MTOAW :: Volume #5

#445: Crush

My person also dares to move.” “我的人也敢动。” Kills intent to emerge, Divine Sense let loose had found Xiao Yixian as well as Xun instantaneously three people. 一股杀意涌现,神识放开瞬间找到了小医仙以及薰儿三人。 Is holding Zi Yan, is drawing Little Ai, in an instant then appears in Xiao Yixian behind, this had a scare Xiao Yixian. 一手抱着紫妍,一手拉着小爱,转眼便出现在小医仙身后,这可是把小医仙吓了一跳。 Vision indifferent looks at that both eyes are red, frowns the person who momentarily can begin tightly, Dongfang Yan Zi Yan in bosom gives has fumigated. 目光冷漠的看着那双目通红,紧皱着眉头一副随时都会动手的人,东方焱把怀中的紫妍递给了薰儿。 This lets Xun actually the confused looks at Dongfang Yan's back, is the vision looks to Loli in bosom. 这倒是让薰儿迷茫的看着东方焱的背影,同时也是目光看向怀中的萝莉 Father!!!” 父亲!!!” Very suffering from injustice small immortal threw toward Dongfang Yan, the corner of the eye also brings teardrops this to let Dongfang Yan loving dearly. 十分委屈的小仙儿朝着东方焱扑了过去,眼角还带着泪珠这让东方焱十分的心疼。 Has been all right, all have me, dares to make to cry my immortal, Father will be will not let off absolutely his.” “没事了,一切都有我,敢弄哭我的仙儿,父亲是绝对不会放过他的。” Gently wipes off the teardrops of small immortal corner of the eye, hugs is comforting in the bosom in a soft voice, the vision looks to that brow tight wrinkle seller is also tranquil incomparable. 轻轻的擦掉小仙儿眼角的泪珠,搂在怀中轻声的安慰着,目光看向那眉头紧皱的卖家也是平静无比。 Yo humph, the strength fights spirit, but both eyes are red, has the formidable anger seemingly is the burning thorough bottom of one's heart momentarily is at the eruption the condition, what to do the flame you plans.” “呦嚯,实力斗灵而已,不过双目赤红,带有强大的火气貌似是火毒深入肺腑随时处于爆发的状态,焱你打算怎么办。” Saw that this person of issue is, although all he is not Yao Lao or is mistakenly angry, after all is the daughter who love the disciple, under loves it and everything that comes along with it Yao Lao also to inquire. 一眼看出此人问题所在,虽然错不全他可是药老还是生气起来,毕竟是自己爱徒的女儿,爱屋及乌之下药老也是询问着。 Annoys my lovable small immortal to cry 10,000 times insufficient.” “惹我可爱的小仙儿哭死10000次都不足为过。” Sets out to give Xiao Yixian small immortal, periphery arrives the person who in front of that person the tranquil appearance lets surround also recognizes him. 起身把小仙儿交给小医仙,来到那人面前平静的模样让周围本就围观的人也是认出他。 That, in the fire can hunt at the match the group to extinguish the first person of inner courtyard not to know that who with the strong list first five forest flames snatches who was weak.” “哦那个在火能猎捕赛上团灭内院的第一人不知道和强榜前五的林焱谁抢谁弱了。” Your this is not the idle talk, but forest Yan the strong list ranks first five Expert, although I also very much favor this newbie me to think that forest Yan stronger.” “你这不是废话吗,林焱可是强榜排名前五的高手,虽然我也很看好这个新人不过我觉得还是林焱要强吧。” „, This word is bad, must know that this newbie strength is to also be able be underestimated, who who was weak fights one not to be good.” “诶,此言差矣,要知道这个新人的实力也是不容小觑的,谁强谁弱打一架不就好了。” Narrows the eyes to focus on, discussion naturally that surrounds is heard at present fellow who clearly, but this is called forest Yan by burning thorough bottom of one's heart, transferred Fallen Heart Flame to light the burning in his heart instantaneously. 眯着眼,围观的讨论自然被清晰听见而眼前这个被叫做林焱的家伙被火毒深入肺腑,调动陨落心炎瞬间点燃了他心中的火毒。 forest Yan is actually brow tight wrinkle, although both eyes is red, but diligently suppresses not to kill people carelessly. 林焱却是眉头紧皱,尽管双眼通红无比,但还是努力的压制着自己不胡乱杀人。 Un this will, but can also achieve to suppress the Fallen Heart Flame rebellion now, but estimated that was also the limit.” “嗯这份毅力可以啊,不过现在还能做到压制着陨落心炎的暴动,不过估计也是极限了吧。” Gives the appraisal, Yao Lao is also feels the chin corners of the mouth are bringing the chuckle is eating own bombing big squid. 给出评价,药老也是摸着下巴嘴角带着轻笑自顾自的吃着自己的轰炸大鱿鱼。 Brat, why do you want not to buy to me boil, to court death?” “臭小子,你到底要干嘛不买就给我滚开,找死吗?” Was in standing that forest flame looks at Dongfang Yan of rebellion edge did not say a word not to speak in front of oneself is also in the brow tight wrinkle heart gets angry rises irritably. 本就处于暴动边缘的林焱看着东方焱一言不发的站在自己面前不说话也是眉头紧皱心中怒火爆升。 ............ “…………” As before is the silent Dongfang Yan vision optional looked that to the stall discovered immediately dead souls are colored, this makes Dongfang Yan not think that the taking up dead souls flower actually calmly looked not to speak this to make the forest flame in in the hand clench teeth to grip tightly the fist to say the appearance that can begin made the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth smile. 依旧是沉默的东方焱目光随意的看向摊位顿时发现一顿死灵花,这倒是让东方焱没想到若无其事的拿起死灵花在手中看了看也不说话这让林焱咬着牙紧握着拳头说能能动手的样子让东方焱嘴角笑了起来。 Brat, do you buy, if must buy this flowered 500 hot energies.” “臭小子,你到底买不买如果要买这朵花500火能。” The deep breath, is suppressing own rebellion diligently, loudly exclaiming of forest flame gnash one's teeth. 深呼吸,努力的压制着自己的暴动,林焱咬牙切齿的大吼道。 Completely does not treat as regarding angry roaring of forest flame general, put down the dead souls flower to look in Dongfang Yan of land mine edge probe crazily to other things. 对于林焱的怒吼全然当做没有一般,疯狂在地雷边缘试探的东方焱放下死灵花看向了其他东西。 Un, the Qingmu immortal cane has not thought that unexpectedly will meet this type of thing, flame this is the good thing, the refinement to subdue the Fallen Heart Flame necessary medicinal herb.” “嗯,青木仙藤没想到居然会遇见这种东西,焱这可是好东西,炼制收服陨落心炎的必备药材啊。” Sees the azure vine in nearby box, Yao Lao is also start to talk said, this lets twitching of luminary day fire face actually, must know initially when subdued Fallen Heart Flame where has the compounded drug to assist, oneself almost died. 看见一旁箱子里的青藤,药老也是开口道,这倒是让曜天火一脸的抽搐,要知道当初收服陨落心炎时哪里有丹药相助啊,自己可是差一点就死掉了啊。 Brat, do you buy, does not buy hurries to give me to roll, do not hinder me to do business.” “臭小子,你到底买不买,不买就赶紧给我滚,别妨碍我做生意。” Temperament not good forest flame by Dongfang Yan was made is also is angry, almost could not suppress. 本就脾气不好的林焱被东方焱弄得也是生气起来,差一点就压制不住了。 Hehe, if I said how does not buy such as.” 呵呵,如果我说不买如如何。” Felt similarly, Fallen Heart Flame towed the burning once more, lit forest Yan instantaneously. 感觉差不多了,陨落心炎再次牵引火毒,瞬间点燃了林焱。 Courts death!!!!!” “找死!!!!!” The wild Battle Qi release, the violent anger forest flame direct fist wields face to face toward Dongfang Yan, this made the surrounding person also show the sneering expression, Xiao Yixian was also making noise. 狂暴的斗气释放,暴怒的林焱直接一拳朝着东方焱当面挥来,这让周围人也是露出了冷笑的表情,就连小医仙也是不由的出声。 Careful Ah!!” “小心啊!!” Faces fist that is wielding, Dongfang Yan unhurried not difficult same fist to bumping, explodes all at once to all around spreads, is similar to the person who the explosion common airing lets surround exudes the startled sound. 面对着挥来的拳头,东方焱不慌不难同样一拳对碰,一股气爆向四周扩散,如同爆炸一般的气爆让围观的人不由的发出惊声。 Must know the Canaan school female student uniform/subdue, but short skit, even if there is a security trousers type of thing, but is subconscious presses the skirt to shout. 要知道迦南学院女生的制服可是短裙啊,就算有安全裤这种东西,可还是下意识的按着裙子大喊着。 He was insane, since met the tough head-on with toughness with forest Yan, must know that was the strong list second forest cultivates the cliff not to dare with forest Yan to meet the tough head-on with toughness.” “他疯了吗,既然和林焱硬碰硬,要知道就算是强榜第二的林修崖也是不敢和林焱硬碰硬的。” Various sounds convey, silhouette departs from the smog of airing, on the numerous collision wall surfaces, the wall surface was concussioned burst the shatter mirror to be common instantaneously. 各种声音传来,一个人影从气爆的烟雾中飞出,重重的撞到墙面上,墙面瞬间被撞裂成破碎的镜子一般。 „, You court death!!!!” “咳咳,你这是找死!!!!” Angrier angry roaring transmits from the wall surface, this makes the person who surrounds opened both eyes cannot believe, the meeting the tough head-on with toughness forest flame lost unexpectedly!!! 更加愤怒的怒吼从墙面传来,这让围观的人一个个的都睁大了双眼一个个的不敢相信,硬碰硬林焱居然输了!!! Dares to make to cry my small immortal, even if dies 10,000 times also insufficient for!!!!” “敢弄哭我的小仙儿,就算是死10000次也不足为过!!!!” Eight Celestial Divination Gates explodes, formidable energy forms an vortex air wave around Dongfang Yan, the air wave is moving the surrounding all, some stalls directly were even destroyed even to link some people unable to shoulder this air wave to be compelled to draw back. 八门遁甲爆开,强大的能量在东方焱周围形成一股漩涡般的气浪,气浪吹动着周围的一切,一些摊位甚至被直接摧毁更甚至连一些人都扛不住这股气浪被逼退。 Difficult haunches Battle Qi to protect itself. 艰难的撑起斗气保护着自己。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! Vigorous!!!!! 彭彭!!!!! Fist to bumping to broadcast the resounding sound, generally which two people are similar to the human form tyrannosaurus arrive, where destroyed horrible to look. 拳头的对碰传来响亮的声音,两个人如同人形暴龙一般走到哪,哪里就被摧毁的惨不忍睹。 Destroys the parking lot to be ordinary just like the tornado. 就宛如龙卷风摧毁停车场一般。 Ah!!!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!!!” The octupole octopole collapses adds on Eight Celestial Divination Gates as well as the strange strength, how the forest flame possibly is a match, fights less than ten moves to be flown by a Dongfang Yan fist bang. 八极崩加上八门遁甲以及怪力,林焱怎么可能是对手,交手不到十招就被东方焱一拳轰飞。 Waves to shake disperses the smog, the Dongfang Yan looks at not far away corners of the mouth flows out the forest flame of blood, moved the neck to put out a hand slowly. 挥手震散烟雾,东方焱看着不远处嘴角流出鲜血的林焱,活动了一下脖子缓缓伸手。 Under foot King's Mark appears along with Dongfang Yan one finger/refers, is similar to the speed arrives at forest Yan the body next silver white shackles to appear from King's Mark extremely quickly instantaneously the forest flame imprisonment in the ground. 脚下王之印记出现随着东方焱一指,如同速度极快的来到林焱的身下一条条银白色的枷锁从王之印记中出现瞬间把林焱禁锢在地面。 Gets up.” “起。” Lifts the hand, the King's Mark float stands up in airborne, no matter how the forest flame struggles is imprisoning him as before firmly. 抬手,王之印记漂浮而起立在空中,不管林焱如何挣扎依旧是牢牢的禁锢着他。 Snort! Also dares to revolt!” “哼!还敢反抗!” coldly snorted, to forest Yan a handshake, red lightning current is covering entirely King's Mark instantaneously, forest Yan calls out pitifully, countless people who this surrounding stare dumbfounded all was silly. 冷哼一声,对着林焱一握手,红色电流瞬间布满王之印记,林焱惨叫起来,这一幕围观的无数人瞠目结舌一个个的全都傻掉了。 This fuck completely is unilateral maltreatment Ah!!! 尼玛完全是单方面的虐待啊!!! red lightning current diverges, forest Yan also once for a while is twitching, both eyes blood red, clenches teeth to try to work loose to fetter the silver white chains of the wrist/skill and ankle as well as waist. 红色电流散去,林焱也是时不时的抽搐着,双眼更加的血红,咬着牙试图挣脱束缚着自己手腕和脚腕以及腰间的银白色锁链。 Bullies my person, no matter who I must make him pay the price!!!” “欺负我的人,不管是谁我都要让他付出代价!!!” To forest Yange spatial, the forest flame is looking like by a pair of invisible big hand is drawn to be the same, flies toward Dongfang Yan. 对着林焱隔空一拉,林焱就像是被一双无形的大手拉过去一样,朝着东方焱飞过来。 Bang!!!!!!! 嘭!!!!!!! A solid fist pounded in the chest of forest flame, forest Yan is also pounded by a fist went back to return on King's Mark, the corners of the mouth also overflowed the blood. 结结实实的一拳砸在林焱的胸膛,林焱也是被一拳砸了回去重新回到王之印记上,嘴角也是溢出了鲜血。 Then merely is only opening, greets the ruling.” “这才仅仅只是一个开启,迎接裁决吧。” coldly snorted, the forest flame flies once more similarly by a solid fist bang, in the chest flies back to King's Mark, every time falls in the mark, the mark will vibrate intensely several. 冷哼一声,再次一拉,林焱同样飞过来又被结结实实的一拳轰在胸膛飞回王之印记上,每一次落在印记上,印记都会强烈的震动几下。 It can be imagined has utilized Monster Power Divine Confusing Dongfang Yan Strength how formidable, let alone also has Eight Celestial Divination Gates this thing. 可想而知运用了怪力乱神东方焱力量是何其的强大,更何况还有八门遁甲这个东西。 So gets down five fists, a forest flame thoroughly uncontrolled blood spouts finally, can the whole person suffocates general be killed alarmingly. 如此下来五拳,林焱最后还是彻底不受控制的一口鲜血喷出,整个人奄奄一息一般让人担心会不会被打死。 Similar shock from now on Xun sees Dongfang Yan one also appearance, is flustered went forward to hold on Dongfang Yan's to look at the forest flame of more dead than alive hastily is also start to talk said. 就连同样震惊过后的薰儿看见东方焱一副还来的样子,也是慌张的连忙上前一把拉住东方焱的手看了眼要死不活的林焱也是开口道。 Has been OK Elder Brother Yan, perhaps hit again dies.” “可以了焱哥哥,再打说不定就死了。” After the vision looked at the forest flame, sneers to say. 目光看了眼林焱后,冷笑道。 Relax, cannot die.” “放心,死不了的。” Sneering, is making the forest flame that is incapable of lowering the head fly itself in front of again, Dongfang Yan takes down his to abstain the powerful to break open the above soul mark. 冷笑着,再次让无力低着头的林焱飞到自己面前,东方焱取下他的纳戒强势破开上面的灵魂印记。 This lets a forest flame once more old blood blowout, suffocates. 这让林焱再次一口老血喷出,更加的奄奄一息起来。 Bullies my person, dies 10,000 times insufficiently.” “欺负我的人,死10000次都不够。” Counts on the fingers a ball, the forest flame departs thirty meters far instantaneously, in this period hit to put on three walls to lie down in the ground aura just like vanishing general, this makes Xun also smile bitterly shaking the head. 屈指一弹,林焱瞬间飞出三十几米远,期间撞穿三堵墙躺在地上气息都宛如消失一般,这让薰儿也是苦笑着摇了摇头。 Although the inner courtyard explicit stipulation private war, has not been Dongfang (east) Yan-san here all losses ............ “虽然内院没有明确的规定私斗,可是东方焱同学这里的一切损失…………” „ It is not I provokes incident, UU reads “又不是我挑起事端,UU看书 Must look finds that person. ” 要找就找那个人。” Does not pay attention to the sudden person, Dongfang Yan walks toward Xiao Yixian, pinched the small immortal small cheek to say gently. 不理会突然出现的人,东方焱朝着小医仙走过去,轻轻的捏了捏小仙儿的小脸蛋道。 Look, Father is very strong.” “看吧,父亲可是很强的。” Makes one lose face, this lets Xiao Yixian is also very helpless, must know that present small immortal in the Xiao Yixian bosom, makes one lose face Xiao Yixian along with Dongfang Yan's is actually looks at that the beautiful pupil rebukes he. 蹭脸,这让小医仙也是很无奈,要知道现在的小仙儿可是在小医仙怀中的,随着东方焱的蹭脸小医仙却是美眸嗔怪的看着他。 Dongfang (east) Yan-san, even if the matter is not you shoulders, but this is you do, destroys the public property also to have, he is given the soup charges for medicine by such miserable many that you hit.” 东方焱同学,就算事情不是你挑起的,可是这都是你们两个搞得,还有毁坏公物还有,他被你打的这么惨多少给点汤药费啊。” Stops to make one lose face, the vision looks to behind, appearance old man in the hand of resembles sanitation engineer takes the abacus not to know that is doing. 停下蹭脸,目光看向身后,一位打扮的像清洁工的老者正手中拿着算盘不知道在干嘛。 Soup charges for medicine, as for compensation ............... “汤药费就算了,至于赔偿……………” in the hand presents a blue lotus, this lets the old man is also puzzled he must do, just the following matter as him of elder is also dumbfounded, stares dumbfounded. 手中出现一朵青莲,这让老者也是不解他要干嘛,只不过接下来的事情就连作为长老的他也是目瞪口呆,瞠目结舌。 The azure lotus flower, purple flame, is sending out the cold ice flame, this lets the person who surrounds is also direct scared. 青色的莲花,紫色的火焰,散发着寒冷的冰焰,这让围观的人也是直接的傻眼。 The skilled portray gathers spirit, thinks that felt does not need also directly to take the beast fire of amethyst wing Lion King as, the innumerable raw materials for medicine occupy big sky. 熟练的刻画聚灵阵,想了想感觉没必要也就算了直接以紫晶翼狮王的兽火为阵,无数的药材占据一大片的天空。 Under the countless person shocking expressions , the medicinal herb integrates to gather in completely the spirit purple fire three flame to melt delicate fragrance to scatter in all directions, puts out a hand move of falling thunder to emerge out of thin air to hit the light purple also to have the azure hot lotus together. 在无数人震惊的表情下,药材全部融入有着聚灵阵紫火之中三中火焰相融一股清香四散,伸手一招一道落雷凭空出现击中淡紫色又带有青色的火莲。 Two mark azure miracle cures, altogether 150, but also asked willow Elder to help.” “二纹青灵丹,一共150个,还请柳长老帮忙。” Has turned around, the hot lotus descends to the willow tree elder of being dumb as a wooden chicken in front of slowly, Dongfang Yan said that then brings to fumigate, Xiao Yixian, the Little Ai five people leave. 转过身,火莲缓缓降落到呆若木鸡的柳长老面前,东方焱说完便带着薰儿,小医仙,小爱五人离开。 Leaves behind place countless people who in confusion as well as has not recovered for a very long time. 留下一地的狼藉以及久久还没回过神来的无数人。
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