被抢不说,就连纳戒也是被抢,能被贴身收藏的东西自然不会弱了。 Therefore forest Yan wants to rely on the remaining any demon nuclei, any medicinal herb, some precious things anything and so on received exchange own accept Jie. 所以林焱还是想凭借着剩下的什么魔核啊,什么药材啊,一些珍贵的东西啊什么之类的换回自己的纳戒。 „, You have not misunderstood, I think, but thinks...... Receives in exchange my ring with these things.” “不不不,你误会了,我只是想,只是想……用这些东西换回我的戒指。” Abstention where borrows from the friend takes out a big box, reveals the smiling face of awkward not losing the politeness to look at Dongfang Yan. 从朋友哪里借来的纳戒取出一个大大的箱子,露出尴尬又不失礼貌的笑容望着东方焱 Even if wild condition naturally has not forgotten that by the oppressive very miserable experience. 就算是狂暴状态自然也没有忘记那段被虐的很惨的经历。
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