MTOAW :: Volume #5

#444: Again with Zi Yan

Challenge that in the arena, Wu Hao does not instigate as before, but Dongfang Yan is also felt that also leaves very much bored, but he completely does not know own a moment ago behavior was witnessed. 竞技场上,吴昊依旧是不怂的挑战着,而东方焱也是感觉很无聊也就离开,只是他全然不知道自己刚才的行为被人目睹。 Idleness also walks toward the so-called inner courtyard rural fair bored, makes Yao Lao this glutton instantaneously greedy just like the bustling streets common rural fair all kinds of snacks. 闲者无聊也就朝着所谓的内院集市走去,宛如闹市一般的集市各种各样的小吃让药老这个吃货瞬间嘴馋起来。 Takes well, your nine strings bomb the big squid.” “咯拿好,你的九串轰炸大鱿鱼。” Nii-chan / Little Brother smiles is giving Dongfang Yan nine strings of big squid this to make Yao Lao say me to want actually, I want. 小哥微笑着递给东方焱九串大鱿鱼这倒是让药老直呼我要,我要。 Regarding this helpless Dongfang Yan also has to his three strings, the naturally luminary day fire not to forget, gets down, has saying that this bombing big squid flavor is full, suddenly actually has remembered one piece with baking that everybody eats. 对此无奈的东方焱也就只好给了他三串,自然曜天火也没忘记,一口下去,不得不说这个轰炸大鱿鱼味道是十足的,一时间倒是想起了一片和大家一起吃的烧烤。 Is having the recollection, Dongfang Yan is also smiles to walk is walking is not knowing where arrived, looked for a chair to sit down at will, curls upwards one leg on the other to eat the big squid. 带着回忆,东方焱也是微笑起来走着走着就不知道来到了哪里,随意的找了个座椅坐下,翘着二郎腿吃着大鱿鱼。 „, Has saying that this big squid , the business so is no wonder good.” “啧啧,不得不说这个大鱿鱼是真的可以,怪不得生意那么好。” Finished eating last, threw sets out to pat clapping in nearby trash can, stretched oneself then to prepare the next place. 吃完最后一口,扔在一旁的垃圾桶里起身拍了拍手,伸了个懒腰便准备去下一个地方。 Found you finally!!!!” “总算找到你了!!!!” A lovable tenderness shouted from behind transmits, a brow subconscious wrinkle has turned around delicate and exquisite Loli to fly to throw in own bosom afterward directly, this made Dongfang Yan subconscious put out a hand to catch. 一声可爱的娇呼从身后传来,眉头下意识的一皱转过身随后一个娇小玲珑的萝莉直接飞了过来扑进自己的怀中,这让东方焱下意识的伸手接住。 You ............ “你…………” Catches throws Loli that the bosom asked to hold automatically, lowered the head looked that originally was that Little Girl also on naturally relaxed, the corners of the mouth curled upwards are wiping badly say with a smile. 接住自动投怀求抱的萝莉,低头一看哦,原来是那个小女孩了也就自然的放松下来,嘴角翘着一抹坏笑道。 Small Younger Sister, who are you? Asks me to do?” “小妹妹,你是谁?找我干嘛?” „!!!” “诶!!!” A hearing this Zi Yan fierce raising the head looks at Dongfang Yan's face, the earnest appearance makes in the Dongfang Yan heart say to sprout/moe. 闻言一愣的紫妍猛的抬起头看着东方焱的脸,认真的模样让东方焱心中直呼好萌。 Collects the too small head to hug the Dongfang Yan neck, after Zi Yan is closing one's eyes smelled the aura, happy opening eyes, eyeful joyful pair of small hand is hugging the Dongfang Yan neck finally obstinately tightly, the calf also grips the Dongfang Yan's waist. 凑过小脑袋搂着东方焱脖子,紫妍闭着眼嗅了嗅气息后开心的睁开眼,满眼的欣喜最后愣是一双小手紧搂着东方焱脖子,小腿也是夹住东方焱的腰。 Small face unceasing is rubbing the Dongfang Yan's face happy say/way. 小脸不断的蹭着东方焱的脸一脸开心道。 Smell will not deceive people, have not been installing the rhizotomist!!” “气味是不会骗人的,别在装了采药人!!” On the face has self-satisfied expression, the appearance that Zi Yan will not let go to make Dongfang Yan very helpless, simultaneously rejoiced that Little Ai is not, perhaps otherwise two dragon meets will hit. 脸上带着得意的表情,紫妍一副不会松手的样子让东方焱很无奈,同时庆幸小爱不在,不然两条龙相遇说不定会打起来。 Returns the smell, you are the dog.” “还气味,你是属狗的吧。” The chuckle, was rubbing the head of Zi Yan to ridicule to say. 轻笑着,揉了揉紫妍的脑袋笑骂道。 I not, although First Elder Su Qian does not know that my main body is anything, but, I am very strong!!!” “我才不是了,虽然苏千大长老也不知道我的本体是什么不过,我可是很强的哦!!!” Has arched the exquisite nose lovably, Zi Yan hugged the letting go proud appearance not to make Dongfang Yan say as before hastily was is. 可爱的拱了拱小巧的鼻子,紫妍依旧是搂着不松手一脸骄傲的模样让东方焱连忙说是是是。 Good, first gets down, have not depended on others, said your frequently this appearance.” “好了好了,先下来吧,别一直赖在别人身上啊,还是说你经常这个样子。” Speaking of that has no alternative, patted the back of Zi Yan to hint to say gently, after all was the rural fair affects not well. 无可奈何的说到,轻轻拍了拍紫妍的后背示意道,毕竟是集市影响不好。 Not, your flavor very nice-smelling, therefore others cannot control.” “才不是了,你身上的味道很好闻所以人家才控制不住嘛。” Letting go that hearing this is obedient stands in front of Dongfang Yan, speaking of Zi Yan rebuttal simultaneously turns toward Dongfang Yan somewhat embarrassed putting out a hand. 闻言听话的松手站在东方焱面前,紫妍反驳的说到同时向着东方焱有些不好意思的伸手。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” looks at that embarrassed was somewhat coy Zi Yan, Dongfang Yan also funnily rubs her small head to inquire. 看着那一副有些不好意思扭扭捏捏得紫妍,东方焱也是好笑的揉了揉她的小脑袋询问道。 Un...... Is ......... That ............ That... Previous time...... Previous time you give my sugar...... Finished eating ......... “嗯……就是………那个…………那个…上次……上次你给我的那种糖……吃完了………” Lowers the head, buckles small hand lovable Zi Yan to let Dongfang Yan is also says to sprout/moe, after listening to the Zi Yan words, is to understand, but did not have the wave lollipop not to know how replaces to be able with other things. 低着头,扣着小手可爱的紫妍东方焱也是直呼好萌,等听完紫妍的话后也是明白过来,可是自己已经没有了波棒糖不知道用其他的东西代替会如何。 This I do not have, but actually a small point must try.” “这个我也没有啦,不过倒是有一种小一点的要试试嘛。” Takes out the Jane|treasure treasure bead lollipop similar method that Kotori most loves to take from now on, this lets Zi Yan actually at present a bright face joyful received lollipop one including not to have that sweet taste in the mouth, 取出琴里最爱的珍宝珠棒棒糖同样的手段过后拿出来,这倒是让紫妍眼前一亮一脸欣喜的接过棒棒糖一口含在了嘴里可是却没有那股甜味, This makes Zi Yan have doubts has pulled out. Aura is the same, but why does not have that sweet flavor.” 这让紫妍疑惑的拔了出来。“气息一样,可是为什么没有那种甜甜的味道。” Uses fully is in the expression looks at in the hand feeling of doubts with that wave lollipop same lollipop, Zi Yan did not understand very much contains for the energy in the mouth has put in great inconvenience anxiously looks to Dongfang Yan. 用着满是疑惑的表情看着自己手中感觉上和那种波棒糖一样的棒棒糖,紫妍很不理解不过为了能量还是含在了嘴里委屈巴巴的看向东方焱 „, This previous that delicious, hasn't the previous that planted really?” “呐,这个没有上次那种好吃,真的没有上次那种了嘛?” Puts in great inconvenience speaking of anxiously, simultaneously looked at the vision to the Dongfang Yan chest front ring, lived such long naturally to understand in this type in the inner courtyard to put the thing. 委屈巴巴的说到,同时把目光看向了东方焱胸前的戒指上,在内院生活了这么久自然的明白这种里可以放东西。 That type really not, but this lollipop does not eat like this.” “那种真的没有了,不过这个棒棒糖不是这样吃的。” Did not know whether to laugh or cry, put out a hand to make an effort rubs the small head of Zi Yan to take out skilled ripping open packing paper of lollipop once more after the Zi Yan puzzled expression to reveal the pink sugar. 哭笑不得,伸手用力的揉了揉紫妍的小脑袋再次取出一个棒棒糖紫妍一脸疑惑的表情下熟练的撕开包装纸后露出了粉色的糖。 This makes Zi Yan also stare, pulls out once more lollipop of mouth, discovered was really different, collects the head to lick gently, although the flavor was different, actually the feeling as well as the sweet taste of energy made Zi Yan joyful. 这让紫妍也是一愣,再次把嘴里的棒棒糖拔出来,发现果然的不一样,凑过脑袋轻轻的舔了一下虽然味道不一样了,倒是能量的感觉以及甜味都让紫妍欣喜起来。 Then Jane|treasure treasure bead including in the mouth, simultaneously narrowed an eye satisfied appearance to make Dongfang Yan not know whether to laugh or cry. 一口便把珍宝珠含在嘴里,同时眯起了眼一副满足的样子让东方焱哭笑不得。 Otou-sama did you really break faith? Obviously I your daughter, good excessively, Otou-sama I also want!!!” “呐父亲大人你果然是变心了嘛?明明我才你的女儿,好过分,父亲大人我也要!!!” Does not know Little Ai where braves, steps on Zi Yan in an under foot good excessive appearance makes Dongfang Yan blush with shame, really underestimated Little Ai. 不知道从哪里冒出来的小爱,把紫妍踩在脚下一副好过分的样子让东方焱汗颜,果然还是小看了小爱 Okay good, this gives you, but you make way first.” “好好好,这就给你,不过你先让开吧。” Complies, to put out a hand hastily one side the Little Ai armpit picks up to place to help up one to be pressed Zi Yan of ground to pat on by Little Ai her the inquiry of grey care to say. 连忙答应,伸手在小爱的腋下托起放在一旁扶起被小爱一把按进地面的紫妍拍着她身上的灰关心的询问道。 All right.” “没事吧。” ......... “唔………” Where of the strength only then fights king Zi Yan is the Little Ai match, was pressed vigorously by Little Ai one, the head smashes the ground also to feel now the head is dizzy. 实力只有斗王的紫妍哪里是小爱的对手,被小爱一个大力一按,头砸进地面现在都还感觉脑袋晕乎乎的了。 Otou-sama!!!” 父亲大人!!!” Acts like a spoiled brat is drawing the Dongfang Yan's clothes, reveals miserable expression this to let Dongfang Yan is also the helplessness of headache, pinched the small face of Little Ai to put out the Jane|treasure treasure bead skilled ripping open packing to narrow the eyes to focus in Little Ai, shows under the satisfactory expression, fed in the sugar has opened mouth. 撒娇般的拉着东方焱的衣服,露出楚楚可怜的表情这让东方焱也是头疼的无奈,捏了捏小爱的小脸拿出珍宝珠熟练的撕开包装在小爱眯着眼,露出满意的表情下,把糖送进了张开嘴里。 Is good to faint ......... “头好晕………” Is covering the head, after swung the head to restore to come slightly Zi Yan to look the vision instantaneously to one side has revealed the dangerous vision on similarly Little Ai. 捂着头,微微的摇了摇脑袋恢复过来后的紫妍瞬间把目光看向了一旁同样露出危险目光的小爱身上。 Who you are!!!!” “你是谁!!!!” Reveals expression that is angry, when is always bullies others to be bullied by others as inner courtyard strong list first Zi Yan, this booing, coming one unexpectedly also one to be pressed the ground to step on by her with almost big Loli in the under foot, this made Zi Yan be angry. 露出生气的表情,作为内院强榜第一的紫妍从来都是自己欺负别人何时被别人欺负过,这倒好,来了一个和自己差不多大的萝莉就算了居然还被她一把按进了地面踩在脚下,这让紫妍生气了起来。 „The bosom of Otou-sama, can it be that your this demon beast can touch.” 父亲大人的怀抱,岂是你这种魔兽能触摸的。” Goes forward, with Zi Yan face-to-face, the radiant golden dragon pupil instantaneously looks through the Zi Yan true body, as Divine Dragon. 上前,与紫妍面对面,璀璨的金色龙瞳瞬间看破紫妍的真身,作为神龙。 Little Ai naturally looks down upon the Zi Yan status, instantaneous dragon corner/horn as well as Dragon's Tail appear, formidable Dragon's Tail makes Zi Yan also just like receive the provocation to be common. 小爱自然的看不起紫妍的身份,瞬间龙角以及龙尾出现,强大的龙尾让紫妍也是宛如受到了挑衅一般。 Has not revealed the back wing on own initiative, suddenly sending out of instinct own Dragon's Tail, but faces is having Little Ai of strength of belief. 不自觉的露出了背后的翅膀,一时间本能的散发出自己的龙尾,可是面对着拥有信仰之力的小爱 Zi Yan cannot block the Little Ai dragon prestige whole person finally in not on own initiative is shivering, but the Little Ai radiant dragon pupil has revealed the indifferent dignity. 紫妍最后还是挡不住小爱的龙威整个人都在不自觉的颤抖着,而小爱璀璨的龙瞳露出了冷漠的威严。 Has been OK Little Ai, was making me to be angry.” “可以了小爱,在闹下去我可就生气了哦。” Stretches out the right hand to hug Zi Yan in bosom, left hand on the forehead of Little Ai a ball, although not pain, but Little Ai or coordination has taken back dragon prestige, reveals pitifully, grievance, tearful eyes tearful expression. 伸出右手把紫妍抱在怀中,左手在小爱的脑门上一弹虽然不疼可是小爱还是配合的收回了龙威,露出可怜,委屈,泪眼汪汪的表情。 This made Dongfang Yan instantaneous tenderhearted, inner courtyard was not simple, the Little Ai status do not expose too many were good. 这让东方焱瞬间心软了下来,不过内院的可不简单,小爱的身份还是不要暴露的太多才好。 All right.” “没事吧。” Lowered the head, the vision looks to Zi Yan, this discovered that this time Zi Yan gasps for breath greatly, forehead had been covered entirely by the sweat, a long-distance race from now on appearance will let Dongfang Yan is also the forced smile. 低下头,目光看向紫妍,这才发现此时的紫妍大喘着气,额头已经被汗水布满,一副长跑过后的样子让东方焱也是苦笑不已。 Obtains the strength of belief, although has not grown into the dragon God, is existence of Little Ai of Divine Dragon from the other aspect also quite in emperor. 获得信仰之力,尽管还没成长为龙神,可是身为神龙的小爱从另一面来说也就相当于一个帝的存在。 This is coming the crush of blood relationship, although Zi Yan is also the dragon sovereign blood relationship, is Little Ai, but Divine Dragon, the Divine Beast blood relationship is not the Zi Yan dragon sovereign blood relationship can contend. 这是来着血统的碾压,虽然紫妍也是龙皇血统,可是小爱可是神龙,神兽血统可不是紫妍龙皇血统可以抗衡的。 She, she ............ “她,她…………” Looked to Little Ai, Zi Yan has also revealed the doubts, this dragon prestige let her to bumping not only joyful and had doubts. 看向小爱,紫妍也是露出了疑惑,这股龙威的对碰让她既欣喜又疑惑。 No matter what, Zi Yan is the a dragon, Little Ai is so, among the consanguinity is a little resonance, is only the race different resonance is different. UU reads 不管怎么说,紫妍是一条龙,小爱更是如此,同族之间还是有一点共鸣的,只是种族不一样共鸣也就不一样。UU看书 Is just like similarly is the person, but one is people, one is a foreigner. 就好比同样是人,可一个是国人,一个是外国人而已。 This is Little Ai, my daughter.” “这是小爱,我的女儿。” Wipes off the sweat on Zi Yan forehead gently, a Dongfang Yan looks at face envies Little Ai that the envy hates, was drunk. 轻轻擦掉紫妍额头上的汗水,东方焱看着一脸羡慕嫉妒恨的小爱,也是醉了。 „!!!!” “诶!!!!” Dumbfounded, looks at Dongfang Yan arched the small nose actually to discover that once more he this did not have the similar aura also to show the confused expression to look at the eye, golden radiant dragon Tong, a head impact angle, behind has Little Ai and Dongfang Yan of tail. 目瞪口呆,看着东方焱再次拱了拱小鼻子却发现他更本没有同类的气息也是露出了迷茫的表情看了眼,金色璀璨龙瞳,头上顶着角,身后有着尾巴的小爱东方焱 Did not need doubts, I was not the dragon.” “不用疑惑了,我不是龙。” Selected has selected the small head of Zi Yan, Dongfang Yan says with a smile lightly, this made Zi Yan somewhat understand actually the vision looked to Little Ai, but that face envied the expression that the envy hated to let Zi Yan is also puzzled. 点了点紫妍的小脑袋,东方焱轻笑道,这倒是让紫妍有些明白了目光看向小爱,只是那一脸羡慕嫉妒恨的表情让紫妍也是不解。 Can stand?” “可以站起来吗?” Put out a hand to rub the head of Little Ai, the Dongfang Yan vision looked that inquired to Zi Yan, since Little Ai looked for the estimate to have any matter. 伸手揉了揉小爱的脑袋,东方焱目光看向紫妍询问道,既然小爱找过来了估计是有什么事吧。 hearing this, Zi Yan that tries to stand staggers is falls into the Dongfang Yan's bosom, this makes Dongfang Yan shake the head actually, has to hug her the vision in the bosom looked that to envies Little Ai that the envy hates. 闻言,试着站起来的紫妍一个踉跄又是跌入东方焱的怀中,这倒是让东方焱摇了摇头,只好把她抱在怀中目光看向更加羡慕嫉妒恨的小爱 Good excessively, good excessively, how Otou-sama can like this, I be your daughter ......... “好过分,好过分,父亲大人怎么可以这样子,我还是你的女儿吗………” Covers mouth to set the sad appearance, this made Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes rub her small head very helpless speaking of that put out a hand to make an effort. 捂着嘴做出伤心的样子,这让东方焱翻了个白眼伸出手用力的揉了揉她的小脑袋十分无奈的说到。 Good, is Father is not good, then Little Ai did look because of what?” “好了好了,是父亲不好,那么小爱找过来是因为什么了?” By finding the clue make, this was let Little Ai as before is the sad appearance, but that expression no matter how looks false. 被摸头,这让小爱依旧是伤心的样子,只是那表情不管怎么看都假的很。 We window-shop small immortal by a thing attraction of seller, was traced the result to be roared by the short temper seller curiously, this let Xiao Yixian and seller quarrels.” “我们逛街的时候小仙儿被一个卖家的东西吸引,好奇的摸了一下结果被脾气暴躁的卖家吼了,这让小医仙和卖家吵上了。”
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