MTOAW :: Volume #5

#443: Help

Has turned around, resigned-looking Dongfang Yan makes pay Ao the brow unconscious selected angrily to make his fist stick toward the Dongfang Yan face. 转过身,一脸无奈的东方焱让付熬眉头不自觉的一挑不过愤怒还是让他一拳朝着东方焱脸糊了过去。 Hehe.” 呵呵。” Disdains sneers, puts out a hand to grasp to the fist that the face is sticking in in the hand, periphery this lets person of shocking, must know that pay proud is one fights spirit. 不屑的冷笑一声,伸手把对着自己脸糊过来的拳头抓在手中,这让周围人震惊,要知道付傲可是一位斗灵耶。 Knows that enraged king the general fate is very often miserable, let alone was my such fiendish person......” “知道吗,触怒了王往往一般下场都会很惨,更何况是我这样的魔王……” Narrows the eyes to focus, reveals just like the blood red light, grabs pay proud hand rotation slowly, the formidable strange strength makes pay proud open mouth revolt actually weak looks at own hand distortion slowly. 眯着眼,露出宛如鲜血般的红光,抓着付傲的手慢慢的转动,强大的怪力让付傲张着嘴反抗却无力的看着自己的手缓缓的扭曲。 Finally along with one clear sound, pay proud who is unable to move had been wrenched apart the arm directly. 最后伴随着一声清脆咔嚓声,无法动弹的付傲被直接扭断了手臂。 The intense pain makes pay proud call out pitifully, the person who as for surrounding feels shocking by the Dongfang Yan's powerful as well as Strength. 强烈的痛楚让付傲惨叫着,至于围观的人更是被东方焱的强势以及力量感到震惊。 Must know now the Dongfang Yan exposition, only then fights spirit Level spirit power similarly. 要知道现在东方焱暴露的只有同样斗灵的等级灵力而已。 But similarly does not have for the opportunity to fight spirit pay Aolian revolting against, can only looks at own arm be wrenched apart helplessly, periphery this strength lets the person deep has taken down his appearance. 而同样为斗灵的付傲连反抗的机会就没有,只能眼睁睁看着自己的手臂被扭断,这股实力让周围人深深的记下了他的样子。 Does not pay attention to pain of arm pay proud, the decisive foot tramples to the place. 不理会断臂之痛的付傲,果断一脚踹到在地。 Narrows the eyes to focus, sends out the scarlet pupil to let in pay Aoxin fear, puts out a hand to lie down along with Dongfang Yan under pay proud the body of ground turns into dark red, the innumerable arms appear one after another firmly pay Aoan in ground, this is to let the person thinks the fear, looks like the malicious ghost of abyss. 眯着眼,散发着猩红的瞳孔让付傲心中更加的恐惧,随着东方焱伸手躺在地上的付傲身下变成一片暗红,无数的手臂纷纷出现牢牢的把付傲按在地面,这一幕更是让人觉得恐惧,就像是来着深渊的恶鬼。 This, this is anything!!! Lets loose me quickly, I am the people of white society you do not fear the retaliation of white society!!!!” “这,这是什么!!!快放开我,我可是白帮的人你难道不怕白帮的报复吗!!!!” Facing firmly holds oneself, extremely in place endures in ache looks at of arm to send out red light Dongfang Yan according to arm panic-stricken paying stubborn. 面对紧紧把自己抓住,按在地方的手臂惊恐万分的付傲强忍着手臂的疼痛看着那眼中散发着红光的东方焱 Oneself one was held the arm by him, Battle Qi in within the body just like is blocked is unable to transfer generally, was witnessing helplessly own arm was wrenched apart, this let pay the arrogant heart not to cast the shadow on own initiative. 自己一被他抓住手臂,体内的斗气就宛如被封锁了一般更本无法调用,眼睁睁的目睹着自己的手臂被扭断,这让付傲心底不自觉的留下了阴影。 What white society, if you did not fear that I retaliated ask me to be good freely, in any case I recently also idle bored.” “什么白帮不白帮的,如果你们不怕我报复的话尽管找我好了,反正我最近也闲的无聊。” Arrives to pay arrogantly front, a foot steps in his chest, the formidable strange strength makes him vomit blood unable to transfer Battle Qi he can only calculate now on instantaneously is a physique quite strong average person, one side this person who lets surround unconscious applauds. 来到付傲面前,一脚踩在他的胸膛上,强大的怪力让他瞬间吐血无法调用斗气的他现在只能算的上是一个体质比较强的普通人而已,这一幕让一旁围观的人不自觉的叫好起来。 You!!!!!” “你!!!!!” Was being stepped on the chest shame, pay proud also has the arrogance, no matter how he revolts to grab his arm to be entirely still, more grasps on the contrary is tighter, this lets pay arrogantly wants to cry uncomfortably. 被人踩着胸膛羞辱,付傲也是有着傲气的,可是不管他怎么反抗抓着他的手臂纹丝不动,反倒是越抓越紧,这让付傲更加的难受想哭。 „, But also dares to revolt.” “哦,还敢反抗。” Sneering, the thought is moving, emits three arms from the dark red shadow fiercely holds broke other arm arm also efforts of arm, the nail on arm already in the deep stalemate meat. 冷笑着,念头一动,又从暗红色的阴影下冒出三条手臂猛的抓住本就断臂的手臂就连其他手臂也更加的用力,手臂上的指甲都已经深深的陷入肉中。 Breaks the arm to be hit hard again, wailing that pay Aozai cannot bear gets up, this lets looks at is also the unconscious swallowing saliva, by Dongfang Yan this cruel method frightening, has artificial pay proud to feel to pity. 断臂再次受到重击,付傲再也忍不住的哀嚎起来,这让看着也是不自觉的咽了咽口水,被东方焱这残忍的手段给吓到了,其中也有人为付傲感到怜悯。 Hahaha, is really does not have for a long time so excitedly, how long then you can make me play.” 哈哈哈,真是好久没有如此的兴奋,那么你能让我玩多久。” Takes possession just like eight God huts is laughing, the even more scarlet pupil was disclosing the bloodthirsty ray, within the body quiet Cursed Blood as before starts to enliven, is having the extremely cruel smiling face, the dark red shadow draws back the powder only remaining firmly tightly to grab pay proud 2000 white hands, enclosed strange strength steps on, lets pay arrogantly spits blood instantaneously, the ground was similar to the earthquake shivered generally, but paid the arrogant whole person to fall into the ground. 宛如八神庵附体般的大笑着,越发猩红的瞳孔透露着嗜血的光芒,体内沉寂依旧的诅咒之血开始活跃起来,带着极其残忍的笑容,暗红色的阴影退散只剩下牢牢紧抓着付傲的2000玉手,附上怪力的一踩,让付傲瞬间吐血,地面如同地震一般颤动了一下,而付傲整个人都陷入了地面。 This foot stepped on pay proud 56 ribs directly, was bringing sneering, stretched out finger slowly, woods white flame burnt to condense the flying sword appearance slowly. 这一脚直接踩断了付傲的56根肋骨,带着冷笑,缓缓伸出手指,一朵森白色火焰缓缓燃烧凝聚成飞剑的样子。 looks at is panic-stricken extremely, is begging for mercy paid arrogant Dongfang Yan to disregard his frightened expression that directly, finger downward aimed at pay proud, the flying sword synchronization to pay Aoling an arm. 看着惊恐万分,求饶着的付傲东方焱直接无视的他那恐惧的表情,手指往下对准付傲,飞剑则同步的对上了付傲另一只手臂。 Has sufficed Yan-san!!!” “够了焱同学!!!” Whereabouts flying sword was held by the sudden white hands slowly, 缓缓下落的飞剑被突然出现的玉手抓住, However on the white hands has Battle Qi to protect, is only under the protection. Grabs the white hands of flying sword is the unceasing emitting supercilious look, Battle Qi is also burnt down, this makes the person delicate eyebrows wrinkle tightly. 不过玉手上有着一层斗气保护,只是在保护下。抓着飞剑的玉手也是不断的冒出白眼,斗气都被焚烧,这让来人秀眉紧皱起来。 Who are you? Also dares to manage my matter.” “你是谁?也敢管我的事。” The brow selects, looks at is coming, this is beautiful moving young girl, but on the face of young girl has filled elegantly beautiful, this has saying that is iceberg same Onee-san. 眉头一挑,看着来着,这是一位美丽动人的少女,只是少女的脸上充满了冷艳,这不得不说是一个冰山一样的御姐 My name was Han moon/month, Yan-san, although the inner courtyard has not stated clearly cannot fight secretly, if in did not stop Yan-san you this person dead.” “我叫韩月,焱同学就算了吧,虽然内院没有明说不能私自打斗,可是如果在不制止焱同学你的话这个人就没命了吧。” Named Han moon/month young girl looked at eye that sword point to prick flame flying sword of pay proud arm, this blazing actually sent out the cold flame to remind her on own initiative of a legend. 名为韩月的少女看了眼那剑尖已经刺入付傲手臂的火焰飞剑,这股炽热却又散发着寒冷的火焰让她不自觉的想起了一个传奇。 That with your what does/works.” “那又与你何干。” Sneers, narrows the eyes to focus holds flying sword that Han moon/month makes an effort, what trades is only the hand guard Battle Qi bigger and bigger consumption as well as hot. 冷笑,眯着眼就算韩月用力的抓住飞剑,可是换来的只是护手斗气越来越大的消耗以及烫手。 Finally has to drop, flying sword is also takes advantage of opportunity to insert pay proud the arm, this lets pay the arrogant pitiful yell once more. 最后不得不放手,飞剑也是顺势插入付傲的手臂,这让付傲再次的惨叫起来。 The right hand was wrenched apart, the left hand is passed through by flying sword that the different fire condenses, the rib broke 56 as well as the grasping mark in white hands insertion meat. 右手被扭断,左手被异火凝聚的飞剑贯穿,肋骨更是断了56根以及身上玉手插入肉里的抓痕。 Dongfang Yan's entered the increasing number of people heart on the scene cruelly. 东方焱的残忍进入了在场越来越多的人心中。 Your matters truly have nothing to do with me, but the degree study elder sister, I wants to remind your one, extremely makes a great show of one's talents, but will draw on to aim.” “你们的事情确实与我无关,不过学位学姐,我还是想提醒你一句,太过锋芒毕露,可是会招来针对的。” Unconscious handshake, looks at the eye to fall into the stupor sighing looks at Dongfang Yan that pays the arrogant heart unable to bear saying that then leaves. 不自觉的握了握手,看了眼陷入昏迷的付傲心底忍不住的叹了口气看着东方焱说完便离开。 This made Dongfang Yan not sneer actually on own initiative, looks pay proud who the eye fell into the stupor, put out a hand to cancel finger, periphery a blue hot crystal card then flew to come out this actually not to understand. 这倒是让东方焱不自觉的冷笑了一声,看了眼陷入昏迷的付傲,伸手勾了勾手指,一张蓝色的火晶卡便飞了出来这一幕倒是让周围人不懂。 Boy, hit the person miserably also has such robbed others' hot crystal card, you did not think that what can make?” “小子,把人打这么惨还抢走了别人的火晶卡,你不觉得要做点什么吗?” Shoulder sudden had been patted the racket, Dongfang Yan footsteps, subsided some Cursed Blood to start the accelerated flow, the scarlet ray of dissipation reappears in the eye, 肩膀突然的被人拍了拍,东方焱脚步一顿,原本平息了一些的诅咒之血又开始加速流动起来,消散的猩红光芒重新出现在眼中, A sudden cold appearance baseless, frost slowly starts to spread to all around from the Dongfang Yan under foot, this lets startled stare on the shocking person. 一股突如其来的寒冷凭空的出现,一层冰霜缓缓的从东方焱脚下开始向四周扩散,这让原本就震惊的人更加的惊愣。 What's wrong, wants to revenge to him?” “怎么,想给他报仇吗?” Sneering, in the Dongfang Yan whole body emergence ice cone baseless, is being shocking, must know that burns the day refining tower above the magma, let alone also has the different fire pure. 冷笑着,在东方焱周身凭空的出现冰锥,这下更是让人震惊,要知道焚天炼气塔可是在岩浆之上,更何况还有异火的纯在。 Just like in the Himalaya Mountains sees water, magma inside to see the ice to be the same. 就宛如在喜马拉雅山上看见水,岩浆里面看见冰一样。 „It is not. I meant that the destruction the public property you shouldn't compensate?” “不是。我是说毁坏的公物你不应该赔偿吗?” Similarly shock, although has known his status, but is facing Dongfang Yan of various methods, makes the person unable to completely understand. 同样震惊,尽管得知了他的身份,可是面对着各种手段的东方焱,还是让人看不透啊。 ............... “……………” Silent, the brow selected the deep breath to subside moving restlessly some blood Dongfang Yan to turn around in in the hand to look that the hot crystal card that just snatched to came the person. 沉默一下,眉头一挑深呼吸平息了一下有些躁动的血液东方焱转过身把刚抢来的火晶卡拿在手中看向了来人。 Although does not fight secretly the explicit stipulation, such miserable many that but your Sir hits gave some Tang Yaofei to be good, destroyed the floor altogether to deduct your 200 hot energies.” “虽然私自打斗没有明确的规定,可是你大人打的这么惨多少给些汤药费好了,毁坏地板一共扣除你200火能。” in the hand is taking the abacus, beard very long operates an abacus to speak of just like the sanitation engineer same old man rapidly. 手中拿着算盘,一位胡须挺长的宛如清洁工一样的老者飞速的打着算盘说到。 Un.” “嗯。” The nod, after seeing he deducted fire to be able , the horse to get angry to be then about to leave, but waited for the person to respond, Dongfang Yan also already left here, a bitterness and astringency of person face this made rescued actually. 点头,见他扣除了火能后马上火能便准备离开,而等人反应过来,东方焱也早就离开了这里,这倒是让被救的人一脸的苦涩。 Goes out burns the day refining tower, lazy stretched oneself felt that idle also starts to stroll randomly, unknowingly arrived at the arena, on looks at that looking familiar some red silhouette also curiously walked. 走出焚天炼气塔,慵懒的伸了个懒腰感到无所事事也就开始乱逛起来,不知不觉就走到了竞技场,看着上面那有些眼熟的红色身影也就好奇的走了过去。 Boy, you are all right, a moment ago Strength that presents from your heart of hearts, is I have never seen the bloodthirsty and crazy you ............ “小子,你没事吧,刚才从你内心深处出现的力量,是我从未见过的嗜血和疯狂你…………” Changes regarding a moment ago Dongfang Yan that has resembled personally, luminary day fire cannot bear the inquiry that worries about say suddenly likely, this lets Dongfang Yan indifferent smiling of actually, extended finger to refer to own heart saying. 对于刚才突然像是变了个人似的东方焱,曜天火还是忍不住担忧的询问道,这倒是让东方焱无所谓的笑了笑,伸手指了指自己的心道。 Here, lives in Devil, in order to is joined to this Devil, I am diligently became the fiendish person by oneself, but have never done a fiendish person nice matter, but also was really satirizes.” “这里,住着一个恶魔,为了能配上这个恶魔,我可是努力的让自己成为魔王了,可是自己从未干过一件魔王像样的事情,还真是讽刺了。” Brings to self-ridicule forced smile, shook the head looks at that in the arena by smiling of oppressive somebody cannot bear. 带着自嘲般的苦笑,摇了摇头看着那在竞技场上被虐的某人也是忍不住的笑了笑。 No matter how luminary day fire goes to think that does not understand this so-called Devil is anything. 只是不管曜天火怎么去想都想不明白这个所谓的恶魔是什么。 However can be clearer, that in his mind has formidable Strength. 不过还是能明白一些,那就是在他的心中有着一股十分强大的力量 Unknowingly, looks at that person oppressive one had been also laughed the blood is challenging everywhere Dongfang Yan is also rare came the interest. 不知不觉,看着那人被人血虐了一遍还大笑着到处去挑战东方焱也是难得的来了兴致。 looks at carries Wu Hao who big sword Haha laughs is going down the arena, Dongfang Yan is also goes forward to arrive at his front to hug to begin to say. 看着扛着大剑哈哈大笑着走下竞技场的吴昊,东方焱也是上前来到他的面前抱着手道。 It seems like you also were really one shake M, other oppressive does not calculate, I thought your fire can estimate was to lose similarly. UU reads “看来你还真是一个抖M了,不别虐就不算,我看你火能估计是输得差不多了吧。UU看书 The sudden sound made Wu Hao one turn around then to see the corners of the mouth actually to bring Dongfang Yan of vague smiling face. 突然出现的声音倒是让吴昊一愣转过身便看见了嘴角带着若有若无笑容的东方焱 Shakes M? That is anything can fight with expert happily is crisp, these win my, sooner or later will be won by me.” “抖M?那是什么不过能和强者战个痛快就是爽,那些赢我的,迟早会被我赢回来。” Some doubts looked at Dongfang Yan, but finally is firm speaking, this made Wu Hao be full of the fighting spirit actually. 有些疑惑的看了眼东方焱,不过最后还是坚定的说到,这倒是让吴昊充满了斗志。 Un un, but your like this also was really weak, forget about it makes me help you be good.” “嗯嗯嗯,不过你这样子还真是弱了,算了就让我帮你好了。” Looked at Wu Hao, finally is also curious Wu Hao can grow to any situation thinks that refined to quench the body ichor unable to take several minutes also to refine one bottle of this to make Wu Hao to him in any case have doubts actually very much. 看了眼吴昊,最后也是好奇吴昊能成长到什么地步想了想炼制淬体灵液反正又要不了几分钟也就给他炼制了一瓶这倒是让吴昊很疑惑。 But under big crowd of people, directly by flame refinement ichor matter naturally was seen, dumbfounded scared looks at that was absorbed the ichor in jade bottle. 而大庭广众之下,直接以火焰炼制灵液这种事情自然的被看见,一个个的都目瞪口呆傻眼的看着那被吸收玉瓶中的灵液。 This thing is used to promote your strength, to look how you like being been oppressive I to refine one type to you.” “这个东西是用来提升你实力的,哦看你怎么喜欢被虐我在给你炼制一种。” Did not pay attention to that group of scared people, uses the fire to refine the compounded drug that one type has thought of suddenly to come out as the cauldron once more, Wu Hao is also dumbfounded looks at. 更本不理会那群傻眼的人,再次以火为鼎炼制了一种突然想到的丹药出来,就连吴昊也是目瞪口呆的看着自己。 „After this type of compounded drug you eat, on makes these people hit one, does not need to be worried patches the injury at the same time can also make you quench the body is used to practice as for this bottle, you went back to look for a soaking-bath the wooden barrel to add on the hot water to go in this but actually then cultivation on the line.” “这种丹药你吃下去后就上去让那些人打一顿吧,不用担心修补伤势的同时还能让你淬体至于这瓶是用来修行的,你回去找一个泡澡的木桶加上热水在把这个倒进去然后修炼就行了。” Two types of compounded drugs float before Wu Hao, Wu Hao's silly receiving compounded drug looks at that has not gotten back one's composure his face compels ignorant. 两种丹药悬浮在吴昊面前,还没回过神的吴昊傻傻的接过丹药看着他一脸的懵逼。 „Don't you like with expert to the war? Then eats up this compounded drug then to go with them to hit, during patching injury can also quench the body, this bottle of you go back to look for a barrel to add on the hot water while to go in the cultivation to quench the Battle Qi absorption of body but are actually your ordinary five times.” “你不是喜欢和强者对战吗?那么吃下这个丹药然后去和他们打,在修补伤势的同时还能淬体,这一瓶你回去找个桶加上热水在倒进去修炼淬体的同时斗气吸收是你平常的五倍哦。”
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