MTOAW :: Volume #5

#442: Hesitant

Doesn't plan to come out?” “不打算出来吗?” Takes back the crime to punish the domain, the vision looked that condenses flying sword to not far away big Shusen white different fire in the chest front, day after day the airborne thunder also lowers the condensation along with the movement that Dongfang Yan puts out a hand in Dongfang Yan's right in the hand. 收回罪罚领域,目光看向不远处的大树森白色异火在胸前凝聚成一把飞剑,就连天空中的雷霆也是随着东方焱伸手的动作降下凝聚在东方焱的手中 flying sword was treated as the coin, Railgun in different World appearance once more, the orange is mixing with the blue white electric light electromagnetic gun tearing ground, falls into the forest. 飞剑被当做硬币,超电磁炮在异世界再次的出现,橙色夹杂着蓝白色电光的电磁炮撕裂地面,落入森林。 Bang!!!!! 轰!!!!! The explosion transmits the formidable airing to make people condense the Battle Qi defense, when the airing impact the present forest was destroyed in the past, the formidable thick smoke makes the person unable to see clearly inside situation, this lets Dongfang Yan is the brow cannot bear selects. 爆炸传来强大的气爆让众人不由的凝聚斗气防御,当气爆冲击过去眼前的森林被摧毁,强大的浓烟让人看不清里面的情况,这让东方焱也是眉头忍不住的一挑。 Resists hardly? I must have a look at you to be able but actually the anti- several times.” “硬抗?我倒要看看你能抗几次。” Narrows the eyes to focus, the chest front condenses woods white flame flying sword once more, counts on the fingers a ball, flying sword starts to shiver gently one two, two four, Four Modernizations eight float in people at present. 眯着眼,胸前再次凝聚一把森白色的火焰飞剑,屈指轻轻一弹,飞剑开始颤抖一化二,二化四,四化八的悬浮在众人眼前。 The thunder condenses directly once more, this time Dongfang Yan right hand looks like the vortex engine is the same, each flying sword starts to express the slight sword cry, this lets the clarity that the peaceful scene listens. 雷霆直接再次凝聚,此时的东方焱右手就像是漩涡发动机一样,每一把飞剑都开始发出轻微的剑鸣,这让安静的现场听的清清楚楚。 One.” “一。” Reveals smiles evilly, flying sword that a handle can finish sufficiently falls in front of Dongfang Yan, as he counts on the fingers a ball. 露出邪笑,一柄充能完毕的飞剑落在东方焱面前,随着他屈指一弹。 flying sword almost changes to a remnant shade, is similar to flickers to move vanishes generally does not see, along with is a loud sound, the woods white flame of explosion is mixing with the blue white electric light as well as heads on wild air wave all these to make the people feel that blushes with shame simultaneously for does not know is whose old student pays silent tribute. 飞剑几乎化作一条残影,如同瞬移一般消失不见,伴随着又是一声巨响,爆炸的森白色火焰夹杂着蓝白色的电光以及扑面而来狂暴的气浪这一切都让众人不由的感到汗颜同时为不知道是谁的老生默哀。 Bang!! 轰! Bang!!! 轰!!! Also is two flying sword departs instantaneously, the explosive sound as well as the air wave and are mixing with blue white lightning current because of the woods white flame that exploding to produce, making the person unconscious feel heart send coldly. 又是两把飞剑瞬间飞出,爆炸声以及气浪和因为爆炸而产生的森白色火焰夹杂着蓝白色电流,让人不自觉的感到心底发寒。 Looked at Dongfang Yan that relaxed appearance is the unconscious swallowing saliva. 看了看东方焱那一副轻松的样子更是不自觉的咽了咽口水。 Un?” “嗯?” Interesting, makes me have a look at bucket of sects to block my remaining flying sword.” “有趣,就让我看看斗宗能挡住我剩下的飞剑嘛。” The corners of the mouth turn upwards wipe smile evilly, remaining flying sword start to send out the cold light, is similar to true flying sword is ordinary, almost concentrates solid flying sword to be shocking, counted on the fingers a ball. 嘴角翘起一抹邪笑,剩下的飞剑开始发出寒光,如同真正的飞剑一般,几乎凝实的飞剑让人震惊,被屈指一弹。 flying sword has in the woods white explosion flame electric light that roaring wind is crashing in has not dissipated, the explosive sound lets white flame as well as the blue white electric light continuously huge. 飞剑带着咻咻的破风声冲进还没有消散的森白色爆炸火焰电光中,接连不断地爆炸声让森白色的火焰以及蓝白色电光更加的庞大。 Your boy has sufficed, hit to kill again.” “你小子够了哈,再打下去就要出人命了。” The sound that suddenly broadcasts, the thick white smoke was broken open to reveal inside scene. 突然传来的声音,浓浓的白烟被破开露出里面的场景。 black and white crisis this that Su thousand elder appearances as well as behind of face creepy feeling twitch once for a while lets a Dongfang Yan brow unconscious wrinkle actually. 苏千长老一脸头皮发麻的样子以及身后时不时抽搐的黑白关煞这倒是让东方焱眉头不自觉的一皱。 After all Strength of Thunder is having Armor Piercing Effect, receives two flying sword in the black and white crisis, the Su thousand elders presents the condensation protection barrier to start, unexpectedly only then flying sword breaks open barrier this of bucket of sects to make Dongfang Yan from start to locate actually to fight the strength of sect newly. 毕竟雷霆之力可是拥有着破甲效果的,在黑白关煞接下两把飞剑,苏千长老出现凝聚保护屏障开始,居然只有一把飞剑破开斗宗的屏障这倒是让东方焱从新开始定位斗宗的实力。 „, Then I announced, this fire can hunt the match achievement side is the inner courtyard new student, you may have the objection.” “咳咳,那么我宣布,本次火能猎捕赛获胜方是内院新生,你们可有异议。” Put out a hand to cough before the mouth in a soft voice, the Su thousand elder vision looked that inquired to the black and white crisis, this let wear black crisis Student helpless actually very also bitter and astringent shaking the head of expressed oneself did not have the objection, the white crisis was also silent did not speak. 伸手在嘴前轻声咳了咳,苏千长老目光看向黑白关煞询问道,这倒是让身穿黑色的关煞同学十分无奈又苦涩的摇了摇头表示自己没有异议,就连白关煞也是沉默的不说话。 Un, Dongfang Yan in this fire can hunt in the match to do well specially reward red hot crystal card one, Wu Hao, amber, Xiao Xun, Xiao Yixian same reward azure hot crystal card, other person of blue hot crystal card.” “嗯,东方焱在本次火能猎捕赛中表现出色特此奖励赤色火晶卡一张,吴昊,琥嘉,萧薰儿,小医仙同样奖励青色火晶卡,其余人蓝色火晶卡一张。” Waves, innumerable open/stretch Huojing departs, accurate falls into in the hand on the scene, does this let their very good strange fire crystal card is actually not black? How must divide the color. 一挥手,无数张火晶卡飞出,准确无误的落入在场的各位手中,这倒是让他们很好奇火晶卡不都是黑色吗?怎么还要分颜色。 I go!!! Unexpectedly is the red!!!!” “我去!!!居然是赤色的!!!!” On the contrary, the old student gate of inner courtyard is different, looks at Dongfang Yan in the hand red hot crystal card was startled the chin. 相反,内院的老生门也不一样了,看着东方焱手中的赤色火晶卡一个个的都惊掉了下巴。 This school leader looked that your appearance knows anything probably, might as well say to us.” “这位学长看你的样子好像知道些什么,不如给我们说说呗。” Has narrowed the eye, 眯了眯眼, Amber intentionally affectionate draws close to black crisis this to let black crisis instantaneous some embarrassment of blushing actually. „...... That black hot crystal card can only burn the lowest level in day refining tower, is 122, if wants high-level only to be able with 1000 : 1 to change the card, but can only trade the blue color, but the azure : 1 can trade on and other, and fire in inner courtyard can gain the way not to be simple, therefore each most relaxed gain way is robs from newbie in the hand of your outer court.” 琥嘉故意亲昵的贴近黑关煞这倒是让黑关煞瞬间有些脸红的不好意思。“呃……那个黑色的火晶卡只能去焚天炼气塔的最底层,也就是122层,如果想要去更高层的话只能用1000比一换卡,不过只能换到蓝色,而青色的话就等10000比一才能换到,并且内院中的火能获取方式可不简单,所以每一届最轻松的获取方式就是从你们这些外院的新人手中抢夺。” Perhaps is felt that embarrassed, the black crisis was also flexure difficultly said, this let shock of other person of faces actually, anything has not done also to divide the fire to be able as well as the blue Level hot crystal card, all has proven own luck. 或许是感觉到了不好意思,黑关煞也是不由的挠了挠头道,这倒是让其余人一脸的震惊,什么都没干还分分到了火能以及蓝色等级的火晶卡,所有的一切都证明了自己的幸运。 Afterward under Su thousand elders' leadership, people also successful entered the inner courtyard, but concerned about the Dongfang Yan's particularity, has given him as extra reward an independent house, the house looks like looks like villa is the same. 随后在苏千长老的带领下,众人也是成功的进入了内院,只不过碍于东方焱的特殊性,也就作为额外奖励给了他一座单独的房子,房子看起来就像是一座别墅一样。 Moves in villa, reorganized then to prepare to exit simply to stroll. But idle idle Dongfang Yan also decided that has a look at the Fallen Heart Flame situation. 入住别墅,简单的整理了一下便准备出去逛逛。而闲的无所事事的东方焱也决定去看看陨落心炎的情况。 This lets a disconsolateness of luminary day fire face actually, after all as the previous Fallen Heart Flame master, actually must witness by others now with own eyes is swallowed, this also is really ............ 这倒是让曜天火一脸的惆怅,毕竟作为上一届陨落心炎的主人,如今却要亲眼见证被别人所吞噬,这还真是………… No matter Dongfang Yan actually that many, toward burning the day refining tower walk, penetrates Divine Sense to observe its this time situation. 东方焱却不管那么多,朝着焚天炼气塔走过去,同时也透过神识观察着它此时的情况。 After all previous time gives its energy somewhat to be probably huge does not know what kind of that it absorbs, if can absorb thoroughly, it is estimated that can also break the tower. 毕竟上次给它的能量好像有些庞大也不知道它吸收的咋样,不过如果能彻底吸收完,估计也就能破塔而出。 The direct foot is stepping on flying sword, ice in the burning day refining tower that above flying sword looks at that reaches to the sky, previous time comes time also merely in a hurry looked at one, these time sizes up earnestly is burning the day refining tower, has saying that also really suffices. 直接脚踩着飞剑,凌于飞剑之上看着那高耸入云的焚天炼气塔,上次来的时候也仅仅只是匆匆看了一眼,这一次认真打量着焚天炼气塔,不得不说还真是够可以的。 Clang ~~~~ “铛~~~~” The glorious ding from burning the direction of day refining tower transmits, lowers the head looks then discovered that dense and numerous silhouette, from burning the entrance of day refining tower arranged outside, this has saying that looked like encircles buys the latest crowd in the cell phone shop. 悠久的钟声从焚天炼气塔的方向传来,低头一看这才发现那密密麻麻的人影,从焚天炼气塔的门口排到了外面,这不得不说就像是围在手机店买最新款的人群。 Fallen Heart Flame has is practicing breathing exercises to quench the effect of body, was imprisoned treats as the cultivation here the tool, it seems like you cross also not much.” 陨落心炎拥有着练气淬体的功效,被囚禁在这里当做修炼的工具,看来你过得也不怎么样嘛。” naturally discovered that burns the significance of day refining tower, luminary day fire is disconsolate corners of the mouth of face is also bringing the thick bitterness and astringency. 自然发现焚天炼气塔的意义,曜天火也是一脸的惆怅嘴角带着浓浓的苦涩。 I put you to walk do not think that you suffer hardship with me have not thought ............... “原本我放你走就是不想你跟着我受罪没想到……………” Shook the head, luminary day fire is also heaves a sigh in own ring, this makes Dongfang Yan have no alternative actually, only hears a loud and clear opening tower, already the encircled watertight crowd started to go in toward inside crowded, this let be built on the sound that Dongfang Yan of upper air could not bear actually. 摇了摇头,曜天火也是独自一人在自己的戒指中唉声叹气,这倒是让东方焱也是无可奈何,只听见一声洪亮的开塔,早就被围的水泄不通的人群开始朝着里面拥挤进去,这倒是让立于高空的东方焱忍不住的啧啧了声。 When will feel several minutes later after is not crowded, Dongfang Yan then controlled flying sword toward burning the day refining tower in the past, but just entered burns sky over the day refining tower territory, a pressure emergence suddenly, this made Dongfang Yan understand instantaneously bans the spatial ban, the speechless chuckle has been preparing to descend, suddenly within the body presented flame, this made Dongfang Yan stare actually, Fallen Heart Flame was the instinct direct opens the mouth swallows. 等过了几分钟感觉没那么拥挤后东方焱这才控制着飞剑朝着焚天炼气塔过去,不过刚进入焚天炼气塔领地上空,一股压力骤然的出现,这让东方焱瞬间明白是禁空禁制,无言的轻笑了一声正准备降落,突然体内出现一股火焰,这倒是让东方焱一愣,陨落心炎则是本能的直接张口就吞掉。 Regarding this Dongfang Yan has not thought that but periphery has not cared does not pay attention to the strange vision, strolling toward burning the day refining tower walks. 对此东方焱也没想到,不过也没在意不理会周围怪异的目光,闲庭信步的朝着焚天炼气塔走去。 Hey Hey Hey, did you hear? This time fire can hunt the match winner unexpectedly is newborn, it seems like that this newbie is very fierce.” 喂喂喂,你听说了嘛?这一次的火能猎捕赛获胜者居然是新生耶,看来这一届的新人很厉害吗。” Un un, I listened to that to participate in the fire to hunt the person of match saying that in this newbie had a very fierce fellow, can control the thunder of space, it seems like that this time strong list competition had the quality of being worth looking.” “嗯嗯,我听那参加火能猎捕赛的人说了,这一届的新人里有一个很厉害的家伙,能控制天上的雷霆,看来这一次的强榜大赛有看头了。” Your information do not permit, my friend is participates in the fire to hunt the match, listening to him to say in this newbie the fellow of that control thunder, not only thunder, but can also control the flame.” “你们的情报还是不准,我一个朋友就是参加火能猎捕赛的,听他说有一个这一届的新人里那个操控雷霆的家伙不只是雷霆,还能操控火焰了。” Hehe, far more than controls flame, heard that he has one type likely is strategy Ability, can imprison the person, but can also block by Battle Qi of person of imprisonment, attacks with the fire congealing sword, but the flying sword penetration human body will not have any scar to feel the fierce pain.” 呵呵,何止是操控火焰,听说他有一种像是阵法似的能力,可以把人禁锢起来,还能封锁被禁锢之人的斗气,以火凝剑进行攻击,只是飞剑穿透人体却没有任何的伤痕只是会感到剧烈的疼痛而已。” What, you look at the latest information, heard that finally First Elder Su Qian also personally made a move to block the attack of his flying sword, but has not thought that flying sword can penetrate the defense of First Elder Su Qian unexpectedly, must know that First Elder Su Qian fought sect Ah!!!” “什么啊,你去看最新的情报,听说最后苏千大长老也是亲自出手才挡住了他飞剑的攻击,只是没想到飞剑居然能穿透苏千大长老的防御,要知道苏千大长老可是斗宗啊!!!” .................. “………………” Listened to the surrounding person to say own matter, Dongfang Yan has not thought actually information dissemination rapidness of such, the corners of the mouth turned upwards unexpectedly wipe smile to listen to the surrounding person to say evilly in own story heart had the inexplicable vanity unexpectedly, but quick also vanished. 听着周围人说着自己的事情,东方焱倒是没想到情报居然传播的这么快,嘴角翘起一抹邪笑听着周围人说着自己的故事心中居然出现了莫名的虚荣,不过很快也就消失掉了。 Enters burns the day refining tower, treated as the traveling same to lack guide Dongfang Yan not to know where should toward walk, Divine Sense had does not dare to use rashly, blindly strolled to walk is not knowing where arrived. 进入焚天炼气塔,当做旅游一样只是缺少了向导东方焱也不知道该往哪里走,神识有不敢贸然使用,一路瞎逛走着走着就不知道走到哪里了。 „The words that this good, goes back I thought that can also make a such thing, if joins this tower in game perhaps is a good opportunity of making money, the high school low three each charge is different, the experience distinction addition 080,50,20, fall Item to be precious, is one lets the person of krypton gold/metal the good opportunity.” “这个不错,回去的话我觉得也可以弄一个这样的东西,如果在游戏里加入这个塔的话或许又是一个赚钱的好机会,高中低三层每层收费不一样,经验分别加成080,50,20,掉落物品珍贵不定,啧啧又是一个让人氪金的好机会。” Feels the chin, the corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly, narrows the eyes to focus, suddenly flies a person, this sudden person frightens actually Dongfang Yan jumped instinct toward the side one hides, the vision looked to the front. 摸着下巴,嘴角微微翘起,眯着眼,突然就飞出来一个人,这突然出现的人倒是吓了东方焱一跳本能般的往身旁一躲,目光看向了前方。 Do not go too far.” “你不要欺人太甚了。” Was trampled Brother that flies to cover the chest corners of the mouth also to bring the blood, this makes the Dongfang Yan brow actually selects always felt that has any troublesome matter to discover general, but in line with seeing a play is not afraid of getting into trouble in a big way, appearance that both hands is holding seeing a play alternately, here change naturally has brought in the attention, before long then one after another came several people. 被踹飞的兄弟捂着胸口嘴角还带着鲜血,这倒是让东方焱眉头不由的一挑总感觉有什么麻烦的事情要发现一般,不过本着看戏的不怕事大,双手交叉抱着一副看戏的样子,这里的异动自然的引来了注意,不一会便陆陆续续来了几个人。 Thing that Hehe, I have a liking for is you can touch, the knowing the limitation words quickly leave my thing distant point.” 呵呵,我看上的东西是你能碰的,识相的话就快离我的东西远点吧。” Does not know that called anything's person, went forward a foot to step in that person of chest, UU read 不知道叫啥的人,上前一脚踩在那人的胸膛上,UU看书 Another side two people hold young girl of arm loudly is shouted separately sought the help, but the surrounding person was actually nobody dares to move, this also let young girl disappointed choking with sobs. 另一边分别被两人抓住手臂的少女则是大声的喊着求帮忙,可是周围人却是没人敢动,这也让少女失望的泣不成声。 Hahaha, saw, who they dare to oppose with my white society, dares with the white society preparation to be this fate!!!” 哈哈哈,看见了吧,他们谁敢和我白帮作对,敢和白帮准备就是这个下场!!!” Opens the hand, an insolent appearance makes Dongfang Yan was also unable to continue watching the shaking the head preparation of drive away, this familiar repertoire Dongfang Yan thought that do not pay attention. 张开手,一副张狂的样子让东方焱也是看不下去了般的摇了摇头准备开走,这种熟悉的套路东方焱觉得还是不要理会。 However Dongfang Yan has not actually thought, sees only him to make an effort, does not know that was whose Brother is stepped on the floor by his foot, the blood has spat immediately. 不过东方焱却没想到,只见他一用力,不知道是谁的兄弟就被他一脚踩进了地板,鲜血顿时就吐了出来。 Does not want to begin, after all the multi- incident is inferior to few incident, moreover they are not oneself someone, oneself are not on the strip, when hemp that type works as mother attribute, Dongfang Yan is about to leave. 原本不想动手,毕竟多一事不如少一事,况且他们又不是自己的谁谁谁,自己又不是上条当麻那种当妈属性,东方焱还是准备离开。 But was held young girl of arm as if to see by two people Dongfang Yan is ordinary, immediately the weeping sound entreated, this let a Dongfang Yan footsteps brow unconscious wrinkled. 只不过被两个人抓住手臂的少女似乎是看到了东方焱一般,顿时哭声哀求,这让东方焱脚步不由的一顿眉头不自觉的一皱起来,。 But saw Dongfang Yan to set the footsteps, young girl as if also treats as the final straw to grasp same to strive for Dongfang Yan desperately, this made in the Dongfang Yan heart appear was actually being indecisive. 而看见东方焱定下脚步,少女似乎也是把东方焱当做了最后的救命稻草一样苦苦求着,这倒是让东方焱心中出现了犹豫不决着。 Entreaty of vomiting blood sound as well as young girl that hears once more, this made Dongfang Yan grip tightly the fist, finally the heart could not bear sighs, loosens the hand as if to have any heavy package to be put down generally, is not really able truly to achieve indifferently. 只是那再次传来的吐血声以及少女的哀求,这让东方焱紧握了一下拳头,最后还是心底忍不住一叹,松开手仿佛有什么沉重的包裹被放下了一般,果然自己还是无法真正做到冷漠。 Also inserts the pocket walks at present toward the wild person on both hands. 也就双手插兜的朝着目前正猖狂的人走过去。 Hey Hey Hey, sorry, you were in the way.” 喂喂喂,抱歉,你挡路了。” The heart of by that person of hitting the face being unable to bear instantaneously curses to court death, just said that who dares to oppose some result people to stand with the white society, this fuck does not step on the gathering place. 瞬间被打脸的那人也是忍不住的心底大骂找死,刚说谁敢和白帮作对结果就有人站出来了,这尼玛不是踩场子嘛。 Whose tm courts death to dare with our white society to oppose, courts death you!!!” “谁tm找死敢和我们白帮作对,找死吧你!!!”
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